Everything the Covid-19 deniers claims about the non-lethality of Coronavirus and the non existence of a pandemic has turned out to be true.
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that its recent seriological tests of U.S. residents found that 10 times more individuals have had COVID-19 and recovered than previously thought (20 million compared to 2.3 million: source).
Currently, the CDC is counting 121,000 individual deaths as COVID-19 related. This means the Covid-19 related deaths are running at about 0.6% of all those ever infected in the USA.
However, when one examines the numbers of COVID-19 related deaths in the U.S.A., one discovers that most of these were not caused by the virus. Reports from the USA suggest that from 80 to 95% of cases had coronavirus but died from something else. That moves the real death rate to about 0.05%.
But that is not all.
Pennsylvania State University published a study recently suggesting 80 times more persons have been infected that previously thought.
That would mean that the actual lethality of COVID-19 is even smaller.
The lethality of the common winter flue is estimated to be 0.1%, as Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIHD, is always telling us.
The conclusion is, then, that there never was a pandemic, and COVID-19 was never a threat greater than the common winter flu.
So take off your masks and gloves, and go back to the way you used to live. And as for the advice from the modern sanitary Pharasees, who see uncleanliness and infection everywhere, report them to the local authorities for mental instability.
And if anyone suggests getting a COVID-19 vaccine, tell them where they can shove it.
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A recent clinical trial in France, which included 1061 COVID-19 patients, rigorously selected in accord with scientific methods, has shown that a treatment of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin had resulted with a 98% cure rate.
These stunning results were reported by Derek Lowe at ScienceMag.org on April 11, 2020, who also cites a previous study that the combination of these two medicines can results in a 15-20% increase in the incidents of heart failure.
The reason for the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine may have everything to do with the findings of Wenzhong Liu and Hualan Li regarding COVID-19. In a recent published study, they report having found, in regard to the proteins on the surface of the Virus and how they react with porphyrin in human blood cells:
The results showed the ORF8 and surface glycoprotein could bind to the porphyrin, respectively. At the same time, orf1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a proteins could coordinate attack the heme on the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin to dissociate the iron to form the porphyrin. The attack will cause less and less hemoglobin that can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense poisoning and inflammatory due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images. The mechanism also interfered with the normal heme anabolic pathway of the human body, is expected to result in human disease. According to the validation analysis of these finds, chloroquine could prevent orf1ab, ORF3a, and ORF10 to attack the heme to form the porphyrin, and inhibit the binding of ORF8 and surface glycoproteins to porphyrins to a certain extent, effectively relieve the symptoms of respiratory distress. Since the ability of chloroquine to inhibit structural proteins is not particularly obvious, the therapeutic effect on different people may be different.
In other words, the Wuhan Virus is coated with a protein which can cause human hemoglobin to lose its iron atoms, and thus become incapable of transporting oxygen to the human body. This causes the patients to suffocate even though they can breathe normally.
This effect of suffocation, which is caused not by a pulmonary obstruction, but which occurs at the molecular level, is what may be indirectly causing high levels of mortality for COVID-19 patients on respirators. As the oxygen deprivation increases, standard medical practice protocols are instructing medical professionals to increase air pressure in ventilators, which ultimately results in not only damaging the lungs, but failing to solve the underlying molecular problem of oxygen starvation.
Chloroquine, a drug used for malaria, can provide instrumental help to prevent such oxygen deprivation, since it is a know agent in preventing the disassociation of iron in human hemoglobin, the protein found in human blood cells, which carries the oxygen to the body after acquiring it as it passes through the fine surface capillaries of the human lungs. Hydroxycholorquine is another form of the same medicine, chloroquine.
Though Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has found 100% success rate with a treatment containing hyrdoxychloroquine and zinc — to which latter he attributes its efficacy in slowing RNA synthesis — he may have unwittingly stumbled upon another cure, in that zinc, the element, has similar chemical properties as iron, and may be serving in the bloodstream as a sort of sacrificial anode, allowing itself to intervene to prevent the loss of iron by human hemoglobin when attacked by COVID-19, and be captured by the virus instead. This is suggested by antagonistic properties of iron and zinc.
The high death rates on ventilators in countries which are ignoring Chloroquine treatments, is causing massive frustration and incrimination of government leaders, as is evident by Antonio Socci’s diatribe against the Italian Prime Minister, in his open letter of Easter Sunday, at AntonioSocci.com.
Thus the true killer may not be so much the Wuhan Virus but ignorance and incompetence of medical professionals and national leaders who are sustained by political parties who just want a crisis to serve their own ends.
From someone who believed all the initial reports about Coronavirus, without examining the claims, to one, who has examined numerous statistical reports about the so-called epidemic or pandemic, I have come to doubt completely that Coronavirus is killing anyone. I think it is a complete stunt. This is because all the evidence being presented in numbers shows that either no one is dying from Coronavirus or that the authorities really do not care who is dying from it, so long as they can be claimed to have died with it. And that is the most perverse national and international mendacity possible!
So let us take a closer look at the statistics for Coronavirus cases in Italy, published yesterday by the Italian Government (Source of graphic):
Click the image to enlarge. Yellow is active cases. Green is total cured. Red is total deaths, Orange is total persons with Coronavirus infections. Grey is total persons who were tested as to whether they had Coronavirus or not.
Now, let us examine the numbers in the bottom row of the table, which are the totals for all of Italy.
Let’s start with the grey
657,224 persons were tested, and of them only 124,632 were found to have Coronavirus. Numerous reports, however, claim that the test is only 50% effective. Yet, if we assumed the test were 50% effective, then we would assume the total cases known would be twice as much as 124,632, and if the Coronavirus is real, that means that all the other numbers in Yellow, Green and Read would need to be doubled. But where are all those patients? They are not in the hospitals. They are not reported sick. They are not reported dead.
The conclusion is, then, that either there are 15,000 dead people living alone whose bodies are rotting in closed houses, of which no one in all of Italy knows about, or that the test which is only 50% effective, and is known to give false positives is a lot less than 50% effective, and that many of those 124,632 never had Coronavirus.
So now let us look at the Yellow
29,010 recovered who had symptoms. That is no kind of scientific way of knowing if you have the virus. I know this from experience. Because after visiting some benefactors from my days as a hermit in Sicily (2009-2011) over the holidays, I returned to Rome on January 3. The next day I wen to the photocopy shop to make more copies of literature demonstrating Pope Benedict XVI was the pope, and one of the workers sneezed nearly in my face. On the bus, a woman from China, with a face mask on, also sneezed near me.
Sure enough, the next day I felt a soar throat coming, in the afternoon. The day after, a fever came on. A strong fever with a dry cough. The next day I had to remain in bed, and I was in bed 10 days. First there was a dry cough, then diarrhea, and then loads of mucus in the lungs, so much that I felt I was choking to death. So I went to the pharmacy and got some over the counter medicines which prevent mucus formation in the lungs and assist in helping it be coughed up. I also omitted all dairy products from my diet, since it is those proteins which the body uses to make mucus.
Whatever I had it floored me, It wiped me out. I had nearly no strength even to go to the bathroom to cough up the mucus which was as thick as comerical mash-potatoes or at think polenta or flour gruel, if you can imagine that. I never had seen such mucus in my life. And I am sure that if I had not gone to the pharmacy when I could still walk, I would have been in a serious situation.
After the fever broke on about the 10th day, I had to spend about another 10 days inside to regain my strength. I barely had the strength to walk to the nearest market and get some food. I ate a lot of panetone and that helped me regain my strength.
Now if you read what symptoms I just described, they are nearly identical to Coronavirus, COVID-19. But I had them from January 5 to about the 26, long before anyone in Europe was known to have Coronavirus, which, according to the Ministry of Health, here in Italy, came to Italy through a worker at Codogno, in Northern Italy, who had visited Munich from January 21-22, 2020.
So if you had to judge on the basis of symptoms, then, if I had the common winter flu, then you would think that most persons with a bad case of it, as I apparently had, had Coronavirus. Or else, you have to conclude that this year’s Coronavirus was already in Italy at the beginning of the winter and did not come from China at all.
In short, symptoms this year might not be at all an accurate determination of who has or does not have Coronavirus, if the winter flu gave you the same symptoms. Or else, Coronavirus is being claimed to be something it is not.
The 55,270 of those who are on home quarantine, represents 44.34% of all claimed to have the Coronavirus. Evidently, medical experts in emergency rooms do not think that Coronavirus is life threatening, or else they would not simply say go home and get over it as they do with the common cold. So either these patients have the common cold, or they have corona. And that means either the tests are totally unreliable, or the Coronavirus is the common cold! In fact, 44% is close to 50%, which is the known accuracy of the test. So it seems that all of these may have never had corona to begin with.
Of the numbers in Yellow, perhaps we can be more certain of the 3994, the total cases in intensive care, IF we assume they have Coronavirus. Because a lot of medical reasons can cause you to end up in intensive care. And there are a lot of kinds of bacteria and viruses which can all you to be on a respirator.
So from the examination of the numbers in yellow, I think we can have a healthy doubt that anyone is really seriously infected with corona virus, except a few thousand in all of Italy, who are in intensive care.
Now let’s look at the Green
The green represents the total cases claimed to have Coronavirus who were determined to be cured. I will suppose the number is true and that the cure means they no longer have the coronavirus or that they have now the antibodies against Coronavirus, and that coronavirus is now in the body like very other bacteria or virus which is under control.
But the 20,996 represents 16.84% of those claimed to have Coronavirus, which, on account of the test not being accurate and as we have seen from the numbers in Yellow, is probably already 44% too high, at least. But, think about it for a moment. If a test is 50% right and 50% wrong all the time, and you use it to determine if someone is infected and you use it to determine if someone is cured, what would the results be?
They would be that of all the people tested you have a 50% chance of finding those really infected and a 50% change of saying someone is infected who is not infected. That means the test will say about 50% of the population is infected, and perhaps slightly more, if there are really large quantities of really infected.
And of those who are claimed by the test to be infected are tested again, what will be the results? That 50% are infected and 50% are not infected, or about 25% of the total. But 25% is very near the total number of cured, the 20,996 or 16.84%. This means that there is good reason to believe that no one ever had Coronavirus, and that these numbers are merely the results of an inaccurate test. Those tested inaccurately as being infected are admitted to hospital or surveillance, and when tested again, have of those are rightly or wrongly identified as being cured and are dismissed as cured!
Finally, let’s take a look at the red
If we assume that the total deaths are true — and at this point that is getting difficult to believe, because of all the lies which are patent in the numbers already presented — that would be 12.32% of all diagnosed as infected, which would be 4 times greater than the mortality of Coronavirus in any other place of the world, even though the strain here in Italy is not particularly more lethal.
And that means either they did not die because of Coronavirus, or that the Italian socialized medical system is very efficient in helping you die with Coronavirus.
Now there are three possibilities, other than that the death numbers are faked. The first is that these deaths are not caused by Coronavirus. And in fact the Ministry of Health has admitted that only 12% of those claimed to have died from Coronavirus, have a death certificate where the doctors who cared for the patient list the death as caused by Coronavirus. The other 88% died from something else, but were diagnosed as being infected by Coronavirus.
The second possibility is that these patients were euthanized in great numbers, such that roughly 75% were put to death intentionally or allowed to die out of neglect in a failed medical system.
The third possibility is that they had a bad winter influenza like I did and died from that, not Coronavirus, though they may also have had a Coronavirus infection.
Sixty-five Million Italians have been effectively put under house arrest to prevent the plague of Coronavirus. But after more than 9 weeks of the virus being in Italy, as the authorities claim, the numbers show that we can have little confidence that more than 1,843 persons (12% of 15,362) have died from it, when the normal winter flu in Italy kills 17,000 to 25,000 annually.
That does not make sense. No rational person could justify such a shut down of the national economy for such a small number of persons. But people are rational by nature. Therefore, we must assume that the leaders of Italy are acting for some other reason, some other goal and some other purpose, and that the Coronavirus is a complete political stunt.
It is good to see that, in the last 2 weeks, more and more voices are speaking up against the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control.
Jim Hoft, writing for the GatewayPundit.com, lists the deaths and economic destruction resulting from these 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, and sums up the damage succinctly:
The China coronavirus is the worst April Fools joke ever – it is devastating and evil.
(For those unfamiliar, with USA culture: April Fools jokes are pranks or misleading statements given out in jest on the first day of April each year).
He follows up his commentary, with a report, that estimates 831,000 suicides might result, in the U.S.A. alone, due to the economic destruction of shutting down the USA with Corona Control (stay at home measures).
For these reasons, there is more than sufficient evidence for sane persons to oppose the claim that Coronavirus is an existential threat to mankind. This false claim is the Corona Stunt.
And since that is a lie, there is no moral reason to pretend that Coronavirus is such and seek to constantly preach that lie. This pretense and concerted effort to lie, is the Corona Hype.
Thus, too, the fear and dread that has been instilled in the human race on account of the Corona Hype is completely without reason. This fear and dread is the Corona Panic.
Finally, this panic is causing leaders in the Church and State to take actions which are depriving the masses of their natural and divine rights, and in many cases also their legal and constitutional rights. These measures to make us all stay at home or stop working is the Corona Control.
Humanity must counter with logic, facts and forcefulness
When men fall into a panic, they lose their reason and start harming themselves and others. We are currently in a diabolic world wide panic, and those of us who have kept our reason have to now take strong measures to call our leaders back to sanity.
This means, that we must call our Mayors, Governors, and political representatives in State, Provincial or National Assemblies to speak with them about what these voices of sanity, which I have cited above, and many others, are saying about the reality of what Coronavirus is NOT, how wrong it is for the Main Stream Media to be hyping it up, how evil it is to instill panic and how dangerous panic is to society and government. Finally, how the measures to control the population are the wrong response.
For only if we stop acting like sheep to be herded into a dark age of tyranny, will we be able to recover freedoms which we have just entirely lost, not to mention, prevent grave economic and demographic damage to the entire human race.
Now is the time for courageous action. We need to start a movement with the zeal of Pro-Lifers and the tenacity of the most zealous political organizations. And it must be directed against the the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control. It must target leaders with information, it must refute the lies, it must expose the perpetrators and it must insist against the control which is damaging all living, for the sake of hypothetical fraction of percentage of the whole.
If you want to assess who is behind the promotion of Corona Hype and the panic which results from it, you need go no further than Google.com and do a search. Here are the results I got. First the search string, and then the results:
COVID-19 is not more lethal than the flu
Under this rubric you get on the first page of 10 results, you get 9 which say that COVID-19 is more lethal than the flu. Evidently Google.com is employing AI to make their search engine break down totally and give you the opposite result of your search. This is clear evidence of bias and manipulation for the purpose of controlling the narrative on Covid-19, a narrative which is based on the Big Lie of the WHO health director who claimed that this coronavirus is 340 times more deadly than the winter fu.
On the second page of results you get 7 of 10 which present the same false or incorrect information about COVID-19.
On the third page of results you get 3 of 10 which present false information, 6 of 10 which present information about other topics, and only 1 out of 10 which actually corresponds to the search!
So, if you want the score, out of 30 results, Google.com gave me 1 or 2 which was correct, 9 which are off topic, and 19 which are give false information.
So that means that Google.com is 3-7% correct in its search results, and 93-97% of the time wrong.
By choosing to search for “COVID-19 is not more lethal than the flu” I gave Google.com every opportunity to give the correct results.
If I do the same search at FromRome.Info, I get 6 results and no false results.
This conjunction of being so wrong and being so right is inexplicable, because if you search for “COVID-19 is not more lethal than the flu, site:FromRome.Info”, Google.com gives you 667 results. This proves that Google.com knows of those 6 articles at FromRome.Info, but they don’t want anyone to know of them. Also by claiming the 6 articles at FromRome.Info produce 667 results in their search engine, I think they are trying to tell me that FromRome.Info is not following the narrative. It’s off by one word, “not”!
In a scenario which was first executed in China but which has now come to your country, the response to the Wuhan Virus has been eerily similar and it has been the same one as the Marxist Dictatorship of China.
Wake up to the brave new world order, in which you live!
We have heard weeks on end of propaganda about the horrible plague in Wuhan, which has killed untold numbers of individuals.
But the facts show that int he 4th quarter of 2019, the total number of deaths, counted by burials, was only 1583 higher than the same period in 2018! And this for a city of 16 Million! This, statistically, is only an increase of 2.8%, on a death rate that is only 1.4 per hundred annually. Not even a blip by the numbers — though we cannot discount the tragedy of even one human life lost.
So to prevent 1583 deaths, the Dictatorship of Peking ordered the largest act of de facto imprisonment in world history: 57 million persons were confined to their homes in Hubei province!
In Archeology we know this: you can fake estimate upon estimate of statistics about population and sickness. But if you cannot find the graves, then the truth is rather quite different.
Admittedly those burial stats are for the last Quarter of 2019. The information is not yet in for 2020.
But what is proven and undeniable is, however, the imprisonment of several billion human beings. The foe, a virus which is as much as 1/10 as lethal as the common winter flu.
Perhaps the leaders of the world have gone mad. But it might just be that those who lobby them to make decisions which benefit this industry or that, have been overly effective.
Even if no more people die, I think we will be seeing a massive push in every nation for new laws to empower the World Health Organization to take control of sovereign nations in the next pandemic. New laws to require that we all get vaccinated for Coronavirus. And new regulations that we cannot leave our homes, work, or engage in any economic activity without certifying that we, like all livestock, are healthy and disease free.
Welcome to the cowardly new world of population management. What is next, sterilizing us secretly with vaccines to reduce the world to 500 Million? Nah, that would be a conspiracy theory, except for the fact, that it was already tried in Kenya.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a panorama of Wuhan (Wuchang), China, used here in accord with a Creative Commons Share-Alike 2.0 license as described here.
Numerous medical experts are speaking out in recent days against the Corona Hype: the induced panic over the Wuhan Virus which is being promoted by the main stream media and entities controlled or funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: a hype which has caused the civilized word “to go mad”, according to Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus (the Former Soviet State of Beloyrussia).
The latest experts to sound the alarm against the over-reaction are Doctors Eran Bendavid and Jayanta Bhattacharya of the prestigious Stanford University, in the United States of America. And they have impressive credentials to speak:
Dr. Bendavid, M.D., is an Associate Professor of Medicine – Primary Care and Population Health, a Senior Fellow at Standford’s Woods Institute for the Environment, a Member of the Maternal and Child Health Research Institute and a Fellow at The Center for Innovation and Global Health.
Dr. Bhattacharya, M. D., who also holds a Ph. D. in Economics, is a Professor of Medicine – Primary Care Outcomes Research, a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Institute for Economic Policy Research, currently the Director for Standford’s Center for the Demography and Economics of Health and Aging, and an Associate in the National Center for Economics Research.
Drs. Bendavid and Bhattacharya, in their editorial to the Wall Street Journal, of March, 24, 2020, write:
If it’s true that the novel coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines, then the extraordinary measures being carried out in cities and states around the country are surely justified, … But, there’s little evidence to confirm that premise — and projections of the death toll could plausibly be orders of magnitude too high.
Fear of Covid-19 is based on its high estimated case fatality rate — 2% to 4% of people with confirmed Covid-19 have died, according to the World Health Organization and others, … So if 100 million Americans ultimately get the disease, 2 million to 4 million could die. We believe that estimate is deeply flawed. The true fatality rate is the portion of those infected who die, not the deaths from identified positive cases.
And finally,
Existing evidence suggests that the virus is highly transmissible and that the number of infections doubles roughly every three days. An epidemic seed on Jan. 1 implies that by March 9 about six million people in the U.S. would have been infected. As of March 23, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 499 Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. If our surmise of six million cases is accurate, that’s a mortality rate of 0.01%, assuming a two week lag between infection and death. This is one-tenth of the flu mortality rate of 0.1%. Such a low death rate would be cause for optimism.
Meanwhile the Italian Ministry of Health is contributing to world panic by knowingly misrepresenting the number of deaths in Italy by counting all those who had coronavirus who died, as victims of the disease, while admitting that only 12% have death certificates which say they died of coronavirus. Furthermore, only 0.2% who are counted as victims had no known pathologies before being admitted to the Hospital.
FromRome.Info has been publishing a series of reports since mid-March exposing the misrepresentation of statistics in regard to the Wuhan Virus and who is behind engineering the panic. See a list of our reports, here.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screenshot of the Profile page at Stanford University for Dr. Bhattacharya, and is used here in accord with fair use standards for editorial commentary.
The Corona pandemic is a crime against humanity, which has killed 10s of thousand and put into a state of unwarranted panic leaders of many nations, causing some of them, who were intentionally pushed by Coronal Hype to destroy their national economies by quarantining their entire populations.
The number of victims who have died from Corona virus may be as high as reported, today, at 24,842 deaths (source), though many other reports show than less than that died from corona virus, the others died with it.
The resulting quarantine, individual or national, and the Hype has also caused suicides (here, here, and here and undoubtedly many others).
The panic which ensued from the hype and the release of the biowarfare agent is causing homicides by intentional medical neglect to resuscitate patients (here, and planned here).
The damage to national economies is staggering. The UN estimates it will be at least 1 Trillon dollars. The misappropriation of tax payers dollars by national political leaders might reach 7 more Trillion.
For all these reasons, I believe every human being on the face of the planet has the legal right to insist that their national governments investigate the causes of the coronavirus pandemic and the corona virus Hype, both formal causes of the effects which I have just listed.
Those responsible need to be brought to justice before a world tribunal for crimes against humanity. Indeed, the greatest crime against humanity perpetrated simultaneously against the whole world.
And there is already a lot of circumstantial evidence about just who these criminals might be. The 7 Trillion in national appropriates to respond to coronavirus must unwittingly be going to fund just those organizations. If so, the Corona Pandemic was the biggest single terrorist-extortion attack on the human race in the entire history of mankind.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a graphic which Google’s search engine says was previously part of this webpage: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/preparing-for-coronavirus-to-strike-the-u-s/ but which was removed. Perhaps because it said too much truth about the Corona pandemic. It is used here in accord with the fair use standard for editorial commentary.
Italians are still trying to understand why Bergamo, of all the cities of Italy, is the epicenter of the Coronavirus epidemic, while other cities have much much lower rates of infection and mortality.
One factor may be that the city was vaccinated en mass not once, but twice, in the 2 months preceding the Coronavirus outbreak in the city.
In the fall, according to records 141,000 doses of vaccine against the winter flu were administered by the local health board. Of those, 129,000 were Italians over 65 years of age. Of those, 129,000, 70% had grave heart problems.
Then, again, in December, from the 24th through to January, there was a mass vaccination program against Hepatitis-C of 21, 331 citizens of Bergamo. And in the surrounding province, another 12,000 citizens.
Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.
The study included a table which broke down the effects observed:
Which shows in the third column, the standard deviation increase for viral infection by that species of virus after being vaccinated with the winter flu. Corona is listed as 1.36, that is, an increase of 36%.
Sanofi Pasteur’s Conflict of Interest
It is reported that the anti-influenza vaccine administered at Bergamo was Vaxigrip Tetra, a product of Sanofi Pasteur, the same pharmaceutical company which is working on a vaccine for coronavirus! Vaxigrip Tetra is referred to in the Ministry of Health’s Publicity for the winter flu vaccine as a quadri-potent vaccine containing 4 strains of H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses, though it is not named there by name, it can be inferred from the vaccine description for Vaxigrip Tetra, which received approval in 2016 for use in Europe. It should be pointed out, however, that neither H1N1 nor H3N2 are classified as coronaviruses, even if their microscopic photographs look nearly identical to the coronavirus.
It remains, therefore, of scientific possibility, that Bergamo, the epicenter for the Coronavirus epidemic, in Italy, and currently in the entire world, was prepared for susceptibility, wittingly or unwittingly. As, David Kaftal reported previously, for FromRome.Info, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has their fingerprints on every aspect of the Corona epidemic. And yes, their Foundation on October 29, 2013 announced a collaborative effort with Sanofi Pasteur to develop faster methods for vaccine Research and Development.
Is it a case of preparing susceptibility so as to justify mass vaccination with the new coronavirus vaccine prepared by Sanofi Pasteur? I will let you decide.
The Corona Hype is not only psychologically dangerous to the nation, because it is causing massive panic, but its medically dangerous to patients and increasing their deaths. So says Dr. Claus Koehnlein, an expert in immunology.
Here is my summary in English: Dr. Koelnlein recommends that if you show signs of the flu, that you stay at home and presume it is the flu. For doctors, he recommends that if a patient has flu symptoms and worries about having coronavirus, to give them a test to see if they have the common winter flu. Chances are, that is all they have. If positive, tell them to stay at home and weather it through.
He does not recommend the test for coronavirus which gives 50% of the time a false positive, which will not only result in the wrong treatments for the patient but added panic and stress which will reduce the immune response of the patient.
If, however, you think you have coronavirus, and you go to a hospital to get treatment, you are most likely going to get coronavirus, because the hospitals are contaminated with other cases of those who have coronavirus. This is how the Hype can put you in danger.
But the real danger lies in how the Hype is causing doctors to react in hospitals. Not wanting to be guilty for under treating a patient for coronavirus, with the result that they die from it, the doctors are prescribing very strong medicines. He cites the case of a 50 year old who was given a battery of 6 medicines, which he believes killed the patient. This resulted from the fact that since coronavirus causes an exaggerated immune system response, the doctors tried to prevent that by giving the patient medicines which suppressed his immune response and left him undefended and killed him.
This excessive treatment he believes is increasing death rates and making doctors and medical staff in their panic legally liable for murder.
Politicians, not wanting to be seen of having not done enough, are exaggerating their own responses leading to panic in the general population and in the hospitals.
This summary is not a transcript nor verbatim, but rather my understanding of the information presented.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of the FB page linked in the article, showing Dr. Claus Koehnlein being interviewed during the videos cited above.
The Corona virus “pandemic” is beginning to look like a complete fabrication. Just like the claim of Bergoglio to be pope, the more you investigate it the more lies you find.
The latest is a report by Sarah Newey, writing for one of the United Kingdom’s leading newspapers, The Telegraph. She quotes Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s Ministry of Health, on just how many of those reported dead from coronavirus actually did die of coronavirus?
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,” he says.
This means that of the latest death toll, published 17 hours ago, of 6820 persons, only 12% died of corona virus. That means the real statistic is 818. And that means the real mortality rate for all those reported to be infected, 69,176 is more like 1.18% which is nearly exactly that of what is being seen in the USA which has a much more efficient health care system (because it is not socialized medicine).
But as I mentioned previously, the actual mortality rate for coronavirus in hospitals of proven cases, will be 640% higher than in the general population, due to the fact that most never develop symptoms which warrant a visit to the doctor. So the total mortality rate for the entire population will be more like 18.48 per ten thousand. — To put that in perspective, the mortality rate for all those who get the winter flue is 10.
But the Italian statistic needs to be modified further, because they reported that 99.8% of all who died, had a co-morbidity, that is were already very sick on account of having diabetes, heart, lung or liver disease or some other pathology. The Italian Institute of Health still has not divulged how many had AIDS, which is crucially important to understand why patients are dying, since AIDS patients have a 700% higher likelihood of dying from a respiratory infection.
To be clear, you can die of coronavirus and you can die with coronavirus but by some pre-existing condition. Most of us have 100s of other species of virus in us all the time, but we do not die from any one of them, because we are healthy and our immune system is constantly at war with it.
So if none of those dying are AIDS patients, then the real Italian figure is going to be not 18 per 10,000 but much lower. In fact, in 2012 the annual death rate in Italy was 92.2 per 10,000, of which 35% died of the top 4 most common pathologies. That means 32 per 10,000 is the normal death rate for those dying of pathologies in Italy, approximately (though by using 2012 figures for 2020, this is obviously not a scientifically accurate estimate).
So the 18 death rate for Italy will be more like 6 per 10,000 for Corona virus IF everyone in the Country contracts the disease. But only 19% seem to ever catch it, if you take the statistic of the recent cruise ship which was quarantined with 3700 passengers aboard as any indication of what the infection rate would be in the ideal infectious environment.
It also means that the real death rate in Italy for Corona virus has not even risen to 20% of the normal death rate! But no one shuts down the nation for the normal death rate.
And that means, that if the government wants Corona virus to appear to be a pandemic, they have a lot of dead people they can claim as victims, even if none of them are.
I recall a man from Scotland who berated me the other day for saying just the same thing. Oh well, I suppose sometimes I do just go on being proven right, even though, I wish I were wrong. It just goes to show you, in every argument, stick to the facts, and you will win, win and win. Whereas those whose minds are possessed by propaganda, hype and left wing ideologies, will always end up frustrated that their imaginary world is not the world we all live in.
In the meantime, Italians are up in arms that Giuseppe Conte, the Italian PM, the other day, spoke to the nation directly on Facebook and then the next day put his speech into a decree. They are up in arms because this is was the style of government of Mussolini, the Fascist Dictator.
I think I demonstrated that Conte’s government is more like Mussolini than Italian might realize.
I think I also gave good indication that the death rate for coronavirus in any nation is never going to exceed the normal death rate: it just will be associated in part with those who were in bad states of health and who die in high numbers each year from pre-existing pathologies.
As Catholic we should know that we owe unquestioning obedience to God alone. But even with God, He does not expect us not to have questions. We can see this in His approval of Job, in the Book of Job, where at the end of the Book, He approves him for having shown Him the respect of asking questions and making complaints, rather than of his friends who never spoke to God, but only about God.
The reasons for this are profound and many.
On man’s part, because God created us — not just endowed us — with an intellectual soul, capable of knowing and thinking and reasoning, it does not offend God in the least, but rather pleases Him, when we use our minds to know the truth and understand the world around us and above us. God is no more offended when we think, than a father or mother are offended when they put their toddler in a crib full of playthings and he begins to play with them and chew on them and toss them here and there. This is why God made the world and why He put us into it.
On God’s part, because God is a God of light, not of darkness, He wants us to make decisions in the light. That is, he wants us to make informed decisions, because those truly are the ones we fully consent to and thus merit thereby. While it is true that we cannot fully grasp the Mysteries of God, wither pray and fidelity to God we can obtain the graces to understand all things of Heaven better, so as to act on our holy Faith with greater merit, than simply a blind obedience based on trust alone.
But in a civil state, whether it be officially Catholic and recognize Christ’s Kingship or whether it be founded upon non-Christian principles and governed by persons without reference to Jesus Christ, we can never owe our superiors unquestioning obedience.
This is true because men are fallible. And no man is infallible in decisions which regard the temporal order of things, not even the Pope! The only exception is Jesus Christ, and you can see from His words in Scripture, that not even He gloried in telling men what to do in temporal affairs.
Thus, to our human superiors we should always have a little reserve of doubt and constantly check to see if what they are asking us to do is conformable to the will of God for ourselves and for others.
I remember one of my superiors in the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate trying to convince us young friars of his faulty notion of blind obedience. He gave us this example: while you cannot obey your superior if he orders you to rob a bank with him, you must obey him if he tells you to buy a gun legally, load it, drive him to a bank and stay outside with the car engine on and help him leave when he comes out, even if you think he might be robbing a bank, because it is wrong to doubt or question your superior!
I burst out laughing when he said that, and I left that Order to avoid that kind of criminality. Years later he left too, and the Catholic priesthood, and I am told he marries men who want to marry one another.
The Corona Panic was created by this false and excessive obedience in the same way.
These are obvious to someone grounded in reality. But they are not obvious to someone who has willfully blinded himself to get promoted, and who now exercises some authority in the civil government of your nation. He may be totally incapable of seeing the truth of them.
And therein lies the problem which was exploited by the Corona Hypers — my name for those who promote the hype that Corona is an existential threat to humanity.
The correct response of everyone, should be always, first, to demand proof for the commands of superiors which threaten the common good. And, second, to remind them that they have limits to their authority, and even when they have the authority to order something, they cannot do so if the effect is the harm to the common good.
Thus governors, Ministers, Mayors, Police Chiefs were wrong to obey their national leaders who ordered their nations shut down or quarantined. They should have demanded the statistical proof sufficient to warrant it. And without that they should have refused to obey, if not arrested the national leaders for attempting a coup d’etat upon the free people of their own nation.
They should not have listened to the hype on TV or social media. The hype should have been outlawed from the start. Only verified statistical evidence should be referred to.
Here, I do not call the Hype, the comments of individuals, but the concerted effort to present the Coronavirus as an existential threat. This hype was directed by the World Health Organization and consisted chiefly in stating that 3.4% mortality rate will apply to the whole human race, even though it only referred to the deaths of those who were admitted to hospitals in Wuhan with extreme symptoms of some sort of influenza.
These subordinate officers of civil government also should not have ignored the evidence that the head of the WHO is a former terrorist.
Unquestioning obedience in large masses of human beings is like the instinct cattle have to follow the rush in a stampede. What they are running from may be unknown to nearly all of them except the ones who started the stampede, but stampede they do, even if it means they all run off a cliff and are killed.
We should take a lesson from Nature on this. Nature is the name for the natural world. It is not a goddess, but it is a book from which we can learn many valuable lessons about sanity and humanity.
It is simply not allowed to doubt the new world religion, of Corona Panic. If you do so you will be publicly vilified and your public writings will be erased from the internet.
It does not even matter if you cite academics, doctors and medical professionals to prove your point!
The glaring case is that of Medium.com which erased their previously published article by Aaron Ginn, entitled, COVID-19 Evidence over Hysteria. Ginn made the socialist mistake of posting his article on Twitter, where hordes of Marxists watch for any deviation from the willed narrative and report anyone they can to the socialist censorship authority.
The response was a quick social media attack on the publisher, Medium.com, which then pulled the article.
Zerohedge.com, despite being a Corona-Panic believer, has had the professional integrity, however to report the censorship and republish Gin’s article in full. It has a lot of informational graphics and looks at the data from a holistic viewpoint.
Ginn’s begins thus:
When 13% of Americans believe they are currently infected with COVID-19 (mathematically impossible), full-on panic is blocking our ability to think clearly and determine how to deploy our resources to stop this virus. Over three-fourths of Americans are scared of what we are doing to our society through law and hysteria, not of infection or spreading COVID-19 to those most vulnerable.
The following article is a systematic overview of COVID-19 driven by data from medical professionals and academic articles that will help you understand what is going on (sources include CDC, WHO, NIH, NHS, University of Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, NEJM, JAMA, and several others). I’m quite experienced at understanding virality, how things grow, and data. In my vocation, I’m most known for popularizing the “growth hacking movement” in Silicon Valley that specializes in driving rapid and viral adoption of technology products. Data is data. Our focus here isn’t treatments but numbers. You don’t need a special degree to understand what the data says and doesn’t say. Numbers are universal.
I hope you walk away with a more informed perspective on how you can help and fight back against the hysteria that is driving our country into a dark place. You can help us focus our scarce resources on those who are most vulnerable, who need our help.
You can read the entire article by Aaron Ginn through the link to Zerohedge above.
Oh, and as for the refutation of Ginn which Zero Hedge writer Tyler Durden thinks is the final word: it is a series of tweets with assertions but without proofs. Not very weighty of a defense for a long and well referenced article by Ginn, in my opinion.
The Corona Hype is killing patients. That is right, the Main Stream Media push on the Corona Story is overwhelming hospitals with patients and thus causing the deaths of patients by collapsing the effectiveness of the health care system. Its a Gramesian dream come true in health care. Cause the organs of the state to be so overwhelmed with requests that it can no longer function.
However, to do this with a health care system is diabolic, because it kills people who would not otherwise die.
The evidence of this horror is found in the personal testimony of a group of doctors from the Giovanni XXIII hospital at Bergamo, Italy, the ground zero for the Wuhan Virus in Italy, according to the Italian press.
Here are some of the stunning statements by the Doctors working there, in a paper which they published last week:
Our own hospital is highly contaminated, and we are far beyond the tipping point: 300 beds out of 900 are occupied by Covid-19 patients. Fully 70% of ICU beds in our hospital are reserved for critically ill Covid-19 patients with a reasonable chance to survive. The situation here is dismal as we operate well below our normal standard of care. Wait times for an intensive care bed are hours long. Older patients are not being resuscitated and die alone without appropriate palliative care, while the family is notified over the phone, often by a well-intentioned, exhausted, and emotionally depleted physician with no prior contact.
For example, we are learning that hospitals might be the main Covid-19 carriers, as they are rapidly populated by infected patients, facilitating transmission to uninfected patients. Patients are transported by our regional system,1 which also contributes to spreading the disease as its ambulances and personnel rapidly become vectors. Health workers are asymptomatic carriers or sick without surveillance; some might die, including young people, which increases the stress of those on the front line.
And finally, what the Main Stream Media and Politcal Leaders of the Hype do not want you to know, they doctors tell you:
Coronavirus is the Ebola of the rich and requires a coordinated transnational effort. It is not particularly lethal, but it is very contagious.
As an anthropologist, I can see something these doctors do not see. Namely, if this virus were not presented as a major health threat, if it were presented as it is truly is, merely a strong form of the winter flu, then most individuals would not be going to their doctors nor to the hospitals. Hospitals then would not be overwhelmed with infectious cases, and emergency care would be able to be given to the truly needed.
In other words, the Hype is killing people by making them react in such a way as to prevent adequate medical care for the truly needy, thus increasing the apparent mortality rates for the Coronavirus, which would not otherwise occur.
For that reason, I disagree with the political requests made by the doctors. They want the kind of medical hygienic regulations of a hospital imposed on all of society. This is the fundamental error of political leaders. The ethics of a hospital are for a medical institution. They are inappropriate, inhumane and dangerous when imposed upon the whole society, because the whole society is much more than a hospital. Human beings are more than patients. We are not animals to be herded anywhere.
You can read the statement by the doctors in the original English, in which they published it, here.
Let us pray for all the dead, from whatever cause of death, because all the dead are equally dead, physically speaking, though according to the current Globalist dogma, some dead are more equal than others.
That is, because some dead can be used to justify panic and national economic collapse, the imprisonment of billions and the economic hegemony of the Chinese Marxist State.
But at the same time, the Corona Hype Event has given every Catholic a demonstration of which Catholic media personalities are rational and which are irrational; which think on their own feet and which take the party line; which ask you to think and consider the facts of reality, and which tell you to shut up, buckle under and go along with what the Main Stream Media is telling you to think and do and feel.
These same personalities told you that Benedict XVI resigned the papacy, Bergoglio was validly elected, that Bergoglio has not lost his office by heresy, and that you should shut up and pray and leave big questions like this to the Cardinals and Bishops and to themselves. These same clergy are now denying you the Sacraments!
It should not surprise you, therefore, that all those writers who have been telling you that Pope Benedict XVI has not resigned according to the norm of law, are also telling you that the Pandemic is Hype and that you should look at the facts, not the propaganda.
They are also the only ones lamenting with you that you have been denied the Sacraments and the Mass for no sound reason.
Maybe now you should listen to them on the Benedict XVI issue too?
The latest statistics on the mortality resulting in occasions of COVID-19 infection are proving the hype is hype: that is, there is now no statistical reason to consider the Wuhan Virus any reasonable cause of mortality. This is a bold claim, but I will prove it with proven statistics.
As we all know, inasmuch as a virus is a organic organism — it is not living, because it cannot reproduce of itself, it only multiplies by causing the disintegration of living cells — the mechanisms for infection and mortality should be the same in all members of the same species accross the globe. This is because each species of animal has the same body temperatures and genetic make up.
Yes, in human beings, there are some genetic variations by race which might contribute to having an advantage to surviving an infectious disease: genes for the immune system, for example. Of these, those ethnic groups outside of sub-saharan Africa have 60-70 more genes and thus are less likely to succumb. Ebola was a perfect example. Few victims have every been of those races.
But for Coronavirus the statistics tell a different picture. Infection rates from the most reliable sources per nation are telling a different story. Let’s take a look at the worse cases: those nations with the highest claimed rates of infection per million:
What do all those nations have in common? The ones in blue are tiny countries, so it could be argued that the numbers of total citizens are too low to be statistically accurate, or since they are so small, the concentration of persons are extremely high. But that does not explain Switzerland and Iceland or even Luxembourg. Italy’s cases are nearly all in Northern Italy.
What they all have in common, excluding Vatican City, is that they are mountainous regions with frigid air or regions with heavy fog humidity in the Winter and Spring.
But such climates heavily tax the lungs and health of patients. That is why there is normally a higher mortality among the weak in January to March each year.
But to see how much climate might be the principal factor in your chances of contracting the Wuhan Virus, let us look at large nations with large populations:
China has 56 infections per million. Though clearly that statistic is meaningless because only the province of Hubei, of which Wuhan is the capital, is heavily infected. Hubeai province has 58.5 million persons according to a 2015 estimate, and that represents 4.2% of the population. So the real infection rate of Hubei province is probably more like 1300. Wuhan has lots of pollution in the air. Its air quality today was 127 compared to Hong Kong which was 50. A quality of 127 is considered unhealthy, according to Aqicn.org, which reports live air quality statistics for cities round the world.
Spain has 640 infections per million. In the winter, the air in Spain is generally very damp, due to the storms which blow in off the Atlantic Ocean. Most of Spain is also at high altitude.
Germany has 312 infections per million. In the winter the air in Germany is damp, though most of the country is not at high altitude, the Germans have the custom of opening the windows of their homes for a hour or more each day, even in winter. They believe fresh air is good for the health.
Iran has 258 infections per million. But this statistic is not reliable, because nearly all the infections have been in the capital, Tehran, which has only 8.649 million people, whereas Iran has 80.28 million. Both these statistics are for 2016. That means that the rate of infection for Tehran is more like 2,400 per million. Tehran has lousy weather in the winter, with humidity levels on average over 50% for the entire winter. But smog is worse, giving Tehran one of the worst ratings for air quality in all the world (source).
While these statistics are not entirely determinative — due to the fact that it may be that the virus spread to these places before others — nevertheless they raise serious questions whether those who are alleged to be dying from the Wuhan Virus are in fact dying from respiratory stress from a variety of causes, especially climate or air quality, of which only the Wuhan Virus is being faulted for political reasons.
For the latest statistics on the Wuhan Virus around the globe, see Worldometers.Info, from which the stats on infection rates have been taken for this article.
The Corona Virus Hype was a plan and a plot by international Marxists (Globalists) to terrorize the world and seize control of the minds of all humanity. It is a plot so diabolical and so evil that it staggers the mind. But the facts are right out in the open. So let’s review them.
Event 201
According to the John Hopkins Center for Health Security, Event 201 is described thus:
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.
In recent years, the world has seen a growing number of epidemic events, amounting to approximately 200 events annually. These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society. Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global—a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes “Event 201,” would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.
I have not altered that quote! It is obvious they were preparing in advance for Corona Virus, before Corona Virus was event known to exist!
If you follow that link, in the article, cited above, you find this statement, which attempts to deny what they were up to:
Statement about nCoV and our pandemic exercise
In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise called Event 201 with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Recently, the Center for Health Security has received questions about whether that pandemic exercise predicted the current novel coronavirus outbreak in China. To be clear, the Center for Health Security and partners did not make a prediction during our tabletop exercise. For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction. Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic. We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.
Note carefully what they are saying and not saying. They deny that their 201 Event Exercise predicted the Corona Virus pandemic. But a plan to deceive is not a prediction. Because a prediction presupposes you are not in control. Look how many times they deny it was a prediction! They even “did not predict” the genus of the virus, as a corona virus!
But, as I published the other day, China had already weaponized in 2015 a Corona virus at their Wuhan BioWarfare Lab. So they were telling the truth when they insisted that the did not predict it, because the other sense of the word, “predict”, is to speak of something before it exists, not after it exists!
Clade X Pandemic Exercise of May, 2018
The John Hopkins Center for Health Security held a similar exercise in May. Here is their opening video:
The emphasis that their proposals are non-partisan immediately puts the tone in the realm of politics. As you can see from the exercise, the participants were not informed about what would happen. Their reactions are monitored to see how they would react.
As an Anthropologist I can tell you that such an exercise is intended to develop a plan for mass psychological manipulation. Because what you see in test groups, concerning how they react to a crisis, are necessary data upon which to establish plans for social psychological manipulation.
We have created a Pandemic…
The same social experimentation was used in the Event 201, but listen to what Mrs. Cicero, who now calls herself the Master of Cerimonies for the event — a title used for religious events — says at 2:40 minutes into this video:
The 201 Scenario is fictional, but it is based on public health principles, epidemiological modeling and the assessment of past outbreaks. In other words, we have created a pandemic, which could realistically occur.
You cannot make this up!
As you can see, the Event 201 exercise in October 2019 , followed the Cladex exercise in May, 2018. This means, granting some time for organizational repose after a major event, the Event 201 exercise was at least thought up in the summer of 2018, and thus was a year in the making. This means that the context of Mrs. Cicero’s statement in October, 2019, “We have created a Pandemic” is a lot more pregnant with meaning.
According to Aria Bendix, writing for the Business Insider, the Event 201 Exercise was organized by Eric Toner., who according to the Center for Health Security, has a M.D. in internal medicine, clearly someone who is not qualified to run an exercise to study virological responses of populations. Therefore, one can be certain that the purpose of the Event 201 exercise was neither academic nor professional
They knew about it before us
I know from my work in graphical arts and publicity, that publicity takes time to design and organize and produce and publish. A chain of stores cannot just roll out new posters in a matter of days. It takes weeks or months of planning and preparation. That is why, I found it very curious that here in the center of Rome, at the store, Rinascente — which is a chain for high end fashion, there were a series of posters in the style of the Soviet Union, urging passers by to accept the Stay at Home Decree which went into effect at Rome on March 11. Here are my photos, which I took this morning:
This last photo is worthy of comment. Notice how these posters are in Italian and English. This seems to indicate that they were produced when the Chain’s management still believed that English speaking tourists would still be in town. Thus, they had to be prepared before any of the decrees were imposed, either upon their stores in Lombardy or at Rome. But this final image is telling. Of all the images it depicts the black woman as having the smallest head. This is social commentary. They are saying that they know you are idiots and will accept the propaganda. But this kind of overt racism against Black women is found only among Socialists, Chinese and Arabs. And they just happen to be those who want the One Religion Initiative, which Bergoglio and Trump’s Ambassador to the Vatican both publicly approved.
Psychological-Economic warfare
We have entered the brave new world of psychological warfare, used not at the opponents military forces or even at his general population in time of a military war, but openly during peacetime.
As the social commentatrix, the Amazing Polly observed the other day, there are 4 possible motives for engineering a world-wide psyop to hoodwink the political leaders and masses of every nation.
The first, as she suggests, is the vested interest Bill Gates has, who sponsored the Event 201. Bill Gates is heavily invested in the latest vaccine technology which will incorporate machine readable methods of monitoring who has and who has not taken which vaccines. Its the literal dream of dreams for a technocrat with sociopathic megalomaniacal ambitions.
The second, is as she guesses, is short term economic warfare, in retaliation for the trade restrictions imposed by Trump on China. Since a deal was in the works when the Wuhan Virus was released by the BioWarfare lab, I discount this reason.
The third reason, I believe, is long term economic warfare. By causing the world to shut now all but essential economic activity, the world economy will collapse. Notice how China has not shut down their economy. They are obviously preparing to seize massive amounts of market share in the world economy as soon as the crisis ends, if it ever ends. Flooding the world with low prices goods, made by slave labor, while the other nations literally imprison their entire working population, which insists on higher wages. It makes sense, if you have an extremely diabolic mind. Needless to say, if you are a Marxist or a Capitalist, you could be induced to sign on to such a plan, if you did have such a diabolic mind.
The fourth reason, is Satanic. The men allied with the forces of darkness want to utterly eradicate Christianity, which requires group assembly on a weekly basis. A concocted pandemic with stay-at-home requirements achieves this goal perfectly. A Satanic leadership in the Vatican is also 100% on board with this and is ordering it throughout the world, Cardinal Sarah included. Even Burke laments it, but goes along.
And I will add one reason of my own:
The fifth reason, is Antichristic. The men who are working for the advent of the Antichrist are fully convinced that the entire Christian culture must be eradicated. A culture founded upon Truth from God, must be replaced with a culture founded upon lies from men who take God’s place.
Well, it’s happening before our eyes. And they told us they were going to do it in advance.
Once a person gives himself up to his emotions, his reason is lost. It is a decision akin to suicide, since it is a decision to stop being reasonable. For those who have made this decision, there is little that can be done, other than perhaps slapping them in the face and telling them to calm down.
However, for those who have not committed this sort of intellectual suicide, facts remain the best defense from panic.
As I reported 5 days ago, the true mortality rate for the Wuhan Virus is not 3.4% as has been reported for weeks by the Main Stream Media, but rather less than 0.5%. And for many of us it is less than 17 chances in 10,000,000. You are more likely to win a small lottery.
And this calculation I arrived at was made on the basis of simple and basic principles of statistical analysis of social phenomenon, which I learned at the University of Florida, Gainesville, back in 1983-4. So I did not use a method which is unknown to anyone who should have basic qualifications to be giving advice to your leaders in the State or in the Church.
The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco.
At a time when everyone needs better information, from disease modelers and governments to people quarantined or just social distancing, we lack reliable evidence on how many people have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 or who continue to become infected. Better information is needed to guide decisions and actions of monumental significance and to monitor their impact.
Draconian countermeasures have been adopted in many countries. If the pandemic dissipates — either on its own or because of these measures — short-term extreme social distancing and lockdowns may be bearable. How long, though, should measures like these be continued if the pandemic churns across the globe unabated? How can policymakers tell if they are doing more good than harm?
wherein, he subsequently affirms that the Wuhan Virus has a true low death rate:
the real death rate could stretch from five times lower (0.025%) to five times higher (0.625%).
I had estimated the real death rate at 0.51325%, using anthropological principles on how masses of persons react in time of crisis.
Expert Team of Scientists confirm extremely low mortality rates
Now, in a scientific paper by experts in Medicine, Epidemiology and Statistics, there comes further confirmation of the actual death rate.
Dr. Mizumoto is a Professor at the Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, Kyoto 7 University Yoshida–Nakaadachi–cho, in Sakyo–ku, Kyoto, Japan/
Drs. Mizumoto and Kagaya, are also researchers at the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University, Yoshidahonmachi, in Sakyo–ku,Kyoto, Japan.
Drs. Mizumoto and Chowell also teach at the Department of Population Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Georgia State 11 University, in Atlanta, Georgia, US.
And finally, Dr. Chowell is a researcher at Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Field Science, Education and Reseach Center, 13 Kyoto University, in Shirahama–cho, Nishimuro–gun, Wakayama, Japan.
What is the conclusion of their study?
We also found that 50 most recent crude infection fatality ratio (IFR) and time–delay adjusted IFR is estimated 51 to be 0.04% (95% CrI: 0.03%–0.06%) and 0.12% (95%CrI: 0.08–0.17%), which is 52 several orders of magnitude smaller than the crude CFR estimated at 4.19%.
My own estimate of the crude likely-hood of death for the majority of actual cases infected as from 0.02% to 0.14%.
My point here is not self-affirmation, but simply to show that the top world experts arrive at the same conclusions, because facts are facts, and there is no way to avoid the reality of the issue. The Wuhan Virus is not a lethal plague.
World Health Organization caught lying about fundamental statistic
The Daily Mail reported yesterday afternoon, that the WHO misrepresented the mortality rate for those dying in hospitals as 3.4% — the figure I presumed was correct in my study — the real statistic for those admitted and diagnosed and subsequently dying is 1.4%, nearly a third of the previous figure. Keep in mind, that the annual winter flue has a mortality rate in the same population of 10%, and nations are never shut down nor are churches closed. Why? because that population is only those admitted to hospitals, and that only happens in extreme cases, not in the general population.
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News and Commentary on the Catholic Church
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