Operation Gladio: How the CIA suborned the Vatican to the Italian Mafia

The above video was made in 2018, but still current and prophetic. List to the end. Everything is presage to the present. Share this video with all the clergy, bishops and Cardinals you know. Related Information: Editor’s Note: Listen to this entire report, and then you will understand why two persons with close connections to … Continue reading Operation Gladio: How the CIA suborned the Vatican to the Italian Mafia

From Operation Gladio to Trad Inc., and how the CIA may have a leading role

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In my article, Who may have been behind the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI?, I explained what Operation Gladio was and the role played by Gladio organizations in Italy in the political events at the Vatican in recent decades, particularly how they may have opened the Vatican up to infiltration by … Continue reading From Operation Gladio to Trad Inc., and how the CIA may have a leading role

Gladio Operation, Vox, achieves its goal of keeping Left in Power

Editor’s Note: Vox, the party which is politically supported by known NATO Gladio groups, achieved its purpose of keeping the radical globalist govt of Sanchez in a dominant position. I do not say this because I agree that Vox is a far-right party, as the MSM are wont to describe it, because in truth, VOX … Continue reading Gladio Operation, Vox, achieves its goal of keeping Left in Power

Gladio, Pope Francis & the making of the One Religion of the New World Order

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française The recent trend in opposition to ‘Fiducia supplicans’, which is tending to grow ever more muted and conciliatory, demonstrates how strongly the CIA controls the Catholic Church, both interiorly through the members of the Sacred Hierarchy, from Pope Francis down to your local Bishop, and exteriorly through the way … Continue reading Gladio, Pope Francis & the making of the One Religion of the New World Order

The real Klaus Schwab comes from a Nazi collaborationist family, and is a Gladio Asset

by Br Alexis Bugnolo I have written much about the Gladio operation: the CIA post World War II program to political control, manipulate and terrorize Western Europe and the Catholic Church. Now here is the explosive expose of Klaus Schwab, founder the World Economic Forum and leading Guru of the New World Order and Fourth … Continue reading The real Klaus Schwab comes from a Nazi collaborationist family, and is a Gladio Asset

Zagami links American Cardinals to Gladio organized protest at Rome on Sept. 5

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo On September 5, there will be held here at Rome a large protest called, Save the Children, which is being organized by Forza Nuova, an Italian Facist organization which is controlled by the CIA as part of the Gladio post World War II operation. Forza Nuova shows their allegiance to the … Continue reading Zagami links American Cardinals to Gladio organized protest at Rome on Sept. 5

Gladio: How the USA governed Western Europe secretly in the Post War era

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Gladio is the generic name for the USA’s most secret program to control the politics and culture of Western Europe after World War II. While most of us were taught that the U.S. after the war allowed Western Europe to return to free democratic government, the truth is quite different. In … Continue reading Gladio: How the USA governed Western Europe secretly in the Post War era

There is a 99% probability that Bergoglio is a CIA operative

Here are the videos which lay out the background to the story which will be broken at Ordo Militaris Radio TV later this week. By CIA we mean Gladio operative, i.e., Deep State, a.k.a. Skull and Bones Lodge, Brown Brothers Harriman Bank, in New York City, since they created, founded and have every controlled the … Continue reading There is a 99% probability that Bergoglio is a CIA operative

Who may have been behind the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Most things which are hidden will never be known until the end of time, when on the Last Day, all will be revealed. So in the mean time we have only crumbs of evidence to suggest lines of investigation. Here are some crumbs which may explain how Bergoglio came to power, … Continue reading Who may have been behind the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI?

USA: Trump to name Brian Burch, CatholicVote.org President as Vatican Ambassador

Editor’s Note: This appointment is deeply disturbing, because CatholicVote.org is a masonic-aligned organization which has misrepresented itself as a Catholic organization for more than a decade and has urged Catholics to support the Skull and Bones controlled Grand Old Party (Republicans) through numerous misinformation campaigns, wherein it proposed the GOP as a truly Catholic valued … Continue reading USA: Trump to name Brian Burch, CatholicVote.org President as Vatican Ambassador

EU Parliamentary Elections show that DeathVaxxed have not learned much of anything

Editor’s Note: The results of the EU Parliamentary Elections are in and the results are merely cosmetic, showing that the common EU voter has not learned a thing during the last 5 years of Pandemic Tyranny. Ursula von der Leyen’s EPP party, which was responsible chiefly for the attempt to exterminate all residents in the … Continue reading EU Parliamentary Elections show that DeathVaxxed have not learned much of anything

FRANCE: SSPX only ecclesiastical group which refused to cooperate in Pedo-Investigations

Editor’s Note: If you or a loved one has been sexually abused by a SSPX priest in France or anywhere else, you can notify victims-help groups such as this one, here below. — According to my informants, pedophilia in SSPX institutions is off the charts and has been so since the 70’s. — In my … Continue reading FRANCE: SSPX only ecclesiastical group which refused to cooperate in Pedo-Investigations

A Debate: Was the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI invalid due to substantial error?

  Editor’s Note: This is posted for information. This does not mean any or all of its content is approved. Dr. Mazza is a Ph.D. in History, and Steve O’Reilly is a former CIA agent, who chose to put a Gladiator’s helmet in his office during the debate, as if to indicate that he is … Continue reading A Debate: Was the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI invalid due to substantial error?

Laity notice that SSPX has joined with Mafia of St. Gallen in approving the Vaxx

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is a great article about the superficial problem, which Ordo Militaris Radio TV has already confronted on more fundamental issues, namely that the SSPX and the St. Gallen Mafia seem to have been puppeteered by the same hands.

  1. The SSPX outs itself as a Globalist 5th Column
  2. SSPX reluctant to fault Bergoglio, but quick to attack Pope Benedict XVI
  3. Catholic principles say that the Vaxx must be refused
  4. Msgr. Schneider says that SSPX Magazine is wrong
  5. SSPX’s unknown islands
  6. A History of Pedophilia in the SSPX
  7. Nazi Refugees and the origins of the St. Gallen Mafia
  8. At Fatima, Our Lady was on a diplomatic mission of the highest import
  9. Gladio: How the USA secretly governed Western Europe after WWII
  10. Mind control techniques used by St. Gallen Mafia & Gladio operations
  11. How Trad Inc might be a Gladio operation
  12. Trad Inc. is hiding something monstrous

And so, I think the time has come for a public call to the SSPX leadership to name the names of the Big Money in Eastern Switzerland which has promoted, bought and controlled the SSPX at the highest levels during the last 50 years.  Until those names are named, then I think the laity can not be faulted in thinking or suspecting that the SSPX is deep down something quite unlike what they publicly present themselves to be.

RAI3 Report details Burke & De Mattei’s participation in MASONIC Political Alliance

REPRINT FROM APRIL 2020 by Br. Alexis Bugnolo RAI3 is Channel 3 of the National Television Corporation run and financed by the Italian Republic, but populated by some of the most extreme left-wing minds. However, this does not discount the fact that they often report things of which the Catholic press world wide is silent. … Continue reading RAI3 Report details Burke & De Mattei’s participation in MASONIC Political Alliance

World War 3 has begin, and its goal is to establish the 4th Reich

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo There has been talk since the beginning of the Cold War of the next World War. There have been many speculations about this, and they usually regarded armed nuclear war between the East and West. But it increasingly looks like Adolf Hitler was better informed. As Anthony Sutton demonstrated and expounded … Continue reading World War 3 has begin, and its goal is to establish the 4th Reich

The Death of Pope John Paul I

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Remember, that Pope John Paul I had been the Patriarch of Venice, and he was elected primarly because the Church Bank which served the priests and religious of his region of Italy had been brought to bankrupcy by the Vatican Bank. He promised as Pope to clean up the Vatican Bank, … Continue reading The Death of Pope John Paul I