Tag Archives: Corona panic

BREAKING: New pandemic outbreak of Corona Insanity

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Vatican News reported yesterday that the EU President, Ursula von der Leyen, has contracted Corona Insanity.  Corona Insanity is a highly infectious, rapidly spreading political disease which causes near or total insanity in those with pre-existing co-morbilities such as socialism, marxism, modernism, globalism. It is known that politicians and churchmen have a 800% higher chance of contracting this disease if they have violated any rules on financial distancing from Bill Gates, patient 0, or any organizations contaminated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Von der Leyen, in particular, wants to keep all elderly in the European Union confined until 2021 because of the Corona pandemic.

The chief symptoms of this new pandemic — which is labeled cOins<20, because it is postulated to have first existed before 2020 and is spread by financial transfers — are megalomania, psychopathy, sustained fits of psychotic delusion which cause the patient to view other human beings as cattle; neurotic dreams of world domination based on total tyrannical control of everyone else in the most mundane activities of daily life (Corona Control); extreme homicidal tendencies toward the sick and dying, the elderly, the unborn and anyone deemed suitable for vaccine testing; nearly continual outbursts of exaggeration (Corona Hype) to promote unfounded fear in others (Corona Panic) so that they accept being controlled by those who are infected with cOins<20.

Several institutions have become hotbeds for this infectious outbreak, such as the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and most manufacturers of vaccines  and microstates which have received highly infected transfers of money and services from the Gates Foundation, such as Sanfi Pasteur and the Vatican.

The professions of journalism and politiking have been identified as the groups highly at risk for infection and the public is warned to maintain high levels of social and intellectual distancing from anyone in these professions with the co-morbities listed above.

Besides the EU President, known world leaders who have tested positive, but who are refusing treatment and violating the stay at home rules, are Jorge Mario Bergoglio, known to many as Pope Francis, Giuseppe Conte, the prime minister of Italy, and nearly all the leaders of western nations.

While it was thought that Donald Trump was naturally immune, it seems he has caught this infection from Dr. Anthony Fauci in mid March, but many experts are hoping for a swift recovery.

This new pandemic has led to much speculation on the web that it is a sign of the end times, because the medical code for the disease, cOins<20, has the decimal value in Ascii of 666, which is the biblical sign of the Antichrist, in Saint John’s Book of Revelations.

This opinion is being promoted by certain groups of Catholics, in particular, who believe cOins<20 is the biblical mark of the beast. And this is one case, where I would have to agree with the popular sentiment, as crazy as it sounds.

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Panic, madness and atheism

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

G. K. Chesterton wrote a series of stories, in which the protagonist, a Catholic priest, named Father Brown, solved various and sundry mysteries that were inexplicable to his contemporaries. In his short stories, Chesterton, who was himself a convert to the Catholic Faith, colored the narrative with social commentary and apologetic insights to explain how the Catholic Faith makes one see reality differently and in a better and more rational manner.

The fundamental principle of Chesterton’s Catholic epistemology, you might call it, was expressed in his short story, called, The Oracle of the Dog, which he published in 1923:

It’s the first effect of not believing in God that you lose your common sense.

I think we are seeing this right now in the Corona Panic, because if you survey all the world or Church leaders who are panicking the most they are those with the least Christian faith.

The cause of this lost of common sense, comes from the intervention of the will to prevent a rational examination which leads to the consideration that there must be a God and He must exist, for else, nothing else makes sense.

Chesterton rebuked the mindset which allowed the will to trump right reason in his Father Brown story, entitled, The Miracle of the Moon Crescent, which he published in 1924.

You hard-shelled materialists were all balanced on the very edge of belief — of belief in almost anything.

Emile Cammaerts, in his study of G. K. Chesterton, published in 1937, entitled, The Laughing Prophet, gave birth to the common maxim of Chesterton, which he never wrote, but which succinctly summarized the import of his observations of faux religiosity in the atheistic materialists of his day, thus:

The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything.

You can read the curious story of how her summation of Chesterton came to be held as a genuine quote from his writings, at Chesterton.org, in their article, When a man ceases to worship God.

While, I do not ascribe to the mythology of Modernism which holds that man has a need for God, rising from his sentiments, which seeks or demands that he put his trust in something greater than himself, I do agree with the observation of the Scholastics that God has so ordered this world and so made man, that it is innate in our very nature to be able to recognize that all things come from God and lead back to God. For this reason, the minds and brains of men are so structured spiritually and physically, as to seek subordination to what is greater, higher, truer, more principle and more powerful.

The result, then, is that a man at reason’s counsel admits that there must be a God and that He should be obeyed and adored, because He is the First Cause and the Last End of all things, and because man of himself is nothing in comparison to Him, in anything, since He is the source of all order, beauty, goodness, perfection, and truth.

But the atheist, especially the materialistic atheist, insists with a malicious will, that such considerations must be rejected and avoided. He has spiritually accepted the mindset of a demon who thinks liberty consists in rebellion and who deceives himself into thinking that he is something even when compared to the Creator of all.

This is madness. It is madness even if at the beginning it does not manifest itself as insanity. But in decision making it will manifest itself as such, because it has divorced thought from its liberty to assent to truth, and that is intellectually the same thing as self-lobotomization or mental suicide.

When such godless and proud men become the leaders of nations and churches, only disaster can result. Because not having any religion, they are disposed and eager to make anything else but God the object of that innate inclination of every man to subordinate himself.

The leaders of the world, gripped by Corona Panic, have established a new world religion. It is a religion of fear mongering, and not the preaching of the Good News. It is the devotion of panic in the unknown, instead of the devotion of confidence in God the Creator. It expresses itself in mindless loyalty to the unproven dictates of persons without any medical or scientific credentials to speak, in place of humble religious submission to those whom Christ Jesus entrusted with the munus to teach, govern and sanctify.

Having participated in, or tacitly consented to, the removal of Pope Benedict XVI, Christ’s only true vicar on Earth, they have thus fallen into a terrible and dark religion of fear and panic. That is both a consequence of their negligence and a punishment for it.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screensaver by Quote Fancy, which offers a variety of artistic layouts for this saying of G K Chesterton, which is fr.om his book, The Man who knew too much, published in 1935, p. 65.

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We need a Political Crusade against the Corona Madness

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is good to see that, in the last 2 weeks, more and more voices are speaking up against the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control.

Jim Hoft, writing for the GatewayPundit.com, lists the deaths and economic destruction resulting from these 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, and sums up the damage succinctly:

The China coronavirus is the worst April Fools joke ever – it is devastating and evil.

(For those unfamiliar, with USA culture: April Fools jokes are pranks or misleading statements given out in jest on the first day of April each year).

His essay is entitled, APRIL FOOLS: China Coronavirus Insanity by the Numbers – Data Makes No Sense as Entire Industries and Millions of Lives Are Destroyed.

He follows up his commentary, with a report, that estimates 831,000 suicides might result, in the U.S.A. alone, due to the economic destruction of shutting down the USA with Corona Control (stay at home measures).

John Hoft adds his voice to eminent doctors of medicine, such as: Dr. Shiva Ayyaduri, Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Claus Koehnlein, and Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis to statisticians like William M. Briggs,to philosophers such as Prof. Francesco Lamendola, commentators such as Aaron Ginn, and top world class researchers such as Kenji Mizumoto, Katsushi Kagaya, and Gerardo Chowell.

Numerous others, before and after March 15, when I did, have called out the lie that the Coronavirus will kill 3.4% of those infected.

Corona Stunt > Corona Hype > Corona Panic > Corona Control

For these reasons, there is more than sufficient evidence for sane persons to oppose the claim that Coronavirus is an existential threat to mankind. This false claim is the Corona Stunt.

And since that is a lie, there is no moral reason to pretend that Coronavirus is such and seek to constantly preach that lie. This pretense and concerted effort to lie, is the Corona Hype.

Thus, too, the fear and dread that has been instilled in the human race on account of the Corona Hype is completely without reason.  This fear and dread is the Corona Panic.

Finally, this panic is causing leaders in the Church and State to take actions which are depriving the masses of their natural and divine rights, and in many cases also their legal and constitutional rights. These measures to make us all stay at home or stop working is the Corona Control.

Humanity must counter with logic, facts and forcefulness

When men fall into a panic, they lose their reason and start harming themselves and others. We are currently in a diabolic world wide panic, and those of us who have kept our reason have to now take strong measures to call our leaders back to sanity.

This means, that we must call our Mayors, Governors, and political representatives in State, Provincial or National Assemblies to speak with them about what these voices of sanity, which I have cited above, and many others, are saying about the reality of what Coronavirus is NOT, how wrong it is for the Main Stream Media to be hyping it up, how evil it is to instill panic and how dangerous panic is to society and government. Finally, how the measures to control the population are the wrong response.

For only if we stop acting like sheep to be herded into a dark age of tyranny, will we be able to recover freedoms which we have just entirely lost, not to mention, prevent grave economic and demographic damage to the entire human race.

Now is the time for courageous action. We need to start a movement with the zeal of Pro-Lifers and the tenacity of the most zealous political organizations. And it must be directed against the the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control. It must target leaders with information, it must refute the lies, it must expose the perpetrators and it must insist against the control which is damaging all living, for the sake of hypothetical fraction of percentage of the whole.

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: COVID-19 responses are ignoring basic principles of infectology

Here FromRome.Info republishes in full the letter of Dr. Bhakdi to the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel on the Coronavirus crisis The Original is in German.
This English translation, slightly corrected by FromRome.Info, is that published by GlobalReserach.org

An Open Letter from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, to the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. Professor Bhakdi calls for an urgent reassessment of the response to Covid-19 and asks the Chancellor five crucial questions. The let­ter is dated March 26. This is an inofficial translation; see the original letter in German as a PDF.

Dear Chancellor,

As Emeritus of the Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz and longtime director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology, I feel obliged to critically question the far-reaching restrictions on public life that we are currently taking on ourselves in order to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

It is expressly not my intention to play down the dangers of the virus or to spread a political message. However, I feel it is my duty to make a scientific contribution to putting the current data and facts into perspective – and, in addition, to ask questions that are in danger of being lost in the heated debate.

The reason for my concern lies above all in the truly unforeseeable socio-economic consequences of the drastic containment measures which are currently being applied in large parts of Europe and which are also already being practiced on a large scale in Germany.

My wish is to discuss critically – and with the necessary foresight – the advantages and disadvantages of restricting public life and the resulting long-term effects.

To this end, I am confronted with five questions which have not been answered sufficiently so far, but which are indispensable for a balanced analysis.

I would like to ask you to comment quickly and, at the same time, appeal to the Federal Government to develop strategies that effectively protect risk groups without restricting public life across the board and sow the seeds for an even more intensive polarization of society than is already taking place.

With the utmost respect,

Prof. em. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi

– – –

1. Statistics

In infectology – founded by Robert Koch himself – a traditional distinction is made between infection and disease. An illness requires a clinical manifestation. [1] Therefore, only patients with symptoms such as fever or cough should be included in the statistics as new cases.

In other words, a new infection – as measured by the COVID-19 test – does not necessarily mean that we are dealing with a newly ill patient who needs a hospital bed. However, it is currently assumed that five percent of all infected people become seriously ill and require ventilation. Projections based on this estimate suggest that the healthcare system could be overburdened.

My question: Did the projections make a distinction between symptom-free infected people and actual, sick patients – i.e. people who develop symptoms?

2. Threat

A number of coronaviruses have been circulating for a long time – largely unnoticed by the media. [2] If it should turn out that the COVID-19 virus should not be ascribed a significantly higher risk potential than the already circulating corona viruses, all countermeasures would obviously become unnecessary.

The internationally recognized International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents will soon publish a paper that addresses exactly this question. Preliminary results of the study can already be seen today and lead to the conclusion that the new virus is NOT different from traditional corona viruses in terms of threats. The authors express this in the title of their paper “SARS-CoV-2: Fear versus Data“. [3]

My question: How does the current workload of intensive care units with patients with diagnosed COVID-19 compare to other coronavirus infections, and to what extent will this data be taken into account in further decision-making by the federal government? In addition: Has the above study been taken into account in the planning so far?  Here too, of course, “diagnosed“ means that the virus plays a decisive role in the patient’s state of illness, and not that previous illnesses play a greater role.

3. Dissemination

According to a report in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, not even the much-cited Robert Koch Institute knows exactly how much is tested for COVID-19. It is a fact, however, that a rapid increase in the number of cases has recently been observed in Germany as the volume of tests increases. [4]

It is therefore reasonable to suspect that the virus has already spread unnoticed in the healthy population. This would have two consequences: firstly, it would mean that the official death rate – on 26 March 2020, for example, there were 206 deaths from around 37,300 infections, or 0.55 percent [5] – is too high; and secondly, it would mean that it would hardly be possible to prevent the virus from spreading in the healthy population.

My question: Has there already been a random sample of the healthy general population to validate the real spread of the virus, or is this planned in the near future?

4. Mortality

The fear of a rise in the death rate in Germany (currently 0.55 percent) is currently the subject of particularly intense media attention. Many people are worried that it could shoot up like in Italy (10 percent) and Spain (7 percent) if action is not taken in time.

At the same time, the mistake is being made worldwide to report virus-related deaths as soon as it is established that the virus was present at the time of death – regardless of other factors. This violates axiomatic principles of  only when it is certain that an agent has played a significant role in the disease or death may a diagnosis be made. The Association of the Scientific Medical Societies of Germany expressly writes in its guidelines: “In addition to the cause of death, a causal chain must be stated, with the corresponding underlying disease in third place on the death certificate. Occasionally, four-linked causal chains must also be stated.“ [6]

At present there is no official information on whether, at least in retrospect, more critical analyses of medical records have been undertaken to determine how many deaths were actually caused by the virus.

My question: Has Germany simply followed this trend of a COVID-19 general suspicion? And: is it intended to continue this categorization uncritically as in other countries? How, then, is a distinction to be made between genuine corona-related deaths and accidental virus presence at the time of death?

5. Comparability

The appalling situation in Italy is repeatedly used as a reference scenario. However, the true role of the virus in that country is completely unclear for many reasons – not only because points 3 and 4 above also apply here, but also because exceptional external factors exist which make these regions particularly vulnerable.

One of these factors is the increased air pollution in the north of Italy. According to WHO estimates, this situation, even without the virus, led to over 8,000 additional deaths per year in 2006 in the 13 largest cities in Italy alone. [7] The situation has not changed significantly since then. [8] Finally, it has also been shown that air pollution greatly increases the risk of viral lung diseases in very young and elderly people. [9]

Moreover, 27.4 percent of the particularly vulnerable population in this country live with young people, and in Spain as many as 33.5 percent. In Germany, the figure is only seven percent [10]. In addition, according to Prof. Dr. Reinhard Busse, head of the Department of Management in Health Care at the TU Berlin, Germany is significantly better equipped than Italy in terms of intensive care units – by a factor of about 2.5 [11].

My question: What efforts are being made to make the population aware of these elementary differences and to make people understand that scenarios like those in Italy or Spain are not realistic here?

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[1] Fachwörterbuch Infektionsschutz und Infektionsepidemiologie. Fachwörter – Definitionen – Interpretationen. Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin 2015. (abgerufen am 26.3.2020)

[2] Killerby et al., Human Coronavirus Circulation in the United States 2014–2017. J Clin Virol. 2018, 101, 52-56

[3] Roussel et al. SARS-CoV-2: Fear Versus Data. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 2020, 105947

[4] Charisius, H. Covid-19: Wie gut testet Deutschland? Süddeutsche Zeitung. (abgerufen am 27.3.2020)

[5] Johns Hopkins University, Coronavirus Resource Center. 2020. (abgerufen am 26.3.2020)

[6] S1-Leitlinie 054-001, Regeln zur Durchführung der ärztlichen Leichenschau. AWMF Online (abgerufen am 26.3.2020)

[7] Martuzzi et al. Health Impact of PM10 and Ozone in 13 Italian Cities. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. WHOLIS number E88700 2006

[8] European Environment Agency, Air Pollution Country Fact Sheets 2019, (abgerufen am 26.3.2020)

[9] Croft et al. The Association between Respiratory Infection and Air Pollution in the Setting of Air Quality Policy and Economic Change. Ann. Am. Thorac. Soc. 2019, 16, 321–330.

[10] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Living Arrange ments of Older Persons: A Report on an Expanded International Dataset (ST/ESA/SER.A/407). 2017

[11] Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Überlastung deutscher Krankenhäuser durch COVID-19 laut Experten unwahrscheinlich, (abgerufen am 26.3.2020)

Coronavirus epidemic at the Vatican

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It was reported by Vatican news, on Saturday, that the Coronavirus epidemic has come to the Vatican. Swab tests have been given to 170 individuals, including Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

These massive tests followed the diagnosis that at least two individuals with Coronavirus infection visited the Vatican in recent weeks: a Monsignor from Bergamo, Italy, the epicenter for infection in the Italian Peninsula, and arguably in all of Europe, and a French Bishop, who shook Bergoglio’s hand on an official visit.

Needless to say, Bergoglio himself submitted himself to swab test on a second occasion this last week.

And, in fact, there are now at least 6 confirmed cases of Coronavirus at the Vatican. I say, at least, because, that is what is being admitted. But the infections might even be more prevalent, if one judges by the bizzare Facebook post on the official FB page of the Swiss Guard, which ended by asking Catholics, to avoid infection, not to go to church!

Screenshot_2020-03-30 guardia-svizzera-2 jpg (WEBP Image, 640 × 1136 pixels) - Scaled (60%)

Marco Tosatti, the renowed Vaticanista, discusses in Italian this bizarre post on his website, and provides Spanish and German translations. The final phrase of the post, in English, would be:  During this period do not go to church, but invite God into your homes! — The FB page of the Swiss guard was subsequently shut down by someone. Evidently the post caused an uproar in the Vatican. The language of the final exhortation is clearly echoing Bergoglio.

But more importantly, the recent bizarre ceremony at the Vatican on Friday, which was presided over by Bergoglio, all alone, in an entirely vacant Piazza S. Pietro, is a sign of how great a fear of coronavirus is reigning over the Vatican right now. See photo:


Ann Barnhardt wrote a very thought-provoking article about this on her blog (see here).

But more importantly, during the ceremony, Our Lady appeared in the clouds over Rome, in the only part of the sky where TV cameras were pointing that day, since journalists have entirely fled the public places as a result of the Health Decrees requiring everyone to work from home.

I had previously commented on how the Coronavirus might effect Vatican politics and the next conclave, in my editorial, entitled:  Trad inc. might soon wake up as Sedevacantists, which at the time I wrote it, was half-jest, but now might even seem prescient.

Oh, and by placing the miraculous Crucifix from the Church of San Marcellino in the rain, it was damaged and now needs restoration, according to Il Messagero, one of the leading daily newspapers of the Eternal City. So Bergoglio sealed his Friday evening ritual with profanation of one of the most sacred relics of Rome. Meanwhile, those burning pots with plants beneath each one, has Social Media abuzz as to the possible Pachamama significance of them.


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