Tag Archives: Corona Control

Attorney De Petro: The Government has no authority to require the Virus Mass

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As of May 18, 2020, the Catholic Church in Italy has been operating its churches under a Protocol of agreement with Giuseppe Conte, the Sanitary Dictator of Italy. The new protocol requires the Church in her own churches to alter the rubrics of the mass in a way which is fundamentally disruptive of worship and faith. She is required to adopt methods even more strict that those in businesses which serve the public. The entire presupposition of the Protocol is that the Catholic Religion is unsanitary and that the Catholic Faith is not essential to society. But even worse, the Italian Constitution forbids that any law be made which inflicts anything upon the Church. The motto of the Italian Republic is a “a free Church in a free state”: a principle which has been completely trashed by Giuseppe Conte.

In response not a few constitutional lawyers and clergy have spoke out. Most recently, this has been done by a zealous Catholic attorney of Palermo, Sicily, by the name of Roberto De Petro. Here is his letter to the Bergoglian ordinary of Palermo, first in Italian, then in English translation. FromRome.into is honored to have the personal permission of Attorney De Petro to republish it.

Attorney De Petro addresses his letter to Mons. Lorefice, who garnered fame a few years ago, by being the first Bishop in history to ride a bicycle inside a Cathedral (See Featured Image above, read the story here). Lorefice was a priest of the Diocese of Noto, where I was a hermit. I have personally met him, and seen a copy of his universally praised Doctoral Thesis: a piece of longwinded modernist blovation which is worthy only of lining a birdcage. So I do not expect that this excellent letter be even understood by the Bishop. Lorefice is also the man who attempted to excommunicate Don Alessandro Minutella for rightfully declaring Bergoglio a public heretic.

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Ecc.za Rev.ma Arcivescovo di Palermo
Mons. Corrado Lorefice
Via Matteo Bonello, 2
90134 Palermo PA

Ecc.za Rev.ma,

sono un avvocato del foro di Palermo, cattolico praticante, residente nella sua diocesi e frequentatore – insieme a molti altri fedeli – della S. Messa in rito antico (la più sicura in tempi di coronavirus, poichè celebrata coram Deo).

Mi rivolgo a lei, e per suo tramite a tutti i vescovi italiani, per denunciare la invalidità e la illogicità del “Protocollo circa la la ripresa delle celebrazioni con il popolo” del 7.5.2020, stipulato tra Governo e CEI, per i seguenti motivi:

1) Incostituzionalità del d.l. 33/2020 e quindi del protocollo Governo – CEI.

Visto l’attuale andamento del dichiarato allarme sanitario da covid 19 – con contagi e decessi prossimi allo zero in tutta Italia (dati del Ministero della Salute aggiornati al 16.5.2020, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-jswKGJU2hJIRWVVNbm-tqF9_XM4ylwW/view?usp=sharing) (https://lab.gedidigital.it/gedi-visual/2020/coronavirus-i-contagi-in-italia/?refresh_ce) – il decreto legge 33/2020 è incostituzionale perchè privo dei presupposti di “straordinaria necessità ed urgenza” richiesti dall’art. 77 Cost..

In particolare la Sicilia presenta il livello di rischio il più basso d’Italia (preambolo Ordinanza n. 21/2020 del Pres. Reg. Sicilia) ed in provincia di Palermo i decessi totali nel primo trimestre 2020 sono inferiori del 9,2% rispetto a quelli registrati nello stesso periodo del 2019.

Pertanto l’allarme sanitario – in particolare nella sua diocesi – è del tutto inesistente, stando ai dati ufficiali forniti da ISTAT e ISS.

L’illegittimità costituzionale del decreto legge de quo, quale atto presupposto, travolge – per l’effetto – anche i successivi decreti attuativi (dpcm 17.5.2020) nonchè il mentovato “protocollo”, il quale è nullo anche per i seguenti infrascritti motivi.

2) Nullità del “protocollo” per carenza di potere e perché sacrilego.

Le disposizioni governative sulla ripresa delle celebrazioni con il popolo sono assolutamente nulle poichè:

– le autorità civili non sono competenti in materia di culto religioso;

– i rappresentanti della conferenza episcopale non hanno giurisdizione né sui vescovi, né sui sacerdoti, né sui fedeli.

Ogni singolo vescovo è sovrano nella sua diocesi, ma non può modificare quanto stabilito dalle rubriche del Messale, che hanno forza di legge per tutta la Chiesa. Le rubriche del Messale non prevedono l’uso di guanti nella celebrazione della Messa.

Nel rito tradizionale il vescovo toglie le chiroteche prima di accedere all’altare per la parte sacrificale: si deduce che l’Ostia consacrata può essere toccata solo da mani nude, poichè i frammenti possono rimanere attaccati alle dita.

Infatti, dopo la consacrazione del Pane, il sacerdote tiene uniti i polpastrelli del pollice e dell’indice fino a quando, terminata la comunione, non li purifica nel calice.

L’uso di guanti di lattice, alla luce di quanto appena esposto, è aberrante: il Corpo sacramentale del Signore, essendo quanto di più prezioso la Chiesa possieda in assoluto, non può certo essere toccato da  materiale spregevole che sarà gettato nella spazzatura (guanti monouso), ma soltanto dalle mani consacrate del sacerdote, il quale, proprio per questo, se le lava immediatamente prima della Messa. Inoltre tutti i vasi sacri, per rispetto di ciò che devono contenere, devono essere obbligatoriamente dorati; anche da ciò si deduce che il mettere volontariamente le Sacre Specie a contatto con materiali vili è un attentato alla loro sacralità, cioè un atto sacrilego in senso lato.

3) Manifesta illogicità nella proibizione della Comunione in bocca.

Ammessa e non concessa la attuale sussistenza di un allarme sanitario nella diocesi di Palermo, è apodittico ed ascientifico affermare che la comunione in mano sia innocua, mentre quella in bocca esponga al contagio virale: è vero il contrario, poichè il palmo della mano ed i polpastrelli sono i principali vettori di sporcizia, virus e batteri; invece la saliva contiene il lisozima, avente proprietà “antibatteriche, antivirali, antiprotozoarie, immunomodulanti” (Prof. Di Bella http://www.metododibella.org/it/notizie/2020-03-12/La-straordinaria-efficacia-del-Lisozima-come-antivirale-Roma.it.html).

E’ di lapalissiana evidenza che molti agenti patogeni vengono trasmessi attraverso le mani, che toccano quelle di altre persone, le maniglie delle porte, i corrimano, i maniglioni nei trasporti pubblici, etc..

Le stesse mani e dita vanno poi a toccare il naso e la bocca (cfr. rivista “BMC Infectious Diseases”, studio del 2006 citato in https://www.corrispondenzaromana.it/notizie-dalla-rete/i-vescovi-non-possono-imporre-la-comunione-alla-mano-ne-proibire-la-comunione-alla-lingua/).

Anche i medici interpellati dalla diocesi di Portland hanno confermato che “le mani hanno una maggiore esposizione ai germi” (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/portland-archdiocese-coronavirus-or-no-communion-can-be-received-on-the-tongue-17282).

Si noti, infine, che mentre il macellaio può toccare la carne animale a mani nude, il sacerdote viene costretto a porgere il Corpo di Cristo con i guanti monouso!

Si ripetono così le assurdità della fase 1, in cui si poteva andare al supermarket, edicola e tabaccaio, ma non in parrocchia a pregare. Perseverare diabolicum.

4) Violazione dei paragrafi 14 e segg. e 90 e segg. della Redemptionis Sacramentum.

La competenza a regolamentare ed ordinare la Sacra Liturgia spetta alla Sede Apostolica, e non al vescovo, ai sensi dei paragrafi 14 e segg. della tuttora vigente “Redemptionis Sacramentum”, la quale attribuisce ai fedeli il diritto di fare la comunione in ginocchio (nn. 90 e 92) ed espressamente stabilisce che “i ministri sacri non possono negare i sacramenti a coloro che li chiedano opportunamente, siano disposti nel debito modo e non abbiano dal diritto la proibizione di riceverli”; pertanto “non è lecito, quindi, negare a un fedele la santa Comunione, per la semplice ragione, ad esempio, che egli vuole ricevere l’Eucaristia in ginocchio” (n.91, la cui violazione in molte parrocchie palermitane è stata più volte invano denunciata a vostra Ecc.za).

Infine, Ecc.za Rev.ma, rifletta sul fatto che l’irresponsabile ed arbitraria interdizione ai fedeli della S. Messa (stigmatizzata anche da Papa Francesco il 17.4.2020 http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Papa-Francesco-Cosi-non-e-Chiesa-celebrare-a-distanza-per-uscire-dal-tunnel-81fb2600-7e83-488a-8cb7-98ab5cd320f6.html), ha portato ad una disastrosa “virtualizzazione” dei Sacramenti, taluni aboliti de facto, altri sostituiti da “cerimonie in streaming”.

Ciò ha instillato l’erroneo convincimento che sia possibile soddisfare il proprio “sentimento religioso usufruendo delle numerose alternative offerte mediante gli strumenti informatici”, come ha testualmente statuito il Tar Lazio il 29.4.2020 (https://tinyurl.com/ycyzd2oq), il quale ha occupato il vuoto lasciato dagli ipocondriaci vescovi e presbiteri italiani, plaudenti alla “conversione” di Silvia “Aisha” Romano e barricati dentro le loro canoniche per un misero frammento di RNA, mentre i cattolici cinesi, africani e mediorientali rischiano ogni giorno di essere decapitati, torturati, bombardati e bruciati vivi mentre assistono alla S. Messa, preferendola alla loro stessa vita.

Auspico che vostra Ecc.za Rev.ma – avendo a cuore la salute dei fedeli tanto quanto il decoro della Liturgia – voglia disapplicare l’umiliante “protocollo” per tutti i motivi sopra esposti, nonché favorire la celebrazione del Vetus Ordo, che assicura maggiore distanza e minori contatti tra fedeli e presbiteri.

Con osservanza.

Palermo lì 20.5.2020

Avv. Roberto De Petro

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Ecc.za Rev.ma Archbishop of Palermo
Mons. Corrado Lorefice
Via Matteo Bonello, 2
90134 Palermo PA

Your Excellency,

I am a lawyer of the Bar of Palermo, a practising Catholic, resident in his diocese and frequenter – together with many other faithful – of the Holy Mass in ancient rite (the safest in times of coronavirus, since it is celebrated coram Deo).

I turn to you, and through you to all the Italian bishops, to denounce the invalidity and illogicality of the “Protocol on the resumption of celebrations with the people” of 7.5.2020, stipulated between the Government and CEI, for the following reasons:

1) Unconstitutionality of Legislative Decree 33/2020 and therefore of the Government – CEI protocol.

Given the current trend of the declared health alert by covid 19 – with contagions and deaths close to zero throughout Italy (data from the Ministry of Health updated to 16.5.2020, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-jswKGJU2hJIRWVVNbm-tqF9_XM4ylwW/view?usp=sharing) (https://lab.gedidigital.it/gedi-visual/2020/coronavirus-i-contagi-in-italia/?refresh_ce) – Decree Law 33/2020 is unconstitutional because it lacks the prerequisites of “extraordinary necessity and urgency” required by art. 77 of the Italian Constitution.

In particular, Sicily has the lowest level of risk in Italy (preamble of Ordinance no. 21/2020 of the Sicilian Reg. Reg.) and in the province of Palermo total deaths in the first quarter of 2020 are 9.2% lower than those recorded in the same period of 2019.

Therefore the health alert – particularly in his diocese – is completely non-existent, according to official data provided by ISTAT and ISS.

The constitutional illegitimacy of the above mentioned decree law, as a prerequisite act, overwhelms – for the effect – also the subsequent implementing decrees (dpcm 17.5.2020) as well as the mentioned “protocol”, which is null and void for the following reasons.

2) Nullity of the “protocol” for lack of power and because it is sacrilegious.

The government provisions on the resumption of celebrations with the people are absolutely null and void because:
– the civil authorities are not competent in matters of religious worship;
– the representatives of the Episcopal Conference have no jurisdiction over bishops, priests or the faithful.

Every single bishop is sovereign in his diocese, but he cannot change what is established by the headings of the Missal, which have the force of law for the whole Church. The rubrics of the Missal do not provide for the use of gloves in the celebration of Mass.

In the traditional rite, the bishop removes the chirotecs before entering the altar for the sacrificial part: it is deduced that the consecrated Host can only be touched by bare hands, since the fragments can remain attached to the fingers.

In fact, after the consecration of the Bread, the priest holds the fingertips of the thumb and index finger together until, after communion, he purifies them in the chalice.

The use of latex gloves, in the light of what has just been said, is aberrant: the sacramental Body of the Lord, being the most precious Thing the Church possesses, can certainly not be touched by despicable material that will be thrown in the trash (disposable gloves), but only by the consecrated hands of the priest, who, precisely for this reason, washes them immediately before Mass. Moreover, all sacred vessels, out of respect for what they must contain, must be compulsorily gilded; also from this it can be deduced that voluntarily putting the Sacred Species in contact with vile materials is an attack on their sacredness, that is, an act sacrilegious in the broadest sense.

3) It manifests illogicality in the prohibition of Communion in the mouth.

Admitted and not granted the current existence of a health alarm in the diocese of Palermo, it is apodictic and ascientific to say that the communion in the hand is harmless, while the communion in the mouth exposes to viral contagion: the opposite is true, because the palm of the hand and the fingertips are the main vectors of dirt, viruses and bacteria; instead the saliva contains lysozyme, having “antibacterial, antiviral, antiprotozoal, immunomodulating” properties (Prof. Di Bella http://www.metododibella.org/it/notizie/2020-03-12/La-straordinaria-efficacia-del-Lisozima-come-antivirale-Roma.it.html).

It is most evident that many pathogens are transmitted through the hands, which touch those of other people, door handles, handrails, handles in public transport, etc..

The same hands and fingers then touch the nose and mouth (see “BMC Infectious Diseases” magazine, 2006 study cited in https://www.corrispondenzaromana.it/notizie-dalla-rete/i-vescovi-non-possono-imporre-la-comunione-alla-mano-ne-proibire-la-comunione-alla-lingua/).

The doctors questioned by the Diocese of Portland also confirmed that “hands have a higher exposure to germs” (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/portland-archdiocese-coronavirus-or-no-communion-can-be-received-on-the-tongue-17282).

Note, finally, that while the butcher can touch animal flesh with his bare hands, the priest is forced to hand over the Body of Christ with disposable gloves!

Thus the absurdities of phase 1 are repeated, in which one could go to the supermarket, newsagent’s and tobacconist’s, but not to the parish to pray. Persevere diabolicum.

4) Violation of paragraphs 14 et seq. and 90 et seq. of Redemptionis Sacramentum.

The competence to regulate and ordain the Sacred Liturgy belongs to the Apostolic See, and not to the bishop, according to paragraphs 14 et seq. of the still in force “Redemptionis Sacramentum”, which attributes to the faithful the right to make communion on their knees (nn. 90 and 92) and expressly states that “sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who ask for them properly, are properly disposed and are not forbidden by law to receive them”; therefore “it is not lawful to deny a faithful person Holy Communion, for the simple reason, for example, that he wants to receive the Eucharist on his knees” (n. 91, whose violation in many parishes in Palermo has been repeatedly denounced in vain to your Etc.za).

Finally, Ecc.za Rev.ma, reflect on the fact that the irresponsible and arbitrary interdiction to the faithful of the Holy Mass (also stigmatized by Pope Francis on 17.4.2020 http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Papa-Francesco-Cosi-non-e-Chiesa-celebrare-a-distanza-per-uscire-dal-tunnel-81fb2600-7e83-488a-8cb7-98ab5cd320f6.html), has led to a disastrous “virtualization” of the Sacraments, some abolished de facto, others replaced by “streaming ceremonies”.

This has instilled the erroneous belief that it is possible to satisfy one’s own “religious sentiment by taking advantage of the numerous alternatives offered by means of computerized tools”, as the Lazio Regional Administrative Court ruled on 29.4.2020 (https://tinyurl. com/ycyzd2oq), which has occupied the void left by the hypochondriac Italian bishops and priests, applauding the “conversion” of Silvia “Aisha” Romano and barricaded inside their rectories for a miserable fragment of RNA, while Chinese, African and Middle Eastern Catholics risk being beheaded, tortured, bombed and burned alive every day while attending Mass, preferring it to their own life.

I hope that Your Excellency, having the health of the faithful at heart as much as the decorum of the Liturgy, will disapply the humiliating “protocol” for all the above reasons, as well as encourage the celebration of the Vetus Ordo, which ensures greater distance and less contact between the faithful and priests.

With due respect,

Palermo May 20, 2020

Attorney Roberto De Petro


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a screen shot of the ANSA report cited in the introduction to this report and is used here for editorial commentary, according to fair use standard.

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Catholic Priest denouces VIRUS Mass!


Proud to kick-back!

by Don Elia

Don Elia’s Blog

The Following is an English translation of the Italian Original.

Μὴ γίνεσθε ἑτεροζυγοῦντες ἀπίστοις

(Do not yoke yourself with unbelievers; 2 Cor 6:14).

The recent Memorandum of Understanding for the resumption of celebrations with the people, with its sacrilegious and unacceptable provisions, seems to have come out of the extravagant fantasy of a dystopian novelist. Even sticking to considerations of a purely legal nature, one immediately realizes its absolute invalidity, given that it was signed by subjects without any legitimacy: on the one hand the representatives of the Italian government, which has no competence in matters of religious worship; on the other the president of the Episcopal Conference, which has no jurisdiction over bishops. In addition to this it should be added that the executive, once again, omitted to consult Parliament; the ecclesiastical interlocutor, for his part, is not authorized to deal with the State. Even if, at the civil level, the procedure provided for by the Constitution had been respected (for example, with a decree-law ratified by the President of the Republic), the Concordat, which in all this paradoxical affair no one has ever mentioned, almost as if it no longer existed, would still have been violated. Such circumstances make the Protocol a completely illegal act, devoid of any legal value and any compelling force, which is why it must be unconditionally rejected.

Regrettably, the common impression is that a good slice of the clergy is ready to observe the rules that will start on 18 May. In these circumstances it becomes ever clearer why so many “vocations” with homophile tendencies have been promoted in recent decades, not only by inadvertence, but probably also by choice: an aberrant will, motivated either by complicity (a striking case, that of the United States) or by an erroneous conception of mercy, which makes it possible to convert into titles of merit the failings of clement and “understanding” bishops and formators. That is why young people who should never have been admitted to holy orders not only became priests, but also made brilliant careers. Since they are fragile, insecure, influential, ready for acquiescence, often blackmailable because of their scandalous conduct, they adapt easily to any request, thus being perfectly functional to the clerical-world system that uses them for its own perverse purposes with the cover of a substantial judicial immunity, at civil and ecclesiastical level.

If one is surprised by the inertia or ineptitude of many current bishops, one must bear in mind their basic formation, in many cases lacking. Their average age allows us to place them in the seventies and eighties of the last century, precisely when the academic level of theological studies plummeted to an all-time low and the approach to the faith became decidedly Protestant. These factors determined, in a substantial part of the clergy, a showy inability not only to think catholically, but also to reason correctly. This intellectual poverty and the consequent mental deformities, today, mean that the absurd situation in which we find ourselves appears completely legitimate to many and that even the mere hypothesis of passive resistance to the abuses perpetrated by the State takes on the appearance of an unthinkable monstrosity, as if it were the most serious sin of all, an unforgivable attack on the common good and public health. The supernatural level disappeared from the gaze, which flattened on earth; the theological faith died out, replaced by the surrogate of the new Masonic humanism.

The post-conciliar ideal of openness to the world has led the contemporary clergy to a complete assimilation to the world, as if the Church were nothing more than any form of social aggregation or a homogeneous welfare body to civil society and, consequently, submissive like all others to the State, considered supreme (and sole) instance of legislation, judgement and government. There are now all the typical elements of a State Church, led by hierarchs assimilated to civil servants and civil servants; the seeds sown sixty years ago have sprouted and produced their harmful fruits. In this context it was inevitable that total surrender to the dictates of political correctness and the transformation of ecclesiastical institutions into propaganda agencies of the regime would be achieved. This evolution involves a progressive cession of their own areas of autonomy in teaching, worship and jurisdiction, with the production of a body of constitutional priests and bishops, who comply with human provisions, rather than divine ones, because they are in fact maintained by the State: the 8 per Mille (0.8% voluntary income tax to benefit the Church) and the sustenance of the clergy thus proved to be a well-designed trap to obtain absolute subjection from unbelieving and secularized clerics.

The answer we must give is twofold. In general, the Italian Church must be deprived of all economic support until there is a jolt of reaction with which it rejects State interference and claims its independence. In order to fulfill the precept of providing support for the needs of the Church, one can directly help the faithful priests and deserving institutions, a more than legitimate and historically normal way. In particular, then, we are obliged to ignore government decrees and to receive (or give) the Eucharist only in the manner permitted by the sacred discipline established by Tradition, not in a sacrilegious manner. If the priest refuses it, protest energetically, because he is committing a serious abuse; if, however, he does not hear reasons, send a canonical complaint to Cardinal Sarah and, in the meantime, seek a trusted priest who will communicate to you outside of Mass. To give in to the abuse, at this moment, would be to let a gap open that could widen more and more. The situation is already all too compromised because of the C.E.I. officials conniving with the Freemasons; even in the French Revolution it was the clergy who cooperated with the Jacobin maneuvers aimed at annihilating the Church. These prelates either do not know history or want to repeat it; keep in mind, however, that with those of the martyrs, sooner or later, their heads will also fall: the revolution devours its children.

To consent to the illegitimate claims of the government would be like swearing on the Civil Constitution of the Clergy of 1790, which was condemned by Pope Pius VI, albeit late, and rejected by almost all the bishops and two thirds of French priests. Sure, thousands ended up in prison, on the scaffold or in old galleys sunk with cannon fire… but their souls went straight to Heaven, while the fate of the unrepentant collaborators is Hell. I don’t know about you, but I have no doubt about it. The time has come to take a public stand by showing ourselves to be disobedient in public, as did those who wanted to remain faithful to Christ and refused to submit to the yoke of the wicked, to which we are not allowed to submit. It is not a matter of disobeying, but of obeying God by rejecting the iniquitous and unlawful orders of men, which bind us in nothing. The Church, having survived all persecution, will also overcome it, even though the enemy has infiltrated it to place its pawns in its command posts. It is up to us to resist for as long as the Lord will, until He intervenes to punish the child-rapists and reward the believers.


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a Pexels.com stock photo and does not represent anyone associated with Don Elia.

Article 77 of the Italian Constitution is zapping Conte’s Dictatorship into oblivion

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In Italy, according to the Constitution, Article 87, the President of the Council of Ministers — who in other nations is called the Prime Minister — can emanate decrees with have force of law in times of urgency.  It is on this basis that Giuseppe Conte has responded to the co-called COVID-19 Pandemic.

But his efforts to establish a police state of a kind only George Orwell might have dreamed of is slowing being zapped into oblivion by the same Constitution he quotes to justify his tyrannical control of everything in Italy, from handshakes to visiting grandma, from which part of society is deemed essential and which part can be crushed out of existence: the Church and small businesses in the second category.

Article 77 reads in the original:

Il Governo non puo` , senza delegazione delle Camere [76], emanare decreti che abbiano valore di legge ordinaria.

Quando, in casi straordinari di necessita` e di urgenza, il Governo adotta, sotto la sua responsabilita` , provvedimenti provvisori con forza di legge, deve il giorno stesso presentarli per la conversione alle Camere che, anche se sciolte, sono appositamente convocate e si riuniscono entro cinque giorni [612, 622].

I decreti perdono efficacia sin dall’inizio, se non sono convertiti in legge entro sessanta giorni dalla loro pubblicazione. Le Camere possono tuttavia regolare con legge i rapporti giuridici sorti sulla base dei decreti non convertiti.

Which in English would be:

The Government cannot, without delegation of the House [Article 76], emanate decrees which have the force of ordinary law.

When, in extraordinary cases of necessity and urgency, the Government adopts, under its own responsibility, provisional provisions with the force of law, it must the same day present them for conversion into law to the Houses of Parliament which, even if they are in recess, are duly convoked and are summons within 5 days [Articles 612 & 622].

The decrees lose efficacy retroactively, if they have not been converted into law withing 60 days from their publication.  The Houses of Parliament can, however, regulate with laws the juridical relations which arises on the basis of decrees which are not so converted.

So far, the Italian Parliament has converted none of the decrees of Giuseppe Conte or of his government into law. This means that as 60 days pass for the publication of each of them, they not only lose all force of law, but they lose all legitimacy which they had from the day of their publication, and that ALL the actions which the police took to enforce them become illegal and crimes against the persons so fined or arrested or imprisoned.

To give himself a cover, Giuseppe Conte has been issuing new decrees each month, so as to maintain the claim to power. But each month the Parliament refuses to convert them into law, because if they did, it would be the end of their political careers, so odious these Corona decrees are with the people.

And indeed, if the Parliament has refused to convert the first of the decrees into law, it remains a political de facto state, that they will not convert the others. And thus the entire Corona Tyranny has become not only unconstitutional in what it attempts to force upon citizens, but illegal in its very form of execution.

I had a short conversation with a woman who is a member of the Italian State Police the other night. I mentioned Article 77 to her and though she claimed to be a lawyer, she refused it means what it says. She says I have to read it again and in the right way.

I, myself, think that there will come the day, and that day is fast approaching, when policewomen like her will wish they had listened to me, as they face 5 years in prison for the violation of the constitutional rights of each citizen they so violated. For each one. That means more than life in prison for most of the police of Italy right now.

The chief Corona Decree of March 8, 2020 expired last night. Last night, I did not see police stop anyone.

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Sgarbi: It is a crime against logic, reason, and rights to penalize 3 persons on the beach, but not at home

Here is a summary in English of Vittorio Sgarbi’s discourse:

  • What is being punished is disobbedience
  • Laws should be tailored to the places of infection, not everywhere.
  • It is contrary to logic to penalize 3 citizens for being on the beach, when the same three live at home together and are not penalized, for it cannot be denied that being on the beach is healthier than being locked up at home.
  • It is illogical to penalize someone biking from here to Milan. He is not going to get sick. He will not get sick.
  • These illogical controls simply show that the government of Conte wants to punish disobedience to itself, and not control any alleged infection.

Philip Lawler: Banned from the Sacraments

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In this video, you can hear the level of madness which is willingly embraced by those who reject Pope Benedict and accept the Virus. A world without truth, is a world without reason.

Let us pray they seek the truth and find it.

There are so many errors in this video, I need to respond to them.

  • It is asserted that going to mass is worshiping the Lord, but receiving Communion is something you do out of self interest! GOODNESS! Receiving the Sacrament of the Altar worthily is the highest form of divine worship any Catholic can do! To be offered Mass and denied communion is to be REFUSED the ability to worship Jesus Christ in the highest manner possible!
  • It is not creative to believe the lie about the Virus and alter the liturgy to accommodate the Divine Sacrifice to the will of godless politicians who are liars.
  • Saying that St. Charles Borromeo recognized the danger of the plague and is an example in this, is a blasphemous distortion of his example to support the false  narrative of the virus.

That’s Enough! — End the Shutdown Today, or else!

by Karl Denninger

Reprinted from Market-Ticker.org

It’s over folks.

With more than 19.4 million people residents, the preliminary results indicate that at least 2.7 million New Yorkers have been infected with Covid-19.

The official data is that 257,000, roughly, NY State residents have had it.  The real number is 10x higher or more.

This in turn means the fatality rate is 10x lower or more.

And that, in turn, means that:

  • The risk of death is no greater than that of a bad seasonal flu.  This makes all of the lockdown and other suspension/mitigation measures worthless, as they were unjustified in fact and in law.  There is no basis for continuing any of them for even one more day.  That includes masks, “social distancing” restrictions or anything else.
  • The capability to “track and trace” is a literal zero since 90% or more of the cases will never be recorded by anyone.  Therefore all claims of “track and trace” or anything related to it are not only unjustified they’re criminally insane or intended for other purposes.

Folks, the game’s over.  This is not the first such study but it’s the largest and in one of the “hot spots” — in fact, the hot spot.

The scientific facts are now in.  There is no scientific reason for any governor to support or allow any lockdown or suspension of any sort to continue for even one more day.  There is no reason predicated on science for any citizen to follow any such direction for even one more day.

IF the governors do not immediately lift, and our President does not immediately demand the lifting of all such orders right here, right now, within the next hour then the government at both State and Federal levels is entirely illegitimate, it is now committing felony kidnapping and there is just cause for it to be removed and replaced by any means necessary.

The debate, on the science, is over.

It’s a trick to say you have to wait for Corona Control to be declared over

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Alas, a lot of public figures and talking heads do not know anything about psyops or narrative control.

I say this, because they are asking, demanding and petitioning for their governments to end the regulations which have shut down their nations, churches, work places, etc., and which require them to practice social distancing or stay at home.

As I explained in my recent video (see below), that is simply NOT true.

An unjust, unfounded decree from any government to shut down a nation or to lock up everyone in their homes is illegitimate in itself. That means it does not exist in law or right. And that means you do not have to beg for it to be removed!  Begging implies that you accept that it is just.

Those who are encouraging you to do this, are still under the pysop. Those who are doing this, have not thought through what they are doing. Your slave masters are laughing at you from their offices! Your protests declare that you accept the legitimacy of their tyranny!



I am not a positivist, who thinks the only laws which exist are those which men have made. But your leaders are. And so, why not ask them in what law were they given the authority to IMPRISON THE ENTIRE NATION and treat everyone like a criminal?

If there is no law, that means they have neither the authority nor the right to do what they are doing, lawfully. As the noted lawyer, Tom Fitton explained, indiscriminate use of police power is always illegitimate and is unlawful in any free society.

Their claim to have this authority, however, also means THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, and that THEY ALONE NEED TO BE LOCKED UP.

It also means they have lost their offices by treachery to the nation.

So do not wait for them to declare you are free. Before the law all are presumed free.

It is rather you who have the right to put them in jail as criminally insane psychotic psychopaths. And the longer you tolerate it, the longer resistance to them will be seen as unjust.

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Anthony Fauci admits he convinced Trump to shut down USA

Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The analysis presented here at FromRome.Info, that Bill Gates is the one behind the Corona Panic was confirmed on Monday, when Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Brix admitted during the White House Press Conference, that day, that it was they who convinced the U.S. President, Donald Trump, to shut down America.

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BREAKING: New pandemic outbreak of Corona Insanity

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Vatican News reported yesterday that the EU President, Ursula von der Leyen, has contracted Corona Insanity.  Corona Insanity is a highly infectious, rapidly spreading political disease which causes near or total insanity in those with pre-existing co-morbilities such as socialism, marxism, modernism, globalism. It is known that politicians and churchmen have a 800% higher chance of contracting this disease if they have violated any rules on financial distancing from Bill Gates, patient 0, or any organizations contaminated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Von der Leyen, in particular, wants to keep all elderly in the European Union confined until 2021 because of the Corona pandemic.

The chief symptoms of this new pandemic — which is labeled cOins<20, because it is postulated to have first existed before 2020 and is spread by financial transfers — are megalomania, psychopathy, sustained fits of psychotic delusion which cause the patient to view other human beings as cattle; neurotic dreams of world domination based on total tyrannical control of everyone else in the most mundane activities of daily life (Corona Control); extreme homicidal tendencies toward the sick and dying, the elderly, the unborn and anyone deemed suitable for vaccine testing; nearly continual outbursts of exaggeration (Corona Hype) to promote unfounded fear in others (Corona Panic) so that they accept being controlled by those who are infected with cOins<20.

Several institutions have become hotbeds for this infectious outbreak, such as the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and most manufacturers of vaccines  and microstates which have received highly infected transfers of money and services from the Gates Foundation, such as Sanfi Pasteur and the Vatican.

The professions of journalism and politiking have been identified as the groups highly at risk for infection and the public is warned to maintain high levels of social and intellectual distancing from anyone in these professions with the co-morbities listed above.

Besides the EU President, known world leaders who have tested positive, but who are refusing treatment and violating the stay at home rules, are Jorge Mario Bergoglio, known to many as Pope Francis, Giuseppe Conte, the prime minister of Italy, and nearly all the leaders of western nations.

While it was thought that Donald Trump was naturally immune, it seems he has caught this infection from Dr. Anthony Fauci in mid March, but many experts are hoping for a swift recovery.

This new pandemic has led to much speculation on the web that it is a sign of the end times, because the medical code for the disease, cOins<20, has the decimal value in Ascii of 666, which is the biblical sign of the Antichrist, in Saint John’s Book of Revelations.

This opinion is being promoted by certain groups of Catholics, in particular, who believe cOins<20 is the biblical mark of the beast. And this is one case, where I would have to agree with the popular sentiment, as crazy as it sounds.

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The Good News is that you probably already were infected by COVID-19

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The title of this article might seem a bizarre joke, but it is not. The truth is that COVID-19, if it is anything at all, is not a deadly plague, it is just another winter flu, which is only risky for persons who are already in very bad states of health. And because of this, many catch it but show no symptoms, because their natural immune system zaps it on contact or after a few days of slight symptoms.

Statisticians on the basis of the high rate of infectibility by the Wuhan Virus have already speculated that the number of those infected is astronomically already high.

On March 26, 2020, for example, the Guardian was reporting that a study out of Oxford was estimating that 50% of everyone in the United Kingdom had already been infected and has the antibodies.  This natural process of acquiring immunity for the majority of the population is called herd immunity — rather vulgarly — from the analogy to how herds of livestock acquire immunity against disease, namely, by rapidly infecting every other member of herd.

While the report by the Guardian tried to discount such a study, they admitted that levels of immunity in the U.K. population might presently be (on March. 26) 20 times higher than the number of cases reported, simply because for every one person who is sick enough to get tested, there are 20 who never get so sick and thus never get tested.

Herd immunity though, is a fast changing reality. Once 10% of the population acquires an infection, the rest of the heard is soon infected in a matter of days or weeks.

Another study, this time out of Chicago, USA, show that this process is developing rapidly round the world. Chicago is considered a hotspot for infection in the U.S.A. But there at the Roseland Hospital, they are finding that 30% to 50% of all those tested already have the antibodies against COVID-19 and therefore have naturally acquired immunity. That means, perhaps, that nearly everyone in Chicago will be immune from COVID-19 this week.

Let me demonstrate how this can be:

The first case of COVID-19 in the state of Illinois (of which Chicago is the principal city) was on January 24: a person returned from China. By January 30, there was the first evidence of human to human transmission. The first proven death at Chicago by COVID-19 was on March 17.

The infection which began with 1 person on Jan. 24, had reached 1534 by March 24. These are known cases. Multiply by 20, as we see from the U.K. data and you have probably more like 30,000 in two months or a growth rate of infections which is a daily growth rate of 18.7%.

So if we assume that growth rate is the same in all places, then we can expect 332% more cases each week. So as soon as the known herd immunity is 10%, within a week it will be 33.2% and in the second week 100%.

Applying the same rates to the United Kingdom, but assuming that on March 26, 2020, the immunity was only 5%, then by today, the immunity will be more like 55%. And within 5 days, the entire U.K. will be infected and or immune.

At Heinsberg, Germany, on the border with the Netherlands, was reported on April 9, 2020, that 15% of the population already had antibodies. Therefore, in about 12 days the entire population should acquire immunity.

But as you can see the death numbers are not rising as quickly. And this is because, as I said above, COVID-19 is not a plague, it is just another winter flu.

So the good news for those in countries which are already infected, is that you are now or shortly will be immune to COVID-19.

No need for vaccines. No need for Bill Gates’s Vaccination Program for the world. No need for Rockefeller’s New World Order. No need for everyone to have a vaccine id’s, etc..

And certainly no need for a Corona Control requiring you to stay at home until May. As you will probably be immune within the next 2 weeks, without so much as a sniffle.

POSTSCRIPT: On April 15, 2020, two days after the above was reported by FromRome.Info, La Repubblica, the leading daily Marxist newspaper in Italy, reported that seriological tests in Lombardia and Liguria, here in Italy, showed a 15% herd immunity, which means all in the infected zones of Italy will be immune by the end of the month.

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Corona Hype goes full throttle as actual deaths disappear

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

By now, if you had any lingering doubt that COVID-19 might actually be a pandemic which is serious to some degree, you have all evidence to see that it not only never was, but that it was entirely hype from the beginning, to serve the interests of those who want Corona Control and mandatory vaccinations.

This can be seen from the uniformly consistent behavior of governmental authorities in establishing procedures to unscientifically and contrary to all medical practice inflate the death numbers attributed to Coronavirus by claiming all who died with the Wuhan virus to be listed as having died from it, even if the deaths were unrelated.

This has been widely reported in Italy, but now numerous reports from the U.S.A. confirm that the CDC, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S.A. Governmental agency charged with responding to infectious diseases, is ordering medical professionals to put speculation on the certificate of death, and to specifically speculate that deaths were caused by COVID-19 contrary to all medical ethics.

Consequently, even State Boards of Health, in the USA, are promoting the devious practice, as is evidenced in this TV news report from Minnesota.

Ann Barnhardt exposes the CDC’s conspiracy to inflate numbers in a recent post at her blog.

The intention to inflate death numbers has only one purpose: to maintain the panic and to justify the lock down continuing. Too many socialists and globalists and satanists want it to continue. Too many are reeling for joy that we have all been locked up like livestock. They are just licking their chops at the thought that they can with legal impunity start pumping vaccines into us to do to our bodies what Bill Gates did to computers with MS software. It’s totally pathological.

YouTube.com is on board with the program too. Just got to their platform and do a search for “Coronavirus death statistics faked”, and see what videos turn up. That’s right! Only videos which TELL you that deaths are a lot higher than being reported and that anyone who doubts this is fake persona and spreading disinformation!

Screenshot_2020-04-09 (1) Coronavirus death statistics faked - YouTube

In addition, other actors are entering the fray to continue the Hype.  In the U.S.A., the Department of Homeland Security is attempting to psyop Christians from returning ever to Church, by claiming in a recent bulletin, that terrorists are more likely to target Christian Churches after Coronavirus because they will blame Christians for spreading the disease. Talk about trying to incite the outcome! Oh, and it is not surprising that LifeSite News, ever in the tank for Bergoglio as the Pope, is pushing the provocative report.

In Italy, as death numbers clearly fall — evidently they cannot euthanize enough elderly to make them rise any more — because the winter flu season is ending with the onset of many a bright an warm day, as we have enjoyed here at Rome this week — the governors of regions are attempting to increase the panic by demanding that everyone go around with a face mask at all hours. They want to make it a political sign that you accept the Hype and are not — Heaven forbid! — A Corona DENIER!


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is today’s graph, by Wordometers of the daily deaths being claimed by the Italian government for COVID-19, even though they admitted only 12% actually have such death certificates claiming such. Divide every tally by 8 to get perhaps the real numbers, though in Italy, a death certificate saying you died from Coronavirus only means that a test, which gives 50% false positive results, claims you had Corona when you died, not that you died from it. So you can probably divided by another 2, at least.

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Bill Gates: We won’t return to normal until “broad vaccination has taken place”

And of course, he means, with his vaccines!

In this video, with PBS News Hour, April 8, 2020, Bill Gates doubles down on his recent statements and expands the ban: now it is not just mass gatherings which should be banned, it is all “large public gatherings”.

He affirms that for 6 months to a year from now, the Corona Control will be in place.

Italian Deputy Minister of Health: Normality will return only when THE Vaccine becomes available!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The script has already been written, the actors are already on the stages. Its the same script for 1000 stages, all scattered around the world.

Except it is not a theatrical company or a play or musical, it is the most insanely evil conspiracy against mankind, executed by political and ecclesiastical leaders who are as evil as stupid.

This became evident in Italy, when the Deputy Ministery of Health, Dr. Pierpaolo Sileri opened his mouth:

When we return to normality, living together with the virus, the use of masks will be fundamental, above all when maintaining the distance for safety will not be possible. The true normality will arrive with the vaccine.

With the vaccine? In Italian he said, “con il vaccino”. He could have said, “with a vaccine”, or “with vaccines”, but he did not.

Are you getting the message?

If not read this explanation.

Dr. Pierpaolo Sileri is a surgeon by training. Perhaps that explains why he does not know what he is talking about. But his Ph.D. is in robotics and computers in their application in surgery. He tested positive for Coronavirus on March 14, 2020. He won his seat in parliament by 0.19% of the vote, here at Rome. That is 646 votes. He is a member of the ruling party, the 5 Star Movement.

Radiouese.com quotes Sileri at length, so we can understand what he is saying better:

If the virus is not circulating, the mask is not useful. Where these measures of security cannot be guaranteed, the mask should be used, for example at the supermarket it offers an optimum level of protection. All this will have to be enforced in the upcoming weeks with preventative medicine throughout the territory, provided in the next few years. A competent doctor will be necessary who is capable to intelligently identify persons with minor symptoms and to control eventual outbreaks, even by a wide use of swab-tests to individuate positive cases. The risk will never be zero, but to bring us as close to zero, it will be fundamental that the vaccine arrives.

Once again, he said, “the vaccine”.


CREDITS:  All the English translations in this article of Sileri’s statements are by FromRome.Info. The Featured Image is a montage of his official photograph at the Italian Senate, which is in the public domain.

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10,000,000 jobs lost in the last 2 weeks, but Dr. Fauci explains we’re just getting warmed up!

Screenshot_2020-04-03 lateran-baptistery jpg (WEBP Image, 300 × 225 pixels)


by Mark Docherty

Reblogged with permission of the author, who writes from the U.S.A.

They are going to burn it all right to the ground. It’s a feature, not a bug.

People keep comparing this to 9/11. Folks, this is many orders of magnitude worse. Not even close. It is completely unprecedented in all of human history. Economic terrorism and nation annihilation via propagandized suicide.

I say again, unless there is a HUGE lethality factor that has been kept secret, sum ting wong. All the statistics show 97.5% of cases are mild – no hospitalization. Almost all deaths are people with pre-existing illnesses or among vulnerable groups (i.e. elderly, immune-compromised).

The country is over. It’s not like flipping a light switch. We’re closed.

The torrent of Americans filing for unemployment insurance skyrocketed last week as more than 6.6 million new claims were filed, the Labor Department reported Thursday. That brings to 10 million the total Americans who filed over the past two weeks. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had expected 3.1 million for last week, one week after 3.3 million filings in the first wave of what has been a record-shattering swelling of the jobless ranks.

(Source: CNBC)

Dr. Fauci is terribly sorry if anyone has been “inconvenienced” by all this.

[Editor’s Note: The transcript citation below this refer to the transcript linked under the time stamps. The transcript is taken from the above video beginning at 26:33, such that 26:37 in the transcript = 26:33+26:37. — This Video is the April 1, 2020 Live broadcast of the White House Press Conference on the new Coronavirus guidelines]

Dr. Fauci: (26:37)

“…The reason why we feel so strongly about the necessity of the additional 30 days is that now is the time whenever you’re having an effect, not to take your foot off the accelerator and on the brake, but to just press it down on the accelerator. And that’s what I hope and I know that we can do over the next 30 days. And as I said the other day on one of the interviews, we are a very strong and resilient nation. If you look at our history, we’ve been through some terrible ordeals. This is tough. People are suffering, people are dying. It’s inconvenient from a societal standpoint, from an economic standpoint to go through this. But this is going to be the answer to our problems. So let’s all pull together and make sure as we look forward to the next 30 days, we do it with all the intensity and force that we can.“

Think this ends April 30th? The comments above were made on Tuesday. Yesterday, Dr. Fauci provided an update on when he’s going to let you back on your lawn:

Reporter 5: (01:03:16)

“Question for Dr. Fauci. Looking beyond when we’re on the other side of this curve, are we looking at living with some sort of social distancing guidelines essentially until there’s treatment or a vaccine. For example, people looking forward to the summer talk about going to baseball games, going to concerts. We have political conventions over the summer. Are things like that possible or safe without a vaccine or a treatment in place?“

Dr. Fauci: (01:03:44)

“Yeah, I think if we get to the part of the curve that Dr. Birx showed yesterday, when it goes down to essentially no new cases, no deaths at a period of time, I think it makes sense that you’re going to have to relax social distancing.”

You will be allowed to resume your shattered life when there are zero new cases and zero deaths. Except, that will be NEVER, because mutations mean that this thing never goes away. There will always be some new strain coming around… just like the common cold.

Dr. Fauci: (01:03:44)

“The one thing we hopefully would have in place, and I believe we will have in place, is a much more robust system to be able to identify someone who’s infected, isolate them, and then do contact tracing.”

I mean, there is no way that kind of power could be abused, right? A robust system to identify and isolate? But wait, there’s more.

Dr. Fauci: (01:04:14)

“Because if you have a really good program of containment that prevents you from ever having to get into mitigation… We’re in mitigation right now. That’s what the social and physical distancing is. The ultimate solution to a virus that might keep coming back would be a vaccine. In fact, I was on the weekly conference call with the WHO sponsored group of all the health leaders in the world who are dealing with this, and we all came to the agreement that we may have cycling with another season. We’ll be much better prepared. We likely will have interventions, but the ultimate game changer in this will be a vaccine, the same way a vaccine for other diseases, that were scourges in the past, that now we don’t even worry about.“

The WHO sponsored group of all the health leaders in the world, you say? You mean the abortionist murdering sterilizing euthanizers? Was Bill Gates on the call? What is it about this virus that has you comparing it to “Scourges in the past” for which a vaccine is the only answer?”

You do realize that you will not be permitted to re-engage in society without receiving this vaccine, right?

Dr. Fauci: (01:05:07)

“The vaccine is, as I said, it’s on target. We’re still in Phase 1. There were three doses that we had to test. We’d been through the first two doses. We’re on the highest dose now. When we get that data, it’ll take a few months to get the data to feel confident to go to the Phase 2, and then a few months from now we’ll be in Phase 2. And I think we’re right on target for the year to a year and a half…”

A year to a year and a half. That is how long a vaccine takes. I’m sure your job will be waiting for you.

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There is no moral obligation to observe Corona Control per se

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Saint Alphonsus dei Liguori is one of the Doctors of the Church. He was named such by Pope Pius IX on account of the excellence of his teaching on morality. In his writings nearly every possible situation in which one has to make a moral judgement is explained by the principles he so clearly taught from Scripture, Tradition, the teaching of the Saints and great theologians.

One question he dealt with is the case of whether one is obliged to observe a merely positive law.  A law is a norm which regulates behavior and which is promulgated by a legitimate authority. A positive law, is a law which emanates from a human authority and is in written form. A merely positive law is a positive law which has no fundament or basis in the Divine, moral, natural or evangelical law. Having no basis, here, means that it is not based on, nor incorporates, nor is derived from, nor applies any pre-existing law from God, from the Gospels, from the laws of nature or from the laws of morality, understood in the Catholic sense of the term, “morality”.

Take for example, the laws which regard the speed at which you can travel on the road with your automobile. These are merely positive laws. Likewise, consider the rule in a Public Library about returning a book within so many days. These are merely positivie laws.

Saint Alphonsus says that the observance of a merely positive law is based on our moral obligations to God and to our superiors and to others with whom we have bonds of fidelity or justice.

For example, in borrowing a book from a Library, while it is not a sin to keep it longer than the time permitted, it does breach fidelity with the authorities of the library, to whom we pledged to return the book. Likewise, the book is the property of the Library, and so we have a moral obligation to return it, not to keep it, because that would be theft, which is contrary to the Divine, moral, natural and evangelical law. So to neglect to return in on time is not a mortal sin, per se. But to neglect to return it for several years and then return it, would be a mortal sin against fidelity. It might also be a mortal sin of scandal, if one were a father of a family and by such gave  bad example to one’s children. But to return it late by a day may be no sin at all, if we simply forgot and were not otherwise negligent. And so, since the rules about returning books are merely positive law, whether it be sinful or not to return a book late is determined not by the rules themselves but by reference to these higher laws of God, the Gospels, morals and nature. — In this case, I assume you have not signed a contract with the library to observe its rules, because if you have, then it might be a mortal sin of injustice by breach of faith, to not observe them. It depends on the terms of the contract.

The laws regarding the speed at which it is permissible to travel on a highway are similar. It is not a sin per se to go 1, 5, 10, or even 100 miles per hour faster than the the speed limit, however, you have to understand what “per se” means, to understand rightly this principle.  “Per se” means considered by itself or through itself. In the present context, since the speed at which your automobile moves is not a moral act, whether it moves at 1 mph or 10,000 mph has nothing to do with sin, when we consider the velocity by itself or according to itself.

However, if we consider the speed of an automobile in respect of its physical proximity to other things, and the capacity of a driver to control the automobile at the given speed at which it is traveling, then we consider the speed no longer per se but inasmuch as it is the occasion or circumstance of a moral decision, which must always take into account the Divine, Evagelical, moral and natural laws.

In fact, laws about speeding are imposed for public safety, because when everyone knows what to expect from everyone else, then all can travel on the road in safe expectation of how the other automobiles will move on that road. This is a artificial harmony by consensus of free agents, where the legitimate authority establishes a velocity as a maximum or minimum for the utility and safety of all. And since automobile accidents can be and are frequently dangerous at high speeds, it is very reasonable and a proper exercise of jurisdiction that a legitimate authority exercise foresight and establish such rules.

So if the highway is deserted with no other cars at all on it, it is not a mortal sin to drive too slow or too fast, unless your ability to control your vehicle at that velocity on that road, in those weather conditions is impaired. And if it is impaired you should adjust your speed to reach a velocity where you can control your vehicle. Otherwise you are putting yourself, and any passengers, in mortal danger, and that is a mortal sin of imprudence and as regards passengers, of breach of faith.

But in the case of the Corona Control decrees in many nations, there are many difficulties. In many nations, these decrees are unlawful, since they are emanating from legitimate authorities which do not have constitutional or legal authority to issue such decrees or to issue such decrees which so contravene the natural rights of citizens to free movement and action and work.

If the decree is unlawful, there is no question of obligation in observing it. It must be considered by all, citizen and policeman, simply not to exist.

However, if the decree in some things is lawful and in other things is not lawful, then a citizen must consider whether it be based on truth. Because even a legitimate authority, which has the legal right to issue a decree, cannot morally obliged the citizen to its observance in those things which are not lawful.

Moreover, if the decree is not founded on truth, then it is not obliging in anything even if it is otherwise lawful.

And this appears to be the case with the Corona Control. Because, though many are SAID to be dying with Coronavirus, how many are actually dying FROM COVID-19 is not being accurately reported. And the authorities issuing unprecedented decrees to control the lives of citizens are showing NO concern that the numbers of those who die FROM Coronavirus be accurately reported. And that is sufficient grounds for the citizen to doubt the legitimacy of even lawful orders.

Furthermore, the statistics which have been published both in China and in Italy and all over the world, are in agreement, that COVID-19 is not as lethal as the winter flu is for the general population, even if it is more lethal than the winder flu for a very small segment of the population (compromised immune systems with existing pathologies).

The arguments that the CORONA CONTROL decrees must be or should be observed because a very small fraction of the whole population is put at risk by being infected by the whole population is simply irrational and cannot be sustained by any notion of justice. Because the risk to a very small part of the population cannot outweigh all the rights of the rest of the population to live. It is the question of the lives of a very few compared to the lives of everyone else, their livelihood, work, education, etc..

For this reason, since the CORONA CONTROL decrees are merely positive laws and lack a foundation in truth, justice, and common sense, there is no moral obligation whatsoever, from Christians or non-Christians that they be observed.

However, Saint Alphonsus does say, that inasmuch as merely positive laws may be enforced with heavy fines or severe penalties, then inasmuch as the person who is contemplating not observing them has some duty to care for others, he should restrain himself for their sake so that he can continue to care for them. This applies to parents and those who care for the sick, aged, infirm or needy. And this is why many priests are not risking their violation, because they want to provide the Sacraments after the Corona Control ends. — If it ever does.

This does not mean, however, that anyone should be careless about hygiene, especially in the presence of anyone who is at high risk from this infection. That is why, I say, there is no moral obligation to observe these CORONA CONTROL decrees per se, but there in specific cases may be an obligation to observe some aspects of them.

And this is why good mothers teach their children to blow their nose in a handkerchief or with a facial tissue, to wash their hands frequently, and to use bathrooms in a sanitary way, as well as, to stay home when sick. These instructions of our mothers or fathers, are sane rational practices to observe our duties of fidelity and charity to all around us.

Above, I have expounded the Catholic position. Compare it with the New World Order position, expounded here, without reference to God.

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We need a Political Crusade against the Corona Madness

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is good to see that, in the last 2 weeks, more and more voices are speaking up against the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control.

Jim Hoft, writing for the GatewayPundit.com, lists the deaths and economic destruction resulting from these 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, and sums up the damage succinctly:

The China coronavirus is the worst April Fools joke ever – it is devastating and evil.

(For those unfamiliar, with USA culture: April Fools jokes are pranks or misleading statements given out in jest on the first day of April each year).

His essay is entitled, APRIL FOOLS: China Coronavirus Insanity by the Numbers – Data Makes No Sense as Entire Industries and Millions of Lives Are Destroyed.

He follows up his commentary, with a report, that estimates 831,000 suicides might result, in the U.S.A. alone, due to the economic destruction of shutting down the USA with Corona Control (stay at home measures).

John Hoft adds his voice to eminent doctors of medicine, such as: Dr. Shiva Ayyaduri, Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Claus Koehnlein, and Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis to statisticians like William M. Briggs,to philosophers such as Prof. Francesco Lamendola, commentators such as Aaron Ginn, and top world class researchers such as Kenji Mizumoto, Katsushi Kagaya, and Gerardo Chowell.

Numerous others, before and after March 15, when I did, have called out the lie that the Coronavirus will kill 3.4% of those infected.

Corona Stunt > Corona Hype > Corona Panic > Corona Control

For these reasons, there is more than sufficient evidence for sane persons to oppose the claim that Coronavirus is an existential threat to mankind. This false claim is the Corona Stunt.

And since that is a lie, there is no moral reason to pretend that Coronavirus is such and seek to constantly preach that lie. This pretense and concerted effort to lie, is the Corona Hype.

Thus, too, the fear and dread that has been instilled in the human race on account of the Corona Hype is completely without reason.  This fear and dread is the Corona Panic.

Finally, this panic is causing leaders in the Church and State to take actions which are depriving the masses of their natural and divine rights, and in many cases also their legal and constitutional rights. These measures to make us all stay at home or stop working is the Corona Control.

Humanity must counter with logic, facts and forcefulness

When men fall into a panic, they lose their reason and start harming themselves and others. We are currently in a diabolic world wide panic, and those of us who have kept our reason have to now take strong measures to call our leaders back to sanity.

This means, that we must call our Mayors, Governors, and political representatives in State, Provincial or National Assemblies to speak with them about what these voices of sanity, which I have cited above, and many others, are saying about the reality of what Coronavirus is NOT, how wrong it is for the Main Stream Media to be hyping it up, how evil it is to instill panic and how dangerous panic is to society and government. Finally, how the measures to control the population are the wrong response.

For only if we stop acting like sheep to be herded into a dark age of tyranny, will we be able to recover freedoms which we have just entirely lost, not to mention, prevent grave economic and demographic damage to the entire human race.

Now is the time for courageous action. We need to start a movement with the zeal of Pro-Lifers and the tenacity of the most zealous political organizations. And it must be directed against the the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control. It must target leaders with information, it must refute the lies, it must expose the perpetrators and it must insist against the control which is damaging all living, for the sake of hypothetical fraction of percentage of the whole.

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