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EMMO News: interviews Br. Bugnolo on Cionci’s New Theory vs. the Great Catholic Reset


* Correction: The introduction says Br. Bugnolo has been living private vows since 1991. In truth he lived public vows from 1993-6, and from 1996-present private vows.


(Over at Emmo News, a flood of trolls is trashing Br. Bugnolo and his comments, so if you don’t agree with that, stop over at the actual Italian video and leave a commet.)


EMMO Q.1,) Recently, Prof. Corrias translated the commissum pronounced by Benedict XVI with the word “misfatto”. — [This is Corrias’ translation: “I declare in full freedom that I renounce to my own detriment (mihi) the ministry of Bishop of Rome, successor of Saint Peter, because of the misdeed (per…commissum) of a handful (manus) of Cardinals]. — Prof. Corrias maintains that this is the only possible translation from Latin if the commissum is kept in the text. Is it really the only possible version? If so, how come you never noticed? What do you think of this translation?

Br. Bugnolo: Let met thank you for the opportunity you have given me to solicit my views about the matters regarding the Declaratio of Pope Benedict XVI, a matter which I have been studying since 2018. First, let me say that my approach to this topic is conditioned by my training in cultural anthropology, which is a science based on the observation of the material realities of human culture and which because of its close association with archaeology, has learned in the past century that when one does not have direct and immediate recourse to the creator of an artifact, or the author of a text, all possible interpretations must be considered hypothetical and not factual, since the only true interpretation in the strict sense is that given by the author or maker of the artifact. Thus, one should be free to discuss every possibility, but at the same time one should be cautious about adopting any particular interpretation, since as more facts are discovered, there may be among them one crucial fact that brings true clarity about the purpose, meaning, or interpretation of the artifact. For this reason, at FromRome.Info I have engaged frequently in speculations, some of which were the seeds of the fundamental positions taken by Andrea Cionci, who is in this sense my most zealous disciple, though we now have major disagreements.

EMMO Q.2.) In your 2019 analysis of the Declaratio, you explain that commissum is not an error. You explain that Benedict XVI uses the word commissum to emphasize that he has been committed to his papal Office since the day of his election. Can you explain to us from a grammatical and/or syntactical point of view the construction of the sentence, so as to make it clear why commissum is not an error? Can you then explain to us why Benedict XVI wanted to use the word commissum, what did he want to convey?

Br. Bugnolo: No, in my 2019 translation, I did not address the “commissum” as spoken. But I have added an update where I do now address it, in which I say that the indirect discourse can be read thus, “that I, for my part, having been committed to the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, through the hands of the Cardinals on April 19, 2005, do renounce so that …”.  Here I read commissum as an adjective agreeing with the subject of the clause, “me”, following the rules for classical usage, which knows of the nested syntactical arrangement of words, where first goes with last, to mark off the entire phrase or thought. In this reading, I take the “mihi” as a dative of reference, and render is as “for my part”, which is a much more common grammatical usage for the dative of the first person. And I would explain the position of the “mihi” at the center of the indirect discourse as a very artistic touch, showing that the Holy Father is speaking in the first person of the events which took place all around his own person on that day. Contextually, this reading of mine, is syntactically possible, and contextually coherent, and gives emphasis to the fact that Pope Benedict XVI was not running away from the duties of office, but had given his all to the service of Holy Mother Church from the beginning.

EMMO Q. 3.) The Declaratio has always been considered not as a legal act but as a simple administrative act, aimed at informing other people about an action undertaken, in progress or to be undertaken. Shortly before Christmas, Andrea Cionci announced instead that the Declaratio is a declaration of “decisio”, that is, a real penal decree. What do you think?

Br. Bugnolo: No, quite the contrary. The Declaratio has been considered a juridical act not an administrative act by all who sustain that it validly effected a full abdication from office. I know this because I have debated this very point for 6 years with those who hold this position. However, you are correct in saying that a “declaration” is an administrative act, because administrative acts comprise announcements; juridical acts refer to legal enactments. By choosing to entitle this document a “Declaratio” Pope Benedict XVI has constrained all honest men to consider it merely an administrative act, regardless of what his intentions may have been.

In regard to the text of the Declaratio, there are several ways to approach it. Forensically, we cannot say anything definitive about it at all, until we are shown the original copy which Pope Benedict XVI held in his hands during the Consistory of February 11, 2013. For this reason, the discussions about this document since that day have focused rather on the versions published by the Vatican on its website and the translations of the Vatican has given to the world. Thus, in the most strict sense, no one has seen the original except a very few individuals. The rest of us, therefore, have opted to formulate opinions about the versions of the text made public. This is what I also have done, presuming from the start that these versions were authentic. as Attorney Settesoldi points out, all these different versions have no legal foundation unless they are also accompanied by some official document authenticating the changes.  However, though we would all want such rigor in the care of documents, even in the Church, one must understand that the Apostolic See has the habit of publishing variants of the same document since the middle ages. I cite the example of the Bulls issued for the Crusades. The same text might have come out in several versions, as the Roman Curia produced more and more copies, each sent to different rulers in Europe. Exactitude in producing such copies was not had, and each scribe corrected here or there some small thing, presumably after consulting with the Holy Father. And there is no record of an actual document being produced recording the corrections, but they must be inferred from the historical record by comparing the various editions of the text. I think this is what happened in February of 2013. We have to recognize that we are confronting the habits of a medieval court, not a modern state. For this reason, I believe that, while it is interesting to discuss the differences between the text as spoken, and the various published versions at the Vatican website, the final version put into the Acta Apostolica Sedes might be the only authentic one, if Pope Benedict XVI did in fact order it to be published there. If he did not, then the original he held in his hands is the only authentic text, and we cannot consider the verbalized version, which hypothetically could contain errors in pronunciation or enunciation, to be the authentic text.

As regards the spoken text, which we know of on account of the partial recording of it made by Vatican Television, it has been known from the beginning that Pope Benedict XVI said “commissum” and not “commisso” as has appeared on the Vatican website and in the text printed in the Acta Apostolica Sedes. For this reason, until last fall, I have never given the matter any consideration. But having listened carefully to Dr. Corrias’ explanation during his interview on L’Orrizonte degli Eventi, on YouTube, I think his reading is syntactically a possible one, but contextually problematic. And it is not the only translation possible, since “commissum” can be read as an appositive adjective in agreement with the subject of the indirect discourse, the “me”. But both such readings have a similar grammatical problem, that is, how to explain the usage of the “mihi” which is placed at the center of the subordinate indirect discourse. Dr. Corrias speaks of a “dativo di svantaggio”, a name for a grammatical usage of the dative of the pronounce, which I have never heard of, for which his translation “a mio danno” appears to me to be more an eisegesis than an exegisis. Moreover, I believe that his reading of “per” falls into the error common to Italian speakers, who presume that the Latin “per” means the same thing as the Italian “per”, which is not the case. The Latin preposition always has the root meaning which in modern Italian is given to words such as “tramite” or “mediante”; and for this reason, Dr. Corrias’ reading of the phrase “per …. commissum”, which is grammatically and syntactically a sound one, nevertheless does not harmonize well with the rest of the indirect discourse since one does not renounce nearly a decade after being elected, on account of a misdeed done in the Conclave which elected one. That does not make much sense. Nor do I think that, if Pope Benedict XVI wanted to speak of how he felt to be manipulated into becoming Pope, by promises of obedience from the Cardinals, when in fact during his pontificate he was strongly opposed by most of them, that this phrase “per … commissum” would be a convenient way to refer to that.

Your question, however, touches one of the main side issues in the debates about this document, in the last 12 years: namely, what was Pope Benedict XVI’s intention? I say that this is a side issue, because in a juridical act of renunciation, the intention, whether expressed or not, is praeter rem, as it does not make this act legally valid or invalid. It’s a historical question, true; but it determines nothing. However, for those who hold that Pope Benedict XVI did abdicate, they fixate on this question either to justify their position or to distract from the main question, the juridical effect of such a declaration.

I agree that the text of the Declaratio contains a “descisio”. Even Archbishop Ganswein, when interviewed in 2023, testified that at the end of September of 2012, Pope Benedict XVI told him he would renounce, but made it clear that it was not a topic open for discussion. In other words, Pope Benedict XVI had already decided what he was going to do. And for this reason, I think it is more likely that he never consulted with anyone when writing this “Declaratio”. However, the Latin “decisio” means something more than simply making up one’s mind. In fact, the Holy Father uses this term at the beginning of his Declaratio. This Latin term has two meanings: a decision, in the sense of an act whereby one ends all discussion and makes a choice; and a cutting-off, that is the act whereby one separates one thing from another. This latter usage is the one used by Saint Bonaventure in his explanation of human generation, in his commentaries on the Second Book of Sentences by Master Peter Lombard, written around 1254 A. D.. And with Saint Bonaventure, being the favorite medieval theologian of Pope Benedict, we cannot rule out that he may have intended such a meaning. Yet, this reading which I proposed back in 2020, has been ignored by everyone. Reading “decisio” in this manner, one finds a ready explanation why the published text has “vobis” and not “vobiscum” in the first phrase of the text; because the verb “communcem”, requires vobiscum to signify, “to communicate to you”. As it stands, the published text does not say, “to communicate to you a decision”, but rather, “to communicate your being-cut-off”.

As for the Declaration being a penal judgement, I think that is more secondary interpretation, which can only be made if one assumes as true what I said in my article, “How Benedict has defeated Bergoglio”, wherein I was first to propose that the entire Declaratio is a very clever maneuver to nullify the pontificate of whoever would be elected in the conclave of 2013, a matter I have explained at length with the humorous example given in my article, “Viva Guadalajara!”, and which I assert, if true, would have been the most divinely inspired and brilliant stratagem against the Freemasons in the hierarchy ever imagined, enabling a “Great Catholic Reset” after the passing of Pope Francis. And whether you agree with the hypothesis that Pope Benedict XVI intended this or not, once the Church recognizes that he never abdicated, the result will in fact be a Great Catholic Reset. A thing which even Archbishop Vigano’ has recognized by using this very phrase in reference to the possible intentions of Pope Benedict XVI in renouncing the ministerium and not the munus.

EMMO Q. 4.) In the latest translation of the Declaratio published by Andrea Cionci, it is specified that there is only one single error present in the Latin transcription of the Declaratio read by Benedict XVI, namely the word “commisso” instead of “commissum”. In 2019, you instead counted about 40 errors in the Latin text. Were you wrong in counting all these errors?

No, as you can see it is evident if you read my article on this.

EMMO Q.5.) In 2019, when you analyzed the Declaratio in detail, you explained that instead of the word decisiem it would have been more correct to use the word consilium if Benedict XVI had only wanted to communicate a simple “decision”. At the time you therefore hypothesized that vobis should be understood as a dative of possession for decisionem, to be translated as: “a separation from you”. The Declaratio is therefore to be understood as a true and proper “declaration of separation from the Cardinals”. Better yet, a separation of the entire Church from the Cardinals. Do you confirm this analysis? If so, can you explain the theological, ecclesiological and perhaps even apocalyptic concept that the phrase “vobis decisiem magni momenti pro Ecclesiae vita” hides?

Br. Bugnolo: Here again, I think we need to emphasize that I have engaged in many speculations regarding the significance of the Latin text of the Declaratio, because I had no access to the Holy Father to ask him myself, even though I twice shared with him my Scholastic Question on the matter and even wrote him in November of 2019, when I came to Rome. In January of 2020, I even got a phone call from Archbishop Ganswein insisting that I stop all efforts in pointing out that the Declaratio was not an abdication. But that only ignited my zeal to continue my work, as I felt that being denied an opportunity to speak to the Holy Father on such an important topic, with a message left on my answering machine from an unknown phone-number, was the most suspicious way one could choose to deny my request. That the message continued the voice of the Archbishop I later verified with a very famous journalist at Rome.

Whether the Declaratio contained the Holy Father’s decision to separate himself from the Cardinals or not, it had that effect, since they all participated in and have supported from that day until now, the Conclave of March 2013. In fact, we have to confront the fact that we are face to face with a quasi-mystical intervention of the Holy Spirit, Who has seemingly either inspired the Holy Father unawares to protect the Church in such a manner, as I pointed out in my article about the Great Catholic Reset, or who has allowed so many men to fail in a certain sort of harmonious way, so as to allow the possibility of that result to come to pass in His own good time.

EMMO Q.6.) According to your analysis, the phrase “pro Ecclesiae vita” must be understood as “in the name of the life of the Church” or “for the good of the life of the Church”. In your opinion, did Benedict XVI intend to defend the life of the Church with his Declaratio? From what type of threat?

Br. Bugnolo: Again, we cannot be sure for certain that Pope Benedict XVI had this intention; but the effect of the document, which caused so many to think it was a valid abdication when it was not, can have this purpose, if good men simply do what is in their power to do. Because by invalidating the pontificate of Pope Francis for nearly 10 years, the promise of Christ, that the Gates will not prevail, was verified. And surely it is a work of the Holy Spirit to see the promise of Christ fulfilled, even when all the men at the Vatican fail Him.

As to what kind of threat was the Church under? I think that is obvious to see, if you have eyes to see: namely, Bergoglio’s intention to entirely destroy the Church as a divine institution and to transmutate it into a Globalist tool for world domination.

EMMO Q.7.) In his 2019 analysis he explained that the “mihi per manus Cardinalium” did not make sense, theologically speaking. In fact, the Pope does not receive the Petrine Munus and Ministerium from the Cardinals because the Office is conferred only by Christ, when the canonical election is accepted. With this phrase, did Benedict XVI want to make it clear that the Cardinals had given him a ministry but had never granted him any real authority over it? Was Benedict XVI therefore giving back what had been given to him, that is, something empty?

Br. Bugnolo: Well one can argue with even that, because though it can be said correctly that the Cardinals entrust the Petrine Ministry to the one elected to be the Pope, even though the right to exercise that ministry is contained in the munus which Christ alone gives the one elected, when he accepts is canonical election, yet to phrase one’s election in this manner implies a minimalist or simply materialistic view of the papacy, and thus, in my mind, does contain a subtle rebuke of the College.

EMMO Q.8.) Prof. Corrias states that “his quibus” should be translated “from these” and not “from those”. So, according to Andrea Cionci’s interpretation, the Conclave should be convened only by those Cardinals who did not participate in the “misdeed” that led to the election of Benedict XVI. Consequently, a legitimate Conclave can be convened until 2036. In your opinion, is it correct to translate “his quibus” into “from these” and, consequently, is what Cionci says about the Conclave correct?

Br. Bugnolo: Not being a native speaker of the Italian language, I am not able to say how “his quibus” is to be translated into Italian. In the Latin language, “hic, haec, hoc”, the demonstrative pronoun is used to refer to a thing present to the speaker, when it stands alone, but when it is followed by a relative pronounce, as in this phrase “his quibus” the “his” refers to the subject of the subordinate clause. Thus, it cannot be read as referring to the previous “Cardinalium”, but must refer to some future group which is capable in juridical right of electing the pope. I was the first to point this out nearly 5 years ago, as it represents as written, a slap in the face of the Cardinals present in the Consistory to say “his quibus” rather than “vobis fratribus quibus”, since according to ecclesiastical tradition, the Holy Father must address the Cardinals as his brothers, especially when they are physically in his presence.

As for Andrea Cionci’s presumption that only Cardinals can solve this problem in the Church, I believe if you want to move in the circles of human respect, and not along the lines of juridical right, then in the Church of today where Freemasons reign and where one does not expect any help from the world of journalists or of the State, both of which are dominated by Freemasons and Globalists, its much more respectable and safe to continue appealing to the very Cardinals who caused the problem back in 2013. But for those who understand that since the Cardinals have only the function of electing popes, their own very self interest requires that they do nothing dramatic prior to a Conclave. So I believe that Cionci is wasting his time, in the sense that the Cardinals won’t do anything before the passing of Pope Francis; though I do think that morally speaking, he is giving them another occasion to examine their own consciences.

EMMO Q.9.) Andrea Cionci says that the Declaratio is a penal decree issued by Benedict XVI for heresy, apostasy and schism, but addressed only to those Cardinals who committed the “misdeed”. But aren’t the Cardinals who elected an Antipope in 2013 already excommunicated by virtue of canon 1364, as they separated (schismatic) from the Catholic Church?

Br. Bugnolo: To be subject to an ecclesiastical penalty, one must know of the crime in committing the crime. If the Cardinals did not know of their error in understanding the Declaratio as an abdication, then they cannot incur excommunication even in the juridical sense, they are in schism from the true pontiff.

EMMO Q.10.) You explained that with the phrase “his quibus competit invocandum esse” the new Conclave had to be convened not by the Cardinals but “by those who are competent”. If with the Declaratio Benedict XVI separated the Church from the Cardinals, can you explain to us who should be entrusted with the competence to elect the new Pontiff, from a canonical and theological point of view?

Br. Bugnolo: The Roman Church has always had, from the beginning, the right to elect its Pontiff. This right was granted by the Apostle Saint Peter. Until April 13, 1059, the election of the Roman Pontiff was by the votes of all the faithful of the Roman Church. Today, following the prescriptions of many pontiffs from Pope Nicholas II to Pope John Paul II, the election has been restricted by a legal order for pragmatic, not theological, reasons. However, the exclusive right of the Cardinals to elect the Pontiff is purely ministerial, since just as relatives who have the ministerial duty to feed their children do not have a purely juridical exclusivity to prevent anyone else from doing so when the relatives themselves refuse to feed their children, so the Cardinals, if they refuse to elect a new pontiff, lose the exclusivity of their right. Of course, if a pope invalidly resigns, and the Cardinals elect an antipope who outlives the true pope, there is a possibility that the Cardinals will not elect a new true pope after his death. It is therefore necessary to say “his quibus competit” instead of “vobis fratribus quibus” to ensure apostolic succession. Then, since the exclusive right of election belongs to the Cardinals by papal law, which presupposes that the Cardinals want to elect a new pontiff and that they are not in de facto schism from the true pontiff who just died, the right of election reverts to the original elector who has this right by apostolic tradition.

EMMO Q.11.) On January 30, 2023, you invited the Faithful of Rome to validly elect the new Pope, following the death of Benedict XVI. Very few people participated and from this vote the name of Pope Francis emerged. You therefore believe that Bergoglio was therefore elected in a legally valid manner and is no longer an Antipope. Subsequently, however, you denounced scandals, heresies, blasphemies and the doctrinal and moral confusion promoted by Pope Francis and his appointees within the Roman Curia. Why is Pope Francis a heretic despite the valid election?

Br. Bugnolo: Jesus promised that the Gates of the netherworld will never prevail against His Church. And though He founded his Church on Peter, He only promised Simon that He would pray so that his faith might not fail. He never promised that his faith not fail. In Catholic Doctrine it is a dogma of faith that the Roman Pontiff will never legally imposed the obligation of accepting error in matter of faith or morals; it is not a dogma of Faith that the Roman Pontiff never become a heretic. To understand this one must distinguish between heresy as a moral fault and heresy as a crime, sentenced or judged in a public tribunal. Several popes have personally espoused heresies: such as Honorius I and John XXI. But they were never judged by the Church to be heretics. So they were formal heretics, but not public heretics. One loses membership in the Church if one becomes a public heretic, which means, if one is condemned by the Church for heresy. So by electing Pope Francis in a juridically valid manner, the Catholic Faithful of Rome gave him the greatest mercy possible, namely, that Christ would pray for him. And those he has personally still fallen in to heresy, as he did when he signed “Fiducia supplicans” he has not required that to be accepted by anyone. Thus he still can be called to council to be reprehended and deposed, because if he is a public heretic, then he is not the pope.

EMMO Q.12.) Since Pope Francis is a heretic, the appointment of the new Cardinal Electors will invalidate the election of his successor. Upon Bergoglio’s death, we will therefore once again find ourselves with an Antipope. The infallible teaching of Vatican I, however, anathematizes all those who deny that it is God’s will that Peter have perpetual successors in the Apostolic See. To get out of the impasse, you have promoted “The Sutri Initiative” as “the only real and juridical solution to end the crisis of the Roman Church, since it addresses the problem directly and in a canonically valid and easy way”. Can you explain to us what “The Sutri Initiative” consists of?

Br. Bugnolo: No, it is not true to say that because Pope Francis is a formal but not public heretic that his appointments of Cardinals are invalid. But it is true that his personal heresy instills doubt about the validity of the next Conclave when he appoints men in favor of ‘Fiducia supplicans’. For this reason it is urgent that the faithful turn to the bishops of the Roman ecclesiastical province to call a provincial council, which is the only juridical and canonical tribunal in which a man with a claim to the apostolic throne can be interrogated and asked to demonstrate his records of Catholic faith and valid election without which he has no valid claim to the Pontificate. But since almost everyone for various reasons prefers Pope Francis in power than out of power, they do everything else to continue the crisis in the Church and put the Church in grave danger of further trouble in the future after the demise of Bergoglio.

The Sutri Initiative, as is explained at FromRome.Info in English, Italian and French, is a coordinated effort of petitions to each of the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome, to convoke a Provincial Council on the basis that Pope Francis by his numerous heresies and acts of apostasy has impeded the Apostolic See, and to do so for the purpose of requiring that he, as one who claims the office of Roman Pontiff demonstrate to the Bishops that he has the required prerequisites for a valid claim, namely a valid election and the  Catholic Faith. This is what is called a Quo Warrento action and is a principle of the natural law used at the First Council of Sutri in 1046, when the German King, Henry III wanted to know which, if any of the three claimants to the Papacy, was the true Pope or not: Benedict IX, Gregory VI, or Sylvester III. As immediate subjects of the Apostolic See and as voting members in the ecclesiastical province, these 15 Bishops enjoy the special juridical right to demand such proofs, and according to Canon Law, a provincial council has the juridical right to regulate all such matters in its own province when the Apostolic See is impeded. Any layman can write these Bishops and ask for such a convocation. Even heads of State, like President Donald Trump or leading political figures whose duties require them to know who is the true pope, like the President of the Council of Ministers, Mrs Giorgia Meloni, have a right to request this of them. And Pope Francis cannot in any way forestall or avoid such a summons, or he has de facto and de jure conceded he has no valid claim to the office of Roman Pontiff. Such a council, if they discover such a discrepancy can declare the Apostole See vacant and command the College of Cardinals to elect another. It can also request the Italian Government to arrest Pope Francis as an imposter.

Finally, they admit that FromRome.Info was right all along ….

With the help of many friends, FromRome.Info stood against the Scamdemic and DeathVaxx from the start, and never changed course. Finally, the experts undertaking the largest international Covid “Vaccine” study agree that these injections were deadly, lethal, and dangerous … However, IT IS NOT OVER, because though they admit the DeathVaxxes caused death, they still say they are “safe” to take! And they say this to attempt to get you to accept their psychotic answer as “A OK”, so that you become a victim of induced psychosis itself. This has been their modus operandi from the start of the Scamdemic. These people are so dishonest and sick that they should all be removed from their positions. Nuremburg 2.0 should try them and the only just sentence I could see for the many charges against them for participating in a plot of democide, is “to be hung by the neck until dead”, as is said in English Crown Courts from time immemorial.

This study demonstrates that FromRome.Info and journals like it, which were right from the start, practice authentic and professional journalism and accept true and forensically verifiable science. If you consider supporting any media outlet, restrict your funding to such organizations and truth-tellers and entirely abandon “Main Stream Media”, which only main streams lies, propaganda and calumnies, like Father Matthew Schneider has done, in an attempt to silence true journalists.

BREAKING — Die Tagespost attempts to reckon with Cionci & Bugnolo over Benedict XVI’s Renunciation of Ministry

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

May 28, 2021 A. D. — The dam of silence has broken. The leading Catholic newspaper of German has published an article on the failed renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI.  The damage to the St. Gallen Mafia is extreme.

The paper has cited the names of some of Bergoglio’s most menacing opponents:  Andrea Cionci of the Italian daily, Libero, and Br. Alexis Bugnolo, of FromRome.Info.

First, the article in the original German (click to read):

And now for the article in a Google Translation (click to read):

I will leave it to the judgement of the readers, how great the damage to the Narrative this is.

Die Tagespost has attempted to discredit both Cionci and myself ever so subtlety, but it is clear that the attempt is a backfire. Too many facts have been let out.

What has particularly irked Gallina, the author of the article, is that Cionci has established from a close analysis of Benedict XVI’s statements that my theory of the intentional and purposefully invalid renunciation is highly plausible.  Die Tagespost has unwittingly confirmed it by admitting that Benedict never has called what he did an abdication!

This article means, politically, however, that the work of Cionci has caused a massive wave of new questions among the Sacred Hierarchy.  I can confirm that the thesis of the Great Catholic Reset, planned by Benedict or at the basis of the inspiration he received to resign, is now an open question even in the Vatican. Cardinals and high functionaries are speaking of it in an approved manner.

The stranglehold of the controlled Catholic media in the English speaking world has been circumvented. Many thanks to Andrea Cionci and the outgoing editor of the Libero for having given others and myself a voice in Italy and now to the entire world.

Readers of FromRome.Info intervened in a timely manner to stop massive Cyber Attack

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

From the statistics you can see the magnitude of what has been going on, here at FromRome.Info.

The Cyber War declared on FromRome was about 20x greater in magnitude than the standard background hack attempts against the website.

FromRome.Info could not have defended against this massive attack without the help that its readers had given in the previous weeks to upgrade the server and increase its physical capabilities.

The bruteforce attacks and complex attacks have been totally repelled, and the cyber campaign against FromRome.Info is now nearing its end as our server has blacklisted nearly all the servers used in the attack.

The victory in this battle belongs to the Readers of FromRome.Info who were so generous, so promptly, that I was able to unwittingly make preparations for defense, before even knowing an attack was being planned. Without your help, FromRome.Info would have been taken down and perhaps even damaged.


TECHNICAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I expect to be able to revive Commenting and the Top 10 List in a day or so. I ask your continued patience.

FromRome.info at War: The Globalists have unleashed the CyberBeast

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In the last 24 hours, FromRome.Info has sustained more than 100,000 attacks from a sophisticated cyberwarfare system, believed to be headquartered in the United States, Cyberwarfare unit.  The system is powered by highspeed supercomputers and highly advanced artificial intelligence. The purpose of the attack is to prevent FromRome.Info to publish counter narrative information, i. e., the truth. The attack began shortly after FromRome.Info published a link to Global Research, outing MI5 and the CIA for a plot to assassinate the anti-Scamdemic leader of Belarus.

FromRome.Info is not the only site being attacked. Attacks of this kind are spreading round the world. The leading prolife group in Italy, “Pro Vita e Familiga” has had their web-server attacked similarly in the last month, after they announced their opposition to the proposed law which would make the LGBT inhuman ideology the de facto state religion and state psychosis of the Italian Republic.

The attack against FromRome.Info is attempting to gain entrance to our website by calculating how long and under what conditions the web server of FromRome.Info takes to repell an instruder. For this reason, since the attacks are exceeding 5 per second, FromRome.Info had to turn off the capacity of this site to receive new subscribers and post or allow comments.

I personally suspect that this is the new normal. and that it will never end. It is a very effective way of intimidating independent publishers and to intimidate their hosting companies to drop them as clients. Also it prevents the sites normal functions to grow readership and engage readers in conversation.

Joe Biden just appointed as head of the US Cyber Defense Commission a former CIA agent involved in overthrowing the Catholic government of Vietnam and in destabilizing that country.  My colleague, Andrew Baalman opined to me the other day, that his appointment means a planned and sustained cyber attack on all counter-Globalist websites in the future. It seems he was correct.

However, as I am head of a Catholic Military Order, when guns start firing, I do not freeze with fear, but boil with zeal, and so, I will continue to publish articles through this battle.

I thank all the supporters of FromRome.Info, who recently assisted in the upgrade and move of its server. This is the only reason this site has not yet been taken down and can fight on.

Finally, I ask your prayers, therefore, to Saint Michael the Archangel and to the Lord of Hosts that by his help and His grace I might have victory in this battle.

PLEASE NOTE: That comments have been disabled for security reasons, for the time being.

Truth 2.0: A Warning from Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Here is my second Truth Video.  Now that FromRome.Info is an independent media source, I can speak freely in my videos.  My famous video entitled, Truth, which was popularized with the erroneous title, “Priest from Rome warns the world”  or the similar — an went viral with more than 500k visualizations — is now been updated and revised and shortened to about 9 minutes.

Please do not link directly to this video, share this page or download the video and share on channels such as Signal, Telegram, Whatsapp, Line etc.. —  Download size is 43 MB approximately.

Truth 2.0 -- A Warning from Rome


I am currently working on creating a free-speech Social Media Platform. If you would like to help me out, please consider a donation to the US Non Profit, which supports me:

Google Strikes major blow against Independent Media

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Feedburner announced this morning, that Independent Media will no longer be able to implement the Subscribe by Email widget which had served independent publishers for years, to grow readership and help readers keep track of daily posts.  The announcement was made surreptitiously by Feedburner in an email to blog-administrators.

Feedburner’s official statement, said:

FeedBurner has been a part of Google for almost 14 years, and we’re making several upcoming changes to support the product’s next chapter. Here’s what you can expect to change and what you can do now to ensure you’re prepared.

Starting in July, we are transitioning FeedBurner onto a more stable, modern infrastructure. This will keep the product up and running for all users, but it also means that we will be turning down most non-core feed management features, including email subscriptions, at that time.

Feedburner will no longer allow installations of widgets will implement their service. The dead line to install them was set to be prior to their announcement to catch publishers off guard.

For transparency, FromRome.Info does not use the Feedburner service for its subscriptions.

As an electronic publisher for more than 20 years, it is my professional opinion that this move was made so that Google can take information control of the independent media-verse. Globalists are losing the information war and they have come to understand that they have to be more clever and repressive than ever to stop the leakage of narrative control.

Most publishers probably did not know that FeedBurner was Google owned. I encourage all to take action immediately to secure your email list and go independent.  For bloggers on Globalist media platforms like Blogger or WordPress, this change may make it impossible to build a readership.

By the grace of God and the good will of about 30 readers of FromRome.info, this change will not affect FromRome.Info, since the move of this journal to an independent platform two weeks ago, gave it completely independent control of its subscriber mechanisms and lists.

Google, in preparation for this Feedburner announcement, had begun several weeks ago, to label as “spam” all emails from the rival widget, Subscriber2.  This is why many subscribers to FromRome.Info who use Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, or Live are having difficulty in subscribing to FromRome.Info.

FromRome.Info will continue to seek technologies to keep the readers connected. I ask the readers prayers for this effort.

Feedburner was highlighted by James Corbett last most as one of the principle ways to work around Globalist control. His YouTube channel of 14 years, with 500,000 followers was erased into oblivion a few days ago. Now the Feedburner “transition notice”,  If you are watching carefully, you can see the agenda.

As James Corbett of The Corbet Report announced in his recent Pwew! Video — reckoning with the erasure of his YouTube channel — we have definitively entered a Post Globalist Social Media World. YouTube, Google, WordPress, Blogger are old fashioned and 100% unreliable politically. The way forward is to go completely independent. The challenges are financial and technical. Few are they who have the talent to write, fewer still the courage to speak against Globalism, fewer the knowledge of just who is behind it, and even fewer those who have the technical skills to run an independent journal. But rarest of all are those will the readers and or funds to make it happen.

I thank the readers of FromRome.Info for making it happen here.


CREDITS: The featured image is a collage from the DuckDuckGo Search Engine image results for “Google is hated by everyone”. Whether by design or serendipity, the images align to reflect what many independent publishers think today.

FromRome.Info needs your help to improve its server

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The transition to a private server had its problems and outages. But now that FromRome.info is free from Automatic Inc (WordPress.com) it is clear that the traffic generated by its loyal and daily readership is exceeding the current plan at its hosting company, which is a shared hosting plan.


Currently, you can see the site is very slow. It allows only 200 readers per hour. But FromRome. Info in the last year had regularly 500 readers per hour and a max of 4500 per hour.

As for email, those who subscribe to FromRome.Info expect an email notification for each post. But since there are 750 subscribers, and the limit on emails currently is 600 per hour, I cannot send notifications for all.

For that reason, several readers have written me and suggested I hold a fund raiser to make FromRome.Info faster and more accommodating.


To move to a dedicated server which would give 16x more memory allocation and unlimited email

I have found what looks to be a suitable dedicated hosting plan, which gives this 16x increase on readership and unlimited email.  But it will cost $720 if I purchase two years of service in advance. If I only purchase 1 year in advance, I will have to pay $480. So there is a savings of $240 if I purchase 2 years at a time. The advantage of the company I am using is, that if further upgrades are needed in the future, they will credit the entire remaining sum to the newer plan. Unlike Automatic Inc. which stole the outstanding balance.

The resulting increase of cost, as you can see is between $1 and $1.50 per day. The only difficulty is that it has to be payed in advance, because if I only pay monthly they want $3 per day.

So if you would like to help FromRome.Info improve the technical side of its service to you, please consider making a donation here:

THANK YOU ONE AND ALL for all that you make possible here at FromRome.Info!


CREDITS: A  photo of Br. Bugnolo translating Bonaventure’s Commentary on his Third Book of Sentences, back in 2013, when he was a student at the Pontifical Faculty of St. Bonaventure, here at Rome. That computer and habit have long ago seen their day, but scriptum manet.

Help FromRome.Info send a Journalist to Pope Benedict XVI

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The most important thing FromRome.Info can do for the Holy Father and for the Church right now is to send a journalist to Regensberg, Germany, where the Holy Father has moved the Papal Court.

We know for certain that the international press will NOT report the truth about what is going on in Regensberg and that they will begin to launch attacks against him. The Church has need to know what is really going on and on FromRome.info has the editorial independance to do this.

Help us send a journalist to Regensburg and publish exclusive reports daily about the Holy Father, his brother, the Holy Father’s state of health, and the efforts to restore the  Church as clergy from all over the world descend upon Regensberg to work with the Holy Father in this darkest hour of the Church.

To make your contribution, click the link below and please consider making a generous one time offering or a monthly pledge. FromRome.Info needs to raise about 5000 euros in monthly pledges to maintain a journalist in Germany.

Click the banner below, to make a donation.



CREDITS: The Featured Image of Regensburg, is used here in accord with a Creative Commons Share-Alike 1.0 license, as described here.

Readership of FromRome.Info increases 265% in April

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

With the month of April about to pass, I write to thank the readers of FromRome.Info for all their support of this apostolate at the service of Jesus Christ, the Truth, and His Holy Catholic Church, the ark of salvation, in communion with His Vicar on Earth, Pope Benedict XVI.

The month of April showed once again, in statistical numbers, the growing interest in the cause of Pope Benedict XVI and in learning more about how to avoid the Big Lies of our age.

Here are some statistics to illustrate that.  In April, there was an increase of 152% in total views of articles at FromRome.Info, 545,000 over February’s 216,000.

In the same period, there was a 265% increase in the total number of readers: 307,000 compared to 81,621 in March.

I want to thank especially the volunteers who make FromRome.Info what it is. First, Mrs. Colgan as graphic designer of the new Blue Cross and the new From Rome header. Second, the writers: Austin Walsh, Frank Magill, Andrew J. Baalman, Don Elia, John Bronston, Dr. Edward Mazza, David Kaftal, Giuseppe Pellegrino and lastly, Marco Tosatti for his permission to publish in English articles from his personal website, MarcoTosatti.com.

I also owe a big thanks to all my anonymous correspondents who feed me information about what is going on in the Church and world, which is of interest to the readers of FromRome.Into. As you numbers grow, I am able to bring rapidly and instantly the lastest developments which interest the readership.

Be assured of my prayers, to Our Lord, Our Lady and Saint Francis. May the Holy Angels of God watch over you and your families in this time of universal madness.

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Readership of FromRome.Info increases 65% in March

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

With the month of March passed, I write to thank the readers of FromRome.Info for all their support of this apostolate at the service of Jesus Christ, the Truth, and His Holy Catholic Church, the ark of salvation, in communion with His Vicar on Earth, Pope Benedict XVI.

The month of March showed once again, in statistical numbers, the growing interest in the cause of Pope Benedict XVI and in learning more about how to avoid the Big Lies of our age.

Here are some statistics to illustrate that.  In March, there was an increase of 65% in total views of articles at FromRome.Info, 216,000 over February’s 131,000. This was an increase roughly 10 times greater, in page views, than the increase from January to February, and thus represents an increase in new readers.

In the same period, there was a 85% increase in the total number of readers: 81,621 over February’s 41, 076.

A growth in personal interest in the articles published by FromRome.Info was shown also in the number of comments in March: 1302, over February’s 868, an increase of 50%.

Likes on articles, which is a function which only WordPress members can participate in, increased by 28%, from 1179 in February to 1514 in March.

In March, more importantly, the readers of FromRome.Info, through the Committee, “Save us O Mary!” funded 5 advertisements to promote the Devotion to Our Lady of Saint Maria Maggiore in the Italian Newspaper, La Veritá, which were seen by more than 1 Million readers in Italy. Though Italy remains under Corona Control because of the Corona Hype which has caused a Corona Panic, viewership of the nightly Perpetual Novena has increase roughly 400% on many nights, on account of these advertisements.

In March, FromRome.Info continued to publish numerous articles, round the clock: a total of 326, over February’s 226.

It was in March, also, that FromRome.info produced and published its first video, distributed on its own platform. While this presents a new possibility for informing our readers, the amount of space required to publish videos is severely limited.

So FromRome.Info continues to publish its videos and original content on its public Channel, From Rome Info Video, on YouTube, where it has already published 105 videos, most of these are the videos for the Perpetual Supplica to Our Lady of Santa Maria Maggiore (Salus populi romani).  With just another 160 subscribers to that channel, FromRome.Info will be able to bring its readers LIVE broadcasts not only of the nightly Novena, but of news from Rome, Italy, on all topics, fulfilling my dream of transforming FromRome.Info into a YouTube TV channel for information on the Catholic Church and Rome, Italy, in the English language.

Data usage to publish and produce articles and videos increased from 60 GB in February to 150 GB in March. FromRome.Info now is using 2 cellphones and 1 router with 2 accounts to keep text and video production going for its readers and viewers. As video production increases, FromRome.Info will have to acquire more cellphone SIMS and change them out weekly as data is used up (a 40 minute video uses about 4 GB of Data to publish it).

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has supported FromRome.Info and the Emmerich Appeal. I could never have done what I did in March without you.

I want to thank especially the volunteers who make FromRome.Info what it is. First, Mrs. Colgan as graphic designer of the new Blue Cross and the new From Rome header. Second, the writers: Austin Walsh, Frank Magill, Andrew J. Baalman, Don Elia, John Bronston, Dr. Edward Mazza, David Kaftal, Giuseppe Pellegrino and lastly, Marco Tosatti for his permission to publish in English articles from his personal website, MarcoTosatti.com.

I also owe a big thanks to all my anonymous correspondents who feed me information about what is going on in the Church and world, which is of interest to the readers of FromRome.Into.

Be assured of my prayers, to Our Lord, Our Lady and Saint Francis. May the Holy Angels of God watch over you and your families in this time of universal panic.

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Feb. 22: Today on FromRome.Info Video — Don Enrico Roncaglia at Rome




  • To subscribe click the subscription button on the From Rome Info Video homepage

By Subscribing you guarantee that you will not miss any video published at FromRome.Info Video, since you will thereby receive a notification immediately upon publication of each video.

There will be a host of News today. Here is the Schedule of Events. All times are Rome Time, which is 6 hours ahead of New York City, 9 hours ahead of San Francisco, and 10 hours behind Syndey Australia.

All broadcasts will be from the Hotel Palace Pineta, Rome, Italy, where Don Enrico Maria Roncaglia will be offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in union with Pope Benedict XVI, as part of a 2 day conference for those Catholics who have remained faithful to the Church, here at Rome.

Don Roncaglia is a Benedictine who celebrates Mass only in communion with Pope Benedict. He is known in Italy for his near daily transmissions of the Ancient Mass. A close collaborator with Don Alessandro Minutella, he gives a wonderful example to priests everyhere to NOT be afraid and speak out boldly in favor of Pope Benedict XVI.

5:30 PM — Don Roncaglia offers the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the true Roman Rite. Language: Latin — It is expected that Don Roncaglia will preach.

Following the Mass, Br. Bugnolo will attempt to interview Don Roncaglia in person.

Br. Bugnolo will be able to do a life transmission ONLY IF he gets another 500 subscribers on From Rome Info Video. Otherwise, there will be a series of short transmissions, recorded, about 15 minutes later than the actual events.

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Don Minutella’s Visit to Rome: Feb. 21, 2020

For more videos, see https://www.youtube.com/FromRomeInfoVideo

FromRome.Info spent 620 euros today to hire a video crew to do a live transmission of Fr. Minutella’s Mass and Question and Answers. The recorded video will also appear on Youtube in the coming week. If you want Br. Bugnolo to grow this Video apostolate into a Catholic TV Station here at Rome, help support FromRome.Info.

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Today on FromRome.Info Video — Don Minutella et alia




  • To subscribe click the subscription button on the From Rome Info Video homepage

By Subscribing you guarantee that you will not miss any video published at FromRome.Info Video, since you will thereby receive a notification immediately upon publication of each video.

There will be a host of News today. Here is the Schedule of Events. All times are Rome Time, which is 6 hours ahead of New York City, 9 hours ahead of San Francisco, and 10 hours behind Syndey Australia.

All broadcasts or live feeds will be from the Hotel Palace Pineta, Rome, Italy, where Don Alessandro Minutella, will be leading the Rosary and offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in union with Pope Benedict XVI, as part of a three day conference for those Catholics who have remained faithful to the Church, here at Rome.

1 PM —  Br. Bugnolo interviews Catholics who were present at the Grex Vocum Event to hear their complaints about the events in the Church in the last 7 years. — Video will be uploaded after each interview. Language: Italian.

2:30 PM — Br. Bugnolo will upload short Videos on a variety of topics and speak with Catholics who want their voices heard. Language: English and Italian.

4 PM — LIVE — Don Minutella leading the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Language: Italian, or perhaps Latin.

4:30 PM — LIVE — Don Minutella offers the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the true Roman Rite. Language: Latin — It is expected that Don Minutella will preach.

5:30 PM — As opportunity presents, LIVE transmissions on a variety of topics until 8 P.M. Br. Bugnolo will seek to do a live interview with Don Minutella in Italian, and live interviews with other Catholics who are present who would like to speak about the Crisis in the Church to the whole world.

11:54 PM — 40 Days of Prayer against the Church of Darkness, from Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome.  Language: Latin, Italian, English. — It is hoped that Don Minutella will be present. But unless From Rome Info Video has 1000 subscribers beforehand, the transmission will be recorded, not live.

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FromRome.Info Video gets Custom Channel

As of today, YouTube has granted FromRome.Info’s Video Channel its own custom URL:


with a nice and easy way to remember it: YouTube.com/From Rome Info Video, without the spaces, of course.

All the readers of FromRome.Info are encouraged to subscribe to our Video Channel at YouTube, so that FromRome.Info can grow its media services. Currently there are about 380 subscribers.

YouTube requires 1000 subscribers before it allows live video feeds via Cellphone, which is the only economical way of bringing you the news from anywhere in Rome.

Otherwise, the transmission of a single event, like Don Alessandro Minutella’s Mass, tomorrow, at the Hotel Palace Pineta, would cost FromRome.Info $925 USD for a few hours of live transmission, with the assistance of a professional crew.

So please subscribe and encourage all your friends to subscribe, even if they may only be interested in our future live broadcasts from Rome, such as surely will  be needed as the Crisis in the Church grows or is resolved. Live broadcasts would be very beneficial for events of prayer such as the 40 Days of Prayer currently being recorded each night at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Br. Bugnolo wants to provide you with this service, but you need to help him by recruiting subscriptions.

As FromRome.Info grows we hope to turn our video channel into a full time TV service for News and Catholic Issues here at Rome. But we can only do it with you. Help the uncontrolled Media grow, so you can hear the unvarnished truth.

FromRome.Info is run as a religious apostolate by Br. Alexis Bugnolo, a consecrated person of private vows, residing in the Diocese of Rome, Italy, and in communion with Pope Benedict. Br. Bugnolo keeps the Rule of Saint Francis, and thus receives no salary, health care or pension in consequence to his work at FromRome.Info.

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News that Benedict XVI is the true pope Spreads to the whole world!

Rome, January 22, 2020 A.D.: In the last month, FromRome.Info has seen a dramatic spread of its readers to nearly every nation on Earth. Catholics from every land are at last coming to know that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope and never resigned the office of the Papacy in accord with the norm of law.

Evidence for this is visible in the statistics gathered on our website:

Screenshot_2020-01-22 Stats and Insights ‹ FromRome Info — WordPress com

This marks the most significant demographic shift in the PPBXVI Movement since FromRome.Info joined the cause in November 2018.

While the predominate number of readers remains in the U.S.A., on account of the fact that FromRome.Info is nearly entirely an English language publication, and because Catholics in the United States generally enjoy better connectivity to the internet and a greater cultural and political experience of individual liberty, it is the spread of interest in information regarding Pope Benedict and his ineffective resignation to other nations which is the most remarkable. The nations in which English is rarely or never spoken are no less registering visitors as those of the former British Empire.

This is another sign, that the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Truth, is stirring up the entire Church to return in allegiance to His Vicar on Earth Pope Benedict XVI! — Praise be to Him, now and forever more!

For more information, on the PPBXVI Movement, see ppbxvi.org, where you can find the Canonical Arguments, Videos, and detailed analysis in at least 8 languages.

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Do you want to be part of a Media Counter-Revolution?

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As we all know the MSM has completely lost its marbles and serves the Globalist world agenda, which has as its prime objective the destruction of Christendom and the Catholic Church.

The pro Bergoglian press are part and parcel the agents of this same agenda, with a little catholic veneer they are increasingly apostles of apostasy.

Trad Inc., which before the Renunciation of Benedict, was a faithful defender of the Eternal Faith, by hooking their wagon to the idea that “there is absolutely no doubt that Bergoglio is the pope” are increasingly being converted over to the agenda of the first two groups.

What is needed, then, is a truly Catholic Counter Revolution.

And The From Rome blog wants to do its part, so as from today, the From Rome Blog becomes FromRome.info, an Catholic News Information Media Site for truly Catholic news, not controlled by Soros or Bergoglio etc.. It will shortly get a new look and format, befitting a professional publication. But keep all the popular articles already published here.

This newsite will be run as an apostolate of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, an international religious association of Catholics for the defense of Christianity.

Obviously, to make this effective, I need to recruit a staff of zealous Catholics who do not want to mince words or play in the pretend worlds of alternate realities; who know their faith well and are fluent in the languages they write. I want the platform to feature English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Portuguese for starters.

If you would like to become a journalist and have the skills to write well and are someone who is highly informed about the Church at the present, please leave your contact information below in a comment.

I am looking for volunteers: whether full time or part time. Specifically I am looking for a Managing Editor, Writers, Reporters, Investigators, Commentators, who can produce in either Text or Video formats and have the equipment already and the internet access to produce their original contributions on their own, so that all they need to be is published at FromRome.info.

FromRome.info will be run like an electronic newspaper. It will allow comments, but not be a discussion forum like Gloria.TV or other sites of that kind. It will have a mix of essays and news, with news and news commentary predominating.

I am specifically looking for Catholics who hold the perennial faith, deplore Marxism, Modernism, and are staunch opponents of the Culture of Death and the Lavender Mafia.

If you feel you have what it takes to be a journalist with FromRome.info, contact me. I am NOT looking for professionals. I want individuals whose intellectual formation has not be touched by schools of journalism.  I expect you to be able to show me examples of your writing, reporting, commentary, etc. which you cite in a Resumé, and what websites or blogs you already have written on.  Also I ask for a 1 page essay on what you see are the principle problems in the Church.

I am looking for writers who can discuss or report on current events on all Continents, but always principally in regard to the Catholic Church. You can contribute in your own name or use a nom du plume, but with me, you must correspond with your true name.

Thank you for your interest, and Deus Vult!