Search Results for: Elia
Homelia in Solennita’ della Madre di Dio
Why the standard Covid-19 tests are unreliable
Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The masonic agenda of Viganò is now confirmed without a doubt, as he launches his call for Catholics to separate from the Catholic Hierarchy and form an underground Church: announcing as he does that the entire hierarchy are in league with Globalism. This promotion of dualism is NOT Catholic. The … Continue reading Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition
Twitter caught spreading Scientifically unreliable information
A list of unreliable News sources on Pope Benedict XVI
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Unreliability in journalism means many things. It means you print fake news knowingly and deliberately and intentionally, by study. It also means you do it with lack of study and deliberately, even if intentionality and knowledge are not perfect. But the most scarce quality of reliability should at least to be … Continue reading A list of unreliable News sources on Pope Benedict XVI
Auturo D’Elia confesses to hacking the US 2020 Election Results
Courts in Portugal rules PCR tests are unreliable justification for Quarantines
Fr. Dave Nix: the Left has never been reliable source of medical information, so why now? The video by Fr. Nix cannot be embedded directly in our web site, so it is being embedded through this Tweet. Pardon to all the readers of FromRome.Info but the levels of censorship are increasing.
Dr. Marshall shocked, 83% of his viewers hold Benedict was the true pope until death
Editor’s Note: See what he says at 17:00 minute mark. Dr. Marshall confirms the contents of the letters disclosed and translated here at on Dec. 2. Dr. Marshall is shocked rightly, because he has done everything to sow doubt in the arguments that Pope Benedict XVI invalidly resigned. His disinformation project has failed miserably. … Continue reading Dr. Marshall shocked, 83% of his viewers hold Benedict was the true pope until death
Pope Francis has decreed the Heretical Alteration of the Catholic Church
Translation and Rebuttal by Br. Alexis Bugnolo More than 13 months ago, I warned the Faithful of the entire Catholic Church, that we could not silently sit by an allow the pertinacious, manifest and formal heretic, who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to continue to be recognized as the Pope by the Catholic Church without destroying … Continue reading Pope Francis has decreed the Heretical Alteration of the Catholic Church
Bishop Ratko Peric of Mostar: Pope Francis should withdraw ‘Fiducia Suppicans’!
By Bishop Ratko Ratko Perić Bishop Emeritus of Mostar, Croatia English translation of original written in Croatian, which can be found here Traduction française The statement Fiducia supplicans on the pastoral meaning of blessings was issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on December 18, 2023. It is the first statement by … Continue reading Bishop Ratko Peric of Mostar: Pope Francis should withdraw ‘Fiducia Suppicans’!
Cardinal Müller: ‘Fiducia supplicans’ is a failed project, but Pope Francis insists
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo To hear the Cardinal’s criticisms, click the video above. But the Pope clearly is ignoring him. As regards the video above, the Cardinal strongly criticizes Pope Francis for running the Church according to his personal views, prejudices and politics, and the Cardinal also denounces the Bishops who are persecuting Catholics … Continue reading Cardinal Müller: ‘Fiducia supplicans’ is a failed project, but Pope Francis insists
The Catholic Dogma on Blessings
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo There exists a dogma of the Faith on blessings, though it has not yet been defined, and it is this. “To bless”, in English, translates the Latin “benedicere”, which means ‘to speak well of’. But ‘to speak well of’ means approval on the part of the one speaking. If the one … Continue reading The Catholic Dogma on Blessings
MEXICO: Reinher Fuelmich arrested, taken to Germany on charges of Viviane Fischer
According to Wikipedia’s biography on Attorney Fuellmich: “In September, 2022, Viviane Fischer, a partner with Fuellmich on the “Corona Investigative Committee” alleged Fuellmich had embezzled funds raised for the committee by overbilling (sic) for his legal services. Fuellmich denied the allegations and claimed they were politically motivated to sabotage the work of the committee, which … Continue reading MEXICO: Reinher Fuelmich arrested, taken to Germany on charges of Viviane Fischer
Redeeming a Monastery? & Update on Br. Bugnolo
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo As a brief update regarding my search for a new home, I have found many interesting properties on the market, but none which I can afford. I am very thankful for the support all of you have sent. But after spending a month searching on all the major national real estate … Continue reading Redeeming a Monastery? & Update on Br. Bugnolo
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy (Ransom)
Here is a talk from one of the confreres of Br. Bugnolo, Father Elias Millis, who grew up in Nebraska. — Learn about the wonderful story behind this title of Our Lady, and how Our Lady founded an Order to liberate Catholics who were kidnapped by Muslim pirates, centuries ago, and what it means spiritually … Continue reading Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy (Ransom)
New Vatican Nuncio to the USA plays the “ideology” game to whitewash Baby-Killers
Editor’s Note: When the cardinal-elect says it is wrong for Catholics to refuse to collaborate with baby-killers, he is totally out of his mind, and clearly following the ideology of indifferentism. There can be no communion with Belial and his baby-killing mob. And for the Archbishop to suggest that, is both ludicrous and criminal. He … Continue reading New Vatican Nuncio to the USA plays the “ideology” game to whitewash Baby-Killers
The “Synod on Synodality” and the Fraud of “Catholic” Journalism
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Instrumentum laboris, or working text, for the “Synod on Synodality”, to be held this October, at the Vatican, has been published. And Catholic News Agency is the first of many, who will follow, to report the news. But as we have seen with the controversy over the continued Petrine … Continue reading The “Synod on Synodality” and the Fraud of “Catholic” Journalism
In the USA, laws banning Abortion have saved 94,000 children already! Editor’s Note: This is a “Praise God!” moment in the history of mankind. May other nations follow suit.