by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In August of 2004, I had the grace to make a pilgrimage to La Salette, France, and I resolved there to do what I can to promote the life of prayer among Catholics. I subsequently compiled a collection of prayers, which I entitled: My Life with Mary, which is published by Save Old St. Mary’s, Inc., in the USA, but which I offer here in PDF format in English, Italian, French and Arabic. — This is a great little booklet to keep on your cellphone or computer, so that wherever you are and have a moment you can find a prayer to help you pray.
ENGLISH: PDF — This is the original
ITALIANO: PDF — Questo file è di alta qualità per portare dal tipografo per stampare in grandi quantità
FRENCH: PDF — This translation prepared with the assistance of a native speaker.
ARABIC: PDF — This translation prepared by a native speaker from Egypt, who is a Catholic Copt.
Daar Br. Bugnolo,
I am ready to make a Dutch language translation of your marial prayerbook.
Please tell me what to do.
Warm regards,
Ruud Karsten
The Netherlands
Simply take the English, if you prefer, and do the translation (see the traditional Dutch versions of these prayers, since 90 percent of them are preexisting) and when you are done let me know in a comment and I will explain how to send it to me.
Thank you.
Thank you. Beautiful collection of prayers. Beautiful presentation as well. How can I buy the printed form in bulk?
It is no longer in print. Nor was it ever for sale, it was distributed for free. If you take the PDF to a printer, you can have copies made in bulk.