Monthly Archives: May 2020
The Geopolitical Impact of a possible ITALEXIT
Generale Pappalardo: Responsabilità gravissima del Governo, dei medici e dell’OMS per le vittime
How Mussolini came to power, and how to guard against it again
Auturo Sabato: un’Opposizione di mere parole non fa niente
Jesus: Lo, I am with you always!
A Meditation for The Ascension
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The confidence to ask the Lord for the things which are necessary for our salvation and the salvation of others, is one of the foundations of Christian living.
This confidence is a wonderful gift, and to fan it into flames, we need to follow it with a consideration on the gentle but pressing Presence, the Lord Jesus surrounds His faithful with, who call upon His Name!
If one reads through the Old Testament, one can discover many wonderful and awe-inspiring examples of just how good God can be to those who are faithful, and just how terrible He can be to those who are unfaithful.
In regard to how wonderful and good He can be to those who are faithful, Our Lord proclaims in the New Testament and most consoling truth:
Lo! I am with you always, even unto the consummation of the age!
Which some Bibles in English render as, Behold! I am with you always, even unto the end of the world!
The thought that Our Lord is nearby and at hand, and present, is a most consoling thought and consideration. But to understand and appreciate this great grace, we need to first put it into proper context, and understand aright, what Our Lord is referring to.
First, let us consider what Our Lord IS NOT referring to. We live in an age of faithlessness, of apostasy, of infidelity, of heresy, and of out right paganism and the revival of the same.
One horrible error and perverse practice which has arisen in recent decades is called the “New Age Movement”. And one error of this movement says that anyone can spiritually connect into some greater spiritual power or presence, at will.
On account of this pagan superstition, promoted by such films as Star Wars, or by the promotion of the sale of crystals or by those who advocate going to spiritual places to be “energized” or “to get into contact” with spiritual power; there are not a few of the faithful who believe, that Christian life is not about sanctification, but about being “empowered” spiritually, and about being “spiritual”.
Worse of all, this error holds, that being “spiritual” has nothing to do with being morally upright, with the observance of the 10 commandments.
The insidiousness of these errors of the New Age Movement, requires that we consider very carefully and exactly, what our Holy Catholic Faith teaches, and distinguish the truths of Our Faith, from these detestable errors.
Yes, it is true, that being spiritual, does not require that you be moral or upright. The proof of this is that Satan, the most evil and devious spirit, is by nature a pure spirit, and thus has a pure spirituality. He is very a very spiritual angelic person, but he is very evil and immoral.
So, as far as we Catholics are concerned, it is evident that if the Devil is very spiritual, that being spiritual is not the measure by which a Catholic can measure his fidelity to the Lord, or his progress in God’s grace, nor his sanctification by virtue.
As human beings, we can only be so spiritual, and we cannot be perfectly spiritual, since for us humans, such a spirituality would be unnatural and thus sinful.
This is because, as humans, we are composed of 1 soul and 1 body. We are in truth, both our soul and our body. But both together. That is why when our soul separates from the body, in death, we can truly say, not only that our bodies “die”, but that “we” die.
If were were perfectly spiritual, we would not be living with a body; and since having a body is part of human nature, such a perfect spirituality is not proper for men.
Now, do not misunderstand me; I am not saying that we ought not be holy, or that we ought not be spiritual in the proper sense of the term.
And to understand what I mean to say, let me first explain, another term: “carnal”. What is of the flesh, is carnal; but in the terminology of St. Paul the Apostle, “carnal” has the meaning of “disordered by concupiscence”, that is by that spiritual disease which entered into man by Adam’s sin. After Adam’s sin, man’s flesh became carnal in a sense it was not before. Before, his flesh was carnal in the sense that “carnal” means nothing more than “of flesh”. But after his flesh became “carnal” in the sense that his flesh became subject to the disorder of concupiscence, which is called the fomes of sin. “Fomes” in Latin, means “tinderbox”, and St. Augustine uses this term to indicate that concupiscence in our flesh, is the tinder upon which sinful movements arise in our hearts and bodies.
So we should be spiritual, in the sense that we should mortify ourselves, body and soul, against concupiscence, that is against having a carnal mind, or living according to the sinful impulses of the flesh.
But it is better to call this “the work of our sanctification” or “the pursuit of perfection,” than “spirituality,” because while it is true that Dominicans have a particular spirituality, and Franciscans, and Carmelites and Benedictines, etc., too; it is also true to say that Satan has his own spirituality; but that is not anything we want to know or imitate!
Back to the words of Our Lord:
Thus, when Our Lord makes us the wonderful promise or proclamation, that He will be with us, unto the end of time, we must first understand that this promise is not true in all times and places. This seems a contradiction, so let me explain.
Yes, it is true, that this promise is true in all times and places; but it is also false to say that it is true in all times and places. This is because, we, in all times and places, do not deserve to benefit from this promise; and so in all times and places we cannot PRESUME that Our Lord is with us. For that reason, to avoid presumption, we ought not ASSUME that Our Lord is with us; we must rather work and strive to be worthy of His Presence!
When we do work and do strive to be worthy of His continual Presence, then these words of Our Lord become true. Not because our power makes them true, or our effort, or that we merit that they be true; no! Rather, because when we are worthy of His Presence, He makes His Presence felt, as it were. And when we do not merit it, He makes Himself absent, as it were, that is, He does not intervene in our lives with graces and mercies, lights an protections, and leaves us to ourselves — which is a most horrible fate.
For this reason we must be on the alert for 2 kinds of spiritual paralysis, which makes us insensible to the Presence of Christ: blindness and indifference. The Catholic who is blinded by mortal sin or by habitual venial sin, knows still by faith that Our Lord is present, for example, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, but it means nothing to him personally. Likewise, a Catholic who by habitual sin or neglect lives as if this truth means nothing, even while confessing it on his lips, suffers from a hardening of the heart, which is called “indifference.”
A wonderful example to illustrate this, is the simple and beautiful faith of Catholics of the Eritrean Rite. The Eritrean Catholics, unlike us Romans, when waiting for the church to open, do not stand with their backs to the door of the church; no, they stand with their faces to the door. If you ask them why, they say that it is because Our Lord is present in the Church, and they are waiting for Him to open the doors of His House to them!
Likewise, if you have a living faith and ardent love for Our Lord, it is second nature for you, when passing a Catholic Church were the Sacrament is reposed, to want, as it were, to go and embrace that church, give it a hug, as it were, since it is where Our Lord is dwelling. We do not hug the doors or corners of our Churches, but perhaps that is because we are just not fervent enough!
Second, to understand the words of Our Lord, upon which we are meditating this month, we need to understand what the word “present” means.
“Present” in English comes from “praesens” in Latin; in Latin the word means “being before” that is “in front of”, or in other words, “before the face of”. What is present, therefore, is right in front of you, you need only open your eyes to see it.
Obviously, when we speak of the Presence of God, we are using a metaphor, because God, as God, is not present physically, that is corporally, anywhere; simply because God is a pure Spirit, and has no body which is bound by spatial dimensions or locations.
We we say God is present, we mean that He is attentive by His Power, Knowledge and Love. Though God is in no place, He is present to every place, because He created every place, and sustains every place in being. All places, as it were, are in the palm of His Hand, and so wherever we are, we are not far from Him, ontologically speaking, even if we are far from him, spiritually speaking, because we are in sin or blinded by sin or made indifferent in our hearts by sin.
With these distinctions made and these errors avoided, we are now prepared to consider what Our Lord DOES mean by this holy words: Lo! I am with you always, even unto the consummation of the age!
Our Lord is not present to us, without any purpose. It is for our salvation! not for our sense of sentimental peace or well being. God does nothing without purpose, and if He is actively attentive by His Power, Knowledge and Love, that is by His Grace and Mercy, it is to save us, and to help us towards salvation, or to aide us to help others towards their own.
God makes His presence known to us, in a variety of ways. Often it is by a grace which enlivens our soul, so that we make and act of love, faith, or hope, which move us toward observing His Commandments or evangelical Counsels, or the precepts of the Church, or to fulfilling some particular duty. Nearly every time, Our Lord works this actual grace through the mediation of our guardian Angel; sometimes through the mediation of a special Angel, associated with such a work, virtue, place, or person; often through the intercession of some Saint, and always through the Mediation of Jesus and Mary, who always have at heart and on their mind, our salvation.
God is present, also, in two ways: actively and passively. Actively by the manifestation of His Power or grace. “Passively” when we are in the state of grace, in the sense, that we need not do anything to have Him present, since sanctifying grace makes Him present to us, and we to Him. “Passively”, Christ is also present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, in the sense that He need not do anything, nor we, that He be present there, since He has already made Himself present there Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity; the Divinity by means of the Humanity. But God is so infinitely Active, that even when He is passively present, He is active, that is working grace and mercy in us or for us.
But the secret of sanctification lies in a wonderful truth, which is taught throughout the Old Testament and which is valid and applicable to our days, now that Our Lord has Ascended to His Father on High. This truth is not emphasized in the New Testament, because in the New Testament the Apostles and Evangelists were emphasizing the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord, and the New Covenant wrought in His Blood.
The secret of which I speak refers to a the power and efficacy of a “spiritual covenant” with the Lord. Each and every man woman or child, who has supernatural faith, can make a covenant with the Lord, and thereby make himself present to God and God to him, not by grace, but by a certain sort of spiritual contract, whereby one commits oneself to doing good works, and thereby to meriting those actual graces which lead to God’s greater blessings.
Now the motivation to make such a covenant comes from God, because in the work of our sanctification, man does nothing first. So what I say here, presumes those cases where the Holy Spirit is giving the grace. And we know by God’s working in the Old Testament and New Testament, that He wants men to make these kinds of spiritual covenants.
In the Old Testament these covenants were the bread and butter, as it were, of the Jewish religion; but in the New Testament Age in which we live, they are secondary and very inferior to the Covenant wrought in Christ’s Blood; nay, they are only effective in that Blood, that is, when employed to arrive at doing Christ’s will on earth.
Each one of us can make a covenant with the Lord, which regards any good work, great or small. The vows of religious are a type of covenant; marriage vows are another; a private vow to go on pilgrimage, to give up drinking or smoking, or some particularly grave vice, such as gossiping, each of these are spiritual covenants, when we promise God to fulfill them or do them.
According to an exaggerated fear, common to the age of Jansenism, when to save souls from the extremity of scrupulosity in which they thought everything was a sin, confessors were apt to counsel nothing under the obligation of a promise — an exaggeration which went so far as to lead some new religious communities not to take vows! — many a manual or book on the spiritual life counseled against making promises to the Lord. This is quite unimaginable, and quite unbelievable, that anyone would counsel something so diametrically opposed to all that God has revealed! simply out of fear that some scrupulous person, out there somewhere, might fall into trouble by such a promise!
Oh, what scruples to avoid scruples!
Nay, rather, God wants us to enter into such a covenant with Him; and to show us that He is very pleased by it, we have only read of the wonderful blessings God bestowed upon the Jews of the Kingdom of Judah in the Books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, and Judges, to see the efficacy of this spiritual practice.
When we promise the Lord to do a good work, habitually, or give up a habitual morally bad habit, we show God respect, trust, love, honor, and give Him glory, as the God of all Justice and Holiness! And this is, indeed, a thing very pleasing to God, the Holy Ghost, who is infinitely zealous for our progress in all holiness and virtue, for by such a progress we are conformed to Him.
In making any such covenant, we merit immediately the remission of some of the temporal punishment for sins, esp. for the sins we have promised to avoid.
Indeed, the spiritual life of sanctification, cannot go forward without such promises or covenants. Spiritual stability for us feeble, unstable men is founded upon a chain of such promises, well made and well thought out, and faithfully kept, even if at the beginning, it is difficult or we fail.
These covenants are the stages of the life of perfection, the training in the art of spiritual warfare that the Lord wants to train us in.
For those who want a suggested formula for a general covenant of life with the Lord Jesus, here is a suggested formula:
A Covenant Prayer with the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Sacred Heart of Jesus! Thou art the Great and Wonderful Lord, the Mighty God! Who has descended from Heaven, to sweat and suffer and die, rejected, so that I might live and have life eternal! Who ascended into Heaven to prepare a place for me in Thy Eternal Kingdom! Who dost stand before the Throne of Mercy of Thy Eternal Father, ever interceding for us! Hear, I beg Thee, the prayer of a most unworthy creature!
Mindful of all that Thou has done for me, and of how much I, a wretched sinner, need Thee: I resolve this day to make this covenant with Thee: I take Thee to be My God, and I surrender myself to be Thy servant and subject!
I will do what Thou has commanded! I will head what Thou has counseled! I will obey Thy Voice speaking to me through the true Pope, Benedict XVI, and the priests in communion with him, who are my sacred pastors. I will mind the precepts of the Church, and confess my sins, especially resolving to uproot the vice of _________. I am confident that with Thee all good things are possible, and that Thy grace is sufficient for me! For to have Thee, is to have all, in time and eternity!
Help me, Save me, O most Merciful Heart of Jesus! Make me be all Thine, and be always at my side, to help, protect, enlighten and guide me, this day, and to bring me safely to Thy Eternal Kingdom, in Heaven. Amen.
O Blessed Virgin, intercede for me, and obtain for me the grace to keep this covenant with your Divine Son! To be faithful to it, all my days. Amen.
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CREDITS: The Featured Image is a detail from Gebhard Fugel’s, The Ascension of Christ, which is in the public domain, the original of which is in the Catholic Parish Church of St. Johannes Baptist, Obereschach, Stadt Ravensburg, Germany.
Bill Gates needs to be arrested for crimes against humanity
Paolo Maddelena: I Reati incostituzionali di Giuseppe Conti
Meloni smaschera Conte alla sua faccia
Dott. Paolo Gottarelli svela l’associazione politica per delinquere dei vaccini in Italia
Senatore Fazzolari: La Costituzione è stata calpestata dai DCPM
The Sanitary Dictator has blinked!
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Here in Italy, the Italians have a new name for their Prime Minister, Giuseepe Conte: Il Dittatore Sanitario. It is a play on words, since sanitario refers to health and things which regard health, as well as to being clean and disinfected. They call him this because in the name of keeping everyone from getting the flu, he has acted as a sort of obsessive father who prefers to lock all his children in their rooms for 2 months rather than risk that they get sick. And who cares about sending them to school! Just for good measure, he ordered all the schools in Italy closed too!
But the Sanitary Dictator has just blinked. Because in his new Decreto-Legge (Dicatorial Decree rubber stamped by his ruling coalition in Parliament on May 14), the proposed Article 16, which would have extended the state of emergency response to COVID-19 all the way to Dec. 31, 2020 with the option of adding another 12 months after that, HAS BEEN CANCELLED from the final official version.
The version which had been presented beforehand as the official one was claimed to have been signed by the President of Italy, Mattarella. But Attorney Polacco opined last night in his FaceBook address, that the President had Article 16 struck out.
But the good thing is, that the Government of Conte has backed down. They wanted another 18 months of emergency to maintain their claim to dictatorial powers.
Conte has blinked, in my assessment, because courageous Attorneys like Edoardo Polacco are leading legal crusades against him and Mattarella, in which more than 2400 criminal complaints have been filed against them both, in all the Procuratorships of Italy. Complaints, which if heard, will lead to the imprisonment of each of these men and their associates for as much as 15 years. That might have caused Mattarella to think twice about Article 16.
General Pappalardo’s call for an Orange Revolution on June 2 to topple the government might also have something to do with it, not to mention ITALEXIT’s call for 2 million to march on Rome on May 30.
But the buffoons in the Italian government just undermined themselves more than they think. For, in Italy, the President can refuse to sign a bill, but he does not have line item veto power. The bill should go back to parliament and be voted on again. So we have the case of a Decreto-Legge published in the official Gazette of the Republic in a form which was never approved by Parliament. That makes it totally invalid in law. And since it is invalid, any enforcement of it is another crime against the constitutional rights of citizens to be punished only by laws. (In Italy, a law of Parliament does not become law, unless it is signed by the President of the Republic).
Thus, cries for the resignation of the government will now increase. The ball in now in the people’s court.
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Michel Piccoli, dead at 94: Acted out Benedict’s Renunciation 2 years beforehand
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Il Reformista reports that on May 18, 2020, there passed away Michel Piccoli, one of the most famous French actors of his generation, who appeared in more than 170 films.
In 2011, he played the part of what could arguably be identified as Pope Benedict XVI in the Movie, “Habemus papam” by Nanni Moretti, which “prophetically” showed the Pope renounce using an invalid formula. See the video above, for the key scene in the film.
Even in February of 2013, this film was spoken of in relation to the events of that month.
The cause of Michel Piccoli’s death was listed as a stroke. He was 94 years old. Wikipedia, however, omits any reference to his historic role as the Pope, in the Film, Habemus Papam. And, I think that is significant, because I know that Wikipedia only hides information for ideological reasons.
Michel Piccoli’s death comes within days of the tremendous revelations of Pope Benedict XVI in the new biography by Peter Seewald, Ein Leben, in which there is attributed to the Pope words which express that he never intended to validly resign, that he intended rather to retain the spiritual mandate (Verantvortung, Munus).
The producer of the film, in which Piccoli played the role of Pope Benedict XVI, Nanni Moretti, is a self-declared atheist and Marxists. Several of his films have won awards at important film festivals, an honor only given to those who push the narrative of the global elites. He lives at Rome, and thus is certainly known to the Scalfari, the founder of the Repubblica newspaper, who is a close friend of Jorge Bergoglio, them man whom, historically speaking, is the pope elected in Moretti’s film. In fact, shows that there more than 10 articles at La Repubblica about Moretti. That is a lot of free publicity for a fellow atheist and Marxist, a lot of friendship.
Scalfari is widely suspected to be the “important and influential person” at Rome, identified by Cardinal McCarrick as the one who lobbied for Bergoglio’s election. The pieces seem all to fit together nicely, don’t they?
Nanni Moretti’s article at Wikipedia also hides the fact that he produced this same film on Pope Benedict’s XVI renunciation 2 years before Benedict XVI “resigned”, by concealing the name of the film under its English title.
Michel Piccoli, when asked about the events of Feb. 11, 2013, at that time, reacted somewhat violently to reporters questions. He definitively refused to discuss his role in the film by Moretti, for some reason.
Well, with his unforeseen death — which is perhaps timely for those in the Vatican — that reason goes to the grave with him.
The use of films to psychologically condition minds in the future to predetermined events, has long been a tactic of the CIA, as I have reported previously. This film, Habemus Papam, must then been seen as part of the calculated and planned coercion put on Pope Benedict XVI from 2011 wards to leave the scene (see here).
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Frank Walker: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is under attack from close quarters
Salus populi romani: May 21, 2020 — Live from Rome!
Español – Français — Deutsch — Polski
Perpetual Supplica
This devotion is inspired by the request made by Our Lady Herself in
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of
August 25, 1822: “I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great distress and anxiety on account of the Pope’s disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door’s opening of itself. I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the Cross; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus; that they should continue to come to Her church which they would always find open; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the Church of Darkness. … I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with arms extended, all lifted up their arms … It seemed to be an association of prayer.” From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises at Santa Maria Maggiore. (The Life and Revelations of Ann Catherine Emmerich, Book 2)
(Prayers will be said in Italian, Black, and English: Blue)
The Prophetic Prayer of Pope Benedict XVI
(May 7, 2005)
In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Tutta Santa, degna di ogni onore,
Tu la migliore offerta
che l’umanità possa presentare a Dio.
All Holy, Worthy of every honor,
Thou, the best offering
Which humanity can present to God.
Vergine Madre, Madre sempre vergine,
supplichi materna al Figlio Tuo.
Virgin Mother, Ever-Virgin Mother,
Offer a maternal supplication to Thy Son.
Conduci sino al porto la barca della Chiesa,
scansando gli scogli e vincendo i marosi.
Bring the Barque of the Church to port,
avoiding reefs and conquering stormy seas.
Custodisci questa città;
Conforta chi vi giunge,
senza tetto né difesa,
ed estendi a tutti il Tuo sostegno.
Guard this City;
Comfort who comes here,
without shelter nor defense,
and extend Your protection to all.
Con fede professiamo a Te, Genetrice di Dio;
Con amore Ti onoriamo,
Con speranza Ti preghiamo,
Ti proclamiamo beata.
With faith we profess Thee, Mother of God;
With love we honor Thee;
With hope we pray Thee
We proclaim Thee blessed.
Tu, mia Signora, mio conforto da Dio,
aiuto alla mia inesperienza,
accogli la preghiera che rivolgo a Te.
Thou, My Lady, My consolation from God,
help for my inexperience,
receive the supplication which I make to Thee.
Tu per tutti fonte di gioia,
rendimi degno di esultare insieme a Te.
Thou, who for all are a fountain of joy,
make me worthy to exult together with Thee.
Guarda l’assemblea dei credenti,
Madre del Salvatore;
allontana da loro sventure e afflizioni;
liberali dal male e dal maligno;
proteggili con l’abbondanza della Tua benevolenza.
Watch over the assembly of believers,
Mother of the Savior;
remove from them misfortunes and afflictions;
free them from evil and from the Evil One;
protect them with the abundance of Thy benevolence.
Al ritorno glorioso del Tuo Figlio, nostro Dio,
difendi con la Tua materna intercessione
la nostra fragilità umana
ed accompagnaci sino alla vita eterna
con la Tua mano gentile,
Tu che sei potente, perche Madre.
At the glorious return of Thy Son, our God,
defend with Thy maternal intercession
our human fragility
and accompany us unto eternal life
with Thy gentle hand,
Thou who art powerful, as a Mother.
77 Our Fathers, that is 7 Rosary Decades of Our Fathers.
3 in Latin
71 Our Fathers: One decade in Italian, one in English, alternating
3 in Latin
3 Gloria Patri
Sacro Cuore di Gesù, abbi pietà di noi!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Cuore Immacolato di Maria, prega per noi!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
San Giuseppe, Patrono della Chiesa, prega per noi!
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, pray for us!
San Michele Arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia, contro la perfidia e le insidie del diavolo sii Tu il nostro sostegno. Che Dio eserciti il suo domino su di lui, noi supplichevoli Lo preghiamo! E tu, Principe delle milizie celesti, ricaccia nell’inferno satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano in questa Città a perdizione delle anime.
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into Hell Satan and all the evils spirits who prowl about this City seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
San Gabriele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!
San Raffaele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!
San Pio V, prega per noi!
Saint Pius V, pray for us!
San Francesco di Assisi, prega per noi!
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
San Antonio di Padova, prega per noi!
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us!
Santa Rosalia di Palermo, prega per noi!
Saint Rosalia of Palermo, pray for us!
Beata Anna Caterina Emmerich, prega per noi e prega con noi!
Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, pray for us and pray with us!
In Nomine Patris et Filii e Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Al tuo tempio secolare
di ori e marmi rilucente
siamo accorsi ad implorare
il materno tuo favor.
At Thy Ancient Temple
of shinning gold and marble
we have come to implore
Thy Materna favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.
Col Prodigio della Neve,
segnò il luogo in piena estate,
dell’augusta tua dimora,
il supremo tuo favor.
With the prodigy of the Snow,
Thou signed this place in high summer,
of August as Thy dwelling,
as Thy supreme favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.
This Devotion is sponsored by the Committee “Salvaci o Maria!”
This is the Devotion which was advertised in the pages of the daily newspaper, La Verità, in the month of March, here in Italy.
* Salus populi Romani, is Latin, for The Salvation of the Roman People. It is the ancient title of the Icon of Our Lady see at the top of this article.
Sembra che il Governo non ha esteso l’Emergenza altri 6 mesi
Dominican Priest violently assaults Laywoman in Church for reminding him to be faithful to Christ not the Virus
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Maria Lourdes, a laywoman in the Spanish city of Palencia, went to pray the Rosary in her local parish, as she has done many times. When the Domenican Friars finished Vespers and the Rosary, she began speaking to them through the Chancel grate.
While in the Video, in Spanish, you hear her during the event itself, rebuking the Dominicans for abandoning their sacred duties to minister to the faithful.
Here is an English translation of the notes on this video, from the Spanish:
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Please listen, live, to this incident suffered by the collaborator of Adoration and Liberation, Maria Simplemente Maria, when she was expelled by the priest of the Church; who even called the Police, with the excuse that, “due to the state of alarm of the coronavirus” one could not be there.
Adoration and Liberation limits itself to disseminating the recording taken by the interested party, following the events, which she herself relates here below; with her authorization. In the recording, Mary’s courage is clear, as well as the rather restrained action of the police, who responded to the priest’s call, and the, at the very least, dubious action of these pastors of the Church… but judge for yourselves…
The incident took place last Sunday, 10 May, when our collaborator, Maria Simplemente Maria, was on her way to pray normally in her usual parish, in the Spanish city of Palencia. We will not describe it further, because you must listen to it. You will see how the priest, the police, and our sister Maria intervene in it.
We leave you with the words that Mary herself gives us. Read them before the audio:
“Dear brothers, yesterday I lived a terrible experience. I share with you the audio I recorded immediately after the events. I had seen the open door of the Church where I usually attended Mass, and where many of the faithful and the Dominican Fathers themselves know me well. Some of these days I had entered the convent church of St. Paul to visit the tabernacle, these being days dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima.
The friars were saying the prayer of Vespers and the Rosary. And I went to the gate behind the presbytery. I did so many times and prayed and sang the Hail Mary with them on this side of the grille. I have attended their celebrations, Masses, novenas, talks… They have seen me pray before the Lord so many times!
On Sunday the 10th I went to the fence of their chapel behind the altar and I listened to the prayer as I did many times. And when they mention it, they invoke the Holy Spirit and I look at the church empty and completely darkened at the hour when it should have been completely filled with the faithful devotees rendering honors to the Blessed Virgin. But what I see is a spectacle of Dominicans in the background, while the church is dark and empty.
I could not suppress the inner voice that burned like a fire of love for our sweetest Jesus and His Mother. And to call their attention a little to tell them that we are not NOT PHANTOMS, that we come to pray and to present them with respect and love for the Lord and the Virgin.
They are all enlightened, reminding me of Pope Francis, whom everyone adores, on that Way of the Cross, this Holy Week. Everything is enlightened but Jesus Crucified is darkened! Well, these Dominicans were like that.
Then when they finished their prayer I spoke to them: But what are you doing like this, praying vespers and the Rosary, which is not pleasing to the Lord because you have turned your back on Him, turning to the world and obeying the institutions but not God, whom you have kidnapped here and who you have stopped saying Mass and giving the sacraments, and confession, and people are dying without divine help! What are you doing praying without giving the sacraments!
And then the prior came out from behind the grate; quick and radical, and I felt all his weight on me and a tremendous pull on my right arm, and with another hand on my back he literally threw me a few feet into the air with tremendous force. And for a moment I saw myself being slammed against the very altar and/or the pews. And I had to do a lot of strength not to fall and break my head or a leg.
And without allowing me to recover, he rammed my little humanity like a bison several times until in this way, without any pity or charity, he took me out of the Church saying: IT’S MY HOUSE, OUT OF MY HOUSE! And I could not help but call them heretics, apostates and Lutherans and shout LONG LIVE CHRIST THE KING!
They were at the door of the church waiting for me and they asked me for the documentation; and I explained to them what had happened and they said that it was forbidden to go to church because of the state of alarm. But the church was open! I can only explain it as these hypocrites fearing that when they lift the ban the people will decide not to come back, and so they give the message that “we are still here” so that we will go to the basket and put the “X” on the tax return.
It was a horrible experience. I could have been given a moment to speak. But you weren’t. Blown up mercilessly. That shows how false they are! Of CHARITY NOTHING. OF LESS FAITH. OF LOVE FOR THE LORD 0!
And this is what happened. In the same church where years ago they celebrated an invalid mass because they celebrated “memory”, and I went to the sacristy when that celebration ended, which mass did not, to ask for explanations and to denounce it. The same man who threw me out with all his violence threw me out three years ago saying the same thing