
Tomás Luis de Victoria: O Domine Iesu Christe!


As we continue our perusal of the repertoire of the sacred polyphony of Tomás Luis de Victoria, the most famous composer of 16th Century Spain, we feature today his O Domine Iesu Christe, a Hymn for Palm Sunday and Good Friday.

FromRome.Info features at 5 P.M. daily, Rome time, a selection of sacred music for the edification of our readers, so that they can better grasp how contrary to the very nature of Catholic liturgy were the so called “reforms” of Vatican II.


Mike Church talks with Dr. Shiva about the COVID-19 Panic

Mike Church is the leading Catholic Radio Host/Commentator in the USA. Dr. Shiva has recently spoken out against the one sided approach to health which has brought the world to the present health crisis. They will discuss medicine, immunology and the corruption of political and medical organizations which is contributing to the problem. Dr. Shiva is convinced the Panic was planned, organized and is being executed by WHO, China, Gates, Zuckerberg, Big Pharma etc..

Palestrina: Ave Maria

As we continue our perusal of the sacred repertoire of  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the greatest Italian composer of the 16th century, we hear his Ave Maria caelorum.

FromRome.Info features at 5 P.M. daily, Rome time, a selection of sacred music for the edification of our readers, so that they can better grasp how contrary to the very nature of Catholic liturgy were the so called “reforms” of Vatican II.


Palestrina: Ave Regina caelorum

As we continue our perusal of the sacred repertoire of  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the greatest Italian composer of the 16th century, we hear his Ave Regina caelorum, the Marian Antiphon to be used in the Roman Missal from February 2 until Wednesday of Holy Week.

The performance is by Chanticleer.

FromRome.Info features at 5 P.M. daily, Rome time, a selection of sacred music for the edification of our readers, so that they can better grasp how contrary to the very nature of Catholic liturgy were the so called “reforms” of Vatican II.


Bill Gates: What YOU MUST do to respond to Coronavirus!

Listen carefully to what he says you MUST do, to understand how Bill Gates wants to direct the response to the Corona Hype and how he is dedicated to promoting it for his own personal gain. And he definitely wants to become the world health dictator, to control your life from now own.

Specifically see how at 7:15 in this video, he responds to the question as to when he knew Coronavirus was going to be a world threat. Watch his eyes, how he glances down away from the camera and how he fudges his response. It is clear he knew a long time before January about Coronavirus! He even begins to laugh, to show he knows he is lying.

Palestrina: Exsultate Deo

As we continue our perusal of the sacred repertoire of  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the greatest Italian composer of the 16th century, we hear his Exsultate Deo, the Introit for Feriae IV in the Ember days of September.

The performance is by the Voices of Ascension.

FromRome.Info features at 5 P.M. daily, Rome time, a selection of sacred music for the edification of our readers, so that they can better grasp how contrary to the very nature of Catholic liturgy were the so called “reforms” of Vatican II.


Palestrina: Iesu, rex admirabilis

As we continue our perusal of the sacred repertoire of  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the greatest Italian composer of the 16th century, we hear his Iesus rex admirabilis, a hymn in honor of Christ the King but perhaps written for occasions of Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

The performance is by the Monteverdi Choir, conducted by John Eliot, in a Youtube Video which has garnered more than 1 million views since Sept 2008.

FromRome.Info features at 5 P.M. daily, Rome time, a selection of sacred music for the edification of our readers, so that they can better grasp how contrary to the very nature of Catholic liturgy were the so called “reforms” of Vatican II.


Palestrina: Missa papae Marcelli, Credo with Pope Benedict XVI

As we continue our perusal of the sacred repertoire of  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the greatest Italian composer of the 16th century, we sample the Gloria from his Missa papae Marcelli, in a performance by the Sistine Chapel Choir, in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI on the Feast of Saint Peter and Paul, June 2011, in the occasion of his 60th Anniversary of priestly ordination.

FromRome.Info features at 5 P.M. daily, Rome time, a selection of sacred music for the edification of our readers, so that they can better grasp how contrary to the very nature of Catholic liturgy were the so called “reforms” of Vatican II.


A Refutation of Bishop Schneider’s Demagoguery

By Alexis Bugnolo

A lot of Catholics have asked me to refute Bishop Athanasius’ Schneider in detail. I have written a partial refutation, but his position is so absurd I have refrained, but here is a sound refutation on the more principal points:

However, I will point out that there is in the Church no such thing as the Byzantine Catholic Patriarch. The group which produced this has a checkered history, canonically, but at least doctrinally, in this refutation of Mons. Schneider, they take a Catholic position. Synods must be called in every nation to condemn Bergoglio.

The only errors I see in this video are:

First, that the authors of this video hold that if canon law is used to support heresy and apostasy, canon law is invalid. The correct Catholic position is, rather, that when canon law is used to support heresy and apostasy, it is the use which is to be condemned and the interpretation which is to be corrected by canon 17.

Second that they assert that the worship of an idol is a heresy or manifestation of heresy. But it is rather a sin of apostasy, is not directly a sin of heresy, because heresy is the denial of a truth which is revealed by God, but the adoration of an idol is the denial of the entire Deposit of the Faith. Adoration of an idol might include heresy, but it is much more than heresy.

Third, they avoid entirely that Pope Benedict XVI is the true pope. They do this because in certain matters they themselves have usurped ecclesiastical offices and powers, such as, for example, establishing a Byzantine Patriarchate, without any authority from God or Pope Benedict XVI.

Finally,  I would like to point out, for the sake of public record, that back in 2015 I was greatly inspired by the sound and heroic statements of Bishop Schneider against the errors being promoted by Bergoglio. It truly saddens me that he has abandoned the Catholic Faith and Canon Law to insist that Bergoglio is still the pope, despite all his public sins, his pertinacious heresy, his apostasy and his schism mongering. In this he has done a very wicked thing, and I think if he persists in his false position, that he must be reckoned by all Catholics a heretic himself, for denying the constant teaching of the Church that heretics and apostates and schismatics lose office immediately, as canon 1364 states.


Palestrina: Missa Gabriel Archangelus

Today is the Feast of the Annunciation
of the Archangel Gabriel to the Most Blessed Virgin

As there is no day of the year in which this Great Archangel is so joyful for having been tasked by Almighty God to bear His Message of Divine Mercy to mankind we can do no better than to rejoice with this Great Archangel and pledge to him that from now on we shall be especially loyal to God Most High and devoted to the Most Holy Ever Virgin Mary, Mother of Our God and Savior!

As we continue our perusal of the sacred repertoire of  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the greatest Italian composer of the 16th century, we sample his motet Missa Gabriel Archangelus, a musical composition for the feast of the Archangel on March 24.

This performance is  by the Choir of Swiss Radio.

FromRome.Info features at 5 P.M. daily, Rome time, a selection of sacred music for the edification of our readers, so that they can better grasp how contrary to the very nature of Catholic liturgy were the so called “reforms” of Vatican II.

Br. Bugnolo: I wish to publicly thank this great Archangel, who on his feast day enabled me to upload the Perpetual Supplica video in 24 minutes, when it normally takes 100! It was a miracle of cellphone technology.