Tag Archives: Veri Catholici

40 Days of Prayer against the Church of Darkness: Day 1

Video of Midnight, January 28-29th, 2020 A.D., Saint Mary Major’s Rome. (Recorded)

In the year of Our Lord 1820, God revealed to Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich that the Church of Rome would one day be attacked from within. That there would be two popes: one false and dark, who strove to found a new Religion which would be the home of every heretic and apostate: one true and aged, who would be paralyzed by inaction and silence.

To drive the Church of Darkness out of the Church of Rome, it was revealed to her that Our Lady asked the faithful to gather at Midnight in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, here at Rome, and pray with arms outstretched, in the form of the Cross, for the space of at least 3 Our Fathers.

PLEASE NOTE:  That until From Rome Info Video Channel at Youtube gets 1000 subscribers, it will NOT be able to broadcast the Nightly Prayers Live. So let all who are devoted to Jesus Christ, Our Lady and Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich know that they need to urge subscriptions to this channel, so that we can promote the fulfillment of Our Lady’s Request for Her Heavenly-Approved prayer solution to the present Crisis in the Church.

See the text of Bl. Emmerich’s prophecies here.

Quest’annuncio è stato pubblicato anche in italiano su ChiesaRomana.info.

Veri Catholici, the international Association dedicated to combat the heresies of Bergoglio and rid the Church of the antipope, had announced that tonight, at Midnight, Rome time they will begin 40 Days of Prayer to fulfill this intention of Our Lady.

From tonight until March 7, 2020, @VeriCatholici Twitter Account will tweet out the announcement between 11 PM and 12 Midnight reminding everyone to join in prayer for this attention, wherevere they are in the world.

To receive these daily reminders, merely follow @VeriCatholici on Twitter, by clicking that link and subscribing to their account with your own Twitter Account


APPEAL: FromRome.Info would like to broadcast live video each night, these prayers from Rome, in front of the Basilica of Saint Mary’s Major. If you would like to financially help that happen, make a generous contribution, here below.

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Pope Benedict XVI signals His blessing for efforts to restore Him to the Apostolic Throne

Rome, Nov. 14, 2019 — In another massive blow to the Bergoglian regime, there was published today, a letter written by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on June 8 of this year which signals his approval of efforts to restore him to the Apostolic Throne. (see report here).

In his letter he closes with the prayer:

Lord, help us in these hours to remain and be true Catholics!

“True Catholics” (Veri Catholici, in Latin) is the name of the International Association working for the restoration of Pope Benedict (see their website here). They are THE Association which has publicly defended his claim to the papacy since November 2018, nearly a year ago.

The date of both his letter and its publication, is also significant, because this Spring many members of that Association had written to Pope Benedict — myself one of them (see my report here) — telling him that we recognized that in accord with the norm of Canon Law that he was still the true and only pope.

The mention of the term “True Catholics” in his letter just days before I reported on his tacit consent, and published just 2 days after my report, “Breaking — Evidence that Pope Benedict XVI intentionally pretended to resign” is an indubitable sign that the Holy Father approves of our efforts to restore him to power.*

The website for the official Movement to Restore Pope Benedict is:


Finally, this closing prayer in his letter of June 8, puts to rest once and for all, all speculation that Pope Benedict XVI approves of what Bergoglio and his followers are doing, or had any intention collaborating with Freemasonry. — It’s a definitive statement that he wants the Cause of God to win and for us not to lose heart. But also a sign that he is, as I said, a de facto Prisoner in the Vatican and that the Cardinals are NOT his faithful allies.

To be truly Catholic or a true Catholic means first of all, after loyalty to God, loyalty to the Pope: loyalty to him when he is good health, or poor health; when he is brilliant and when he is mistaken, correcting him in his mistakes that harm the Church; remaining faithful to him and in his service even when and if all the Cardinals and Bishops abandon him or betray him. This is what the Church truly needs right now.


* The From Rome Blog is read nearly daily from the Vatican. It’s author is even tailed by Italian Secret Police when he strolls around the Vatican. It’s no secret what is written on this blog. And that is the whole purpose. — If he did not want to signal his support, then he knows what not to say and when not to say it. That is how Rome works. Finally, remember, this is not my work or any work of any group of Catholics, it’s God’s work, because it is nothing other than upholding Canon Law and the Catholic Faith, and when you do that you know that you have all Heaven at your back!


Come e perché la rinuncia di Papa Benedetto XVI non è valida secondo il Diritto canonico

Trascritto dal sito di Veri Catholici.

Offriamo qui di seguito un calmo e ragionato argomento sul tema circa la invalidità delle dimissioni di Papa Benedetto XVI, a beneficio dei Cattolici che desiderano conoscere la verità.

Perché un cattolico dovrebbe difendere la validità delle dimissioni di Papa Benedetto XVI?

Siamo obbligati a farlo secondo la legge canonica? – No,

Si commette peccato in non farlo quando sussiste l’evidenza di invalidità ?- No

Sussiste presupposto di legge circa la validità? – No.

Sussiste l’evidenza circa la non validità? -Si.

Perché le dimissioni di Papa Benedetto XVI non sono valide?

Per capire il perché richiamiamo il testo originale delle dimissioni e del Diritto Canonico;

Trascriviamo qui di seguito il testo della rinuncia nel testo originale in Latino:

Quapropter bene conscius ponderis huius actus plena libertate declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commisso renuntiare…

Quali sono i requisiti di validità per le dimissioni del Papa? –  Questi si trovano nel Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1983, Canone 332 §2;

§ 2. Si contingat ut Romanus Pontifex muneri suo renuntiet, ad validitatem requiritur ut renuntiatio libere fiat et rite manifestetur, non vero ut a quopiam acceptetur.

Qual’é quindi la prima condizione o requisito di validità , secondo il canone 332 §2 per la validità delle dimissioni del Papa? – Il requisito e’ che il Romano Pontefice rinunzi il suo munus (muneri suo renuntiet).

Ha il testo delle dimissioni rinunziato al munus? – No, dice chiaramente: declaro me ministerio…renuntiare.

Se la rinunzia non riguarda il munus, trova il canone 332 §2 applicazione? – Si e No. Si perché dal momento in cui non assolve alle condizioni per dimissioni entro I termini (in questo caso il munus) del Canone 332 §2, non è valida. E No, in quanto essendo un atto giuridico che e’ posto al di fuori dei termini del Canone 332 §2 non riguarda le dimissioni del Papa, ma meramente le dimissioni dal servizio attivo.

Possono le dimissioni di Papa Benedetto XVI essere interpretate come valide?

Alcuni dicono, apparentemente a ragione, che il Papa può rinunziare al munus nel rinunziare al ministerium. E’ questo un argomento valido? – No, non lo e’, perché non è materia di mera affermazione, la Legge stessa deve dichiararlo. Si ricorda che non vi può essere innovazione nella Legge della Chiesa in assenza di atto positivo di un superiore competente.

Ma non è un atto di rinunzia un atto giuridico che stabilisce  un nuovo modo di rinunzia? – No. Gli atti giuridici non sono atti tirannici, non possono auto-giustificarsi, ma devono trovarsi in accordo con la Legge della Chiesa. Ciò perché, come dichiarato dal Concilio Vaticano I, persino il Papa non ha autorità per inventare novità.

Ma se si dovesse sostenere che il ministerium si possa supporre o possa essere compreso quale munus, come si dovrebbe provare? – Come enunciato nel Canone 17, quando sia in dubbio il significato della Legge, si deve fare ricorso ad altre parti della Legge, e se non vi si trova chiarezza, si deve fare ricorso al legislatore.

Il Codice di Diritto Canonico autorizza a supporre il “ministerium” quale munus o il “munus” quale ministerium? – No, in nessuna parte del Codice si dice che il ministerium é munus o il munus é ministerium. Infatti, secondo il Canone 17, le definizioni dei termini contenuti nel Codice medesimo, devono essere accettate quale AUTENTICA espressione della mente del legislatore (Papa Giovanni Paolo II) nel promulgare il Codice di Diritto Canonico. Il Canone 145 §1 definisce ogni ufficio ecclesiastico (officium) quale munus, non ministerium.

E la tradizione canonica, richiede rinuncia di munus quale  valide dimissioni dall’uffcio papale? – Si, cio’é chiaro. perché in tutte le dimissioni precedenti non solo c’è rinunzia del munus (o sinonimi: onus, honor, dignitas, o nomi proprii: papatus, episcopatus) ma non c’e’ neppure menzione di ministerium. Neppure esiste tradizione canonica ove si possano supporre termini che non significano munus, quali munus secondo tradizione canonica. Il papa non crea o inventa lingue o forme di significati linguistici, altrimenti nulla sarebbe certo o oggettivo nella Chiesa. Anzi, come dice il canone 38, se un Papa agisce in qualsiasi modo contrario ai termini del Canone 332 § 2, il suo atto è valido solo se menziona esplicitamente la sua intenzione di agire con una deroga ai suoi termini.

Se entrambi il testo del Codice di Diritto Canonico e la tradizione canonica richiedono la menzione del munus in una rinunzia al papato, allora in virtù del Canone 17, coloro I quali sostengono che la rinunzia di Benedetto XVI sia valida, hanno valide ragioni? – No, nessuna.

Pertanto, devono tutti i cattolici riconoscere che in virtù proprio secondo il diritto, la rinunzia non è valida? – Si.

Significa qualcosa che tutti I Cardinali agiscano come se fosse valida? – No, perché secondo il Canone 332 §2 anche se il tutto il mondo sostenesse che la rinunzia è valida, se non incontra le condizioni del Canone 332 §2, non è valida. Non c’e’ la minima possibilità di distorsione.

Ma il fatto che si sia  tenuto un Conclave per eleggere un nuovo Papa, nel Marzo del 2013 non rende valide le dimissioni di Benedetto XVI? Il suo consenso tacito, non le rende valide? – No a tutte e due le domande. Prima di tutto perché nulla rende le dimissioni valide eccetto la conformità al Canone 332 § 2. Secondo perché per istituzione Divina il Munus Petrinum non può essere condiviso con altri, Per cui se Benedetto non lo ha rinunziato, lo detiene. Se lo detiene, eleggere un altro Papa è contrario alla legge divina fintantoché egli è in vita. E nel suo atto di rinunzia, egli non ha ordinato espressamente, che venisse convocato un Conclave in vita sua. Che egli abbia acconsentito a tale cosa, potrebbe essere dovuto a timore o ad errore nella sostanza riguardo a quanto necessario per rinunziare al suo Ufficio. Se dovuto a timore, ciò non lo rende valido. Se egli è in errore sostanziale, secondo il Canone 188, il suo atto è espressamente non valido iure ipso, cio’è proprio secondo il diritto.

Veri Catholici: An Open Letter to Cardinals Burke and Sarah

Their Eminences, Cardinals Burke and Sarah

The International Association « Veri Catholici » has published this open Letter to the Cardinals, on their twitter feed at @VeriCatholici. I post it here (in its unrolled format) for the sake of those who do not have a Twitter Account.

Here beings the Introduction, with the first paragraph of the Letter subordinated to it:

The rest of the text of the open Letter continues here:

“It’s also evident that canon 124.1 and canon 188 require that the proper object of canon 332.2 be posited, namely the renunciation of the munus, otherwise, in virtue of canon 188, the substantial error of doing otherwise invalidate the act ipso iure!

“Now if a pope should act in violation of Canon 332.2, since in doing so he would injure the rights of the whole Church to know who is and who is not the true Pope, he would have to apply canon 38 derogating from the discrepancy. But Benedict did not do anything of the kind!

“Therefore, he is still the pope, and canon 359 invalidated the Conclave of 2013. Also, on this account, all the Cardinals and Bishops ARE WRONG to reason from their presumption that Francis is the pope toward any conclusion. As he never was. He is an antipope, a usurper.

“Nor can one argue that the Pope, being above canon law, is above Canon 332.2, because that canon enshrines merely the principles of the Natural Law, which are superior to the Pope and from which he CANNOT dispense!

“One aspect of which is the semiotic law, whereby the being of a thing cannot in a forensic act be rite manifestatur by a term which signifies an accident of it.

“Take this example. A pope has the habit of calling the burden of his work, Bananas. And one day while shaving says, I am renouncing Bananas. Can the Cardinals lawfully proceed to elect another, if the Pope says nothing more? No, because Bananas is not a due term for a legal act.

“Even if he said, I am renouncing bananas, during a solemn Consistory of the Cardinals, they could not proceed to elect another. Not even if he commanded them or allowed them explicitly to do so, because until he says I renounce the Papacy, Christ does not remove the office!

“These Cardinals also need to recognize that the criteria employed to determine validity in contractual law is not the same in beneficiary law. For in contractual law, as is used in Annulments evidence regards whether there was a right intention, this is principal.

“But in beneficiary law, which regards bequests, the intention has no force, what matters is only the verbal signification of the act of bequest. Renunciations fall under beneficiary law, not contractual law. This is the fundamental legal error of the Cardinals and bishops.

“For just as it is impossible for anyone to be the Pope unless he succeeds to the Chair of Peter, the office, so it is impossible for anyone to renounce the Papal Office unless in a forensic act there is an explicit renunciation of that office.

“The case is analogous to property law, wherein no one is the rightful owner of the same single property, until the one who holds the property rights renounces them in a legal act. Renouncing only the usufruct (ministerium) does not grant the title to the successor in law.

#ALConf — Opening Salutation and Introduction

We receive and republish, the opening talks from the “International Conference on Amoris Laetitia”, held in Rome over the weekend:

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#AL Conference

9:00 AM — Salutation

by Frà Reginal Maria del Cuore Immacolato

VERI-LOGO-FILESOn behalf of the members of the International Association of the Faithful for the promotion and defense of the Catholic Faith, known as, « Veri Catholici », I welcome you to the International Conference to condemn the errors contained in the recent Post Synodal Exhortation on the Family, by Pope Francis, entitled:  ‘Amoris Laetitia’

This conference is the first meeting of the Association and the first Conference we have sponsored.  We have figuratively named it: A Pilgrimage of Grace & Mercy, because as Catholics from all over the world, we wanted to come to Rome in pilgrimage during the Holy Year of Mercy, to do a spiritual work of mercy which we believe is both necessary for the good and welfare of the entire Church universal, but in particular for the healing of the conscience of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis.

Indeed, the first duty of fraternal charity is to correct an erring brother. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, after his election as Roman Pontiff, does not cease to be our brother in Christ. And Christ Himself, when rebuked wrongly by Simon Peter, confirmed for us by His example, that charity can at times rightfully move us to correct a superior: for on that occasion Our Lord did not rebuke Peter for attempting to correct Him, but rather for having done so on the basis of worldly prudence.  The Holy Spirit confirms this teaching by inspiring the Evangelists to record it, and by moving the Apostle St. Paul to rebuke Peter after Pentecost for his dissimulation.

This is the same reason we have been motivated to hold this conference to Condemn ‘Amoris Laetitia’.  We expressly intend to avoid to speak according to worldly prudence and to reaffirm that we hold the faith which comes from the lips of the historic Christ through the preaching of the Apostles and the perennial Magisterium of the Church.

For it is not enough to consider whether Peter has spoken or not, to know if a Catholic should assent to his teaching. The Sacrosanct and Infallible Council of the Vatican, held during the reign of Bl. Pius IX confirmed that the office of teaching was not entrusted by Christ to His Church or to the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, that they might teach novelties, but only so that the self same doctrine which the Son of God handed down, through the Apostles might be forever believed in the same sense and terms throughout all the ages until the end of time.

From this there flows the theological truth, that even if a Pope should in private conversation affirm that what he has said or written is magisterial or infallible, nevertheless there remains the rule of Faith, whereby if what he has said or written in any aspect is discordant with it, a Catholic is not only not obliged to accept that, but to contradict it and give his reasons for such.

It is with this same spirit we have come together today, to speak the truth of the Catholic Faith as the Church has handed it down and to give an occasion to the Holy Father to examine his own conscience, while calling upon the entire Sacred Hierarchy and the whole body of Christ’s faithful to join us in doing the same, while praying for the immortal soul of Pope Francis, which is gravely jeopardized by the monstrous sin and scandal of signing the document, ‘Amoris laetitia’, even if he did not author it in part or in its entirety.

Finally, I will close this opening salutation, by thanking one and all who have helped this Conference be a reality, for the time, talent and treasure which they shared as members and friends of our Association, Veri Catholici. With especial thanks to the true daughter of St. John of Arc who made a very generous donation so that we could afford this Sala Magna for our conference, and to the individual donors who as of today have donated approx. 80% of the costs for it, but in particular to the translators who have worked with us since our founding in February of last year, and especially for this Conference, to bring to the world of Italian and Spanish speakers knowledge about what is being and will be said, here.  I wish also to personally thank the volunteers who have agreed to read those texts in Italian and Spanish and the other languages, for the convenience of those who are attending via Video-Conference and who are following us via GOTO Meeting throughout the entire world.

9:20  The Crisis of Kasperism or the Heretical Conspiracy of Team Bergoglio

Never before in the history of the Church have we seen a case in which the friends of the Pope, while remaining his friends and continuing to receive his favors, openly accuse him of being part of a heretical conspiracy to overthrow the Catholic Faith and undermine the ecclesiastical discipline of the Church, which the Church Herself received from Christ and the Apostles.

The testimony of the Pope’s personal friends and collaborators cannot be ignored, by any means. For it is a self-evident principle of forensic analysis that the uncontested testimony of friends is the most probative of all evidence as to the intentions and character of an human person.

Thus, if what was said of the Pope by these friends were said by anyone else, it could be dismissed as slander, gossip or calumny. But in the case of his friends, so long as they are not publicly disapproved of, we must regard the testimony as true and act on it.

Long before the St. Gallen Mafia were formed — this is Cardinal Daneels name for the group of Cardinals who meet in 2005 at the Monastery of St. Gallen in Switzerland, to plot the ascension to power of Cardinal Bergoglio, during the conclave which elected, instead, Jospeh Cardinal Ratzinger — the theological leader of this group, Cardinal Kasper, was notorious for his stated and manifest plan to destroy the Catholic Church and Faith by means of a theological project which attempted to circumvent the principle of non-contradiction.

I speak of his Article which appeared in the London Tablet, on May 24, 2003, “So that all might be one? But how”.  The Tablet has long since pulled that link, so I will make my comments from an unofficial Italian translation which appeared shortly afterwards on the net.

It was in that talk, that the Cardinal spoke significantly of the God of Surprises, saying:

  1. Ma – e questo è il mio secondo punto – mi chiedo se sia utile in questo momento ricordare a noi stessi che lo Spirito Santo può non essere l’ente ingenuo che molti suppongono.  Lo Spirito Santo come pioniere del movimento ecumenico ci chiama a riflettere sulla natura del nostro viaggio, poiché lo Spirito è dinamico, è vita, è libertà.  Lo Spirito Santo ci può sempre sorprendere.  In questa prospettiva, non è possibile tracciare una copia fotografica della futura unità della Chiesa.  La luce emanata dallo Spirito Santo è simile a quella di una lanterna che illumina il nostro prossimo passo e che risplende soltanto se proseguiamo il nostro cammino.

The appeal to a God of Surprises, here identified with the Holy Spirit, was a clever theological trick to introduce novelty under the guise of inspiration, even though all the Catholic and Orthodox Fathers have forever condemned novelty in matters of faith or discipline.

A God of Surprises, however, is not the God of the Bible or of Holy Mother Church.  He is rather a false and deceptive demon, who would have himself worshiped as the true God.

The reason for this is that the living God, who has revealed Himself, is not just a God of love and mercy, but also a God of fidelity.  Indeed, just as in the time of Arius, and so throughout all the ages of the Church, every heresy or arch-heretic who has moved against the Church, has founded his error on a corrupted notion of one of the Names of God.

Some of the first heretics in the Church were the Anomians of Corinth. They held that since Christ had fulfilled the Law, not only the ritual precepts of Leviticus, but also all the moral precepts of the old Law were no longer binding on Christians.  St. Paul rebuked them in his Letters.  But this error has smouldered in the Church, appealing at times to the teaching of the Apostle St. John, who revealed another essential name of God, when he wrought, “God is Love”.

Like the Anomians of old, the Kasperites love to appeal to God’s Names. God is Love, God is Mercy, they say.  Love is an essential name of God, because it reflects His very being as He is in Himself, apart from every other consideration. But Mercy is not an essential name of God, because mercy presupposes fault, and there is no fault in God.

The name of God which the Kasperites don’t want you to hear, is that God is Justice.  Justice is an essential name of God, because God is perfectly just in Himself, in the inter-trinitarian relations of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

But God is both Justice and Mercy, because another  of His true essential names is: Faithful Love.  Indeed, when the Apostle St. John said God was love, he spoke in Greek, though it can be argued that he was thinking in Hebrew.  That he thought in Hebrew even at the late date of his writing of the Book of the Apocalypse can be shown from the expression he uses there frequently:  He who was, and is, and who is to come.  This is because in Hebrew, the signification of verbs in relation to time differs from the western languages.  Thus when we say in Italian, English, Latin or Greek, “I am who am”, we mean only that, but in Hebrew the same ancient expression found in the book of Exodus, which reproduces the exact quotation from God, when He spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai, means much more:  For each verb can have three senses. was, is and will be. Thus the expression can mean, “I was who I was, I was who I am, I was who I will be”, and “I am who I was, I am who I am, and I am who I will be”, and finally, “I will be who I was, I will be who I am, and I will be who I will be”.

For this reason, when St. John the Apostle wrote, God is love, we can with greats probability argue that he meant the word “love”, not in the Greek sense of the word, “agape”, free love, but in the Hebrew sense of the word, which means “faithful love”.

Indeed, if we contemplate this Hebraic meaning we see that the entirety of Scripture and Tradition, all the perennial teaching of the Church, especially on the Sacraments, reflects this Name of the Triune God.  God is Faithful Love.

Because God is Faithful Love, He is true to His promise to love, He is merciful and forgiving, because He prefers the salvation of all men, even if He has foreseen that many will ultimately reject Him.  For that reason the God who is Faithful Love has created a hell, a purgatory and a heaven, to recompense each man according to his personal merits.  A God who was only love and not fidelity, would never create hell, because He would not have to be faithful to His justice; He would not create a purgatory, because He would not have to be faithful to His mercy, and He would not create a Heaven, because there would be no necessity that He remain faithful to His love for us, through all eternity.

This name of God, that God is Faithful Love is denied by the thesis of Kasper that God is a God of surprises.  A surprise is the work of an imperfect creature who aims to instill an emotional response by doing something out of the ordinary, to which His fidelity has no relation. He is a trickster and a deceiver, a worker of novelties and thus a tempter and a seducer.

Those who are experts in using the human kiss to seduce know these things well. For that reason it does not surprise me in the least bit that  the famous journalist Sandro Magister should have discovered that key passages in the Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, were written by a self-proclaimed expert in the art and culture of the kiss.

But none of this impresses us who are true Catholics. Because we have learned from the God who is Faithful Love, that a violation of fidelity is a hateful and loathsome thing, to be shunned, lamented, vituperated and condemned.

And it is for this reason, that such Catholics despise and abhor much of what is contained in Chapter 8 of the Exhortation, though not only Chapter 8 is stained with error, because this Exhortation is an inducement against remaining faithful to the God who is Faithful Love, and seeks to convince Catholics that the God of Love is no longer Faithful, or that the Church of His Love does not have to remain Faithful.

The document, therefore, is an act of adultery and a call to adultery in the worse possible kind: not only to promote adultery among men and women, or in the Church, but of the Church Herself with the world, even though She be called to be and is the Immaculate ever Faithful and Loving Bride of Christ.

That the St. Gallen group should thus, be addicted to infidelity and false love, should not surprise us, having taken as they have Cardinal Kasper as their chief theologian.  For them, therefore, it is nothing to violate the Papal Law against vote canvassing, a thing of which no one accused them except their own friends and members.

That the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church, heretofore, have not called out this conspiracy is very sad. But we hope that at the news of this present conference, they may harken to their duty, and show a faithful love to God by fulfilling it.

Finally, if you want to know more about the St. Gallen group or the Team Bergoglio scandal, just google those words in English for more information.

Oh Catholics! A Call to Arms

Official Logo of « Veri Catholici »
Official Logo of « Veri Catholici »

Shrove Tuesday, Rome, February 17, 2015:  In response to the call by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, for Catholics to form groups of true Catholics to oppose the Neo-gnosticism of our day, a new international Association of Catholics has been established, which calls itself, « Veri Catholici », the Latin phrase for “true Catholics”.  The organization is a grass-roots association, spontaneously arising from the overwhelmingly positive response by Catholics in all nations to the exhortation of Bishop Athanasius.

Their website, vericatholici.org contains a news release describing their spirit, essence and goals, in 8 different languages: Latin, English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Romanian and, soon to appear, Portuguese.

The Association also has a Face Book page and a Twitter Feed. Catholics are invited to show their support by placing the official logo of the Association on their blog, website, or Facebook page, or by liking them on Facebook. Catholics can also promote the Association by sharing news of it with their Twitter followers, or Facebook friends, or email contacts, or in person at their local parishes.

The Association, Veri Catholici, intends to promote the eternal Faith of Christ, faithful to the teaching of St. Paul, by means of sponsoring conferences, distribution of information via their website, and the lobbying of the sacred hierarchy. Its asks for whatever collaboration members can provide.

The Association is also seeking donors to fund their activities, and is taking donations through the web, via Paypal or through the mail, by check.

See their website for more information: vericatholici.org

The From Rome blog, pledges its support, and will proudly display the Association’s logo at the top of our right sidebar.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: “We must create groups of true Catholics”

Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Rome, February 11, 2015: Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the Auxiliary Bishop from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has issued a call to Catholics the world over to begin immediately the work of resisting the false church which is arising. While, the From Rome Blog has never done a reblog, this is too important to omit, as it is the message of a faithful Catholic Bishop addressed to the entire Catholic Church.

Reblogged from OnePeterFive.com which published this today, which first notes and then publishes the words of the Bishop:

Editor’s Note: Following his strongly-worded interview with Polonia Christiana in the wake of the first part of the Extraordinary Synod on Marriage and Family, we reached out to Bishop Athanasius Schneider to seek his guidance on concrete actions Catholics can take during this time of turmoil within the Church. We specifically requested his advice on what the faithful could do to resist heterodoxy and address the errors (or at least obfuscations) that seem to be issuing forth from some of the highest prelates in the Church. Though his counsel is brief, it is deeply thoughtful, and offers us a great deal of work to do. With the next meeting of the Synod less than eight months away, there is no time to waste. 

By Bishop Athanasius Schneider

It is a sad truth that we are in a time of great crisis in the Church. God is with us, however. You have asked me what the faithful can do to combat the errors spreading through the Church. I would like to answer with some suggestions:

We must create groups of true Catholics, scholars, families, and clergy who will spread courageously the full Catholic truth, especially on the Church’s teachings on the family, on nature, and the commandments of God.

As a means to this aim, we must make use of all the resources that the modern world offers to us. We are not confined to waiting for the media to spread these messages. We do not have to wait for each individual pastor to preach them from the pulpit. We should embrace the new media forms that allow us to spread the Gospel and the teachings of our Holy Mother, the Church. We should take our message to the Internet, publish it on websites, blogs, and social media.

Read the entire article at One Peter 5.  Per una traduzione italiana, vedi il blog Chiesa e post Concilio.

We stand with the 4 Catholic Bishops!

The From Rome blog shall heed the call of His Excellency, and resolve to aid and assist in any manner the preservation of the Catholic Church at Rome and throughout the world, against the heretical proposals of “Team Bergoglio”, which is the source and origin of the false church arising.

There are now 4 Bishops who have publicly taken a stand against the false church:  Cardinal Burke (Patronus of the Order of Malta, Rome), Archbishop Lenga and Bishop Schneider of Kazakhstan, and Archbishop Henrich Hoser of Poland.

Let us increase and multiply our prayers and daily sacrifices that more and more members of the Sacred Hierarchy have the light to recognize and the courage to denounce this false church and take a public stand with Christ for the sake of God’s Honor and Glory, their own salvation and that of all the world until the end of time.  We are truly in apocalyptic times. A great host of heaven (Cardinals priests and bishops) are falling from the sky under the power of the tail of the Dragon of Satan, as St. John the Apostle foretold in the Book of Revelation. Let us separate from them, and stand with the Lamb who was slain for us!

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Subsequent to this report, the readers of the From Rome Blog founded the Association « Veri Catholici ».
You can read more about it, here.