Tag Archives: Vatican II

Mario Dersken shows total incompetence in his recent attack on the Rev. Gregory Hesse

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Mario Derksen, a native of the German Federal Republic, who began his public career by being an anti-Catholic protestant like baiter of Catholics, and who has never studied canon law or theology at any institution with credentials, recently took a long shot at the reputation and argumentation of the Rev. Gregory Hesse, STD, JCD, a man who held a double doctorate in Canon Law and Theology. Derksen holds a gradutate degree in Philosophy, I believe.

I do not know of anyone who will come to the defense of Father Gregory Hesse, so I will. Though I never met him, I did have the honor to correspond with him by email and written letter before his passing. He was a highly learned man who sought to navigate through the many errors of the post Vatican II age, while remaining faithful to Christ and His Church.

In this my critique, I will consider each false claim of the editor of Novus Order Watch who has gone completely off the rails, in that he has begun to anathematize persons without any ecclesiastical authority — he is after all a layman.

The Novus Ordo Missae: valid but illicit?

Mario — why he has an Italian first name, as a German is a curiosity to me as an Anthropologist — first puts his foot in his mouth by contesting that the Rev. Gregorious Hess is confused by distinguishing between validity and liceity of the Mass.

The truth is, here, however, that Mario is confused. For he is confounding the validity of a Sacrament with the lawfulness of a liturgical ritual.

As he does not understand this distinction, his critique is utterly worthless. This is inexcusable for someone with a degree in Philosophy.

First, validity of a Sacrament regards the reality of a true Sacrament, which reality comes into being when the correct matter and form of the Sacrament are united in the same ritual act. — The correct matter of the Eucharist is true bread made from wheat, and true wine made from the juice of grapes. — The correct form of the Eucharist is the affirmation of the reality of Christ’s Body and Blood being in each, through a recitation of the words of institution signifying this: “This is my body …. This is my blood”.

The form of the sacrament is the truth contained in the words according to their signification. It is not the words. The words are part of a sacramental formula. In the 23+ rituals of the Catholic Church the formulae are all different. But the signification is the same.

Thus, it does not matter whether any Pope declared that certain words are to be included in the formulae for the Roman Rite, WHEN it is a question of Sacramental validity, that is, whether the bread or wine has been truly transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The decree of a pope only touches the lawfulness of using one formulae rather than another. A pope can no more change or restrict the form of sacramental validity than he can make the sun move or stop, since the Sacramental forms come from God, Our Savior, who instituted them. But a pope can establish a law that a certain formula be used to fulfil the juridical requirements of the priest. This restriction of formula if harmonious with the form of the Sacrament only is binding as regards juridical requirements not sacramental validity.

Thus, the Rev. Gregorius Hess is correct when he says the form of the Sacrament in the Novus Ordo is sufficient for a valid consecration.

But liceity, which I have defined above as lawfulness, also refers in Latin to a wider category of morality, as what is morally worthy of approbation.

And when you study moral theology you know this. Thus the question of the liceity of a mass regards both the juridical and the moral requisites. It is a very broad category. But it has nothing to do whether the Sacrament be valid or not; though obviously if an invalid formula be used, the Mass will also be illicit juridically always and illicit morally if the priest knew what he was doing.

Thus Mario who has never studied moral theology, evidently — a think I must assume to avoid charging him with bad will rather than ignorance — misunderstands what the Rev. Gregorius Hess has said, when he says that the Novus Ordo is illicit but valid. That is, it is not morally acceptable to offer it, from the point of view of what is best and right, compared to what is merely valid and sufficient. Father Hess has high morals, as is right and proper in the care of the things sacred to God. So illicit in his mouth could refer to juridically or morally.

What is always morally illicit to some men is not always morally illicit to all men. Because good and honest men avoid not only what is positively evil, that is which leads astray, but what is merely negatively evil, that is, which does not lead effectively to the proper goals.

To use an example. You may use any pot to cook eggs, but you will never find a chef trained at a school of chefs in France use anything other than a specific kind of pot. What would be a sin for him is not what would be a sin for the ignorant.

Objectively speaking the same holds for the Mass. A priest poorly instructed and threatened might say one form of the mass, which if well instructed and under no duress he would never say.

Further, if a priest believes that the decree of Pius XII applies to all forms of the Roman Rite in the future which ever may come into existence, he might consider the Novus Ordo Mass also illicit, on account of the violation of the prescription of Pius XII. That would not be juridically the most sound of arguments, but some make it. But this still does not effect the validity of the Sacrament.

As regards the validity of the Mass,  it is sloppy if not improper in theology to speak of the validity of a mass, because a mass said is efficacious in the order of propitiation, not validity. So a mass can be efficacious or not, ilicit or not; and of liceity, according to juridical right, canonical order or morality.

Papal authority vs. Papal Idolatry

Father Gregorius Hesse knew his faith well. He knew that there are limits to the obedience that Catholics should show the pope. Mario, however, does not understand this, and that is probably why he is a sedevacantist.

I will show this from a quote from his diatribe above:

If we assume for a minute that Paul VI was a true Pope, as Hesse insists he was, then his magisterial documents were legally effective, that is, they had the power to bind consciences. Then what he taught or legislated on earth was also “bound in heaven” (Mt 16:18), that is, ratified by Almighty God. That is how the Papacy works, and that by divine institution.

Therefore, if Paul VI was indeed Vicar of Christ and Supreme Pontiff of the holy Roman Catholic Church, then the ‘new Order of Mass’ (novus Ordo Missae) he instituted in 1969 was precisely what he decreed it to be, namely, a “revision of the Roman Missal” (‘Apostolic Constitution’ Missale Romanum; italics added) and not the establishment of a new, non-Catholic rite.

Here Mario shows also his ignorance of history, because in his Missale Romanum of 1969, Pope Paul VI only published a Missal. He did not impose it by law on the faithful, but only expressed his desire that it be used universally. But as anyone knows who studies law, a desire of a monarch is not a law unless it be promulgated in legal form of a command.

So Father Hesse is right again.

Can a true Pope change the Mass?

This failure by Mario to understand the fundamental notions of juridical right is the basis of his next argument whether true popes can change the Mass.

Since true popes did publish Missals which contained things which older Missals did not contain, and which did not contain things which older Missals did contain, the answer is an obvious yes.

But Mario denies that, because for him certain changes are alterations of nature. But he defines alterations of nature only as substantial not accidental, that is, which change the essence of a thing.

So if we apply Mario’s logic to apples, a red apple is an entirely different fruit from a yellow apple. And a German native is an entirely different human being than an Italian. So in Mario’s book, I must be of another species than he, since he is German and I am Italian.

Likewise, for Mario every change is a substantial one, and none is accidental. And since he proceeds by that measure, he might as well declare the Missale Romanum of St. Pius V illegal because it did not contain what the Curial Missale of his predecessor of 100 years ago contained.

So you can see that Mario has either lost it entirely — because this refusal to distinguish between things essential and things accidental, in a philosopher as himself is unpardonable — or he is writing out of such anger and bad will that truth has been jettisoned in principles.

But whether a true Pope can change the Mass or not, the real question is whether he ought to, and whether the changes he makes ought to be accepted, when he only whimsically asks, or whether they ought to if he commands. The Catholic position is that by the grace of his office a Pope will never command that a change which harms the Faithful be accepted. But his grace of office does permit him to wish changes which can be harmful, even heretical. And thus, his grace of office allows him to obstruct the Apostolic See by unholy requests which are not contained in definitive legal commands, such as that contained in the Bull, “Missale Romanum” of Saint Pius V.

Descriptive vs. Normative

Finally, Mario rails against Fr. Hesse in his own conclusion, where he claims that Fr. Hesse’s position is that Vatican I taught that God had promised infallibility to the Roman Pontiff only normatively and not descriptively, by which terms Mario wants to signify that Fr. Hesse only held (normatively) that the Pope was infallible when he taught correctly and not when he did not, rather than (descriptively) that a Pope was infallible at all times.

Leaving aside Mario’s terms, the actual Church teaching has always been that when the man who is the Roman Pontiff exercises his petrine authority, he is protected by the gift of infallibility of not teaching error in faith or morals. This means that one first must distinguish whether he is acting as Roman Pontiff or not. Being that the Pope is also the Patriarch of the West, the Primate of Italy and the Bishop of Rome, and a private theologian, whenever he teaches one must clearly discern in what capacity he is teaching if at all.

Thus whatever he declares about eggs at breakfast should not worry anyone. But I suppose Mario would be very shocked and scandalized to find that Bergoglio eats eggs Argentine style, not in the style of Frankfurt, Germany.


And thus the entire rant of Mario is seen for what it is, an absurd libelous calumny, for which, if he does not repent, he cannot be saved no matter who he thinks the Pope is or is not.

His website NovusOrdoWatch is the moral equivalent of a Flat-Earther site which denigrates all cartographers and geologists for saying the world is a globle; or like some nut who insults mathematicians with doctorates for asserting 2+2=4.  He is a total loon, who should not be listened to or quoted by anyone except to show that he is such. — I do not say this out of any spirit of uncharitableness, but because his errors are so gross and his form of argumentation so false, someone has to rebuke him in public for his outrageous article.

Personally, I will be praying for him, because to end up in a moral state as his requires a very great pride and exceedingly great presumption. I ask you to pray with me too. His condition is a very sad one. But the hate which motivates him, because he insists on defining reality as he sees it, is intolerable.

UPDATE: Not wanting to avoid disaster by another publication full of errors, Mario Derksen the day after this article published a defense of Pope Benedict IX, going so far as to reproduce a holy card of the most immoral pope in the history of the Church. — In that article Mario shows complete ignorance of the forensic method in determining a historical controversy, by his citing of sources which were written centuries later which summarize other sources imprecisely, and ignorance of the nature of the juridical controversy at the Council of Sutri, which was one regarding the validity of claims to the papacy, not of the judgment of men as popes. — He also continues to fall into the error committed by many who have no capacity to use language in anything other than simplistic puritanical forms, insisting as he does that to say “Henry III deposed three popes at Sutri” to be false simply speaking, even though it is historically true when once speaks of Henry III’s responsibility in causa. — His favorite source for the Council of Sutri, Dr. Carrol, was in fact a CIA agent, working in the Anti-Communism division and collaborated in their founding of Christendom College, and institution for the recruitment of Catholics into the FBI, CIA, NSA etc.. (See this video for more information) And by his emphatic citation of Fr. Fernand Mourret’s “History of the Catholic Church”, he fails to realize that this work was not intended to be a rigorous academic work, but a textbook for seminaries, and that it was written nearly 900 years after the event, from a anti-conciliarist point of view, which commonly glossed over Sutri because of not understanding its precise juridical controversy. — But what is most worthy of attention is this: what is Mario trying to demonstrate? That a true pope can never be deposed for any reason? If so, then is he saying that Pope Francis is a true pope and that he should never be deposed? or that he is a false pope and should be deposed? — If you look at Novus Ordo Watch, you will find that he has never urged the deposition of Pope Francis, whom he claims is a false pope, and attempts to undermine Sutri as a legal precedent that true popes can be deposed. So in the end his argumentation serves only one end, to keep Pope Francis in power even if he be a false pope. Maybe Mario’s German background has something to do with the Mafia of St. Gallen, which was founded just as Mario emigrated to the U.S.A.. — Let Mario correct his record by publicly calling for Pope Francis to be deposed at a provincial council like Sutri on the ground he is a false pope. But I won’t wait until Hell freezes over to see it; rather, I expect that if he were to respond to such a call, he would publish dozens of reasons not to do it and attempt to convince the Catholic world not to do it.

Gladio, Pope Francis & the making of the One Religion of the New World Order

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

The recent trend in opposition to ‘Fiducia supplicans’, which is tending to grow ever more muted and conciliatory, demonstrates how strongly the CIA controls the Catholic Church, both interiorly through the members of the Sacred Hierarchy, from Pope Francis down to your local Bishop, and exteriorly through the way the MSM reports on events in the Catholic Church. There is a third pole of control, also, the fake-opposition, which consists in apparently independent Catholic media and infuencers who tow the CIA narrative, while pretending to oppose the interior system of control.

Let’s unpeal the multilayered onion of these three Globalist control systems to show how much 99.00% of Catholics are totally deceived into walking lock-step into the Satanic New World Order One World Church. It’s happening, and the speed of the march will increase in 2024, so it’s important to recognize the steps, who is in the marching band, and the marching tune they are playing.

First, one has to understand that the problem in the Catholic Church did not begin with Pope Francis, nor with Vatican II, but with the Lateran Pact of 1929, whereby the masonic Kingdom of Italy paid the Apostolic See 1 Billion Lira to settle their dispute with the Papal States for the forced annexation of its territories in 1871. Another nearly equal value was given in state bonds of the Kingdom.

These monies which were enormous at the time (roughly equal to $400 million U. S. Dollars), had to be invested. And so Pius XI entrusted them to a Freemason, Bernadino Nogara, who was a Rotchschild agent. To obtain his financial expertise, he required Pius IX to agree to allow him to invest these monies without regard to Catholic Doctrine. So he began to invest heavily in Rothschild concerns and during World War II even got involved in war profiting on the Nazi side by purchasing investments in companies which would profit from their confiscation of rivals’ concerns.

After the war, armed with information about war profiteering, the Skull and Bones controlled OSS (US Military Intelligence) leveraged this information to convince or constrain Pius XII to take $20 million a year to fund the new Italian political party, the Christian Democrats, which took the name of the previous Catholic party, but now would be run by conservative Freemasons. The Vatican Bank had become, de facto, a money laundering operation for CIA concerns.

Dependent now upon monies from the U. S. Government, the Vatican was ripe for being plucked. After the successes in overthrowing the governments of Nicaragua and Iran, the CIA decided that at the death of Pius XII it was time to move. Threats, bribes and outright coercion during the Conclave forced Cardinal Siri, the Catholic candidate to withdraw, and there was elected Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, who as Apostolic Nuncio to Greece and Turkey, a decade before, was convinced by the Freemasonic Patriarch of Constantinople to join a pact to convene an new Ecumenical Council to conform the Church to the spirit of the age, as the international Conference of Freemasons at Istanbul had requested months earlier.

With a promise of $2 million in funding from the U.S. Government, the newly crowned John XXIII faked an inspiration from the Holy Spirit (his own secretary said as much in his memoirs) at Saint Paul’s Basilica and convoked the Second Vatican Council. The ideological program for this council was already decided upon in the U.S. Department of Defense Program for Ideological Warfare written in 1953, and only declassified 60 years, 6 months (66) afterwards, during the first year of the CIA installed, Pope Francis.

Vatican II became thus the new Gospel, replacing Tradition and Scripture which comes from God through the Apostles. Inside the Church the Vatican began appointing Globalist agents and assets as Bishops round the world and promoting only those who would collaborate to Vatican offices and pontifical institutions world-wide: thus, the formation of priests and the training of theologians and canonists all came to be colored in the monotone of Globalist narratives. The culmination of this infiltration reaches its climax in Pope Francis, the Propaganda Due choice to oust Pope Benedict XVI from power in the uncanonical conclave of 2013. For this reason, the Catholic Church in nearly all its institutions and personnel today is incapable of resisting the march toward the Great Reset or is in fact working to advance it ever more rapidly by using the institutions of the Church in the causes of Globalism: from destruction of national identities, denigration of the human person with technologies and experimental injections, genocide of nations with the DeathVaxx, extermination of traditions and faith through the Aggiornamento and Episcopal suppression of any initiative which bucks these narratives. For this reason the Vatican has ever lauded the MSM, NATO, the UN and the WEF. And this is why opposition to the “Gay Blessings” document, Fiducia supplicans, is generally limited to those dioceses in those nations where influence of USA, NATO, CIA & MI6 are weakest.

At the same time the U. S. Government founded a multi layer control external system for the Church, which was based on NATO and a system of stay-behind-groups (known collectively as “operation Gladio“, the name for the organization in Italy), composed of NAZI and Fascist assets (personnel and monies), which ostensibly prepared Europe to defend against Soviet Invasion, but which really consisted in an ideological and political control system for the West, in which criminal organizations, far-right special operation teams and journalists and publications collaborated to control the narrative on all topics. This is why the MSM misinforms, disinforms and outright lies. They do not do this of their own will, but at the request and directive of the CIA and of all the western intelligence agencies under their control. And even unlikely people are waking up to this truth. — The cupola of power, however, was vested in the World Economic Forum, founded by a Gladio asset, a Hapsburg, and the son of a Nazi industrialist, Klaus Schwab. They are the “brain” of the system of control.

The third system of control, that of the fake opposition (which I call the “Grifter Collective“), has been frequently criticized and exposed here in the pages of FromRome.Info. This consists in Gladio controlled network of publications and influencers recruited by intelligence agencies directly and indirectly, if not working in government offices themselves, which lament the march toward apostasy and globalism but use their influence to stifle any effective opposition and character assassinate any Cardinal, Bishop, Priest, Religious, Layman or publication who calls for uprooting any one of the prior two systems of control. Their mantra is “Recognize and Resist”!, which means “Whine but do nothing!”, and their principal founders and faces, most of whom are “converts” and “reverts” or who descend from Jews, either were hired in Washington D. C. (e. g. Peter Skojec of 1 Peter 5), attended institutions which were founded by the CIA (e.g. Michael Matt, Christendom College), MI5, or are themselves members or had parents who were members of Intelligence Agencies (Archbishop Lefebrve’s father was MI6, Steven O’Reilly is CIA), have close ties to individuals who founded or attended WEF meetings, or were recruited by the Gladio Network in Spain (e. g. Citizen Go & John Henry Westen) which funds dozens of Catholic Newspapers, Websites and TV and Radio Stations (more than 70 through Opus Dei alone). This third network runs and or controls 99% of all Catholic media world wide, and is the secret arm of the Gladio system of control.

FromRome.Info is one of the very very few Catholic news and commentary which exposes and opposes these three networks of control. Along with OMC Radio TV and a few bloggers and writers, these should be your sources of information if you desire truly to serve Jesus Christ and break free from the Globalist narratives and control systems. We are few, but with your support we will hasten the triumph of God against these Antichrist agencies.

 We hold that the overthrow of the Great Reset requires the removal of Pope Francis from office, the dismantling of the fake opposition and the rejection of Vatican II on ideological grounds. And we do not just say this, we propose concrete effective and direct means to do this, such as the Sutri Initiative and the Committee against Apostasy.

If you would like to keep FromRome.Info operating and support the growth of our news platform, consider a generous donation to our efforts to defend the Church and humanity.

CREDITS: The featured image by FromRome.info depicts the seal of the Central Intelligence Agency, the unit patch of the Gladio Network, a photo of Pope Francis (licensed), a fresco of the Antichrist receiving counsel from Satan (Abbadon) and the official logo of the World Economic Forum (Wikipedia licensed).


FromRome.info is an electronic journal chronicling the events of the Church without keeping silent about the duty of Catholics to respond with faith-filled action, rather than as mere spectators. This article is one of more than 10,000 published since September 2013 A. D.. For more information about our journal, see our About Page.

Vatican II opened the doors to an orgy of pedophilia

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Bergoglio is the flowering of Vatican II in its authentic spirit, because as a pedophile protector, inasmuch as he concealed the names of the perps in Buenas Aires, and inasmuch as he has surrounded himself at the Vatican and in his personal residence at Santa Marta with Cardinals and Bishops who were known pedophile protectors if not public advocates of the worse moral and sexual perversions, he reflects the same spirit which Vatican II opened to the doors to.

The Los Angeles Times, in thei reprint of an unsigned AP report, entitled, Clergy sex-abuse claims triple, U.S. Catholic Bishops report, they recount how the 2018-2019 survey by the U.S. Bishops Conference show a surge of new claims, 4434 more in all, “triple the number seen the previous year”. And lest anyone attempt to claim that this has nothing to do with Vatican II, the Los Angeles Times points out that the majority of victims are from the age of the Aggiornamento, not that of Pius XII.

The total world wide victims of pedophilia are uncountable. This recent report by the USCCB increases the total number of victims in the U.S.A. alone by 25% (which I calculate from this source which says until 2018, nearly 20 thousand victims were identified). The Catholic clergy in the USA are no more than 10% of the total in the world, so one can extrapolate the magnitude of the problem, if one wants.

This is the deep reason why both Bergoglio and Vatican II must be rejected as fake. This is the reason reason they wanted Pope Benedict XVI out. He wanted to bring back the pre-Vatican II religion and clean the clergy of pedophiles. And the revolutionaries of Vatican II who made their career on pushing the Council do not want that, at any cost.

I ask pardon for the title of this article, which might seem graphic, but I chose it to emphasize how important it is that we admit the true moral and spiritual realities behind recent Church history. For unless we name the demon, we cannot exorcise it.

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The true ‘spirit’ of Vatican II, at last, exposed

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The average Catholic never imagined the depth of depravity and mendacity which could exist in the hearts of so many priests, Bishops and Cardinals. But at last the masquerade has ended and the perps are removing their masks.

There is much to be lamented in the Church since Feb. 28, 2013. But at last we know who has been behind the Aggiornamento, the Liturgical Renewal, and everything which is Vatican II.

As someone trained in Anthropology and who has done some translating from Latin to English, I always kept a part of my mind on neutral, presuming that there was some sort of good intention behind Vatican II: such as helping everyone understand easier the things of God. I readily recognize the problems the average person has in understanding Latin and in not being able to hear the teaching of the Church in the Liturgy in their own language on a daily basis. I wrote off the bad translations as ignorance, for the entirety of my adult life conceding only here or there, that bad will must have played a role.

But the universal acceptance and praise for Bergoglio’s advent by the Hierarchy and Clergy have finally convinced me that I was naive and overly trusting.

Bergoglio is the quintessence of everything wrong in the Church and of everything which needs to be excised from the Mystical Body of Christ. The Church has no need of fakers. There are plenty of opportunities in the secular world for men like that.

It is with Bergoglio that I finally understand why so many priests have hated me, throughout my life for simply believing the Catholic Faith. I remember my days in Minor Seminary, when I was accused of being rigid for only receiving on the tongue. I remember my days in the Monastery, when I was scoffed at for keeping the Rule. And I cannot forget the student from Steubenville University, at a ProLife March, who told me that the desire to be a saint was a sign of serious egomania.

I believe the Catholic Faith, everything in it. I have the utmost respect and reverence for the Catholic Priesthood and for the Episcopal dignity. But I do not have this by my experience. It is God’s gift, because, I can honestly say, I have never known personally a priest who inspired me to be holy, to follow Jesus, or to keep the Faith. I learned all these things from Scripture and the lives of the Saints, and the example of my parents’ simple unquestioning faith.

But with Bergoglio, its obvious to everyone, that the real reform in the Church which was necessary and which is necessary, is the Catholic priesthood. As Ann Barnhardt suggested the other day, the vineyard is so overgrown with rot, that the Church needs to start clean.

The true spirit of Vatican II is at last exposed: it is one of disbelief, hypocrisy, double-dealing, deceit, trickery, subterfuge, manipulation, pedophilia, sodomy, sacrilege, hatred of God, hatred of Our Lady, hatred of law and all honesty. It is the spirit of the clerical careerist who never had faith, of the Freemason, of the satanist and idolater.

The way to respond to Bergoglio, then, is jettisoning totally the propaganda of Vatican II. We need a Council of Trent reboot!

I say, “Council of Trent” and not “Pius XII” or “Saint Pius X”, because we need to return to the high ground of Catholicism, where the proposals come entirely from the bosom of the Faith and have nothing of the errors of modernity, modernism and marxism, and are founded on the most sober and sane doctrine of the Scholastics.  We have to get out of the idea that the Liturgy needs to be reformed or that progress is the natural course of history. And get into the idea that the clergy need to be reformed according to the image of Trent. And those who do not want to return to that Catholic norm: I think the salvation of souls requires that they be booted out of every institution in the Church, if they will not repent.

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A Generation unfit to be members of the Catholic Clergy

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

There are a lot of reasons to call an extraordinary Synod to put the Vatican back in order — where a Pope is a de facto prisoner in a Monastery at the center of Vatican gardens, and an Argentine Jesuit is ruling the roost from a Hotel on the southern border. — No I am not writing a novel!

But one thing no one is talking about is the global or radical solution for the crisis of pedophilia in the institutions of the Catholic Church during the last 70 years. The numbers of victims world wide may be over a hundred thousand. That is not clear. But it is clear what generation of clergy perpetrated these horrible abominations and betrayed the most sacred trust in all of creation: being a Catholic priest of God.

It was the generation which wanted, enacted, promoted, promulgated, implemented and enforced Vatican II.

Every problem in the Church right now was either directly or indirectly caused by that generation of clergy.

What needs to be said is this: they are not fit to be clergy; they are not fit to rule the Church of God; they are not fit to be entrusted with the formation of the faithful in anything. They are completely morally bankrupt, and in recent years are showing everyone that they are also completely spiritually and theologically bankrupt. Very, very few of them can even calla spade a spade, anymore.

Until the Church deposes that entire generation, the Crisis will not be over. We are in and headed for truly apocalyptic scenarios of institutionalized devil worship on the altars of every Catholic Church in the name of obedience to this corrupt and perverse generation. We are already in an apocalyptic scenario, inasmuch as 99.99% of clergy offer their masses in communion with the Apostate, Arch-Heretic, Arch-Blasphemer and Idolater, as if he were as valid a pope as Saint Pius X and more valid than Jesus Christ, while ignoring the true Vicar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pope Benedict XVI!

They are a generation of fakers. The Catholic Religion means nothing to them other than appearances. And they need to be told that by the faithful, to their faces.

Being a priest requires that you are honest. The egomaniac, the psychotic, the pyschopathic and the sociopathic should not be admitted, let alone rule. Those who would sacrifice the whole content of our Holy Faith to keep up appearances are no less unworthy. And those, who wont do anything about it, are even worse! because knowing that there is a problem and recognizing it as a problem, they do not react as if it were a problem. Theirs indeed shall be a more weighty punishment!

I love Jesus Christ and the Priesthood He has shared with men. But I cannot ignore it when I see men unworthy in the most radical and fundamental measure to that MOST sacred duty. It would be disrespect for Christ and the priesthood to remain silent about these things any longer.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a detail of a photo by Br. Bugnolo of the Altar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, here at Rome.

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The Downfall of Luciferian Pride


The Fall of Lucifer, by Gustave Dore, 1866.

The Sin of our Age

It is often said that pride is the sin of our age.

So often said, that perhaps we have never meditated on what that means or surveyed how true that saying is.

The word, “pride” can signify a sin, a vice, or the esteem for a thing, as in “I take pride in my Alma Mater.”

Of the sin, it is true that pride was the first sin of the first created person: Lucifer.  “I shall not serve” (Jerimiah 2:20), is the scriptural phrase oft quoted by the Fathers and Doctors and Saints and attributed, by accommodation, to Lucifer’s sign of rebellion.

Saint Bonaventure gives a wonderful meditation on this, in his tract on demonology. Therein, he says that it was in the insistence not to serve God, that Lucifer consummated his sin of pride.  This is because pride is the vice which first moves the spirit to go out of its proper place and seek a higher place.  Since the Angels were created to serve God, there could be no rebellion or pride in an Angel except he refuse to serve God.

The first effect, therefore, of the vice of pride, is to omit the divine service or worship of God.

This is because, the proper and just relationship of every creature to the Creator is one of a just recognition of the dependence of the creature upon the Creator in all things, a generous expression and manifestation of gratitude to the Creator and a diligent and exact worship of God in mind and heart and action, and thus the zealous service or obsequium of God.

Contrariwise, the effects of the vice and sin of pride are first to consider that the creature is NOT dependent upon God, and thus to omit the just recognition of that dependence, to omit a generous expression and manifestation of gratitude as a dependent and subject creature to the Creator, and thus to omit a diligent and exact worship of God in mind and heart and action, and consequently to omit the zealous service of God.

The self-evident characteristics of pride, when recognized, are a powerful measure by which one can recognize pride in one’s self and in our present age.

Let us take these characteristics and use them to measure what has happened in the Church in the last 60 years, and let us follow these considerations to their most impolitical but true conclusions.

Pride is the cause of its own downfall

For his sin of pride, Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, and all those angels who followed him in that sin, with him.

This casting out was formally an act of the Divine Justice: God did actually order and command and expel them from Heaven.

But for mankind, after his fall, pride is the cause of his own downfall, even without the intervention of God — though God does intervene and punish it — because it leads of itself to the ruinous disorder of man in his own mind, in his own heart, in his own person and body and relation to human society and with God.

The effect of Pride in the Church

Thus, even in the Church, the sin of pride has its own effect, even though God spiritually and temporally and eternally punishes this sin, which is mortal ex genere suo and secundum se.

It is mortal from its own very genus (ex genere suo), because it directly opposes the Divine Will which orders all things wisely and puts all in their proper place. Its mortal according to itself (secundum se), because it of necessity destroys the spiritual life.

Now the truth of the Church, obviously, like all things which pride corrupts, must be directly attacked by the pride of Catholics.  The truth of the Church, however, is that She was founded by Jesus Christ as the ark of salvation and the only true religion for mankind.

When pride is introduced into the very life of the Church Militant, it must, humanly speaking, undo the truth of the Church. And the worst sin of pride which could be introduced into the Church is the pride which would attack Her most directly and intimately.

Vatican II as the consummate sin of Pride

Now the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, as Pope Pius XII taught, the Holy Spirit, Her quasi-soul.  As is seen in the history of the Church, in moments of crisis, the Holy Spirit has raised up holy Saints and Doctors and Popes who have called councils to condemn errors and restore disciplines.

Now a general principle of ever creature is that it depends upon God not only for its creation, or existence, but also for its essence, nature and form; and not only for these its first being (esse primum), but also for its second being (esse secundum), that is, its actions.  This does not mean that creatures are puppets who act when God commands, but that creatures on the natural level cannot do anything unless God either permits or commands; and in the supernatural world, creatures cannot do anything meritorious of eternal life unless God permits AND commands.

For this reason, if God wills that a Council be called, He gives the grace; if it is accepted and is called, He will see that it accomplishes His will, though men must cooperate.  However, contrariwise, if God does NOT call a council, NO matter how many men collaborate, whether as saints or sinners, that Council cannot produce good fruit supernaturally speaking.

After 60 years, anyone with a sense of honesty must admit that something is wrong with Vatican II and its implementation.  That leads to the obvious conclusion that pride has entered into the mix somewhere.

As a matter of historic fact, however, it can be confirmed that pride had everything to do with Vatican II.

First, because a council to reunite all Christians was first promoted at the international Convention of Masonic Lodges in Istanbul, when Archbishop Roncalli was the Apostolic Nuncio in Greece. At that conference, the Greek Patriarch was persuaded to accept the suggestion. He visited with Roncalli and suggested it to him. And afterwards Roncalli admitted this to his private secretary.  Years later when Roncalli was elected Pope and took the name John XXIII he called Vatican II for precisely this reason.

So the inspiration for Vatican II came from the Masonic Lodges, whose three-headed God, is a devil. Hence, the inspiration for Vatican II does not come from God, but from a demon of pride. Hence the true spirit of Vatican II must be a demon of pride, not the Holy Spirit, because God does not baptize the work of demons.

Pride visible in the act by John XXIII to call Vatican II

That pride was visible at Vatican II is obvious to all who honestly look at the history of the Council.

First, John XXIII called the Council without any reason to do so.

Second, he called a Council which he personally knew was suggested to him by the Freemasons.

Third, he called a Council to change things which the Holy Spirit had already ratified in previous councils and through Sacred and Ecclesiastical tradition and the abundant fruitfulness of the Church living and promoting these things.

In this way, the pride of John XXIII offended the entire Holy Trinity.  Because God the Father is the author of order and reason, not of whims and chance; God the Son is the Head of the Church, not the Freemasons; God the Holy Spirit is the Lord and vivifier of the Church, not the Pope.

A pope cannot just will something to happen supernaturally and it happens. He is not God. And to act in this way is a sin of consummate pride, because it presupposes that one is God, when one is not God.

Pride visible at the Council

That pride was visible at the Council can be seen in this: that for the Bishops of the world to convene for a council when there was no reason and to consider changing what had no need to be changed, and to presume to do this without any sign of God, relying only on the whim of a pope who is not God, is consummate pride.

To abandon carefully prepared schemata for the Council on a whim vote, is consummate pride, because certainly the best theologians working for 2-4 years are more able to prepare texts than a mix of good and bad theologians working hastily for a compromise.

To insult learned and holy Cardinals during the Council by denying them the microphone and cheering their removal from the podium, is consummate pride, because it attacks the better and exalts the mediocre.

To vote on documents which are dozens of pages long in Latin, when one has little knowledge of Latin, and to do so in a few weeks before having accurate translations, is consummate intellectual pride and wilfulness.

To call such a council “ecumenical”, “dogmatic”, “sacred”, “sacrosanct”, “infallible” or “pastoral” is also consummate pride, because it is a lie to call such a gathering any of these things.

To approve such documents and insist they then become the very norm of ecclesial renewal, is consummate pride, because it exalts the whims and haste of clergymen over the Headship of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the Church.

Pride visible in the Conciliar Texts

Consummate pride is also visible in the very texts of the Council.

It is a work of pride to change discipline before defining doctrine.  But this is what Sacrosanctum concilium, the document on the liturgy did.

It is a work of pride to exalt Divine Revelation, all the while asserting one’s authority to change everything in the Church which was founded in fidelity to Divine Revelation.  But this is what Dei Verbum did.

It is a work of pride to praise the pursuit of the perfection of Divine Charity, all the while setting up roadblocks and instituting processes for the breakdown and dissolution of the very communities dedicated by vow to pursue this: religious communities. But this is what Perfectae Charitatis did.

It is a work of pride to assert anyone can be saved apart from Christ and apart from His Church.  But this is what Nostra Aetate did.

And one could go on and on about nearly all the Vatican II documents.

Pride visible in the Aggiornamento

Consummate pride is clearly visible in every aspect of the Aggiornamento.

First, it is visible in the very name of the renewal and application of the Council: “aggiornamento”, which is Italian for “updating”, as if the Church whose very quasi soul is the Lord and Vivifier, the Creator Holy Spirit, could be in need of updating, that is could be old or decrepit; or could be in need of being up to date with the world, though She is the immaculate Bride of God!

Second, consummate pride is visible in documents of the Aggiornamento, which cite only the Council or Scripture in the “light of the council”, as if the Catholic religion now consisted in living by the conciliar texts, just as the Church before Council lived by Sacred Scripture.

Third, consummate pride is visible in the very history and course of the Aggiornamento, in which though despite 70 years of statistical and moral proof of failure and sterility, the Sacred Hierarchy pursues loyalty to the Council even to the destruction of all souls and institutions.

Fourth, consummate pride is the very spirit of the Aggiornamento, because all addicted to it refuse to repent, to recognize their spirit as prideful, and to admit any change of course is now a moral obligation.

In short, Vatican II allowed to enter into the Church the spirit of luciferian pride and the Aggiornamento and the Sacred Hierarchy have made this diabolic spirit the official religion of the Catholic Church.

Some examples of Pride in the daily life of the Church

It is consummate pride to offer the Divine Sacrifice while turning your back to God (versus populum).

It is consummate pride to obstruct, prevent and forbid that a priest offering sacrifice to God face God (ad orientem).

It is consummate pride to put any temporal need or activity before the worship of God, by not opening Churches as early as possible, having mass in the morning, or opening them in the evening to end the day thanking God.

It is consummate pride for priests and religious to spend more time watching TV or eating than praying to God.

It is consummate pride to assert and insist that the laity receive the Most Blessed Sacrament in the hand, or in the Latin Rite, while standing.

It is consummate pride to move the Tablernacle which contains God, off the central axis of the Church and/or to hide it away from the faithful.

It is consummate pride to use secular or worldly music or instruments during Divine Worship.

It is consummate pride to use translations or liturgical texts which are ideologically manipulated in a sense incoherent and or opposed to Scripture, Tradition or the working of holiness in the Church as it has been for 1965 years prior to the close of Vatican II.

It is consummate pride to alter the Sacraments and to alter the rituals of the Mass.

It is consummate pride to alter marriage vows and the rules of religious orders founded by Saints and fruitful with numerous saints.

One could go one, endlessly, I think, but you get the idea.

What are you going to do about it?

Well, obviously, only to lament these problems, would be an act of pride, because as Catholics and God’s creatures we are obliged in justice to oppose pride and undo the works of pride.

But it would also be a work of pride to leave the Church.

It is a work of pride too to want only to manage the problem, or milk the problem, without seeking to cure the problem, as many groups and “Catholic” publications do without realizing it, perhaps.

It is also a work of pride to think or attempt to negotiate with a devil or compromise with pride and the works of pride.

The humble thing to do is 1:  to completely reject what has come forth and been conceived in pride and to live one’s Catholic life as good Catholics lived before the Council, and 2: to strive to convince all other Catholics to do the same.