Tag Archives: USSCB

Vatican II opened the doors to an orgy of pedophilia

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Bergoglio is the flowering of Vatican II in its authentic spirit, because as a pedophile protector, inasmuch as he concealed the names of the perps in Buenas Aires, and inasmuch as he has surrounded himself at the Vatican and in his personal residence at Santa Marta with Cardinals and Bishops who were known pedophile protectors if not public advocates of the worse moral and sexual perversions, he reflects the same spirit which Vatican II opened to the doors to.

The Los Angeles Times, in thei reprint of an unsigned AP report, entitled, Clergy sex-abuse claims triple, U.S. Catholic Bishops report, they recount how the 2018-2019 survey by the U.S. Bishops Conference show a surge of new claims, 4434 more in all, “triple the number seen the previous year”. And lest anyone attempt to claim that this has nothing to do with Vatican II, the Los Angeles Times points out that the majority of victims are from the age of the Aggiornamento, not that of Pius XII.

The total world wide victims of pedophilia are uncountable. This recent report by the USCCB increases the total number of victims in the U.S.A. alone by 25% (which I calculate from this source which says until 2018, nearly 20 thousand victims were identified). The Catholic clergy in the USA are no more than 10% of the total in the world, so one can extrapolate the magnitude of the problem, if one wants.

This is the deep reason why both Bergoglio and Vatican II must be rejected as fake. This is the reason reason they wanted Pope Benedict XVI out. He wanted to bring back the pre-Vatican II religion and clean the clergy of pedophiles. And the revolutionaries of Vatican II who made their career on pushing the Council do not want that, at any cost.

I ask pardon for the title of this article, which might seem graphic, but I chose it to emphasize how important it is that we admit the true moral and spiritual realities behind recent Church history. For unless we name the demon, we cannot exorcise it.

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