Tag Archives: Ukranian Episcopal Conference

Ukranians lead the way

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Look at the Featured Image above: it is the official photograph of the Ukranian Catholic Episcopal Conference. The Catholic Church in the Ukraine originated in the conversion of the Rus a thousand years ago, and by the preaching of Saint Jehoshaphat, tens of thousands were brought back from schism at the end of the 15th century.

Here are Bishops who dress like Bishops and men of God. Here is a Church which has not lost a sense of the sacred in its liturgical dress.

And here is an Episcopal Conference that has some divine life in it, because it issued a Fraternal Correction to the Episcopal Conference of  Germany, warning them to hold fast to the eternal Faith.

Here is an Episcopal Conference which still has a proper sense of the proper authority of each local Synod of Bishops, acting independently and without fear of what others might say of them.

Palpable proof that how your worship forms how you believe and how your act on your faith.

Here is the official English translation of the news report:


You can read the report from Info Catholica, here in Spanish:


And an Italian translation, here from Chiesa e Post Concilio:


The original report seems to be in Polish, here:
