Tag Archives: PPBXVI Movement


This is the famous video, by Brian Murphy, Is Benedict Still the Pope?, now with subtitled in Japanese. Which explains to the Japanese people, what Our Lady of Akita meant when she said there would be a war inside the Church, “cardinal against cardinal” and not “cardinal against the pope”, because Bergoglio is still a cardinal and never was the pope.

Major Italian Newspaper: Benedict still signs P.P., he retains the Papal power

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Chirs Ferrara poo-poohed Ann Barnhardt’s collection of evidence, the other day, by calling it a “data set”, in the pure style of every gaslighting Bergoglian apologist. But the truth is the exact opposite — just as with every Marxist apologist — because projecting your own errors on your opponents is one of Salinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

But the only “data set” on Chris’ side is the consistent and constant claim by the Cardinals that Benedict resigned the Papacy. A claim made without citing any evidence which is supported by the Law or reality.

Even major Italian newspapers admitted that Benedict had clearly retained the papal dignity and power, back in 2014. — But perhaps Chris does not read Italian.

Here is my translation of the opening of an article, entitled, Bergoglio 0.0, Papa nullo. E Ratzinger ancora lo è, which appeared in Il Foglio on Sept. 23, 2014 at 6:26 A.M., Rome time. The title translates:  Bergoglio 0 for 0, a null Pope. And Ratzinger still is the one.

Rome.  He continues to sign himself as, Benedict XVI, even with the P. P., to indicate the power of the pope, a thing, however, which Francis has never done from the day of his enthronement on the Chair of Peter.  He used to dress in white and he continues to dress in white, even if he has laid aside the mantle and the cincture. There was not enough time to find a black soutaine in all the Vatican, is the reluctant justification which came from beyond the Tiber. He used to be the Pope and he remains the pope, though emeritus.  Even the coat of arms has been retained with the crossed Keys, which a few zealous Cardinals, expert in heraldry, tried to remove, so as to remove all reference to the Petrine Ministry. But, now, of what value was the renunciation made by Joseph Ratzinger, sitting on the red throne in the Sala Clementine, on Feb. 11, a year ago, to the surprise of the crimson clad prelates, who were present, a few of whom — not being so good in Latin — did not understand the meaning of what was happening: “a unique case in 2000 years of Church History”.

Tell me again, Chris, that there are no data sets out there, that say Benedict is still the pope, and consequently, that Bergoglio never was. Tell us that no one has the right to use data sets to say the see is vacant? Does that mean that no one has the right to think? Or that you do not not recognize as somebody, anyone who does look a the facts and think?

I know my Church history. The only unique thing in 2000 years, is not a valid papal resignation, it is an invalid papal resignation, that is ignored, yet taken as valid by a conspiracy of all the Cardinals. — The Cardinals, remember, are the reason for most of the Antipopes of history, let us not forget. Antipopes do not pop-up into being from “data sets” of a laywomen reading Canon Law.

NOTE: The Latin abbreviation, P. P., means Pastor Pastorum, that is Shepherd of Shepherds, and has been used exclusively by the Successors of Saint Peter for centuries.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of the page of the Italian Newspaper where the article still appears to this day. Used in accord with fair use standard for editorial commentary.

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An Invitation from the Editor


Dear Readers of FromRome.Info,

I am a firm believer that God created each of us for a reason, and gave us each of us by Baptism and Confirmation the graces to bear witness to the truth.

I am also aware that personal testimony has a powerful attraction for others who seek the truth.

As you know, Pope Benedict XVI is the true and only Pope of the Catholic Church. But many as of yet do not know this truth or are struggling with the facts of what happened in February 2013.

Therefore, I invite you to make a short 5 to 10 minute video, using your own cellphone, and the YouTube App, and tell your story about how you came to realize and discover that Benedict is the true pope. Then, on the Contact Page, here at FromRome.Info, share with me the URL of your video at Youtube, and I will post it at FromRome.Info with a short commentary.

I believe this will not only be interesting for fellow readers who visit and/or comment regularly, but will help those souls who are not yet certain what is true and are still searching for the truth.

In addition the comments on each Video will allow all of us to hone our arguments better, so that when next a confused soul seeks advice, we can all be better prepared, as Saint Peter the Apostle exhorts us, to give testimony to our faith in Christ Jesus!


The Editor



Papa Benedicto XVI sigue siendo Papa

Este es el video oficial del movimiento PPBXVI en los EE.UU. hecho para nuestros hermanos y hermanas en España y su antiguo imperio colonial. En el texto se explica el argumento en inglés, que muestra que el Papa Benedicto XVI sigue siendo el verdadero Papa porque lo que hizo el 11 de febrero de 2013 no le hizo perder el cargo del Papado.

Por favor, comparta este video con todos sus amigos que hablan español!

Para más versiones de este video en otros 8 idiomas, por favor vea ppbxvi.org


Bento XVI ainda é Papa

Este é o vídeo oficial do movimento PPBXVI nos EUA feito para os nossos irmãos e irmãs no Brasil e em Portugal e para o antigo império colonial português. Ele explica no texto o argumento em inglês, que mostra que o Papa Bento XVI ainda é o verdadeiro papa porque o que ele fez em 11 de fevereiro de 2013 não o fez perder o ofício do Papado.

Por favor, partilhe este vídeo com todos os seus amigos que falam português!

Para mais versões deste vídeo em 8 outras línguas, por favor, veja ppbxvi.org

News that Benedict XVI is the true pope Spreads to the whole world!

Rome, January 22, 2020 A.D.: In the last month, FromRome.Info has seen a dramatic spread of its readers to nearly every nation on Earth. Catholics from every land are at last coming to know that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope and never resigned the office of the Papacy in accord with the norm of law.

Evidence for this is visible in the statistics gathered on our website:

Screenshot_2020-01-22 Stats and Insights ‹ FromRome Info — WordPress com

This marks the most significant demographic shift in the PPBXVI Movement since FromRome.Info joined the cause in November 2018.

While the predominate number of readers remains in the U.S.A., on account of the fact that FromRome.Info is nearly entirely an English language publication, and because Catholics in the United States generally enjoy better connectivity to the internet and a greater cultural and political experience of individual liberty, it is the spread of interest in information regarding Pope Benedict and his ineffective resignation to other nations which is the most remarkable. The nations in which English is rarely or never spoken are no less registering visitors as those of the former British Empire.

This is another sign, that the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Truth, is stirring up the entire Church to return in allegiance to His Vicar on Earth Pope Benedict XVI! — Praise be to Him, now and forever more!

For more information, on the PPBXVI Movement, see ppbxvi.org, where you can find the Canonical Arguments, Videos, and detailed analysis in at least 8 languages.

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VIDEO: Why Benedict is still the Pope (Arabic Version)

For all Catholics and Christians who speak Arabic, and who are very disheartened by what Bergoglio is doing to promote Islam and downplay Jesus Christ and the Christian Faith, here is the Official PPBXVI Movement Video, now with Subtitles in Arabic.

Please share with all your friends round the world.

News on the “Benedict is still the Pope” Video Production Program

Very soon, this Video will be published again in a Russian Version. And a Polish Version and Afrikans Version are also in the works.

WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR A CHINESE translation, so we can produce a subtitled version in modern Chinese Script, so as to give hope to the 30 Million Catholics in China and to encourage them to resist the heretical Patriotic Church with all their might!

If you can translate this Video text into Chinese, please leave your contact info in a comment  below. It will not be published and will be given only to Brian Murphy, the producer.

Many thanks to Brian Murphy of GodsPlanForLife.org who is doing a wonderful thing for God by producing these videos, without any financial backing at all, for Catholics everywhere, because everyone has the right to the truth about Pope Benedict.

Has Michael Voris joined the PPBXVI Movement?

FromRome.Info cannot refrain from printing this BREAKING News on Catholic Social Media: Michael Voris appears to have crossed the lines of the Bergoglian controlled narrative and indicated that it is legitimate to question the validity of Pope Benedict’s Renunciation!

Those Catholics who follow Canon Law and thus continue to hold Pope Benedict XVI as the only true pope — his resignation being canonically null and void — are members of what FromRome.Info calls the PPBXVI Movement, of which we are proud members ourselves.

Michael Voris crossed over no-man’s land on January 18, 2020, when Church Militant, his Flagship Video News Agency, published an English translation of an interview with the renowned Italian controversialist, Antonio Socci — without editing out his comments. That interview was entitled in English, Interview with Antonio Socci: ‘We are seeing the leaders of the Church work against Her.’

In that interview, which merits to be read in its entirety, Socci responds to Aldo Maria Valli’s question on Pope Benedict:

There is one question that is very close to your heart and that you have studied thoroughly: the resignation of Benedict XVI. Why did Ratzinger step aside? Is it possible that he did not have any idea what would happen next? Or did he know very well and desire that certain processes already underway would reach extreme consequences in order to better oppose them?

Also in this case, no one can pretend to know the personal thoughts of Benedict XVI. Certainly Pope Bergoglio was not elected by him, but by a College of Cardinals that clearly had no knowledge of the candidate during a conclave and pre-conclave of which there are many details that still need to be clarified.

But, as far as what concerns the resignation and his choice to be “Pope Emeritus,” I believe that, based on the documents in hand, it is now clear that Benedict XVI did not intend to resign — or totally resign — the Petrine munus.

As Archbishop Ganswein explained in his famous conference at the Gregorian University:


Both before and after his resignation, Benedict understood and understands his task to be a participation in such a “Petrine ministry.” He left the papal throne, and yet, with the step taken on February 11, 2013, he has not abandoned this ministry at all.


There is another passage from Archbishop Ganswein that I would like to highlight:

He has not abandoned the office of Peter, a thing which would be completely impossible for him following his irrevocable acceptance of the office in April 2005.


To me, these seem to be explosive words (and they have never been denied by Pope Benedict). The closest collaborator of Benedict XVI explains to us that for Joseph Ratzinger “the acceptance of the office” of Peter is “irrevocable” and to abandon it is “totally impossible.” Although the Vatican continues to pretend that everything is clear, we the Christian people are allowed to ask questions about what really happened in February 2013 and what is the place of Benedict XVI in the Church today.

Significance of Socci’s remarks

If Benedict did not renounce the petrine munus, as canon 332 §2 says, then he is still the Pope, because that canon requires the renunciation of the munus for a papal resignation!

While this affirmation is not news for Antonio Socci — he has written several books on the Renunciation — it is news for Church Militant to allow such a view to be published on their website.

This remarkable step for Voris is even more newsworthy, when you recall that not so long ago Voris was rumored on social media to have said that Cardinal Burke was insisting that he not criticize Pope Francis. But the Cardinal said in October that those who doubt Francis is the pope are extremists. It seems then, that Voris has realized that Cardinal Burke is no longer an infallible authority on reality, and that common sense and fidelity to the truth require a re-assessment of the historical facts.

It also means that, in just 1 week, the Catholic world has seen two notable Catholic journalists move out of the camp of “Bergoglio is certainly the pope” and into or towards the Catholic Fold, which says, “A doubtfully resigned pope, is still the true pope, whether he thinks so or not.” By two, I mean Michael Voris and Diane Montagna. If you count Aldo Maria Valli, the confidant of Archbishop Viganò, the implications are even more newsworthy.

Viganò caused tongues to wag in Italy, when in his recent denunciation of Archbishop Gänswein, in the pages of La Verità, he called Benedict XVI both “pope” and “supreme pontiff”, titles which Bergoglians are fierce to insist belong to Bergoglio alone. That intervention of Viganò was published in full, in English translation, by FromRome.Info.

For everything on the PPBXVI Movement’s canonical position on the Renunciation, see ppbxvi.org.


CREDITS: The featured image is a screenshot of the page from Church Militant which features the translation of Valli’s interview of Antonio Socci. The citations from the interview are take verbatim from the same page, as per fair use practice. FromRome.info, however, has corrected the lack of Bold Facing in Valli’s question to Socci.

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Flagship of Sedes presages PPBXVI Movement Victory in 2020

There is no news more pleasant to hear, than that one’s rivals, having surveyed the battle fields in advance, announce that victory will be yours.

It came on Facebook, from Novus Ordo Watch, the veritable Flagship of the Sedevacantist Movement:


14 hrs · It looks like this is the year the “Benedict XVI is the real Pope” deception will find mainstream acceptance: It lets people rid themselves of Bergoglio without having to embrace the dreaded and hated Sedevacantism. The facts about Ratzinger will be ignored — too inconvenient!

What is a Sedevacantist?

Sedevacantists hold in general that there have been no true popes since Pius XII. They accept the error of Luther that there is no authority or unity in the Church except that which is given the individual by the virtue of Faith. Thus, holding themselves as purer than all others, after the manner of Jansenists, they judge nearly everyone a heretic and thus outside of the Church. Their special target is all who hold an office which comes down through Apostolic Succession, because that is the real threat to their error and their egos.

So when these guys say you are winning, its a great day indeed! Amen. Praise God.

In the end the truth wins out!

POSTCRIPT: The anonymous editor at Novus Ordo Watch read my editorial and pouted on Twitter, thus:

I would just point out that he has fallen into the same childish error of Steve Skojec of throwing around insulting epithets which have the characteristic of being logically contradictory of the position of whom they attempt to pin them to. In my case, I am not a Resignationist, Skojec is, because I hold that no resignation took place, and he does. I am also not a Bennyvacantist, because I do not hold that Pope Benedict vacated the Apostolic See, Skojec does. — I adjoin this postscript just to point out the level of maturity of my interlocutors. You make the judgement.

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Has Diane Montagna joined the PPBXVI Movement?

January 19, 2020: Nearly a year ago, From Rome had to take the occasion to publicly rebut the many errors spread in a report by Diane Montagna, published at Life Site News, entitled, Did Benedict really resign?

In that article she recited the positions on both sides of the debate, regarding the Renunciation of Pope Benedict, whether it be valid or not. Her article inclined on the side which holds it is valid, or is to be presumed as valid. She interviewed Cardinals Burke and Brandmueller and Dr. de Mattei, along with Archbishop Gänswein.

But it seems her views have changed, or at least, she considers that it is professionally no longer a risk to manifest them:

Screenshot_2020-01-18 Home Twitter

For just 3 days ago, Diane Montagna tweeted this Meme from her personal twitter account.

And its import seems to signal that  she has jumped ship and joined the PPBXVI Movement, which is the name From Rome gives to those Catholics who remain in communion with Pope Benedict, because the recognize that he is still the Pope according to the laws of the Church. (The Official site of the movement is ppbxvi.org)

Note, that Miss Montagna does not call Benedict, “Pope Emeritus”. Note how many like it but yet do not retweet it. The Non-Think is breaking and soon the growth rate of Catholics who accept Benedict as the only and true Pope will be growing at near infinite rates of acceleration! (Sarmaticus take note!)

She follows up that tweet with another, showing that she is thinking it through:

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