Tag Archives: Pope Urban II

The Apostles who went on the First Crusade

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The First Crusade was the most glorious military undertaking in the history of Christianity. It was such because it was the first to internationally testify to the faith of the Church in using military forces for a work of mercy: to restore the order of justice, the rights of the Christian Faith, the mercy to persecuted Christians.

It is also a topic which is nearly universally reviled and hated by those who rule the modern world. It is hated by Muslims, because they see it as a defeat and a work which opposed their theological objectives of world conquest. It is hated by unbelieving Jews, who see it as a transgression of their rights to Palestine. It is hated by seculariest, who conquered Catholic nations since the time of the French Revolution, because they fear that Catholics admire any example of Catholics in an age when the Faith ruled the world.

A good number of ignorant or errant clerics also boo-hoo the Crusades. This is one of the reasons for which I personally have no confidence that John Paul II is a Saint, because he “apologized” for the Crusades, which was a complete act of historical revisionism, by a pope who was promoting to the dignity of Cardinal and Bishop numerous pedophiles and pedophile promoters, as we know today.

But the First Crusade was called by Bl. Pope Urban II by an official act of his magisterial authority, which declared it a work of penitence and charity required by our Catholic Faith.

A large number of Archbishops and Bishops, therefore, attended the First Crusade: that is, to say, they went on the First Crusade to offer spiritual, material, political and military assistance. Back in those days, Bishops own their own domains, had their own military forces, even if they personally did not wield sword.

Here is a list of the names of the Bishops who attended, and their titles:

Screenshot_2020-03-17 Bishops_ _Archbishops jpg (JPEG Image, 362 × 440 pixels)

Most of these Bishops are from the Kingdom of France or subjects of the Holy Roman Empire.  At the time of the First Crusade, there was a schism in the Church, and the Kingdom of France remained in loyalty to the true Pope, Urban II, while the anti-pope ruled in Rome.

This is why, for us today, the Archbishops and Bishops of the First Crusade are wonderful examples of what it means to be a true man of God and successor to the Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


CREDITS: The info graphic of names was prepared by John C. Bugnolo, based on his study of the original texts of the Chronicles of the First Crusade. — The Featured Image is a painting by Emile Signor in 1847, entitled, “The Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, July 15, 1099”, and is kept at the Bridgeman Art library, and is in the public domain.

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How to Franchise the spirit of the Crusades

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Contrary to the superstitions and smears of unbelievers, the Crusades were without a doubt the most glorious age of the Catholic Faith. Catholic men, in penance for their sins, at the call of Pope Bl. Urban II, while an Anti-pope ruled at Rome, sold all their possessions and went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to free Christians from imprisonment, slavery, torture, rape, murder, beheadings and forced conversions to Islam and to liberate the Holy Places which were Sanctified by the footsteps of Our Lord, risking their fame, fortune and very lives for the love of God Most High.

Dozens of Saints and Blesseds served on the Crusades. It was not an era be-plagued by the errors of anti-Christian ideologies, such as pacifism, quietism, pietism and sentimentalism. If you were a man, you showed you were a man by taking the pledge of the Cross and sacrificing everything in the greatest work of mercy conceivable, risking your own life for the life of a fellow brother in Christ, persecuted by a godless superstition.

In our own age, this spirit has inspired many a man to heroic deals and high ideals, even though we have not the opportunity to do what our Crusader forefathers did nor the kind of manly clergy which that age long past enjoyed in abundance.

But the need to defend persecuted Catholics goes on and on. And for this reason, we all have the need to share in the spirit of the Crusaders of old.

At the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, we are keenly aware of this need to provide opportunities for all Catholics to share in this heroic spirit of our forefathers, and to join in the effort to defend Christendom, even if they are not called to the military vocation.

And we have developed a plan to do this.

It is called Franchising the Spirit of the Crusades, and it involves the formation of a network of Catholic businesses which work together for their mutual benefit and to raise support for the defense of Christians.

If you are a Catholic Businessman or aim to be one, I invite you to learn more about this Franchise Network, see the OMC Franchise offer and request a prospectus.

Deus Vult!


Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Ordo Militaris. Inc.
302 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 409
Helena, MT 59601

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