Tag Archives: Political Dissidents

Conte’s Government passes law to starve Political Dissidents to death

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The new law, entitled, “Cura Italia” — that is, “Cure Italy!” — is a vicious piece of psychotic psychopathy which violates numerous points of constitutional law in Italy.

It continues to deny the right of Catholics to worship, except at funerals of 15 persons or less.

It continues to prevent most services from operating (Bars & barbershops etc.).

But worse of all, it requires that all accept that there is a Pandemic which is an existential threat to Italy. The mandatory sign of this political position is the wearing of a face mask which cannot stop viral infection!

Those who fail to do so will be fined.

But worse of all, those who fail to wear a mask cannot enter any store to purchase anything. Thus they cannot buy food or medicine.

Only a radical Marxist government can mean by “Cure Italy!”, the de facto starvation to death of all political dissidents.

This is the Italy in communion with Bergoglio.

I for one will never live a lie. I will not wear a mask. They can drag me to prison or execute me. But I will live as a Catholic in the real world. I refuse to live in the psychosis of Giuseppe Conte. I refuse to submit to his psychopathic regime!

I am a Roman Catholic! I have a divine right to liberty and truth.

Christ won that right for me on Calvary and gave it to me when He Rose from the Dead.

I repeat what I said two weeks ago:


In Italy, the medical mask has become the Mark of the Beast. If you do not live the lie, you cannot buy or sell, just as Saint John foretold in the Apocalypse. Conte knows what he is doing. He is a Satanist.

Oh, and up until the day the new Law was passed in Parliament, none of the parliamentarians of the government wore masks in the small crowded chambers of the Lower House. When called out on their hypocrisy, they all began wearing them on April. 24. These people know that there is no medical pandemic.

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