by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Everything the Covid-19 deniers claims about the non-lethality of Coronavirus and the non existence of a pandemic has turned out to be true.
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that its recent seriological tests of U.S. residents found that 10 times more individuals have had COVID-19 and recovered than previously thought (20 million compared to 2.3 million: source).
Currently, the CDC is counting 121,000 individual deaths as COVID-19 related. This means the Covid-19 related deaths are running at about 0.6% of all those ever infected in the USA.
However, when one examines the numbers of COVID-19 related deaths in the U.S.A., one discovers that most of these were not caused by the virus. Reports from the USA suggest that from 80 to 95% of cases had coronavirus but died from something else. That moves the real death rate to about 0.05%.
But that is not all.
Pennsylvania State University published a study recently suggesting 80 times more persons have been infected that previously thought.
That would mean that the actual lethality of COVID-19 is even smaller.
The lethality of the common winter flue is estimated to be 0.1%, as Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIHD, is always telling us.
The conclusion is, then, that there never was a pandemic, and COVID-19 was never a threat greater than the common winter flu.
So take off your masks and gloves, and go back to the way you used to live. And as for the advice from the modern sanitary Pharasees, who see uncleanliness and infection everywhere, report them to the local authorities for mental instability.
And if anyone suggests getting a COVID-19 vaccine, tell them where they can shove it.
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