Tag Archives: Pagan worship

Bergoglio consummates his apostasy from the Church of Jesus Christ

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Office of the Prefecture of the Papal Household, headed by Archbishop Gänswein still — at least on paper — has announced the ultimate and consummate apostasy of Bergoglio: the celebration of Holy Week Services WITHOUT the faithful. Here is the official statement, in the official English version, original coloring:

The Prefecture of the Pontifical Household announces that, because of the current global public health emergency, all the Liturgical Celebrations of Holy Week will take place without the physical presence of the faithful.
Furthermore, this Prefecture informs that until April 12 the General Audiences and the Angelus presided over by the Holy Father will be available only in live streaming on the official Vatican News website.

That is right, Holy Week for Bergoglio, but not for thee!

The sheep of the smells and bells, the poor of the peripheries of Vatican City: DON’T YOU DARE COUGH ON ME!

This is the latest UNMISTAKABLE SIGN that the man never had the petrine munus, which is first and foremost a CHARISTMATIC GIFT to govern the Church.

Let those who have eyes see!

But this perfidia completa — complete betrayal — something the enemies of the Church have dreamed of, is not just something you outside of Rome can scoff at. As Giuseppe Pellegrino, the English language translator of Antonio Socci’s book, remarks on twitter:


The true contagion is not the Coronavirus 19.  The true contagion which needs to be cleansed from the Church is Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his false claim to the papacy!

For those of us who know that Pope Benedict XVI is the true pope, we can wryly remark that the faithful are better off not getting anywhere near Bergoglio lest they catch his spirit of heresy and apostasy.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screenshot of the webpage of the Prefecture of the Papal Household, which oversees liturgical celebrations at which the Roman Pontiff presides. You can read the page yourself by clicking the link on Giuseppe Pelligrino’s Tweet.

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Bergoglio definitively leaves the Catholic Church

October 5, 2019: Rome, Italy — Jorge Mario Bergoglio invites and participates in a pagan act of worship in the Vatican Gardens. See report here

According to Canon 1364… which reads….



Can. 1364 §1 An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication, without prejudice to the provision of Can. 194 §1, n. 2; a cleric, moreover, may be punished with the penalties mentioned in Can. 1336 §1, nn. 1, 2 and 3.

“Latae Sententia” Means, “without the necessity of any judicial decree or judgement”. Incurrs, means obtains in the sense of becomes liable to.

Apostasy is defined not only as the renunciation of the faith, by a verbal expression, but also as any act which is essentially and totally contrary to the duty of the Faith. Consent to Pagan worship has always been considered and act of apostasy. Ergo, Bergoglio is now outside the Church.

There is no wiggle room here. There is no possibility for a Catholic to invite, consent, participate or promote pagan worship, by asking someone to come to his house or property and perform such a ceremony and receive an idol or consecrated ring from such a ritual.

Evil Jesuit that he is, he did this wicked thing at the opening of the Synod on the Amazon so that all who continue to call him, “Pope” or hold that this is a Synod of the Catholic Church, or can be held, will be IMPLICATED IN FALSE WORSHIP and share in the mortal sin of idolatry by not acting on the teaching of Pope John Paul II in canon 1364.

This is how he just fooled everyone who said that they won’t start a schism and won’t leave the Church. By this act he has founded a New Church and all who continue to call him Pope have just become its members.

Catholics like myself reject Bergoglio, who was not only never the pope, but was a pertinacious public heretic both in Argentina and in the last 6 years.

Fellow Catholics please wake up and do not follow Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and laymen (especially foolish journalists) into apostasy! Remember your loyalty to Jesus who saved you!