Tag Archives: Ordo Militaris

Issues with (Br) Alexis Bugnolo, Ordo Militaris & FromRome ?

For nearly 3 years, Father Matthew Scheider, L.C., a zealous supporter of the Covid Vaccines and Covid health controls has trolled Br. Bugnolo on numerous platforms and with dozens of social media posts. To an objective observer, it is obvious that Father is obsessed with damaging the reputation of Br. Bugnolo in every possible way, to silence him as a critic of Big Pharma, Globalism, Pope Francis etc..

Since search engines are directing all inquiries about who Br. Bugnolo is to Fr. Schneider’s articles, even though Father has never met Brother Bugnolo or seen any documentation to verify his libelous claims against him and the organizations he works with, FromRome.Info wil pubish this archive of rebuttals that Br. Bugnolo has written exposing the faulty arguments, libelous statements, defamation and calumny he is engaged in.

Father Matthew Schneider, L. C., has updated his original attack article at Patheos where the Editors have never reached out to ask Br. Bugnolo to give his side. Though refuted amply by Br. Bugnolo, Father has only launched new attacks and attempted to illustrate his own with documents and testimonies, which do not prove his interpretation of facts. — And lest there be any misrepresentation of what is meant here: you can only prove an accusation with a document which affirms the truth of the accusation. A document, which cites a fact and then is interpreted by the same interpretation as the accusation employs, does not prove the accusation or the interpretation. Ask anyone with experience in evidentiary law, if you need to verify this.

Brother Bugnolo’s Rebuttals

Brother replied to the original version of Father Schneider’s attacks in 2021


This article opens with this observation by Br. Bugnolo, speaking of Father’s claims against him:

This first is that the author claims I am not a brother, nor a religious.

To achieve this, the author resorts to the definitions of words which do not apply to me and then implies I am a liar for using words in a sense different than the definitions he uses.


This was the first article Brother wrote about Father Schneider, omitting his name for charity sake. That favor was not only not reciprocated but evidently sparked an explosion of hate on Father’s part.

Br. Bugnolo was interviewed by A.J. Baalman about Fr. Scheider’s accusations in this program, in the fall of 2023:

Father Schneider attacks others with “unending lies”

It seems that Father is a professional troll.


In this article, Dr. Casey concludes thus, speaking of Father Schneider’s style of argumentation:

What he does know is that if he can dispense with whatever definitions he wants, whenever he wants, in favor of his own definitions, he can continue to spread whatever lies he wants to further his agenda. When he does, we’ll be here to correct him.

Father Schneider accused of being a shill for BigPharma

Father’s original stated motive for attacking Br. Bugnolo was Bugnolo’s opposition to the Scamdemic.


CREDITS: The title of this article is taken from Father Schneider’s original articles and the copies found of it elsewhere. It is used here for editorial purposes, since the above article here at FromRome responds to its accusations.

Invest to defend Christendom


A Letter to the Readers from the Editor

Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Brother Alexis BugnoloSince September 11, 2001, Catholics have had many occasions to be shocked back into the reality of life. As Christians there are those who want to persecute us, kill us and exterminate our religion.

This is especially easy to understand if you speak Arabic, because then you can actually hear the words of terrorists themselves and see against whom they direct their greatest hatred.

Unfortunately, the Main Stream Media has hidden those words from you, because they fear Catholics more than Islamic terrorists. And that is because the Main Stream Media, as the supporters of Globalism and international socialism are conducting their own war against us.

The actual object of hatred of Islamic terrorists are not white men, not Americans, nor Westerners. They are rather, in their own words: Crusaders.

And as every knows, Crusaders were Catholics. They were not protestants, secularists, atheists, Jews, Hindus or Buddhists. I do not doubt that Islamic terrorists also target these groups, but its the word, “Crusader”, which gets them most riled up.

In this, the Catholic world needs to take note. If Islamic Terrorists, who are truly lead by a most evil ideology, hate Crusaders so much, it must be that Crusaders are really something great and wonderful. You won’t hear this stated on other websites, however, because as I said the secularists hate us Catholics just as much, though in a more passive aggressive way.

However, if you have not paid attention in the last 19 years, you may not know that a lot of groups of Islamic Terrorists are armed and funded and sometimes even trained by western intelligence agencies. Osama bin Lade, the founder of Al-Quaeda? Yes, a CIA trained guerilla. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the founder of ISIS? Yes, a captured, released, trained and funded CIA operative. This is not conspiracy theory, there are reams of documents showing Obama knowingly and willingly funded and supported ISIS before it went rogue and conquered Mosul. And that is why many nations welcome back with open arms, their own citizens who fought with ISIS, rewarding them with housing and benefits.

It should not surprise us, therefore, that organizations which viscerally hate Catholics were supported by organizations which viscerally hate Catholics.

And this is the point of my editorial. If Catholics want to be defended in their persons, their families, their Churches, they need to organize themselves to do it. And thankfully, in modern times, there is a legal way to do this. It is called a private military or security company.

So, when the Lord asked me to do something about this, I founded such a company in the USA. It is called Ordo Militaris Inc.. I named it with a Latin title to recall the first 2 words in the names of every Catholic Military Order in history. I did this because I wanted to revive and return to the authentic Catholic notion of organized self-defense. And I founded a company not a religious order of knights, because the race of nobility is pretty much spent, and there are a lot more non-nobles who are Catholics than Catholic nobility. Also, because in modern law, corporations exist, but religious orders of knights are a category which has no possible legal existence as such.

preview-221x300I invite you then to radically rethink your role in the world, in the Church, and in the economy. You are fed from TV, Radio and Newspapers to presume that the only place for your Catholic money is in a non-Catholic secularist investment which will use your Catholic money for non-Catholic purposes. Other than that, you are told that you can donate your Catholic money to a Catholic charity which by law can do nothing to defend Catholics or Catholic Churches from persecution.

Do you see how you are being played? to lie down and surrender? This is the Masonic long game in subduing Catholics. And they are pledged to it.

But there is a third option, and it only exists, so far, with Ordo Militaris Inc.. In this company you can invest your Catholic money in a corporation which is controlled by Catholics which has the capacity in law to train Catholic men in the military arts and organize them to defend Catholics from persecution, from whatever quarter that comes. While for the most part this means security and defense work in the West, it also can lawfully include helping Catholics defend themselves militarily from terrorists in other parts of the world.

But the important first step is founding a Catholic Military Academy to give Catholic men a Catholic military formation: in the form of a Basic Combat Training program for regular and special forces. With that, the Church will have a pool of manpower to defend Herself.

I speak more about this in a recent interview I gave about this, which you can watch here:

But for those who do not have high speed access, and to put in shorter format, I will recapitulate the argument here:

I can already draw upon 8 military trainer veterans of the French Foreign Legion, and I could raise another 300 veterans of special forces. I have all the manpower. command and technical expertise that they learned in the US Military, NATO forces etc., to do the job.

What I lack is investors. Catholics who are red-pilled enough to see that investing in the Down Jones Industrials, Coca-cola, Apple etc., does not lead to the defense of Christendom, and that perhaps Ordo Militaris Inc. is a worthy consideration for their investment.

By incorporating in the U.S.A., I have created an investment opportunity for Catholics round the world, where they can invest in US dollars and in a way which protects their privacy. I have organized two stock offerings for our investors which offers what I believe are special benefits not found in other investment opportunities: such as, that your investments go to capital acquisitions and improvements, and not to salaries (For US Development, Foreign Development). That your investments to to a company which follows Catholic teaching on what constitutes the right of self defense, just war, and the proper and necessary role of Faith in Jesus Christ in all of this. And importantly, that your investments go to solving a problem which no other corporation or religious order, at present, in the entire world, is organized to solve: namely offering security and defense services to persecuted Catholics and addressing the woeful lack Catholics have in knowing how to defend themselves as Catholics and in groups.

You can find more information about investing, at the website of Ordo Militars Inc., through their homepage and the top bar menu of it.

Just click the image below, to pass over to that website:

Screenshot_2020-04-06 About


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a photograph, by an unknown bystander, of a Christian who was crucified by ISIS in 2015.

Ordo Militaris — To defend and protect persecuted Christians

Dear Readers of FromRome.Info,

In addition to my work here, I am president of a United States Private Military Corporation dedicated to the security and defense of persecuted Christians. Many do not know of the existence of the Ordo Militaris Catholicis, an international religious association of Catholics dedicated to the defense of persecuted Christians where that defense requires security services and humanitarian aid. We are not a big organization, but nevertheless we have big hearts and give all we can to help persecuted Christians. We would have done much more in our first 3 years of existence, but were systematically ignored and attacked by those on both the Marxist left and the Masonic faux-Right, who saw our goals and organization as a threat to the control they seek to maintain on Catholics of all kinds.

One of our members, Mr. Andrew J. Baalman, has produced a simply video to spread the message of what we do and how you can help. So I wanted to feature it here, for your information.


Mr. Baalman blogs at Ordo Miltiaris Radio at wordpress, where, being that he is a physical descendant of Charlemagne and a relative to nearly all the nobility of Europe, he often speaks from the heart about issues relative to the downfall of Christendom and how to reverse course.

I invite each of you to consider becoming a member of our Order and share in our little work of great love for the most needy. I have 300 military men who would serve with us in the field, but I need the capital investment and funding to put them to use in a true Catholic venture. For more information, see our website ordo-militaris.us.


Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Ordo Militaris Catholicus: First Meeting for Europe — Saturday, Nov. 19: Piazza Risorgimento

Insignia of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus
Insignia of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus

Catholics who grieve for the persecution and genocide of Catholics at the hands of DAESH (ISIL) are cordially invited to attend the First Meeting of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, at the Piazza Risorgimento, Roma, on Saturday, Nov. 19, at 10 A.M..

The Ordo Militaris Catholicus is a international defense and security initiative of Catholics for Catholics who are suffering persecution for their faith, where their defense and liberation requires military intervention or security actions, and this is allowed by local and/or international law.

Unlike many other humanitarian efforts or Order’s of Knighthood, the Ordo Militaris aims to be a true military organization which undertakes military actions in accordance with international law, where this is permitted and/or sponsored by sovereign states: and this to protect and liberate Catholics from the hands of their enemies.

Those interested in joining this humanitarian effort, whether they are members of the military, ex-military, or non-military, men or women, are invited to attend our First Meeting in Europe to see how they can assist in founding a national Chapter in Italy or their native land.

To attend the Meeting, which is open to the public and to journalists, meet at the Piazza Risorgimento, adjacent to the Vatican at 10:00 A.M. under the insignia of the Order, which will be unfurled at 9:55 A.M..  The location has been chosen to indicate the desire of the Order to participate in the restoration of the Catholic Order of things.  In case of rain, the meeting will be held at the Ris Cafe, on the north side of the same Piazza.

During the meeting, the founder of the Order will speak about the nature, structure, rule and requirements for membership, as well as the goals and methods to be employed.

For more information about the Order, click the Insignia to go to their website.

Why the Catholic World needs a Catholic Army

St. Lous IX, King of France, leader of the 7th and 8th Crusades. The only King of France who was ever canonized.

Reprinted from the Ordo Militaris Catholicus

Dear Catholic men, remember that by your Baptism you have been clothed in Christ and now share with Him the duty and vocation to come to the rescue of this world, whether in the common role of a father, the supernatural roles of a priest, religious, hermit or a monk, or the extraordinary vocation of a Catholic Soldier.

Remember, that all our rights as Catholics, to practice our Faith in peace, come from God on the supernatural level, but exist and are recognized on the civil level only by means of the heroic feats and power of the Catholic Soldier. For Catholic Society cannot exist without the Catholic Soldier and indeed is threatened in its very existence without him. He thus takes on a role which in its own proper manner, temporal and civil and military, is analogous to the role of Christ Jesus Our Redeemer, in his temporal and eternal, hierarchical and civil, peaceful and military vocation to conquer the Evil One and liberate us from the punishment of the eternal slavery of death into which he cast us.

The vocation of the Catholic Soldier is thus a holy one, a noble one, and a most necessary one. All Catholics need to honor them, support them, and help them come into existence, get the training and support they need, open the way for them and let them do their work, so that we might all live in peace and so that in those parts of the world where the order of justice has been so perverted that only military solutions can restore that order, do their work!