Br. Alexis Bugnolo
I have always had the Catholic sense that the Church was founded by a Priest and was handed down to us through the Twelve Priests and through them and priests throughout the generations to ourselves and to our own time. I have always found that laymen do not have the moral, intellectual or even common sense abilities of priests. And I have never heard a prophetic word which touched my heart which came from the mouth of anyone but a priest.
The priesthood is part of the Catholic Religion. Believing in the power and dignity of the priesthood is part of the Catholic Faith. I would say it is de fide.
For that reason, I cannot contain my shock and consternation what what LifeSite News just did through publishing a report by Maike Hickson, entitled, Catholic Laity protest Cardinal Marx …..
Because, as LifeSite News knows, and as Mrs. Hickson knows, Archbishop Viganò was present. And that means it was not the “Catholic Laity” who protested, it was the Catholic Faithful, because it was not just laymen, and not just laymen make up the Church or count. — GOODNESS, the very top photo in the article is of Archbishop Viganò who is not a layman!
But this mistake was no error. It was lapsus linguae which, in my judgement, revealed the true spirit behind the political PAC which backs LifeSite News and the true spirit behind Trad Inc, which is run entirely by laymen and laywomen (with minor exceptions).
Namely, they have accepted the Protestant error that the Church is composed first of the non-ordained and that the non-ordained have the pride of place in the Church.
That error is called laicism. It is the contrary error of clericalism.
And we all know how FreeMasons love to play with contrary errors to lead everyone astray.
Here at FromRome.Info you will never see that error made, because the rule of all our journalism is the Catholic Faith the way it has always been.
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