Tag Archives: Italy

Marxist Corona strikes the Marxist Crowns of Italy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Italian press is reporting that the first high level politician to come down with the Corona Virus. His name is Nicola Zingaretti, and he is the head of the Italian Democratico Party, a Marxist party of the Gramescian kill-your-nation-slowly kind.

The Corona Virus which is now spreading in Italy came to the country from the People’s Republic of China, a Marxist tyranny.

Connecting the dots, who can fault Catholics for saying that this Epidemic is a punishment from God for the godless elites of their own nation?

Bergoglio is also sick with the flu, but the Vatican is denying that it is corona, even though the Head of the Vatican Press office confirmed yesterday, that the Corona Virus had been brought to the Vatican more than week ago, when Bergoglio was still moving about the micro-state.

But Zingaretti’s now confirmed infection is spreading panic through the ruling government.  Italy is a Republic ruled by a parliamentary system. The government is the political coalition in power in Parliament which selects the Presidente del Consiglio (Prime Minister) and the Ministers of the various departments of the national government.

That Zingaretti met with nearly all the heads of the ruling government in the week prior to being positively diagnosed means that there is a very high probability that they have all been infected.

Talk about precision Divine bombardment! — There is no immunity from prosecution in Divine Law!

The potentially infected individuals are as follows:  Giuseppe Conte (Prime Minister), the ministers: Roberto Gualtieri (Economy & Finance), Paolo De Micheli (Infrastructure & Transport), the mayors Virginia Raggi (Rome) and Giuseppe Sala (Milan), the governors Giovanni Toti (Liguria), Alberto Cirio (Piedmonte), Stefano Bonaccini (Emilia-Romagna), the party leaders Andrea Orlando (Democratico) and Dario Franceschini (Democratico, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism) and the union leaders Maurizio Landini (CGIL) and Annamaria Furlan (CISL).

Matteo Salvini, who is the leader of the Lega party, also participated in a TV program with some of these, but is not reported sick.

Meanwhile, the ruling government is working on a decree which will require mandatory imprisonment for several years for anyone who disparages sodomy or sodomites.

They have also placed the entire region of Lombardy under quarantine until April 3. No one can enter or leave the 5 provinces of that region without urgent necessity.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is the photo of a page from today’s La Verità Newspaper, which, if you live in Italy, is worthy buying today for its extensive coverage of the Corona Virus epidemic which is sweeping the country. It is used here as a free advertisement of that Newspaper.

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Most grave violations of the Lateran Pact

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Despite the attempts of all pro-Bergoglian apologists to make it appear that questions about his illegitimacy are merely caused by the aberrant subjective psychological state of his critics, his usurpation of the Office of the Roman Pontiff is a real legal crime of the highest order and has grave consequences on the international relations of all states with the Vatican.

First of all, with the Italian Republic, on account of the terms of the Lateran Pact of 1929, which was signed between Pope Pius XI and Mussolini, and celebrated with a fresco in the Church of Notre Dame de la defence, at Montreal, Canada of all places, with an image of both the Pope and Mussolini (on horse back) being watched over by the Saints of Italy from Heaven.

The Lateran Pact ended the near 70 stand off between the Apostolic See and the Kingdom of Italy, over the forced and illegal annexation of the Papal States and theft of ecclesiastical property throughout the Italian peninsula. Among its more well known terms was that the Kingdom of Italy would pay an annual sum to the newly recognized State called, Vatican City, without calling the payment reparations.

Other terms are nearly unknown of, outside of Italy. Lets examine a few of them and see how the usurpation of the Vatican by the St. Gallen Mafia gravely violated and violates their observance. (For the facility of our readers, we will quote the Lateran Pact in English translation, from this source.) My comments will be in Italics.

Article 4

    The sovereignty and exclusive jurisdiction over the Vatican City, which Italy recognizes as appertaining to the Holy See, forbid any intervention therein on the part of the Italian Government, or that any authority other than that of the Holy See shall be there acknowledged.

This article requires the Italian State to prevent the government of the Vatican City being overthrown by all enemies, foreign or domestic, and to prevent that from happening through the intervention of any foreign power, such as the United States of America through Obama bribing or coercing Cardinals.

Article 5

    For the purpose of the execution of the provisions of the preceding Article before the present Treaty comes into force, the Italian Government shall see to it that the territory forming the Vatican City shall remain free from any charge and from possible occupants. The Holy See shall arrange to enclose the access thereto, enclosing such parts thereof as remain open, except St. Peter’s Square.

This Article requires the Italian State to prevent any foreign occupation of the Vatican City State and liberate it from such domination.

Article 8

    Considering the person of the Supreme Pontiff to be sacred and inviolable, Italy declares any attempt against His person or any incitement to commit such attempt to be punishable by the same penalties as all similar attempts and incitements to commit the same against the person of the King.

    All offences or public insults committed within Italian territory against the person of the Supreme Pontiff, whether by means of speeches, acts, or writings, shall be punished in the same manner as offences and insults against the person of the King.

This Article requires that the Italian State defend the person of the Roman Pontiff as if he were a head of state in Italy, and to defend his person and honor from verbal attacks.

The effects of the Usurpation

On account of Bergoglio’s de facto claim to the office of Roman Pontiff, Italy is gravely bound to ascertain that claim as valid before undertaking any cooperation with the government of the Argentine Jesuit.

But as has been amply proven according to the norm of Canon Law, Bergoglio has no such legitimate claim. Therefore, the Italian Republic is de facto having relations with an illegitimate foreign criminal mafia which has unlawfully taken control of the Vatican government. This is a grave violation of Articles 4 and 5 of the Lateran Pact.

Also, inasmuch as the true Pope, Benedict XVI, is being unlawfully detained, manipulated, coerced, imprisoned, perhaps even drugged and physically abused — NOT TO MENTION nearly universally derided and insulted by the allies of Bergoglio in the Italian press and media, the toleration of these things is a grave violation of Article 8 of the Lateran Pact.


It seems, therefore, since the legal argument against Bergoglio’s claim is entirely sound and incontrovertible that a legal contestation of the legality of the Italian Government showing or proffering any sort of recognition to the Bergoglian regime in the Vatican City State is certainly actionable.  It also appears that all officers at any level of government in the Italian Republic would have the grave duty to initiate legal action for the misappropriation of funds, services and manpower from the different Ministries of the Italian Government, which act as if Bergoglio is the Roman Pontiff.

Furthermore, it appears, that with the legal case won in Italian Courts, the Italian Republic will have the grave moral duty to liberate Pope Benedict XVI by armed miliitary force and to seize and apprehend Bergoglio and his supporters, inside and outside the Vatican, who may be in Italian territory, or flee thereto, to put them into custody and to punish them in accord with Article 22 of the Lateran Pact, which reads as follows:

Article 22

    At the request of the Holy See, or by its delegate who may be appointed in single cases or permanently, Italy shall provide within her for the punishment of offences committed within the Vatican City, save and except when the author of the offence shall have taken refuge in Italian territory, in which event he shall immediately be proceeded against according to the provisions of the Italian laws.

    The Holy See shall hand over to the Italian State all persons who may have taken refuge within the Vatican City, when accused of acts committed within Italian territory which are considered to be criminal by the law of both States.

    The same provisions shall apply in regard to persons accused of offences who may have taken refuge within the buildings enjoying immunity in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 hereof, save and except if the persons having authority within such buildings prefer to request members of the Italian police force to enter and arrest such persons.


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a photo of Guido Nichieri’s Fresco in the Nave of the Church of Notre Dame de la Defence, in Montreal, Canada, celebrating the signing of the Lateran Pact, and is used here under a Creative Commons Share-Alike 2.0 License as described here.

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Antonio Socci warns of the collapse of Democracy in Italy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


at TV.LiberoQuotidiano.It


on January 19, 2020

Antonio Socci is not just a Vaticanista, or Controvesialist, he is a true Italian Patriot who is a strong and just critic of the Left wing madness in the Italian Republic.

For those who do not know how left, Italy is turning: The Ruling Coalition, who hs only 19% in the national polls, but 54% in Parliament, wants to put Matteo Salvini, who is getting 60% support in the national polls, on trial, for the “Crime” of protecting the borders from illegal immigration, WHILE HE WAS MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR!

Socci opens his Editorial, writing thus (This is our unofficial translation):

In Italy, is democracy itself at risk?  There is no need even to exaggerate, rather there are indeed indications of an about face that might lead to the collapse of the democratic system and which should worry everyone.

Not only because the ruling coalition is comprised of two political parties which are in the minority in the country (the one, which had the worse show at the polls in its entire history in 2018, the other which lost half of its support in the elections for the European Parliament in 2019).

Not only because they barricaded their offices against the Nation, and manifest intentions of never giving the sovereign people back the vote in any case whatsoever (not even if they lose in the regional elections in Emilia Romana, after having lost in Umbria), but also because this spring hundreds of nominations and cushy-chairs are up for grabs.

But the situation is worrisome, also, for the underhanded attempts to tie the hands of their opposition which holds the majority support in the Country. It is known that the health of a democracy is seen, above all, in the extent of liberty granted to the opposition. Yet, what is happening in Italy, today?

There is not only the massive constant attack by the media against the Center Right, the demonization of their leader with torrents of rancor and hostile words. “Cancel out Salvini” is something more than an infelicitous unpleasant headline in the daily, La Repubblica.

This seems to be the intention of the ruling parties and it does – in fact – mean that they want to tie the hands of the opposition, something which they even tried to do in Parliament by omitting the examination of the Budget in the Camera (and which they risked losing in a single month).

It is a situation which should worry everyone. Let us consider the case of “Gregoretti”: the ruling parties expressed their intention to put Salvini on trial, with the accusation of having “kidnapped persons”, by having delayed — in his capacity as Minister of the Interior — the disembarkation of a group of immigrants on the Ship “Gregoretti”, while he awaited certain knowledge of their final destination.

Salvini said: “They are putting me on trial for having defended our borders” (he risks a sentence of 15 years and also the lost of the right to participate actively in politics).

On the proposal to authorize the act, the constitutional expert, Ginevra Cerrina Feroni, said: “There seems to be very little legality in the entire affair, just as Carlo Nordio has argued.”

Then, at the end of his editorial, Socci remarks that Salvini is experiencing a Trump effect, that is, his support is growing daily, the more the Left controlled government attempts to suppress the will of the people:

No political leader in the history of the Republic has ever had such a popular response, let alone in two regions (Umbria and Emilia-Romagna) which should have belonged to the Left.

What is happening on a daily basis – and which Salvini is documenting on social media – finds no response in the Media, but it has literally annihilated the leading position of the Left. Which has decided to defend itself from Italians by barricading itself in its Palazzo.

(To Read the Original in Italian, click the link below)


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