Tag Archives: Great Reset

Have we arrived at total Deep State control of Social Media Interactions? — I think so & Here’s Why

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Have we arrived at total Deep State control of all Social Media Interactions?

I believe so.

And I can cite a case study, to demonstrate the probity of my opinion

Here goes.

This morning, I distributed this announcement on 5 Christian Business Groups, both on Gab and Linkedin. The announcement was made on behalf of Ordo Militaris Inc., the pro-Christian defense corporation, of which I am cofounder and president. First the message, and then I will discuss the social media reaction.


We are a most unique Christian Business that seeks OTHER Christian Businesses as partners

We are a Montana Corporation (for profit) which donates its profits to the defense of persecuted Christians — This enables us to have freedom of speech while having access to all the tools of business to defend Christendom. We are neither a NGO nor a Charity, nor a Church organization. We are a purely private initiative.

We promote Christian values in the defense of the innocent, in the spirit of the Christians of the First Crusade. This is our unique spirit.

We are supported by our Membership Organization
We sell collectable merchandise
We do charitable fundraisers for specific humanitarian emergencies
We sponsor a scholarship fund to train young Christian men to work in the security sector
We aim to organize training center for our volunteers to give them a special Christian formation in military and security skills

We also propose practical solutions to endemic problems in anti-Christian societies

If you are a Christian Business or Businessman who would like to collaborate contact us for more information. We suggest the following practical methods …

+ selling our collectibles in your store on commission
+ being listed on our corporate website as supporters of the defense of Christendom
+ promoting our humanitarian or scholarship appeals in your story or on your website
+ joining our Military Order as sign of your deeply held Christian values
+ Displaying our Logo in your store to show the deeply held Christian values of your business (we can custom design to your specifications)
+ investing with us

For more information see, ordo-militaris.us
or call us at +1 406 299 9260 (phone or skype)

Thank you for your consideration

Social Media Reaction

As you can see that is a pretty milk-toast message, from the point of view of anyone of sane mind involved in international or national security or geo-politics.  So you would think that GAB and LINKEDIN would both distribute that message to all the members in those groups, like they promise or at least publicly appear to promise to their users.

But did that happen?

Actually no. They distributed the message to NO ONE. Yep. To not even one other viewer in the first 3 hours.

But not really no one.

Because according to the logs of Ordo-Militaris Inc. two human individuals did click the link from that announcement and visit the corporate HQ Website cited in the message. And who they are reveals a lot about what is happening on social media.

The first was a human in the Microsoft Corporate HQ in Washington, D. C..

The second was a human in the HQ of the Philippines Military in Quezon City, Philippines.

Both did the same thing: view and download nearly the entire corporate website.

Both did not interact with anything on the site which might otherwise identify them.


This result show that major social media platforms are allowing Deep State actors to block the distribution of any given message which the Deep State flags as a potential threats to the New World Order or Great Reset.

Then, the Deep State sends out intelligence agents to assess the threat.

But in no case does anyone in the public have the opportunity to see the social media post UNTIL the Deep State approves it.

That Linkedin does this does not surprise.

But that Gab does this should shock many conservatives.

Welcome to 1984.  The world-wide censorship system necessary to stop criticism of the next False Flag or Scamdemic is now fully functioning.

I say fully functioning because since I and my organization do not even have employees or own guns or advocate violence, to waste such resources on us, shows a complete control system already in place and fully budgeted.

This proves, in my opinion, that the next Scamdemic or False Flag is nearer than we think.

How to be a Catholic: Episode #9: How to choose the City of God

In this episode, Br Bugnolo comments on Apocalypse 18:4-8:

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. Render to her as she also hath rendered to you; and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her. As much as she hath glorified herself, and lived in delicacies, so much torment and sorrow give ye to her; because she saith in her heart: I sit a queen, and am no widow; and sorrow I shall not see. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be burnt with the fire; because God is strong, who shall judge her.

L’Opzione Crociata contro lo sterminio del Great Reset

Diffonde questo video dappertutto. In essa, Frà Bugnolo proporre una difesa contro il Great Reset e vi invita a ritornare al modo di vivere degli nostri antenati cattolici militanti.

Staccare la spina dalla matrice

Esortazione di Frà Bugnolo

Come italo-americano sono orgoglioso della mia eredità italiana. Mi sono considerato, fin dai miei primi anni, più un italiano che un americano. Ero orgoglioso che i miei nonni e le mie nonne avessero rischiato tutto per venire in America e fuggire dalla povertà e dalla fame che li avrebbe colpiti in Italia dopo il Risorgimento. Il Risorgimento fu un atto criminale di una setta diabolica di uomini moralmente corrotti e perversi, che odiavano Cristo, la Chiesa e il popolo italiano. Ha portato alla distruzione dell’Italia, un tempo centro di cultura, scienza e religione per l’Europa e per tutto il mondo, ma ora, ahimè, ridotta a colonia periferica dell’impero massonico degli Stati Uniti d’America, governata da ex dipendenti di corporazioni e università americane.

C’è, come probabilmente sapete, una trilogia di film di fantascienza popolare chiamata Matrix, e il tema del film è che dobbiamo staccarci dalla falsa narrazione che la classe dirigente ci impone e tornare alla realtà. Ora questo è estremamente vero per quanto riguarda la narrazione della plandemia, ma è anche vero per quanto riguarda la cultura italiana degradata del secondo dopoguerra.

Avendo vissuto in Italia saltuariamente per quasi 15 anni, posso dire che riconosco gli italiani come miei parenti in quasi tutto ciò che li riguarda: il loro carattere, il cibo, l’abbigliamento, la cultura, la religione, il temperamento, i gusti e le antipatie. Ma c’è una cosa che è radicalmente diversa, e direi straniera, ed è l’incapacità di agire.

La generazione di italiani che ha visto il 40% della nazione emigrare nelle Americhe è stata una generazione di alcuni dei più coraggiosi della nostra razza. Si sono imbarcati su navi verso una terra che non conoscevano e hanno rinunciato a tutto per una vita migliore. Mentre molti tornarono, la maggior parte non lo fece. E tra i discendenti di questi emigranti si trovano alcuni dei più talentuosi e realizzati nipoti e pronipoti del nuovo mondo di oggi.

E qual era il loro segreto? Credo che non ne avessero nessuno. Penso semplicemente che venivano dall’Italia in un’epoca in cui le logge massoniche avevano completamente rovinato la psicologia degli italiani.

Infatti, trovo che gli italiani siano più inseriti nella matrice massonica di qualsiasi altro popolo. Sembra che si possa parlare con qualsiasi tipo di italiano, onesto o disonesto, e suggerire una soluzione ad un problema, per il quale abitualmente si lamenta che qualcosa deve essere fatto, e lui prontamente alla fine del vostro discorso, non farà assolutamente nulla.

Conosco degli italiani che sono appassionati nel risolvere un problema, e quando li incontri durante un pasto, per parlare di agire, prima del secondo piatto, dimenticano tutto, e non si vergognano assolutamente di lasciare l’incontro senza aver mai discusso l’argomento per il quale l’incontro era stato programmato.

Tutto questo è il prodotto di un indottrinamento culturale pianificato che ha reso la maggior parte degli italiani incapaci della maturità psicologica di un adulto normale, in cui, di fronte a un problema e a una soluzione, agisce e risolve il problema con la soluzione.

Invece, la maggior parte degli italiani, quando gli si mostra il problema e gli si dice che la loro inazione ne è la causa, si offende e si ritira nel proprio mondo privato di sentimenti, dove il lamento e il broncio sono le uniche risposte psicologiche consentite. A queste aggiungono un pizzico di fatalismo e di rassegnazione del tipo dell’uomo pigro che dice che non ci si può fare nulla, o che la soluzione richiederebbe uno sforzo maggiore di quello che un individuo potrebbe fare. E tornano alle stesse vite che hanno sempre vissuto, e si limitano a lamentarsi dei problemi che li schiacciano e li incalzano da tutte le parti.

Temo molto per l’Italia e per gli italiani, perché in verità siete così attaccati a Matrix, che più che una normale spina, le vostre spine sono attaccate con viti e chiodi alla presa.

Questo è il motivo per cui i Globalisti trovano così facile corrompervi. Ecco perché hanno tanta fiducia nello sterminio totale della razza italiana.

Ma voi avete la forza di dimostrare loro che si sbagliano. Tutto quello che dovete fare è staccarvi completamente dalla narrazione dominante e cominciare ad agire per salvare voi stessi, senza aspettare che qualcuno venga a salvarvi dall’altra parte del mare o da oltre l’orizzonte.

E ciò che serve per fare questo cambiamento radicale di psicologia è agire per risolvere tutti i piccoli problemi che si presentano nella risoluzione di ogni grande problema. Non abbiate paura. Potete farlo. Siete della stessa razza che è emigrata nelle Americhe e ha fatto grandi cose. Anche qui in Italia potete realizzarle, se lo volete.

+ + +

For those who do not speak Italian, here is the proposal in English, which Br. Bugnolo made last year. What he is proposing above here in Europe, is that Catholics join together and purchase the Castles which are on the market and make them centers of protection for those resisting the great reset.

In this video, made in July of 2020, AJ Baalman and Br. Bugnolo spoke only of the solution for North America. But this video gives valuable information about the concept in general, even though in Europe, a certain number of modifications would have to be made.


Stachnio interviews Br. Bugnolo: Once Russia converts to the Catholic Faith the Great Reset will implode

This spring Konrad Stachnio interviewed Br. Bugnolo about the Great Reset and the challenges this presents for humanity. The interview was casual as it was intended to prepare for a book, but Konrad has decided that it is just too important to keep hidden. Brother red pills the audience with the shocking truths that everyone on Earth and especiall in Europe need to know about Freemasonry, the USA and the role God has chosen for Russia in the salvation of humanity.

This video is also available on Rumble.

Viganò Gives Battle Cry against Great Reset, from the wrong side of the Lines

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

June 1, 2021 — Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has given a remarkably complete critique of the Great Reset during his recent talk at a Venice Conference on the matter, hosted by the Italian Philosopher Francesco Lamendola.*  The talk in Italian was recently translated into English and has been published by Catholic Family News. You can read it here.

There is no denying that Archbishop Viganò has been the instrumental cause of many Catholics who hold fast to Bergoglio to begin to doubt, criticize and oppose the Great Reset.

So much have these Catholics been intellectually and morally part of the system of control or under that system of control, that the exclamations of the Archbishop in these weeks are met with acclamation which a true leader on the issue would merit.

They call the Archbishop a “voice in the wilderness” or “the only one who is speaking the truth”, or the “only Bishop who is denouncing the Great Reset”.

For those who do not know what has been going on for the last 18 months, because they have not been zealous to follow the news from trusted sources, but rather have been zealous to buckle down and comply with their Bergoglian Bishop and Globalist political leaders, such acclamations have their sense.

But the truth is that Archbishop Viganò is a Johnny come lately, and he has not yet even changed sides in this battle.

Indeed, the Archbishop has not only made some questionable alliances with arguably Masonic entities, but still refuses obedience to the norms of Canon Law regarding who is and who is not the Pope, preferring to sustain the party of the Globalist Bergoglio, against the Catholic Benedict XVI.

First, the Archbishop undertook a public media campaign which was a “touch all the bases and return home” strategy which is the hallmark of self serving politicians. According to this strategy, while not officially breaking from the ruling party, you speak and visit all the opposition to give them the false hope that you are now on their side, but in the end you return to stand at the right hand of the ruling elites.  The Archbishop did this in the summer of 2018, when he called Bergoglio to resign. But just this past Winter, Viganò insisted that Bergoglio is the Pope and it is divisive to question that!

To those who are really paying attention, the self-contradictions do not end there.

His writings in English are published by Angelico Press, notorious for promoting among Catholics spiritism and divination, the mixture of the occult into Christian Family life.

He wrote the political leader of the Skull and Bones Masonic Lodge Faction in the USA, Donald Trump, and was immediately accorded a personal recommendation by the President — a thing that no Catholic Bishop in U. S. history was ever accorded.

And he studiously refuses to speak in person or via correspondence with anyone versed in the canonical arguments that Benedict XVI is the true pope, despite the fact that Pope Benedict XVI is the one who drew him out of an obscure career in the Vatican Secretary of State to make him Secretary of the Vatican State Governorate and subsequently, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, arguably the most important foreign post in the Vatican diplomatic staff.

He has repeatedly attacked and insulted not only the Catholic Church, blaming Her for sins, but also the Catholic Faithful for not opposing Vatican II.  In the first, he transgressed a rule of faith, whereby Catholic never attribute sin to the Bride of Christ. In the second, his comments are exceedingly cruel, seeing that the Catholic Faithful obediently accepted Vatican II precisely because of the actions and silence of the clergy, not excluding his own.  But both are remarkable forms of despicable clericalism which refuses to admit that the chief problem in the Church today is clerical corruption and chiefly in the Vatican, where he has worked for several decades.

To shout out a battle cry is a good an honorable thing, when you are standing on the right side of the Battle lines. But to do so, from the enemies’ Camp, is at least disingenuous, and at most a diabolic trick of deception to disarm your allies’ enemies.

The story has not ended, and is still in act. But those of us who are Catholics from the cradle and who know that sincerity only has value with fidelity, are finding it more and more incredible that Viganò’s words and actions remain in stark contradiction.

Credibility begins not with speaking, but with action. You have to switch sides in this war, and stand with Christ and His people, against the Globalists and the Bank of International Settlements, in Basel Switzerland, through which they rule the world.


*  Lamendola is a high school philosophy teacher, and a staunch denier that Benedict’s renunciation is invalid. He is known, during conferences with those who support Benedict, of intentionally talking as long as possible simply to prevent the supporters of Pope Benedict XVI from having any time to speak at all.

How to be a Catholic: Episode #9: How to choose the City of God

In this episode, Br Bugnolo comments on Apocalypse 18:4-8:

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. Render to her as she also hath rendered to you; and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her. As much as she hath glorified herself, and lived in delicacies, so much torment and sorrow give ye to her; because she saith in her heart: I sit a queen, and am no widow; and sorrow I shall not see. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be burnt with the fire; because God is strong, who shall judge her.

USA: Time to boycott USA Pharmacy chains involved in Monstrous “Vaccine” Deception

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Here is just one candidate for such a boycot, which has no ethical principles whatsoever and acts with abandon against all known medical fact and science.  This image is being sent via email and thus there is no URL to link to.

CVS is a U. S. based national Pharmacy chain of stores, which offer in addition to medicines, other health and common products for sale.

Italian Government to make Italy a Globalist Gulag after April 26th

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The news yesterday confirmed the darkest fears of “conspiracy theorists” in Italy during the last year.  The Government has passed a new Dictatorial Decree (DPCM) which after April 26, 2021, will make Italy a Globalist Gulag.

In the name of giving back your freedoms, Italians will be forbidden to travel withing the territory of the Italian republic if they do not have a “Green Card” certifying that they have been vaccinated against the Covid-19 and/or have the antibodies showing they have recovered from it. See the featured image above, for the newspaper report.

In return for submitting to attempted suicide via the Vaxx, citi

zens and residents and tourists will be able to visit friends, two by two before May 15, and four by four after. They will also be able to go to restaurants who have tables in the open air and to go to pools.

Without the “Green Card” you will be fined and or taken to a concentration camp.

The consternation, anger, disgust and rage which this new decree has provoked is tremendous. If the government thinks they will get away with this, I believe they are in for a very ugly surprise. Italians hate tyrants.

In the New World Order religion, advocated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio at Donald Trump, in place of sanctification there is now “sanificazione” (being made healthy, or as we would say in English, “sanitized”). I am not joking, as you can see in this photo of a rental car, here at Rome, which I took yesterday. The Green Sticker reads:  Sanificata ogni noleggio (“Sanitized after each rental”).

FromRome.info at War: The Globalists have unleashed the CyberBeast

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In the last 24 hours, FromRome.Info has sustained more than 100,000 attacks from a sophisticated cyberwarfare system, believed to be headquartered in the United States, Cyberwarfare unit.  The system is powered by highspeed supercomputers and highly advanced artificial intelligence. The purpose of the attack is to prevent FromRome.Info to publish counter narrative information, i. e., the truth. The attack began shortly after FromRome.Info published a link to Global Research, outing MI5 and the CIA for a plot to assassinate the anti-Scamdemic leader of Belarus.

FromRome.Info is not the only site being attacked. Attacks of this kind are spreading round the world. The leading prolife group in Italy, “Pro Vita e Familiga” has had their web-server attacked similarly in the last month, after they announced their opposition to the proposed law which would make the LGBT inhuman ideology the de facto state religion and state psychosis of the Italian Republic.

The attack against FromRome.Info is attempting to gain entrance to our website by calculating how long and under what conditions the web server of FromRome.Info takes to repell an instruder. For this reason, since the attacks are exceeding 5 per second, FromRome.Info had to turn off the capacity of this site to receive new subscribers and post or allow comments.

I personally suspect that this is the new normal. and that it will never end. It is a very effective way of intimidating independent publishers and to intimidate their hosting companies to drop them as clients. Also it prevents the sites normal functions to grow readership and engage readers in conversation.

Joe Biden just appointed as head of the US Cyber Defense Commission a former CIA agent involved in overthrowing the Catholic government of Vietnam and in destabilizing that country.  My colleague, Andrew Baalman opined to me the other day, that his appointment means a planned and sustained cyber attack on all counter-Globalist websites in the future. It seems he was correct.

However, as I am head of a Catholic Military Order, when guns start firing, I do not freeze with fear, but boil with zeal, and so, I will continue to publish articles through this battle.

I thank all the supporters of FromRome.Info, who recently assisted in the upgrade and move of its server. This is the only reason this site has not yet been taken down and can fight on.

Finally, I ask your prayers, therefore, to Saint Michael the Archangel and to the Lord of Hosts that by his help and His grace I might have victory in this battle.

PLEASE NOTE: That comments have been disabled for security reasons, for the time being.

Benedict XVI’s Masterstroke — PDF Booklets

FromRome.Info presents here Br. Bugnolo’s authorized English translation of Andrea Cionci’s Article

La possibile ricostruzione del “piano B” di papa Benedetto XVI

which was published by the Libero, on April 6, 2021, in Italian.

Due to the length of the original, FromRome.Info publishes the translation in 4 parts.


A Reconstruction of Ratzinger’s possible Plan B

to cancel the church of Bergoglio with a complete purification of the Church

A Purposefully invalid Resignation? — We investigate the thesis of Attorney Acosta and various theologians

by Andrea Cionci

Here is the entire English translation, with links, in a PDF File, WHICH IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD. Please spam the world with this document. Especially send to Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Seminarian, Religious, Journalists, political leaders. Let’s get the world to open their eyes about what is really going on in the Vatican!

PDF in English

PDF en español

PDF em português


REVISIONS:  Added on April 17, at 10:15 P.M., the official Spanish and Portuguese translations of the same.

Revised on April 12, 2021, at 8:16 P. M. Rome Time, to remove a typographical error.

Revised on April 12, 2021, at 7:48 P. M. Rome Time, to remove some typographical errors.