By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
As we all know the MSM has completely lost its marbles and serves the Globalist world agenda, which has as its prime objective the destruction of Christendom and the Catholic Church.
The pro Bergoglian press are part and parcel the agents of this same agenda, with a little catholic veneer they are increasingly apostles of apostasy.
Trad Inc., which before the Renunciation of Benedict, was a faithful defender of the Eternal Faith, by hooking their wagon to the idea that “there is absolutely no doubt that Bergoglio is the pope” are increasingly being converted over to the agenda of the first two groups.
What is needed, then, is a truly Catholic Counter Revolution.
And The From Rome blog wants to do its part, so as from today, the From Rome Blog becomes, an Catholic News Information Media Site for truly Catholic news, not controlled by Soros or Bergoglio etc.. It will shortly get a new look and format, befitting a professional publication. But keep all the popular articles already published here.
This newsite will be run as an apostolate of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, an international religious association of Catholics for the defense of Christianity.
Obviously, to make this effective, I need to recruit a staff of zealous Catholics who do not want to mince words or play in the pretend worlds of alternate realities; who know their faith well and are fluent in the languages they write. I want the platform to feature English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Portuguese for starters.
If you would like to become a journalist and have the skills to write well and are someone who is highly informed about the Church at the present, please leave your contact information below in a comment.
I am looking for volunteers: whether full time or part time. Specifically I am looking for a Managing Editor, Writers, Reporters, Investigators, Commentators, who can produce in either Text or Video formats and have the equipment already and the internet access to produce their original contributions on their own, so that all they need to be is published at will be run like an electronic newspaper. It will allow comments, but not be a discussion forum like Gloria.TV or other sites of that kind. It will have a mix of essays and news, with news and news commentary predominating.
I am specifically looking for Catholics who hold the perennial faith, deplore Marxism, Modernism, and are staunch opponents of the Culture of Death and the Lavender Mafia.
If you feel you have what it takes to be a journalist with, contact me. I am NOT looking for professionals. I want individuals whose intellectual formation has not be touched by schools of journalism. I expect you to be able to show me examples of your writing, reporting, commentary, etc. which you cite in a Resumé, and what websites or blogs you already have written on. Also I ask for a 1 page essay on what you see are the principle problems in the Church.
I am looking for writers who can discuss or report on current events on all Continents, but always principally in regard to the Catholic Church. You can contribute in your own name or use a nom du plume, but with me, you must correspond with your true name.
Thank you for your interest, and Deus Vult!