Tag Archives: Crimes against Humanity
Dr. David Martin: The Shocking truth about the Covid-19 “vaccine”
Dr. Simone Gold: What’s wrong with Covid-19 “vaccines”
Corona pandemic is a crime against Humanity
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The Corona pandemic is a crime against humanity, which has killed 10s of thousand and put into a state of unwarranted panic leaders of many nations, causing some of them, who were intentionally pushed by Coronal Hype to destroy their national economies by quarantining their entire populations.
The number of victims who have died from Corona virus may be as high as reported, today, at 24,842 deaths (source), though many other reports show than less than that died from corona virus, the others died with it.
The resulting quarantine, individual or national, and the Hype has also caused suicides (here, here, and here and undoubtedly many others).
The panic which ensued from the hype and the release of the biowarfare agent is causing homicides by intentional medical neglect to resuscitate patients (here, and planned here).
The damage to national economies is staggering. The UN estimates it will be at least 1 Trillon dollars. The misappropriation of tax payers dollars by national political leaders might reach 7 more Trillion.
For all these reasons, I believe every human being on the face of the planet has the legal right to insist that their national governments investigate the causes of the coronavirus pandemic and the corona virus Hype, both formal causes of the effects which I have just listed.
Those responsible need to be brought to justice before a world tribunal for crimes against humanity. Indeed, the greatest crime against humanity perpetrated simultaneously against the whole world.
And there is already a lot of circumstantial evidence about just who these criminals might be. The 7 Trillion in national appropriates to respond to coronavirus must unwittingly be going to fund just those organizations. If so, the Corona Pandemic was the biggest single terrorist-extortion attack on the human race in the entire history of mankind.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a graphic which Google’s search engine says was previously part of this webpage: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/preparing-for-coronavirus-to-strike-the-u-s/ but which was removed. Perhaps because it said too much truth about the Corona pandemic. It is used here in accord with the fair use standard for editorial commentary.
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