Tag Archives: Archbishop Viganò

Archbishop Viganò issues an Apologia in his defense

Editor’s Note: The Archbishop has written his own apologia pro sua vita, which is now available in English, through the linked image above.

What he says therein is more completely an exposition of his doctrinal and juridical position than in other documents.

Essentially, however, he has not modified or changed anything of what he has said in the past. He holds the Catholic position, which so many others, including myself hold as the only possible approach a Catholic can have to these subjects.

But he does take one step which he has not taken before.

He now asks his brother Bishops to hear his case and he formally accuses Pope Francis of being a usurper, heretic and schismatic.

But he continues to omit the necessary juridical specification of calling on a specific tribunal to hear this appeal.

Yes, he has appealed ostensibly to all the Bishops of the world. But juridically such an appeal means nothing unless he addresses a specific body, such as a provincial council or a general council.

If he ever realizes that in failing to do this he is making meaningless all he has said and is serving up all that his enemies need to condemn him, he will make a formal canonical appeal to the Bishops of the Province of Rome to convoke a Provincial Council, on the grounds mentioned in the Sutri Initiative. For that is the only body which can convene without Pope Francis’s permission and which can judge the accusation of usurpation of the Papacy.

Let’s pray for the Archbishop that he take that last but decisive step!

Vatican News quotes Viganò’s Tweet about Schism Trial, Parolin praises him for past work

Editor’s Note: Since the Vatican News Service is under the direction of the Secretary of State, it is indeed notable that Cardinal Parolin should publish this article, so as to get his own comments on record, as one who is trying to be fair to both sides in this dispute, Pope Francis and Archbishop Viganò.

Meanwhile, the Society of St. Pius X has made it clear (here) that they hold Viganò to be a sedevacantist for saying that Pope Francis is not pope because of a defect in his own intention in accepting the papacy.

This judgement against the Italian Archbishop by the Society’s report, however, is wrong, since such a position is not a form of sedevacantism: an ideology which claims there is no pope so as to have a Church without any principle of hierarchical or juridical authority.

Likewise, the Italian Archbishop is not a schismatic, because to claim a Pope has no authority due to his own heresy or a defect in his election, is not an act of schism, but a juridical complaint, which merits to be judged on its own grounds. The Vatican is attempting to parse his words, so that they can condemn him for saying the Pope has no authority, and ignore his assertion that there was a defect in Pope Francis’ being elected.

Crux Magazine lauds Berlusconi Conservatives who applaud Viganò trial

Editor’s Note: Does ex priest John Allen, founder of Crux Magazine, really expect us to believe that those whom he calls conservatives in Italy, are conservatives? And that no one in the Church agrees with the Archbishop’s opposition to the Scamdemic?

This is the cheekiest propaganda yet.

The effort to demonize all the positions held by Archbishop Viganò on account of one or another of his opinions seems to be the whole agenda of the trial moved against him at the Vatican.

Indeed, there are very few informed and faithful Catholics who could disagree with the statement of the Archbishop, that “Bergoglio is to the Church what other world leaders are to their nations: traitors, subversives, and final liquidators of traditional society”, as he is quoted to have said by the National Catholic Register, in their article of June 21, 2024 by Francis X. Rocca, who writes for EWTN but has in the past been published by notable Skull & Bones controlled outlets. Rocca’s personal work history and his association with EWTN explains why in that article he too joins on the bandwagon to see the Archbishop hung-out-to-dry.

But the zeal of Pope Francis against Viganò is unprecedented also in recent Church history. It took the Vatican 20 years to move against Archbishop Lefebvre, who in the meantime had illicitly ordained hundreds of priests, while the Italian Archbishop has scarcely ordained but a few men, according to leaked reports.

Maybe this zeal has something to do with the 2.4 Billion Euros which somehow found its way into the Vatican balance sheets since Pope Francis met with Bill Clinton and Alexis Soros last July?

I believe that the Globalists are very worried about who will succeed Pope Francis and that this summer trial issued against the most staunch anti-Globalist in the Sacred Hierarchy has everything to do with shaping the narrative to be used to control that outcome during the next Conclave.

Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

On June 11, 2024, the “Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith”, an entity erected by no pope sent a letter to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò informing him of his pending trial in the “Dicastery” on the charge of schism. In response to reports that he has been so charged and would attend he has issued a public statement denying that he will attend or attempt to defend himself.

Though he has been repeatedly informed by private correspondence that he must take his appeal to a provincial council in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome, just as the Sutri Initiative suggests and urges, Archbishop Viganò has, instead, chosen to issue a public response full of expressions which will only lead to his condemnation.

The core of the Archbishop’s error lies in attributing to the Church the errors, crimes and immorality of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his crew. On this basis, he denies the authority of the Dicastery, of Pope Francis, and of the Church in communion with him, to put him on trial.

Such statements will be viewed by all as schismatic, since semantically they express the very essence of the notion of schism.

The proper Catholic response, on the other hand, would be to accuse these persons before the proper tribunal (Provincial Council in the Roman Province). While the Sutri Initiative suggests such a recourse to challenge the validity of Pope Francis’ election in March of 2013, or the validity of his claim to be pope, on account of his patent heresies, such a recourse can also be made by an Archbishop who is incardinated at the Vatican when charged by agents of a Roman Pontiff who has any questionable hold on the Petrine Office, even one vitiated by heretical intentions.

I believe that once again, we are seeing play out in real time the destruction of the person and reputation of another outstanding cleric of the Roman Church, since, because he lacks the courage to bring a canonical complaint to the competent tribunal, he is attempting to win his case by public debate and diatribes: a thing which can never succeed, since the Church of Jesus Christ is a juridical entity with proper laws and procedures, and justice must be sought in accord with them.

Contrariwise, if the Archbishop changes his legal strategy immediately by publicly appealing to a provincial council against the actions of a dicastery which was erected not by Pope Benedict XVI but by another claiming the papal office during his lifetime, he will put the entire dispute squarely on the proper legal grounds and avoid a charge of schism. For no one appealing to the proper tribunal is a schismatic. He will also in the strongest possible juridical manner put in doubt the claim of Pope Francis to have the right to move against him.

In such a case, the Bishops of the Roman Province can decide to call or not call the Council: the charges against Pope Francis being sufficient to hold the Apostolic See impeded (see here fore more about this). If the Bishops were to refuse to convene, then the Archbishop could rightfully appeal to any provincial council in the world, since such a refusal would confirm the juridical doubt concerning the impeded see and a conspiracy to overthrow the Church. Furthermore, even if the provincial council in the Roman province determine against him, he could appeal to other provincial councils, since such decisions put in writing in a provincial council would demonstrate the unjust basis of Pope Francis’ claims to office. This would raise the controversy to the international level and require a general council to hear the case, as numerous provincial councils could rightfully demand such be convened.

This is the way to fight as a Catholic in the footsteps of great saints such as St. Athanasius of Alexandria. Let us pray that the Archbishop wake up fast, before he is eaten up by the crocodile on the Tiber.

VATICAN “Dicastery” charges Archbishop Viganò with Schism

Commentary and Canonical Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

Editor’s Note: You can read the news from the source, at the Archbishop’s Italian Website, which now has an official English translation of the accusation and surrounding circumstances.

As I have said before, since this Dicastery was never erected by a man holding the Petrine Munus, the entire procedure against the Archbishop is null and void de jure. However, since he nominally recognizes the papal conclave of 2013 as being valid and as Pope Benedict XVI validly resigning, he is caught in the same juridical problem of all Pope Francis’ opponents, of putting himself, as it were, in the mouth of the crocodile on his own accord.

In addition, the Archbishop is being accused of violating a Canon, 1364, which does not exist, since it was published by Pope Francis before his juridically valid election, that is, during his antipapacy from March 13, 2013, to January 29, 2023.

Finally, it is indeed revealing, that the only person yet to be put on trial for heresy or schism by this new fake Dicastery is one of the most Catholic Archbishops of all the Roman Rite.

If the Archbishop publicizes the trial step by step, he will surely win over the entire Catholic world, as the proceedings of the trial will put on show the entire rotten ideological basis upon which the Bergoglian revolution is being perpetrated.

And if he defends himself, he will be able to argue that the conclave of 2013 was canonically invalid, that pope Francis was not therein validly elected. However, if he argues that Benedict XVI validly renounced the papacy, that it would seem that he is actually playing a game with the Globalists to confirm that the election of Pope Francis was valid and could only be considered invalid by mean-spirited presumptuous individuals like himself, since to accuse Bergoglio of not having the good will to be pope, while reasonable, has no basis in canon law for a determination by anyone but a future pope, and would thus expose him to an irrefutable counter-argument of making a false accusation, since the internal forum cannot be judged except by a  superior according to the principle de internis praetor non iudicat.

So while it seems that the anti-Church is moving against the Catholic Archbishop, the intersection of this other possibility makes is more likely that he has joined a public dispute with Pope Francis that is designed to make the latter win and the former lose, so as to undermine the true Catholic position expressed in the Sutri Initiative.

However, if someone were to convince the Archbishop to appeal immediately to a Provincial Council he could save himself and the Church by attacking all his problems at the core, by addressing the invalidity of a resignation of petrine ministry to effect a papal abdication. If he took that position he would indeed then force Pope Francis to recognize publicly his juridically valid election on Jan. 30, 2023 or to admit publicly that he was never the Roman Pontiff.

Let’s see if the Archbishop decides to play a game he can only lose, or fight on the field of the true battle, where he can only win. For true Catholic militancy belongs to the latter, and fake Masonic opposition belongs to the former.

Finally, I find it an indeed strikingly revealing, that the Archbishop entitles his response to the juridical accusation, with the words of Our Lord, recorded in the Gospel of Saint Mathew, chapter 7, verse 15, from the Vulgate: “Attendite a falsis prophetis”, “Beware of false prophets” in the plural. Because this juridical accusation and the Archbishop’s respond are excellent examples of the kind of narrative psyops the Globalists use to divide and conquer, when they put on the chess board of history two public opponents lauded by all controlled media sources, both of whom are wrong, because they accept the Globalist Big Lies as the truth. Thus, no matter which appears to win, the Big Lie is the winner, because the supporters of both prefer the football game-like ruckus and battle more than the truth.

Here the big lie is that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated, when the patent obvious truth is that he never actually renounced nor intended to renounce the Papal Dignity, and thus never renounced by word or intent the petrine munus. Thus, Pope Francis was not validly elected in 2013, and his changes in the Roman Curia in 2022 and penal code of the Church, therefore, are uncanonical and without force. Consequently, the Archbishop can not only NOT be charged, the “Dicastery” charging him has no more authority than a dry fig.

A Meditation for the 11th Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation of Ministry

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

It was 11 years ago, on February 11, 2013 A. D., at shortly after 11:30 A. M., that his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI read his now famous declaration, “Non solum propter”. — Above, if you click the image, you can access FromRome.Info’s complete Index to the history, debate and controversy over the events of that day and the meaning or effect of that declaration.

By that act he clearly and manifestly intended to retain the petrine munus and renounce only the petrine ministry, so that by retiring but not abdicating he could retain the Papal Dignity and Mandate, while conceding to his opponents the other powers of governance. While there are many, many opinions about the morality, intention, cause, motives and purpose of such an act, the juridical value of it was NOT and abdication.

But, for today’s anniversary, I want to offer a reflection on the moral errors committed in the Vatican before and during that controversy, which might help explain why even to this day, notable clergy incardinated at the Vatican, such as Cardinals Burke and Mueller, Brandmuller and Sarah, and even Archbishop Viganò seemingly find it impossible to admit their error in thinking he declared that he would abdicate from the Pontificate on that day.

As I have shown in my Index to Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation, there are more than 53 errors in the Latin text Pope Benedict XVI read on that day. And why it has been admitted by experts at the Vatican, that Pope Benedict XVI wrote the text without any consultation with Canon Lawyers or Latinists, even Archbishop Gänswein admits there are errors in the text — though he has not yet had the charity to the Catholic world to admit which ones he recognizes.

Thus, the national Catholic newspaper in Italy, Avvenire, which is run by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference there, though they called me an “idiot” for claiming there are errors in the text, now has to eat crow. And yes, I still await an apology for their calumny, for the sake of removing the scandal they have placed before millions of souls.

But that they resorted to the services of a defrocked priest to gaslight the Catholic world about the deficiencies in the text, showed how desperate they were to keep the narrative of an abdication going, and how they knew all in their hearts, at least by 2021 that Benedict XVI never abdicated.

This collective sin and guilt and complicity is the principal embarrassment of the Catholic Hierarchy, not only in Italy but round the world. These men are pragmatic, and they realize that their moral authority over the faithful will be utterly destroyed when it comes to be known that they collectively were incapable of understanding how Canon 332 §2 worked and what was necessary for an abdication — a thing which should be a basic concept taught in a general Canon Law class on juridical acts.

So individuals who have doctorates in Canon Law such as Archbishop Gänswein really have no excuse. And there are 1000s like him, who were all silent. Though the worst sin was of those who should have known and attempted to defend the indefensible, namely, that a renunciation of ministerium in Latin signified a renunciation of munus.

But it was not I, but Cardinal Burke himself who immediately recognized that the declaration did not contain what it should contain to effect a valid abdication. He himself spoke to friends and acquaintances from Rome to Arizona about this. But he otherwise hid this opinion of his from the press. And I surmise that if he attempted to speak with Pope Benedict XVI before February 28, 2013, he failed in his request, because Pope Benedict XVI was not wont to speak with him about “canonical details”. The other Cardinals and clergy at the Vatican also failed, either out of human respect, or complicity in the plot by Hilary Clinton to push Pope Benedict XVI from power and have a new “spring time” in the Catholic Church.

I will guess too, without any evidence, that if there were a group of Cardinals and Bishops who realized the errors in the text in February 2013, they became conflicted in their private counsels, because they considered it somehow wrong to request that Pope Benedict XVI make a proper and correct renunciation on Feb. 28, 2013, to correct the errors of his Feb. 11th text. Indeed, for men like Cardinal Burke, it was his grave duty to make his way to Castle Gandolfo on Feb. 28th, with the proper text written on paper and carried in hand, to obtain an audience and insist Pope Benedict XVI sign the document in the presence of two other Bishops or Archbishops. Perhaps he was too unfit to climb to the balcony by rope ladder or thrown himself on the ground in front of the main door, to make a spectacle, to obtain this juridical rectification. We cannot judge the man on his personal sentiments, but all who knew of the defect should have had such a zeal.

Contrariwise, if anyone knew that the act of Pope Benedict XVI did not validly cause an abdication, or that Pope Benedict XVI knew, understood or did not understand this they had a grave solemn duty to announce this to the world as soon as they knew of it. Cardinal Burke did not do this. Why? Did the Cardinals discuss this in the canonically invalid Conclave of 2013 ? We may never know. But shortly after they came out of that “Conclave” we know that they had formed a silent eternal pact to never speak of this fraud perpetrated upon the Catholic World, because immediately the Vatican began publishing falsified translations in all major languages of the world, to conceal this from 1+ Billion Catholics. And this is the greatest crime against the rights of the Faithful in the entire history of the Church!

However, the official canonical and juridical declaration that ‘Pope Benedict XVI remained pope until his death’ is a question about which the Catholic Bishops of the Roman Province are competent to judge in a Provincial Council. Anyone can request them to do it. And all honesty requires that they,  who know of it, make such a request. Moreover, if they fail to rectify the historical and juridical record, those who know of it, who could be influential to obtain this, will go to their graves to encounter a most Terrible and unforgiving Judge, Whose Immaculate Bride has been raped and sullied by such a great injustice.

And yet, all those who insist that Bergoglio has never been the pope, fail to avail themselves of the most important confirmation of the invalidity of the Conclave of 2013, which they could obtain by the convocation of such a Council. Why is this? Those who insist he has always been the pope, also fail to seek this solution. Why?

So as we commemorate and remember that fateful day 11 years ago, we should make a renewed effort to admit the truth, connect the dots and study the sources, if we have not yet understood what really happened on that day and who is at fault for it.

And I encourage all the Catholics who have had the grace of the Holy Spirit to do this and complete this necessary task, to pray for all those who live within the ideological limits imposed upon by the boy’s clubs and magic circles in which they move, who out of human respect have preferred not to ask the question or worse to denigrate the messengers of truth, whom God has sent to His Church in the last 11 years.

Many have urged me to write a book about Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation, but I make all the articles and videos available for free, because as a Franciscan Brother I realize that my vocation is to give freely, when one has received freely, and to work for the repair of Christ’s Church. — Of everything I have written and mentioned, here, you can find reference and articles in the above index. Just click the top image in this post.

FromRome.info is an electronic journal chronicling the events of the Church without keeping silent about the duty of Catholics to respond with faith-filled action, rather than as mere spectators. This article is one of more than 10,000 published since September 2013 A. D.. For more information about our journal, see our About Page.

RAI3 Report details Burke & De Mattei’s participation in MASONIC Political Alliance


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

RAI3 is Channel 3 of the National Television Corporation run and financed by the Italian Republic, but populated by some of the most extreme left-wing minds. However, this does not discount the fact that they often report things of which the Catholic press world wide is silent.

Their recent report, on April, 20, 2020, exposed the very close collaboration that notable proponents of “Bergoglio is certainly the pope” here at Rome have with Conservative political interests who are heavily financed from the United States of America and which favor interreligious collaboration and the support of the Fratelli d’Italia, one of the leading Masonic political parties in Italy.

They name explicitly in the report, Cardinal Raymond Burke and Dr. Roberto dei Mattei.

Here is an English summary of the report, which FromRome.Info cannot confirm independently, even though it allegedly reports the contents of intercepted phone calls with Cardinal Burke and does cite the public addresses by Dr. De Mattei at the recent International Conference for Conservative politicians held at Rome, under the auspices of Steve Bannon and the Fratelli d’Italia.

The RAI3 report alleges that one billion dollars has been transferred to Europe from the United States by political and conservative organizations since the election of Bergoglio to support “opposition” to his agenda while insisting his claim to the papacy is legitimate.

Appearing in the report are John Henry Westen, of LifeSite News, Dr. Taylor Marshall, Church Militant, Catholic Family News, Alexander Tschugguel, Archbishop Viganò, Ralph Dollenger, Roberto Fiore (Leader of the Italian Party, Forza Nuova, which is a known Gladio organization), the Fondazione Giuseppe Sciacca of which Cardinal Burke is a supporter, Steve Bannon, Institute Dignitatis Humanae, Benjamin Harwell, Cardinal Burke, Matteo Salvini, Don Bruno Lima who is the president of the Fondazione Giuseppe Sciacca, which has ties to members in the Italian Military, Courts and Parliament.

Cardinal Burke is shown to have promised to intervene with his contacts in the USA to get political influence from the U.S. Government for the nomination of the undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, when Matteo Salvini was the Minister. This was shown by intercepted phone calls he had with a Lega Party member with Mafia ties. It also includes footage showing how the Cardinal attempts to avoid speaking with a journalist about the affair.

Dr. Roberto De Mattei is shown at the end of the report, speaking at the recent Conference for Conservatives, saying that Bergoglio and Trump have in a certain sense reversed roles, with Bergoglio becoming a politician for the left and Trump becoming an advocate of Christians values.

While the report is obviously pro-Bergoglian and pro-Marxist and pro-Globalist, it reveals important information about networking among political conservatives who insist Bergoglio is the pope, throughout the whole world. Gloria.TV’s in the English language reacted forcefully to the report, but omitted to rebut anything revealed in it, choosing rather to respond with ad hominem attacks.

The RAI3 report confirms FromRome.Info’s previous reports connecting the US Government to Trad Inc., which explains both their non-action against Bergoglio, their adoption of Masonic categories for “opposition”, and their seeming unending financial support from unknown sources.

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RAI3 Report details Burke & De Mattei’s participation in Conservative Political Alliance

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

RAI3 is Channel 3 of the National Television Corporation run and financed by the Italian Republic, but populated by some of the most extreme left-wing minds. However, this does not discount the fact that they often report things of which the Catholic press world wide is silent.

Their recent report, on April, 20, 2020, exposed the very close collaboration that notable proponents of “Bergoglio is certainly the pope” here at Rome have with Conservative political interests who are heavily financed from the United States of America and which favor interreligious collaboration and the support of the Fratelli d’Italia, one of the leading Masonic political parties in Italy.

They name explicitly in the report, Cardinal Raymond Burke and Dr. Roberto dei Mattei.

Here is an English summary of the report, which FromRome.Info cannot confirm independently, even though it allegedly reports the contents of intercepted phone calls with Cardinal Burke and does cite the public addresses by Dr. De Mattei at the recent International Conference for Conservative politicians held at Rome, under the auspices of Steve Bannon and the Fratelli d’Italia.

The RAI3 report alleges that one billion dollars has been transferred to Europe from the United States by political and conservative organizations since the election of Bergoglio to support “opposition” to his agenda while insisting his claim to the papacy is legitimate.

Appearing in the report are John Henry Westen, of LifeSite News, Dr. Taylor Marshall, Church Militant, Catholic Family News, Alexander Tschugguel, Archbishop Viganò, Ralph Dollenger, Roberto Fiore (Leader of the Italian Party, Forza Nuova, which is a known Gladio organization), the Fondazione Giuseppe Sciacca of which Cardinal Burke is a supporter, Steve Bannon, Institute Dignitatis Humanae, Benjamin Harwell, Cardinal Burke, Matteo Salvini, Don Bruno Lima who is the president of the Fondazione Giuseppe Sciacca, which has ties to members in the Italian Military, Courts and Parliament.

Cardinal Burke is shown to have promised to intervene with his contacts in the USA to get political influence from the U.S. Government for the nomination of the undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, when Matteo Salvini was the Minister. This was shown by intercepted phone calls he had with a Lega Party member with Mafia ties. It also includes footage showing how the Cardinal attempts to avoid speaking with a journalist about the affair.

Dr. Roberto De Mattei is shown at the end of the report, speaking at the recent Conference for Conservatives, saying that Bergoglio and Trump have in a certain sense reversed roles, with Bergoglio becoming a politician for the left and Trump becoming an advocate of Christians values.

While the report is obviously pro-Bergoglian and pro-Marxist and pro-Globalist, it reveals important information about networking among political conservatives who insist Bergoglio is the pope, throughout the whole world. Gloria.TV’s in the English language reacted forcefully to the report, but omitted to rebut anything revealed in it, choosing rather to respond with ad hominem attacks.

The RAI3 report confirms FromRome.Info’s previous reports connecting the US Government to Trad Inc., which explains both their non-action against Bergoglio, their adoption of Masonic categories for “opposition”, and their seeming unending financial support from unknown sources.

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