Tag Archives: antipope

EMERGENCY: Pope Francis to put into doubt election of his successor

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

As I forewarned last December, a Roman Pontiff who through a public, formal act of adhesion to a heretical profession (Fiducia supplicans) would dare appoint new members to the College of Cardinals, would put into canonical doubt the validity of his successors election (See here), due to the impeded state of the Apostolic see. — Now, with this announcement, this canonical doubt will come into force as of December 8, 2024, if Pope Francis goes through with his plan to appoint 21 new Cardinals, a number of whom will be of age capable to elect the next Roman Pontiff.

Just as it cannot be tolerated that a manifest, formal and pertinacious heretic hold claim to the Apostolic See, so it cannot be tolerated that he determine in any way the election of his successor, since by common sense, logic and natural right, it must be presumed that he is an enemy of Christ and a persecutor of the Church, and that all his acts are deformed by his heretical profession.

Therefore, if he does appoint new Cardinal Electors, the election of his successor by the College of Cardinals will NOT be valid, because it must be presumed to be doubtful, since it must be presumed that he has appointed men who are in agreement with him in his heretical profession.

I wrote about this on January 10, 2024, in my article, “The Apostolic See is now impeded by the Heretical Profession of Pope Francis“:

How the impeded state of the Apostolic See will effect the next papal election

The Church is now in a very precarious juridical state, because if Pope Francis without renouncing his heresy of Fiducia supplicans should alter or publish a new law for papal election, and/or appoint men who favor Fiducia supplicans as Cardinals, then the election of his successor will be juridically doubtful, since the man, who is pope, who has impeded the See, can no longer licltly exercise the authority of the See, if he refuses to repent publicly of his crime against the Catholic Church, Her Faith, and the rights of all the faithful to practice the authentic Catholic Faith. Nay, refusal to repent signifies that all his other acts are tainted with his heresy and schism, and thus can be lawfully and licitly rejected by the Faithful.

Note, that recognizing the Apostolic See is impeded by the manifest heretical profession of a pope certified by his signature on a heretical document — even prior to his condemnation by a Council — is a far cry from the error of the sedevacantist who in the same situation would declare the See vacant and ignore all duty to denounce the criminal to a Council to have him removed. Sedevacantism, rather, is a pharisaical way of ignoring responsibility while virtue signalling. Whereas, recognizing the See is impeded is a Catholic and precise way of exercising personal cognizance and responsibility. Such a recognition affirms one’s moral and juridical right to ignore the acts and commands of the heretical pope, but also imposes the obligation to denounce him, seeking his reprehension or removal from office as well as all actions to obstruct his destruction of the Church or perversion of the election of his successor. As such its perfectly and totally catholic. And anyone who would question or deride it is merely seeking to defend his own cowardice and effeminacy.

The 21 “new” Cardinals are nearly all heretics

If you doubt this, just look at the list of names to be nominated. They include at least one of the worse homo-heretics of modern times, Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (as EWTN reported here) who is a blasphemer and heretic, for asserting that the desire to commit sodomy is from God.

Then there is Archbishop Castillio Mattasoglio, who is a promoter of the heresy of liberation theology; Archbishop Vicente Bokalic Iglic, Bergoglio’s auxiliary from Buenas Aires, of the same Rampolla lineage; Archbishop Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi, who believes sodomy is compatible with Christianity; Bishop Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and who is a graduate of the heretical Biblical Institute of Jerusalem, which does not believe the Books of the Bible were written by the Prophets or Evangelists or Apostles; Archbishop Jean-Paul Vesco,  who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’; Archbishop Roberto Repole, who thinks the Church needs to reinvent herself; Archbishop Baldassare Reina, who has no problem with Rupnick art defiling the seminary at Rome; and Father Fabio Baggio, who is pushing the Kalergi Plan for Europe. This list is not exhaustive. Indeed, the Gay Mafia is already singing the praises of the nominated men, here.

How I and all those who participated in the Sutri Initiative had hoped that the Sacred Hierarchy mobilize to remonstrate with Pope Francis in a Provincial Council.  How we had hoped that he would show his penitence by removing his signature from the blasphemous document ‘Fiducia supplicans’. But he has not done anything in this regard. And the Sacred Hierarchy has not done anything in public to request him to do this. This confirms his pertinacious heretical mindset.

Thus, not only is the Apostolic See impeded, the ‘nomination’ of these new 21 Cardinals will be doubtfully valid; and thus any election by the College of Cardinals with their participation will produce a doubtful pope, who will be pope of no one, according to the addage, “papa dubius, papa nullius est”.

There seems to be little chance this year to avert the Crisis

This news, therefore, is the worst possible news of the year. The only solution, then, is that after Pope Francis’ death, the Faithful of Rome again convene in an Assembly of Apostolic Right and elect his successor, just as they did on January 30, 2023, when they gathered to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.

At this point there are only 3 ways to avert the necessity of another such Assembly, namely: that God call Pope Francis from this life (and you can pray for that here), that he renounce the papacy (and you can pray for that here), or that he forgo appointing new Cardinals (you can write your favorite Catholic Cardinal and demand this).

As for each and everyone of those who knew of the Sutri Initiative but failed to speak of it, you now have become guilty of dividing the Church again and will share in the damnation merited by Pope Francis for this scandal, as there seems little time left to call a provincial council to avert this juridical catastrophe.

What is at stake here?

What is at stake is the very existence of the Catholic Church. This is because an antipope or a manifest heretic has no right to be the Pope, and the Church of Christ has the solemn duty to lead him to repentance by correcting him or declaring him outside of the Church. The Catholic Church exists only because Christ has founded Her and endowed Her with a principle of unity and fidelity, which is the Office of Peter. But because an antipope cannot hold this office, in the sight of God, an invalid or doubtful pope cannot ever be accepted by God as His Vicar on Earth. Thus, if the faithful follow such a man they will NOT be in communion with Jesus Christ. And thus, if a doubtful pope would become ‘universally accepted’ without a juridical correction, the Church would cease being the Bride of Jesus Christ. If the antipope is moreover a heretic, those faithful would become members of the Church of the AntiChrist.

Now that such dire events might presage the end of the world, we already know is the case since numerous saints have warned us that the Antichrist would set up his throne at Rome and attempt to seize the Papacy.

We need to use the means the Apostle Saint Peter gave us to save the Church!

But the glorious Saint Peter the Apostle gave the Church of Rome the means to avert such a catastrophe by granting the right to elect his successors to the entire Church of Rome (the Diocese of Rome and the 7 Suburbican Dioceses which surround her), so that if any regularized canonical way of electing his successor ever come to be established, recourse to the original method might always be had in the case of near mass apostasy or heresy among the electors. In fact, even in the past, when there was no papal law for elections, and Arian heretics attempted to promote their own to the Apostolic See, the Catholics of Rome acted in a timely manner to see a Catholic be elected Peter’s Successor.

Thus, if Pope Francis the manifest, formal, pertinacious heretic who insists the Name of God be used to bless the worse sexual abominations names new Cardinals, the Church can in no way accept as valid any election performed by the College, since the Papal Law requires that a non-doubtful pope nominate the Electors.

Thus if after naming these 21, Pope Francis renounce or die, the only way to have a non-doubtful juridical election will be to have the Faithful of the Roman Church gather and elect a man eligible to be pope, that is a Catholic.

I cannot do much, but what I can do, I will do if you help me!

Personally, I had hoped that I would not have to remain nor return to Rome again, to help the Roman Church in such a crisis. I have sacrificed the last 5 years of my life for the Roman Church and have merited only derision, calumny, and libel on all sides. There is scarcely more than a few of my readers who has written an article on any other website, blog, radio or aired any video to defend the work I have done or my person from the tidal waves of attacks. And those who have done nothing or the least, are the most vicious in what they say about me for my service to Holy Mother Church.

But, nevertheless, what I can do, I pledge I will do again, if I but have your help!

As you know, after the death of Pope Benedict XVI I was the sole Catholic at Rome who announced the Sede Vacante before all the others, foretold the election of his successor, warned the College of Cardinals to act, and organized TV advertisements to announce the time and place of the Election of his successor by Apostolic Right. No one is apt to do this again but me, because no one understands the gravity of the situation nor has the spunk to sacrifice the time and effort to get it done. But I do not do this but by the grace of God, Who has assisted me at every turn, especially with the help of so many as yourselves, far far away.

This work required that I establish ecclesiastical residence at Rome. I thing I did by coming to live at Rome in October of 2019. Yet, believing the battle over, I left Rome at the end of October of 2023.

Thus, I can now only maintain my ecclesiastical residence at Rome if I return before October 24, 2024.  However, AT PRESENT I DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS, since in the last 11 months the total donations I have received from my readers has not exceeded even one months expenses to stay at Rome.

So if you want me to return, so as to be on hand to avert this crisis, then support my appeal to reopen the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, with a sacrificial donation. In fact, inasmuch as averting this crisis is more important for the entire Church and the salvation of the whole world, I ask you to consider supporting the work to avert it with as much dedication as you can possibly muster.

Otherwise, there is nothing for us to do but join the millions of Catholics who are kissing the Catholic Church good-bye and preparing to greet the Church of the Antichrist, with glee or tactful silent acceptance, as the Fake Opposition has begun to do in earnest:


FromRome.Info will also have to expand its services due to the total Media Blackout by Controlled Opposition Sites

For that reason, I would ask you to consider making a generous donation to FromRome.Info, so that it can take whatever steps are necessary to get the message out to the entire Church of Rome and the entire Catholic World of the necessity of calling an Assembly of Apostolic Rite to ensure the juridical valid election of a Catholic Pope to succeed Pope Francis.

As you may know, no other site informed you of the first Assembly or gave you accurate information about it: neither in Europe or elsewhere — excepting the excellent blog of Father Walter Covens. Also, no news outlet in Italy, newspapers, radio or TV reported it, except one channel which charged me thousans of euros for a brief advertisement. This time around, to avoid the catastrophe of having no candidates present themselves, much more preparatory work will be necessary. And that will require greater resources and effort at FromRome.Info.

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How Benedict has defeated “Francis”

Or, Why did Pope Benedict XVI do what he did on Feb. 11, 2013?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated the AntiChurch with the most incredibly subtle and effective manuever which could ever be conceived, and which takes a great deal of study to recognize, if you, like myself, took at face value the hearsay which has been put out for the last six years.

Admittedly, the honor and glory for it belong first of all to God, Who enlightens all men and inspires them at times to do things mere mortals could never conceive of. But also, thanks goes to God for sending Our Lady to Fatima to reveal to Sr. Lucia a secret which has until this day remained hidden, so as to give sound counsel to the true Successor of Saint Peter in the End Times.

How Pope John Paul II strengthened the Bulwark of the Church against the AntiChurch

I believe that with that knowledge, Pope John Paul II did 3 things: first, he chose Joseph Ratzinger to come to Rome and prepared him to succeed him (perhaps because he sensed that Ratzinger had the gift of prophecy); second, in 1983, he added the term munus to canon 332 §2, to constrain all of his successors to the obligation of renouncing the Petrine Munus so as to resign the papacy; and third, in 1996, he promulgated a new law on Papal Elections, which would nullify any attempt of the AntiChurch to usurp the Papacy or elect successors to AntiPopes (by requiring that all valid conclaves meet within 20 days after the death of valid popes).

Pope John Paul II warned the Church of the AntiChurch which was rising. He beatified Ann Catherine Emmerich (on the Vigil of St. Francis of Assisi, in 2004) to give papal approval to her own visions in this regard. It should not be surprising then, that in secret, or I should say, in the bright light of day, in papal acts he prepared the Church against that Evil to come!

By these three acts, Pope John Paul II set the chess board and enabled his chosen successor, Ratzinger to enact a stratagem of deception to defeat the forces of darkness.

The Forces of the AntiChurch struck quickly

No sooner than Pope John Paul II had died that the St Gallen Mafia, which had been meeting in that Swiss town for some years, mobilized to put Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne in the Conclave of 2005. Bergoglio, as is now known, garnered the most votes after Ratzinger. In his campaign to get elected he promised radical financial reforms in the Vatican, so he could pose as a savior and reformer, though his agenda was that of Cardinal Martini, to make the Church into the Bride of the Anti-Christ.

Recently an Argentine Priest revealed, that Pope Benedict, soon after his election in 2005, had asked Bergoglio to be Secretary of State (see report here). Benedict intended by this offer to diffuse the conflict which arose in the Conclave, and to draw out the real intentions of Bergoglio. Bergoglio’s refusal manifested his deceit, because all the reasons given in the Conclave for his election, which in truth could be done by a Secretary of State, if honest, would have spurred him to accept Benedict’s offer. But without the papal authority, his evil and malign agenda could not be advanced. — By this sign of offering the olive branch of peace, Benedict signaled to his own supporters, that after himself there would come an Anti-pope (cf. Prophecy of St Malachy).

With the threefold knowledge of the future had from the Third Secret, from Pope John Paul II and from his own experience in the CDF, Pope Benedict now knew what he had to do. He knew Bergoglio wanted power and would be blinded by its offer. He took preparations to defend the Church with tradition and as the pressure built from the St Gallen Mafia, he crafted their defeat in secret. At the same time, he openly warned the faithful, that the Message of Fatima was about to be fulfilled (On May 13, 2010, saying “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete…”).

Benedict knew that removing the Lavender Mafia from the Vatican was key to defending the Church. But as court documents revealed, in the WikiLeaks controversy, as that effort led to the destruction of the careers of many sodomites, they moved against Benedict to have him removed. His Pontificate had removed hundreds perverts from the clergy.

As I have written before, there was in my estimation a formal attempt at a Coup d’etat (see report here). And this was actually put in motion, with the intent to effectively imprison Pope Benedict (see Report here). — The Conclave pact in 2005 among the warring factions of Ratzinger (Church) and Bergoglio (Anti-Church) also prepared the way (see report here). But, with their cause lost at that conclave, the St. Gallen Mafia would have to wait for Benedict to resign, because being old, he revealed that he was inclined to resign in a few years, anyhow. As he lingered on, however, their rage and impatience exploded.

The restoration of the Ancient Mass (July 7, 2007) and the expansion of the permissions for its use (April 30, 2011) caused a general outburst among the wicked clerics. I myself know this took place in the Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2011, because a Bishop who attended told me how Cardinals and Bishops stood up, one after another, and said the most vile things against Benedict. I also know personally, from the testimony of a Sicilian Businessman, who was in Shanghai, that the Cardinal of Palermo had warned that Benedict could die within a year from poor health. The St Gallen Controlled Media expanded this and reported it as if the Cardinal has said that Benedict had a year to live or else. That report was published around Feb. 11, 2012! (note the date)

Benedict’s Master Stroke

Pope Benedict XVI then played his master stroke. In the Summer of 2012 he indicated to Cardinal Bertone that he was going to resign. He discussed the matter with no one but his secretary Ganswein and a few others. I believe that he wrote the text of abdication in the Fall of 2012. I also postulate that he intentionally showed the Latin text (the invalid one) and a faulty German translation (which makes it appear the Latin is a valid formula) to members of the St Gallen Mafia, to obtain their consent to it. By that act he sealed their doom.

Because only one who was fluent in Latin and knowledgeable about Canon Law and who accepted the traditional metaphysics of the Church would be able to see that the resignation by that formula would be invalid. Ratzinger further prepared the ground by emphasizing for years before, that his favorite theologian was Saint Bonaventure. This caused scholars, like myself, to start studying St. Bonanveture’s Scholatic method for textual analysis of the signification of expressions, which is unparalleled among all the Doctors of the Church.

On Feb. 11, 2013, he read out-loud in Consistory the text of the invalid formula. On Feb. 28, 2013 he explained that he had resigned the “active ministry”. The St. Gallen Mafia spread the word of a valid resignation. The rest is history.

The only thing is, that Benedict began to give signs of the truth, not only for the sake of the Faithful, but to annoy the St Gallen Mafia. He kept wearing the papal cassock, retained the titles of Your Holiness and signed with PP. Benedictus XVI, and continued to give the papal blessing. He did these things to get faithful Catholics to examine the text of resignation and discover it was invalid. — He did this also, because, I believe, he was obeying Our Lady’s word at Fatima, in which She had revealed that there would come a time in which the Catholic world thought there were 2 popes, but only one of which was the true pope. The one who was the true Pope would continue to wear white, the other would usurp the office; and that the Anti-Church would attack the true Pope and the faithful gathered about him.

By an invalid resignation Pope Benedict has canonically invalidated everything Bergoglio has done, can do, and can ever do! Bergoglio is now an AntiPope because of the clever trick Benedict played on him. And Bergoglio is so entangled by this stratagem of Benedict that he cannot admit its existence, because if he does, he must give up his claim to the papacy.

If Benedict should die, then there will be no valid Successor of Saint Peter unless the pre-Bergoglian Cardinals meet in conclave within 20 days. Otherwise, as Pope John Paul II declares in the promulgation of Universi Dominici Gregis, at the end of the text, any action the Cardinal Electors take will be invalid. If they fail to do this, the Church will not be bereft of a pope, because, as Pope John Paul II taught in UDG’s prologue, the institution of the College is “not necessary for a valid election” of the Roman Pontiff: there is still the ancient Apostolic Law regarding the right of the Roman Church to elect the Pope.*

Benedict has defeated “Francis”!


Note: I wish to publicly apologize to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for anything I have said in criticism of him, since it was not until today that I understood what he had did and why he had done it, nor that as Pope he was acting for the good of the Church in the best and only way he could see to do, acting on the  basis of the counsels of Our Lady and Pope John Paul II. — Finally, I entertain the possibility that some Cardinals know of this grand stratagem of Benedict and that is why they act so dumb when asked about the question of validity or invalidity of the resignation.


* The right of election will fall to those Catholics of the Diocese Rome, who recognize that Benedict always was the only true pope, and that Bergoglio was always and is only, and nothing more, an Antipope. See my Disputed Question on Defecting Cardinals, here.





How Benedict has defeated “Francis”

Or, Why did Pope Benedict XVI do what he did on Feb. 11, 2013?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated the AntiChurch with the most incredibly subtle and effective manuever which could ever be conceived, and which takes a great deal of study to recognize, if you, like myself, took at face value the hearsay which has been put out for the last six years.

Admittedly, the honor and glory for it belong first of all to God, Who enlightens all men and inspires them at times to do things mere mortals could never conceive of. But also, thanks goes to God for sending Our Lady to Fatima to reveal to Sr. Lucia a secret which has until this day remained hidden, so as to give sound counsel to the true Successor of Saint Peter in the End Times.

How Pope John Paul II strengthened the Bulwark of the Church against the AntiChurch

I believe that with that knowledge, Pope John Paul II did 3 things: first, he chose Joseph Ratzinger to come to Rome and prepared him to succeed him (perhaps because he sensed that Ratzinger had the gift of prophecy); second, in 1983, he added the term munus to canon 332 §2, to constrain all of his successors to the obligation of renouncing the Petrine Munus so as to resign the papacy; and third, in 1996, he promulgated a new law on Papal Elections, which would nullify any attempt of the AntiChurch to usurp the Papacy or elect successors to AntiPopes (by requiring that all valid conclaves meet within 20 days after the death of valid popes).

Pope John Paul II warned the Church of the AntiChurch which was rising. He beatified Ann Catherine Emmerich (on the Vigil of St. Francis of Assisi, in 2004) to give papal approval to her own visions in this regard. It should not be surprising then, that in secret, or I should say, in the bright light of day, in papal acts he prepared the Church against that Evil to come!

By these three acts, Pope John Paul II set the chess board and enabled his chosen successor, Ratzinger to enact a stratagem of deception to defeat the forces of darkness.

The Forces of the AntiChurch struck quickly

No sooner than Pope John Paul II had died that the St Gallen Mafia, which had been meeting in that Swiss town for some years, mobilized to put Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne in the Conclave of 2005. Bergoglio, as is now known, garnered the most votes after Ratzinger. In his campaign to get elected he promised radical financial reforms in the Vatican, so he could pose as a savior and reformer, though his agenda was that of Cardinal Martini, to make the Church into the Bride of the Anti-Christ.

Recently an Argentine Priest revealed, that Pope Benedict, soon after his election in 2005, had asked Bergoglio to be Secretary of State (see report here). Benedict intended by this offer to diffuse the conflict which arose in the Conclave, and to draw out the real intentions of Bergoglio. Bergoglio’s refusal manifested his deceit, because all the reasons given in the Conclave for his election, which in truth could be done by a Secretary of State, if honest, would have spurred him to accept Benedict’s offer. But without the papal authority, his evil and malign agenda could not be advanced. — By this sign of offering the olive branch of peace, Benedict signaled to his own supporters, that after himself there would come an Anti-pope (cf. Prophecy of St Malachy).

With the threefold knowledge of the future had from the Third Secret, from Pope John Paul II and from his own experience in the CDF, Pope Benedict now knew what he had to do. He knew Bergoglio wanted power and would be blinded by its offer. He took preparations to defend the Church with tradition and as the pressure built from the St Gallen Mafia, he crafted their defeat in secret. At the same time, he openly warned the faithful, that the Message of Fatima was about to be fulfilled (On May 13, 2010, saying “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete…”).

Benedict knew that removing the Lavender Mafia from the Vatican was key to defending the Church. But as court documents revealed, in the WikiLeaks controversy, as that effort led to the destruction of the careers of many sodomites, they moved against Benedict to have him removed. His Pontificate had removed hundreds perverts from the clergy.

As I have written before, there was in my estimation a formal attempt at a Coup d’etat (see report here). And this was actually put in motion, with the intent to effectively imprison Pope Benedict (see Report here). — The Conclave pact in 2005 among the warring factions of Ratzinger (Church) and Bergoglio (Anti-Church) also prepared the way (see report here). But, with their cause lost at that conclave, the St. Gallen Mafia would have to wait for Benedict to resign, because being old, he revealed that he was inclined to resign in a few years, anyhow. As he lingered on, however, their rage and impatience exploded.

The restoration of the Ancient Mass (July 7, 2007) and the expansion of the permissions for its use (April 30, 2011) caused a general outburst among the wicked clerics. I myself know this took place in the Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2011, because a Bishop who attended told me how Cardinals and Bishops stood up, one after another, and said the most vile things against Benedict. I also know personally, from the testimony of a Sicilian Businessman, who was in Shanghai, that the Cardinal of Palermo had warned that Benedict could die within a year from poor health. The St Gallen Controlled Media expanded this and reported it as if the Cardinal has said that Benedict had a year to live or else. That report was published around Feb. 11, 2012! (note the date)

Benedict’s Master Stroke

Pope Benedict XVI then played his master stroke. In the Summer of 2012 he indicated to Cardinal Bertone that he was going to resign. He discussed the matter with no one but his secretary Ganswein and a few others. I believe that he wrote the text of abdication in the Fall of 2012. I also postulate that he intentionally showed the Latin text (the invalid one) and a faulty German translation (which makes it appear the Latin is a valid formula) to members of the St Gallen Mafia, to obtain their consent to it. By that act he sealed their doom.

Because only one who was fluent in Latin and knowledgeable about Canon Law and who accepted the traditional metaphysics of the Church would be able to see that the resignation by that formula would be invalid. Ratzinger further prepared the ground by emphasizing for years before, that his favorite theologian was Saint Bonaventure. This caused scholars, like myself, to start studying St. Bonanveture’s Scholatic method for textual analysis of the signification of expressions, which is unparalleled among all the Doctors of the Church.

On Feb. 11, 2013, he read out-loud in Consistory the text of the invalid formula. On Feb. 28, 2013 he explained that he had resigned the “active ministry”. The St. Gallen Mafia spread the word of a valid resignation. The rest is history.

The only thing is, that Benedict began to give signs of the truth, not only for the sake of the Faithful, but to annoy the St Gallen Mafia. He kept wearing the papal cassock, retained the titles of Your Holiness and signed with PP. Benedictus XVI, and continued to give the papal blessing. He did these things to get faithful Catholics to examine the text of resignation and discover it was invalid. — He did this also, because, I believe, he was obeying Our Lady’s word at Fatima, in which She had revealed that there would come a time in which the Catholic world thought there were 2 popes, but only one of which was the true pope. The one who was the true Pope would continue to wear white, the other would usurp the office; and that the Anti-Church would attack the true Pope and the faithful gathered about him.

By an invalid resignation Pope Benedict has canonically invalidated everything Bergoglio has done, can do, and can ever do! Bergoglio is now an AntiPope because of the clever trick Benedict played on him. And Bergoglio is so entangled by this stratagem of Benedict that he cannot admit its existence, because if he does, he must give up his claim to the papacy.

If Benedict should die, then there will be no valid Successor of Saint Peter unless the pre-Bergoglian Cardinals meet in conclave within 20 days. Otherwise, as Pope John Paul II declares in the promulgation of Universi Dominici Gregis, at the end of the text, any action the Cardinal Electors take will be invalid. If they fail to do this, the Church will not be bereft of a pope, because, as Pope John Paul II taught in UDG’s prologue, the institution of the College is “not necessary for a valid election” of the Roman Pontiff: there is still the ancient Apostolic Law regarding the right of the Roman Church to elect the Pope.*

Benedict has defeated “Francis”!


Note: I wish to publicly apologize to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for anything I have said in criticism of him, since it was not until today that I understood what he had did and why he had done it, nor that as Pope he was acting for the good of the Church in the best and only way he could see to do, acting on the  basis of the counsels of Our Lady and Pope John Paul II. — Finally, I entertain the possibility that some Cardinals know of this grand stratagem of Benedict and that is why they act so dumb when asked about the question of validity or invalidity of the resignation.


* The right of election will fall to those Catholics of the Diocese Rome, who recognize that Benedict always was the only true pope, and that Bergoglio was always and is only, and nothing more, an Antipope. See my Disputed Question on Defecting Cardinals, here.

The Vatican has now accepted that Bergoglio is an AntiPope

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Rome: September 9, 2019 A. D.:  The Vatican has conceded that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an AntiPope. The concession came tacitly as of Saturday, when, after 90 days since the publication of the news that Pope Benedict had accepted the arguments which demonstrated his resignation was invalid (as reported here), the Vatican took no action to discount the report.

The report was public knowledge at Rome, since it was 4 times accessed by computers at the Vatican (some of which were in the offices of the Secretary of State). In response, that office requested the Corriere della Sera to interview Pope Benedict in an attempt to get him to withdraw his tacit acceptance, with the admission on his part, that “The Pope is one, he is Francis”. The interview having failed to extract those words from Benedict — during an exchange of photographs in the Vatican Gardens in the 3rd week of June, or there abouts (the interview never gave a time or place which was specific) — the Vatican Press Office put out a teaser the day before its publication in the Marxist Newspaper, claiming Benedict HAD said those words (Catholic News Agency).

Veri Catholici, the international Association, discounted the report on Friday, after acquiring a copy of the Corriere della Sera’s actual printed interview (As reported here).  LifeSite News, which initially reported the false assertions of the Vatican Press Office, took back the claim a week later in a full article on July 4, 2019. (Veri Catholic also publicly asked Life Site News to investigate the WHY of it — As of today, they have failed to follow through)

The Corriere della Sera subsequently published the “interview” online (see here).

Even Antonio Socci on July 1st remarked the occurrence of the publicity debacle for the Vatican, as another gross fake news story (see end of Socci’s article, where he cites more evidence that Benedict knows he is stil the pope).

But the import of the event was ignored. Namely, that the Vatican was attempting to discount the report by From Rome of the tacit acceptance.

To which I say: Is everyone brain dead at Rome? Can you not put on your thinking cap and do some reasoning, like this?

  • Vatican Press Agency risks its entire reputation by making a false claim about what Benedict had said
  • Corriere della Sera was asked by the Vatican Secretary of State to attempt to extract such a statement from Pope Benedict
  • Pope Benedict refused to make such a statement
  • Pope Benedict had thus publicly reaffirmed he would not discount the assertion of the From Rome Blogger
  • Therefore, Benedict is aware his resignation was not canonically valid
  • Therefore Benedict is aware that he is still the only true Pope and Vicar of Christ

Now that 92 days have passed, the Vatican, not having discounted anything of the above, has conceded that Bergoglio is not the Pope. But at the same time allow him to keep pretending to be the Pope.

But a pretender to the Throne of Saint Peter is an AntiPope.

Therefore, the Vatican has conceded that Bergoglio is an Antipope.

(BTW, for the record, the Vatican Secretary of State had already conceded that Benedict is the Pope; see the report here). And the Vatican has known the resignation was invalid since March 2013, when they tried to cover it up (see the report here).

For the complete canonical demonstration of the invalidity of Benedict’s resignation, see PPBXVI.org

FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST, therefore, please spread the news to the whole Catholic World!





Canon Law itself declares Pope Francis, AntiPope


The clear, precise, and sound reading of the Code of Canon Law leads to the inescapable conclusion that Pope Francis is an “antipope” in every sense of the word, and that the law itself declares it.

As has been demonstrated in the article, “How and Why Pope Benedict’s resignation is invalid”, there is no other authentic reading of Canon 332 §2 other than that the renunciation of munus is the necessary sine qua non condition of a papal resignation.

This canonical argument is supported by 35 reasons, debated in Scholastic form, in the article, “The Validity of Benedict’s Resignation must be questioned, Parts I and II”, why a renunciation of ministerium, in the form had in the papal declarations of Feb. 11, 2013, cannot signify a renunciation of munus as per Canon 332 §2, Canon 188 etc..

Therefore, Pope Benedict XVI remains the one and only true Pope of the Catholic Church with all the powers and prerogatives of that office.

As I pointed out in my rebuttal of Roberto de Mattei, canon 359 guarantees that the College of Cardinals has no authority to convene to elect a pope, when there has been an invalid papal resignation.

Therefore, the Conclave of 2013 is without any right in Canon Law to elect a successor to Pope Benedict. Therefore, the one it claimed to elect, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has no authority whatsoever conferred upon him by accepting that election. He is in truth a usurper of the papal office, and must be punished in accord with Canon 1381 §1 for that crime (if he knowingly has done this, otherwise upon demonstration of the delict, he must publicly disavow his claim to the office).

Since Bergoglio never had any canonical authority as Pope, all his nominations to the  Roman Curia are null and void. Therefore, all actions taken by the Congregation of Religious against religious communities, or by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith against anyone, or the Secretary of State vis-a-vis treaties with nations, such as China, or appointments of Bishops, etc. etc. are NULL AND VOID.

Since the papal resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is invalid, among other reasons, in virtue of containing a substantial error (canon 188) regarding what words must be expressed to conform to canon 322 §2, that resignation is invalid by the law itself (lege ipso). That invalidation spreads to the Conclave and all acts of Bergoglio as Francis, which are canonical, because they too are founded upon the same substantial error, though compounded.

Therefore, since the invalidity of Bergoglio’s papacy depends upon the law of the Church itself (canon 188), there is no need for a judgement of any ecclesiastical office to intervene to establish that it is so. And thus, Catholics may and indeed are obliged BY DIVINE FAITH and OBEDIENCE to the Apostolic See and to Canon Law to hold Bergoglio to be an Anti-Pope and to insist to Cardinals and Bishops and civil authorities that he be driven from the Vatican as a usurper.

Let all Catholics who love Christ, who are obedient to the Code of Canon Law and who seek the salvation of souls act now and today. Write your Bishop and the Cardinals. Write the Italian Government, which is bound to uphold only the canonically elected governments of the Vatican. Insist with all that the fact of Bergoglio’s invalidity be publicly affirmed and his usurpation denounced.

Its either that, or the end of the Vatican as we know it, as being part of the Catholic Church.