There is a 99% probability that Bergoglio is a CIA operative

Here are the videos which lay out the background to the story which will be broken at Ordo Militaris Radio TV later this week. By CIA we mean Gladio operative, i.e., Deep State, a.k.a. Skull and Bones Lodge, Brown Brothers Harriman Bank, in New York City, since they created, founded and have every controlled the … Continue reading There is a 99% probability that Bergoglio is a CIA operative

Trump has been gagged about Pope Benedict XVI until 2024

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Many Catholics have appealed to the U.S. sitting President, Donald Trump to intervene about all the corruption which is spilling out of the Vatican since February 2013, and to investigate the dubious renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI. As reported here extensively (see Index to Pope Benedict’s Renunciation), I have covered also … Continue reading Trump has been gagged about Pope Benedict XVI until 2024

The Death of Pope John Paul I

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Remember, that Pope John Paul I had been the Patriarch of Venice, and he was elected primarly because the Church Bank which served the priests and religious of his region of Italy had been brought to bankrupcy by the Vatican Bank. He promised as Pope to clean up the Vatican Bank, … Continue reading The Death of Pope John Paul I

La Crociata III: per la nuova e vera politica italiana

di Frà Alexis Bugnolo L’Italia dopo la caduta dell’impero romano è stata sempre soggetta alle invasioni ed al dominio degli stranieri: Goti, Longobardi, Bizantini, Franchi, Tedeschi, Arabi, Normanni, Aragonesi, Spagnoli. La storia dell’Italia è pesantemente condizionata da questo controllo straniero. In decadi recenti la storia non è cambiata.  Dopo la guerra mondiale, a ragione della … Continue reading La Crociata III: per la nuova e vera politica italiana

RAI3 Report details Burke & De Mattei’s participation in Conservative Political Alliance

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo RAI3 is Channel 3 of the National Television Corporation run and financed by the Italian Republic, but populated by some of the most extreme left-wing minds. However, this does not discount the fact that they often report things of which the Catholic press world wide is silent. Their recent report, on … Continue reading RAI3 Report details Burke & De Mattei’s participation in Conservative Political Alliance

Who may have been behind the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Most things which are hidden will never be known until the end of time, when on the Last Day, all will be revealed. So in the mean time we have only crumbs of evidence to suggest lines of investigation. Here are some crumbs which may explain how Bergoglio came to power, … Continue reading Who may have been behind the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI?

About FromRome.Info

FROMROME.INFO is the electronic journal published by the Franciscan Friar, Br. Alexis Bugnolo who was sequestered in the Piazza of Santa Maria Maggiore, on Saturday, May 1, 2021, for the “crime” of praying the Our Father during the Pandemic  lockdown (see videos here). News of the abuse he suffered became an international sensation seen by … Continue reading About FromRome.Info