4 Ways the “Team Bergoglio” Revelations undo Francis’ papacy

Editorial — Rome, Dec. 7, 2014:  The scandalous and shocking revelations regarding the manipulation of the electoral process during the recent conclave, which elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Roman Pontiff, have cut and the very heart of confidence in the papacy of Pope Francis.  While this blog, From Rome, has refrained for 2 weeks from … Continue reading 4 Ways the “Team Bergoglio” Revelations undo Francis’ papacy

The Chronology of Reports on “Team Bergoglio”

Rome, Dec. 2, 2014: The revelations by Dr. Austen Ivereigh in his new book, The Great Reformer, have provoked response and comment throughout the world.  Since, in such an important story it is useful to understand the chronology of the reporting, the From Rome Blog will attempt to cover, in this article, a short summary … Continue reading The Chronology of Reports on “Team Bergoglio”

If Ivereigh is to be believed, was Bergoglio’s election invalid?

London, Nov. 25, 2014 — A remarkable letter to the editor, if ever there was one. A denial, which draws more attention, than the matter would otherwise merit.  In today’s Daily Telegraph Letter’s Page, print edition, Maggie Doherty, the press-secretary to Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor, denies a key fact in the reporting by Austen Ivereigh, a British … Continue reading If Ivereigh is to be believed, was Bergoglio’s election invalid?

Discussing, in protestant fashion, whether Pope Francis is the Pope…

Editor’s Note: Here Dr. Mazza argues against Father Brian Harrison, on the question of whether a Catholic can personally hold that a heretical pope is no longer the pope, before any judgement of the Church. This discussion of Dr. Mazza’s I find disingenuous, because I know he knows of the Sutri Initiative, but he prefers … Continue reading Discussing, in protestant fashion, whether Pope Francis is the Pope…

“Never talk about Sutri” Barnhardt, excoriates Cardinals again

Editor’s Note: Ann who began in 2016 by being perfectly logical as regards why Pope Benedict XVI did not resign, has fallen abit since she decided never to talk about the Sutri Initiative. Now, she is excoriating the Cardinals for the upteenth time — the Cardinals who perpetrated the crime of electing the antipope in … Continue reading “Never talk about Sutri” Barnhardt, excoriates Cardinals again

Cardinal Müller : Pope Francis aims to psychologically manipulate the minds of Catholics

Editor’s Note: In other words, the Cardinal is accusing Pope Francis of being a pertinacious heretic. The qualities of heresy by which a man can be sentenced with excommunication for heresy are several. All must be present to be canonically guilty of the crime: Interior denial of a truth of the faith with one’s heart … Continue reading Cardinal Müller : Pope Francis aims to psychologically manipulate the minds of Catholics

Cardinal Müller: The Catholic Church does not belong to Pope Francis

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française It is surprising that this interview published 6 days ago, was not shared on any other platforms. But then again, I am not surprised, since the author, Cole DeSantis, opens by admitting that Pope Francis has approved “material heresy”.  Kudos to him and Crisis Magazine for breaking from … Continue reading Cardinal Müller: The Catholic Church does not belong to Pope Francis

ITALY: 7.5 Million Italians could not afford Christmas presents this year

ENGLISH TRANSLATION No gifts for 7.5 million Italians, forced to allocate the budget to other more urgent expenses. 80 thousand at Christmas lunch with San’Egidio – There are 7.5 million Italians who have not given gifts by choice or because they are forced to allocate the budget to other more urgent expenses. So according to … Continue reading ITALY: 7.5 Million Italians could not afford Christmas presents this year

Explaining Pope Francis’ Strategy to seduce the Church of Jesus Christ into Sodomy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Anyone who has been carefully watching the reign of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis, for the last 10 years can see the forest through the trees about his character and behavior. And just like the analogy, so too when dealing with any act or statement of Pope Francis, one has … Continue reading Explaining Pope Francis’ Strategy to seduce the Church of Jesus Christ into Sodomy

FRANCE: Muslim Interior Minister to ban Catholic Political Party for wanting to restore the Catholic Order

Editor’s Note: The Rothschild Puppet’s (Emmanuel Macron) Algerian Minister of the Interior — who intentionally promoted the recent Islamic insurrection in France — decision to ban Civitas, the Catholic political party, which supported the Morrocan Jew, Zemmour, for President of Francis, is motivated by his judgement that this party is “anti-semitic” and can no longer … Continue reading FRANCE: Muslim Interior Minister to ban Catholic Political Party for wanting to restore the Catholic Order

ITALY: Constitutional Court says PM has power to oblige citizens to be DeathVaxxed

Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In a decision which was expected and feared, after the Council of State appointed one of Mario Draghi’s personal lawyers as a member of the Constitutional Court, the Court decreed the end of all semblance of order, right, democracy and justice in the Italian Republic. For in a … Continue reading ITALY: Constitutional Court says PM has power to oblige citizens to be DeathVaxxed

Rules, Regulations and Proceedures for the Election of Pope Benedict XVI’s Successor

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo FRENCH TRANSLATION — VERSIONE ITALIANA The Successor of Saint Peter’s Role in God’s Plan of Salvation God alone knows the times and places wherein we will each be called to stand before the throne of Christ and receive judgement for our lives. And it will be inexorable and infinitely just in … Continue reading Rules, Regulations and Proceedures for the Election of Pope Benedict XVI’s Successor

A Nightmare unfolds at Compostela: I urge you to write the Spanish Ambassador

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo What I write here, in part I, I write as a citizen journalist, and I claim all the rights of free-speech in journalistic endeavors, to publish the following facts and observations at my own electronic journal, FromRome.info, in the United States of America. I alone hold copyright for all images, video … Continue reading A Nightmare unfolds at Compostela: I urge you to write the Spanish Ambassador

Mark Mallet’s Ridiculous escapade into the Controversy over Benedict XVI’s Papacy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Hey, when you see that a blogger, on the header of his blog, has a classy fashion photo shoot of himself next to a rock which strangely bears the symbol of the Masonic Lodge, you gotta take interest why such a person is writing, his motives. In his Sept. 16th post, … Continue reading Mark Mallet’s Ridiculous escapade into the Controversy over Benedict XVI’s Papacy

USA: On the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Catholic Supremes overturn Roe v. Wade

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo All men and women of good will, especially Catholics, are dancing in the U.S.A. tonight, in celebration of the U.S. Supreme Court Majority Decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, which has overturned Roe v. Wade, the horrible decision which claimed that the right to abort one’s own child was constitutionally protected. That … Continue reading USA: On the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Catholic Supremes overturn Roe v. Wade

Andrea Cionci responds to Msgr. Athanasius Schneider’s appeal to accept Bergoglio as Pope

READERS OF FROMROME.INFO PAY ATTENTION — THIS  LETTER CONTAINS IMPORTANT THEOLOGICAL AND FORENSIC OBSERVATIONS WHICH HERETOFORE HAVE NOT BEEN CLARIFIED. by Andrea Cionci Authorized English Translation by FromRome.Info FRENCH TRANSLATION FOR ORIGINAL TEXT CLICK IMAGE ABOVE — For links in text, see Italian original Most Reverend Excellency, I have listened to your reflections (here) on … Continue reading Andrea Cionci responds to Msgr. Athanasius Schneider’s appeal to accept Bergoglio as Pope

Russians are drive by shooting Mariupol Residents

https://twitter.com/MaximEristavi/status/1507458410958184455 This one is for all those who say that Russia has a right to invade Ukraine. FromRome.Info is publishing this image so that you will recognize it on the Day of Judgement, when the Just Judge, Jesus Christ, says: “Explain to Me now, how you were in favor of this?”