The Myths used to defend Team Bergoglio from UDG 81

Rome, October 1, 2015 A.D:  Following the revelations, reported by noted Vaticanistas, Edward Pentin and Marco Tosatti, that Cardinal Danneels, in his new biography, admits that a group of Cardinals, in direct violation of the Papal Law, for Papal Elections, Universi Dominici Gregis, organized in 1996 a group which is named, the “Club of St. … Continue reading The Myths used to defend Team Bergoglio from UDG 81

Team Bergoglio member confirms in new book the conspiracy to elect Cardinal Bergoglio in violation of UDG 81

New entries are now required to our Chronology of Reports regarding Team Bergoglio: September 24, 2015:  Renowned Vaticanista,  Edward Pentin, via his blog on NCR,  publishes an article entitled, “Cardinal Danneels Admits to Being Part of a ‘Mafia’ Club opposed to Benedict XVI”, which reveals the decade long conspiracy, which was known as “the Club … Continue reading Team Bergoglio member confirms in new book the conspiracy to elect Cardinal Bergoglio in violation of UDG 81

Ivereigh knew of UDG 81 on March 12, 2013

Rome, Dec. 6, 2014:  Since the news that the new book by Dr. Austen Ivereigh, former spokesman for the Cardinal of Westminster, Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, contained allegations that a group of Cardinals canvassed for the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, numerous news outlets the world over have covered the story.  The group of 4 to 7 … Continue reading Ivereigh knew of UDG 81 on March 12, 2013

Ivereigh backtracks to protect “Team Bergoglio” from penalties of UDG 81

Rome, Dec. 5, 2014:  In the ongoing saga regarding the allegations of Dr. Austen Ivereigh, published in the print edition of his new book on the Pope, The Great Reformer, there are daily developments regarding what Dr. Ivereigh calls “Team Bergoglio”, the group of 4 Cardinals who conducted an organizing vote-canvassing campaign with the assent … Continue reading Ivereigh backtracks to protect “Team Bergoglio” from penalties of UDG 81

Ivereigh + UDG 81 = A Radical Problem for the Pope

(Screen shot, of Dr. Ivereigh’s twitter timeline: Nov. 21, 2014 A. D.) Rome, Nov. 27, 2014:  Last Friday, His Holiness Pope Francis had the occasion to receive from Dr. Austen Ivereigh, a copy of his new book, the Great Reformer: Francis and the making of a Radical Pope which unbeknownst to both men, would within … Continue reading Ivereigh + UDG 81 = A Radical Problem for the Pope

“Church Militant” News Agency to shut down, following $500K judgment against it

Editor’s Note: Moral failure leads to financial collapse. This will be the historian’s final commentary about the apostolate Michael Voris known as “Church Militant”. Yet, while his apostolate folds for want of money, 2.5 million remains on the books as assets of Saint Michael’s Media, a private corporation. AJ and I spoke about the background … Continue reading “Church Militant” News Agency to shut down, following $500K judgment against it

Is The Conclave That Gave Us Pope Francis Valid and All The Appointments?

Seventh Anniversary Of Conclave by Andrew J. Baalman In this article I will be going through Universi Domini Gregis by Pope John Paul II to see if the laws of the Conclave that gave the world Francis, were broken and if he was not validly elected. INTRODUCTION It is seven years since we had the … Continue reading Is The Conclave That Gave Us Pope Francis Valid and All The Appointments?

Archbishop Georg Gänswein’s revelations point to Conclave Pact to elect Bergoglio

Rome, May 24, 2016:  The recent revelations by Archbishop Georg Gänswein point to a stunning possibility, that during the Conclave of 2005, which elected Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI,  Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio and his supporters consented to his rival’s election, on the condition that after a fixed number of years, he would … Continue reading Archbishop Georg Gänswein’s revelations point to Conclave Pact to elect Bergoglio

Qualsiasi Cardinale Elettore ha il diritto di richiedere che lo scandalo del “Team Bergoglio” venga chiarito

L’UDG 5 e il Canone 1530 Traduzione italiana di Sig. Antonio Marcantonio: fonte inglese originale, qui. Roma, 17 gennaio 2015: Dal momento in cui si sono diffuse le rivelazioni a proposito della campagna organizzata da otto Cardinali per favorire l’elezione del Cardinal Bergoglio al Conclave del 2013 – in cui quest’ultimo è stato eletto come … Continue reading Qualsiasi Cardinale Elettore ha il diritto di richiedere che lo scandalo del “Team Bergoglio” venga chiarito

Da Ivereigh all’abdicazione

I passi canonici resi necessari dallo scandalo del “Team Bergoglio” Traduzione dell’originale inglese da Antonio Marcantonio Roma — 6 gennaio 2015: In occasione della solennità dell’Epifania del Signore, la Chiesa Cattolica celebra il trionfo della luce sulle tenebre, il trionfo della Luce Eterna sulle tenebre che questo mondo ha ereditato dal peccato di Adamo, tenebre … Continue reading Da Ivereigh all’abdicazione

Every Single Cardinal-Elector has right to demand resolution of “Team Bergoglio” scandal

UDG 5 and Canon 1530 Rome, January 17, 2015:  Ever since the revelation of an organized campaign by 8 Cardinals to promote the election of Cardinal Bergoglio in the 2013 Conclave, which elected him as Pope Francis, there has been a grave public controversy and doubt as to the validity of his election.  This is … Continue reading Every Single Cardinal-Elector has right to demand resolution of “Team Bergoglio” scandal

Ivereigh: I am confident of the veracity of my account

and have heard nothing that contradicts it. Rome, January 9, 2015:  Following the publication of the summary of the case against “Team Bergoglio”, Dr. Austen Ivereigh has confirmed the veracity of his account given in the ninth chapter of his, now famous book, The Great Reformer, in his January 7, 2015 response to Fr. Brennan, … Continue reading Ivereigh: I am confident of the veracity of my account

From Ivereigh to Abdication, the Canonical steps implied by the “Team Bergoglio” scandal

Rome — January 6, 2015:  On the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, the Catholic Church celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, of the Eternal Light over the darkness merited by this world by the sin of Adam, the darkness which is the demerit of sin, the alienation of God, the loss of … Continue reading From Ivereigh to Abdication, the Canonical steps implied by the “Team Bergoglio” scandal

Canon 171 can invalidate a Papal Election

So Says noted Canonist, Jesús Miñambres Rome — January 5, 2015:  In previous reports made by the From Rome blog, we have speculated (here & here) that the actions alleged by Dr. Austen Ivereigh as done by the group of Cardinals who promoted the candidacy of Cardinal Bergoglio in the 2013 Conclave might well fall … Continue reading Canon 171 can invalidate a Papal Election

Sandro Magister speaks about the invalidity of the 2013 Conclave

La traduzione italiana segue First, an excerpt from our Chronology of reports regarding “Team Bergoglio”… January 5, 2015:  Espresso Online, publishes Sandro Magister’s, He is Pope. Elected by All the rules, which contains as an addendum citations from an study by a canonist Geraldina Boni, in which the thesis of Antonio Socci is rebutted, incompletely … Continue reading Sandro Magister speaks about the invalidity of the 2013 Conclave

No, your Eminence, the Church is not a tyranny!

And She has not been such, since that December in Bethlehem! AN EDITORIAL ON THE TEAM BERGOGLIO SCANDAL I had the unique privilege and honor, today, to exchange some tweets with a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church.  Our “conversation” arose in regard to the scandalous allegations and incomplete denials of the account given by … Continue reading No, your Eminence, the Church is not a tyranny!

The improbity of Team Bergoglio’s Recent Denials

Feast of Santa Lucia, Rome, Dec. 13, 2014:  The crux of the scandal surrounding “Team Bergoglio” — Dr. Austen Ivereigh’s nickname for the group of Cardinals who canvassed for votes on behalf of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio before and during the Conclave of 2013 — is, without doubt, the curious denials of the testimony Ivereigh … Continue reading The improbity of Team Bergoglio’s Recent Denials

The Monstrosity of the Allegations against “Team Bergoglio” = Cardinal Bergoglio is not the Pope

Rome, Dec. 12, 1014:  The monstrosity of the allegations made by Dr. Austen Ivereigh in his new book, The Great Reformer: Francis and the making of a Radical Pope boggle the mind.  As this blog has noted in its previous report, the text of the narrative in chapter 9 of that book, implicates as many … Continue reading The Monstrosity of the Allegations against “Team Bergoglio” = Cardinal Bergoglio is not the Pope

The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope

As many as 30 Cardinals implicated in Vote-Canvassing Scandal Per una traduzione Italiana December 9, 2014:  Now, in the midst of the scandalous affair of “Team Bergoglio”, when the Catholic world is aghast at not only the allegations made by Dr. Austen Ivereigh in his new book, The Great Reformer, but also at the inconsistencies … Continue reading The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope