Myron Coureval Fagan warned us of the Great Reset 50 years ago (Radio Recording)

Editor’s Note: For more on Fagan, see In the video above, Fagan traces the history of the Illuminati backed by the Rothschilds to the plan for the enslavement of all humanity in the service of Satan. It is a confirmation of his warning, that Mario Draghi, the Prime Minister of Italy, is himself a … Continue reading Myron Coureval Fagan warned us of the Great Reset 50 years ago (Radio Recording)

BREAKING: Bergoglio prepares to dissolve the Sovereignty of the Vatican City State

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Vatican published its 2022 budget. While this may seem a dry topic, in reading the Vatican News report about this, one finds that two maxims are proven true:  “Follow the money” and “The devil’s in the details”. And like anything else, you cannot do either, unless you read and think … Continue reading BREAKING: Bergoglio prepares to dissolve the Sovereignty of the Vatican City State

ROME: Member of CIA sponsored political party, buried with Nazi Swastika

Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The public outrage was pure hypocrisy, from the Vicariate of Rome, lead by a member of the Rampolla sect, which trained and supported the Nazi Regime and is funded by stolen Nazi loot, to that of the government, which is run by a former adept of an investment … Continue reading ROME: Member of CIA sponsored political party, buried with Nazi Swastika

BREAKING: GoldmanSachs Dictatorship in Italy to make DeathVaxx obligatory for all 18 yrs and older

Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The horrific and tragic news out of Italy this night, is the report by Affari Italiani, a reliable news source, that the Mario Draghi government will establish a universal obligation to be DeathVaxxed for all residents in Italy who are 18 years or older. Click the image above … Continue reading BREAKING: GoldmanSachs Dictatorship in Italy to make DeathVaxx obligatory for all 18 yrs and older

Vatican has Cubans protesting for the liberation of Cuba from Marxism arrested

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo During this live broadcast, we can see for the first time, what Bergoglio has done to the Basilica of St. Peter’s. He has removed all the pews and has turned it into a Museum without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!  There is no place left to pray or kneel, … Continue reading Vatican has Cubans protesting for the liberation of Cuba from Marxism arrested

Not Catholic nor Christian, nor even the “Pope”

by Clare Stein In the last few days prior to receiving from a friend an email with an article entitled “Is the Pope a Protestant?”, upon reading about Jorgè ‘Francis’ Bergoglio and his efforts to continually deconstruct the Catholic Faith and Christianity in general, I was thinking that I wish someone would write a column … Continue reading Not Catholic nor Christian, nor even the “Pope”

Debate over Benedict XVI’s “Renunciation” floods over into Italian Press

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo While the controlled opposition in the English speaking world has studiously and dogmatically eliminated all discussion of the validity or invalidity of the renunciation of the Papacy signified in Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of Feb. 13, 2013, the topic has burst upon the Italian press in numerous articles in just the … Continue reading Debate over Benedict XVI’s “Renunciation” floods over into Italian Press

Pope Benedict XVI was pressured to resign by the Prussian Masonic Lodges

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo One of the yet uninvestigated aspects of the Vatican coup d’etat of February 2013 — which saw Pope Benedict XVI forced from power and Jorge Mario Bergoglio (whose own security chief in Argentina declares is a Freemason) installed to the acclaim if all the Church’s enemies– is the role that financial … Continue reading Pope Benedict XVI was pressured to resign by the Prussian Masonic Lodges

Psyop tactics being used by the Globalists to sustain their narrative

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Since FromRome.Info is an independent website not subject to globalist control, it can publish articles which criticize their project and dismantle their narrative. And since a recent video which I produced has gotten more than 130,000 views on alone, and many more on other platforms where it has now been … Continue reading Psyop tactics being used by the Globalists to sustain their narrative

“Dante, Columbus, and the end of the world” — An interview with Ruggero Marino

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Last week I had the distinguished honor to sit down with Ruggero Marino, who for more than 30 years worked as journalist and cultural editor at il Tempo, one of the leading newspapers here at Rome: to discuss one of my favorite historical figures, the great Italian Discoverer, Christopher Colombus. To … Continue reading “Dante, Columbus, and the end of the world” — An interview with Ruggero Marino

100 Masonic Errors you were trained to believe

FROM A CIRCULAR OF ORDO MILITARIS CATHOLICUS Suggested Errors you should unteach yourself & your children If you were wondering why modern man does not rebel against injustice, the Scamdemic revealed why: most are totally psychologically controlled by the Main Stream Media, despite how much they may criticize it. The whole reality they believe in … Continue reading 100 Masonic Errors you were trained to believe

The #TraitorTraddie: What is he and whom does he serve?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo At all levels, here in Italy, and abroad, the Masonic Lodges are involved zealously in creating opposition to the Great Reset. Now, what I just said, might seem, at first, totally absurd, but actually it is not only the truth, but a devious stratagem. — You see, the Masons want nothing … Continue reading The #TraitorTraddie: What is he and whom does he serve?

Letter to the Editor: It is important to realize the dangers of many “vaccines”

Dear Editor: The word “culling” came to mind in connection with population control.  Culling is used with animals, but it is also used to depopulate and control mankind.  In searching the internet, a few others use the term. Whether one is anti-vaccine or for “safe” vaccines, it is important to realize the dangers of many … Continue reading Letter to the Editor: It is important to realize the dangers of many “vaccines”

Remembering a great Sorrow: 81st Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre

25,000 Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Belorussians were murdered by the Soviets in the forests of west of Smolensk, beginning in the spring of 1940. This number included countless Catholic and Orthodox Polish Military Officers, including Catholic chaplains. — It was perpetrated by the Soviets to exterminate the intelligentia of Eastern Poland, which had been betrayed … Continue reading Remembering a great Sorrow: 81st Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre