Dr. Anthony Fauci, 2017: There will be a surprise outbreak during Trump Presidency

https://youtu.be/C95ECjxgcJE Makes you think the Coronavirus is not an accident, but a plan. See the story at, Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/whoa-dr-fauci-2017-president-trump-will-challenged-surprise-global-disease-outbreak-video/ The comments by Dr. Fauci, seen in this video above, where made during his speech,  “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration”, at Georgetown University Medical Center, uploaded on Feb. 14, 2017, about 3 weeks after … Continue reading Dr. Anthony Fauci, 2017: There will be a surprise outbreak during Trump Presidency

Google.com intentionally spreading false information about COVID-19

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo If you want to assess who is behind the promotion of Corona Hype and the panic which results from it, you need go no further than Google.com and do a search. Here are the results I got. First the search string, and then the results: COVID-19 is not more lethal than … Continue reading Google.com intentionally spreading false information about COVID-19

Standford Medical Experts: COVID-19 may be less than 1/10 as lethal as the winter flu

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Numerous medical experts are speaking out in recent days against the Corona Hype: the induced panic over the Wuhan Virus which is being promoted by the main stream media and entities controlled or funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: a hype which has caused the civilized word “to go … Continue reading Standford Medical Experts: COVID-19 may be less than 1/10 as lethal as the winter flu

New England Journal of Medicine: COVID-19 may be no more lethal than the common winter flu

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The medical experts are rallying against the Hype and affirming the COVID-19 is not a dangerous pandemic as the World Health Organization and every group funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been asserting. The latest confirmation of this is a paper published yesterday in the prestigious medical journal, … Continue reading New England Journal of Medicine: COVID-19 may be no more lethal than the common winter flu

Did Bill Gates ask Bergoglio to shut down the Catholic Church?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo, Editor As a reader of FromRome.Info, you may have noticed that I try to emphasize reports which connect the dots — that is, which show the relationships between cause and effect, and try to discern the cause of effects and demonstrate the effects of causes. I do this, because as as … Continue reading Did Bill Gates ask Bergoglio to shut down the Catholic Church?

Bill Gates wants to reduce world population 10-15% via vaccines

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo One of the most outlandish goals of the green movement — a scion of international socialism, marketed under the term, “Globalism” — is to protect Earth by reducing green house gas emissions.  They do not bother to point out to you that the planet cannot be hurt by C02, since in … Continue reading Bill Gates wants to reduce world population 10-15% via vaccines

COVID-19: the New World Religion demanding submission from all other religions

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Leo Igwe, writing for the Maravi Post, out of Malawi, in the heart of Africa, has writen an extremely insightful editorial on the world response to COVID-19, entitle, COVID-19 and Common-sense Religion. The Maravi Post is named after an ancient kingdom which ruled all of Malawi and large sections of Tanzania … Continue reading COVID-19: the New World Religion demanding submission from all other religions

Doctors at Bergamo: COVID-19 is highly infectious but not very lethal

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Corona Hype is killing patients. That  is right, the Main Stream Media push on the Corona Story is overwhelming hospitals with patients and thus causing the deaths of patients by collapsing the effectiveness of the health care system.  Its a Gramesian dream come true in health care. Cause the organs … Continue reading Doctors at Bergamo: COVID-19 is highly infectious but not very lethal

How the WHO says Parents have already given their consent to the Vaccine

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo From a lying cabal intent on exterminating the human race, what can you expect but plots within plots to advance their agenda by all means licit and illicit. Their chief tactic is to alter the meaning of words while terrorizing the population. This is a MKUltra technique developed by the Nazi … Continue reading How the WHO says Parents have already given their consent to the Vaccine

Bill Gates, HR 6666, Remdesivir, deaths in Italy

NoMoreFakeNews.Com By Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter Reprinted with permission Each of these subjects deserves its own article.  Bill Gates would require a library of thick volumes.  I don’t have the time to write separate pieces, since I’m also busy with other research on the fake pandemic. So I’ll hit the highlights. BILL GATES Here, from … Continue reading Bill Gates, HR 6666, Remdesivir, deaths in Italy

Anita Cicero: “We have created a Pandemic”

Anita Cicero is the Deputy Director of the John Hopkins Center for Health Security. This video is segment 1 from the Event 201, where a Coronavirus epidemic was studied from the point of human psychology to see how effective of a psyop it would be merely to to claim a winter flu like influenza was … Continue reading Anita Cicero: “We have created a Pandemic”

Bill Gates planned COVID-19 Pandemic in 2010

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Just read this description, posted in December of 2010, and ask yourself, in hind sight, what it is speaking about: Global Vaccine Action Plan to guide discovery, development and delivery of lifesaving vaccines NEW YORK — The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) … Continue reading Bill Gates planned COVID-19 Pandemic in 2010

The Myths of Wuhan: how numbers were exaggerated to justify imprisoning 57 million Chinese

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In a scenario which was first executed in China but which has now come to your country, the response to the Wuhan Virus has been eerily similar and it has been the same one as the Marxist Dictatorship of China. Wake up to the brave new world order, in which you … Continue reading The Myths of Wuhan: how numbers were exaggerated to justify imprisoning 57 million Chinese