Editor’s Note: While the Cardinal stops short of a formal canonical accusation of heresy and schism, anyone can write to the Cardinal and request or suggest that he read the Sutri Initiative and file a formal petition to the Bishops of the Roman Province to convene a Provincial Synod to put Bergoglio on trial for attempted destruction of the Faith.
Spain: 1 Friar Murdered, 4 seriously injured in Monastery invasion by illegal
Editor’s Note: I rarely publish articles about criminal attacks, but when the victims are fellow Franciscans and the attacker is an illegal, I cannot be silent. As the Left does in Europe, they are describing the attacker as “mentally unstable” and of “Spanish descent”.
However, in the above article they are clear that the Police are guessing at his age as either “30 or 40” years, which they would not have to do if he was a Spanish citizen or legal resident, since he would be documented. I think it is reasonable to conclude, then, that the attacker is an illegal, since a lot of individuals with mental health problems are being forcibly imported into Europe by human traffickers. He might also be a Muslim, but that he claims to be Jesus Christ makes me think that may not be so.
The Friar who died was 76 years of age, he was beaten in the head, and died later at hospital of his injuries. His Monastery — or more correctly, his Convent — is in Gilet, Spain, in the province of Valencia, where those inundating rain falls recently caused more than 200 moralities in flash flooding. The other friars attack are all over 70 and one is 95 years of age. Let us pray for these poor friars. May God have mercy upon all of them, and grant eternal rest to the one who was murdered in cold blood. He was most likely a priest.
Covid DeathJabs & MonkeyPox Jabs contain Abortafacient Drug in massive dose
Archbishop Lenga: Pope Francis’ Cardinal Appointments are a public scandal!
To understand this video in your own language, go to the YouTube version, turn on CC (Closed Captions, and set them to auto-translate and then select your own language)!
OMS — Un’organizzazione criminale?
Editor’s Note: This video, entirely in Italian, I post here for my many readers from Italy, as it presents a very good summary of the critiques of the Pandemic Narrative, which many sites, including FromRome.Info covered during the past years.
Br. Bugnolo’s Urgent Appeal to the readers of FromRome.Info
Br. Bugnolo find himself in urgent need of your help. He explains why that is, in this 10 minute video. Please be generous in your support.
Here is list of Expenses Brother has in December, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
– $535 Debt for Brother’s personal expenses in last month
– $ 600 for Brother’s personal expenses in December (Food)
– $ 300 for Brother to ship hermitage supplies (which are still in the USA) from USA to Italy
– $ 300 for Brother’s travel expenses to arrange shipment (a Benefactor already covered his plane ticket)
TOTAL: $1735
Total raised so far (from Dec. 1): $0 US Dollars.
(Please note, that the above totals are running, so that with each passing day in Nov. as new expenses occur, Brother increases specific expenses)
See Bottom of this Post for the November Report.
Many thanks to the very generous outpouring of support during November!
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Add the note: ROME to your transfer.
For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
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November 2024
Here is list of Expenses Brother had in November, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
√ $500 Debt for Brother’s personal expenses in last month
√ $385 To move items from storage to the new location of the “Hermitage”
√ $1400 To fly Father Covens to Rome from his Diocese in Martinique (ticket must be bought immediately before prices go up!)
√ $440 To outfit apartment with sheets, blankets for 2 beds, missing fixtures, fix plumbing etc..
√ $250 For gasoline in November
√ $150 to keep FromRome.info up and running in November
– $700 For Brother’s food, heating, electricity, phone expenses from Nov. 10 – Dec. 10 th.
TOTAL: $3825
Total raised from Nov. 8 to Nov. 30, 2024: $3468 US Dollars.
Spanish Dissident Cardinal insists Catholics are obliged to endless Synodality
Editor’s Note: If he wore a Cassock and insisted you accept the Council of Trent’s decrees, while offering the holy sacrifice of the Mass in the Ancient Roman Rite, you can be sure he would be called on the carpet for being a rigorist. So rigorism is out but tyrannical marxism is orthodoxy? Many Catholics are saying that the Vatican becomes a bigger joke day by day. It’s hard to disagree. — The article is biased, however, when it calls Cardinal Romero a “leading” African Cardinal. That’s hard to justify when he has less faithful under his diocese’s pastoral care than some priests in sub-saharan African have in their parish. His personal license, in addition, does not seem to be making him happier. He is only leading in his desire to break with what the Church has received from the past.
The Simonical Election of Pope Gregory VI in 1046
Editor’s Note: Very little can be found in English about the First Council of Sutri, and perhaps for this reason not a few of unlettered Catholic influencers are reluctant to speak of the Sutri Initiative. — For this reason I publish here this article on the role of money in the sale of the Papacy by the legitimate pope Benedict IX to John Gratian, who took the name of Pope Gregory VI, and whose acolyte was the famous St. Hildebrand, who would later be raised to the Apostolic Dignity as Pope Gregory VII and begin in earnest the medieval renewal of the Papacy known as the Gregorian Reform.
This scholarly article is in English, by the Brazilian academic, Dr. Leonardo Rust, professor of Medieval History, at the University of Brazil. It was published in 2023.
As this paper shows, the deposition of 3 claimants to the Papacy at Sutri in 1046, during a Provincial Council was an event accepted by the entire Church. It is still accepted. And those who hold to “universal acceptance” should take note, because they are the ones who, if they refuse the Sutri Initiative, are in fact holding against universal acceptance.
USA: As many as 18 Million fraudulent ballots in 2020 Presidential Election?
The Dark Realities behind the 2025 Jubilee Figurine, “Luce”
Editor’s note: A lot of great research tying Nazi money to the company which produced the “Luce” figurine. As a Latinist, I can tell you, that if you carry a “Luce” figurine with you, then in Latin you are a Lucifer, a carrier of “Luce”. I am also perturbed by the non-gender identity of the figurine, carrying a witch’s staff, which also has the same shape — I am told — of an instrument used by sodomites. The fact that the figurine is also a minor child adds to the suspicion that those behind this figurine have bizarre motivations.
Dr. Anthony Stine: Pope Francis needs to be tried for heresy
Commentary and a Response by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
FromRome.Info is willing to quote anyone when they say something true or worthy of being noted down. Anthony Stine once said of FromRome.Info, that “I try to stay away from that website like the plague”. Seeing that the topic he speaks of in the above video published 4 days ago, has been covered by FromRome.Info since 2014, maybe I can expect him to stop by and post an apology in a comment here? Because, from what he says in the above video, it surely sounds like he might have caught the plague!
Yet, still, he does not ask for any specific real action be taken. He is still chasing the red-herring that holds that only the Cardinals can address the issue, a point which has no standing in canon law. — As I have said before, Pope Francis’ opposition merits the name “Gay”, because they all have the ability given by God to do something good for the Church, but they are obsessed by using that ability in all the wrong ways.
To make myself clear for record sake: these opponents speak of “imperfect councils” and “hypothetical conclaves”, but the correct tribunal is a Provincial Council in the ecclesiastical province of Rome and no Cardinal has the authority to convene such a council. All these opponents keep talking while refusing to even say the words, “The Sutri Initiative“, where sane honest Catholics who accept canon law and ecclesiastical history have already participated in, asking for the correct approach be taken.
I would encourage my readers to leave a comment on Dr. Stine’s YouTube Video and challenge him to say the words, “The Sutri Initiative” during his next video. My concern is not to have an apology from him; my concern is the salvation of the Church in our own days. He should be frank with his audience and admit the solution has to be canonical and that the Sutri Initiative is the only solution being proposed which actually cites the Code of Canon Law of 1983, promulgated by Pope John Paul II. He does not have to agree with it, but he should do the honest thing and inform his audience of its existence and let them make up their own minds. Let’s stop being gate-keepers against the truth!
World Bank cannot account for more than 41 Billion USD in “Climate Change” grants
Editor’s Note: It is important for you to share this with all your friends who trust in the World Bank, Globalist Institutions, or believe there is a thing called “Climate Change” that man is responsible for and which throwing money at it will cure. When you get the gullible to start asking questions, you give them the opportunity and occasion to begin to unplug from the Matrix of Globalist lies.
UK: Refuse to give your cellphone’s PIN? Charged with terrorism
Editor’s Note: While I am not a fan of Mr. Lennon, who goes by the name of “Tommy Robinson”, probably to conceal that he is Jewish not British, nevertheless, one has arrived at complete ideologically-induced insanity, when innocent citizens can be charged with terrorism for refusing to hand over the PIN number to their cellphones, when border police demand it, in the same country, where only some of the serial rapists, murders and thieves who are welcomed with free housing, food, social welfare and legal advice, actually do go on to commit acts of terrorism, because the police did nothing, even though “they were aware” of the individuals in question.
My advice to my readers is, never enter the United Kingdom again, and make sure that none of your flights layover in a UK airport. In fact, boycott British Airlines especially.
Saints Thomas Aquinas & Bonaventure of Bagnoregio are perennial sources of inspiration for the Church
What is True Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
Editor’s Note: The best refutation of error, is the preaching of the truth. Here is one of the most beautiful sites on true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by a Catholic community of women virgins who have consecrated themselves to His love: the Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This site includes videos, texts and quotes from Jesus Christ’s visits to Saint Margaret Mary Aloquoque.
Please share everywhere. I share this as an act of reparation for all the times I have offended His Sacred Heart, and I ask you to share it with the same motive, in reparation for all your own sins against Him.
Who is Trent Horn? And why is “Catholic Answers” allowing him a platform?
Argentina: While the Archbishop, Pope Francis stole the live savings of Monsignor Gonzales
Editor’s Note: Since he signed Fiducia supplicans the tide has turned inexorably against Pope Francis: from the lightning striking the image of Saint Peter divesting it of keys and aureole to the revelations by Archbishop Vigano, that Bergoglio while novice master of the Jesuits, sexually molested some of the novices. Now comes this report, hidden by journalists for 12 years, that while the Archbishop of Buenas Aires, Bergoglio stole the live savings of one of his own Monsignors. Hidden by the journalists of the world, I say, because the case was taken to court and Bergoglio was found guilty, but no one ever told us. So now we have serious reason to believe that the man who claims the papacy is not only a formal pertinacious manifest heretic and pedophile protector, but that he is a sexual abuser and a thief. What more does Pope Francis’ alleged opposition need to join the Sutri Initiative.
And here, I cannot be silent. Because if you claim to oppose Pope Francis for good reasons, why is it that you all agree not to remove him from office, nor have a council judge that he has no valid claim to it? It has been more than a year, and the Bishops of the First Council of Sutri in 1046 have show us the way, as I have explained in length. But you won’t listen to them or me. I say that you are meriting a worse pit of damnation than Bergoglio himself, because you claim he is evil and a false pope and antipope, but you are as firm as Hell itself in wanting him to remain in power, simply because you refuse the only canonical and juridically valid way of removing him. You are tempting God. You are demanding some sort of divine intervention, rather than doing your duty!
Please share a link to this article on every website which claims it opposes Pope Francis in his errors, so as to bring about a true dialogue in truth and love, for God and for Pope Francis and for the entire Church.
Dr. Jane Ruby: Microneedles are the next technology in the permanent Genocide program
From Rome: A Pilgrim’s Visit to the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem.
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Many thanks to all who helped me return to Rome, whether by your prayers and/or financial support. Here is my promised video, with a visit to the Basilica at Rome where the Major Relics of Christ’s Passion are kept.
2025 is the Jubilee Year, a year of special indulgences for those who pilgrimage to Rome. Being back in Italy will help me offer those of you, who cannot go, a virtual pilgrimage to all the major holy sites. It will be a wonderful time for us all to pray for one another, for our families, friends, and for the Church and peace in the world.
If you would like to help me in my apostolates at Rome, or even if only to keep FromRome.Info up and running, select the appropriate donation button below.