Presentation by Mrs. Maria Guarini
Editor of the “Chiesa e post concilio” Blog at Rome
I am wholeheartedly joining the effort of Mr. Paolo Deotto and Dr. Alessandro Gnocchi, in their work to launch the following proposal, which is part of a sane response to the epic crisis of the Church in which we are living.
We have, ourselves, also spoken of this more times than words can suffice and Internet fora are not sufficient except as instruments of communication to accompany and encourage the authentic life of the Church which is lived in the heart and in the daily life of each of the faithful.
Furthermore, one cannot, not encourage such a proposal of Prayer for Reparation, for many reasons:
First of all, because among all the wonderful realities of grace from the Lord which He reveals and gives us there is Reparation. This too, is not spoken of so frequently today and risks being forgotten, with the consequence of losing the understanding of its efficacy for the good of souls and the greater, extrinsic glory of God. I say, “extrinsic”, because God is glorified in Himself, the same, whether we add to that in our own lives or not.
To this end, let us also consider arranging moments of encounter and formation or whatever else, which is practical and simple to promote this endeavor.
It is normal that every initiative begin with those who propose it: but, as suggested below, the appeal is being entrusted to the good will of each Catholic inasmuch as he is able to participate or assist.
We have been considering and pondering such a proposal for some time. And we hope to see fellow participants at Linarolo, Italy, on May 1st, for the first meeting of coordinators.
Obviously, there can be other kinds of reparation, but if they do not begin with prayer above all else, if they do not involve the clergy, they won’t make any headway.
Maria Guarini
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo
PROPOSAL by Mr. Paolo Deotto & Dr. Alessandro Gnocchi
We propose to Catholics of sound doctrine and good will to associate with us in an initiative, which we call, “the League for Reparation”, which has just been founded for the purpose of restoring the true face of the Church by means of an ascetical discipline which flows from the spirituality and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
“And, so, what do we do?” — many brave Catholics ask us, now that they recognize the reality of the crisis in which the Church in our own days has fallen. “And you, what are you doing?” — say many others, mostly to provoke us, understanding implicitly that it is not enough merely to point out the problems and lamenting them.
Affectations are not sufficient. We cannot simply engage in lamentations in the face of the emptying out of the Faith, at the prospect of temerarious aggiornamentoes of theology, of philosophy, at the surrenders to immorality, at the liturgical abuses, at the devastation of the ascetical and devotional practices of millenia, at the rejection of Tradition.
Faced with such a spectacle, comprised under the foggy notion of “opening to the world”, a Catholic has the duty to react, and to react as a Catholic.
For this reason, by means of the Italian-Catholic Internet site, known as, “Riscossa Cristiana”, we intend to launch an initiative aimed at all those who, disconsolate, ask, “And, now, we are we to do?”
If the Church is falling to pieces, it is necessary to put a hand to the work of repairing Her. And to repair Her, while many, too many pastors are continuing the work of demolition. With patience and tenacity and supported by the supernatural virtue of Hope, we need to recover all of that which is good, venerable and holy which others are throwing away and of restoring it to its proper place. And we need to do this with the intention and purpose of restoring in the Spouse of Christ the features which She has maintained throughout the course of centuries, features which are now despised by many enemies, standing outside and many within.
One needs to undertake the repairs understanding that they can only be done with fruit and merit when taken without any extravagance. Theology, spirituality, asceticism and devotion: cast off and discarded for a time, now, as part of a faith which is out of fashion, furnish to Catholics of good will a simple and efficacious means: the practice of the prayer of reparation, which at the end of this proposal, we will explain how this might be applied to assist the Church in this dramatic era of turmoil in which She finds Herself.
Whoever wishes to adhere to this initiative, should do so conscious that one must break ground on one’s own without waiting for the masses to follow. They will be alone and few in numbers, indeed, individuals, who get this holy work off the ground. Then, as Divine Providence may desire, the fruits might become visible.
For this purpose, through Riscossa Cristiana, we propose to Catholics of sound doctrine and good will to associate themselves to the “Lega cattolica per la preghiera di riparazione” (The Catholic League for the Prayer of Reparation), which has just been founded with the purpose of restoring the true face of the Church of always by means of an ascetical practice which flows from the spirituality of and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
As an organizational support, besides the website, Riscossa Cristiana, there is a small public association which arose 2 years ago in Lombardy and the Veneto, which is called, “Confraternita del Sacro Cuore di Gesù e del Cuore Immacolato di Maria” (Confraternity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary), which is also called, “Of the Sacred Hearts”, to whom the initiators of this proposal belong.
This is a small group of Catholics who understand that only by means of a complete return to the doctrinal and liturgical Tradition of the Church will there be any mark of an end to the crisis in the Church.
Among the ascetical practices of this Confraternity, aimed at restoring Tradition, are the offerings of sacrifices and prayers in reparation for the harm provoked in the Church on the part of the men in the Church, clerical and lay: this is the substance of what is being proposed on a larger scale by means of this new proposal, of a Catholic League for the Prayer of Reparation.
On the practical sin, there is nothing complicated. Each one, alone or in a group with other Catholics can join this initiative by mans of an email addressed to:
In this manner, one can indicate his desire to become a member and to receive information on the eventual activities of the League or those which will be organized in his part of the world; in addition, one can indicate his willingness to serve as a point of reference for others in his country who wish to join. It will be the competency and duty of the organizers to contact you and keep in contact with those who sign up.
This work of keeping in touch is also important because it is important that the Catholics who decide to join don’t give up simply because they feel isolated as the last remnants of a shipwreck, or as the few mad in a world of self proclaimed “sane” madmen.
These Catholics, if they are in the midst of the shipwreck (if they wish to use this metaphor), are not alone: there are many more than we can possibly imagine. Moreover, it is not they who are insane: it is only that in a time of universal insanity, mental sanity seems to be the suff fit for an asylum.
To this end, for the purpose of fortifying the bonds which will promote the work of this initiative, all who sign up are invited to gather together on Friday, May 1, 2015 for the first meeting of the “Lega cattolica per la preghiera di riparazione”, being organized at Linarolo, in the province of Pavia, Italy.
At the home page of Riscossa Cristiana, there will be a link for further information about this initiative as well as formational handouts.
Paolo Deotto & Alessandro Gnocchi
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Information about this appeal can also be found at the following sites:
Cuore Divino di Gesù, io ti offro per mezzo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria, in unione al Sacrificio Eucaristico, le preghiere, le azioni, le gioie e le sofferenze di questo giorno in riparazione dei peccati e per la salvezza di tutti gli uomini, a gloria del Divin Padre. Amen.
O Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with the Sacrifice of the Mass, the prayers, actions, joys and sufferings of this day, in reparation for sin and for the salvation of all men, to the glory of Thy Divine Father. Amen.
Catechesis on this Prayer
«DEUS, qui nobis, in Corde Fílii tui, nostris vulneráto peccátis, infinítos dilectiónis thesáuros misericórditer largíri dignáris ; concéde, quaésumus, ut illi devótum pietátis nostrae praestántes obséquium, dignae quoque satisfactiónis exhibeámus offícium. Per eúmdem Dóminum».
O God, Who in Thy Mercy have deigned to bestow the infinite treasures of Thy Love in the Heart of Thy Son, pierced through by our sins, grant that, in rendering Him the devout homage of our piety, we might accomplish also the office of a worthy reparation.
With these words, the Liturgy of the Church prays in the Collect for the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Briefly summarizing the motives for and the effects of the Death of Our Lord on the Cross, She concludes by inviting every member of the faithful to unite himself to the Divine Redeemer by exercising an dignae satisfactionis officium (the duty of making worthy satisfaction). In this sense, the prayer appears to embody very faithfully what the Sacred Heart of Jesus had told St. Margaret Maria Alacoque, a Visitation nun, kneeling before the Most Blessed Sacrament, in June of 1675 A. D.:
“Behold the Heart which has so loved men, Which has spared no expense in exhausting Itself and in consuming Itself, to testify to them of Its Love; and in recompense I receive, for the most part, a great ingratitude on account of the irreverent and sacrileges and by reason of the coldness and disrespect which they have for Me in this Sacrament of love … This, He told me, is for Me more sorrowful than what I have suffered in My Passion. If these were to recompense Me with a small measure of My Love, I would esteem it a small thing that I suffered for them and I would, if possible, suffer even more. But these respond with naught but indifference and refusals at all My concerns for procuring them good. At least, you, give Me the pleasure of supplying for their ingratitude, as much as you will be able.”
Behold, how clearly expressed is the meritorious principle of reparation, by which in associating men to the infinite Expiation and Satisfaction which Jesus Christ offered upon the Cross, tends to compensate and pacify the outrages hurled at God’s glory by the sins of men. How numerous are the sins of men, lay and ecclesiastic! In a particular manner, what lack there is of adoration towards the revealed Truth, in every form: betrayals in the exposition of immutable doctrine; abuses in liturgical celebrations; irreverence; indifference towards the Royal Authority of Our Lord; sinful omissions of the apostolate; and much more. The Spouse of Christ and His Mystical Body, the Church, finds Herself often to be disfigured in visible members exactly because of the sins of Her children. One cannot remain indifferent to all of this: our Holy Mother, the Church, is suffering and we have the duty to apply medicine to Her wounds, inasmuch as it is granted us to do so, by means of the offerings of sacrifices and prayers to hasten Her recovery.
If the God-man, Jesus Christ, came to repair man’s sin against God, which was worked by our first parents at the instigation of the Devil (a sin of infinite offense inasmuch as it was offered directly against the Divine Majesty of God’s Authority), man, as redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Son of God, in union with Christ Himself and with His Church, can also contribute himself to reparation for the sins which are perpetrated against His Divine Heart. Every baptized Catholic, participating in this limited manner with the Priesthood of Christ by means of the sacramental character (cf St. Thomas Summa. III pars q. 63 a. 3), is called and make suitable to offer to the Merciful Heart of Jesus, reparatory actions in strict union with the Passion of Christ.
Certainly, since grace supposes nature, it will be necessary for each one, according to the duties of his state, to go ahead on his own initiative, and perform those actions which are commensurate and adequate to the end of defending and promoting the social reign of Christ, against the “prince of this world”, who today, more than ever, “goes about like a roaring lion” (1 Peter 5:8). But in vain will every effort be without the unction of Grace. And though this be conferred efficaciously in the ordinary manner by means of the Sacraments, the sacrifices offered to Our Lord with devotion and upright intention, will obtain a new outpouring of sanctifying grace in the soul, which Grace confers a singular fruitfulness to every good action.
In sum: Let us make reparation. Let us hasten the triumph of Christ’s Church: may She return as soon as possible to the splendor of the Light of Her Lord in words and in the life of Her children, so that the world might believe!
Cor Iesu Sacratissimum, adveniat Regnum tuum!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come!
Every Friday (as possible), after having made the above Act of Offering, with the intention of making reparation for the sins against the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, recite the Holy Rosary and add the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with its collect. As much as possible, do this in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament, or at least, make a 15 minute visit to Our Lord in adoration and expiation. In case of particular necessity, further forms of reparation and penance will be suggested by the League, according to the Ignatian principle: agere contra (“Do the opposite of what the Devil is promoting”).
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mother’s womb,
Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God.
Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty.
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God.
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High.
Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven.
Heart of Jesus, glowing furnace of charity.
Heart of Jesus, vessel of justice and love.
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love.
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues.
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise.
Heart of Jesus, King and center of all hearts.
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead.
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father was well pleased.
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received.
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills.
Heart of Jesus, patient and rich in mercy.
Heart of Jesus, rich to all who call upon You.
Heart of Jesus, fount of life and holiness.
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our offenses.
Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with reproaches.
Heart of Jesus, bruised for our iniquities.
Heart of Jesus, obedient even unto death.
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance.
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation.
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection.
Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconciliation.
Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins.
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in You.
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in You.
Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Jesus, meek and humble of Heart,
Make our hearts like unto Thine.
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, look upon the Heart of Thy most beloved Son and upon the praises and satisfaction which He offers Thee in the name of sinners; and to those who implore Thy mercy, in Thy great goodness, grant forgiveness in the name of the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who livest and reignest with Thee forever and ever. Amen.