September 5, 2017 — London: Austin Ivereigh, the author of the book, The Great Refomer, which spilled the beans on the entire Team Bergoglio scandal, has penned a letter to the Editor of the Telegraph in the United Kingdom, on the occasion of the demise of the Late Cardinal O’Conner, the leader of the conspiracy to get Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected in the last Conclave.
This imbroglio first came to light on Nov. 22, 2014, when John Bingham, a reporter for the Telegraph, covered the news of the publication of Ivereigh’s book.
Here is an image of that Letter to the Editor, published today, Sept 5, 2017 in the Telegraph (care of a follower of @VeriCatholici on Twitter). The commentary on the text is is our own:
Paragraph1, Line 2:“Fixed” is the correct term, if you understand rightly the words used in Ivereigh’s book, as all the facts heretofore which have been published confirm.
Ivereigh objects, as he has ever since the rebuttal to his book by Father Lombardi, the former Vatican Spokesman through Sismografo, the anonymous Vatican blog, on Dec. 1, 2014.
Paragraph 4, line 3: Ivereigh confesses that the late Cardinal “explained to” him that lobbying was “important in ensuring” that a candidate would be elected. Even though as we have shown, such canvassing for votes is illicit and can lead to an invalid election. This is the first time Ivereigh explicitly in the written record affirms the first hand source for his book. What he pretends, however, is that what he wrote regarded passive lobbying, when he explicitly says in his book that “Team Bergoglio’s” planned and executed method was the seeking of vote-promises.
Paragraph 5:“But he was equally adamant”….here is Team Bergoglio’s repeated blasphemy, that success equals God’s approval. We know of no previous papal candidate whose supporters have resorted to a theological defense of a lobbying effort. Perhaps, because if what you did was honest, you do not need to blame it on God. And, contrariwise, if you have any fear of God, if what you did was dishonest you don’t try to blame Him for it.
Paragraph 6: Then at “a number of Latin-American cardinals have assured me that his initiative (largely confined to the English-speaking cardinals) was not the only one in favour of Jorge Mario Bergoglio”….Ivereigh totally forgets what he wrote in his own book, that the conspiracy to elect Bergoglio included 30 Cardinals, both Latin-Americans, Africans and Europeans.
Perhaps he forgets, because he has been so strongly criticized by Team Bergoglio members and supporters for spilling the beans about the conspiracy which likely invalidated the election, that he has not picked up his own book to read what he wrote in the last 2 years!
Catholics who grieve for the persecution and genocide of Catholics at the hands of DAESH (ISIL) are cordially invited to attend the First Meeting of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, at the Piazza Risorgimento, Roma, on Saturday, Nov. 19, at 10 A.M..
The Ordo Militaris Catholicus is a international defense and security initiative of Catholics for Catholics who are suffering persecution for their faith, where their defense and liberation requires military intervention or security actions, and this is allowed by local and/or international law.
Unlike many other humanitarian efforts or Order’s of Knighthood, the Ordo Militaris aims to be a true military organization which undertakes military actions in accordance with international law, where this is permitted and/or sponsored by sovereign states: and this to protect and liberate Catholics from the hands of their enemies.
Those interested in joining this humanitarian effort, whether they are members of the military, ex-military, or non-military, men or women, are invited to attend our First Meeting in Europe to see how they can assist in founding a national Chapter in Italy or their native land.
To attend the Meeting, which is open to the public and to journalists, meet at the Piazza Risorgimento, adjacent to the Vatican at 10:00 A.M. under the insignia of the Order, which will be unfurled at 9:55 A.M.. The location has been chosen to indicate the desire of the Order to participate in the restoration of the Catholic Order of things. In case of rain, the meeting will be held at the Ris Cafe, on the north side of the same Piazza.
During the meeting, the founder of the Order will speak about the nature, structure, rule and requirements for membership, as well as the goals and methods to be employed.
For more information about the Order, click the Insignia to go to their website.
Dear Catholic men, remember that by your Baptism you have been clothed in Christ and now share with Him the duty and vocation to come to the rescue of this world, whether in the common role of a father, the supernatural roles of a priest, religious, hermit or a monk, or the extraordinary vocation of a Catholic Soldier.
Remember, that all our rights as Catholics, to practice our Faith in peace, come from God on the supernatural level, but exist and are recognized on the civil level only by means of the heroic feats and power of the Catholic Soldier. For Catholic Society cannot exist without the Catholic Soldier and indeed is threatened in its very existence without him. He thus takes on a role which in its own proper manner, temporal and civil and military, is analogous to the role of Christ Jesus Our Redeemer, in his temporal and eternal, hierarchical and civil, peaceful and military vocation to conquer the Evil One and liberate us from the punishment of the eternal slavery of death into which he cast us.
The vocation of the Catholic Soldier is thus a holy one, a noble one, and a most necessary one. All Catholics need to honor them, support them, and help them come into existence, get the training and support they need, open the way for them and let them do their work, so that we might all live in peace and so that in those parts of the world where the order of justice has been so perverted that only military solutions can restore that order, do their work!
The From Rome blog has covered the “Team Bergoglio” voting scandal during the 2013 Conclave from the beginning. In this, one of our last and culminating reports which verifies all the facti species, the Swiss Bishop’s Conference confirms the existence of the 20 yr conspiracy, not only operative in the Conclave of 2005, but also in 2013. For the entire timeline of reports, see here.
Reblogged in part from Litesite news (original here)
September 29, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) — While correcting local media reports, the Swiss bishops today confirmed the existence of the so-called “mafia” of bishops that aimed to counter the influence of Cardinal Ratzinger during the pontificate of John Paul II.
The confirmation came amid intense discussion in Switzerland about the question of the now well-known group of cardinals, called the “St. Gallen Group,” about which Cardinal Godfried Danneels recently made some disturbing, even embarrassing revelations.
This morning, the local radio station FM1 Today in Sankt Gallen, Switerland, reported on the alleged secret meetings of this “St. Gallen Group” that supposedly worked both on making Pope Benedict XVI resign and on getting Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio then elected for the Papal office. As sources for their claims, the radio station cited a new biography about Bishop Danneels, as well as a candid public statement that the cardinal himself made. Summing up their claims about this seeming conspiracy, the radio station said:
(See original for full text)
The culminating substance of this final report from Life Site News, is that all the evidence points to this, that a homosexual-heretical cabal violated the Papal law against vote-promising and put into power Jorge Mario Bergoglio with express purpose of overthrowing the Catholic Faith on sexual morals and establishing a new false religion, posing as the Catholic Church.
What should you do about this? — Demand that the Catholic Cardinals act and denounce this cabal, for the sake of their own immortal souls and the good of the whole Church, and investigate and determine the validity of the election of 2013.
It is often said that pride is the sin of our age.
So often said, that perhaps we have never meditated on what that means or surveyed how true that saying is.
The word, “pride” can signify a sin, a vice, or the esteem for a thing, as in “I take pride in my Alma Mater.”
Of the sin, it is true that pride was the first sin of the first created person: Lucifer. “I shall not serve” (Jerimiah 2:20), is the scriptural phrase oft quoted by the Fathers and Doctors and Saints and attributed, by accommodation, to Lucifer’s sign of rebellion.
Saint Bonaventure gives a wonderful meditation on this, in his tract on demonology. Therein, he says that it was in the insistence not to serve God, that Lucifer consummated his sin of pride. This is because pride is the vice which first moves the spirit to go out of its proper place and seek a higher place. Since the Angels were created to serve God, there could be no rebellion or pride in an Angel except he refuse to serve God.
The first effect, therefore, of the vice of pride, is to omit the divine service or worship of God.
This is because, the proper and just relationship of every creature to the Creator is one of a just recognition of the dependence of the creature upon the Creator in all things, a generous expression and manifestation of gratitude to the Creator and a diligent and exact worship of God in mind and heart and action, and thus the zealous service or obsequium of God.
Contrariwise, the effects of the vice and sin of pride are first to consider that the creature is NOT dependent upon God, and thus to omit the just recognition of that dependence, to omit a generous expression and manifestation of gratitude as a dependent and subject creature to the Creator, and thus to omit a diligent and exact worship of God in mind and heart and action, and consequently to omit the zealous service of God.
The self-evident characteristics of pride, when recognized, are a powerful measure by which one can recognize pride in one’s self and in our present age.
Let us take these characteristics and use them to measure what has happened in the Church in the last 60 years, and let us follow these considerations to their most impolitical but true conclusions.
Pride is the cause of its own downfall
For his sin of pride, Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, and all those angels who followed him in that sin, with him.
This casting out was formally an act of the Divine Justice: God did actually order and command and expel them from Heaven.
But for mankind, after his fall, pride is the cause of his own downfall, even without the intervention of God — though God does intervene and punish it — because it leads of itself to the ruinous disorder of man in his own mind, in his own heart, in his own person and body and relation to human society and with God.
The effect of Pride in the Church
Thus, even in the Church, the sin of pride has its own effect, even though God spiritually and temporally and eternally punishes this sin, which is mortal ex genere suo and secundum se.
It is mortal from its own very genus (ex genere suo), because it directly opposes the Divine Will which orders all things wisely and puts all in their proper place. Its mortal according to itself (secundum se), because it of necessity destroys the spiritual life.
Now the truth of the Church, obviously, like all things which pride corrupts, must be directly attacked by the pride of Catholics. The truth of the Church, however, is that She was founded by Jesus Christ as the ark of salvation and the only true religion for mankind.
When pride is introduced into the very life of the Church Militant, it must, humanly speaking, undo the truth of the Church. And the worst sin of pride which could be introduced into the Church is the pride which would attack Her most directly and intimately.
Vatican II as the consummate sin of Pride
Now the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, as Pope Pius XII taught, the Holy Spirit, Her quasi-soul. As is seen in the history of the Church, in moments of crisis, the Holy Spirit has raised up holy Saints and Doctors and Popes who have called councils to condemn errors and restore disciplines.
Now a general principle of ever creature is that it depends upon God not only for its creation, or existence, but also for its essence, nature and form; and not only for these its first being (esse primum), but also for its second being (esse secundum), that is, its actions. This does not mean that creatures are puppets who act when God commands, but that creatures on the natural level cannot do anything unless God either permits or commands; and in the supernatural world, creatures cannot do anything meritorious of eternal life unless God permits AND commands.
For this reason, if God wills that a Council be called, He gives the grace; if it is accepted and is called, He will see that it accomplishes His will, though men must cooperate. However, contrariwise, if God does NOT call a council, NO matter how many men collaborate, whether as saints or sinners, that Council cannot produce good fruit supernaturally speaking.
After 60 years, anyone with a sense of honesty must admit that something is wrong with Vatican II and its implementation. That leads to the obvious conclusion that pride has entered into the mix somewhere.
As a matter of historic fact, however, it can be confirmed that pride had everything to do with Vatican II.
First, because a council to reunite all Christians was first promoted at the international Convention of Masonic Lodges in Istanbul, when Archbishop Roncalli was the Apostolic Nuncio in Greece. At that conference, the Greek Patriarch was persuaded to accept the suggestion. He visited with Roncalli and suggested it to him. And afterwards Roncalli admitted this to his private secretary. Years later when Roncalli was elected Pope and took the name John XXIII he called Vatican II for precisely this reason.
So the inspiration for Vatican II came from the Masonic Lodges, whose three-headed God, is a devil. Hence, the inspiration for Vatican II does not come from God, but from a demon of pride. Hence the true spirit of Vatican II must be a demon of pride, not the Holy Spirit, because God does not baptize the work of demons.
Pride visible in the act by John XXIII to call Vatican II
That pride was visible at Vatican II is obvious to all who honestly look at the history of the Council.
First, John XXIII called the Council without any reason to do so.
Second, he called a Council which he personally knew was suggested to him by the Freemasons.
Third, he called a Council to change things which the Holy Spirit had already ratified in previous councils and through Sacred and Ecclesiastical tradition and the abundant fruitfulness of the Church living and promoting these things.
In this way, the pride of John XXIII offended the entire Holy Trinity. Because God the Father is the author of order and reason, not of whims and chance; God the Son is the Head of the Church, not the Freemasons; God the Holy Spirit is the Lord and vivifier of the Church, not the Pope.
A pope cannot just will something to happen supernaturally and it happens. He is not God. And to act in this way is a sin of consummate pride, because it presupposes that one is God, when one is not God.
Pride visible at the Council
That pride was visible at the Council can be seen in this: that for the Bishops of the world to convene for a council when there was no reason and to consider changing what had no need to be changed, and to presume to do this without any sign of God, relying only on the whim of a pope who is not God, is consummate pride.
To abandon carefully prepared schemata for the Council on a whim vote, is consummate pride, because certainly the best theologians working for 2-4 years are more able to prepare texts than a mix of good and bad theologians working hastily for a compromise.
To insult learned and holy Cardinals during the Council by denying them the microphone and cheering their removal from the podium, is consummate pride, because it attacks the better and exalts the mediocre.
To vote on documents which are dozens of pages long in Latin, when one has little knowledge of Latin, and to do so in a few weeks before having accurate translations, is consummate intellectual pride and wilfulness.
To call such a council “ecumenical”, “dogmatic”, “sacred”, “sacrosanct”, “infallible” or “pastoral” is also consummate pride, because it is a lie to call such a gathering any of these things.
To approve such documents and insist they then become the very norm of ecclesial renewal, is consummate pride, because it exalts the whims and haste of clergymen over the Headship of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the Church.
Pride visible in the Conciliar Texts
Consummate pride is also visible in the very texts of the Council.
It is a work of pride to change discipline before defining doctrine. But this is what Sacrosanctum concilium, the document on the liturgy did.
It is a work of pride to exalt Divine Revelation, all the while asserting one’s authority to change everything in the Church which was founded in fidelity to Divine Revelation. But this is what Dei Verbum did.
It is a work of pride to praise the pursuit of the perfection of Divine Charity, all the while setting up roadblocks and instituting processes for the breakdown and dissolution of the very communities dedicated by vow to pursue this: religious communities. But this is what Perfectae Charitatis did.
It is a work of pride to assert anyone can be saved apart from Christ and apart from His Church. But this is what Nostra Aetate did.
And one could go on and on about nearly all the Vatican II documents.
Pride visible in the Aggiornamento
Consummate pride is clearly visible in every aspect of the Aggiornamento.
First, it is visible in the very name of the renewal and application of the Council: “aggiornamento”, which is Italian for “updating”, as if the Church whose very quasi soul is the Lord and Vivifier, the Creator Holy Spirit, could be in need of updating, that is could be old or decrepit; or could be in need of being up to date with the world, though She is the immaculate Bride of God!
Second, consummate pride is visible in documents of the Aggiornamento, which cite only the Council or Scripture in the “light of the council”, as if the Catholic religion now consisted in living by the conciliar texts, just as the Church before Council lived by Sacred Scripture.
Third, consummate pride is visible in the very history and course of the Aggiornamento, in which though despite 70 years of statistical and moral proof of failure and sterility, the Sacred Hierarchy pursues loyalty to the Council even to the destruction of all souls and institutions.
Fourth, consummate pride is the very spirit of the Aggiornamento, because all addicted to it refuse to repent, to recognize their spirit as prideful, and to admit any change of course is now a moral obligation.
In short, Vatican II allowed to enter into the Church the spirit of luciferian pride and the Aggiornamento and the Sacred Hierarchy have made this diabolic spirit the official religion of the Catholic Church.
Some examples of Pride in the daily life of the Church
It is consummate pride to offer the Divine Sacrifice while turning your back to God (versus populum).
It is consummate pride to obstruct, prevent and forbid that a priest offering sacrifice to God face God (ad orientem).
It is consummate pride to put any temporal need or activity before the worship of God, by not opening Churches as early as possible, having mass in the morning, or opening them in the evening to end the day thanking God.
It is consummate pride for priests and religious to spend more time watching TV or eating than praying to God.
It is consummate pride to assert and insist that the laity receive the Most Blessed Sacrament in the hand, or in the Latin Rite, while standing.
It is consummate pride to move the Tablernacle which contains God, off the central axis of the Church and/or to hide it away from the faithful.
It is consummate pride to use secular or worldly music or instruments during Divine Worship.
It is consummate pride to use translations or liturgical texts which are ideologically manipulated in a sense incoherent and or opposed to Scripture, Tradition or the working of holiness in the Church as it has been for 1965 years prior to the close of Vatican II.
It is consummate pride to alter the Sacraments and to alter the rituals of the Mass.
It is consummate pride to alter marriage vows and the rules of religious orders founded by Saints and fruitful with numerous saints.
One could go one, endlessly, I think, but you get the idea.
What are you going to do about it?
Well, obviously, only to lament these problems, would be an act of pride, because as Catholics and God’s creatures we are obliged in justice to oppose pride and undo the works of pride.
But it would also be a work of pride to leave the Church.
It is a work of pride too to want only to manage the problem, or milk the problem, without seeking to cure the problem, as many groups and “Catholic” publications do without realizing it, perhaps.
It is also a work of pride to think or attempt to negotiate with a devil or compromise with pride and the works of pride.
The humble thing to do is 1: to completely reject what has come forth and been conceived in pride and to live one’s Catholic life as good Catholics lived before the Council, and 2: to strive to convince all other Catholics to do the same.
Nuova opportunità vocazionale francescana in Italia, per frati e vocazioni:
Se ha avuto il desiderio di seguire San Francesco come i suoi primi compagni facevano, adesso c’è una nuova opportunità di farlo, osservando la Regola Bollata di San Francesco secondo i decreti papali di un tempo:
L’osservanza antica della Regola Bollata di San Francesco d’Assisi è la forma di vita ispirata di Gesù Cristo, scritta dalle mani di San Francesco, approvata da Papa Onorio III il 26 Novembre 1223 e confermata da più che 20 papi. Essa è la forma di vita originaria della vita Francescana che non si osserva in nessun altra comunità religiosa in tutto il mondo.
Questa vita è distinta dal non uso dei soldi, il non avere di proprietà sia personale sia in comune, il portare indosso del saio francescano sempre e ovunque ecc., della predica dei quattro nuovissimi: in somma, dalla osservanza di tutti i precetti della Regola Bollata di San Francesco senza mitigazioni. (leggi più qui sull’invito di formare comunità).
Rome, July 8, 2016 A.D.: His Eminence, Cardinal Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, has called upon all priests of the Roman Rite to return to praying the Mass ad orientem.
Ad orientem, is the Latin for “facing the East”. In matters liturgical, it means facing the Tabernacle placed at the center of the narthex of the Sanctuary, that is the point on the central axis between the High Altar and the back of the Church. Though, technically, in Major Basilicas, the doors of which open to the East, it means facing the main doors, as the Pope does at the Basilica of St. Peter and St. John Lateran, at Rome.
Ad orientem, means, thus, that the priest when he offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, would be facing away from the congregation, in most churches, and showing them his back.
Here are some sound reasons, to heed the Cardinal’s invitation:
He is the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, hence it must be presumed he has the Pope’s permission to issue this invitation, therefore, not to, would signify disrespect at the least, for proper ecclesiastical authority.
He is the most eminent member of the College of Cardinals from Africa, so not to heed his invitation might make some thing that one is a racist, like Cardinal Kasper.
Catholics and even all the Orthodox, have faced ad orientem, during Mass for 1965 years. The practice only was attacked after Vatican II, by the bad example of Paul VI, who tolerated and practiced this.
Ad orientem, has always been the liturgical law in the Roman Rite, even the rubrics presuppose this, but priests have been constrained by political forces in the Church, and often threaten gravely with spiritual, legal and physical violence if they kept this tradition.
This practice is more biblical, because when Our Lord Ascended into Heaven, He ascended into the East, and the Apostles and Disciples gazed for a long time to the East to see if Our Lord would immediately come back.
This practice is more eschatological, for when the Mass is offered in this direction, the whole congregation of the faithful show that they are awaiting the imminent return of the Lord, at the end of time.
This practice is more theological, because the Priest faces the Son and the Father, in the Holy Spirit, and the congregation worships the Triune God with the Priest.
This practice is more mystical, because the priest, and the congregation with him, turns to God, face to face, as Moses did on Mt. Horeb, when the living God revealed Himself for the first time, face to face to a human being.
This practice is more prayerful, since by facing in this way, there are less distractions, and the dialogue of prayer, which should be directed solely to God, is directed solely to God.
This practice is more priestly, because the priest has the intimacy of praying to God without distractions and with his own face veiled to the people, as it were, since they cannot see him face on; while the faithful join him in the same attitude of prayer, sharing in it in their own way.
This practice is more ecclesiological, because priest and faithful pray in the same direction in unity.
This practice is more pastoral, because it manifests evidently to all the faithful that the Mass is a prayer to God.
This practice will promote vocations, because men and altar boys will recognize more clearly that the role of the priest is not to be an actor before men, but a priest before God, and that the Mass is a solemn act of sacrifice and worship, not a stage for entertainment.
This practice will promote reverence, because facing God in this way removes all need for showing off to the congregation, and obstructs it.
This practice will promote mass attendance, because the faithful, wearied throughout the week by their mundane duties, will at last have the most important moment of their week, the prayer of the Canon of the Mass to themselves as a prayer time with God, their Lord, Savior and Redeemer, without distractions.
This practice will promote the restoration of the Ancient Liturgies of the Church, because the silly language and non reverential rubrics promoted by the Aggiornamento will be more easily seen for the discordant realities that they are.
But most importantly of all, Catholics always have prayed the Mass in this way, and if that or all these reasons are not enough, there is something gravely lacking in the faith of the local church and her pastors.
On behalf of the members of the International Association of the Faithful for the promotion and defense of the Catholic Faith, known as, « Veri Catholici », I welcome you to the International Conference to condemn the errors contained in the recent Post Synodal Exhortation on the Family, by Pope Francis, entitled: ‘Amoris Laetitia’
This conference is the first meeting of the Association and the first Conference we have sponsored. We have figuratively named it: A Pilgrimage of Grace & Mercy, because as Catholics from all over the world, we wanted to come to Rome in pilgrimage during the Holy Year of Mercy, to do a spiritual work of mercy which we believe is both necessary for the good and welfare of the entire Church universal, but in particular for the healing of the conscience of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
Indeed, the first duty of fraternal charity is to correct an erring brother. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, after his election as Roman Pontiff, does not cease to be our brother in Christ. And Christ Himself, when rebuked wrongly by Simon Peter, confirmed for us by His example, that charity can at times rightfully move us to correct a superior: for on that occasion Our Lord did not rebuke Peter for attempting to correct Him, but rather for having done so on the basis of worldly prudence. The Holy Spirit confirms this teaching by inspiring the Evangelists to record it, and by moving the Apostle St. Paul to rebuke Peter after Pentecost for his dissimulation.
This is the same reason we have been motivated to hold this conference to Condemn ‘Amoris Laetitia’. We expressly intend to avoid to speak according to worldly prudence and to reaffirm that we hold the faith which comes from the lips of the historic Christ through the preaching of the Apostles and the perennial Magisterium of the Church.
For it is not enough to consider whether Peter has spoken or not, to know if a Catholic should assent to his teaching. The Sacrosanct and Infallible Council of the Vatican, held during the reign of Bl. Pius IX confirmed that the office of teaching was not entrusted by Christ to His Church or to the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, that they might teach novelties, but only so that the self same doctrine which the Son of God handed down, through the Apostles might be forever believed in the same sense and terms throughout all the ages until the end of time.
From this there flows the theological truth, that even if a Pope should in private conversation affirm that what he has said or written is magisterial or infallible, nevertheless there remains the rule of Faith, whereby if what he has said or written in any aspect is discordant with it, a Catholic is not only not obliged to accept that, but to contradict it and give his reasons for such.
It is with this same spirit we have come together today, to speak the truth of the Catholic Faith as the Church has handed it down and to give an occasion to the Holy Father to examine his own conscience, while calling upon the entire Sacred Hierarchy and the whole body of Christ’s faithful to join us in doing the same, while praying for the immortal soul of Pope Francis, which is gravely jeopardized by the monstrous sin and scandal of signing the document, ‘Amoris laetitia’, even if he did not author it in part or in its entirety.
Finally, I will close this opening salutation, by thanking one and all who have helped this Conference be a reality, for the time, talent and treasure which they shared as members and friends of our Association, Veri Catholici. With especial thanks to the true daughter of St. John of Arc who made a very generous donation so that we could afford this Sala Magna for our conference, and to the individual donors who as of today have donated approx. 80% of the costs for it, but in particular to the translators who have worked with us since our founding in February of last year, and especially for this Conference, to bring to the world of Italian and Spanish speakers knowledge about what is being and will be said, here. I wish also to personally thank the volunteers who have agreed to read those texts in Italian and Spanish and the other languages, for the convenience of those who are attending via Video-Conference and who are following us via GOTO Meeting throughout the entire world.
9:20 The Crisis of Kasperism or the Heretical Conspiracy of Team Bergoglio
Never before in the history of the Church have we seen a case in which the friends of the Pope, while remaining his friends and continuing to receive his favors, openly accuse him of being part of a heretical conspiracy to overthrow the Catholic Faith and undermine the ecclesiastical discipline of the Church, which the Church Herself received from Christ and the Apostles.
The testimony of the Pope’s personal friends and collaborators cannot be ignored, by any means. For it is a self-evident principle of forensic analysis that the uncontested testimony of friends is the most probative of all evidence as to the intentions and character of an human person.
Thus, if what was said of the Pope by these friends were said by anyone else, it could be dismissed as slander, gossip or calumny. But in the case of his friends, so long as they are not publicly disapproved of, we must regard the testimony as true and act on it.
Long before the St. Gallen Mafia were formed — this is Cardinal Daneels name for the group of Cardinals who meet in 2005 at the Monastery of St. Gallen in Switzerland, to plot the ascension to power of Cardinal Bergoglio, during the conclave which elected, instead, Jospeh Cardinal Ratzinger — the theological leader of this group, Cardinal Kasper, was notorious for his stated and manifest plan to destroy the Catholic Church and Faith by means of a theological project which attempted to circumvent the principle of non-contradiction.
I speak of his Article which appeared in the London Tablet, on May 24, 2003, “So that all might be one? But how”. The Tablet has long since pulled that link, so I will make my comments from an unofficial Italian translation which appeared shortly afterwards on the net.
It was in that talk, that the Cardinal spoke significantly of the God of Surprises, saying:
Ma – e questo è il mio secondo punto – mi chiedo se sia utile in questo momento ricordare a noi stessi che lo Spirito Santo può non essere l’ente ingenuo che molti suppongono. Lo Spirito Santo come pioniere del movimento ecumenico ci chiama a riflettere sulla natura del nostro viaggio, poiché lo Spirito è dinamico, è vita, è libertà. Lo Spirito Santo ci può sempre sorprendere. In questa prospettiva, non è possibile tracciare una copia fotografica della futura unità della Chiesa. La luce emanata dallo Spirito Santo è simile a quella di una lanterna che illumina il nostro prossimo passo e che risplende soltanto se proseguiamo il nostro cammino.
The appeal to a God of Surprises, here identified with the Holy Spirit, was a clever theological trick to introduce novelty under the guise of inspiration, even though all the Catholic and Orthodox Fathers have forever condemned novelty in matters of faith or discipline.
A God of Surprises, however, is not the God of the Bible or of Holy Mother Church. He is rather a false and deceptive demon, who would have himself worshiped as the true God.
The reason for this is that the living God, who has revealed Himself, is not just a God of love and mercy, but also a God of fidelity. Indeed, just as in the time of Arius, and so throughout all the ages of the Church, every heresy or arch-heretic who has moved against the Church, has founded his error on a corrupted notion of one of the Names of God.
Some of the first heretics in the Church were the Anomians of Corinth. They held that since Christ had fulfilled the Law, not only the ritual precepts of Leviticus, but also all the moral precepts of the old Law were no longer binding on Christians. St. Paul rebuked them in his Letters. But this error has smouldered in the Church, appealing at times to the teaching of the Apostle St. John, who revealed another essential name of God, when he wrought, “God is Love”.
Like the Anomians of old, the Kasperites love to appeal to God’s Names. God is Love, God is Mercy, they say. Love is an essential name of God, because it reflects His very being as He is in Himself, apart from every other consideration. But Mercy is not an essential name of God, because mercy presupposes fault, and there is no fault in God.
The name of God which the Kasperites don’t want you to hear, is that God is Justice. Justice is an essential name of God, because God is perfectly just in Himself, in the inter-trinitarian relations of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
But God is both Justice and Mercy, because another of His true essential names is: Faithful Love. Indeed, when the Apostle St. John said God was love, he spoke in Greek, though it can be argued that he was thinking in Hebrew. That he thought in Hebrew even at the late date of his writing of the Book of the Apocalypse can be shown from the expression he uses there frequently: He who was, and is, and who is to come. This is because in Hebrew, the signification of verbs in relation to time differs from the western languages. Thus when we say in Italian, English, Latin or Greek, “I am who am”, we mean only that, but in Hebrew the same ancient expression found in the book of Exodus, which reproduces the exact quotation from God, when He spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai, means much more: For each verb can have three senses. was, is and will be. Thus the expression can mean, “I was who I was, I was who I am, I was who I will be”, and “I am who I was, I am who I am, and I am who I will be”, and finally, “I will be who I was, I will be who I am, and I will be who I will be”.
For this reason, when St. John the Apostle wrote, God is love, we can with greats probability argue that he meant the word “love”, not in the Greek sense of the word, “agape”, free love, but in the Hebrew sense of the word, which means “faithful love”.
Indeed, if we contemplate this Hebraic meaning we see that the entirety of Scripture and Tradition, all the perennial teaching of the Church, especially on the Sacraments, reflects this Name of the Triune God. God is Faithful Love.
Because God is Faithful Love, He is true to His promise to love, He is merciful and forgiving, because He prefers the salvation of all men, even if He has foreseen that many will ultimately reject Him. For that reason the God who is Faithful Love has created a hell, a purgatory and a heaven, to recompense each man according to his personal merits. A God who was only love and not fidelity, would never create hell, because He would not have to be faithful to His justice; He would not create a purgatory, because He would not have to be faithful to His mercy, and He would not create a Heaven, because there would be no necessity that He remain faithful to His love for us, through all eternity.
This name of God, that God is Faithful Love is denied by the thesis of Kasper that God is a God of surprises. A surprise is the work of an imperfect creature who aims to instill an emotional response by doing something out of the ordinary, to which His fidelity has no relation. He is a trickster and a deceiver, a worker of novelties and thus a tempter and a seducer.
Those who are experts in using the human kiss to seduce know these things well. For that reason it does not surprise me in the least bit that the famous journalist Sandro Magister should have discovered that key passages in the Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, were written by a self-proclaimed expert in the art and culture of the kiss.
But none of this impresses us who are true Catholics. Because we have learned from the God who is Faithful Love, that a violation of fidelity is a hateful and loathsome thing, to be shunned, lamented, vituperated and condemned.
And it is for this reason, that such Catholics despise and abhor much of what is contained in Chapter 8 of the Exhortation, though not only Chapter 8 is stained with error, because this Exhortation is an inducement against remaining faithful to the God who is Faithful Love, and seeks to convince Catholics that the God of Love is no longer Faithful, or that the Church of His Love does not have to remain Faithful.
The document, therefore, is an act of adultery and a call to adultery in the worse possible kind: not only to promote adultery among men and women, or in the Church, but of the Church Herself with the world, even though She be called to be and is the Immaculate ever Faithful and Loving Bride of Christ.
That the St. Gallen group should thus, be addicted to infidelity and false love, should not surprise us, having taken as they have Cardinal Kasper as their chief theologian. For them, therefore, it is nothing to violate the Papal Law against vote canvassing, a thing of which no one accused them except their own friends and members.
That the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church, heretofore, have not called out this conspiracy is very sad. But we hope that at the news of this present conference, they may harken to their duty, and show a faithful love to God by fulfilling it.
Finally, if you want to know more about the St. Gallen group or the Team Bergoglio scandal, just google those words in English for more information.
The Monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, Bagnoregio, Italy: a new Center for the Revival of Scholastic Theology.
Rome, May 29, 2016: The International Association of Academics, who call themselves, “the Scholasticum”, announced last night, that their new Institute will be headquartered in the Convent of St. Francis at Bagnoregio, VT, Italy, the home town of the immortal and universal Doctor of the Church, St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.
The appearance of this institute and the courses it offers in the classical form of Scholastic Theology, as it was studied and practiced by Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure, represents in our opinion a great sign of grace in the darkest days the Church has seen in many a century. We give our hearty thanks to Almighty God, the Holy Ghost, for this work, and pray that the faculty and all those involved in the Institute be strengthened by His grace and light and lead on by His fiery inspirations.
Now Catholic clergy, religious and laity, throughout the entire world have an excellent means to renew their minds in Catholic Truth and become true warriors against all the errors of our age, by learning the most salutary form of Catholic Theology and Philosophy, the Scholastic. See their website for more info. Classes begin on Oct 4th, this fall.
If you would like to make a donation to help a needy seminarian study at The Scholasticum, you can do so through Catholic
Of if you would like to make a direct donation to the institute, you can do so through their website. From Rome is reliably informed that the Institute will be seeking to raise € 2 million to repair and improve their Monastery-campus. So be generous!
Rome, May 24, 2016: The recent revelations by Archbishop Georg Gänswein point to a stunning possibility, that during the Conclave of 2005, which elected Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio and his supporters consented to his rival’s election, on the condition that after a fixed number of years, he would resign, and the next conclave elect himself Pope.
This theoretical postulate is based on the following reasoned speculations:
There is precedent in the history of Conclaves for deals among rival factions: As we noted in the article, “Team Bergoglio” and the legacy of Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, during the Conclave which elected Saint Pius X, there was the curious consequence that Rampolla’s supporters were consecrated Bishops by Pius X following his election, and Pius X’s supporters, bishops, by Cardinal Rampolla.
Archbishop Gänswein confirms the existence of the St. Gallen group, a self-named “mafia” organization in the Church which worked actively to promote the election of Cardinal Bergoglio in 2005. This confirmed what Vaticanist Paul Baade admitted last year.
Pope Benedict XVI explained his reason to retire for reasons which do not seem credible: namely for poor health, even though he has not lost the capacity to speak, think, walk or make decisions.
Pope Benedict XVI planned his retirement well in advance: according to Cardinal Bertone, as much as 7 months in advance; according to publish reports, the former Cardinal of Palermo knew more than 2 years before, a fact which he revealed during a dinner in a restaurant in China.
Pope Benedict XVI has not issued one word of criticism of Pope Francis’ outrageous statements and scandalous actions.
The supporters of Pope Benedict XVI have not personally criticized Pope Francis in public for any of his heretical, erroneous or scandalous words or actions during the latters’ pontificate.
There is constant emphasis, by Pope Benedict XVI and now Archbishop Gänswein that in some way both Benedict and Francis share the Petrine ministry.
None of this seems possible to From Rome without there having been a formal agreement among the Cardinals in the conclave of 2005 to share the Papacy among the 2 rival candidates.
Finally, if such a pact were made, it is not clear whether it would violate UDG 81 or canon law. But seeing that there is yet no firm evidence of the existence of such a pact, we will omit speculating as to its effect in law on the basis of UDG 81 (read more about this in the series of articles published here).
However, if this pact to elect Bergoglio did in fact happen, it would be more than sufficient explanation why none of the Cardinals have made any objection or heard any petitions regarding the Team Bergoglio scandal, in which it appears that up to 20+ Cardinals canvassed for votes for Bergoglio, most likely with his consent, in the 2013 Conclave, in violation of UDG 81, the violation of which is an excommuncate-able offense. For, if the College made an pact regarding votes in 2005, they might very well have been excommunicated, in virtue of the Papal Law, since that time. This might explain the utter breakdown of public virtue and faith which is spreading like a wild fire among the Sacred College, as a spiritual punishment for that most occult crime.
Here, the From Rome Blog, presents, on the left, the Original Italian text, approved by the Catholic Bishop of Lecce, Italy (where Melanie lived the last years of her life) in 1879, as an official part of the revelations of La Salette; on the right, our English translation.
The following are the words of Our Lady, at La Salette, as revealed to Melanie:
I governanti avranno tutti un medesimo progetto, che sarà di abolire e fare scomparire tutti i principi religiosi per sostituirli con il materialismo, l’ateismo, lo spiritismo, e ogni sorta di vizi.
The politicians will all have the same plan, which will be to abolish and cause to disappear religious principles to substitute them with materialism, atheism, spiritism, and every form of vice.
Nell’anno 1865 si vedrà l’abominio nei luoghi santi; nei conventi i fiori della Chiesa saranno putrefatti e il demonio diventerà come il re dei cuori.
In the year 1865, the Abomination will be seen in the holy places; in the convents the flowers of the Church will be corrupted and the Demon will be come the king of hearts.
Coloro che sono a capo delle comunità religiose si guardino dalle persone che esse devono ricevere, perché il demonio userà tutta la sua malizia per introdurre negli ordini religiosi delle persone dedite al peccato, perché i disordini e l’amore dei piaceri carnali saranno diffusi su tutta la terra.
Those who are at the head of religious communities are to take care regarding the persons they should receive, because the Demon will use all his malice to introduce into the religious orders persons who are addicted to sin, so that the disorders and love of carnal desires spread over all the earth.
La Francia, l’Italia, la Spagna e l’Inghilterra saranno in guerra: il sangue scorrerà per le strade; il francese combatterà contro il francese, l’italiano contro l’italiano, vi sarà poi una guerra generale che sarà spaventevole. Per qualche tempo Dio non si ricorderà piú della Francia né dell’Italia, perché il Vangelo di Gesú Cristo non è piú conosciuto.
France, Italy, Spain and England will be at war: blood will flow through the streets; Frenchman will fight against Frenchman, Italian against Italian, there shall be a universal war which will be horrible. For a time, God will no longer remember France or Italy, because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not longer recognized.
I malvagi userano tutta la loro astuzia; ci si ucciderà, ci si massacrerà reciprocamente perfino nelle case.
The wicked will use all their cleverness; here one will be slain, there one will be massacered even in their own home.
Al primo colpo della Sua spada fulminante le montagne e la natura tutta tremeranno di spavento perché i disordini e i crimini degli uomini trafiggono la volta celeste.
At the first strike of His flaming sword, the mountains and all Nature will tremble with terror on account of the disorders and crimes of men piercing the firmament of Heaven.
Parigi sarà bruciata e Marsiglia inghiottita; molte grandi città saranno scosse e inghiottite da terremoti; si crederà che tutto è perduto; non si vedranno che omicidi; non si sentiranno che colpi d’arma e bestemmie.
Paris will be burnt and Marseille will be gutted; many great cities will be shaken and gutted by earthquakes; one will come to believe that all is lost; there will be seen nothing but homicides; nothing will be heard but the clash of arms and blasphemies.
I giusti soffriranno molto, le loro preghiere, la loro penitenza e le loro lacrime saliranno fino al Cielo e tutto il popolo di Dio chiederà perdono e misericordia e chiederà il Mio aiuto e la Mia intercessione.
The just will suffer much, their prayers, their penance and their tears will rise up to Heaven and the whole people of God will ask for pardon and mercy and will ask My help and My intercession.
Allora Gesú Cristo con un atto della Sua misericordia grande per i giusti comanderà ai Suoi angeli che tutti i Suoi nemici siano messi a morte.
Then, Jesus Christ, with an act of His great Mercy for the just, will command His Angels to put all His enemies to death.
Improvvisamente i persecutori della Chiesa di Gesú Cristo e tutti gli uomini dediti al peccato moriranno e la terra diventerà come un deserto.
Suddenly, the persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ and all men given up to sin will die and the Earth shall become as a desert.
Allora si farà la pace, la riconciliazione di Dio con gli uomini; Gesú Cristo sarà servito, adorato e glorificato; dappertutto fiorirà la carità.
Then, between God and men there shall be peace, reconciliation; Jesus Christ will be served, adored and glorified; everywhere charity will flourish.
I nuovi re saranno il braccio destro della Santa Chiesa, che sarà forte, umile, pia, povera, zelante e imitatrice delle virtú di Gesú Cristo.
The new kings will be the right arm of the Holy church, which will be strong, humble, pious, poor, zealous and an imitatrix of the virtues of Jesus Christ.
Il Vangelo sarà predicato dappertutto e gli uomini faranno grandi progressi nella fede perché vi sarà unità tra gli operai di Gesú Cristo e perché gli uomini vivranno nel timor di Dio.
The Gospel will be preached everywhere and men shall make great progress in the Faith because there will be unity among the workers of Jesus Christ and because men shall live in the fear of God.
Questa pace tra gli uomini non sarà lunga: venticinque anni di abbondanti raccolti faranno loro dimenticare che i peccati degli uomini sono causa di tutte le pene che arrivano sulla terra.
This peace among men will not be long: 25 years of abundant harvests will make them forget that the sins of men are the cause of all the punishments which befall the Earth.
Un precursore dell’anticristo, con le sue truppe di parecchie nazioni, combatterà contro il vero Cristo, il solo Salvatore del mondo, egli spargerà molto sangue e vorrà annientare il culto di Dio per farsi guardare come un Dio.
A precursor of the Antichrist, with his troops of many nations, will fight against the true Christ, the Only Savior of the world, he will spill much blood and will want to annul the worship of God to make himself seen as a God.
La terra sarà colpita da ogni sorta di piaghe, (oltre la peste e la carestia che saranno dovunque), vi saranno delle guerre fino all’ultima guerra, che sarà allora fatta da dieci re dell’anticristo, i quali re avranno tutti lo stesso progetto e saranno i soli a governare il mondo.
The Earth shall be struck by every kind of plague, (in addition to the pestilence and famine which will be everywhere), there will be wars until the last war, which will be started by the ten kings of the Antichrist, who will all have the same plan and will be the only ones to rule the world.
Prima che ciò succeda vi sarà una specie di falsa pace nel mondo; non si penserà che a divertirsi; i malvagi si abbandoneranno a ogni sorta di peccato; ma i figli della Santa Chiesa, i figli della fede, i miei veri imitatori crederanno nell’amore di Dio e nelle virtú che mi sono piú care.
Before this happens there will be the appearance of false peace in the world; one will think of nothing but of entertainment; the wicked will abandon themselves to every kind of sin; but the sons of the Holy Church, the sons of the Faith, My true imitators will believe in the love of God and in the virtues which are most dear to Me.
Felici le anime umili guidate dallo Spirito Santo! Io combatterò con esse fino a che esse saranno nella pienezza dell’età. La natura chiede vendetta per gli uomini ed essa freme di spavento nell’attesa di ciò che deve arrivare alla terra insudiciata dai crimini.
Happy shall the humble souls, guided by the Holy Spirit, be! I shall fight with them until they shall have come to full age. Nature seeks vengeance against men and She trembles with terror in expectation of what must befall the Earth, sullied by crimes.
Tremate terra e voi che fate professione di adorare Gesú Cristo e che dentro di voi adorate solo voi stessi; tremate perché Dio sta per consegnarvi al Suo nemico, perché i luoghi santi sono nella corruzione, molti conventi non sono piú le case di Dio, ma i pascoli di Asmodeo e dei suoi.
Tremble o Earth and you who profess to adore Jesus Christ but who within yourselves adore only your selves; tremble, because God is about to hand you over to His enemy, since the holy places are in corruption, many convents will no longer be houses of God, but pastures of Hasmodeus and his own.
Sarà durante questo tempo che nascerà l’anticristo da una religiosa ebrea, da una falsa vergine che sarà in comunicazione con il vecchio serpente, il padrone dell’impurità; suo padre sarà Vescovo, nascendo vomiterà delle bestemmie, egli avrà dei denti, in una parola sarà il diavolo incarnato; egli lancerà delle grida spaventose, farà dei prodigi, non si nutrirà che di impurità.
It will be during this time that the Antichrist will be born from Jewish nun, from a false virgin who will be in communication with the Ancient Serpent, the patron of impurity; his father will be a Bishop, at birth he will vomit forth blasphemies and bear teeth, in a word he will be the devil incarnate; he will shout out terrifying screams, he will work prodigies, he will be nourished on naught but impurity.
Egli avrà dei fratelli che, sebbene non siano dei demoni incarnati come lui, saranno dei figli del male; a dodici anni essi si faranno notare per le prodi vittorie che otterranno; presto essi saranno ognuno alla testa degli eserciti assistiti dalle legioni dell’inferno.
He will have brothers, who though they will not be demons incarnate like himself, will be sons of evil; at twelve years they will be known for the prodigious victories which they will obtain; soon they will each be at the head of armies assisted by the legions of the inferno.
Le stagioni saranno cambiate, la terra non produrrà che frutti cattivi, gli astri perderanno i loro movimenti regolari, la luna non rifletterà che una debole luce rossastra; l’acqua e il fuoco daranno al globo terrestre dei movimenti convulsi e degli orribili terremoti che inghiottiranno delle montagne, delle città.
The seasons will be changed, the earth will produce naught but bad fruits, the stars will lose their regular movements, the Moon will reflect naught but a weak reddish light; water and fire shall give to the globe of the Earth convulsive movements and horrible earthquakes which will swallow mountains, cities.
Roma perderà la fede e diventerà la sede dell’anticristo. I demoni dell’aria con l’anticristo faranno dei grandi prodigi sulla terra e nell’aria e gli uomini si pervertiranno sempre piú.
Rome will lose the Faith and will become the throne of the Antichrist. The demons of the air with the Antichrist will work great prodigies upon the Earth and in the air and men will become all the more perverted.
Dio avrà cura dei suoi fedeli servitori e degli uomini di buona volontà; il Vangelo sarà predicato dappertutto, tutti i popoli e tutte le nazioni conosceranno la verità.
God will take care of his faithful servants and of men of good will; the Gospel will be preached everywhere, all the peoples and all the nations shall know the truth.
There follows counsels given by Our Lady for perseverance and the apostolate.
Translator’s note: When God reveals the Majesty of His own Foreknowledge and Prescience of things to come, as a loving Father, desiring not to cast us into the twin errors of despair which arise from Fatalism (the error that says that all has been predetermined and what we do does not matter, since it all works toward that Fate) and Deism (the error which says God does not intervene in the affairs of men, and thus there is no need to shout out with ardent prayers for His help), He reveals future things under the veil of apocalyptic language, in which symbols are used for persons, things, ideas. In this way He manifests His Providential Love for those whom He has adopted in Christ and at the same time encourages us to meritorious action, while avoiding the paths of wickedness. The Blessed Virgin Mary, being a true daughter of the Most High, when She speaks of things future, out of Her love for Her faithful children, She imitates the Lord and speaks in symbolic language. Therefore, the correct way to understand this prophecy is not one in which all is taken literally, nor one in which it is taken only to be moral encouragement, but one in which each sign and symbol has the meaning given it in Scripture, where similar apocalyptic language is used. In this way, only those lead truly by God’s spirit and predestined by God to be of the Elect, can understand what is said. And this is right and just, because the message contained and the encouragement offered is for them alone.
Saturday afternoon. Preparations are in place for the whirlwind of weekend pastoral activities… leaving certain responsibilities on hold…when suddenly I start receiving so many cell messages that I will never have time to answer… “Father, did you see the latest?” “Father, now concubines can receive Communion!”, “Father, is there no such thing as mortal sin any more in the Church?”, “Father – is it a sin to live as brother and sister now?”, and so on.
I end up opting to put the device on airplane mode, to get a moment to write a few lines about the new Bergoglian encyclopedia “Amoris Laetitia”: The “joy of love”. It is an encyclopedia that attempts to be a Gospel, the “Gospel of the Family” … of the Bergoglian family, that is. The word-count of the four Gospels of Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit, comes to a total of approximately 76,000 words, in the Jerusalem version. The new “Bergoglian Gospel” (which we can consider an authentic 21st century apocryphal gospel), is over 60,000 words long, much longer than the three Synoptic Gospels all together. It’s confused verbosity – that, above all, causes confusion – has left all commentators, including the writer of these lines, in doubt as to whether or not it was worthwhile reading the whole thing, or to write anything about it…
To use the term “gospel” with respect to the recent document was not my idea, but rather what the author himself called it: “the Gospel of the Family” (AL 60, 63, 76, 200, 201). And we qualify it as “apocryphal”, since this is the term used for texts containing that mix realities and true doctrines with errors, lies and outright heresies. In the first centuries, they were normally the conceited writings of the Gnostics or Nicolaitans; for which reason their authors would attempt to ‘hide’ their identity in anonymity, as well maintain secrecy about their writings – hence the use of the Greek term ‘hidden’ to identify these writings: apókryphos (all hidden). But the Church has always witnessed the existence of apocryphal texts – full of verboseness, like certain dishes in which one notes nutritious and tasty ingredients buoying together with venomous elements in the same nauseating stew.
(Read the rest at the URL above: Many thanks to the priest from Rome, for this handy summary and refutation of Amoris Laetitia)
Nota Bene: While it is good to critique the errors and deceits of this document, ‘Amoris Laetitia’, it remains morally necessary that these errors be condemned and the Document be recinded, its authors called to repentance and the Bishops of the world urged to these things.
And now there is a means to urge this: the #AL Conference in Rome, on June 25th, see Veri Catholici for more info.
Rome, May 12, 2016 A.D: There is no greater and more radical challenge for the Christian believer than to take another as his Master.
Indeed, Christians are recognized by the fact that they regard Jesus Christ, and Him alone, as their Master, in accord with the scripture verse, in which Christ condemned the religious leaders of ancient Israel, Matthew 23:10 ff:
10 Neither be ye called masters; for one is you master, Christ. 11 He that is the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
Indeed, its very tempting, in today’s world in which truth is up for grabs and violent political clashes are being waged on all sides, for the Christian to take an “I’m ok, you’re ok” view, that is, a “get along with everyone” kind of attitude, in which truth does not matter, only co-existence.
The Loadstone of Hope
The only problem is, that there is a vast difference between the man who thinks Christ is a religious teacher and the man who is loyal to Christ no matter what. First first regards Him as one might regard a philosopher: taking the man’s teachings here and there, according to his personal tastes and likes, but not as a rule of life.
The second regards Him as the Incarnate Son of God, apart from Whose teaching No man on Earth can escape eternal and perpetual damnation in the fires of Hell.
As St. Augustine said, “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.”
Indeed, what distinguishes the Christian from all other men is Hope.
Hope is that theological virtue least spoke of today, because in modern times a proper understanding and appreciation of it has been so attacked in the minds of men, that nearly nobody appears to have it or cultivate it or use it.
Hope is that theological virtue which puts full faith and confidence in the promises of God for those who keep them. Its the most essential and key Christian virtue, given to us in Baptism, but cultivated only with good works. If you do not really hope that God will reward you for fidelity to Christ, then obviously you will not be faithful to Him. Likewise, if you think that you can manage for yourself the rules by which you will get into Heaven, there is no need for you to have hope in God’s promises, you can presume for yourself — a presumption which is both your ultimate self-deceit and the absolute guarantee of your own damnation.
All of this has an ecclesiological impact, that is, all of this effects the Church, what She is and your place in or outside of Her, who alone is the ark of Salvation, the Pillar of the truth, apart from AND outside of which no man woman or child can be saved.
The Temptation of Bergoglio
The great temptation presented by the election and presence of Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne, then, is precisely this: the offer of a Church, of a Christianity, in which Christ is no longer The master, but merely a guide post from which one can wander here or there and remain a “christian” without fidelity and without the need to practice hope.
This temptation is offered the Cardinals, the Bishops, the priests, the religious and the laity, is offered thus to the whole Church, because in Bergoglio they have, without any shadow of a doubt, a man who does not believe in Christ as his Sole Master, who does not love or tolerate the Church as Christ founded it or gave it, does not suffer the rules the Apostles, the Faithful Disciples of the Lord handed down to us, and is filled with compassion and love for the traitor who sold Christ for 30 shekels of silver.
To have a public manifest heretic on the throne of the Apostle Peter, and tolerate him, presents for every true Christian, the opportunity of pretense, to keep the name “Christian” or “Catholic” without any more obligation to Christ. Its the ultimate game-plan of Lucifer.
Either Bergoglio must Change or the Church has changed
Finally, if one were to accept this situation and the principles which erroneously lead to it, as have been briefly described here, it would be enough to end this article with the usual lament. Because with faith it is possible to lament these things, but with hope it is not possible to tolerate them. Nearly every author on the Internet today, and as far as we know, all the Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church since April 8, 2016, the date on which “Amoris Laetitia” what released, do not have or are not acting faithfully to Christian Hope.
For the man with Christian hope, would declare and manifestly insist and demand that Bergoglio be canonically reprimanded, and if refusing 3x, be declared to be in open schism with Christ and His Church, and self-deposed by reason of his malice and heresy against Him and His Bride, the Church, whose first duty is to keep herself immaculate and worthy of Him.
Either Bergoglio must change or the Church has in fact changed, because if he repents, the Church is saved in Her fidelity to Christ, and Christ is glorified above all human whim, even the human whims of the Roman Pontiff. But if Bergoglio does not change AND the Church tolerates him, it is the Church which has changed, She has committed adultery with Bergoglio, accepting him rather than Jesus Christ as Her spouse, the God above all other gods…
Fue el Papa Pío XI quien afirmó que “el comunismo es intrínsecamente perverso, y no se puede admitir que colaboren con el comunismo, en terreno alguno, los que quieren salvar de la ruina la civilización cristiana” (Encíclica Divini Redemptoris n.º 60).
Y fue el mismo Papa el que condenó también el nazismo en otra de sus grandes encíclicas, la Mit brennender Sorge (1937).
A la perversión moral en la que estamos hoy, no se llegó de la noche a la mañana.
Pensadores como Voltaire (1694-1778), Rousseau (1712-1778), Diderot (1713-1784), y los enciclopedistas gestaron la Revolución Francesa, algunos de los cuales negaban la existencia de Dios, o si la admitían, sostenían que Dios no tenía nada que ver con este mundo, “que Él le había dado cuerda como a un reloj, y lo había abandonado hasta que esa cuerda se acabe”. Lo que equivaldría por así decirlo, a que estamos solos, y concluyeron glorificando al hombre y el razonamiento humano con la ideología de la “autonomía de la razón”, su filosofía moral el deísmo, y denominaron a sus tiempos “el siglo de las luces”.
Los revolucionarios franceses, como seguidores del racionalismo llevaron sus enseñanzas a su lógica conclusión: asesinaron a sacerdotes y monjas, saquearon y profanaron iglesias, destruyeron imágenes, y hasta llegaron a entronizar a la actriz mademoiselle Aubryan, en la Catedral de Notre Dame, denominándola “la diosa razón”, una expresión idolátrica en su forma más beligerante.
Durante el reinado del terror de la Revolución Francesa, se utilizaron las iglesias como establos para demostrar el desprecio de los revolucionarios a la Religión Verdadera, el hombre sin fe rechazó a Dios y su Ley, y parecía haber ganado temporalmente.
La Revolución Francesa “fue una consecuencia de la negación y de las rupturas del siglo XVI, del enfriamiento de la fe durante el siglo XVII, de la exaltación de la razón en el siglo XVIII, y de la explotación de la rebelión por el poder de la francmasonería fundada en 1717 (…) Desde el siglo XVI sale el drama de la rebelión” (P. José de Sainte Marie). Aquí vemos prefigurado el materialismo del comunismo ateo.
El deísmo del siglo XVIII engendró el racionalismo del siglo XIX y éste produjo el humanismo secular del siglo XX en los Estados Unidos y el comunismo ateo en Rusia, donde Stalin en su búsqueda “de usurpar la autoridad de Dios por medio de la exaltación del hombre”, conllevó terribles sufrimientos y destrucción para el mismo hombre.
Piotr Kropotkin, “considerado como uno de los principales teóricos del movimiento anarquista, dentro del cual fue uno de los fundadores de la escuela del anarcocomunismo, y desarrolló la teoría del apoyo mutuo”, dijo que la Revolución Francesa fue “la fuente y el origen de todas las concepciones actuales comunistas, anarquistas y socialistas”.
El gran Papa León XIII, el Papa de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, condenaba así: “…aquella secta de hombres que, bajo diversos y casi bárbaros nombres de socialistas, comunistas o nihilistas, esparcidos por todo el orbe, y estrechamente coaligados entre sí por inicua federación, ya no buscan su defensa en las tinieblas de sus ocultas reuniones, sino que, saliendo a pública luz, confiados y a cara descubierta, se empeñan en llevar a cabo el plan, que tiempo ha concibieron, de trastornar los fundamentos de toda sociedad civil. Estos son ciertamente los que, según atestiguan las divinas páginas, ´mancillan la carne, desprecian la dominación y blasfeman de la majestad´ (Jdt. epist. v. 8)”.
En efecto, toda ideología, toda concepción política, todo gobierno que prescinda de Dios y del orden moral objetivo son “intrínsecamente perversos”, ya que afirman en la doctrina y en la práctica la autonomía soberana de la libertad.
Siguiendo la doctrina del Papa Pío XI en la encíclica “Divini Redemptoris”, quien condenó “los errores presentados bajo un falso sentido místico”, y del Concilio Vaticano II que advirtió “de esta especie de falseada redención de los más humildes” (GS 20-21), el Nuevo Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (Nº 676), pone de aviso sobre los “mesianismos secularizados”: “esta impostura del Anticristo aparece esbozada ya en el mundo cada vez que se pretende llevar a cabo la esperanza mesiánica en la historia, lo cual no puede alcanzarse sino más allá del tiempo histórico a través del juicio escatológico: incluso en su forma mitigada, la Iglesia ha rechazado esta falsificación del Reino futuro con el nombre de milenarismo (cf. DS 3839), sobre todo bajo la forma política de un mesianismo secularizado, “intrínsecamente perverso”.
El cristiano no puede adherir a aquellos “sistemas ideológicos que se oponen radicalmente o en los puntos sustanciales a su fe y a su concepción del hombre: ni a la ideología marxista, a su materialismo ateo (…) ni a la ideología liberal” (Juan Pablo II, Carta apostólica en el 80º aniversario de la Rerum Novarum, Nº 26), estas corrientes buscan apoderarse de la religión, instrumentalizando a las iglesias para servirse de ellas con el fin de la destrucción de la religión y de la creencia en Dios (cf. Miguel Poradowski, el Marxismo en la Teología).
¿Será eso que Francisco, el actual Obispo de Roma quiso decir cuando exclamó: Pecadores sí, Señor, lo somos todos, ¡pero corruptos jamás!”?
(*) Director Nacional Pioneros de Abstinencia Total
(Article reprinted with author’s permission, from the text at La Patria, Martes, 10 de mayo de 2016, Bolivia – Nacional).
Veri Catholici, międzynarodowe stowarzyszenie katolików poświęcone przeciwstawianiu się błędom promowanym przez Kardynała Kaspera, apeluje do wszystkich katolików na świecie aby dołączyli do nas w Rzymie celem potępienia dokumentu „Amoris Laetitia” i błędów w nim zawartych. Kolejnym krokiem będzie domaganie się … Continue reading →
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