FromRome.Info: An appeal for those who can

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I want to thank all who have and are supporting FromRome.Info, especially in this time of crisis, which has heavily impacted us all.

For that reason I have not made any particular request and am very thankful for all those who have continued to support FromRome.Info’s work nevertheless.

But for those who have not and who can, I would ask you to remember FromRome.Info, when you can.

As a Franciscan Brother, I live by begging, I do not have an income, retirement fund, savings account, insurance, or any other coverage.

I came to Rome to do what I could to lobby for Pope Benedict XVI and to investigate his “renunciation”. I did not have anyone to support me in that, and in the space of 3 months, I indebited myself about $12,500. My creditor expressed to me further dissatisfaction and so I begged the Lord for His help.

And in response he gave me the generous readers of FromRome.Info, who have helped me in all the expenses of doing this apostolate since late January. My debts are no less, but I had food and a place to stay and the means to acquire the equipment for it and pay its expenses.

But now, I am in straights again, as I see only $50 or so remaining at the end of the month. So, for the love of God, I publish this little reminder.

Note: None of the support received goes to me as a salary, it only goes to pay merchants and a landlord.

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IF you love Jesus Christ, REPAIR the Church

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

One of the things I admire most in my Seraphic Father, Saint Francis of Assisi, is his true love for Jesus Christ, Our God and Savior. He showed this most of all in his desire to repair the Church.

Not restore the Church, but repair the Church.

Only God can restore the Church, because only God has the power to found the Church and sustain the Church and touch Her at the level of existence and grace and being.

But we can collaborate in this work of the Holy Ghost by working to repair the Church.

A work of repair is arduous and it must be daily. It requires knocking down what is corrupt and dissolute and replacing it just as it in ages past, copying all the art and design and engineering of her past perfection.

But it requires, not just work, but work on the right Church. The Church is one, only one. The Church is not a private Chapel, nor a club. The Church is each and every Diocese of the Catholic Church in the world.

This means that repairing the Church is a great work, and an arduous task, but that each of us has the ability to do our part where we are, in our own diocese.

And if all who profess to love Jesus Christ, and who profess the observance of the 10 Commandments and the unchanging doctrines and dogmas of the Catholic Faith, did this, the Church would be restored, because Christ gives great graces for this.

This means that we need to distinguish between the sins of men and the offices and Sacraments which Christ gave us. The former can fail, the latter can never fail.

The work of reparation does mean, in part, seeing that crooks go to jail and heretics are denounced. Indeed, if heretics are not denounced, how can Catholics obtain Catholic pastors?

The denunciation of perverts or heretics requires solid evidence. With that had the public denunciation should be made to proper authorities. And if there is no proper authority, then to the general public. The faithful of every diocese, during an impeded Apostolic See (whether by usurpation by an anti-pope or by vacancy) have the right to replace their heretical ordinary with a Catholic ordinary. This right is vindicated on this, that a heretic is no longer a member of the Church, and when a superior in jurisdiction is impeded in his authority, his authority to act in just matters and in times of great necessity can be legitimately employed in a vicarious manner by the whole local Church which remains Catholic. This is how Catholics replaced Arian Bishops with Catholic Bishops in the Arian crisis of the 4th century.

Let us not dissipate our forces by trying to have our own little private island while letting the whole Church go to ruin. That negligence is also a sin that merits damnation, because it is not only directly against the charity we should have for our fellow Catholics, it is an act of hateful crucifixion of Christ’s Mystical Body.

And the first step in this work of repair is our own humility, penitence and self reform. That is why all of us who are not married have a grave duty to consider forsaking all to become holy priests and holy religious or holy hermits. There is no greater need now in the Church, than that Christ’s Army be repopulated with such faithful servants.

This is also why it IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to keep the laws of the Church, which are inscribed in Heaven, as Christ said to Peter: whatsoever you bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven. Any Catholic, priest or layman, who tells you that you should follow common opinion and not the laws of the Church is a WOLF IN SHEEPS’ CLOTHING. Hear him no more than you would listen to the Devil.

And for that reason, the Church can only be repaired IN UNION WITH THE TRUE POPE, Pope Benedict XVI, who according to the norm OF ALL CHURCH LAWS never valid resigned the papacy and therefore remains the Vicar of Jesus Christ.

The present crisis in the Church is merely the end result of not following the laws of the Church and following the opinions of errant Cardinals and Shepherds, not the will of Jesus Christ, who said: whatsoever you bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven, which is a direct reference to Canon Law.

Return to Pope Benedict and work to convince others to this.

To do anything else, apart from that, is to build your house on sand. So do not be surprised if it falls and is swept away in the torrent of sins.

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Frank Walker: Voris & the SSPX

Frank Walker gives his reaction to the Church Militant report.

FromRome.Info posts this for the sake of promoting a critical reflection on the revelations, not because FromRome.Info endorses his comments.

Reaction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Faithfulness to Jesus Christ as a Catholic is not fulfilled merely by external observances nor even by internal observances. For that reason, perfection in adhesion to the Faith dogmatically or intellectually or verbally does not excuse us from the requirement to keep the moral law and the 10 commandments. Likewise, perfection in the observance of the rubics has merit only when we are also perfect in our observance of the 10 Commandments, Church Law and the dogmatic Faith of the Church.

The truth is that the SSPX has no munus in the  Church, which Christ instituted for our salvation and which it is His will that we subject ourselves to. Also, the SSPX are in communion with Bergoglio who has no munus to govern the Church. So here at FromRome.Info it does not surprise that the SSPX is not acting out of a desire to be perfectly conformed to Christ’s will for the Church. Christ, we must recall, has never inspired men to found a private club of priests, rather, He has inspired Bishops to ordain Bishops for dioceses and save the whole Church from heresy and deviation.

Let us be humble and all serve the Lord Jesus with humility and penitence, and let us not condemn the honest men who have had the misfortune of having peers who were creeps.

These revelations, it is hoped, will lead all Catholics to desire more a true restoration of the Church as a whole and in every diocese and wake us up to the reality that the Church cannot  be reduced to islands of private chapels.

Let the evidence come forth and let justice be done. But lets us not take scandal and allow it to incite us to deviate from our faith and loyalty and hope in Jesus Christ.

Salus populi romani: April 23, 2020 — Live from Rome!



Perpetual Supplica


This devotion is inspired by the request made by Our Lady Herself in
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of

August 25, 1822: “I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great distress and anxiety on account of the Pope’s disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door’s opening of itself. I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the Cross; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus; that they should continue to come to Her church which they would always find open; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the Church of Darkness. … I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with arms extended, all lifted up their arms … It seemed to be an association of prayer.” From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises at Santa Maria Maggiore. (The Life and Revelations of Ann Catherine Emmerich, Book 2)

(Our English translation in Blue — Prayer will be said in Italian and Latin: Black)

The Prophetic Prayer of Pope Benedict XVI



(May 7, 2005)


In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Tutta Santa, degna di ogni onore,
Tu la migliore offerta
che l’umanità possa presentare a Dio.
All Holy, Worthy of every honor,
Thou, the best offering
Which humanity can present to God.

Vergine Madre, Madre sempre vergine,
supplichi materna al Figlio Tuo.
Virgin Mother, Ever-Virgin Mother,
Offer a maternal supplication to Thy Son.

Conduci sino al porto la barca della Chiesa,
scansando gli scogli e vincendo i mar rossi.
Bring the Barque of the Church to port,
avoiding the reefs and overcoming red seas.

Custodisci questa città;
Conforta chi vi giunge,
senza tetto né difesa,
ed estendi a tutti il Tuo sostegno.
Guard this City;
Comfort who comes here,
without shelter nor defense,
and extend Your protection to all.

Con fede professiamo a Te, Genetrice di Dio;
Con amore Ti onoriamo,
Con speranza Ti preghiamo,
Ti proclamiamo beata.
With faith we profess Thee, Mother of God;
With love we honor Thee;
With hope we pray Thee
We proclaim Thee blessed.

Tu, mia Signora, mio conforto da Dio,
aiuto alla mia inesperienza,
accogli la preghiera che rivolgo a Te.
Thou, My Lady, My consolation from God,
help for my inexperience,
receive the supplication which I make to Thee.

Tu per tutti fonte di gioia,
rendimi degno di esultare insieme a Te.
Thou, who for all are a fountain of joy,
make me worthy to exult together with Thee.

Guarda l’assemblea dei credenti,
Madre del Salvatore;
allontana da loro sventure e afflizioni;
liberali dal male e dal maligno;
proteggili con l’abbondanza della Tua benevolenza.
Watch over the assembly of believers,
Mother of the Savior;
remove from them misfortunes and afflictions;
free them from evil and from the Evil One;
protect them with the abundance of Thy benevolence.

Al ritorno glorioso del Tuo Figlio, nostro Dio,
difendi con la Tua materna intercessione
la nostra fragilità umana
ed accompagnaci sino alla vita eterna
con la Tua mano gentile,
Tu che sei potente, perche Madre.
At the glorious return of Thy Son, our God,
defend with Thy maternal intercession
our human fragility
and accompany us unto eternal life
with Thy gentle hand,
Thou who art powerful, as a Mother.


77 Our Fathers, that is 7 Rosary Decades of Our Fathers.

3 in Latin

71 Our Fathers: One decade in Italian, one in English, alternating

3 in Latin

3 Gloria Patri

Sacro Cuore di Gesù, abbi pietà di noi!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Cuore Immacolato di Maria, prega per noi!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
San Giuseppe, Patrono della Chiesa, prega per noi!
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, pray for us!


San Michele Arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia, contro la perfidia e le insidie del diavolo sii Tu il nostro sostegno. Che Dio eserciti il suo domino su di lui, noi supplichevoli Lo preghiamo! E tu, Principe delle milizie celesti, ricaccia nell’inferno satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano in questa Città a perdizione delle anime.


Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into Hell Satan and all the evils spirits who prowl about this City seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

San Gabriele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!

San Raffaele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!

San Francesco di Assisi, prega per noi!
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!

San Antonio di Padova, prega per noi!
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

Santa Rosalia di Palermo, prega per noi!
Saint Rosalia of Palermo, pray for us!

Beata Anna Caterina Emmerich, prega per noi e prega con noi!
Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, pray for us and pray with us!

In Nomine Patris et Filii e Spiritus Sancti. Amen.


Al tuo tempio secolare
di ori e marmi rilucente
siamo accorsi ad implorare
il materno tuo favor.

At Thy Ancient Temple
of shinning gold and marble
we have come to implore
Thy Materna favor.

R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.

Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.

Col Prodigio della Neve,
segnò il luogo in piena estate,
dell’augusta tua dimora,
il supremo tuo favor.

With the prodigy of the Snow,
Thou signed this place in high summer,
of August as Thy dwelling,
as Thy supreme favor.

R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.

Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.


This Devotion is sponsored by the Committee “Salvaci o Maria!”

This is the Devotion which was advertised in the pages of the daily newspaper, La Verità, in the month of March, here in Italy.



* Salus populi Romani, is Latin, for The Salvation of the Roman People. It is the ancient title of the Icon of Our Lady see at the top of this article.

PLEASE NOTE: That until From Rome Info Video Channel at Youtube gets 1000 subscribers, it will NOT be able to broadcast the Nightly Prayers Live. So let all who are devoted to Jesus Christ, Our Lady and Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich know that they need to urge subscriptions to this channel, so that we can promote the fulfillment of Our Lady’s Request for Her Heavenly-Approved prayer solution to the present Crisis in the Church.

SSPX’s unknown Islands

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The report by Church Militant on pedophilia in the Society of Saint Pius X, founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebfve will undoubtedly lead to further revelations. As one who was personally instrumental in exposing the unusual happenings at the Academy in Scranton, Philadelphia, nearly 20 years ago, which led to the exposure of many individuals associated with the school and the Fraternity of Saint Peter as well as the Society of Saint John’s founder (ex-SSPX) and other members as pedophiles, I have had misgivings at the strange behavior of the Society of Saint Pius X, which were confirmed by Church Militant’s report. Being a firm defender of children from pedophiles, and having personally canonically and civilly denounced priests on both sides of the Atlantic, I consider it my duty here at FromRome.Info to encourage others to do the same.

In times of grave risk to the Catholic community, revealing what one knows is not a sin at all, but a work of justice which is as necessary as it is to uncover the conspiracy, the existence of which is already publicly known, from the Church Militant report. So now is the time for everyone to speak up. And you will merit from Jesus Christ for doing so. Just remember, that the failings of individuals does not cancel out the good that they or others have done, even if it puts in grave doubt the morals of the institution to which they belong, an institution, which in this case, is not recognized by the Church, perhaps unjustly but perhaps not.

Here is my report, then.

In around the year 2000, I had the occasion to visit Kansas, USA. And during my visit, my host, who was a former Franciscan priest, took me to Saint Mary’s, Kansas. I will never forget the dark and forboding sense I got when we entered the principal Church of the Society there. Later, having discovered that someone in the rectory of my host was using the computer to access homosexual websites, I fled back to the home of my relatives in New England.

The year later, after spending some months visiting Arkansas, I was befriended by a devout Catholic couple who offered me a free ride to Florida, to attend mass with Father Pulvermacher, OFM. Cap. who served at a SSPX chapel there. I asked Father why he had not founded a traditional Capuchin Monastery under the SSPX. He said that he had been asking for permission for many years, but was always given by Bishop Fellay the same response: you need to ask the District Superior in the U.S.A.. But the District superior never gave him permission.  I and Father Pulvermacher agreed this was a strange form of subterfuge.

It was then that another devout Catholic couple gave me a ride to their ranch in Quebec, where I had occasion to visit the SSPX center on the south side of the St. Laurent River, just outside of Quebec City. There I was witness to a most disturbing event. As I had to use the bathroom, I was told to go to the School building, and to the an upper floor — I do not remember exactly which — where the men’s bathroom was. When I came out of the toilet, and went to use the sink, a little boy of about 10 years old greeted me courteously, and then turned around, away from me, and bent over, and remained in that position as if waiting for me to do something. I asked him what he was doing, and he said the priests taught him to do this. I was horrified. He was not expected to be beaten, but I feared what he was expecting, and so I ran out of the building and reported it to my hosts.

In the fall of that same year, I attended on occasion a SSPX Mass near Foxboro, USA. I was surprised one day that a priest from Arkansas said the mass, instead of the SSPX priest. My contacts in Arkansas warned me that this priest was accused of pedophilia, so I duly warned the SSPX District Superior in the U.S.A. Some weeks later, I received from his office a copy of a letter he sent to the SSPX superior in Connecticut denouncing me and warning the SSPX regional superior to keep a watch out for me as a “calumniator”. I was shocked at this response, and wondered who sent me a copy of the District Superior’s Letter, on official stationary. So I sent it to Bishop Fellay in Switzerland along with a copy of my letter to the District Superior. After that, the times of the SSPX mass near me were changed, and I on two occasions, having biked 10 miles, found there was no mass when I was told there would be. After that, I got the message. But Bishop Fellay did transfer the District Superior to Australia, where he soon had no role in supervising others.

In 2005, I had occasion to visit the Dominicans of Avrille, France, who work with the SSPX. While searching for books by Saint Bonaventure, in their Library Annex building, behind the monastery, I met a Japanese man, who was very fearful, and who in secret struck up a conversation with me after the librarian had left. He told me how he had wanted to be a SSPX priest and had come from Japan with the hope of being taken into formation. But instead he was assigned for 2 years to a 5 star hotel estate in the country-side, at some unknown location, and made to work without pay. Only after repeated complaints and attempts to flee did he make it to Avrille. He said this Hotel where he worked was owned by the SSPX, and its clients were not SSPX faithful, but rather the rich and powerful of France. He said that there were many investment properties like this, owned by the SSPX, of which no one knew about. I advised him to flee back to Japan and have nothing more to do with the SSPX further.

So, now that the Church Militant has given their report, I can say that the modus operandi of the SSPX members reported in it, is very similar to that which I have observed. And the things I see fit the same patterns.

I am not the only one to see such strange things.  And so, for this reason, I want to publish the testimony of a highly reliable source, about the strange affair of Ocuituco, Mexico, which I received today. I have redacted the author’s name to protect against retribution.

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In 2008, when I had not learned much about the SSPX still, I visited the town of Ocuituco, Cuernavaca, Mexico, in 2008 (at my own risk), even after the driver (who was Fr. Aguilar’s sacristan at St. John the Baptist Church in Yecapixtla, Morelos, whom I had been hosted by), had told me that the SSPX was running things in that town like a cult, better yet, like a cartel. For instance, women and their daughters were required to wear veils at all times in public. Men were to dress in a certain way also, even with the same colors (in uniform), like it was some sort of lay habit.

Roman Catholics who were not of the SSPX and were foreigners, were not welcomed in the town, and if they were seen visiting, they were stopped and questioned about what they were up to there. Often, some of the people who didn’t know about this, had their tires slashed, and were threatened by a herd of men who would surround their vehicles with guns and machetes.

According to Fr. Aguilar’s sacristan, the reason why the laity of the SSPX in the town had become so defensive, was because the SSPX priests who had arrived in that town to preach and teach, years ago, had riled up the people of the town, against the Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mexico, who at that time, was demanding that his Church properties be returned to his priests. The people went up in arms, and instead, they stole and took over the properties by force and since then, prevented the Bishop or even police officers, from interfering in the matters. This cult-like behavior is much like the Sunni’s and Shi’ites in Iran, or ISIS in Iraq and Phillippines, or the Boko Haram Islamic soldiers in Nigeria.

So, that was my first impression of the SSPX. Over the years, I’ve learned more, and I’ve come to understand that the SSPX operates in such a way, that the laity and even clergy, do not even know of some of these off-the-grid areas that the SSPX operates. Lay and clergy are kept in the dark and so you tell them this, and they cannot believe it. I always wondered what else have they gotten away with?


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a photograph from 1947 of the future Archbishop Lefebfrve, on the left, and is used here in accord with a Creative Commons Share-Alike 4.0 International license, as described here.

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EXPLOSIVE! — A History of pedophilia in SSPX throughout the world

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Church Militant has published today an exposé of pedophilia in the Society of Saint Pius X. FromRome.Info is publishing a notice about this report, because regardless of the good work of many of its members, the report shows how the Society has acted in a manner no different that other Lavender Mafia infiltrated organizations.

Church Militant reports there is a state wide probe in Kansas, USA, for pedophilia, involving as many as eight priests of the SSPX.

Strangely, the pedophilia and the fascination with Adolf Hitler has association in this case, in a manner similar to the St. Gallen Mafia and the Rampolla Faction in the Church.

This report sheds light on why the SSPX might be so strong in affirming that Bergoglio is the pope. It names some of the most prominent members and participating in the cover-up.

The transcript of their Video report, begins thus:

February 18, 2000. A single shot rings out, shattering the nighttime silence of Topeka, Kansas.

A young man lies dead. Next to his body, a suicide note — the last known thought of 26-year-old Michael Gonzalez — before he pulled the trigger.

In the note: the reason for ending his life, tracing back more than 10 years.

Jassy Jacas: “It’s a bigger betrayal that the SSPX has chosen to handle these cases like this.”

It turns out Michael’s life and story is just one among many stories of vulnerable kids , preyed upon — and covered up — by an organization bent on hiding the truth.

Theresa Gonzalez: “He told me in little increments that it wasn’t just one time that it happened, that there were other occasions that it happened.”

All hidden by a controversial society of Catholic priests, proving itself no different from scores of other dioceses it looks down on — all while draping itself in the pomp of traditional Catholicism, covering over a network of lies, spanning continents — and now the focus of a nearly year-long criminal investigation, details that have been shared with Church Militant for months.

Fr. Ramon Angles

Father Ramon Angles, an influential priest in the SSPX — a breakaway Catholic sect with its own hierarchy and society of clergy throughout the world, adherents to the Traditional Latin Mass and largely rejecting the Church’s Second Vatican Council.

For the rest of the report go to Church Militant:


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a screenshot of the article cited above, just as the citation of the transcript.

Brannon Howse: Globalists admit Covid-19 is their instrument to achieve Global government

A summary of principal points in this documentary:

  • World Economic Forum displays their entire plan for world domination on their website, which is filled with documents explaining how they are doing it.
  • The Tavistock Institute which studied mind control in prisoners of war by means of implanting new beliefs after deliberate induced fear.
  • The best friend of the founder of WHO is the founder of the Tavistock Institute
  • Tavistock Institute pledge itself to achieve goals of world health control.
  • Pandemic is a cover for martial law controls to achieve one world government.
  • Pandemic Hype has been used to recondition many to become willing tools of promoting one world government and control of their neighbors.
  • Pandemic is generally a psyop.
  • Expect coming war with Russia and China as another trick to convince masses to give up the rest of their rights and buckle down in unquestioning obedience to world government, which will be proposed as the ONLY solution to world peace and security.
  • Role of Marxist-Jesuits to bring down the Catholic Church and turn it into a tool of globalism.
  • Rockefeller Foundation has funded Tavistock Institute programs.
  • George Brock Chisholm the founder of WHO said the cause of all perversion is morality, and the goal of Psychotherapy is the elimination of the concept of good and wrong.
  • Career channeling is their tool to manipulate the careers of those individuals who agree and disagree with their agenda.
  • Electronic controls at borders and checkpoint will ultimately be used to identify and detain those who have intentions to oppose globalism.
  • Opposition to globalism will be classified as a mental illness.
  • AmeriCorps will be instrument to weaponize youth for globalism and promote them as leaders of the new society.
  • Public education will be used to mold and track the values of students for the rest of their lives.
  • Shows that the World Economic Forum has the goal of controlling world religions (Catholic Church) and instrumentalizing them for their goals.

Brannon Howse: Bill Gates & Rockefeller Foundation and the Agenda 2030

The New World Order is Nazism “modernized”, the coming religious Reich.

A summary of the contents of this documentary:

  • The loose confederation of globalists, socialists and marxists share a common goal of eradicating the Biblical view of man and creation, and making thinkable what was formerly considered unthinkable.
  • The Club of Rome’s 2019 Global Emergency Plan called for making 2002 the Great Year for reorganizing the Economies and Societies of the entire planet
  • Bergoglio collaborating with Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, a German population eugenicist who works to implement the dreams of Adolf Hitler purity of races for all populations on earth: Planetary court, Earth Constitution, Global Religious Reich.
  • Social engineering means all, except the elites, must give up everything.
  • Bergoglio working with Schellnhuber for a Global Population Control program.
  • The real meaning of solving the Climate Crisis is a global socialized one world government, to make sure the global elites rule, control and enjoy everything, while the masses are reduced to slave cattle-like labor.
  • MIT & Associates are developing an implantable device for sterilizing humans for 16 years and controlled by remote wireless technology, which can be switched on and off.
  • Implantable chips to support legal and illegal immigrants with social welfare, and to replace paper money and credit cards.
  • The Good Club, founded by Gates, Buffet and Rockefeller, to solve overpopulation through health care.
  • John Hopkins University Medical Organization founded by Rockefellers to promote Eugenics hosted the Event 201 to show how a pandemic can be used to achieve mandatory health-based control of world populations.
  • Fabian Society, Marxists and Globalists are united in a coalition for the same goal: Nationalized Socialism.
  • International Monetary Fund founded by John Maynard Keynes, Fabian Socialist, and inveterate pedophile.
  • Mandatory population control will benefit the Abortion and Vaccination industries, which will be the means for its implementation.
  • Imperial College, funded by Gates Foundation, works with the Fabian Society.
  • The UK Labour Party was founded by the Fabian Society to achieve their goals.
  • Rockefeller Institute has a long history advocating the planned death of the undesirable and the health care for those who are considered more worthy.
  • Rockefeller Foundation trained SS Doctors in the Third Reich to promote eugenics.
  • Father of the Eugenics Movement was Francis Galton, the cousing of Charles Darwin.
  • Head of WHO studied at same London school funded by Gates Foundation.

Archbishop Viganò: COVID-19 & Fatima


by Marco Tosatti

Translated from the Italian original.

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, Archbishop Caro Maria Viganò has granted an interview to the Portuguese media-outlet Dies Irae, which we find it interesting to share with you. The theme of the Third Secret of Fatima, and its dissemination, is widely covered. We take the liberty of remembering, in this regard, that the present writer has dedicated a book to this theme, illustrating all the perplexities and contradictions linked to the tormented history of this message, – or messages – … Enjoy the reading.

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Your Excellency, thank you so much for giving us this interview. We are dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic which, in recent months, has affected the lives of millions of people and even caused the death of many of them. In light of this situation, the Church, through the Episcopal Conferences, has decided to close practically all churches and deprive the faithful of access to the Sacraments. On March 27th, in front of an empty St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis, acting in a manifestly mediatic way, presided over a hypothetical prayer for humanity. There were many reactions to the way the Pope conducted that moment, one of which tried to associate the solitary presence of Francis with the Message of Fatima, i.e. the third secret. Do you agree?

Allow me first of all to tell you that I am pleased to give this interview for the faithful of Portugal, which the Blessed Virgin has promised to preserve in the Faith even in these times of great trial. You are a people with a great responsibility, because you may soon find yourself having to guard the sacred fire of Religion while other nations refuse to recognize Christ as their King and Mary Most Holy as their Queen.

The third part of the message that Our Lady entrusted to the shepherd children of Fatima to deliver to the Holy Father remains secret to this day. Our Lady asked to reveal it in 1960, but John XXIII had a communiqué published on February 8th of that year in which he stated that the Church “does not wish to take responsibility to guarantee the truthfulness of the words that the three shepherd children say the Virgin Mary would address to them”. With this distance from the message of the Queen of Heaven, a cover-up operation was started, evidently because the content of the message would have revealed the terrible conspiracy against the Church of Christ by its enemies. Until a few decades ago it would have seemed incredible that even Our Lady could be gagged, but in recent years we have also witnessed attempts to censor the Gospel itself, which is the Word of Her divine Son.

In the year 2000, during the Pontificate of John Paul II, the Secretary of State, Cardinal Sodano, presented as the Third Secret a version of the Gospel that from some elements appeared clearly incomplete. It is not surprising that the new Secretary of State, Cardinal Bertone, tried to divert attention to an event of the past, in order to let the people of God believe that the words of the Virgin had nothing to do with the crisis of the Church and the combination of modernists and Freemasonry contracted behind the scenes of Vatican II. Antonio Socci, who carefully investigated the Third Secret, unmasked this malicious behavior on the part of Cardinal Bertone. On the other hand, it was Bertone himself who heavily discredited and censured the Madonnina delle Lacrime of Civitavecchia, whose message perfectly agrees with what she said at Fatima.

Let us not forget Our Lady’s unheeded appeal for the Pope and all the Bishops to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, as a condition for defeating Communism and atheistic materialism: consecrate not “the world”, not “that nation which You want us to consecrate to You”, but “Russia”. Did it cost so much to do that? Evidently so, for those who do not have a supernatural gaze. One preferred to walk the path of détente with the Soviet regime, inaugurated precisely by Roncalli, without understanding that without God no peace is possible. Today, with a President of the Russian Confederation who is certainly a Christian, the Virgin’s request could be granted, averting further misfortune for the Church and the world.

Benedict XVI himself confirmed the relevance of the Virgin’s message, even though – according to the interpretation spread by the Vatican – it should be considered complete. Those who have read the Third Secret have made it clear that its content concerns the apostasy of the Church, which began at the beginning of the 1960s and today has reached such an evident stage that it is even recognized by lay observers. This almost obsessive insistence on themes that the Church has always condemned, such as relativism and religious indifferentism, false ecumenism, Malthusian ecologism, homoheresis and immigrationism, has found in the Abu Dhabi Declaration the fulfillment of a plan conceived by the secret sects for more than two centuries.

In the middle of Holy Week and after the Panamazzonic Synod, Bergoglio decided to establish a commission to discuss and study the female diaconate in the Catholic Church. Do you believe that this aims to pave the way for the clericalisation of women or, in other words, for the attempt to tamper with the Priesthood established by Our Lord Jesus Christ on Holy Thursday?

The Sacred Order cannot and can never be modified in its essence. The attack on the Priesthood has always been at the centre of heretics’ action and their inspirer, and it is understandable that this is the case: hitting the Priesthood means destroying the Holy Mass and the Holy Eucharist and the entire sacramental building. Among the sworn enemies of the Sacred Order there was not even a lack of modernists, of course, who since the nineteenth century theorized a church without priests, or with priests and priestesses. These delusions, anticipated by some exponents of Modernism in France, subtly re-emerged at the Council, in an attempt to insinuate some equivalence between the ministerial priesthood deriving from Holy Orders and the common priesthood of the faithful deriving from Baptism. It is significant that, precisely by playing on this intentional misunderstanding, the reformed liturgy also suffered from the doctrinal error of Lumen Gentium and ended up reducing the ordained Minister to the simple president of an assembly of priests. On the other hand, the priest is alter Christus not by popular designation, but by ontological configuration to the High Priest, Jesus Christ, whom he must imitate in holiness of life and in the absolute dedication represented also by Celibacy.

The next step had to be taken, if not by annulling the Priesthood itself, at least by making it ineffective by extending it to women, who cannot be ordained: exactly what happened in the Protestant and Anglican sects, which today also experience the embarrassing situation of having lesbian bishops in the so-called Church of England. But it is clear that the ecumenical “pretext” – that is, approaching dissident communities by acquiring even the most recent errors – is based on Satan’s hatred for the Priesthood and would inevitably lead the Church of Christ to ruin. On the other hand, ecclesiastical Celibacy is also the object of the same attack, because it is distinctive of the Catholic Church and constitutes a precious defence of the Priesthood that Tradition has jealously guarded through the centuries.

The attempt to introduce a form of ordained female ministry within the Church is not recent, despite the repeated declarations of the Magisterium. John Paul II also unequivocally defined, and with all the canonical requirements of an infallible former Cathedra declaration, that it is absolutely impossible to question the doctrine on this subject. But just as the Catechism could be used to declare the death penalty “not in conformity with the Gospel” – something unheard of and heretical – so today an attempt is being made to create ex novo some form of female diaconate, evidently preparatory to a future introduction of the female priesthood. The first commission created by Bergoglio years ago gave a negative opinion, confirming what should not even have been the subject of discussion; but if that commission could not obey the wishes of Francis, this does not mean that another commission, whose members, chosen by him, are more “docile” and relaxed in demolishing another pillar of the Catholic Faith, cannot do so. I do not doubt that Bergoglio has persuasive methods and that he can exert pressure on the theological commission; but I am equally certain that in the unfortunate event that this consultative body were to give a favorable opinion, one would not necessarily have to come to an official declaration by the (anti-)Pope to see himself multiplying deaconesses in the dioceses of Germany or Holland, in the silence of Rome. The method is well known, and on the one hand it makes it possible to strike at the priesthood and on the other hand it gives a convenient alibi to those within the ecclesiastical structure who can always appeal to the fact that “the Pope has not allowed anything new”. They did likewise by authorizing the Episcopal Conferences to legislate autonomously about Communion in the hand, which, imposed by abuse, has now become universal practice.

It should be said that this will to promote women in the hierarchy betrays the urge to follow the modern mentality that has taken away the woman’s role of mother and wife to unhinge the natural family.

Let’s keep in mind that this approach to the Church’s dogmas confirms an undeniable fact: Bergoglio has adopted the so-called theology of the situation, whose theological places are accidental facts or subjects: the world, nature, the female figure, young people… This theology does not have as its founding centre the immutable and eternal truth of God, but, on the contrary, it starts from the observation of the binding impellence of phenomena in order to give answers consistent with the expectations of the contemporary world.

Excellence, according to historians of recognized merit, the Second Vatican Council represented a rupture of the Church with Tradition; hence the appearance of currents of thought that want to transform it into a simple humanitarian association that embraces the world and its globalist utopia. How do you see this serious problem?

A church that poses itself as new with respect to the Church of Christ is simply not the Church of Christ! The Mosaic Religion, that is, the “church of the ancient law” willed by God to lead His people until the coming of the Messiah, had its fulfillment in the New Covenant, and was definitively revoked on Calvary by the Sacrifice of Christ: from His side was born the Church of the New and Eternal Covenant, which replaces the Synagogue. It seems that even the post-conciliar church, modernist and Masonic, aspires to transform, to overcome the Church of Christ, replacing it with a “neo-church”, deformed and monstrous creature that does not come from God.

The purpose of this neo-church is not to bring the chosen people to recognize the Messiah, as for the Synagogue; it is not to convert and save all people before the second coming of Christ, as for the Catholic Church, but to establish itself as the spiritual arm of the New World Order and advocate of Universal Religion. In this sense, the Council’s revolution first had to demolish the Church’s heritage, its millenary Tradition, from which it drew its vitality and authority as the Mystical Body of Christ, then get rid of the exponents of the old Hierarchy, and only recently has it begun to offer itself without pretence for what it intends to be.

What you call utopia is actually a dystopia, because it represents the concretization of Freemasonry’s plan and the preparation for the advent of the Antichrist.

I am also convinced that the majority of my brethren, and even more so almost all the priests and faithful, are absolutely unaware of this hellish plan and that recent events have opened many people’s eyes. Their faith will allow Our Lord to gather the pusillus grex around the true Shepherd before the final confrontation.

To restore the ancient splendour of the Church, it will be necessary to question many doctrinal aspects of the Council. What points of Vatican II would you question?

I believe that there is no lack of eminent personalities who have expressed the critical points of the Council better than I have. There are those who believe that it would be less complicated and certainly wiser to follow the practice of the Church and the Popes as it was applied with the Synod of Pistoia: there was something good in it too, but the errors it affirmed were considered sufficient to let it fall into oblivion.

Does the present Regime represent the culmination of a process that opens with the Second Vatican Council, desired in the so-called “Pact of the Catacombs”, or is it still in an intermediate phase?

As is the case with every revolution, the heroes of the first hour often end up falling victim to their own system, as Robespierre did. Who yesterday was judged to be the standard-bearer of the Conciliar spirit, today appears almost a conservative: the examples are before everyone’s eyes. And there are already those who, in the intellectual circles of progressivism (such as the one frequented by a certain Massimo Faggioli, haughty in his first name and ungrammatical in his surname), start spreading here and there some doubts about Bergoglio’s real ability to make “courageous choices” – for example, to abolish Celibacy, to admit women to the Priesthood or to legitimize communicatio in sacris with heretics – almost hoping that he would step aside to elect an even more obedient Pope to those elites who had in the Catacomb Pact and the St. Gallen Mafia their most unscrupulous and determined followers.

Your Excellency, we Catholics today often feel isolated from the Church and almost abandoned by our Pastors. What can Your Excellency say to the hierarchs and the faithful who, despite the confusion and error that are spreading in the Church, try to persevere in this hard battle to maintain the integrity of our Faith?

My words would certainly be inadequate. All I do is to repeat the words of Our Lord, the eternal Word of the Father: Behold, I am with you every day until the consummation of the ages. We feel isolated, of course: but didn’t the Apostles and all Christians feel so too? Did not Our Lord even feel abandoned in Gethsemane? These are the times of trial, perhaps of the final trial: we must drink the bitter chalice, and even if it is human to implore the Lord to take it away from us, we must repeat confidently: Not as I wish, but as you wish, remembering His comforting words: In the world you will have tribulations, but have courage: I have conquered the world! After the trial, no matter how hard and painful, the eternal prize is prepared for us, which no one can take away from us. The Church will shine again with the glory of her Lord after this terrible and prolonged Easter Triduum. But if prayer is certainly indispensable, we must not fail to fight the good fight, making us all witnesses of a courageous militancy under the banner of the Cross of Christ. Let us not find ourselves being pointed out as the handmaiden did with Saint Peter in the high priest’s courtyard: “You too were one of his followers”, only to then deny Christ. Let us not be intimidated! Let us not allow the gag of tolerance to those who want to proclaim the Truth! Let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary that our language may proclaim with courage the Kingdom of God and His Justice. Let the miracle of Lapa be renewed when Mary Most Holy gave the word to little Joana, born mute. May She also give voice to us, Her children, who for too long have been mute.

Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Victories, Ora pro nobis.

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Dr. Judy Mikovits: COVID-19 has probably been in all flu vaccines since 2013/2015

Dr. Mikovits, former virologist at the U.S. Biological Warfare Lab, explains some startling truths:

  • Wearing  a mask will make you sicker by forcing you to re-breathe the bacteria and viruses already in your respiratory system.
  • COVID-19 strain used in winter flu vaccines throughout the world since 2013
  • No test for COVID-19 is worthy of credence without at least another confirmatory results by a different kind of test
  • The only criteria for immunity is having the antibodies.
  • Never accept the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • You cannot catch a virus from coughing, it live no more than 1 hour on surfaces.
  • COVID-19 is not lethal enough to cause any more than 0.8% of those infected seriously sick.
  • The Pandemic is a complete hoax being used to enslave humanity.
  • All vaccines will make some of those who receive them sick with the disease against which it was developed to prevent.
  • COVID-19 does not come from animal to human transfer, it was grown in a lab.
  • Winter flu vaccines is the only plausible explanation for world wide spread of COVID-19.
  • Being infected does not mean you are sick or infectious to others.
  • Symptoms are not a scientific way of diagnosing COVID-19.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci has intervened to cover up study which proved that vaccinations cause cancer and other cancer causing viruses, in addition to Autism.
  • Polio vaccines transmitted cancer causing SIV & Sv40 virus.
  • The immunity granted by the U.S. Government in 1986 at the insistence of Dr. Anthony Fauci, to Vaccine manufacturers has made them dangerous, dirty and unsafe.
  • Every vaccine can cause in some persons a lethal immune response which can kill them.
  • The FDA is a criminal organization.
  • Korea responded by using the correct tests.
  • The USA is suffering from a plague of corruption in the Vaccine industry.
  • Vaccine Industry is systematically ending the production of safer medicines which would cure or prevent infection, because there is no money in preventing and curing disease.

Salus populi romani: April 22, 2020 — Live from Rome!


Perpetual Supplica


This devotion is inspired by the request made by Our Lady Herself in
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of

August 25, 1822: “I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great distress and anxiety on account of the Pope’s disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door’s opening of itself. I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the Cross; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus; that they should continue to come to Her church which they would always find open; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the Church of Darkness. … I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with arms extended, all lifted up their arms … It seemed to be an association of prayer.” From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises at Santa Maria Maggiore. (The Life and Revelations of Ann Catherine Emmerich, Book 2)

(Our English translation in Blue — Prayer will be said in Italian and Latin: Black)

The Prophetic Prayer of Pope Benedict XVI



(May 7, 2005)


In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Tutta Santa, degna di ogni onore,
Tu la migliore offerta
che l’umanità possa presentare a Dio.

All Holy, Worthy of every honor,
Thou, the best offering
Which humanity can present to God.

Vergine Madre, Madre sempre vergine,
supplichi materna al Figlio Tuo.

Virgin Mother, Ever-Virgin Mother,
Offer a maternal supplication to Thy Son.

Conduci sino al porto la barca della Chiesa,
scansando gli scogli ​​e vincendo i mar rossi.

Bring the Barque of the Church to port,
avoiding the reefs and overcoming red seas.

Custodisci questa città;
Conforta chi vi giunge,
senza tetto né difesa,
ed estendi a tutti il Tuo sostegno.

Guard this City;
Comfort who comes here,
without shelter nor defense,
and extend Your protection to all.

Con fede professiamo a Te, Genetrice di Dio;
Con amore Ti onoriamo,
Con speranza Ti preghiamo,
Ti proclamiamo beata.

With faith we profess Thee, Mother of God;
With love we honor Thee;
With hope we pray Thee
We proclaim Thee blessed.

Tu, mia Signora, mio conforto da Dio,
aiuto alla mia inesperienza,
accogli la preghiera che rivolgo a Te.

Thou, My Lady, My consolation from God,
help for my inexperience,
receive the supplication which I make to Thee.

Tu per tutti fonte di gioia,
rendimi degno di esultare insieme a Te.

Thou, who for all are a fountain of joy,
make me worthy to exult together with Thee.

Guarda l’assemblea dei credenti,
Madre del Salvatore;
allontana da loro sventure e afflizioni;
liberali dal male e dal maligno;
proteggili con l’abbondanza della Tua benevolenza.

Watch over the assembly of believers,
Mother of the Savior;
remove from them misfortunes and afflictions;
free them from evil and from the Evil One;
protect them with the abundance of Thy benevolence.

Al ritorno glorioso del Tuo Figlio, nostro Dio,
difendi con la Tua materna intercessione
la nostra fragilità umana
ed accompagnaci sino alla vita eterna
con la Tua mano gentile,
Tu che sei potente, perche Madre.

At the glorious return of Thy Son, our God,
defend with Thy maternal intercession
our human fragility
and accompany us unto eternal life
with Thy gentle hand,
Thou who art powerful, as a Mother.


77 Our Fathers, that is 7 Rosary Decades of Our Fathers.

3 in Latin

71 Our Fathers: One decade in Italian, one in English, alternating

3 in Latin

3 Gloria Patri

Sacro Cuore di Gesù, abbi pietà di noi!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Cuore Immacolato di Maria, prega per noi!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

San Giuseppe, Patrono della Chiesa, prega per noi!
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, pray for us!


San Michele Arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia, contro la perfidia e le insidie del diavolo sii Tu il nostro sostegno. Che Dio eserciti il suo domino su di lui, noi supplichevoli Lo preghiamo! E tu, Principe delle milizie celesti, ricaccia nell’inferno satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano in questa Città a perdizione delle anime.


Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into Hell Satan and all the evils spirits who prowl about this City seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

San Gabriele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!

San Raffaele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!

San Francesco di Assisi, prega per noi!
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!

San Antonio di Padova, prega per noi!
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

Santa Rosalia di Palermo, prega per noi!
Saint Rosalia of Palermo, pray for us!

Beata Anna Caterina Emmerich, prega per noi e prega con noi!
Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, pray for us and pray with us!

In Nomine Patris et Filii e Spiritus Sancti. Amen.


Al tuo tempio secolare
di ori e marmi rilucente
siamo accorsi ad implorare
il materno tuo favor.

At Thy Ancient Temple
of shinning gold and marble
we have come to implore
Thy Materna favor.

R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.

Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.

Col Prodigio della Neve,
segnò il luogo in piena estate,
dell’augusta tua dimora,
il supremo tuo favor.

With the prodigy of the Snow,
Thou signed this place in high summer,
of August as Thy dwelling,
as Thy supreme favor.

R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.

Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.


This Devotion is sponsored by the Committee “Salvaci o Maria!”

This is the Devotion which was advertised in the pages of the daily newspaper, La Verità, in the month of March, here in Italy.



* Salus populi Romani, is Latin, for The Salvation of the Roman People. It is the ancient title of the Icon of Our Lady see at the top of this article.

PLEASE NOTE: That until From Rome Info Video Channel at Youtube gets 1000 subscribers, it will NOT be able to broadcast the Nightly Prayers Live. So let all who are devoted to Jesus Christ, Our Lady and Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich know that they need to urge subscriptions to this channel, so that we can promote the fulfillment of Our Lady’s Request for Her Heavenly-Approved prayer solution to the present Crisis in the Church.


News and Commentary on the Catholic Church