If you have not yet noticed, among Catholics, on social media in the English speaking world, at least, all hell has broken loose over the Church Militant exposé of sexual abuse by clergy and laymen associated with the Society of Saint Pius X.
As a Franciscan, I am particularly grieved at the loss of charity over the mere publication of facts and testimonies. Our love and respect for mere mortals should never lead us to defame, calumniate or attack persons who are victims and those who want them to get justice.
What seems to be the only commonality among the internecine warfare of character destruction and assassination, is that they all reject Pope Benedict XVI as the true pope.
I, least and latest of all, along with many others, who were way before me and leading on this issue long before me, have been pleading with them to return to Pope Benedict XVI. We did and do this out of love for truth and love for souls.
So I cannot rejoice at the vicious behavior of infighting which has followed the Church Militant report. I think the victims are being forgotten in all of this.
The error of Russia, in making every question of truth a political one — because, for Marxists, there is no objective truth, only the struggle to establish the classless society, where there are no classes except the Marxists who rule as tyrants and untouchables — seems to have been widely accepted by conservatives even in the Catholic Church.
This principle is an occasion of the sins of calumny, detraction and defamation, in the form of ad hominem attacks on persons who simply lay out the facts to the best of their ability, or lack their of, as only history and God will judge some day — unless courts intervene in the meantime.
But it is undeniable that if you cannot see that MINISTERIUM is not the same word as MUNUS, and thereby you insist that Bergoglio is just as much a valid pope as all the popes from Saint Peter to Pope Benedict XVI, then you are clearly not making your judgements on the basis of objective truth, but on the basis of human opinion polls. And that is politics, not religion.
Dissention among those with this world view, then, is inevitably political in nature, not religious. Good Catholics should imitate Saint Thomas Aquinas who replied to the arguments, not to the character of those who moved them.
And if those we admire greatly have personal histories with blotches on them, this should not lead us to attack those who simply point that out, even though this out not be done to respond to sound arguments or evident facts or testimonies.
Let there be peace! The kind of peace that this world does not give!
And that is only found in accepting the whole Truth, Jesus Christ. Including, His word to Saint Peter, on Canon Law: Whatsoever you bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven.
And if there is anyone, who has joined this ungodly fray, who is in communion with Pope Benedict, I exhort you in the Lord to stop it, immediately. You are risking eternal damnation.
A Sunday Mass of 14 persons stopped by the police (Carabinieri). The first scene shows the priest, Don Lino Viola, denouncing the unconstitutionality of the restrictions. Then a police man says the Mayor has not approved the mass. The final intervention, the police man brings a cellphone to the Altar and demands that the Priest while celebrating speak to the Mayor!
After the first segment, the Italian MP Sgarbi explains the grave violation to Article 19 of the Italian Constitution. He then cites several cases which occurred in Italy. Then, he explains what happened in this video.
This video is from April, 21, 2020.
Since 2017, I have been advocating that each Parish should have men trained to defend the Church and the faithful. Here is a clear case, where such a corps of men could have prevented the sacrileges committed by the Carabinieri, by preventing them entrance to the Church, and using force if necessary to prevent the transgression of Article 19 of the Italian Constitution, which grants the Church sovereignty in Her own buildings.
General Papalardo has accepted the presidency of the political movement, called, Gilet Arancioni (Orange Vests), a movement created in Italy in imitation of the French anti-government movement, which was opposed to taxes and the destruction of the rights of the lower and middle classes.
In this interview, of April 26, 2020, he listed at great length the problems of Italian politics, manipulated on the one side by Marxists who serve globalists the a false Right, which admire tyrants (Mussolini & Hitler).
A summary of his commentary are as follows:
We will imitate what was done in 1943, when after the fall of the Fascist government of Italy, at the request of the King of Italy, a national committee was formed to restore constitutional order.
We will go to Rome on May 31, 2020, with a copy of the constitution and a criminal complaint against the government, the accusation will be Criminal Conspiracy to kill the Italian people.
It is not only imprudent but insane to ask the man who destroyed your home to come back inside the home to put it back in order.
The government of Giuseppe Conte has no right to govern.
There is no more democracy in Italy. It must be restored.
My own father fought with the partisans against the Germans.
I have served my nation without stain for 42 years.
Those who call me an anarchist are insane and want nothing to do with caring for the people, only with exploiting them.
The government has terrorized the people to control them. This is pure cruelty.
We will have a public manifestation regardless of whether the government approve it or not.
The Carabinieri will escort the people to change the government, not oppose them.
The first act will to criminally accuse the government to the Constitutional Court.
We will establish a provisional government with a president elected by the presidents of the regions of Italy.
We will follow the laws with extreme rigor.
The enemies of the people are not the police, but the government of Giuseppe Conte.
Several political movements have joined the cause I promote.
There is no real pandemic.
We can no longer play games with insane criminals like Conte.
We cannot negotiate, we must remove them from power.
It was incredible that in 2018, Bergoglio made a secret agreement to surrender the Church in the Peoples’ Republic of China over to the government, actually commanding Catholics to hold communion with heretics and schismatics and to submit to them!
The shameful, cowardly and dishonest Cardinals and Bishops of the world remained silent and did not convene a Council to declare Bergoglio deposed for an act of horrible schism and sacrilege in such a betrayal.
So now it seems that he is eager to go all the way and give the Vatican to Peking.
And his instrument is the man who is increasingly appearing to be his chosen successor.
Pope Francis has raised Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle to the rank of cardinal bishop in a new sign of his esteem for the former Archbishop of Manila.
The Holy See press office said May 1 that the pope had designated the prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples as a cardinal bishop, along with Cardinal Beniamino Stella, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.
The elevation caps a rapid rise for Cardinal Tagle, who only took up his new post in Rome this February.
He had previously served as the 32nd Archbishop of Manila from 2011 to 2020. He was a high-profile figure at the 2018 youth synod. A year later Pope Francis named him head of the powerful Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, replacing Cardinal Fernando Filoni.
The implications seem clear.
But the complete silence of the Cardinals and Bishops, excepting Cardinal Zen, and the utter do nothingness of the hierarchy, raises a necessary question: how many Bishops and Cardinals have been bribed by the CCP to go along with the transfer of Church properties and power to Peking?
This devotion is inspired by the request made by Our Lady Herself in Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of
August 25, 1822: “I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great distress and anxiety on account of the Pope’s disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door’s opening of itself. I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the Cross; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus; that they should continue to come to Her church which they would always find open; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the Church of Darkness. … I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with arms extended, all lifted up their arms … It seemed to be an association of prayer.” From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises at Santa Maria Maggiore. (The Life and Revelations of Ann Catherine Emmerich, Book 2)
(Prayers will be said in Italian, Black, and English: Blue)
The Prophetic Prayer of Pope Benedict XVI
(May 7, 2005)
In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Tutta Santa, degna di ogni onore, Tu la migliore offerta che l’umanità possa presentare a Dio. All Holy, Worthy of every honor, Thou, the best offering Which humanity can present to God.
Vergine Madre, Madre sempre vergine, supplichi materna al Figlio Tuo. Virgin Mother, Ever-Virgin Mother, Offer a maternal supplication to Thy Son.
Conduci sino al porto la barca della Chiesa, scansando gli scogli e vincendo marosi. Bring the Barque of the Church to port, avoiding reefs and conquering stormy seas.
Custodisci questa città; Conforta chi vi giunge, senza tetto né difesa, ed estendi a tutti il Tuo sostegno. Guard this City; Comfort who comes here, without shelter nor defense, and extend Your protection to all.
Con fede professiamo a Te, Genetrice di Dio; Con amore Ti onoriamo, Con speranza Ti preghiamo, Ti proclamiamo beata. With faith we profess Thee, Mother of God; With love we honor Thee; With hope we pray Thee We proclaim Thee blessed.
Tu, mia Signora, mio conforto da Dio, aiuto alla mia inesperienza, accogli la preghiera che rivolgo a Te. Thou, My Lady, My consolation from God, help for my inexperience, receive the supplication which I make to Thee.
Tu per tutti fonte di gioia, rendimi degno di esultare insieme a Te. Thou, who for all are a fountain of joy, make me worthy to exult together with Thee.
Guarda l’assemblea dei credenti, Madre del Salvatore; allontana da loro sventure e afflizioni; liberali dal male e dal maligno; proteggili con l’abbondanza della Tua benevolenza. Watch over the assembly of believers, Mother of the Savior; remove from them misfortunes and afflictions; free them from evil and from the Evil One; protect them with the abundance of Thy benevolence.
Al ritorno glorioso del Tuo Figlio, nostro Dio, difendi con la Tua materna intercessione la nostra fragilità umana ed accompagnaci sino alla vita eterna con la Tua mano gentile, Tu che sei potente, perche Madre. At the glorious return of Thy Son, our God, defend with Thy maternal intercession our human fragility and accompany us unto eternal life with Thy gentle hand, Thou who art powerful, as a Mother.
77 Our Fathers, that is 7 Rosary Decades of Our Fathers.
3 in Latin
71 Our Fathers: One decade in Italian, one in English, alternating
3 in Latin
3 Gloria Patri
Sacro Cuore di Gesù, abbi pietà di noi! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Cuore Immacolato di Maria, prega per noi! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! San Giuseppe, Patrono della Chiesa, prega per noi! Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, pray for us!
San Michele Arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia, contro la perfidia e le insidie del diavolo sii Tu il nostro sostegno. Che Dio eserciti il suo domino su di lui, noi supplichevoli Lo preghiamo! E tu, Principe delle milizie celesti, ricaccia nell’inferno satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano in questa Città a perdizione delle anime.
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into Hell Satan and all the evils spirits who prowl about this City seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
San Gabriele Arcangelo, prega per noi! Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!
San Raffaele Arcangelo, prega per noi! Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!
San Francesco di Assisi, prega per noi! Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
San Antonio di Padova, prega per noi! Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us!
Santa Rosalia di Palermo, prega per noi! Saint Rosalia of Palermo, pray for us!
Beata Anna Caterina Emmerich, prega per noi e prega con noi! Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, pray for us and pray with us!
In Nomine Patris et Filii e Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Al tuo tempio secolare di ori e marmi rilucente
siamo accorsi ad implorare
il materno tuo favor.
At Thy Ancient Temple
of shinning gold and marble
we have come to implore
Thy Materna favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa tu del popolo romano sei salvezza luce e guida, nostra speme e nostro amor, sei salvezza luce e guida nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother Thou art of the Roman People the salvation, light and guide, our hope and our love, Thou art the salvation, light and guide our hope and our love.
Col Prodigio della Neve, segnò il luogo in piena estate,
dell’augusta tua dimora,
il supremo tuo favor.
With the prodigy of the Snow, Thou signed this place in high summer, of August as Thy dwelling, as Thy supreme favor.
R. O Maria Madre Santa tu del popolo romano sei salvezza luce e guida, nostra speme e nostro amor, sei salvezza luce e guida nostra speme e nostro amore.
Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother Thou art of the Roman People the salvation, light and guide, our hope and our love, Thou art the salvation, light and guide our hope and our love.
This Devotion is sponsored by the Committee “Salvaci o Maria!”
This is the Devotion which was advertised in the pages of the daily newspaper, La Verità, in the month of March, here in Italy.
* Salus populi Romani, is Latin, for The Salvation of the Roman People. It is the ancient title of the Icon of Our Lady see at the top of this article.
PLEASE NOTE: That until From Rome Info Video Channel at Youtube gets 1000 subscribers, it will NOT be able to broadcast the Nightly Prayers Live. So let all who are devoted to Jesus Christ, Our Lady and Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich know that they need to urge subscriptions to this channel, so that we can promote the fulfillment of Our Lady’s Request for Her Heavenly-Approved prayer solution to the present Crisis in the Church.
The General says that he has returned because his nation has need of him. His peaceful return disproves the claims that he would be arrested. He demands that the Carabinieri and police not be cruel, not to punish citizens with illegitimate penalties, judged such by 3 judges of the Italian Supreme Court. He reminds the police that the one who signs the charge against a citizen becomes guilty of a constitutional crime against the citizen who is cited. Asserts that the government is terrorizing the people with unproven medical claims, just as was done with the Avian flu and Swine flu.
Translation of the original Spanish of the Letter of Testimony of Mrs. María Justa Carpio Sierra, of Badajoz, Spain, which was sent to the the editor of the channel, Auturo Periodista Cattolico, on Youtube, in reply to his report of Don Francesco d’Erasmo declaration for Pope Benedict on April 1, 2020. Auturo felt necessary now to reveal the letter he received, today.
The editor, Auturo Periodista Cattolico, prefaces her letter with the following words:
In that video, I read Don Francesco d’Erasmo’s letter, and two days later (April 4) a supernumerary subscriber of Opus Dei wrote me an e-mail with a strong letter saying this:
“My name is María Justa Carpio Sierra, I’m a laywoman, married, with four children.
I was born on January 6, 1948, in Fuenlabrada de los Montes, Badajoz, Spain.
I have been in Opus Dei since 1967. Thanks to its founder, I learned from his lips and his writings the formation that I have today, and also from other people in the work. I don’t think I have ever valued so much what the founder taught us until these very difficult moments in the Church, because I feel capable of discerning, with God’s help, where there is good and where there is evil.
That is why I join in, regardless of the consequences, with what Don Francesco D’Erasmo says, because I think exactly the same thing. From the beginning I felt that Bergoglio was not the Pope. His ways and manners left much to be desired, for he never dressed with the dignity of a Pope. And not only that, but his words, his actions and so many heresies he has said.
In short, I am writing this letter of mine and I would like so many people who are hesitant to take a step forward, because I do not understand why people with very good training are like that and do not see it.
I am writing this letter with total freedom and I am only responsible for what I say. I give you permission to publish my letter.
Thanks Arturo, I watch all your videos.
God bless us all.
Finally, Auturo comments that he is very impressed by the letter because he says he knows many in the Opus Dei movement who are outstanding Catholics but who cannot speak with sincerity about Bergoglio and Pope Benedict XVI.
Here is a summary of the principal points, in English:
Trad Inc., Burke, Schneider, De Mattei etc. are the Prussians of the Bergoglian army.
The comments of Pope Benedict XVI upset them more than Bergoglians, because they prove that Benedict XVI is still pope and still has the charism of truth.
Only those who remain with Pope Benedict XVI are the true conservatives of the Catholic Church.
Bergoglio is clearly an anti-Evangelical figure, this is undeniable.
Pope Benedict XVI’s comments regarding the Antichrist is a clear reference to the agenda of Bergoglio.
Those who are excluded, excommunicated, by globalist society for speaking the Catholic truth, are in Pope Benedict’s mind the true Church.
In the Question & Answer period,
he reminds everyone that an authentic Miraculous Medal has 6 pointed stars
he affirms that the Pope, before the institution of the Conclave and Cardinal electors, was elected by the Catholics of the Church of Rome.
Says that Bl. Emmerich has prophesied that the man elected will be in his 50s of noble blood, from the south of Rome, and will not wear white.
In conclusion, he says that after the death of Pope Benedict XVI, let us pray that a man of the level of Pope Saint Pius X to be elected. We do not need a man who is not clear or is wishy-washy. A papal pope is needed.
Suit able for ages 12+, the story tells how a soul must leave aside the world, flesh and the devil and find its way to Christ’s Kingdom by using its talents for the cause of Truth and Light. This movie is 1 hour 27 minutes long.
Junior Cally is an Italian rapper. His official music video, for his song, No Grazie! (No Thanks), contains a combination of images which is undeniably either prophetic or intentionally pre-programmed by the Globalists to suggest a future narrative.
This video predicted the destruction of Notre Dame. It says World War III will be started in 2020. It predicts that by 2047, you will have to join Google.com’s EarthLink to be a citizen of earth.
The new DCPM for May 4th, will prevent men from visiting friends, unless that friend, male or female, is someone with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
This is the level of barbarity of the government of Giuseppe Conte!
However, the new DCPM allows citizens to go for personal athletic interests any distance from their own house, within their own town.
Negro denounces the intentions of the Italian government to prorogue, or delay, all parliamentary elections for years, to avoid the spread of the virus, and by that means, remain in power for an indefinite time.
The obligation of wearing a mask in public or private will no longer be necessary. But it will be obligatory in public transport and buildings which allow public access, as when one buys or sells anything in a store.
Negro concludes that Conte’s decrees are unconstitutional and have no obligation of observance. That he is a Napoleon wanna-be who speaks to the people with a royal well, a nut, a mad man. This is the worse dictatorship which has ever been in the entire history of the world!
He says those pushing the Corona Hype are a criminal band of fraudsters. Calls upon the Italian people to no longer support this kind of government, who has proven itself many times over to be liars who lie only to terrorize the people, like the criminal who puts a gun to the head of the person he wants to coerce. We are in the hands of criminals! 96.4% of the dead died of something other than Coronavirus. We need to raise our heads in dignity and stop submitting to this criminal government.
Merchants demand the right not to pay their rents, utility bills, if they are not allowed to open. They say they have been completely abandoned by the government. Their entire life work is being destroyed for no reason.
The general does not use the term, “Orange Revolution”, I do, because it classifies what he is proposing, as a popular intervention to restore a constitutional government.
Here is a summary in English of the major points of the Brigadier Generals plan for the Orange Revolution of June 1, 2020.
Pappalardo: I have been in the Carabinieri for 42 years. I had a brilliant career, I fought against terrorism, I responded to earthquakes. After being promoted to one of the highest office in the Carabinieri, I became aware that politics had corrupted all the national government.
In 2014, the Constitutional Court declared the method of election used to constitute the Parliament in 2013 was unconstitutional. Therefore, the parliament should have dissolved itself and called for elections, for the 250 members who were elected by a faulty method.
On January 1, 2015, this illegitimate parliament elected Matarella, who is the current President, one of the very judges of the Constitutional Court who ruled the parliament was illegitimate. Therefore, he himself is illegitimate, since his election was arrived at by votes which had no right to be counted.
Therefore, the current Parliament is illegitimate. And Matarella has no constitutional right to be President of Italy. As a judge, he has no right to claim ignorance.
Article 66 of the Constitutional requires that members of Parliament be convalidated in their same house, within 5 months of their election. The election of a President before the convalidation of an election is invalid, therefore. And this is another reason, that the Matarella’s election as President is invalid.
Just as the MP Alfonso had his election invalidated by the Tribunal of L’Aquila, so also Materella’s should be.
In 2016, members of my political movement, Ci da Ragione, denounced the crime, but the Procura of Rome took no action.
Thus, the current Parliament has no authority to act.
In Dec. 2017, we had a meeting, and decided, in accord with the Penal Code, Article 383, that just as a citizen is authorized to arrest anyone who is in obvious flagarant violation of the law, that we would decide to make citizen arrests.
So 15 of us went to the President’s Residence, and we presented a decree of citizens’ arrest of the President.
Two functionaries, whom we recorded on video, refused to have Matarella appear to the legal request. So I deposited the cause for arrest to the Head of the Carabinieri at the local police station. But they never acted upon it, but neither did the local Prosecutor never denied it, as required by law, to declare it invalid or act upon it.
The Procura of Rome, after 2 years, denounced me for 3 accounts having insulted the President of the Republic! Threatening me with being taken to court if I did not admit that Matarella is the President of the Republic. I responded: take me to court!
The Procura responded by giving me a court date in November, 2020, to put the trial as far in the future possible.
The the entire Parliament is illegitimate. Materella is a usurper.
On June 25, 2015, the ruling Party instead of following the decision of the Constitutional court, went ahead convalidating the election, even though many experts in Constitutional law said that by such an action they would make the entire government unconstitutional.
The Newspapers refused to print the news. There was a conspiracy of the press to not speak of it, because if they spoke of it, they had to present the justice of the case, and not wanting the people know this, they said nothing.
The Constitutional Order, therefore, must be restored by the People.
The response to COVID-19 is simply an excuse to establish themselves as a permanent Dictatorship.
Autopsies of victims have shown that the persons died of inflammation of the circulatory systems and not by an infection of the lungs.
After my appeal on television, which was seen by more than 1.5 million on Facebook, and 9 thousand emails.
It was then that a project to vilify me as a nationalist, a facist, a nazi, an ex-generale.
It is an outrage that I was attacked for merely saying the truth.
Even Trump says this pandemic is fake.
On June 12, 2010, at the Council of Europe decided that WHO could forcibly vaccinate citizens for the avian flu, the swine flu. Which has set a precedent. The signers of this decision were all involved with Globalists.
These frauds about pandemics have already earned Big Pharma more than 4 billion euros.
The WHO declares pandemia to make money for Big Pharma. Billions were spent for the swine flu, which only killed 15,000 euros. The vaccines which were bought by France, Germany, etc., what happened to them?
There is a corrupt relation between the WHO declaring a pandemic and signing contracts from Big Pharma.
Politicians who go along with past false pandemics end up with cushy jobs with Big Pharma, after they retire from politics.
My father was a prisoner of the Nazis, so no one can make a charge of being a Nazi stick to me.
The press has to attack me, because they have no way to oppose the truth of what I say.
I call on the people of Italy to come to Rome on June 1 and insist together that this government resign. A new government needs to use the right granted by the EU central bank to print 700 Billion in Euros, marked as Italian Euros, and give them to the people to repair the damage done to the nation.
We need to restore the Republic and Constitutional Order and restore liberty.
This government is terrorizing persons with imprisonment for not observing health decrees, on the grounds of a future unproven risk of infection.
This government has murdered doctors, who were forced to care for the sick, when they themselves were not in good health.
Statistics show that this is no a pandemic but a mild epidemic of influenza.
On June 2, 2020 we will establish a New Government.
We will impeach the President, and only the Parliament can judge the matter. But since the Parliament is also illegitimate, there will remain only the People will have the constitutional right to arrest them all and impeach them.
I will present a Decree of Impeachment of the entire Government and Heads of State in the name of the People and present it to the Supreme Constitutional Court to order their removal.
June 2, 2020 will be a great day in the history of Italy.
The Court will hear the decree because the citizens will remain until the Court judges the case.
Do you think that the Carabinieri and Police will turn against the People? I will speak on behalf of the People. If there is conflict, it will be a shameful day for the police, not the People.
Here is my proposed political program on June 2, 2012. We need a new parliament within 12 months, with a constitutional election. We will establish a National Committee for National government as an interim instrument of government. We will restore Article 1 of the Constitution, the pre-eminence of the sovereignty of the Italian People.
We will call for a referendum to restore the sovereignty of Italy.
The People are sovereign, not the officers of the Republic.
The People who come on June 1, 2020, who have been gravely victimized by the government, will remain until the officers of the National Treasury give them 700 Billion Euros in compensation.
I do not want to become Prime Minister, only to put everything back in order.
We must become patrons of our own destiny and not allow others to enslave us.
Leone, at the end, says, that when he sees any journalist make false clams against Pappalardo he will denounce them to the police for defamation.
He says that he refuses to become a beggar upon the Church or the State. That the necessity to support his family gives him the right to ignore the decrees.
He says the government are persons who were elected on the web by their party, not chosen by name by the People. That the government is composed by incompetent persons.
He challenges, Giuseppe Conte, whom he calls a big piece of shit, to come a shut him down. Challenges him to be a man and come himself and not send the police.
News and Commentary on the Catholic Church
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