LifeSite, after failing to call for Pope Francis’s removal, embraces the LGBTQ Agenda

Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

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Back on April 13, 2020, I warned that LifeSite News had taken a radical ideological step towards accepting and promoting the LGBTQ agenda, by redefining family values to include sodomy.

That ideological march continues today with their new article called “Inviting the LGBTQ Community into the Church”.

Regardless of what their video purports to say, it is absolutely clear what they are saying.

And since they have not told their readers and viewers anything about removing Pope Francis from the Papacy for signing “Fiducia supplicans”, the “Gay Blessing” approving document, published on Dec. 18, 2023, one can understand why this new invitation is a significant step in the direction of the Gay Agenda.

Messaging is important, and it is significant. This is not a matter of spin or imagination.

To say, “To welcome the X community into the Church” is to say, that X is a thing which can be part of the Church. But when X is an ideological group opposed to Catholic Teaching and Doctrine and divine revelation, then to say, “Welcome X into the Church” is to say, “assist in destroying the Church by collaborating in the infiltration of X into the Church”. — I spell this out for those who can no longer say that they see what they see.

In fact, saying, as the introductory text below the above video, on its page says: “inviting our LGBT loved ones into a deeper relationship with Christ”, is a heretical affirmation, since such persons are NOT in a relationship with Christ at all, and because of their infernal rejection of their identity in Christ as heterosexuals, they make themselves ABOMINABLE to the Living God.

FromRome.Info is only reporting the facts. If that irks anyone, then they need to ask if Jesus Christ, the Truth, is still their Lord and Master.

Now, I hope my readers begin to understand what the refusal to speak in favor of an initiative such as the Sutri Initiative really means. Silence is not benign.

If you do not want to uproot the evil, you want evil to flourish and grow deeper roots.


John Henry Westen: Cionci was the first to say Benedict intentionally resigned invalidly

A Needed Historical Correction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

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Mr. John Henry Westen, of LifeSite News introduces this video, above, with notable historical errors. The first of which is to say that Andrea Cionci was the first to say that Pope Benedict XVI intentionally renounced in an invalid way. That opinion of Cionci was launched on June 11, 2020.

The truth however is, that FromRome was the first to air this opinion in its Article, on Sept. 11, 2019, published more than a month before I traveled to Rome, and nearly a year before Cionci broached the topic in the Italian press. Again, FromRome broached the topic in its widely popular article on January 20, 2020, which has received more than 100,000 visitors since. It was that article, which spurred Cionci to write his own article on June 11, 2020, after having met me, a week before, at a political rally (see here) for those opposed to the Lock Down, which FromRome.Info covered in its entirety. It was Marco Cosimo who introduced Cionci to me; and who commented on his article on June 11, 2020, on his video channel (see here).

The correct historical assertion should be that Andrea Cionci was first to characterize the effect of the renunciation as to impede the Apostolic See. He did that on August 18, 2021.

That Pope Benedict XVI intended to impede the see is debatable, if the question turns upon intention; but juridically it is absolutely certain that he did in fact impede the see by a renunciation of ministry while retaining the munus. Because by doing such a thing, he decided definitively to refuse to speak to the Faithful as the Pope, that is, in the exercise of the responsibilities of the Pope. —  For the same reason, Pope Francis, having signed ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and pertinaciously refusing to recant, has impeded the Apostolic See by refusing to exercise his office as a Catholic.

The Ratzinger Code, book, by Cionci showed, however, that as a private person, Pope Benedict XVI still spoke as the Pope, that is, with the knowledge that he never renounced the munus, mandate or some part of the responsibility of the office.

But for LifeSiteNews, FromRome.Info does not exist.

In truth, however, FromRome.Info is a unique and authoritative chronicle of the Roman Church since its founding, in 2013, on the topic of Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation and the activities of the St. Gallen Mafia. See our upper menu for our complete historical coverage of these events.

Why Lent is the season, par excellence, to become a Crusader

Hear the Exhortation given at the Council of Clermont, Nov. 27, 1095 A. D., by Blessed Pope Urban II, calling the First Crusade, and the discussion by AJ and Br. Bugnolo about the true spirit of Christianity and how a return to a right order of living, especially as regards charity for persecuted Christians, is the only way to renew Christendom.

This is what the First Crusade was all about. And this is the spirit of Ordo Militaris Catholicus.

Cardinal Mueller: ‘Fiducia supplicans’ is contrary to the perennial teaching of the Church

Editor’s Note: The Cardinal after 60 days is still trying to save Pope Francis from a charge of heresy. He wants us to believe that ‘Fiducia supplicans’ by approving blessings for those who are in an objective state of mortal sin through a practice which is condemned absolutely by God is only teaching contrary to the deposit of the faith, but is not heretical in the sense of being heresy, but only in the sense of leading to heresy.

That is like saying, a drug is not lethal but is only poisonous.

This is why Cardinal Mueller’s article is published by First Things, a Skull and Bones publication which has always sought to protect Pope Francis from the charge he was an antipope, when he was an anitpope and from being a heretic after ‘Fiducia supplicans’.

Since the Benz interview was published, I believe that thinking Catholics will now have to consider carefully everything this Cardinal says and does, because he seems to have been given instructions to stay within a CIA narrative. And while that does not mean he is a CIA agent, it definitely means he is working for their agenda — and yes, I just employed Mueller’s logic against him.

It was clear from the first hour after ‘Fiducia supplicans’ was published that it was formally heretical, promoted blasphemy and sacrilege (because it said and authorized the abuse of the Divine Name to approve of sin, it instructed the priests of God to commit this horrible sacrilege against the Second Commandment of the Decalogue) and most dishonestly encouraged the entire Catholic world to accept this as an authentic growth in the understanding of the Gospel. BUT the Cardinal has taken 60 times 24 times longer to say, “it is contrary to the teaching of the Church, but not heretical”. It should be obvious that he has some strong motive for misrepresenting the truth.

For a complete list of my critiques of ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and of the news about ‘Fiducia suplicans’ as covered by FromRome.Info, see the Top menu of FromRome.Info and click on “Contra Fiducia supplicans”.

Michael Benz: “Free Speech” was a op to instigate overthrow of governments

Editor’s Note: He is speaking of internet free-speech which is now ending, since Globalists have seized control of most governments. But the deeper truth is that the entire narrative of “free speech” is a Masonic invention to destroy the Catholic Church and overthrow Catholic governments. That is why “free speech” is seen by no free-speech advocate as applying to Catholics.

For a transcript see

This report confirms all the reports at OMC Radio TV about Deep State control of the Church, the fake opposition to Bergoglio and the efforts to silence and smear AJ and myself for our work for Christ at Ordo Militaris Catholicus.

It is a must read.

However, understand that it is a limited hangout, to get you to vote for Trump and hail Elon Musk, who are both the two biggest fake opposition leaders of those opposed to Globalism and the Deep State.

Gloria.TV goes Arian

Editor’s Note: Imagine Jesus bible stumping at your door, handing out bibles. Jesus the proddie evangelist. But to imagine that, you have to think that Jesus Christ is just another Christian, who appeals to Scripture for His Authority. And that is the heresy of Arianism. Shame on Gloria.TV, for opposing heresy with heresy. This is the worst misfire yet, since it is a blasphemy against the Living God in the Person of the Eternal Son.

How the “Leaders” of the Traditional Catholic movement have manipulated Traditional Catholics

PART IV: How the Traditionalist ‘leaders’ have manipulated that movement

See Part I, Part II and Part III by clicking the links.

In this episode, AJ and Br. Bugnolo take a mountain-top look at the Traditional Catholic movement and discuss how its “leaders” have moved Catholics from the solid Catholic position of Father Gommar de Pauw in 1967, to a dumbed down “I don’t care what happens to the Church as an institution” version and mockery of the Faith, abandoning the works of mercy and all concern for the restoration of the Church. Watch on Rumble above, or through the other platforms, via OMC Radio TV below:

And if you want a concrete case example of the above see this …

The Saints and Sinners who defended Christendom from Islamic Jihad

 Editor’s Note: You can join the company of the Saints who defended Christendom from Islam, by becoming a member of Ordo Militaris Catholicus, the only Catholic international association dedicated to the defense of persecuted Christians with the force of arms.

But this video contains so many historical errors that I could write several pages listing them. Dracula was not a count, Richard was a King, Urban II was a blessed, Spain was Catholic not Arian when it was invaded by the Arabs. Muslims di not pour out of Arabia, Arabs did, as the Islamic religious was founded c. 720 a century later; the Emperor is Heraclius not Heracles, Jesus in Arabic is not ISIS in reverse, etc etc..  These two speakers get a F in history.

Archbishop Shevchuk: Russia’s War Crimes must be condemned

Editor’s Note: The Masonic Lodges world-wide have been very effective in convincing Christians to condone war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, Azerbaijan in Artsakh, and Israel in Gaza. — FromRome.Info on principle stands against all unjust violence against innocents, and has stood will the victims of all three conflicts. We follow Jesus Christ’s authority in such matters, not what the MSM or fake opposition may want all to believe. Our support of Ukraine was vindicated during the rebellion by Prighozin, who admitted the entire Russian narrative justifying the war against Ukraine was a lie. — I was one of the few journalists who actually traveled to Ukraine to verify facts on the ground. — I will always stand with persecuted Christians. — What Archbishop Shevchuk, the primate of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Greek Rite says about the need to condemn war crimes is true Catholic teaching. But what he says about the moral obligation to oppose all war is false, since some wars are just, such as the Crusades of old, which took Jerusalem for Christ and defended the Catholic Kingdom of Jerusalem, which belongs by divine right to our Holy Faith.

USA: House impeaches Homeland Security Director for failing to stop illegal immigration

Editor’s Note: For the first time in 150 years, the U. S. House has impeached a member of the President’s cabinet for failing to uphold Federal Laws. Mayorkas is the Jewish head of Home Land Security. It is his job to stop illegal invasion, but he has done the opposite, by enabling lit. He is such a bigot and racist, that in cross examination in Congressional committee he dared to accuse his critics of being antisemites simply because they dared to question him, a Jew, about the fulfillment of his duties. He was impeached on a vote of 214 to 213. The impeachment beings a process whereby Mayorkas can be removed from office. The trial on the charge will now be heard in the U. S. Senate, if it decides to receive the case.

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church