by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
I am putting out a warning to my readers who may be significantly invested in silver.
This is based on the news reported in the article above, which reports that Ted Butler, of Butler research, discovered that the iShares Silver ETF (Electronically Traded Fund) claims to have 100 million ounces of silver on account with JP Morgan, which is the same amount being held on account by the same bank on behalf of COMEX (Commodity Exchange Inc.).
And ETF is an investment in an electronically trade share, which has no real existence and is not silver, but which is a partial-share ownership in another investment or fund of investments. In this case iShare SLV ETF says that it holds real silver on account.
So Mr. Butler wrote the SEC (Security Exchange Commission) and asked if the 100 million ounces is the same silver or not. — It’s a fair question.
But after 6 months the SEC has failed to answer his question. — What?
DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert, and I do not therefore have any expertise such that you would based an investment decision on my opinions.
But my gut feeling is that there is, as the article implies above, a counter-party risk, namely, that the same silver is being claimed for both parties.
And if so, then that seems to be gross fraud to my inexpert opinion.
Besides, the iShares ETF was founded by BlackRock, an investment fund which has a terrible globalist reputation.
I am counseling all my friends to sell their ETFs in silver. Investing in a ETF shows recently how the price of silver on the commodity markets are clearly enabling higher capital gains on investing in the metal than in ETFs, which implies that the Silver ETF is somehow siphoning off the capital gains in their trust and not passing it on to investors. — The article above suggests that they are doing that by selling their silver reserves and thus diluting the value of the ETF shares as silver rises in price.
And that to my inexpert judgement, and perhaps to your own, seems to be another fraud.
Electronically traded funds offer a way for investors to invest in something of value, which otherwise would not be open to being invested in by them, because of rules established to allow only those investors of very large wealth to do so. Like Stock Markets, which originated in the Netherlands in the 16th century, such traded funds are in reality a mechanism to pump money from the pockets of outsiders into the pockets of insiders, since the actual value of the fund or stock depends on the prevalence of a group of investors with inside and immediate knowledge of events and facts prevailing over investors who are not in their cliques and not as well informed or quick to surveil the current markets.
In fact, since the rise of stock markets, there has been a very noticeable shift of wealth and power from the nobility and the landed class to the hands of very few financial families and these mostly of a non-Christian background. This has been one of the mechanisms to advance the agenda of those opposed to Christian society.