Father Clovis et alia call for Pope Francis to be Deposed from the Papacy
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For more background for today’s show, see here.
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USA: Nazi Agent George Soros funded ‘Antisemitic’ Violence at Universities across America
“You can give the whole world a ‘shot’, for free?” — Yea, open your eyes!
Donald Trump wants the Death Penalty for “AntiSemitism”?
Editor’s Note: Things are getting very dark in the U.S.A.. Trump’s son joined the Jewish Fraternity at University, and when asked why, he said, “It’s the big secret of our Family, we are all Jews”. — Well with the above news, it is now clear that Trump is a particular kind of nasty radical, called a Zionist. — Trump’s comments were made in regard to the shooting at the Synagogue in Pittsburgh, where 11 Jews were murdered. However, Trump’s comments are clearly only made in reference to killing Jews, since he has never called for the death penalty for crimes against Christians.
Charle Coloumbe describes the Catholic Order under which our Ancestors lived
Editor’s Note: This is a very good presentation. The only defect is that it lacks a statement about the falsehood of socialism, collectivism, and solidarism, which try to revive something of the Catholic Order, but leave God out of the picture, which is precisely the problem of all non-Catholic forms of government.
Chris Cuomo admits DeathVaxx injuries
Editor’s Note: Christ Cuomo is an Italian-American, the son of the former New York State Governor, who was also a U. S. Presidential Candidate for the Democrat Party. His admission of being vaccine injured is equivalent to a political earthquake in the USA.
This is just another report demonstrating, that being a loyal reader of FromRome.info since March of 2020, was one of the best health news decision anyone could have made.
Scholars call for Pope Francis to resign or be deposed
Editor’s Note: I agree with this statement 100%. It reasons for the deposition of Pope Francis from the point of view of the accusations or theological reasons why he should be removed from power. Unlike the Sutri Initiative, which expressly agrees with the theological reasons but focuses on the practical solution, the canonical means to do it.
For the record, none of the signatories contacted me, even though several of the signatories have my email and phone number.
But from the tone of this recent declaration, it appears all have read the Sutri Initative, published 6 months ago. If they have not signed it — and some of them may have, since I do not ask that signatories on it write to me to confirm their action — I think it is because they do not understand the canonical history or motives of the First Council of Sutri or why the Church accepted it.
Note, the above article, at the bottom of it, has footnotes and a PDF version to download.
However, I think it is not charitable nor honest of the signatories to publish such a statement and leave in limbo how to achieve what they ask for: the solution to which is spelled out in detail in the Sutri Initiative. That is like responding, “Yes, your car is broke and you need to fix it”, when the speaker was asked, “How or where can I fix my car?” It’s a politically safe response, but it is not a response which respects the dignity of the person asking or takes seriously his needs.
And we should all insist that each signatory on the above declaration have the honestly to publicly admit the Sutri Initiative exists, and has existed for 6 months. And declare whether they have made such a petition to the Bishops or not.
Because any other way of acting is virtue signalling.
But from a point of narrative mechanics — that is, the art of winning or losing a debate — what they are doing is guaranteed to fail. Because if you call for something controversial but do not propose a solution, your opposition will respond by saying there is no solution. Which is precisely what Cardinal Burke has been doing for neigh 6 years: saying there is no canonical solution. — So one has to ask each of these signatories, “What is your game? Are you that stupid?” For if you had mentioned the Sutri Initiative, then you would have defended your position and made is entirely plausible.
Whereas, the Sutri Initiative, by refuting Cardinal Burke’s ludicrous and a-historical assertion, builds a solid position which can only aid in convincing its readers of its truth and practicability.
VATICAN: Pope Francis is driven about in a FIAT 500L
The Globalist attack on the Catholic Church ramps up bigtime
Euthanasia is the Globalist solution to covering up DeathVaxx injuries
Editor’s Note: Many transnational corporations with medical services units are spinning them off as separate companies. For those who understand what happened and the liability issues involved, this fact is another admission that they knew what they are responsible for and are attempting to save huge corporations from lawsuits..
The truth is that the Scamdemic was the time when your hospital turned into a Concentration and Extermination camp.
FromRome.info was one of the few Catholic sites which warned the world against this plot against humanity at every step, and was proved right 100% of the time about the extent of the danger.
USA to outlaw the Christian Bible & Preaching the truth about the Crucifixion
Editor’s Note: Biden is expected to sign the bill into law in days. The new law will make it a federal crime to speak of Jews, if anyone perceives such speech as promoting hatred. That is most of the New Testament, according to radical anti-Christian elements in the West. — This law will be used to being an open war against Christianity in the USA.
Saints Peter, Paul and Luke would all now risk Prison, if they entered U. S. Territory …
https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1785762509187678637At John Hopkins a DNA study showing that Ashkenazim are not ancient Hebrews
Editor’s Note: Since I hold a B. A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Florida, I have always been fascinated by the claims and controversies about the real origin of modern day “Jews” from Northern Europe: the so-called, Askhenazim: are they really Jews? are they Hebrews? Do they have any claim to the Holy Land? — The Rothschilds are among the Ashkehazim and they are the principal proponents of the modern state of Israel. — The political question is inextricable from the genetic question, because if this finding is true, then the majority of those who claim to be Jews in the Holy Land today have no ethnic or religious right or reason to occupy or return to that land, even if one were to accept the ludicrous notion, that a people, dispossessed of their land 2000 years ago had any right to return.
ROME: Pope Francis continues to push Rupnik art with a sick religious zealotry
USA: Center for Disease Control knew DeathVaxxes were harmful but lied to public
RNS: Catholics in the USA are eagerly waiting progressive V2 revolutionaries to drop dead
The Truth about the U. S. constitution, by Jefferson Davis: April 19, 1861 A. D..
Bishop Mar Mari permanently blinded in 1 eye, after Islamic Attack
VATICAN: John Paul II alleged to be connected to Pedophile Ring which disappeared Emmanuela Orlandi
Editor’s Note: See our past reports about the case of the disappearance of Emmanuela Orlandi, HERE. Back in 2021, I speculated that Emmanuela Orlandi was made to disappear because she was pregnant with the child of Archbishop Marcinkus or of Pope John Paul II. Now the speculation based only on circumstantial evidence is finding new support.