SLOVAKIA: Attempted assassination of Prime Minister Robert Fico

Editor’s note: As we learned during the Scamdemic, the Globalists insist on having leaders they want, and when they do not get them, they assassinate the ones they do not want. Fico has been PM for nearly 10 years, and heads the Marxist ruling party, which is of course, pro-Soviet Union.

Robert Fico, who has always been a Communist / Marxist, was born in Slovakia on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, in 1964. He is not to be confused with Roberto Fico, the Italian Parliamentarian.

His attacker, Juraj Cintula is a writer, activist and “anti-violence” activist. He is 71 years old and seems to have used a short-barreled fire arm. He is a rabid pro-Russian militant, who apparently was tasked to infiltrate the peace movement in Slovakia and push more radical reactions in that nation.

The Ascension and the Assumption: how Mary followed in the footsteps of Our Lord

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ occurred 40 days after His glorious Resurrection in the year 33 A. D..

He was crucified on April 3rd of that year, and rose from the dead on April 5th of that year. — We are talking here about the Julian Calendar dates. I have explained this elsewhere in detail on April 5, 2020.

Thus, since Our Lord ascended by His own divine power to Heaven, to sit at the Right Hand of the Divine Majesty of His natural and eternal Father, it follows that He did so on May 15th of that year.

But our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven — the most ancient of all Marian Feasts in Christendom, is celebrated on August 15th.

So numerologically, we can say that Our Lady’s own assumption was a commemoration of our Lord’s Ascension.

We also have a profound reason why the Mysteries of the Rosary are 15, not 20, as Pope John Paul II wanted them to be.

Crisis Magazine: There is no crisis in the Church, or, there always was!

Editor’s Note: This article seems to be an attempted refutation of the article at FromRome entitled, Gladio, Pope Francis & the Making of the One Religion of the New World Order.

I will leave it to the readers of FromRome.Info to discern whether he has ably refuted facts with mental gymnastics.

If you have ever thought it a wild idea, that Crisis Magazine is controlled opposition, I think its time to fundamentally reassess your opinion.

ITALY: Tribunal at Bolzano orders 170000 Euro judgement in favor of unvaxxed Pharmacy Director

Editor’s Note: In Italy, it is unheard of to win any sort of significant judgements in a civil suit, due to the nature of the Italian legal system which is wholly intent on protecting those in power. So when the plaintiff, the woman in charge of the Pharmacy inside the State Hospital at Brixen, wins a 170 thousand euro judgement in her favor, for being fired because she refused the DeathVaxx, Italians take note. Bolzano is in the high alps, north of Trent, in the region of Italy which speaks German. Brixen is a further 45 minutes north, along the road to Innsbruck. — The judgment is even more astounding, because it was made in the Labor Court against the Italian Republic’s Ministry of Health. — Thus, more lawsuits for wrongful dismissal and loss of pay are most certainly to be brought throughout the country, now.

La Prensa: The Covid Scam was not the last, nor the first perpetrated by the Globalists

Editor’s Note: The truth has at last gone mainstream, at least in Argentina, with the courageous publication of this article in Spanish by La Prensa. — May this article assist in the deposition of the mass-murdering Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who called taking the DeathVaxx, “an act of love”. — Catholics who do not want a mass-murdering globalist shill deposed for his hatred and enmity toward souls, will soon have to count themselves among those collaborators of his who will join in his eternal punishment, I fear and pray.

SPAIN: 16 Poor Clares join Thuc-line Sedevacantists

And more at …

Editor’s Note: If you do not have the intellectual knowledge or moral capacity to do the right thing, you can often become the victim of those who want to you wound the Mystical Body of Christ rather than seek Her healing. — Religious women live a cloistered life. That anyone seduce them to defect from the Church is a grave mortal sin that Christ will punish in eternity with a special vengeance, since they were His faithful brides.

I cannot express in words how much personal anguish and grief I feel to hear of cases such as this one, which could have been prevented with just a little catechesis, good will and sincerity on the part of anyone involved.

Archbishop Ngô Đình Thục, was the Bishop of Hue, South Vietnam, who, being so scandalized by the Vatican II “reforms” and not knowing how to distinguish a formal heretic from an impeded see, came to believe Paul VI was no longer the pope and ordained numerous men Bishops in the old rite. Though the Vatican regards these consecrations invalid in the juridical order (so as not to consent to the illiceity of their conferral), there is little doubt that they are valid in the sacramental order. However, those who have received them went on to get involved in many dubious and uncatholic affairs, such that Bishops of this line of consecration are bitterly attacked from all sides. — However, it is theologically wrong to hold that these nuns have “left the Catholic Church” as their Archbishop repeatedly attempts to accuse them of, since in explicitly wanting to remain members of the true Church, they cannot be morally or juridically culpable of schism. It appears rather than their Archbishop was involved in a dispute over governance of the Convent and they saw no other solution but this desperate option.

Archbishop Ngô Đình Thục was part of the ruling family which ran the South Vietnamese government before it fell to the Viet Kong. It is highly likely, therefore, that he had strong ties to U. S. and French Military Intelligence during his life, like all the “opposition” “leaders” of the Traditionalist movement after the Council.

The solution to Pope Francis is not schism, but in recognizing that by his heretical and schismatic behavior he has impeded the Apostolic See, and that, on that account, the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome, have the right and duty to summon him to a provincial council to seek his repentance, abdication or deposition. The petition for them to do this, is already more than 6 months old.

Anyone who knows of this petition and hides it from Catholics who are scandalized, might be responsible for allowing the wolves of Christ’s enemies steal souls.

For my part, I admit that I am guilty in not asking or insisting that the Sutri Initiative be translated into Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish and Arabic, which has obstructed the diffusion of knowledge about it to most of the Catholic world. I had assumed that my readers were zealous enough to do that without my asking for it. So now I ask it. And this requires not a mechanical google-translation, but the work of an ecclesiastic who is familiar with theological and juridical terminology both in his own language and in the original English version.

ROME: How Fr. Jacob Bertrand groomed a virgin for Satanic Ritual Rape

 Warning, extremely disturbing and graphic story of how a priest protected by Cardinal McElroy perpetrated the most horrific religious crime against a Catholic virgin. And how Pope Francis knowing this, made McElroy a Cardinal as a reward. — At this point, if you are not calling for Pope Francis to be deposed, you need to reflect deeply and profoundly how you are meriting to share in the same pit in Hell as these monsters.

YouTube is light years ahead of Soviet Show Trials

Editor’s note: Two days ago I received this notice from YouTube in regard to a video I made of a prayer vigil back on October 17, 2020, in the piazza of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, at midnight.

YouTube won’t tell me what I said, which they found offensive to their globalist ideal of liquidating any evidence of the Scamdemic and erasing any criticism of their criminal complicity.

So, not only can I not appeal. I am not even told what I said which was wrong. I am only told what they think I said. None of the links to the evidence works.

YouTube is light years ahead of the Soviet Show trials. Because at least in a show trial, there is the display of evidence to support the accusation!

Evidently in the Star Chamber of YouTube, that is no longer considered necessary.

I know by divine and catholic Faith that one day, on the day of Judgement, they will get their just desserts for this behavior. I only pray that I remain faithful to my Lord Jesus Christ, until death, so that I might rejoice to see the lightning bolts from His Throne and the vengeance of Saint Gabriel the Archangel against them, in all its inescapable fury and horror!

Barnhardt says its a clown virtue to be wrong, while rejecting Pope Francis’ valid election

Editor’s Note: It has long been the vice of the enemies of Christ to accuse Christians of the crimes they themselves perpetrate and desire to perpetrate. They call our love hatred, and their hatred love. So it is remarkable that in this post Ann Barnhardt ridicules the present age for insisting it is a virtue to be wrong, while insisting on her own private opinion, in defiance with all the Doctors, Fathers and Popes of the Catholic Church, who say the Roman Church by Apostolic Right has the authority and liberty to elect Her own Bishop: a thing which was done on January 30, 2023, when with the College of Cardinals failing to convene to elect the successor to Pope Benedict XVI, who was pope until the day of his death, on Deb. 31, 2022 — AS ANN BARNHARDT ADMITS — the Faithful of the Roman Church elected his successor in the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, there being no other candidates proposed by anyone in attendance or not in attendance, including Ann Barnhardt (who was not in attendance and ridiculed the election as invalid, thereafter). — It remains to my mind a most shameful thing that after denying Apostolic Tradition, Ann has gone one to imitate the hypocrisy of Christ’s enemies and the private judgement of protestants, in denying the Church of Rome its right to elect its Bishop. — The moral of this story is, that if you break with the Roman Church, you will be dashed upon the Rock of Peter.

Barnhardt made a shipwreck of her recently acquired Catholic Faith, by insisting on grifting on the issue more than honestly seeking the good of the Church. She rather preferred to plunge her soul into the hatred of the man, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, rather than into the love of the whole Mystical Body, which has need to be in communion with a validly elected pope, even when no honorable man has the courage and integrity to present himself as a candidate. Cradle Catholics know this by default, since they know the Pope exists for the Church, and not the Church for the personal agenda or preferences of any man or woman. If there are many who are displeased at the outcome of the election, there are far too few of them who have truly assessed or recognized the grave moral fault of their own guilt in not promoting a worthy candidate to be chosen by the Assembly on January 30, 2023.

Let us pray for such humility and honesty, without which no one, who rejects the juridically valid elections of Roman Pontiffs can be saved.

NCR embraces heresy of Female Ordination, scolds Pope Francis for opposing it

Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

In a shocking break from their editorial policy, the National Catholic Reporter — a Catholic newspaper formerly owned by the Legionaries of Christ, but now by EWTN, the TV channel founded by the saintly Mother Angelica — has run an article praising the ordination of the first woman deacon by Archbishop Seraphim, a bishop of the Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria (an ecclesiastical entity of the Greek Orthodox Church).

The Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria has been criticized repeatedly by other Orthodox Churches since 2016, when it announced its intention “to restore” the deaconate for women. That they took 8 years to actually “ordain” a woman shows how strong the opposition was. But even among the Orthodox, the theologians agree with the Catholic Church that women cannot be ordained members of the clergy, despite whatever words be used in the ceremony to make it appear otherwise.

The St. Pheobe Center for Deaconesses is clearly — cited in the article above as the source of its news — from their own language involved in a Marxist re-write of the Orthodox Church’s theology on ordination, for they say they want something that will cause confusion, but do not want to affirm that woman are really being ordained deacons, since that is theologically impossible. This is the exact same logic as the modernist change-theology-through-chainging-practice.

The reasons woman cannot be ordained in the Catholic Church are profound and touch upon the very essence of the Christian religion, as the one true religion revealed by God and established by the Eternal Son of the Eternal Father: the ministerial service of the Deaconate and Priesthood are sacramental manifestations (impressed upon the souls of the clergy by supernatural characters) of the Divine Dignity and Mission of the only-begotten Eternal Son of the Eternal Father, by which when serving in their sacred functions, whether during liturgy or outside of liturgy, all their actions which accord with the Great Mandate given by Our Lord on the first Ascension Thursday are accepted by the Eternal Father for their imprecatory value, since in them He sees His own Son’s perfect and most acceptable service in fulfillment of the Mission He entrusted to Him in His Incarnation as Man. Thus, there is no possibility of manufacturing any sort of sacramental mark or status by which a woman could be raised to the level of being seen by the Eternal Father as representing His Eternal Son, as the discord of female with male would require the Eternal Father to disregard the masculinity of His Eternal Son as part of that identity.

Thus the implication of ordaining a woman to any clerical status in the Catholic Church, whether in minor orders or major orders, is the most horrible sacrilege and offense to the Eternal Father, and makes Him the target and victim of a Marxist agenda to deny human sexuality as essential to the individual human nature. This is the worse sacrilege, blasphemy, and abuse possible of the Divine Father and His Most Sacred Majesty.

Moreover, God’s eternal decision to establish men alone as His ministers on Earth participates in the sacred and apocalyptic (“end times”) mystery of scandal to the world, by which “the first are made last and the last first”, to show that the ways of God are as high as the heavens from the ways of man, since in the natural order God created the women last, and thus made them participate more intimately in the procreation of human persons than any other creature, including men; hence, in the New Creation of mankind in Christ’s Resurrection and Paschal Mystery, the man is made first, in the order of recreation, so that now by the sacred action of individual men, in the clerical orders, we might be born again to new life, fed, nurtured, forgiven and blessed, without any intervention of a woman.

That is why the Catholic Church automatically excommunicates any woman who claims to be ordained to anything, since such an action automatically by its very nature signifies and communicates that the clergy who participate and the woman who step forward, as well as all who attend the ceremony and consent to it, have completely apostatized from the Christian religion and are involved in a Satanic mockery of the same.

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church