Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

On June 11, 2024, the “Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith”, an entity erected by no pope sent a letter to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò informing him of his pending trial in the “Dicastery” on the charge of schism. In response to reports that he has been so charged and would attend he has issued a public statement denying that he will attend or attempt to defend himself.

Though he has been repeatedly informed by private correspondence that he must take his appeal to a provincial council in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome, just as the Sutri Initiative suggests and urges, Archbishop Viganò has, instead, chosen to issue a public response full of expressions which will only lead to his condemnation.

The core of the Archbishop’s error lies in attributing to the Church the errors, crimes and immorality of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his crew. On this basis, he denies the authority of the Dicastery, of Pope Francis, and of the Church in communion with him, to put him on trial.

Such statements will be viewed by all as schismatic, since semantically they express the very essence of the notion of schism.

The proper Catholic response, on the other hand, would be to accuse these persons before the proper tribunal (Provincial Council in the Roman Province). While the Sutri Initiative suggests such a recourse to challenge the validity of Pope Francis’ election in March of 2013, or the validity of his claim to be pope, on account of his patent heresies, such a recourse can also be made by an Archbishop who is incardinated at the Vatican when charged by agents of a Roman Pontiff who has any questionable hold on the Petrine Office, even one vitiated by heretical intentions.

I believe that once again, we are seeing play out in real time the destruction of the person and reputation of another outstanding cleric of the Roman Church, since, because he lacks the courage to bring a canonical complaint to the competent tribunal, he is attempting to win his case by public debate and diatribes: a thing which can never succeed, since the Church of Jesus Christ is a juridical entity with proper laws and procedures, and justice must be sought in accord with them.

Contrariwise, if the Archbishop changes his legal strategy immediately by publicly appealing to a provincial council against the actions of a dicastery which was erected not by Pope Benedict XVI but by another claiming the papal office during his lifetime, he will put the entire dispute squarely on the proper legal grounds and avoid a charge of schism. For no one appealing to the proper tribunal is a schismatic. He will also in the strongest possible juridical manner put in doubt the claim of Pope Francis to have the right to move against him.

In such a case, the Bishops of the Roman Province can decide to call or not call the Council: the charges against Pope Francis being sufficient to hold the Apostolic See impeded (see here fore more about this). If the Bishops were to refuse to convene, then the Archbishop could rightfully appeal to any provincial council in the world, since such a refusal would confirm the juridical doubt concerning the impeded see and a conspiracy to overthrow the Church. Furthermore, even if the provincial council in the Roman province determine against him, he could appeal to other provincial councils, since such decisions put in writing in a provincial council would demonstrate the unjust basis of Pope Francis’ claims to office. This would raise the controversy to the international level and require a general council to hear the case, as numerous provincial councils could rightfully demand such be convened.

This is the way to fight as a Catholic in the footsteps of great saints such as St. Athanasius of Alexandria. Let us pray that the Archbishop wake up fast, before he is eaten up by the crocodile on the Tiber.

VATICAN “Dicastery” charges Archbishop Viganò with Schism

Commentary and Canonical Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

Editor’s Note: You can read the news from the source, at the Archbishop’s Italian Website, which now has an official English translation of the accusation and surrounding circumstances.

As I have said before, since this Dicastery was never erected by a man holding the Petrine Munus, the entire procedure against the Archbishop is null and void de jure. However, since he nominally recognizes the papal conclave of 2013 as being valid and as Pope Benedict XVI validly resigning, he is caught in the same juridical problem of all Pope Francis’ opponents, of putting himself, as it were, in the mouth of the crocodile on his own accord.

In addition, the Archbishop is being accused of violating a Canon, 1364, which does not exist, since it was published by Pope Francis before his juridically valid election, that is, during his antipapacy from March 13, 2013, to January 29, 2023.

Finally, it is indeed revealing, that the only person yet to be put on trial for heresy or schism by this new fake Dicastery is one of the most Catholic Archbishops of all the Roman Rite.

If the Archbishop publicizes the trial step by step, he will surely win over the entire Catholic world, as the proceedings of the trial will put on show the entire rotten ideological basis upon which the Bergoglian revolution is being perpetrated.

And if he defends himself, he will be able to argue that the conclave of 2013 was canonically invalid, that pope Francis was not therein validly elected. However, if he argues that Benedict XVI validly renounced the papacy, that it would seem that he is actually playing a game with the Globalists to confirm that the election of Pope Francis was valid and could only be considered invalid by mean-spirited presumptuous individuals like himself, since to accuse Bergoglio of not having the good will to be pope, while reasonable, has no basis in canon law for a determination by anyone but a future pope, and would thus expose him to an irrefutable counter-argument of making a false accusation, since the internal forum cannot be judged except by a  superior according to the principle de internis praetor non iudicat.

So while it seems that the anti-Church is moving against the Catholic Archbishop, the intersection of this other possibility makes is more likely that he has joined a public dispute with Pope Francis that is designed to make the latter win and the former lose, so as to undermine the true Catholic position expressed in the Sutri Initiative.

However, if someone were to convince the Archbishop to appeal immediately to a Provincial Council he could save himself and the Church by attacking all his problems at the core, by addressing the invalidity of a resignation of petrine ministry to effect a papal abdication. If he took that position he would indeed then force Pope Francis to recognize publicly his juridically valid election on Jan. 30, 2023 or to admit publicly that he was never the Roman Pontiff.

Let’s see if the Archbishop decides to play a game he can only lose, or fight on the field of the true battle, where he can only win. For true Catholic militancy belongs to the latter, and fake Masonic opposition belongs to the former.

Finally, I find it an indeed strikingly revealing, that the Archbishop entitles his response to the juridical accusation, with the words of Our Lord, recorded in the Gospel of Saint Mathew, chapter 7, verse 15, from the Vulgate: “Attendite a falsis prophetis”, “Beware of false prophets” in the plural. Because this juridical accusation and the Archbishop’s respond are excellent examples of the kind of narrative psyops the Globalists use to divide and conquer, when they put on the chess board of history two public opponents lauded by all controlled media sources, both of whom are wrong, because they accept the Globalist Big Lies as the truth. Thus, no matter which appears to win, the Big Lie is the winner, because the supporters of both prefer the football game-like ruckus and battle more than the truth.

Here the big lie is that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated, when the patent obvious truth is that he never actually renounced nor intended to renounce the Papal Dignity, and thus never renounced by word or intent the petrine munus. Thus, Pope Francis was not validly elected in 2013, and his changes in the Roman Curia in 2022 and penal code of the Church, therefore, are uncanonical and without force. Consequently, the Archbishop can not only NOT be charged, the “Dicastery” charging him has no more authority than a dry fig.

VATICAN: Rabid Anti-Tridentine Liturgist unmasks himself as Cultural Marxist: Tradition = service to change

Editor’s Note: If you want to understand what it means to hate Sacred Tradition with an ideological hatred which is from Hell, just read the interview above. — In Catholic Teaching, tradition means the handing down of the self-same teaching and practice which has its origin in Christ and the Apostles, in accord with the teaching of Saint Paul the Apostle in 2 Thessalonians 2:15,

And thus, brothers, stand fast; and keep the traditions which you have learned,
whether by sermon, or by an epistle of ours.

My translation of the text in the Latin Vulgate

Discerning a Vocation to the Catholic Military Order: Ordo Militaris Catholicus

Have you ever been inspired by the heroic valor of Catholic soldiers of old, who risked everything to protect, rescue and liberate Catholics who were being persecuted? — In today’s program at OMC Radio TV, AJ talks with Br. Bugnolo about discerning a vocation to the Ordo Militaris Catholics: in what it consists and what does it mean, and how every Catholic no matter what his station in life, work, or role, can participate, but especially those young men graduating from Highschool who would like to follow in the footsteps of the 12 patron Saints of that Order, who participated in the Crusades.

Watch above at Ordo Militaris Radio TV, by clicking that image, or through the Rumble window, here below:

VATICAN IOR reports increased assets of 2.4 Billion Euro, up 84% since 2022

Editor’s Note: According to Wikipedia — which cites the official IOR report for 2022 — the Vatican’s Institute for Religious Works (IOR), popularly — but erroneously — called the Vatican Bank, had assets of 2.93 Billion Euro in 2022. But this year’s report for 2023, the assets are reported as 5.4 Billion Euro, up a stunning 2.47 Billion Euro or 84% in one year!

The 2023 report, however, claims only a 4% increase in managed assets of “cilents”.

Clearly, there is either some major discrepancy, or Pope Francis is being paid enormous sums of money from some source. Let’s see if any news source follows this story, reported for the first time here at

AHA indicates 3+ Billion will die from the DeathVaxxes in next 30 years

Editor’s Note: I was heavily criticized for saying in June of 2021, that billions could die from the Covid “Vaccines”. But the American Heart Association’s recent admission that 60% of all adults might suffer heart disease in the next 30 years — a stunning increase in the disease in the USA — seems to indicate that of the 5.53 billion who took the DeathVaxxes, as many as 3 Billion or more might get what they unknowingly asked for, because they chose to believe total liars. — While the AHA does not say the cause in the increase is the myocarditis caused by the DeathVaxxes, everyone with a critical mind knows what is going on.

Cosimo Massaro: The EU has lost the right to govern Europe


By Cosimo Masaro

Original Italian, published under the title, “ELEZIONI EUROPEE: VINCE L’ASTENSIONISMO E IL “SOVRANISMO”, on June 14th, 2024.

This current European Union (not the Europe of the peoples) with these last elections comes out totally defeated. An institution not legitimized by a real constitution but only by treaties that leave the time they find and moreover basically based only on a currency, the Euro, issued by debt by a central bank, the ECB, which is also private and external to the European Union itself.

The European Union was mainly delegitimized by the same peoples who compose it with their abstentionism reached 50%, in practice the largest “party”, while in Italy only 49.7% of those entitled went to vote. A totally discredited European leadership that also had the courage to criticize and label President Putin as a dictator when he won classes with 87% of the consensus on 90% of voting citizens.
Another important fact lies in the fact that this election comes out with the broken bones that left-wing Europe more aligned with globalism, such as Macron and Schulz who, taking a beatings, will certainly send the Franco-German axis into smoke, which was already considerably weakened since Germany was no longer able to supply raw materials from Russia.
From these consultations come out of these consultations that are the most sovereignist positions such as those of Le Pen in France where Macron was forced to dissolve the chambers and send his country to new elections and that of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban. Of course, this is not synonymous with a guarantee for a real change in the current globalist policies applied by Europe starting from those warmongering towards Russia and those falsely environmentalists just to give some examples, as it could happen what has already happened in Italy with the Meloni government, which also came out even more successful from these last political consultations, which has turned around on what was said in the election campaign.
Personally, I think that this usurocratic Europe wanted by the bankers will still have a maximum of two years of life. The end of the Euro will be provoked as soon as possible by Germany itself, because it no longer managed to withstand the economic blows due to the cutting of its “umbilical cord” with the energy flow coming from Russia and no longer being able to be the economic driving force of the same Europe that has allowed it its constant growth and stability, it will bring down the entire European plant through a disruptive domino effect.
If everything that is happening in Europe we also support it at the end of the petrodollar and the ongoing global de-dollarization process that is generating the collapse of the entire fiat currency, which will consequently also invest all European currencies including the Euro, we understand that the end of the empire of debt money (born in 1694 with the birth of the Bank of England) is now imminent.
The European Union from within is not reformable. To constitute a true United Europe, that is, that of the peoples, it will be necessary before to overthrow this current juridical monster that imposed its “European Dictation” as Professor Ida Magli had already pointed out to us in his memorable book of the same name. By now a large part of the people no longer believe in their bales and are perfectly aware that they would have elected a European parliament made up of men who have no voice in chapter and do not even have any decision-making capacity since in Europe the decisions are taken by the European Commission.

A Warning about the “St. Augustine Institute”

Editor’s Note: An educational corporation in the State of Colorado, USA, calling itself the “St. Augustine Institute” is aiming to form Catholics involved in ministries at their parishes and Churches, through their streaming platform, “Formed”. — The problem is that this corporation has no apparent mandate from the Catholic Church to form or teach any Catholic anything about the Faith of the Church. This is a gross imposture, and I urge Catholics to warn their local bishops about this institution. — Yes, it is good to found private institutions to teach, even in matters of the Catholic Faith. But it is always wrong and fraudulent to present such services as apparently approved of or fit for Catholic formation, unless there be a mandate from a local Catholic Bishop.

VATICAN: “Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity” publishes summary of ideological agendas against Papal Authority

Editor’s Note: The non-existent Dicastery has published a summary of all the ideological agendas which have been suggested by the enemies of Christian unity to the Catholic teaching on the Petrine Office and Ministry. — This document is an excellent tool to use to identify all the ways in which non-Catholics are seeking to undermine the role of the Successor of St. Peter in the Church. It also is a useful document to understand where Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have gone wrong on the topic by agreeing with the CIA agenda to allow the Faith to be undermined by endless and pointless dialogue with those who hate us. — I say, “non-existent” because this “Dicastery” was never established in law by anyone holding the Petrine Munus at the time of the establishment. As I have often commented in other occasions, all  these institutions lacking Papal Authority are now in the process of proclaiming a totally fake version of the Catholic Faith contrary to the perennial Magisterium defended by the predecessor intitutions.

The 1960’s CIA Attack on the Catholic Church, the Eucharist, Catholic Youth & Families

In this program, Ordo Militaris Radio TV for its 4th Anniversary, tells how the CIA through Henry and Clare Luce Booth, Fr. John Courtenay Murray, S. J., and Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, began a frontal attack on the Catholic Church’s Faith and Morals. Learn the stunning facts about the moral depravity of these individual and how the entire Vatican II Council was shaped by these disgusting liars.

Watch by clicking the image above, or through the Rumble window here below.


EU Parliamentary Elections show that DeathVaxxed have not learned much of anything

Editor’s Note: The results of the EU Parliamentary Elections are in and the results are merely cosmetic, showing that the common EU voter has not learned a thing during the last 5 years of Pandemic Tyranny.

Ursula von der Leyen’s EPP party, which was responsible chiefly for the attempt to exterminate all residents in the EU actually got more votes in parliament — even while it is not clear if her term as EU President will be renewed, after numerous revelations that she cut lucrative deals for her own family on “Covid Vaccine” contracts for the European Union.

What is consistent in the reporting of the election results is that all major search engines are conspiring to limit reports to a select dozen or so sources, all of which are shouting about the far right taking over the EU Parliament, when in fact merely cosmetic changes have taken place, not to mention that the so called “far right” among these parties are firmly in the control of NATO’s Gladio operation which uses fake opposition to keep the denigration and destruction of Christendom in Europe on course.

The purpose of this spin in the news of the elections is to make the average voter think that his vote has achieved some sort of fundamental change: this in turn is to prevent the formation of truly Christian and opposition parties, so that the Masonic Theatre which is Post-French Revolutionary Politics goes forward another generation.

Thus to serve his Rothschild masters, President Macron of France has reacted quickly in response to the failure of his Renew Party to maintain its representation, by calling snap elections in France for the French Parliament. — Snap elections are used as a political trick in most parliamentary countries to prevent new true opposition parties from gaining any representation. In this way, the political power remains in the hands of “approved” parties.

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church