Day 4 of the Novena to Saint Louis IX, the Crusader King (Video)
Day 3 of the Novena to Saint Louis IX, the Crusader King (video)
Day 2 of the Novena to Saint Louis IX, the Crusader King (video)
Day 1 of the Novena to Saint Louis IX, the Crusader King (video)
Archbishop Viganò says Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Finally, the Archbishop did the decent thing and confronted the canonical problems with Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation.* In his judgement, it is “clearly invalid” to effect the loss of the office of Pope.
The Archbishop, throughout his interview and the explanation of his viewpoint, still omits the distinction between someone who is a heretic before God and someone whom the Church declares to be a heretic. If one continues to ignore this distinction, one will end up usurping the authority of the Church to put someone outside the Church, as I have said many times. Personally, if our faith persuades us that a certain person is a heretic, we are obliged to avoid him and to denounce him, but we must never take the next step, on our own authority, and say he is not a member of the Church, nor that on our judgement alone he no longer has canonical rights, including the right to hold office or be appointed to an office before the Church has condemned him. Otherwise there would be chaos in the Church and we would fall into the error of Protestants and the Greek Orthodox, who have new and ever newer schisms among themselves unto this very day.
Moreover, how can a man who decries the rape of a woman and molestation of her children, be content to announce this to the world but fail to come to the police station and file criminal charges to identify the culprits? What kind of man would he be? As an Archbishop incardinated in the Vatican his duty is grave and immediate. That is why, it is not enough that he say what he says, he has a most grave obligation to bring a canonical complaint to the competent authorities, which in this case is a Provincial Council in the ecclesiastical province of Rome, or indeed, in any ecclesiastical province.
Because it is no small crime that a man claim the papacy but not have the Catholic Faith or the canonical basis to validly do so. And it is no small danger to the entire Mystical Body throughout the world that such a depraved man’s claim be allowed to tacitly go unchallenged.
All these things Archbishop Viganò will be answerable for before God if he should pass from this life having left undone. And this is why I have been publicly reproving him for his behavior for a long time.
Let us pray, therefore, that all urge the Archbishop to do these things (you can petition him through his website here), and that they urge other Bishops to undertake similar actions as has already been advocated by myself in the Sutri Initiative.
For, if because of my own status as no-one-with-any-more-importance-than-a-layman may have kept others from urging this very course of action, now that this eminent, bold and courageous Archbishop, incardinated at the Vatican has agreed on the fundamental canonical issues (that Pope Francis was NOT canonically elected pope on March 13, 2013, and that he does not appear in the judgement of honest and serious men to hold the Catholic Faith, and that he is destroying the Church), there can be no other course of action for honest Catholics, clerical or lay, than to urge a trial and reprehension of the man, to obtain either his willing deposition or his canoncially valid removal from office on the grounds that he has not the canonical qualifications to claim it).
All other Bishops, who are ordinaries of a diocese, or hold any office, and indeed all retired Bishops, are also now gravely bound to see this matter resolved canonically. For it is a grave public scandal to the world, and if a Bishop of God has not the integrity of moral character to urge such a thing — an action which risks nothing, since any one of them can do so without taking any side in his appeal other than that the Church resolve such a grave public crisis — of what value is he to Jesus Christ and His Church? — And as a Catholic, YOU personally have the right to tell them this to their faces when you meet them!
Finally, as a postscript, I wish to publicly thank and acclaim Dr. Taylor Marshall for having conducted this interview and published the Archbishop’s responses, especially in those matters contrary to his own habitual positions. This is what Catholic journalists and commentators should be doing, always.
* If you have been a reader of FromRome.Info, you knew the resignation did not cause Pope Benedict XVI to cease being pope at least from 2018, though I have covered this controversy since 2014.
Br. Bugnolo: The Pious Association of Saint Louis IX, Crusader King
Br. Bugnolo says: Many thanks to all those on YouTube who have already responded to this appeal. Alas only 2% of you who subscribe to this YouTube channel got the notification for this program. Which means 98% of you were sent here by Angels! — To make this Pious Association a reality, I need to raise enough funds to establish a HQ and support a chaplain for at least 1 year. So far about $1700 has been raised, so there is a long way to go. — I am not a priest, so none of these monies go to me.
If you are a subscriber to FromRome.Info, I sent you an email from FromRome.Info last week, but less than 40% of you got it. And only 1 of you responded, which is why I made the above video and posted it on YouTube. Most of you did not get the email from, because BigTech has established a new higher criterion for accepting emails, which eliminates from your inbox emails from small websites such as EVEN when you subscribe to receive their notifications.
See website, by clicking here below:
For a limited time only, 50% off Br. Bugnolo’s Bonaventure Book
Did Borman, Himler and Hitler escape to Argentina? And why it matters …
This historical question might seem to have nothing to do with anything, today, but watch this ground breaking analysis of the 80 year investigation and controversy and find out how it has everything to do with why Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum and Donald Trump is the leading presidential candidate in the USA, and why the leaders of most Western nations are so utterly worthless and offensive to normal folk. — Watch this show on OMC Radio TV!
Help Save Persecuted Christians!
Pope Bl. Urban II — The Pope who changed the course of world History
Do you know that Br. Bugnolo translated St. Bonaventure on the Trinity?
This book is still in print. There are 3000 copies left in storage. If Br. Bugnolo sells them, he is going to purchase some land and build a hermitage. This book was published in 2014. He has been trying for 9 years to sell these books. — Please consider getting a copy, if not for yourself, for your favorite priest, sister, monk, brother, catechist etc.. — To get your copy Click the image of the page above. — This book does ship internationally. It is in English.
Priests and Laymen and woman say its the most amazing book they have ever seen. — A Professor in Medieval Theology says its one of the best English translations ever done of any medieval text.
Brother Bugnolo has also translated Tome II, “On the Creation and Fall of Angels and Men”, and Tome III, “On the Redemption” and has begun Tome IV, “On the Sacraments”, but these last 3 Tomes he cannot finish or publish, because of lack of funds needed to complete typesetting and the work, since because of old age, brother can no longer do the work by his own hands.
Presently the storage costs alone are causing SOSM Inc. to lose thousands of dollars each year. You can help defray the storage expenses or contribute to the publication of the other 3 volumes, by clicking this image below:
Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated and he told us as much
Or How Uguccione di Pisa explains what Munus and Ministerium mean in Ecclesiastical Law
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated, and I have demonstrated and proven that by a myriad of articles and investigations already, as can be seen in my Index to the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI.
Some of these demonstrations have been extrinsic and some have been intrinsic. That is, some have argued from facts and laws not cited by the Declaratio Pope Benedict XVI read and published on Feb. 11, 2013, and others have been argued from the very words and grammatical structure of the text itself.
But as of yet, I have not made mention of one of the strongest arguments yet, which is intrinsic.
So, now I will, for the sake of posterity and for all those who want to know the truth.
First, I will remind everyone, that since Pope Benedict XVI is the one who published the Declaratio, no one but he could interpret it. Canon 16 in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 makes it clear that it was the intention of Pope John Paul II that this principle be respected, namely that the intention of the legislator must be given by the legislator himself. As I showed in my article on Saint Alphonsus dei Liguori, it is not licit for subordinates to interpret the decrees of their superior. Moreover, a most weighty testimony was given me in person, by Monsignor Arrieta, the Secretary for the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legal Texts, when I visited his offices in 2019, as I reported here, namely that for Pope Benedict XVI to interpret his Declaratio, he must do so by written, published decree, a thing which he never did.
Hence it is, that without any authentic or official interpretation of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaration, one must presume in any controversy over what it effected, that it did NOT effect the loss of the papal office nor of the right to claim to hold the papal office, according to the juridical principle which is valid in all codes of law: the cessation of right is never presumed. This principle was affirmed to me by no one less than the present Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda, S. J., who graciously agreed to grant me an audience in November of 2019, while he was still a humble professor of jurisprudence at the Gregorian University, as I reported here.
This is the fundamental error of presuming the cessation of right, which is committed by the Cardinals and all the Bishops, clergy, religious and laity who claim that in renouncing the “ministry which I received through the hands of the Cardinals”, Pope Benedict XVI intended to renounce the papal office or Petrine munus. For they read “munus” in the key phrase where Pope Benedict XVI said and wrote “ministerium”.
One way in which they attempt their illicit interpretation is, however, to appeal to all kinds of sources for the Latin language in which someone used the word “munus” or “ministerium” or both in similar senses.
While I have refuted even that recourse, by citing canon 17, which forbids reading the terms of Canon Law in other ways than the Code makes clear it uses them, that has not stopped them inventing all kinds of unlawful arguments. And I have showed in a definitive manner nearly 5 years ago, that the Code of Canon Law of 1983 never equates munus with ministerium, which demonstration given in an academic conference at Rome has never been refuted by any author or speaker.
So, I will here shatter, not only their appeal to other sources, but drawing on Canon 17, I will cite a most authoritative Latin source for Latin as used in ecclesiastical law to show them that Pope Benedict XVI never intended to fulfill Canon 332 §2, which is the only canon which speaks of Papal resignations, when it speaks of a Roman Pontiff renouncing his “munus”.
Uguccione di Pisa explains what Munus and Ministerium mean in Ecclesiastical Law
The source I will cite is the Magnae Derivationes of Uguccione di Pisa (died in 1210 A. D — see biography, here in Italian — see a biography here in English), who was not only a professor of Ecclesiastical Law at the University of Bologna, and Bishop of Ferrara (1190-1210 A. D.), Italy, but also the professor who taught one of the greatest canonists of the middle ages to become a Pope, Pope Innocent III, Lothar of Segni (Pope from 1198-1216 A.D.), who was born at Gavignano, Italy, where I have resided the last two years I was in Italy.
The Magnae Derivationes was a Lexicon of Latin terms with their definitions in Latin. On account of the authority of Uguccione as a Canon Lawyer and teacher of Pope Innocent III, he is a weighty authority in the meaning of Latin terms in texts regarding Ecclesiastical Law.
So let’s see what the Magnae Derivationes says about the key word, “munus”. I quote from here, since the Dante Medieval Archives currently has a copy of this work online, and since under the rubric “munus”, Uguccione refers you to his entry for “donum”, where he distinguishes the two.
He does this, because both words can be translated as “gift”, so it is important to understand the difference of their significations.
If you look for his definition of donum, it is quite extensive, but the key phrase I want to cite is this one:
Item donum dantis est, a dando vel donando, munus accipientis, a manibus vel muniendo vel monendo.
Here is my English translation.
Likewise, the gift {donum} belongs to the one giving, by giving and/or donating, the munus belongs to the one accepting, by hand, when being munerated and/or being warned.
The implications of this explanation are astounding.
What Uguccione is saying is that a thing is called a gift (donum) when one is speaking about the giver giving it. But it is called a “munus” when one is speaking about the one receiving it.
But Pope Benedict XVI speaks of renouncing the “ministerium” which he received through the hands of the Cardinals. He does not say the “munus” which he received through their hands. If he was talking about the Papal Office, he could have used donum or munus, to refer either to the Cardinals giving it to him or him receiving it from them. But he did not. He spoke of the ministerium.
This means that he intentionally avoided the equation of “munus” and “ministerium” as the total object of his renunciation, by not naming the Papal Office as the thing he received from the Cardinals. By saying, instead, the “ministerium which I received” he was removing the Petrine Munus from any context in which it could be understood to be that which he was renouncing.
in other words, by connecting the ministry with the concept of being received, he syntactically removed the petrine munus from the equation, since by its very definition the word “munus” refers to the gift received and accepted, and if he intended to renounce it he would had used it in the phrase regarding receiving.
This means, that Pope Benedict XVI DID NOT intend to signify the Papal Office or “munus”, which he understood to have received AS A GIFT from Someone Else, namely Jesus Christ, when he spoke of the “ministerium” he was renouncing.
This he never rejected nor renounced the Petrine Munus. And this is consonant with Pope Benedict XVI’s insistance that he never renounced his verantwortung, which is the correct and precise German translation of “munus”.
Therefore he remained pope until death.
This citation from Uguccione adds to the rationale whereby the Declaratio cannot be authentically interpreted by anyone as signifying a Papal Abdication.
This is fortified by what Uguccione says about “ministerium”, as cited here:
Minor componitur cum sterion, quod est statio, et dicitur hic minister, quasi minor in statione; vel minister dicitur quia offìcium debitum manibus exequatur; [11] et hinc hec ministra et minister -a -um et ministerculus -a -um diminutivum, et ministralis -le et hoc ministerium, servitium, offìcium ministri; [12] unde hic et hec ministerialis -le et per sincoparti hoc misterium, vel potius derivabitur postea a mistis. [13] Item a minister ministro -as, et componitur administro -as, comministro, subministro: a ministrante obsequium redditur, a subministrante subsidium prerogatur; et est activum cum omnibus suis compositis.
Which in English is:
Minor is composed with -sterion, which is station, and here one says minister, as if one lesser in station; or minister and ministerculus the diminutive, and ministral and this is a ministry, service and office of a minister; whence this and that ministerial and through syncopation this is mysterium, and/or rather will be derived afterwards from “a priest of the mysteries” (mystes). LIkewise from “to minister” minister, and this is compounded as “to administer”, “to co-minister”, “to sub-minister”: by the one ministering there is rendered a due-service, from the one subministering, there is granted a subsidy; and it is an active verb with all its compounds.
From this definition of “ministerium”, it is therefore clear that the ministry refers to what is the service rendered as a duty of the office, not the office itself. Thus by renouncing the “ministry which I received from the hands of the Cardinals”, Pope Benedict XVI literally and explicitly resigned from active service, while not renouncing the gift he had received from Christ.
All of this responds to the shock and consternation of thousands of Catholics in February 2013, when they came to know that Pope Benedict XVI had “renounced the ministry which I received through the hands of the Cardinals”, since every Catholic knows that the Papal Office is received from Jesus Christ, not from the Cardinals. Their consternation and shock was founded on their being deceived into thinking that Pope Benedict had abdicated, when he clearly only went into retirement. For retirement means keeping the dignity of an office while laying aside its duties. But since the dignity of an office remains only with the office, that he retained the dignity of the Papal office means simply and plainly that he never resigned it. Also, that the Church recognized that he retained it till death is the universal acceptance that he never abdicated, regardless of how many gaslighting liars want you to believe otherwise.
These laws and facts are pertinent even unto today, because they mean that the Dicastery which excommunicated Viganò has no authority to judge him, because it was not created by a man holding the Petrine Munus, since Pope Francis received nothing on March 13, 2013, but was a usurper and anti-pope right up to the final moments of Pope Benedict XVI’s mortal life. It also means that the canons cited in the trial and sentence against Viganò are non existent, because they were never promulgated by John Paul II nor Benedict XVI.
Finally, all this confirms that the Catholic Church is founded upon the Eternal Word, and can only be saved in the present age by attending to His Words and the words of His true Vicars on earth, in Declarations and Canon Law. Everyone doing something else is an enemy of the Eternal and temporal words by which the Church must always be governed.
In conclusion, let us pray for all the Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops of the Catholic Church, because we are living in an age where there is widespread and profound incompetence among the Sacred Hierarchy, not only as regards morality or academics, but even the laws of Holy Mother Church, and until the light of humility convinces them of their own incompetence in these matters, they will never come to know the truth by which alone the Church can be saved from all present crises and troubles.
How the U.S.A. Civil War undermined the Union permanently
Cardinal Zen: Stop wasting your time listening to Michael Lofton
UK: Heretical, satanic pro-pedophilia porn author Ordains British Ordinariate Bishop
Editor’s Note: I publish this story to warn all Catholics to how utterly fake and false was the “conversion” of the British Anglicans under Pope Benedict XVI. For if they were sincere, they would have joined the Catholic Church because they believe Jesus Christ is God and that He consecrated His Humanity in the service of His Eternal Father through perpetual chastity and virginity. Whereas this Archbishop holds that it is morally licit to imagine Jesus whoring with a girl who is not yet of legal age. — If you are in the United Kingdom, stay away from this group like the plague, as they have just endorsed the most satanic form of child abuse by accepting that their ordinary be ordained a bishop by such a filthy godless man.
Archbishop Viganò issues an Apologia in his defense
Editor’s Note: The Archbishop has written his own apologia pro sua vita, which is now available in English, through the linked image above.
What he says therein is more completely an exposition of his doctrinal and juridical position than in other documents.
Essentially, however, he has not modified or changed anything of what he has said in the past. He holds the Catholic position, which so many others, including myself hold as the only possible approach a Catholic can have to these subjects.
But he does take one step which he has not taken before.
He now asks his brother Bishops to hear his case and he formally accuses Pope Francis of being a usurper, heretic and schismatic.
But he continues to omit the necessary juridical specification of calling on a specific tribunal to hear this appeal.
Yes, he has appealed ostensibly to all the Bishops of the world. But juridically such an appeal means nothing unless he addresses a specific body, such as a provincial council or a general council.
If he ever realizes that in failing to do this he is making meaningless all he has said and is serving up all that his enemies need to condemn him, he will make a formal canonical appeal to the Bishops of the Province of Rome to convoke a Provincial Council, on the grounds mentioned in the Sutri Initiative. For that is the only body which can convene without Pope Francis’s permission and which can judge the accusation of usurpation of the Papacy.
Let’s pray for the Archbishop that he take that last but decisive step!
An Apologia pro Archbishop Viganò, on the Day of his Trial at the Vatican, for Schism
Update on Br. Bugnolo
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
As you may know, FromRome.Info has been my personal apostolate since January 2020, when I was providentially inspired to transform my old WordPress Blog into a daily news journal: though this website, many hundreds of thousands if not millions came to know something about me and my warnings about the utter fraud of the Pandemic, Covid-19, SarsCov-19 and the mRNA “vaccines”.
During these 4+ years I have warned my readers daily of the lies and dishonesty of media reports from around the world.
But as this fake Crisis has passed, more or less, from being one in which FromRome.Info was one of the few if only Catholic sources opposing it: there are now many voices and initiatives speaking the truth and seeking justice, even though it is only a tiny percentage of what should be done, considering how billions of humans were victimized during it all.
Not being a lawyer or M. D., I see my work done in these areas for the mean time, since there is no expertise I can bring to the progress toward justice further.
So it is my intention to return to my previous apostolic works, if I can.
I say, if I can, because as a Franciscan Brother who owns nothing, and who has exposed the corruption in the Church all too well, the only apostolic works I can engage in are those which do not require the permission of a local Bishop AND which I can find benefactors to help me accomplish.
Since September of last year, as I informed you, I have no longer been living in the Hermitage in Italy, where I resided for the previous two years. This is because the owner decided to terminate the lease and I could not find any place suitable for a religious brother to live. So I have been taking an extended visit with my relatives in the U.S.A., while attending to my spiritual and physical health, after 4 long years of battle with some needed rest and much prayer.
As the summer of 2024 begins, I discern that I have rested enough and that I should get back to the work the Lord has given me in the past. As you know, from posts here at FromRome.Info I have already attempted to raise funds for The Scholasticum and Ordo Militaris Catholicus’ Youth Camp and Formation Center, a Military Monastery.
So far funds raised for The Scholasticum amount to $250 in the last 6 months. And for the Military Monastery about $1300. The fund appeals for the Youth Camp in the USA have raised $0 and for the Youth Camp in Europe about 8500 Euros of the needed 120 thousand.
[Updated July 6, 2024 A. D.]
So you can easily see, from this brief summary, that I am not yet able to undertake any apostolate, for the simple reason that I can not find any support.
Since I have not been asking any of my readers to support me monthly, as I did during the last 4 years when I was in Italy, I write now to ask all those who hold me in good will and who appreciate my service to Christ, to consider helping me in one of these apostolic works, though the donation pages found in one of the four links cited above, since so much good can be done through all of them, or any one of them.
In the meantime, be assured of my prayers for each of you. FromRome.Info will remain in existence as a resource, and from now and then I will post other articles. But as my apostolate is not journalism, but helping others in person, I will be reducing further posts here at FromRome.Info.
If I cannot find any support for these good works, then I will go back to my private life as I have lived before I began FromRome.Info.
I will, however, still appear at OMC Radio TV for some of their programs.
CREDITS: The featured image is of Br. Bugnolo, as he reported from the Vatican on the occasion of the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, in January of 2023 A. D..
Vatican News quotes Viganò’s Tweet about Schism Trial, Parolin praises him for past work
Editor’s Note: Since the Vatican News Service is under the direction of the Secretary of State, it is indeed notable that Cardinal Parolin should publish this article, so as to get his own comments on record, as one who is trying to be fair to both sides in this dispute, Pope Francis and Archbishop Viganò.
Meanwhile, the Society of St. Pius X has made it clear (here) that they hold Viganò to be a sedevacantist for saying that Pope Francis is not pope because of a defect in his own intention in accepting the papacy.
This judgement against the Italian Archbishop by the Society’s report, however, is wrong, since such a position is not a form of sedevacantism: an ideology which claims there is no pope so as to have a Church without any principle of hierarchical or juridical authority.
Likewise, the Italian Archbishop is not a schismatic, because to claim a Pope has no authority due to his own heresy or a defect in his election, is not an act of schism, but a juridical complaint, which merits to be judged on its own grounds. The Vatican is attempting to parse his words, so that they can condemn him for saying the Pope has no authority, and ignore his assertion that there was a defect in Pope Francis’ being elected.