Category Archives: News

Why a Catholic Marriage among DeathVaxxed is most likely invalid from day 1

Editor’s Note: I was one of the first Catholic writers to say that the DeathVaxx will make a person incapable of receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony, because it will sterilize the recipients and cause the death of countless children in the womb. To marry such an individual is tantamount to complicity in murder before the fact. But I was viciously attacked by Fr. Matthew Schneider whose libel against me is the top link on most search engines. — In this video, however, I am fully vindicated, because in it Dr. Burkhardt, eminent pathologist, says that the DeathVaxxes cause men to produce not seed, but Spike Proteins, and that their natural function has turned into envenomation of the women they have as partners.

Explanation: If you are not capable of having children, that is, of engaging in an act which will lead to a live birth, then if you do not reveal that to your spouse before receiving the Sacrament, the marriage is invalid. Second, if you are not capable of engaging in exchange of the marriage debt without putting your spouse in risk of death or poisoning, you are gravely obligated to refrain from marriage and intercourse. This will be the cause of the damnation of many men, who are incapable of wanting to remain chaste — a thing which is actually very easy to practice, just ask a Monk, if you want to practice chastity.

Is this unfair, to say that such marriages are invalid or to forbid such marriages? — No it is absolutely just, right, honest and charitable. For we must live in the truth, and the performance of the act of reproduction is not a right but a gift: a gift given to those who trusted God with their health and God with their children. For those who trusted in fear and terror from liars and frauds, they have effectively sterilized themselves in many cases. And thus they have their punishment and in humility should accept that.

Finally, I do not think that men who have been deathvaxxed should be allowed to be ordained priests or become religious, because no man who is physically injured or incapacitated ought to be a burden upon the Church for his support, endanger the faithful with his bodily fluids, or be presented before God as an acceptable sacrifice. For this reason, I doubt very much if the priests who accepted the DeathVaxx can be saved or will have their prayer heard by God, unless they repent deeply, really and publicly. — Let’s not even talk about their endless mortal sins of poisoning the faithful with handgel or the scandal sown by closing the Churches.

FRANCE: non-GMO Humans allowed to return to work in Health Sector

Editor’s Note: This is the lure to get them back into a social-psychological environment where they can be convinced to get the next DeathVaxx against the Marburg Apocalypse, which most of them will do, because they will see, this time, massive death rates. And that will be the end of them, because they can be sure to get the more deadly versions of DeathVaxx 2.0, as a punishment for being psychologically resistant to manipulations.

How Rothschild Investment Funds, BlackRock & Vanguard, pressure companies to go Woke & Broke

Editor’s Note: The entire strategy is classical Rothschild security manipulation. Create a panic or sell off, so that the Rothschilds directly or indirectly can purchase greater control of a name brand company. In this case, they force the Management to push the pro-Marxist woke agenda of cultural marxism, which sparks a backlash from consumers and investors, and viola! — They can buy more shares for cheaper!

By compensation, he means those end of the year bonuses to top management.

ITALY: l’Espresso accuses Salvini and the Lega of raising funds at Moscow Metropol Hotel

Editor’s Note: The accusation that the second leading party of the Meloni Coalition Government, The Lega, which in the eyes of the Italian voters is represented by its most famous member, Matteo Salvini (of Anti-immigration fame), received financial support from Moscow during clandestine meetings at the famous Tsarist era Hotel, the Metropol, exploded the other day here in Italy, just after the Bilderburg 2023 meeting concluded in Lisbon.

If Salvini’s party should be forced to leave the Meloni Coalition, her government will fall, which would most certainly result in a more pro-Globalist pro-Lockdown government during the next Scamdemic, the Marburg Apocalypse, which I believe will be launched in September of this year, or soon after.

Everything has a purpose. This accusation is being rebutted as entirely false by the Lega representatives who have filed criminal complaints for calumny and libel against l’Espresso, on of the leading Left wing CIA controlled publications.

Do you know that Br. Bugnolo translated St. Bonaventure on the Trinity?

This book is still in print. There are 3000 copies left in storage. If Br. Bugnolo sells them, he is going to purchase some land and build a hermitage. This book was published in 2014. — Please consider getting a copy, if not for yourself, for your favorite priest, sister, monk, brother, catechist etc.. — Click the link above. — This book does ship internationally. It is in English.

ITALY: Brecian AG wants to drop case against ex-Minister of Health and former PM for mass murder during Scamdemic

Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The prosecutor’s office at Brescia, in Northern Italy, where more than 20, 000 were alleged to have died of covid had received multiple criminal complaints against the former Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the former Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte.

When elected Prime Minister, the first two phone calls of congratulations, according to reports, were from Bill Gates and Donald Trump.

That was in the fall of 2019. And one of the first things that the new Conte Government did was to fund and procure from Sanofi Pasteur a very potent Quadruple Vaccine for 4 strains of disease which elderly persons were often victims of. The funding guaranteed that every elderly person in the province of Brescia would get a free dose.

Then when the Plandemic broke out, there were nearly no deaths at all in Italy, except in the province of Bresica, where thousands died. Speranza immediately had the autopsies of the dead forbidden and ordered the bodies cremated. But that led to suspicion and ultimately to the accusations of culpable homicide, through the imposing of obligations on medical treatment which were harmful and mortally dangerous.

The case in the Criminal Tribunal of Brescia was the one glimmer of hope for the Italian Republic. But since the prosecutors are appointed by the Government, they have the discretion not to prosecute a criminal complaint. And they usually never do, which is why Italy is a failed state and totally corrupt, where no one has rights, unless the local Prosecutor has some political interest to defend them.

So the result in this matter, seems fixed from the start. Speranza and Conte will escape prosecution. Their defense was that they did everything they could to save lives and followed the instructions fo the W.H.O. and responded as quickly as possible. But perhapas in their hears they realize now that Gates set them up from the start.

Anyhow, when Roberto Speranza was in Palermo on May 30, last year, the people made it quite clear that they will not forget, as they nearly lynched him in a protest while shouting: Murderer! Piece of Shit! Bastard!


USA: FDA cancels Johnson and Johnson Emergency DeathVaxx authorization

Editor’s Note: The Globalists are in full Orwellian mode, attempting to cancel history and wipe away all liability for themselves.

The Scripture that Pope Paul VI authorized you not to hear, today



YEAR B — Next year, 2024 …

Editor’s Note: I have in recent years contended that the Second Vatican Council was not of God, but was an international revolution of sodomites. I have also never regarded Paul VI as a Saint, and I will never do so. The evidence presented above, which is tantamount to Sacrilege (sacred theft) against Scripture, and a grave sin against truth and charity towards the entire body of the Church, in hiding the words the Most Holy Trinity communicated to Moses, is unpardonable and damnable. And to hold it otherwise, is total irreligion.

Perhaps if you have a god fearing priest at your church this morning, you can warn him in advance and have the entire text read aloud.

These errors occur IN ALL TRANSLATIONS, because they are in the official Latin Missal published by Pope Paul VI.

VATICAN: High Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica profaned by Nude Polish Protester

Editor’s Note: When you introduce pagan idols into St. Peter’s, nude men tend to follow. — This is the second attack on Vatican territory in a fortnight, and again by what seems to be an escapee from a mental asylum. It can scarcely be doubted that the CIA is launching its MKUltra subjects against Pope Francis because they are profoundly disappointed in his performance. These things never happened before January 30, 2023, the Triumph of the Lamb.