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#ALConf — Opening Salutation and Introduction
We receive and republish, the opening talks from the “International Conference on Amoris Laetitia”, held in Rome over the weekend:
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#AL Conference
9:00 AM — Salutation
by Frà Reginal Maria del Cuore Immacolato
On behalf of the members of the International Association of the Faithful for the promotion and defense of the Catholic Faith, known as, « Veri Catholici », I welcome you to the International Conference to condemn the errors contained in the recent Post Synodal Exhortation on the Family, by Pope Francis, entitled: ‘Amoris Laetitia’
This conference is the first meeting of the Association and the first Conference we have sponsored. We have figuratively named it: A Pilgrimage of Grace & Mercy, because as Catholics from all over the world, we wanted to come to Rome in pilgrimage during the Holy Year of Mercy, to do a spiritual work of mercy which we believe is both necessary for the good and welfare of the entire Church universal, but in particular for the healing of the conscience of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
Indeed, the first duty of fraternal charity is to correct an erring brother. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, after his election as Roman Pontiff, does not cease to be our brother in Christ. And Christ Himself, when rebuked wrongly by Simon Peter, confirmed for us by His example, that charity can at times rightfully move us to correct a superior: for on that occasion Our Lord did not rebuke Peter for attempting to correct Him, but rather for having done so on the basis of worldly prudence. The Holy Spirit confirms this teaching by inspiring the Evangelists to record it, and by moving the Apostle St. Paul to rebuke Peter after Pentecost for his dissimulation.
This is the same reason we have been motivated to hold this conference to Condemn ‘Amoris Laetitia’. We expressly intend to avoid to speak according to worldly prudence and to reaffirm that we hold the faith which comes from the lips of the historic Christ through the preaching of the Apostles and the perennial Magisterium of the Church.
For it is not enough to consider whether Peter has spoken or not, to know if a Catholic should assent to his teaching. The Sacrosanct and Infallible Council of the Vatican, held during the reign of Bl. Pius IX confirmed that the office of teaching was not entrusted by Christ to His Church or to the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, that they might teach novelties, but only so that the self same doctrine which the Son of God handed down, through the Apostles might be forever believed in the same sense and terms throughout all the ages until the end of time.
From this there flows the theological truth, that even if a Pope should in private conversation affirm that what he has said or written is magisterial or infallible, nevertheless there remains the rule of Faith, whereby if what he has said or written in any aspect is discordant with it, a Catholic is not only not obliged to accept that, but to contradict it and give his reasons for such.
It is with this same spirit we have come together today, to speak the truth of the Catholic Faith as the Church has handed it down and to give an occasion to the Holy Father to examine his own conscience, while calling upon the entire Sacred Hierarchy and the whole body of Christ’s faithful to join us in doing the same, while praying for the immortal soul of Pope Francis, which is gravely jeopardized by the monstrous sin and scandal of signing the document, ‘Amoris laetitia’, even if he did not author it in part or in its entirety.
Finally, I will close this opening salutation, by thanking one and all who have helped this Conference be a reality, for the time, talent and treasure which they shared as members and friends of our Association, Veri Catholici. With especial thanks to the true daughter of St. John of Arc who made a very generous donation so that we could afford this Sala Magna for our conference, and to the individual donors who as of today have donated approx. 80% of the costs for it, but in particular to the translators who have worked with us since our founding in February of last year, and especially for this Conference, to bring to the world of Italian and Spanish speakers knowledge about what is being and will be said, here. I wish also to personally thank the volunteers who have agreed to read those texts in Italian and Spanish and the other languages, for the convenience of those who are attending via Video-Conference and who are following us via GOTO Meeting throughout the entire world.
9:20 The Crisis of Kasperism or the Heretical Conspiracy of Team Bergoglio
Never before in the history of the Church have we seen a case in which the friends of the Pope, while remaining his friends and continuing to receive his favors, openly accuse him of being part of a heretical conspiracy to overthrow the Catholic Faith and undermine the ecclesiastical discipline of the Church, which the Church Herself received from Christ and the Apostles.
The testimony of the Pope’s personal friends and collaborators cannot be ignored, by any means. For it is a self-evident principle of forensic analysis that the uncontested testimony of friends is the most probative of all evidence as to the intentions and character of an human person.
Thus, if what was said of the Pope by these friends were said by anyone else, it could be dismissed as slander, gossip or calumny. But in the case of his friends, so long as they are not publicly disapproved of, we must regard the testimony as true and act on it.
Long before the St. Gallen Mafia were formed — this is Cardinal Daneels name for the group of Cardinals who meet in 2005 at the Monastery of St. Gallen in Switzerland, to plot the ascension to power of Cardinal Bergoglio, during the conclave which elected, instead, Jospeh Cardinal Ratzinger — the theological leader of this group, Cardinal Kasper, was notorious for his stated and manifest plan to destroy the Catholic Church and Faith by means of a theological project which attempted to circumvent the principle of non-contradiction.
I speak of his Article which appeared in the London Tablet, on May 24, 2003, “So that all might be one? But how”. The Tablet has long since pulled that link, so I will make my comments from an unofficial Italian translation which appeared shortly afterwards on the net.
It was in that talk, that the Cardinal spoke significantly of the God of Surprises, saying:
- Ma – e questo è il mio secondo punto – mi chiedo se sia utile in questo momento ricordare a noi stessi che lo Spirito Santo può non essere l’ente ingenuo che molti suppongono. Lo Spirito Santo come pioniere del movimento ecumenico ci chiama a riflettere sulla natura del nostro viaggio, poiché lo Spirito è dinamico, è vita, è libertà. Lo Spirito Santo ci può sempre sorprendere. In questa prospettiva, non è possibile tracciare una copia fotografica della futura unità della Chiesa. La luce emanata dallo Spirito Santo è simile a quella di una lanterna che illumina il nostro prossimo passo e che risplende soltanto se proseguiamo il nostro cammino.
The appeal to a God of Surprises, here identified with the Holy Spirit, was a clever theological trick to introduce novelty under the guise of inspiration, even though all the Catholic and Orthodox Fathers have forever condemned novelty in matters of faith or discipline.
A God of Surprises, however, is not the God of the Bible or of Holy Mother Church. He is rather a false and deceptive demon, who would have himself worshiped as the true God.
The reason for this is that the living God, who has revealed Himself, is not just a God of love and mercy, but also a God of fidelity. Indeed, just as in the time of Arius, and so throughout all the ages of the Church, every heresy or arch-heretic who has moved against the Church, has founded his error on a corrupted notion of one of the Names of God.
Some of the first heretics in the Church were the Anomians of Corinth. They held that since Christ had fulfilled the Law, not only the ritual precepts of Leviticus, but also all the moral precepts of the old Law were no longer binding on Christians. St. Paul rebuked them in his Letters. But this error has smouldered in the Church, appealing at times to the teaching of the Apostle St. John, who revealed another essential name of God, when he wrought, “God is Love”.
Like the Anomians of old, the Kasperites love to appeal to God’s Names. God is Love, God is Mercy, they say. Love is an essential name of God, because it reflects His very being as He is in Himself, apart from every other consideration. But Mercy is not an essential name of God, because mercy presupposes fault, and there is no fault in God.
The name of God which the Kasperites don’t want you to hear, is that God is Justice. Justice is an essential name of God, because God is perfectly just in Himself, in the inter-trinitarian relations of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
But God is both Justice and Mercy, because another of His true essential names is: Faithful Love. Indeed, when the Apostle St. John said God was love, he spoke in Greek, though it can be argued that he was thinking in Hebrew. That he thought in Hebrew even at the late date of his writing of the Book of the Apocalypse can be shown from the expression he uses there frequently: He who was, and is, and who is to come. This is because in Hebrew, the signification of verbs in relation to time differs from the western languages. Thus when we say in Italian, English, Latin or Greek, “I am who am”, we mean only that, but in Hebrew the same ancient expression found in the book of Exodus, which reproduces the exact quotation from God, when He spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai, means much more: For each verb can have three senses. was, is and will be. Thus the expression can mean, “I was who I was, I was who I am, I was who I will be”, and “I am who I was, I am who I am, and I am who I will be”, and finally, “I will be who I was, I will be who I am, and I will be who I will be”.
For this reason, when St. John the Apostle wrote, God is love, we can with greats probability argue that he meant the word “love”, not in the Greek sense of the word, “agape”, free love, but in the Hebrew sense of the word, which means “faithful love”.
Indeed, if we contemplate this Hebraic meaning we see that the entirety of Scripture and Tradition, all the perennial teaching of the Church, especially on the Sacraments, reflects this Name of the Triune God. God is Faithful Love.
Because God is Faithful Love, He is true to His promise to love, He is merciful and forgiving, because He prefers the salvation of all men, even if He has foreseen that many will ultimately reject Him. For that reason the God who is Faithful Love has created a hell, a purgatory and a heaven, to recompense each man according to his personal merits. A God who was only love and not fidelity, would never create hell, because He would not have to be faithful to His justice; He would not create a purgatory, because He would not have to be faithful to His mercy, and He would not create a Heaven, because there would be no necessity that He remain faithful to His love for us, through all eternity.
This name of God, that God is Faithful Love is denied by the thesis of Kasper that God is a God of surprises. A surprise is the work of an imperfect creature who aims to instill an emotional response by doing something out of the ordinary, to which His fidelity has no relation. He is a trickster and a deceiver, a worker of novelties and thus a tempter and a seducer.
Those who are experts in using the human kiss to seduce know these things well. For that reason it does not surprise me in the least bit that the famous journalist Sandro Magister should have discovered that key passages in the Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, were written by a self-proclaimed expert in the art and culture of the kiss.
But none of this impresses us who are true Catholics. Because we have learned from the God who is Faithful Love, that a violation of fidelity is a hateful and loathsome thing, to be shunned, lamented, vituperated and condemned.
And it is for this reason, that such Catholics despise and abhor much of what is contained in Chapter 8 of the Exhortation, though not only Chapter 8 is stained with error, because this Exhortation is an inducement against remaining faithful to the God who is Faithful Love, and seeks to convince Catholics that the God of Love is no longer Faithful, or that the Church of His Love does not have to remain Faithful.
The document, therefore, is an act of adultery and a call to adultery in the worse possible kind: not only to promote adultery among men and women, or in the Church, but of the Church Herself with the world, even though She be called to be and is the Immaculate ever Faithful and Loving Bride of Christ.
That the St. Gallen group should thus, be addicted to infidelity and false love, should not surprise us, having taken as they have Cardinal Kasper as their chief theologian. For them, therefore, it is nothing to violate the Papal Law against vote canvassing, a thing of which no one accused them except their own friends and members.
That the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church, heretofore, have not called out this conspiracy is very sad. But we hope that at the news of this present conference, they may harken to their duty, and show a faithful love to God by fulfilling it.
Finally, if you want to know more about the St. Gallen group or the Team Bergoglio scandal, just google those words in English for more information.
Il Rinascimento della Scolastica!
Urgent Notice to Veri Catholic members world wide
Dear Faithful Roman Catholics, we of the Eternal City add our voice…join us!
Scholasticism is reborn!
The Monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, Bagnoregio, Italy: a new Center for the Revival of Scholastic Theology.
Rome, May 29, 2016: The International Association of Academics, who call themselves, “the Scholasticum”, announced last night, that their new Institute will be headquartered in the Convent of St. Francis at Bagnoregio, VT, Italy, the home town of the immortal and universal Doctor of the Church, St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.
The appearance of this institute and the courses it offers in the classical form of Scholastic Theology, as it was studied and practiced by Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure, represents in our opinion a great sign of grace in the darkest days the Church has seen in many a century. We give our hearty thanks to Almighty God, the Holy Ghost, for this work, and pray that the faculty and all those involved in the Institute be strengthened by His grace and light and lead on by His fiery inspirations.
Now Catholic clergy, religious and laity, throughout the entire world have an excellent means to renew their minds in Catholic Truth and become true warriors against all the errors of our age, by learning the most salutary form of Catholic Theology and Philosophy, the Scholastic. See their website for more info. Classes begin on Oct 4th, this fall.
If you would like to make a donation to help a needy seminarian study at The Scholasticum, you can do so through Catholic
Of if you would like to make a direct donation to the institute, you can do so through their website. From Rome is reliably informed that the Institute will be seeking to raise € 2 million to repair and improve their Monastery-campus. So be generous!
Amoris Lætitia: An Apocryphal gospel for the 21st Century
Reblogged from
From Rome, for the Denzinger-Bergoglio
Saturday afternoon. Preparations are in place for the whirlwind of weekend pastoral activities… leaving certain responsibilities on hold…when suddenly I start receiving so many cell messages that I will never have time to answer… “Father, did you see the latest?” “Father, now concubines can receive Communion!”, “Father, is there no such thing as mortal sin any more in the Church?”, “Father – is it a sin to live as brother and sister now?”, and so on.
I end up opting to put the device on airplane mode, to get a moment to write a few lines about the new Bergoglian encyclopedia “Amoris Laetitia”: The “joy of love”. It is an encyclopedia that attempts to be a Gospel, the “Gospel of the Family” … of the Bergoglian family, that is. The word-count of the four Gospels of Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit, comes to a total of approximately 76,000 words, in the Jerusalem version. The new “Bergoglian Gospel” (which we can consider an authentic 21st century apocryphal gospel), is over 60,000 words long, much longer than the three Synoptic Gospels all together. It’s confused verbosity – that, above all, causes confusion – has left all commentators, including the writer of these lines, in doubt as to whether or not it was worthwhile reading the whole thing, or to write anything about it…
To use the term “gospel” with respect to the recent document was not my idea, but rather what the author himself called it: “the Gospel of the Family” (AL 60, 63, 76, 200, 201). And we qualify it as “apocryphal”, since this is the term used for texts containing that mix realities and true doctrines with errors, lies and outright heresies. In the first centuries, they were normally the conceited writings of the Gnostics or Nicolaitans; for which reason their authors would attempt to ‘hide’ their identity in anonymity, as well maintain secrecy about their writings – hence the use of the Greek term ‘hidden’ to identify these writings: apókryphos (all hidden). But the Church has always witnessed the existence of apocryphal texts – full of verboseness, like certain dishes in which one notes nutritious and tasty ingredients buoying together with venomous elements in the same nauseating stew.
(Read the rest at the URL above: Many thanks to the priest from Rome, for this handy summary and refutation of Amoris Laetitia)
Nota Bene: While it is good to critique the errors and deceits of this document, ‘Amoris Laetitia’, it remains morally necessary that these errors be condemned and the Document be recinded, its authors called to repentance and the Bishops of the world urged to these things.
And now there is a means to urge this: the #AL Conference in Rome, on June 25th, see Veri Catholici for more info.
The BVM has been weeping profusely since the 2014 Synod Deception began
The statue began to weep profusely 1 and a half years ago…Read the story here:
Join the Catholic world in putting an end to Our Lady’s tears, by attending the #AL Conference…
Zaproszenie na Międzynarodową Konferencję celem zanegowania „Amoris Laetitia” — Veri Catholici
Veri Catholici, międzynarodowe stowarzyszenie katolików poświęcone przeciwstawianiu się błędom promowanym przez Kardynała Kaspera, apeluje do wszystkich katolików na świecie aby dołączyli do nas w Rzymie celem potępienia dokumentu „Amoris Laetitia” i błędów w nim zawartych. Kolejnym krokiem będzie domaganie się … Continue reading →
via Zaproszenie na Międzynarodową Konferencję celem zanegowania „Amoris Laetitia” — Veri Catholici
Uitnodiging voor Internationale Conferentie om ‘Amoris Laetitia’ te veroordelen — Veri Catholici
Veri Catholici, een internationale associatie van Katholieken toegewijd aan het zich verzetten tegen de ketterijen die door Kardinaal Kasper gepromoot worden, roept alle Katholieken in de wereld op om ons te vergezellen in Rome om het document Amoris Laetitia en … Continue reading →
via Uitnodiging voor Internationale Conferentie om ‘Amoris Laetitia’ te veroordelen — Veri Catholici
Invitatio ad Colloquium Internationale quod ad documentum “Amoris Laetitia” improbandum convocetur — Veri Catholici
Societas Catholicorum Internationalis, nomine Veri Catholici, quae operam studiose dat ut errores a Cardinale Kasper promotos adversetur, cunctos in orbe terrarum Catholicos advocat qui se cum sodalibus societatis Romae coniungant ad documentum ly Amoris Laetitia una cum multis eius erroribus … Continue reading →
#ALConf – Conferenza internazionale per condannare “Amoris Laetitia”: 25 Giugno — Veri Catholici
“Come possono costoro essere della Chiesa Cattolica, che si sono scrollati di dosso la fede Apostolica, e sono diventati autori di nuovi mali?” — S. Atanasio, Discorsi Contro gli Ariani, Discorso I, 4 Un pellegrinaggio di Grazia e Misericordia Roma, … Continue reading →
via #ALConf – Conferenza internazionale per condannare “Amoris Laetitia”: 25 Giugno — Veri Catholici
#ALConf – Conferencia Internacional para condenar ‘Amoris Laetitia’ 25 de junio de 2016, Roma – Italia — Veri Catholici
¿Cómo es que pueden ser de la Iglesia Católica, aquellos que han sacudido la fe Apostólica y se han convertido en autores de males recientes? – Sn. Atanasio, Discursos en Contra de los Arrianos, Discurso I, 4. Una Peregrinación de … Continue reading →
#ALConf — International Conference to condemn ‘Amoris Laetitia’: June 25th
The official announcement, the Conference is on for Saturday, June 25th.
International Conference to condemn ‘Amoris Laetitia’
Veri Catholici, an international association of Catholics dedicated to opposing the errors promoted by Cardinal Kasper, is calling on all Catholics in the world to join us in Rome to condemn the document Amoris Laetitia and its many errors, and to demand from the Pope and Sacred Hierarchy that the document be withdrawn and its errors condemned, formally and canonically.
We desire this conference to be a universal manifestation of the true Sensus Fidelium of Christ’s Mystical Body. We believe it absolutely necessary to take this initiative for the good of Holy Mother Church and the salvation of souls.
Read more about the upcomming Conference here.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider speaks on « Amoris Laetitia » — Veri Catholici
Veri Catholici presents, here, its own English translation of the original Italian text – – – The paradox of contradicting interpretations of «Amoris laetitia» The recently published Apostolic Exhortation « Amoris Laetitia » (hereafter abbreviated AL), which contains a great … Continue reading →
via Bishop Athanasius Schneider speaks on « Amoris Laetitia » — Veri Catholici
Mons. Athanasius Schneider parla sul «Amoris Laetitia» — Veri Catholici
Il paradosso delle interpretazioni contraddittorie di «Amoris laetitia» L’Esortazione Apostolica «Amoris Laetitia» (AL) pubblicata di recente, che contiene una grande ricchezza spirituale e pastorale per la vita nel matrimonio e nella famiglia cristiana della nostra epoca, purtroppo ha già in … Continue reading →
via Mons. Athanasius Schneider parla sul «Amoris Laetitia» — Veri Catholici
Amoris Laetitia: Anatomy of a Pontifical Debacle
Reblogged from The Remnant
No difficulty can arise that justifies the putting aside of the law of God which forbids all acts intrinsically evil. There is no possible circumstance in which husband and wife cannot, strengthened by the grace of God, fulfill faithfully their duties and preserve in wedlock their chastity unspotted. –Pius XI, Casti Connubii
Introduction: Spreading Alarm
As Cardinal Burke has observed in an article appearing in the National Catholic Register, upon careful reading AMORIS LÆTITIA reveals itself to be “a personal, that is, non-magisterial” document, “a personal reflection of the Pope” that “is not confused with the binding faith owed to the exercise of the magisterium.” This is true enough, but perhaps not for the reasons the Cardinal expresses, as I show at the conclusion of this essay.
But that hardly eliminates the massive problem with this utterly unprecedented 256-page “apostolic exhortation.” What motivates all the pages to follow here is that Pope Francis has promulgated Amoris Laetitia as if it were an authentic and binding act of the Magisterium and that it will be treated as such by his collaborators and by ecclesial progressives throughout the Catholic world. Amoris Laetitia is, therefore, yet another addition to The Great Façade of pseudo-doctrines in the form of non-binding pastoral and disciplinary novelties and new attitudes and “approaches”—all emerging for the first time during that great epoch of enlightenment known as the Sixties. These include the new liturgy (which the faithful were never actually required to attend), “ecumenism,” “dialogue” and “interreligious dialogue.” Their combined effects have been ruinous.
And now this.A commentary at the Rorate Caeli blog site said what had to be said for the sake of truth: “There’s no other way to put it: The pope’s Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia is a catastrophe.” Voice of the Family likewise recognized what was immediately apparent from a reading of the critical Chapter 8: “Our initial overview provides sufficient cause to regard this document as a threat to the integrity of the Catholic faith and the authentic good of the family.”
Even normally middle-of-the-road commentators have not concealed their alarm over the document’s patent downgrading of Our Lord’s demanding teaching in the realm of sexual morality and Francis’s thematic argument that “mitigating factors” and “concrete situations” somehow convert mortally sinful adultery and fornication into mere “irregularities” falling short of the “ideal” of Christian marriage but nonetheless possessing “constructive elements.” See extended discussion at II.
EWTN’s show The World Over presented a politely devastating critique by Fr. Gerald Murray, Robert Royal and Raymond Arroyo. The participants described passages to be examined here as “dangerous,” “very disturbing,” “very problematic,” “not the language of the Gospel,” “very odd,” “very strange,” “a big mistake,” “set[ting] up straw men to knock down,” “a direct contradiction of John Paul II in Familiaris consortio and subsequent documents,” “not in accord with what the Church has said until now,” “false mercy” favorable to “‘Father Friendly’ who wants to sell the store,” that would make receiving Communion “a badge of honor that you receive even you though you know what you are doing is contrary to the teaching of the Church,” and an “attempt to paper over what really is a change of doctrine… but denying that you’re changing the doctrine.” As Arroyo observed, according to the general tenor of the document “the exception becomes a very difficult rule, or no rule at all” while the Church, to quote Father Murray, becomes involved in “the excuse-making business, not the Gospel business.” Given the last word, Father Murray, citing the natural right of the faithful to voice their concerns as recognized by the Code of Canon Law, concluded:
read more at the original
Petition to the Cardinals of the Roman Church regarding the grave improprieties of Pope Francis
Reblogged from
As a Baptized member of the Catholic Church, in accord with my divine right to make known to my sacred pastors, the things which I see as necessary to the unity of the Church, the preservation of the Faith and the salvation of souls, I herewith submit this petition to the College of the Cardinals, as princes of the Roman Church, to whom it belongs both in law to elect the Roman Pontiff, and by immemorial right, to judge the man who holds the Pontificate if he err from the faith, and depose him, as Fr. Matthias a Corona taught in his, Tractatus Postumus (Liege, 1677), Tract I, Chapter XXI, n. II, “Whether the Cardinals have any power about the Pope?”:
A Pontiff, lapsed into heresy, can be most justly deposed. Thus Duvallius, above in q. 10. The reason is, that it is not credible that Christ wants to retain him as Vicar of His Church, who pertinaciously segregates himself whole from Her, since Christ has especially commanded Her, to hear His Voice as a faithful people, and to comply with Him, just as sheep hear the voice of their shepherd. John 10: 3: The sheep hear His Voice and they follow Him. Verse 4: The sheep follow Him. But far be it, only, that the Church should hear a Pontiff lapsed into heresy, She who rather is bound to stop up Her own ears against his violent speech, lest She be infected by the venom of his doctrine, and his casting-out and new election ought to be urged by the assembly of the Sacred Cardinals. The reason is, for, since the Pontiff is the fundament of the Church, the Rock, the Cornerstone, the Base, the Teacher, and the general Shepherd, his heresy abolishes all his privileges, and cancels (them), because he is a destroyer and scatterer of the Church, and consequently is no longer the Pontiff. And/or if he remains there, after he will have been judicially denounced as a heretic, he is to be immediately dispossessed of the Pontificate, if his heresy is external and manifest through the evidence of fact, and/or the declaration of a Council. But not if it be internal and only mental. The reason is, because he is no longer a member of the Church, nor Her head, nor does he cleave to Her by the internal union, which is through faith, nor by the external, which is through the confession of the Faith, and has been cut off from Her in each manner. A schismatic Pontiff incurs the same punishment, as Turrecremata, bk. 4, of Summa Ecclesia, part 1, ch. R1, says; Cajetan, II, II, q. 37, a. 1. Duvallius teaches above in q. 9, that he can enter into schism. First, if he no longer fulfills the office of the Pontiff, or does not wish to be subject to him, who would be elected in his place, but would join himself to the Conciliabula of the Schismatics. Second, if he should wish to change the ancient rites and customs of the Church, remaining from Apostolic tradition, or, rather, if he would pluck away and separate from the unity of the Church those wanting to retain these ceremonies. Third, if he would separate himself on account of an unjust cause from the communion of the whole Church and of all the Bishops, and at the same time will to communicate with certain adherents of his, as is shown in the divine Cyprian, bk. 4, epistle 2, Novatian did, who was pointed out by Cyprian a little after as a Schismatic, and outside the bosom of the Church. And though (this is to be deplored), he had patiently tolerated tyrants for Christ’s sake, Saint Cyprian wrote back that thereafter there was inflicted upon him a death outside the unity of the Church, not the crown of a Martyr, but the punishment of perfidy.
Mindful, that by the decree of Pope Paul IV, Cum ex apostolatus officio (Dec. 21, 1566), the College and indeed the entire Church is gravely bound to only choose and recognize as validly chosen a man of the Catholic Faith; and mindful that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has both before and after his election on March 13, 2013, expressed himself and acted in ways long condemned by the Apostolic See, as one of many faithful, I humbly ask you to fulfill your duty to protect the Church and the Apostolic see from corruption, by convening at a place chosen among yourself, to judge the questions:
1) Whether Jorge Mario Bergoglio was validly elected, in fulfillment of the decree of Paul IV, just mentioned,* inasmuch as prior to his election he promoted for years in Argentina the concession of communion to those in irregular marriages during the Curas Villeros (cf. Sandro Magister, “Francis’ Patient Revolution”, Expresso Online Oct. 24, 2014), which directly contradicts the teaching of the Council of Trent, Session 13, canon XI:
CANON XI.: If any one saith, that faith alone is a sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist; let him be anathema. And for fear lest so great a sacrament may be received unworthily, and so unto death and condemnation, this holy Synod ordains and declares, that sacramental confession, when a confessor may be had, is of necessity to be made beforehand, by those whose conscience is burdened with mortal sin, howsoever contrite they may think themselves. But if any one shall presume to teach, preach, or obstinately to assert, or even in public disputation to defend the contrary, he shall be thereupon excommunicated.
Since, if he was subject to this censure, then in accord with the decree of Pope Paul IV, above mentioned (n. 6), he was invalidly raised to the dignity of the Cardinalate, and also invalidly elected Roman Pontiff.
2) If, however, you should judge that he was validly elected, I then ask you to judge whether he has lost the office of Roman Pontiff on account of his pertinacious denial of the Faith and/or his malicious manifest intent to persecute the faithful attached to the ancient ecclesiastical traditions, each of which is in violation of the anathema of the Second Council of Nicea, held in 787 A.D.: “If anyone rejects any written or unwritten tradition of the church, let him be anathema.” (4th Anathema on Holy Images), among which traditions are the celebration of the Ancient Roman Rite and the perennial practice of the Catholic Church, from Apostolic times, of refusing communion to adulterers and public sinners.
For, if he falls under this censure of Nicea, then likewise would his election be invalidated by the decree of Pope Paul IV.
3) Finally, even if the anathemas and canons, which Pope Paul IV declares valid in perpetuity (ibid. n. 2), would not be enough reason for any member of the Sacred College to convict the man of heresy or perfidious malice to overthrow ecclesiastical tradition, it remains a theological truth of the divine law and ecclesiology, that no one who seeks to harm the Church in anything essential, such as Her fidelity to Christ’s Magisterium, can be in communion with Her; and as such, even a schismatic, morally speaking, cannot be considered in communion with the Church, and thus should and must be removed from office. Wherefore, I ask you to judge whether he is morally in schism from the Church, regarding Her immemorial faith and practice which can never be changed.
Considering the gravity of what is petitioned, I the undersigned, for the love of Christ Jesus, request a diligent and thorough investigation and ask that you princes of the Sacred College gather to judge these matters in special meeting at a place chosen by yourselves.
(To sign this petition go to the link above)
Cum ex apostolatus officio (English & Latin)
Second Council of Nicea
Council of Trent (English):
Matthias a Corona, Tractatus Postumus (PDF Latin)
Sandro Magister, “Francis’ Patient Revolution”, Expresso Online Oct. 24, 2014
Other Reading:
Robert J. Siscoe, “Can the Church Depose an Heretical Pope?” (Remnant Newspaper, online edition of Nov. 18, 2014)
_________, “True or False Pope?”, A treatise on what Catholics do with Heretical Popes,
Pius XII, Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis (See Highlights for discussion of n. 34 of this decree)
Our Lord works 2nd Eucharistic Miracle to confound Kasperite Heretics
Rome, April 13, 2016: Our Most High Lord Jesus Christ, who in His Great and Authentic Mercy keeps His promise to us, His Faithful, on a daily basis: Lo, I am with you all days until the consummation of the age, Mt 28:20, has worked another Eucharistic Miracle to confound the heretical proposals of Cardinal Kasper and Team Bergoglio.
NOTE WELL: This Miracle, which proves the promise of Our Lord in Matthew, chapter 28, 20, is to remind us of what Our Lord said in the same passage, regarding remaining faithful to Him!
The Great Commission (Mt. 16-20)
16 And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 17 And seeing them they adored: but some doubted. 18 And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. 19 Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
Eucharistic Miracles also reveal that the Price or Cost to merit the Eucharist for us, WAS THE MOST BLOODY AND TERRIBLE SUFFERING OF OUR LORD IN HIS SACRED PASSION, a suffering which HE HAD TO UNDERGO out of Divine Justice on account of the Mortal Sins of mankind. For even if only 1 of us had committed 1 mortal sin, Our Lord in justice would have had to suffer the Passion and die, to make atonement for it! Thus, how horrible it is, when a Pope de facto authorizes the concession of Communion to those in mortal sin to the scandal of the whole world. Note that this miracle took place just before Pope Francis allowed Cardinal Kasper, in a Consistory of Cardinals, to propose his vile heresy, that claims the Eucharist can be given to those living in adultery.
This miracle was approved by Msgr. Zbigniew Kiernikowski, the Catholic Bishop of Legnica, Poland, just days after the abomination of Amoris Laetitia was released upon the Church.
Here are the facts, according to Paula Luckhurst: On the 25th of December, 2013, in the Diocese of Legnica a Host fell on the floor. It was put in a container with water to dissolve but after some time it turned red.
The then Bishop of Legnica appointed a Commission to study the phenomenon. In February 2014, the Host which remained was a singled fragment and was deposited on a corporal. The Commission ordered the taking of samples and conduct tests by different authorities.
The Department of Forensic Medicine stated that “the histopathological tissue fragments were found containing fragmented part of the skeletal muscle. (…) The whole image (…) is the most similar to the heart muscle “(…) with the changes that “often are accompanied by the agony ” of death. Genetic studies indicate that the human origin of the tissue.
The matter was presented to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for review.
A message from the Bishop of Legnica on this matter was issued two days ago and will be read in the fourth Sunday of Easter, 17 April 2016 in all the Churches of the Diocese.
Here is another report about the Miracle, which is a rough translation by a non-native speaker of Polish, but which we report verbatim. St. Jack’s Church is according to a commentatory below, better translated at St. Hyacinth’s Church, named after a famous Polish Dominican (O.P.):