Category Archives: News

CONGO: Pope exhorts Bishops to give forgiveness, when forgiveness is sought

Editor’s Note: Another example of perfectly Catholic teaching. St. Peter the Apostle was crucified upside down, and the Catholics of Congo, remembering that, have given him a chair with the Cross of Peter craved into it.

Take-aways here: We can do nothing as Bishops without the Lord. — Let us keep the door to worldliness closed. — We bishops should not serve ourselves. Spiritual worldliness in a bishop is worse than carnal worldliness of the Renaissance pope. — We Bishops should become missionaries of compassion.

In this final, ad libitum exhortation, there are those who are trying to read what the Holy Father says, differently that what he spoke. Listen to the words carefully, and you will see what he is actually saying.

He said always forgive those who seek forgiveness. Canon Law is important and must be observed.

He did not say always grant absolution.

This is an important truth that all confessors know. That even if a faithful who comes to the Sacrament of Confession ill disposed and cannot be absolved, the path to receiving absolution must be explained and offered. So a confessor, by inquiring as to the spiritual condition of the wounded soul does wrong, if he does not do so with a spirit of compassion which desires to bring the soul to sorrow for his sins and eventually receive absolution.

This is the teaching of all the great saints: a confessor must want to help every penitent to obtain absolution, and for that reason, from the moment he enters the confessional be disposed to forgive any sin no matter how grievous is it. And his goal, in his own intention, must be obtain the forgiveness for all sinners.

ISRAEL: Radical Jewish Extremist from USA Vandalizes Catholic Church on Candlemas

Christians must forgive Jesus

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


We often talk about how Christians should forgive one another. We pray about it daily, when we say the Our Father.

But when Jesus forgives sinners, it is also necessary that we forgive them.

This irks us on those occasions where we nurture in our own hearts hatred for sinners.

In these cases, we also need to forgive Jesus for being more merciful that we would have Him be. And if we truly forgive Jesus, we must admit that it is not He who has committed a fault, but us, who have been too self righteous to be willing that God forgive this or that sinner.

When the Catholics of Rome elected the Monothelite heretic Eugene I, or the antipope Leo VIII, as pope, without doubt there were Catholics who at that time did not accept it.

We are in a double replay.

Catholics need to learn to forgive, and we can only do this with the humility to let Jesus forgive sinners and the  Church of Rome to decide for Herself, who shall be Her Shepherd. That’s been fine for Jesus for 2000 years.

It should be fine for us, too.

The title of this article may sound ridiculous. But it is more ridiculous that some Christians judge Jesus and want Him to run the Church as they want it to run. So this title is phrased from within their warped egocentric mentality, like a fishing hook lowered into the depths of sin and pride, to catch a big fish, who needs the mercy of the light at the bait of a sharp movement of the mouth.

Pope Innocent III’s vision of St. Francis stabilizing the Lateran Palace

Editor’s Note: Here is the fresco by Giotto, of the dream of Pope Innocent III on the vigil of St. Alexis, wherein he saw a poor man stabilize the Lateran Palace, which was, at that time, the Papal residence and Cathedral of the Church of Rome. The next day, in audience, at that same residence, St. Francis of Assisi came to ask the approval of his Rule. And the Pope recognizing him as the man he saw in his vision, gave him verbal approval. This vision is testified to by Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, in his Legenda Maior of Saint Francis, here.

The original fresco is found in the Basilica of St. Francis, at Assisi, Italy, in the upper Church (here).

Innocent III was very devoted to St. Alexis, and c. 1217/18 restored the Basilica of St. Alexis on the Aventine at Rome.

I for my part want to publicly thank Innocent III for his intercession, by which I believe he arranged me to find a place to live in the Hermitage of the Holy Cross 18 months ago. For it is truly an honor to live in the home town of Innocent III, where I reside in Italy. I thought it a curious coincidence when I found the place to use for a hermitage, without any collateral, income or bank account, 3 conditions of contracts for renting throughout Italy.

I attributed it at the time to the intercession of Our Lady of St. Alexis, the icon of Our Lady venerated in his Basilica at Rome (see the Visit from 2020), whom I have besought for such a grace for neigh 18 years. For more on this Icon, see here.

Our Lord from the Cross of St. Damiano, in Assisi, called Saint Francis to “go forth and repair My Church”. This is the mystical and ecclesial vocation of all the sons and daughters of Saint Francis. We do this by dedicating ourselves to living every word of Jesus Christ, promoting peace and coming to the needs of the poor, while living absolute poverty ourselves. At the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, I try to do all three, and there is yet much more to be done.

Pray for me. And pray for those men discerning a vocation to follow Saint Francis.