Category Archives: Faith

Talking about Guardian Angels on their National Holiday: Ascension Thursday

Many don’t know, that, if one could say that the Angels of God have a national holiday, that it would be today: the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven. Why? — Hear what Br. Bugnolo says in this 40 minute catechesis on True Devotion to your Guardian Angel: what it is, and how to practice it, and what is the diabolic error many have fallen into…

A Prayer for Newly Wed Catholic Couples

O Glorious Queen of Heaven and Earth, our most Immaculate and ever Virginal Mother of God and our Mother, we consecrate today our marriage and new family to Thee to ever be thy faithful children and to serve Thee in the cause of the honor and glory of God Most High, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We thank you for the marvelous providence whereby God your Son and St. Joseph you most faithful and chaste Spouse have brought us together, and while we pledge you all our undying devotion and love, we humbly beg you to take us and the children God the Father may deign to grant us, under your motherly care, we most earnestly plead that Thou our Heavenly Mother be so good as to take us up into Thy most loving embrace; spread Thy most powerful care as a mantle over us, and set one of the devoted Angels of Thy celestial court to protect us: to ever keep us faithful to this pledge.

In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen. ALLELUIA!


CREDITS: This prayer was written by Br. Alexis Bugnolo, who releases it to the public domain so that couples everywhere can use it. The photograph is of the Altar of St. Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Chapel, Wandsworth, London, England, where the Ancient Roman Rite is celebrated.

A Meditation for Holy Week: On Friendship and Reparation

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

We all value friendship. In good times, friends make the joy greater, as one celebrates together with them the pleasant things of life. In times of doubt and darkness, friends are the source of counsel and the light to guide us through trials. And in times when we are abandoned by all, the friends who remain are the gold and fire that keeps us from despair.

But imagine what it would be like, to have a friend who was a friend in good times and bad, in times of darkness and in abandonment, but who nevertheless without warning stuck a knife into your back, without so much as a thought or regret, but repented of it shortly afterwards.

How would we humans regard such a friend?

I think we would agree to avoid him whenever possible, because we would always be fearing the next knife attack.

But when we consider that God has blessed us with everything under heaven which is good for us, and has forgiven us of all our sins, after having redeemed us on the Cross, and YET is still willing to take us back, after we stab Him in the back, we can begin to understand IN A SMALL DROP OF A WAY, the vast immense ocean of God’s Mercy and forbearance.

And if you recognized that you are a habitual sinner, then this consideration should be made at length, in quite, alone, until tears burst out of both eyes.

And if we are to find this grace, it is this Holy Week, most of all, that we should seek it. For it is in this way that we can truly sanctify this  time.

And this is the time to make reparation for all our treacheries to Jesus Christ, especially by worthily receiving the Most Blessed Sacrament as an act of reparation for our own sins throughout life.

Indeed, only when we make this attitude our perpetual state of mind, can we be reckoned among the elect of God. The rest shall be reckoned with the Iscariot.


Make this Lent the event that will change your life forever…

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The season of Lent is something so regular in its advent that it is easy to lose the proper sense of what we should be doing differently, and why this season is so important for our lives as Catholics.

Indeed, so scheduled and habitual are the events of modern life, that it is easy to let the season of Lent go by without ever making those changes necessary in our daily schedule, without which it is impossible to gather and taste the spiritual fruits of the season.

Lent is a Season for Good Works

First, let’s enumerates many good works that can be done during Lent, which though salutary each in a different manner, do not comprise the essential act that we should be engaged in, frequently, during this season.

Thus, first, there is the lenten resolution, which, even when I was a child, was still quite commonly practiced among Catholics — a sort of Catholic version of the New Years resolution, but us much more Christian.

While, yes, it is a good thing to resolve at the start of lent, to undertake some work of charity or devotion, to sanctify this holy season.  That is not the essence of Lent.

Thus, it is a good and holy thing to resolve to go to Daily Mass, receive the Sacraments more frequently, give alms to the poor in the third world, purchase a book about spiritual things, and read some of it, or attend devotional exercises such as the Stations of the Cross, while not neglecting to keep Friday’s meatless, these things while they should never be omitted, are not precisely what Lent is about.

Preparation for Holy Week and Easter is only the Secondary purpose of Lent

Now frequently we hear that the purpose of Lent is to prepare us to celebrate worthily the Sacred Feasts of Holy Week and Easter.  This too, while true, is only a secondary purpose behind Lent.

True, Lent is a liturgical season, which originated to prepare converts to the Faith, for Baptism on Easter, in the early centuries of the Church.

But Lent, as a liturgical season, is not directed principally to preparing the individual or the local Catholic Community to celebrate liturgical ceremonies worthily.  Rather, it has a higher purpose, just as the ceremonies do not exists for themselves, but for a higher purpose.

There is a certain sort of error, which has quietly creeped into the Catholic world in the last century, which conceives Catholic life to consist essentially in liturgical celebrations.  So widespread is this error, that you find Catholic laity reading out loud the entire rite of the Mass in Latin or in the vernacular, when the priest is absent, going so far as to say the priest’s parts; while thinking that on Sundays when there is no Mass in their area, that it would be a sin or fault or imperfection to omit the similitude of the liturgical celebration, so essential they believe that is to Catholic life.

Without a doubt the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is essential to the life of every Catholic and to the entire church.  But the liturgical ritual’s enactment is not the center of life.  Its what that ceremony represents, which is the center of our life:  the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, through which, and without which, we cannot be saved and receive grace.

And hence the scope or role of the liturgical functions is not to be an end in themselves, but to be instruments and occasions for us to do those acts which are essential to Christian life:  the practice of the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity; the contemplation of God and of Heavenly things, and the consideration of the present state of our souls in the light of God.

The Primary Purpose of Lent

Lent, essentially, is for this:  to be an occasion in which we consider profoundly and anew, the state of our souls in the light of God, and in considering this, weighing the immense travesty of our sins against the dire and extreme eternal punishment, which we most certainly merited for them.

This most sober of considerations is what Lent is about.  Without that consideration and that done frequently in this holy Season, we miss the whole importance of Lent.

Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell:  these are the 4 Last Things, and these should be the objects of our frequent consideration, in Church, and out of Church.

The Saints made the consideration of the state of their soul in the light of God their habitual, daily reflection and habit of mind.  It was for this reason that the Saints did so many things which startle the mind and stir the soul of whomsoever hears or reads of them.

Essential Practices for Lent

We will soon enter into the season of Lent.  It will therefore, be very useful for us, now to consider its essential practice, ordering all the other customary practices of Lent towards this one essential thing:  our own repentance.

The mere consideration that we have sinned, is necessary, but this is not the only step we need to take.

We need to examine the causes of our sinfulness:  in which things or places are have we most sinned:  with whom, about what things, during which activities.

A wise Catholic who actually wants to save his soul, does not take likely the consideration of such things.  This is so, because he is a prudent Christian who realizes that unless he corrects a minor spiritual problem, it can easily grow into a greater one.

A humble Catholic too, realizes that, in the reconsideration of ones past sins, one can often find that one’s past confessions were much too superficial, and that in failing to remove one’s self from the occasions of those sins, that the vice which bore their deadly fruit has grown deeper still in one’s soul.

Let’s consider, therefore, the motives we should have in examining our conscience during Lent.  I do not mean “examining one’s conscience” in the perfunctory and quick manner in which we are accustomed, rightly, to do prior to receiving the Sacrament of Penance.

I mean this in the sense of the habit of meditation we should have to do this, whenever we do this, but especially throughout every day of the season of Lent.

Just as one’s house will soon be filthy as a pig-sty, if one does not regularly clean every corner of it; so the soul gathers moral filth through very tiny and unnoticed daily sins.

These grow the vices in our soul; and when these vices are strong enough they give birth to the evil fruit of mortal sin.  And since one mortal sin, unrepented of, is sufficient to lose eternal life, and merit the everlasting and unimaginably excruciating fires of Hell, the prudent Catholic will not take lightly the importance of cleaning the house of his soul.

The first difficulty in this work that we find is that venial sins, each of them, reduce quite unnoticeably the ability of our souls to recognize sin and its effects.

Thus, unless we have a strong habit of examining our soul, when it comes time to think of our sinfulness, we cannot find anything to convict ourselves of!

If this is the case, with yourself; then you have found the first thing to confess and the first thing you must investigate with prayer and meditation:  the fact that you do not recognize yourself to have sinned.

As the Psalms say, even the holiest of men sins seven times a day.  If you are not a Saint, you surely sin more than 7 times a day; if you are a Saint you will already be convinced that you sin much more than this.

However, to counter super-scrupulosity, which is the spiritual disease of those who are convinced that certain things are sins, and that they have committed these quite frequently, even though their real sins are much greater, and by this too anxious of self-accusations they omit the consideration of their vices of pride or despair in the power of God’s grace to forgive them in the Sacrament of Penance; nevertheless for the majority of us, we have not this fault, we just don’t see our sins; we do not suffer from a preoccupation of believing we have sinned when we have not; we suffer from the opposite spiritual fault, of considering we have not sinned, when we have!

One rule of thumb is, that if you do not consider you have committed any sins in the last year, you probably have the habit of committing many mortal sins:  its just that since the effect of sin is the darkening of the mind, you have been so blinded by your sins that you can’t see it.

Lent is a prosperous spiritual time to seek the cure of such a blindness.  And one must seek it, to escape from the dire punishment of Hell which would surely engulf such a blinded soul!

Practical Remedies to Cure one’s own Impenitence

There are some practical remedies to obtain this cure, which need to be mentioned, because they are never preached.

The first is that for most of us, a direct attack upon this blindness does not convince of anything.  Even a very moving sermon, has little or no effect beyond recognizing that it was such.

The actual change of heart, which is the goal of repentance evades the sinner.

A direct attack upon this spiritual insensitivity to sin does not work, because one can only recognize sin, inasmuch as one opens one’s mind to the ability to see it and fear it.

Spiritual blindness is accompanied by a lack of fear of sin; a certain habit of easily excusing major sins, as if they were light faults; and venial sins and imperfections.  There is a certain distortion of judgment in the soul, which has resulted by ignoring the immortality of sin for so long.  And it is, admittedly, a very evil consequence of sin, to free one’s self from.

And to be absolutely frank, its is very rare that a single confession will be sufficient.  Just as those with cancer are not cured by taking just one pill, but often have to endure very painful procedures and months and years of treatment; so this kind of insensitivity to sin requires a long and protracted treatment.

The key to progressing against this awful spiritual disability, is to take tiny steps towards weakening and conquering this disability.

Regaining one’s ability to see one’s own sins, is not some mysterious spiritual practice.  It begins with the recognition of one sin which our conscience still can see is a sin.  Perhaps, however, we only think it is an imperfection or venial sin; but if we consider its causes or nature or occasion, it certain, in a soul which does not consider itself to be a great sinner, that he has overlooked something which conceals the fact that he is in reality a great sinner.

I won’t speak about the fact that it is already a mortal sin of pride to consider that you are not a sinner: because such a declaration for such a soul is usually too much to understand.  Pride is a very spiritual sin, and one who has lost the sense of morality, has lost the sense of what is spiritual.

However, at the start it is always useful to consider and recognize intellectually that this is true; even if affectively and effectively we do not understand how this can be the case, because of our blindness.

How to dispose one’s self to the great Grace of Repentance

So, uprooting spiritual blindness begins with considering the one thing we can still see as a sin or imperfection.  This is the first step, because the very nature of spiritual progress is an re-capacitation of the power of the mind to consider spiritual things.  And like dominoes which when aligned properly, cause the next one to fall, when they themselves are toppled, so sins, when recognized and repented of, are the occasion to open our minds to the recognition of other sins.

In each step of the process, the recognition of one sin is the work of the conscience in its present state.  But this recognition cannot enable us to make the second step, which is repenting of the sin, because this second step is the work of prayer, devout and persistent to obtain the grace to repent of it.  And this can only be obtained by humble supplication.

All kinds of fasts, prayers, liturgies, meditations, pilgrimages, spiritual readings, alms, etc., are not going to assist your soul, if you do not use them as accompaniments to the work of earnestly begging for the grace of repentance, and disposing yourself to it by acts of self humiliation before God, in private, in the recesses of your heart and mind, wherein you declare, decide and resolve, that God is God, and that you are just a poor sinner, who in no manner deserves anything but judgment and damnation!

Humility is the key here:  how often a sinner might struggle to overcome one vice all his life, but fail to do so, simply because he never got down on his knees in private, and admitted to God and to himself that he was incapable of virtue by himself, and that he could only be virtuous and good, by the gift of God, earnestly begging Him for it on such an occasion!

This humble prayer and devout, secret supplication for grace, is the key step and the essential prerequisite for repentance, though, it can in fact be done in the secret of one’s heart, even in public places, while driving, or traveling, or even during other occupations, when the soul is properly disposed and God in His Mercy bestows the actual grace for it to occur.

During this essential step of humble recognition, a sorrow is engendered in the soul, along with a fear and realization of the danger of damnation, that the heart and mind turns vivaciously towards God and stirs it to ardently appeal for grace.

During such times it sometimes happens that this movement is responsive to grace sufficiently to receive the gift of tears, and during such a gracious movement, the dispositions of the soul can be cleansed and purged from years and years of distorted affections; leaving the heart with a new and healthy sense of sin and its gravity, and a new and healthy vivacity for things spiritual and heavenly.

The Proper Place and Role of Self-mortification

Essential to preparing the soul for such a humble recognition is the practice of mortification.

Mortification consists corporally with fasting from beverages and food, abstaining from meat and rich foods; use of cold showers, and the endurance of sensations which are painful or sacrificial.

Mortification of the body does not work, when such activities are undertaken by a spirit of self-sufficiency, a kind of presumption that without God one can work his own repentance, or that in doing such things, one proves that he is not a sinner or is some sort of spiritual giant or athlete.

Such a spirit makes such corporal mortifications sinful!

Rather such practices should be undertaken only with the motivation to humble oneself, detach oneself from such a spirit of self sufficiency, and open the door of the spiritual world to the virtue of humility.

This desire to seek spiritual enlightenment, to leave aside one’s pride, to change one’s life at its root, to gain a sense of spiritual things and to loose one’s carnal view of things, should be the motivation of spiritual mortifications, which are very helpful to dispose our souls to the grace of repentance:  such as all those customary acts of Lent, which were mentioned at the beginning of this essay, a snot being the principal purpose of Lent.

Repentance is the principal purpose of Lent, and all other things must be ordered to that.  But repentance has as its goal the reuniting of the soul with God and the resumption of the path toward perfection in the pursuit of eternal salvation. Lent thus finds it glory, not in preparing us for liturgical celebrations in time, but in being an occasion to return to the quest for eternal salvation in eternity.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is Giovanni Bellini’s, Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, which correctly depicts the fortitude of Christ in spiritual warfare, unlike so many more recent paintings which show Him collapsing under the sight of the sufferings He as about to endure. The image is used here in accord with a GNU Free license, though the work of art is in the public domain.


There is no Faith without the Cross

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

God could have forgiven sin by simply willing it. He did not have to order His Son to become incarnate and die on the Cross to redeem us.

Yet, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that all who believe in Him, may not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16, Vulgate).

God’s incarnation was a scandal to the Jews, who refused to admit that God could take flesh and remain God. So they had Him betrayed by a false apostle and buffeted Him, falsely condemned Him and put Him to death.

But since He was God of Life, He rose from the dead, as the Saving God and as the Redeeming Man.

The passage of Jesus Christ from the glory of Palm Sunday through the horrors of the Cross to the Glory of Easter Sunday is the Mystery of Faith.

Here I use “mystery” and ”faith” differently that what you might suppose. I use the former as in a crime novel, and the latter as the theological virtue.

The path through the Cross and to the Resurrection was necessary for Christ’s Disciples. Because having become true Man, they could hear His teaching and accept it as either coming from a man or from the Son of God. Hence in them, both human faith in the man who stood before them and supernatural faith in the God who stood before them were joined together in a single act.

Human faith however cannot save. Only supernatural faith can save.

Of this supernatural faith, The Apostle Paul says, Without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

Thus, to teach us to have supernatural faith it was necessary that Christ do something the acceptance of which would be impossible for human faith. And since human faith is a natural virtue and nature is inclined first of all to preserve its own life, the Cross was the necessary path through which Jesus Christ, as our Redeemer and our Teacher, had to walk to guide us by His example to eternal life.

This is why the Cross is inexplicable to the natural or carnal man. This is why our corrupt human nature draws back at the suggestion of penance, mortification, sacrifice and offering our lives up at risk for the sake of the Gospel. And this is why so few desire the grace of martyrdom, or even the lesser graces of being a victim soul or embracing a religious vocation of penance and sacrifice.

But only in the embrace of total self sacrifice, motivated out of Faith in Jesus, can we follow the call of truly supernatural faith, that which alone can lead us on the path from death to life, from this world to the Resurrection.

This is why, there is no Faith, no supernatural faith, without the Cross. And this is why we must embrace the Cross if we have faith, because that is what faith is about. And this is how we can renew the Church, each of us individually, while doing God’s will on earth.

Faith does not point the way to suicide, faith points the way of self sacrifice for God and neighbor, in the works of mercy, corporal or spiritual, and in the mortification of our corrupt nature in penance and conversion. We must begin with conversion of ourselves and the keeping of God’s commandments, but we must grow into the life of being merciful to others.

This is also why there is not fruit in the apostolate without the apostle accepting suffering. And this is why physical suffering is more necessary than any other kind of suffering. Physical suffering is the only kind that can kill you. Physical suffering, thus, is the only true sacrifice and risk. Though we should be cheerful when any suffering comes upon us on account of our service to God. When we embrace that with faith, we can merit great things for others.

And this is why Our Lord said, Greater love no man hath than he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).

Our Lord did not require that we do the greatest sacrifices. But He invites us to follow Him on that path. The salvation of countless souls depends upon that.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a photo by Br. Bugnolo of a grate to a side Chancel at Saint John Lateran.

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YORE: There has been a tectonic shift in the Church

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Elizabeth Yore had finally admitted what FromRome.Info has documented from the beginnings and from its origin: that “there has been a tectonic shift” in recent weeks in the Catholic Church.

While she does not know the cause, she notes that all of a sudden it appears that the Catholic Hierarchy have awakened and are wiling to battle heresy and dissent in the open, even to the point of using the word, “heresy”, which has not been heard since the days of the Council.

She also does not know the date upon which this shift began.

While readers of FromRome.Info even know the precise day and hour, I need to point out that the source of the article above is not entirely sincere in its reporting. In fact, we have a twofold movement going on since January 30, 2023 A. D..

One is that of the Holy Spirit who is inspiring Catholics to come alive and live the faith, in union with the Church and Peter, and to see many problems in the Church caused by the CIA program to infiltrate and destroy us ideologically from within.

The other is the CIA controlled opposition, which has been ordered into a coordinated attack against the unity of the Church, now that their handlers have discerned that Pope Francis is no longer under their control in his public acts.

This second movement, which is of Hell, is attempting to convince Catholics that they, not Christ, can alone save the Church, and to do so they must break the rules and laws of ecclesiastical communion and hierarchical subordination.

However, for the confutation and confoundation of these workers of iniquity, the Holy Spirit is at work to use even these to His purpose, which is to glorify the Father in Christ by manifesting the efficacy of the High Priestly Prayer of the Eternal Son for His true Vicar on Earth, the man who has received the petrine munus, after his juridically valid election at the end of January, by the Roman Church.

Here, it is absolutely necessary to use spiritual discernment and the weapons of righteousness, and not fall into the deceits of the flesh and the pride which would excuse the works of darkness. We must be simple as doves.

The Church cannot be saved by men, because Christ Jesus is Her only savior. Yet, the Church can be repaired by the Faithful if we ardently and zealously work with Christ as Christ wants us to.

This means first of all generous prayers and sacrifices to obtain grace for our sacred pastors, so that they cooperate with Christ’s High Priestly Prayer which promotes repentance, reconciliation, and the profession of the perennial faith of the Church in the cultivation of the ancient and immemorial rites which where handed down by Christ through the hands of the Apostles, and from them through their disciples down through the ages.

And this requires, on the part of our minds, that we reject utterly the false narratives sown in public discourse since 1953, when the U.S. Department of Defense and CIA began their ideological war against the Catholic Church, ideated the Vatican Council and plotted to undermine the Church from within.

And so we must be bold and courageous to not merely stop at the observation which Yore has made, in the effort to support half the truth, namely, that the Second Vatican Council, in declaring nothing dogmatically and deciding nothing canonically, represents in no manner whatsoever the authentic infallible magisterium of the Church, and must be rejected totally on the grounds that its first cause and purpose were suggested by the CIA not the Holy Spirit.

But we must do this spiritually, but insisting with our sacred pastors in person, that they snap out of the false presumption, that they must always do what their peers and superiors opine, rather than stick to putting in practice what they have validly and juridically enacted. They must attend very carefully to these things, recognizing that Saint Pius V’s Quo Primum remains in force, that Paul VI’s Missale Romanum is a dead letter, inasmuch as it institutes nothing, and that Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum correctly discerns that what was never abrogated cannot be forbidden.

But while this view of the liturgical or ecclesiological problem is widespread, it must be united to the canonical understanding of who is the true pope and when a man becomes and renounces such an Office, which is a thing not understood by press releases, but by the law itself, so that one can rightly discern HOW TO OBEY and WHAT TO OBEY, from when to not obey a document without authority or a superior acting ultra vires, that is, beyond his authority.

At the same time we ought to ramp up the canonical petitions and denunciations and insist that public heretics be corrected or expelled, while errors be confessed and denounced, and reprove more severely than ever, but with greater charity, our sacred pastors who follow the false gospel, which says, that “I can commit no sin, so long as I blindly follow my superior’s whims.”

Christ Jesus never taught that we should follow our superiors whims, when our superior is not God. He and His Church have always taught that when our superiors in Christ are mere men, we only follow them in their juridically valid commands. The rest we ought never respect or disrespect except on the criterion of their conformity or non conformity with the Faith.

Is a Man converted, when he is elected Pope?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I detest persons who pretend to be members of a minority, so that they can push propaganda and troll social media accounts. But even so, there are some objections which even though they are ridiculous and are uttered by such villans, touch upon important points of the Catholic Faith, and thus, need to be confuted.

While there were a few medieval theologians who were such papal maximalists that they held, that a man elected to the papacy, after his acceptance, became a living saint, the common opinion of all Catholic theologians has always rejected this absurdity. Anyone with a little knowledge of papal history knows that there have been lechers who were Pope, while they were the Pope. It would thus be blasphemy to assert such a maximalistic position.

But it would also be a grave error to believe that a man, just because he was validly and juridically elected to the papacy, and accepted explicitly before or after his election, to be the pope, had a moral conversion.

This is a grave misunderstanding. Yes, Christ does pray for Peter so that he never fail in faith and that he be converted, if he be a sinner.  But Christ’s High Priestly prayer only guarantees that every Roman Pontiff not fall into pertinacious heresy or destroy the Church by attacking the deposit of the Faith in an irreparable manner, and guarantees that he is offered the grace to repent of his sins.

This is a subtle distinction, between things necessary and things convenient, or rather, between things which pertain to the person of the pope and the person who is the pope.

Christ Jesus being man’s Creator is not going to destroy or take away the liberty of any man. And for that reason, He will pray for the conversion of Peter, but He cannot force any Pope to convert. The liberty to refuse such an awesome prayer and grace remains. And that is why St. Alphonsus dei Liguori held that those Popes who were not canonized, were damned, because of the terrible magnitude of the duties of a Roman Pontiff.

But Christ did promise that His Church will not be overcome by the gates of the netherworld, and thus to keep that promise He does exercise a regal authority over the person of His vicar on earth, preventing him from transgressing matters which pertain to His will in the governance of the Church.

This regal intervention is merely providential, it is not necessarily executed by grace alone. It can come about through other persons, obstacles, error, or even ignorance or bad weather or death. Thus it is an outcome based governance, and can be discerned only in the juridical acts or lack there of, of the Roman Pontiff as they regard the whole Church, not any part thereof. It is like the reins on a horse, which a rider uses when he rides the horse, with an adventurous desire on his part, but not a suicidal one. The horse will not harm itself or the rider, but it will be allowed to gallop hither and thither, avoiding cliffs, snakes, etc..

Thus, except for exceptional graces which regard particular persons who are not the pope, Christ will not prevent a Pope from persecuting this or that person or group of persons. Hey, some popes started wars which killed thousands of catholics! Popes have been followers of this kingdom or that, of this empire or that. They have even shamefully bowed down to this emperor or that. But they have never attacked the Faith or cancelled the ancient liturgy or traditions of the Church.

For this reason, we should pray for the Holy Father, whomsoever he be at the present moment in our life in which we find ourselves. But we should avoid that tendency to canonize him simply because he is our highest superior on earth. While it is true, that as such, we cannot judge him, we can and should affirm in private and when necessary in public, the moral law which all must keep, even the Pope.

For the record, I do not see any information which convinces me that any pope after Pius X lived heroic virtues. I do not hold that canonizations are ipso facto infallible acts of the magisterium. I leave it to God to canonize a man by working a miracle in response to his prayers. And being pope is not a miracle.

As regards the recent events surrounding Cardinal Roche, I have explained the interventions of Christ already, but that does not mean that I believe that bad will towards the ancient mass has been extinguished in certain souls or even that certain souls disagree with what they held several months ago.

How to distinguish between authentic Traditional Catholicism, and the Fake variety

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

French Translation

I have been on the internet since 1991, so I have seen a lot of characters, games, tricks and modus operandi. And since all the fraudsters out there are mostly johnny-come-latelies, they lash out at anyone who recognizes them for that they are.

But the longest scam I have seen so far, is that of those who claim to be Traditional Catholics but who are nothing of the kind.

I make this stark declaration, because I know what the Church has always taught and how the Saints have comported themselves, because from my youth I have read the documents of the Magisterium and the lives and writings of the Saints.

And the first rule, by which they all say, a Catholic can rightfully and accurately detect falsehood or fraud in our Holy Religion is this: novelty.

That is, if anyone is promoting a new way of living or doing or observing the Catholic Faith, it is nearly always of the Devil or of crass ignorance, and not of God.

The Traditional Movement is for the most part, of this kind. (Here I use “most part” as regards numbers)

Fake Traditionalism

This Movement is lead by false pretenders to the name, because they are all involved in grave novelties, even though they proclaim and advertise themselves as traditional.

Nearly all of these bad apples are modernists, for this reason, because they justify their novelty as the current correct interpretation of past Catholic beliefs and practices. But if you point out that Catholics of the past actually did not act as they are acting, they will insist that the past way of acting is not possible.

To understand this better it would be best to list the errors of modernism which they hold:

  1. That private judgement is a sufficient basis to claim that anything is true or right.
  2. That Catholics have the moral obligation to take as their leaders those who are most consistent in adhering to private judgement.
  3. That Catholics have no real obligation to act within the canonical order of the Church’s laws, when this conflicts with private judgement.
  4. That prayers and rituals are acceptable to God only when they are offered by those who adhere to private judgement.

These are the 4 principles that Modernists and nearly all Traditionalists live by. And that Traditionalists live by the same principles as Modernists shows that they are not really Traditional Catholics, but Modernists of a different flavor.

Traditionalism is also a heresy condemned at the First Vatican Council. Thus, anyone who would even want to take that word to name themselves, has a problem.  Traditionalism is the heresy which says all truth comes from tradition. Such a definitive error wants that no truth comes from Divine Revelation or Ecclesiastical Authority, nor from human investigation through a right use of the intellect.

Traditionalism leads to private judgement and the errors I have listed above, because since all those who are dead cannot tell us what they did or held, it is the field of private judgement to say what they would say and make it a rule for the present.

Authentic Catholicism is Traditional in another way

Authentic Catholicism is traditional by its very origin, since our Holy Faith was revealed by Jesus Christ Our God to the Apostles, and handed down by them to the whole Church. Part of this Apostolic Tradition established the Sacred Hierarchy with the authority to interpret and protect the Deposit of the Faith.

The Catholic Faith does not change, that is, does not undergo alteration. Those whose faith, which was once Catholic, but which undergoes alteration, believe things different than that which was handed down from of old.

This is why Pope Benedict XVI in Summorum Pontificum declares that what the Church once did, can never be outlawed.

But Catholics of old did not just go to Mass or receive the Sacraments. They also obeyed their superiors and reproved them privately and publicly.

The Church has canonical procedures for condemning heresy and putting back into canonical order the Church: Synods, Provincial Councils and Ecumenical Councils.

Larping on Social Media is not one of them. Claiming to be persecuted is not one of them. Auto-justifying your own private schism is not one of them.

Thus Sedevacantism and large parts of the so-called Traditional Catholic Movement, by the very fact that they jettison every intention to observe Canon Law or remain in ecclesiastical communion, by this declare themselves to be NOT traditional.

Catholics who are truly concerned with the salvation of souls do not act this way. They organize and collaborate among themselves to correct problems in the Church. And you won’t find them among the Catholic Grifter Collective, which only wants to lament and collect money for themselves, and who are incensed most of all that anyone would dare correct the problems, without which they could not continue to grift on Social Media.

True Catholics are always traditional. They do not seek to break from ecclesiastical communion, and they actually do speak with and lobby their superiors, with charity, to get problems corrected. They are persistent and work with others. And they do not do it for the sake of fame or personal enrichment, but only for the salvation of souls.

In modern times, this authentic catholic spirit is much lacking, because we live in an age with excessive centralization, such that nearly no one knows how to defend their rights or those of the entire community, in  Catholic way.

We need to relearn these things. But the Clergy need to do so especially.

Why Fasting and Abstinence is Essential to Catholic Life

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Fasting is a foreign conception for most Catholics in the modern world. It is such, because nearly all of us have never even had the grace to hear a homily about it, let alone be subjected to sound preaching on the matter.

So bad is the hostility to the concept of fasting, that in many translation of the Scriptures being read in Church, the famous passage of Our Lord, “This kind of demon cannot be driven out except with prayer and fasting”, the final two words are removed.

The biggest misconceptions about fasting are twofold: first that it is dangerous to your physical health, and second, that it is some sort of mystical superstition which has no value for modern scientific rational man.

These misconceptions are based on two profound errors. The first is, that our health is a consequence only of never refusing nature’s desires. And second, that a man can live a rational life, without mortifying his flesh.

Fasting, true, is a spiritual practice which has more value than merely not eating. It is a profound act of humility and of self-humiliation, as the individual Christian recognizes that in sinning, he is not only guilty in his soul, but in the misuse of his body.

Recognizing that we must make reparation for sins, too, is a work of justice. We have stolen from God in using that which He has given us so generously, so evilly. For just as even common sense, knows and recognizes, that if we drive a car in a way it was not designed to be driven, as the owner’s manual explains, that we are going to have to make more costly repairs and maintenance for misusing it, so a Faith filled sense of justice recognizes, that if we have sinned with our flesh, we need to confront the payments and work necessary to repair the damage done to brother body, in sinning.

Fasting, though few realize it, is not a work of supererogation, that is, of something done over and above duty. Rather, fasting is an absolute moral necessity for most Catholics who have come of age and have not yet passed into that phase of life where everything is breaking down and nothing is working.

For healthy adults, whenever we sense a temptation to impurity of any kind, this is is a clear warning sign, that we need to fast and practice abstinence. This is because, when the body is too prepared to do that which only married couples have the right to do, it is absolutely necessary that we reign in brother or sister body and bring it back into a proper self-controlled state of being. And this can only be done by fasting and abstinence, because, just as a fruit tree fruits when well watered and fertilizes, so the body inclines naturally as God intended toward being fruitful, when it has too much food and drink.

Fasting and abstinence are also necessary, because the drug most capable of overthrowing a rational mind, is found in the complex chemical processes which ignite and are ignited by temptations to impurity. And since this state of mind is highly addictive, such that those who fall into it rarely come out of it for decades, it is is necessary for all to be moderate and regulated in what they consume.

Most dangerous of all foods are those which cause the dilation of the blood vessels, which is why the Saints have always counsels and practices abstinence from all such foods.

Fasting and abstinence, thus, are THE easiest way to cooperate in your own salvation and those of others, because they return the balance of the body to that in which chastity and modesty come naturally, and in which the mind is free to practice the virtues toward God and neighbor.

Fasting and abstinence, moreover, are great ways of doing penance, because they effectively return the soul and mind back to a state in which God is more easily appreciated and perceived.

The Holy Season of Lent is neigh. For most of the history of the Catholic Church, before the reign of St. Pius X,  Catholics kept all of Lent, including Sundays, meatless. This was a stronger medicine, and that is why past ages had more virtue.

We need to get back to using this strong Catholic medicine, inasmuch as our health permits, and requires.

In fact,  a good short hand rule, for fasting and abstinence in Lent, is to undertake a practice in proportion to your sins of past year: and by mid-Lent you should already be in a better and more sober state of mind. Then go to confession and continue your fasting till Easter, to prepare to receive Our Lord worthily unto the expiation of your sins.

Here is a chart comparing the fasting and abstinence practices of Catholics throughout the centuries (click to see full sized image).


I recommend and would urge, that all who have committed a mortal sin of impurity, immediately begin what is called the Nicene Fast, show in the above chart, and keep this fast for 1-3 days, until the fires of impurity are extinguished. This should be done before confessing, because if there remains a latent inclination to gross impurity, in vain will your confession be. — I am not a priest, but if I were, I would impose this as a penance on all such sinners and with-hold their absolution until they completed it. Men who have lived lives of gluttony and impurity might have to do such a fast for more than 3 days. And certainly those who have committed such horrors many times, should with counsel of a spiritual director undertake days of fasting each week for the next month, year or for the rest of their lives. As for abstinence, after a sin of impurity, you should go a week at least without eating meat and drinking strong drink. And if you have a habit of such sins, then do a month, three months, or an entire year, or several years.


Credits: The source of the Fasting image is not know. The Featured image is from the film, Last Days in the Desert, about Jesus’ fast in preparation for His public ministry.

True Devotion to Our Lady

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Saint Pius X in his Encyclical on True Devotion to Our Lady, taught an important truth which is lost on all those who pride themselves on being devoted to the Mother of God, but fail to examine their consciences in faith: namely, if you do not keep the commandments of God, it is in vain you say your rosaries, and kiss your statues, and wear bracelets of consecration.**

Some are even go godless, that they set themselves up, in their own human prudence, to judge the works of God, and decide who is and who is not in the Church, who is and who is not faithful, etc..

This is the very spirit of Satan, not of the Blessed Ever-Virgin.

We should note well that Our Lady, to all who would want to truly be devoted to Her, left the entire Gospel condensed into a single word: Do whatsoever He tells you!

Notice that She did NOT address Herself to unbelievers. She did not say, “Repent and Believe!”, and did Her Son from the first moment of His public ministry.

And this is important, because it means that Our Lady does not address the godless and those without faith. She does not recognize them as Her children or servants.

Our Lady, after she was rebuked by the Child Jesus in the Temple, asking, “How did you search for Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” never said another word, than the word, I just quoted, when She uttered at Cana. That was the very summary of Her life of meditation on God.

To Our Lady, therefore, there can be no question that we must accept and believe with all our mind and hear, that Her Son, said and taught, “Simon, Simon, Satan has sought to sift all of you like wheat, but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith might not fail; and when you are converted, confirm your brethren”.

Thus, if you want to be Our Lady’s child, but doubt that the prayer of Her Son is efficacious, what can you hope for, from Her? But silence and consternation.


Because you are godless and faithless.

Again, when Her Son said and taught, saying to Peter, “Whatsoever you bind upon earth, shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever you loose upon earth, shall be loosed in Heaven,” She gave full faith and submission to the judgement of Her Son, and never doubted a moment that after Peter would deny Him three times, that he would repent and convert.

Indeed, according to the Fathers and Saints, after Peter’s sin, Saint John brought him to the house of Our Lady in Jerusalem (the Church of the Dormition, today), and She accepted him.

So the godless who do not accept that Saint Peter gave to the Faithful of Rome the authority to choose their bishop, upon which choice Her Son would confer the Petrine Munus, have and shall have no part in the Kingdom of Heaven with Our Lady, and Our Lady hears nothing of their prayers, because they are godless and faithless, because judging by carnal wisdom, and being entirely ignorant of canon law and ecclesiastical right, and apostolic tradition — or worse rejecting it so that they can persist in a sect, whereby they exalt themselves as better than all others — they are calling Her Son impotent in prayer or faithless to His promises.

This is a horrible sacrilege of blasphemy, since the very Name of God is Hesed, that is, FAITHFUL LOVE.

So to all the atheists who say 15 decades of the Rosary and have statues of Our Lady in their homes, and marian braclets on their wrists, know that when you deny the words of God, in your pride you will be forced to deny the works of God. And then God will wipe you from the Book of Life. And Our Lady will not intercede for you, because you have by your words and deeds entirely denied Her too.

It has been 2 weeks since Pope Francis was elected in the juridically valid manner of apostolic right, and no one in the world has found anything to convict him for heresy, or blasphemy. And since we all know the man Bergoglio after 10 years of observation, we know that for the man, that is impossible, but for God, all things are possible.

** “17. For to be right and good, worship of the Mother of God ought to spring from the heart; acts of the body have here neither utility nor value if the acts of the soul have no part in them. Now these latter can only have one object, which is that we should fully carry out what the divine Son of Mary commands. For if true love alone has the power to unite the wills of men, it is of the first necessity that we should have one will with Mary to serve Jesus our Lord. What this most prudent Virgin said to the servants at the marriage feast of Cana she addresses also to us: “Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye” (John ii., 5). Now here is the word of Jesus Christ: “If you would enter into life, keep the commandments” (Matt. xix., 17). Let them each one fully convince himself of this, that if his piety towards the Blessed Virgin does not hinder him from sinning, or does not move his will to amend an evil life, it is a piety deceptive and Iying, wanting as it is in proper effect and its natural fruit.” (Ad Diem illum laetissimum, Feb. 2, 1904 A. D.)

The Triumph of the Lamb of God: Theology and Chronology

For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are My ways exalted above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts. — Isaiah 55:9

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


From the foundation of the Catholic Church, Christ Jesus the Incarnate Son of the Living God, has give us everything necessary to enable His victory in us and in the world, and in particular that which will lead to the final triumph of His Church over all the powers of darkness.

For nearly 2000 years we have been guided by the Holy Spirit, who is teaching us all truth, so that we go from understanding to understanding, always in the same sense and meaning, but with greater light and clarity.

The Apostle Saint John, who was the only one to stand at the foot of His Cross, was inspired by this Same Spirit to write a most unique book of Scripture, known as the Book of Revelations, or the Apocalypse. In this book, he records a vision which the Holy Spirit gave him, while he was exiled by the Roman Emperor on the island of Patmos, in the Aegean. Nothing in that book was inserted by others, all of it is from the hand of the Apostle. And though written figuratively, it is not mere spiritual counsel or theologic symbology, it is a precise forewarning of the end times and an explanation of how we who are members of Christ’s true Flock can and will prevail with Him over all the powers of darkness.

In that book, there is an unholy trinity which wages war against the Most Holy Trinity. This unholy trinity consists of the False Prophet, the Antichrist, and the Dragon.

The Dragon is Satan, having been cast down from heaven and forced by God to take the form of a reptile. The False Prophet, as the forerunner of the Antichrist, lead the nations astray by means of false teachings which condone licentiousness and breaking God’s Laws. And the Antichrist, is the 2 horned lamb whose mouth speaks blasphemies and who demands the worship of the nations and orders the world-wide slaughter of all Christians.

Christ for His part also has two allies in this  conflict. One is the Woman, enthroned in the Sun, with the moon at Her feet. While many early Church fathers identified her with Holy Mother Church, since, as beloved of God, She will never betray Him, in modern times, Catholic Doctors and Saints have precisely identified Her as the Immaculate Virgin, the Mother of Jesus Christ, who in the history of Salvation intervenes to rescue Her children.

If we desire to know how Christ overcomes the unholy trinity, we have to look no further than the Book of the Apocalypse, which opens with this stunning vision in Apoc. 1:16:

[16] And he had in his right hand seven stars. And from his mouth came out a sharp two edged sword: and his face was as the sun shineth in his power. [17] And when I had seen him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying: Fear not. I am the First and the Last, [18] And alive, and was dead, and behold I am living for ever and ever, and have the keys of death and of hell.

The Lamb of God, that is, Jesus Christ, the Warrior of the Most High is armed with a sword. And again in Apoc. 19:15:

And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp two edged sword; that with it he may strike the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God the Almighty.

And it is thus, that it is clearly indicated how the Son of God will triumph over the unholy trinity. The weapon of attack is the sword from His mouth.

This sword, therefore, is the words which come forth from the Mouth of Christ. And these are twofold: teaching and prayers.

Indeed, if we consider the teachings of Jesus Christ, His words are the very means by which our souls are saved, nourished, and defended from the Evil One. Exorcisms’ quote them. Sacraments are confected by them. Saints drove off all temptations with them. They are the lamps for our feet in the pilgrimage of this life, and the are the lights in the Temple of God, the Church, which guide us through the ages and defend Her from all error.

By His word He founded the Earth and by His word He shall slay the Antichrist, as Saint Paul teaches in 2 Thessalonians 2:8:

And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming,

By Christ’s words in prayer He has prepared two unassailable fortresses for this battle: the Immaculate Virgin and the Rock of Peter. He obtained these fortresses by the Price of His own Passion on Calvary, redeeming Mary beforehand from all stain of corruption, and obtaining His petition to the Father for Simon, as He declares, in Luke 22: 31-32:

[31] And the Lord said: Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: [32] But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren.

It is on account of these words, that Catholics have always had such a strong confidence and piety toward the Successor of St. Peter. For as Vatican I infallible taught, there shall forever be successors of St. Peter who in their teaching in matters of faith and morals, are infallible and who are constantly assisted by the grace of God. And all these things are the consequences of Christ’s omnipotent prayer.

The Plot of Freemasonry

The Freemasons, being unbelievers, have plotted to overthrow Holy Mother Church for nearly 300 years. And their goal, as revealed in their parade organized in the Eternal City in 1917, was to put one of their own on the Apostolic Throne. They actually have the audacity to think that if a freemason were elected Pope, that he would take over the entire Church of God for Satan.

Ofcourse they do not believe in the power of Christ’s prayer, which is the sword which comes from His mouth. So their project is foolish.

Indeed, if one considers it well, they could only succeed, if they could some how arrange that one of their own becomes what the world thinks is the Pope, but who is really an antipope. Because only an antipope could appear as Peter, but not be subject to the prayer of Christ which guarantees fidelity to God.

But this is what they achieved in the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in March 13, 2013. Because on that day he was elected Pope, but did NOT receive the Petrine Munus, because Benedict XVI had never resigned it.

And has we have seen for nearly 10 years, their project was succeeding.

To defeat this Masonic project, only one solution remained. And that was to make the Antipope, subject to Christ’s omnipotent prayer.

To worldly men, this was the defeat of the Church. But to those who truly believe and who trust 100% in the prayer of Christ, it is the most sublime victory. Because by this maneuver which came from the prudence of no man, Christ, the Warrior of God, has entered into the Citadel of His enemies power and taken back their vicar, and made him, His instrument for their defeat.

And this happened on Monday, January 30, 2023, when Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Roman Pontiff at about 12:30 P.M., by the Assembly of the Faithful, convened in accord with apostolic right, in the Sala Michelangelo, at the Marriott Park Hotel at Rome, Italy, to elect the successor of Pope Benedict XVI, who had passed away on Dec. 31, 2022.

This is the victory which Christ wrought through the failure of many and the constancy of a few fools who believed in Him despite all appearances of defeat.

And so great is this victory, that now all the voices under the power of Satan’s delusion howl against it.

And in humility, recognizing the faith we all need to have in the power of Christ’s prayers, I publicly abandon all my previous analyses about why Pope Benedict XVI did what he did. I will leave that to the judgement of God, because now I see by a higher light, that is by Catholic Faith, that I never took that Power into account.


And hence, I recapitulate here the articles which demonstrate the Triumph of the Lamb of God, which occurred on January 30, 2023

To understand this historical event, one must first understand well what happened on February 11, 2013 A. D.:

The Index to Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation

Then it is necessary to understand, that, since Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated, that with his death, it was an absolute canonical necessity to elect his Successor. I spoke of this several times, after 2013, documenting the entire rationale and procedure for the election and how it was juridically and canonically valid:

Discernment vs. the Arrogation of Juridical right

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


In the Catholic Church, the authority to judge comes from God alone. Catholics cannot maintain their status as Catholic for long, so long as they do not accept that principle.

Thus, by the Faith which comes from God we can, if we understand it well, discern who is teaching wrongly or not. And we can then discern whether a man be teaching contrary or apart from Christ, His Apostles or Prophets.

And this personal discernment is an ability, but not all have the capacity. Since though we all receive faith in Baptism, not all have faith, and not all understand the Faith.  Faith is the virtue, the Faith is the sum of the doctrines of our holy religion. Both come from God. But having the knowledge of one does NOT guarantee the other.

Now in the Church, since the authority to judge for the community comes from God, God has given it to Bishops alone, and to the Bishop of Rome in its highest grade here on earth. These alone can take away the canonical rights of an individual or community.

The recognition of this is what separates and distinguishes Catholics from protestants and orthodox schismatics. These latter two refuse to accept the Pope as supreme judge in matters of faith and discipline. And protestants refuse also to accept bishops as judges in matters of discipline in their own dioceses.

And here is the pitfall of all those Catholics who take the first step on the road of Sedevacantism: they refuse to admit that while they have the ability by faith to discern who is a heretic, they have no juridical authority to declare anyone such, as to deny that accused of his canonical rights.

This is affirmed in the very important passage in Universi Dominici Gregis, n. 35. This rule echoes the long standing debate among canonists, which Pope Paul IV in 1559 spoke, of what is to be done with a Cardinal who deviated publicly from the faith prior to his election to the Pontificate. Paul IV wanted in his Constitution, Cum ex apostolatu officio, that his election be declared null and void. His constitution however was annulled by his successor. And the precedent of his opinion was refuted in the above manner in every subsequent Papal Law on elections.

The reason for this, is, if an undeclared person could be refused the canonical right to vote (active voice) or be elected (passive voice), then it would introduce into the election a doubt which could possibly render many or most elections doubtful and hence invalid.

And the theological justification for removing this doubt, is the Faith of the Church in the promise of Jesus Christ and His always efficacious power of impetration, when He declared, “Simon, Simon, Satan has desired to sift you all as wheat, but I have prayed for YOU, that your faith may not fail, and when you are converted, confirm your brethren.”

Note, our Lord says, “when” not “if”, because His is always efficacious in His prayer to the Father and obtains all that He asks for.

And since the man elected pope becomes the target of Christ’s prayer, thus promised, it matters not if he had deviated from the faith beforehand, so long as he was not declared by the Church to have done so.  For if he was declared by the Church, then the word, of Christ would apply: “He who hears you hears Me.”

Those who become Sedevacantists do not avert to these words of Jesus Christ, and once they start on that path, out of pride they refuse to accept them, so as to justify the path already undertaken. And so they fall into heresy and schism, and go to perdition, because if you do not believe in every word of Jesus Christ, you cannot be saved.

And now, this is the temptation of those who refuse the juridically valid election of Bergoglio on Monday, and who are attempting to argue thus: that election cannot be valid, because it elected a man whom I consider a heretic.

To these I say: YOU are not the Church. YOU do not have the juridical authority to declare someone a heretic. Yes, you have by faith the ability to discern heresy, if you know your faith. But that is not the same thing. To presume that your judgement of heresy is equivalent to a juridical pronouncement is to arrogate to yourself a right which God has not given you. Even Cardinals in the Conclave do not have this right. How much more a bishop, priest, or layman anywhere else at any time, when the person to be judged is not even under their jurisdiction.

Perhaps, the ignorant confound the possibility that some tribunal or future pope might agree with their judgement as sufficient authorization, but they are confusing the ability to discern from the authority to issue a judgement binding on the community.

Have a little humility.

Have faith in Christ.

Only those who have both, can be saved.


Only in certain cases, where the Church herself or the very nature of the act prescind from the necessity of a public judgement, can Catholics act on the basis of personal discernment.  Such is the case of papal renunciations, which must be manifest in themselves, and when doubtful, can be considered invalid by all Catholics who thus discern them to be. This is because a renunciation of papal office cannot be judged or interpreted by anyone, since there is no one who can judge it. For if it was invalid, the pope would remain the pope yet hold it valid. And if it was valid, the man who was the pope could not longer judge it. This is why in such cases Catholics do not arrogate to themselves a right which belongs to others, as Sedevacantists do who refuse the validity of this or that papal election.

In burying Benedict, they think they have buried the Church …

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Now, that they have buried Benedict, they think that with him they have buried the Church.

The Church which believes that a man is a man from conception until death, and that a woman is a woman from conception until death.
The Church which believes that human sexuality is for reproduction not entertainment.
The Church which believes that it is morally unacceptable that man be enslaved by ideologies.
The Church which believes that words have meanings which men cannot change at will.
The Church which believes in property rights, for man and for God.
The Church which believes that usury and fraud and sodomy and pedophilia are crimes which shout out to God for vengeance.
The Church which believes that Catholics have the right to rule the world, and not the godless.
The Church which believes, above all that there is a God and that He is Man’s creator, redeemer, savior, and king.
The Church which believes, that Jesus was crucified, died, buried, AND who rose from the dead!
The Church which believes with Peter in all which Jesus Christ taught and did, as the Son of the Living God.

This is the Church which they believe they have buried with Benedict. And that message was clear, as the Anti-Pope sat enthroned in front of Benedict’s coffin, gloating over his apparent victory.

And now we all experience that which Our Lady and the Apostles experienced at the death of Our Lord. For when the shepherd is struck, the flock scatters. And darkness has fallen over the whole Church of Rome. Persons who were staunch and firm in the faith days before, cheering in large assemblies for Pope Benedict XVI are now silent and full of doubts and fear. And my dismay and disappointment has grown large as a sea, and as stormy as a sea in a hurricane. For the number of those who want to end this dark night has grown so few. And in just a few days, I am told to my horror, notable persons will declare that no election be undertaken.

But just as Pope Benedict XVI taught us, it is in the darkest hours that we who believe in the One who rose from the Death, must testify to the truth and stand against all the howling gales which pour forth from the Gates of the Netherworld.

Therefore, to one and all, who recognize that Pope Benedict XVI was the pope until death, never renouncing the petrine munus: to all of you, wherever you are in the world and whatever language you speak, I make a solemn promise before God, the Most Holy Trinity: that I will not go silently into the night; I will not tolerate that the Church of Rome be without a divinely approved shepherd; I will not, because I will not cease to believe in the One who has risen from the Dead, who can make water gush from rocks and the dead rise from the grave, because it is at His word that the Heavens and Earth were made.

Thus I promise that I will militate until by last breath and to every sacrifice, if necessary, that the Church of Rome elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI, no matter what other decision any other shall make. For I have it on good authority, that all the leaders in Italy will shortly announce that no election should take place. That instead, we should wait for the death of Bergoglio, the antipope.


For now, still, however, I will await that the Cardinal Deacon of the College of Cardinals, who has personally received the Solemn Admonition, make a decision. I understand that that College is compromised with invalid electors. But I recognize that if there is good will in any, to call for a Conclave, that God will offer the grace to do it right. I will therefore wait until the 20th day, when it will become obvious that the Cardinals cannot enter into Conclave by the 21st. That day will come on January 20th (calculating in the most liberal way as to give them more time). And if they do not, then I will announce a “crusade” to convoke the Faithful of the Dioceses of Rome, Albano, Ostia, Velletri-Segni, Palestrina, Sabina Poggio Mireto, Porto Santa Rufina, and Frascati, to exercise their apostolic right to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI.

I tell you all these things now, because, if when that hour comes, and I am left standing alone to remedy this solemn need, I will call upon all Catholics in communion with Pope Benedict XVI world wide, to form an international coalition to assist in this endeavor: that each group out there, send its representative to Rome, to do as I have done these 3 years, to militate for this and keep those at home informed, while joining in the work and in the fundraising necessary to promote a juridically valid election of the Successor of St. Peter. This will be a massive task that will require legally notifying every member of the clergy of these 8 dioceses, AND attempting through media of all kinds, to notify the millions of faithful in these dioceses to exercise their apostolic right and convene in an assembly for an election.

Therefore, I ask you now to join with me in prayer, that the Cardinals do their duty, and that if they do not, that God might raise up a mighty army, howsoever small, of determined zealous faithful from round the world, to see this holy work done, for the salvation of souls and the glorification of Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, Who has already promised us and purchased for us, the victory in this battle. And who has given us an Immaculate Queen who is terrible as an army in battle array!

Amen. Amen. Let it be! Fiat.



CREDITS: The Featured Image is the tomb of Christ, exposed for the first time in 2016 since 1550, when it was covered with a slab of marble. You can read all about this fascinating history, at the Irish Times, here.

How Bergoglio’s permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

From Rome has been ahead of many issues way before the general public confronted them. One of these regards the problem of having a man whom you think is the Pope be a man whom you know is a heretic.

From Rome answered this in an editorial of May 12, 2016, nearly 6 and a half years ago. Back then nearly no one took notice. It was too politically incorrect. But now many, having seen the unending monstrosity of Bergoglio who is willing to publicly slap and excoriate with the most foul language a woman merely for pleading for the help of fellow Catholics who were being persecuted by his Marxist allies in China, and his total lack of insouciance at the publication of a book by Pope Benedict on Celibacy, the barriers of non-think have, are or about to fall in the minds of the general populace.

Some readers have remarked that From Rome does not speak so much about the heresies or errors of Bergoglio anymore, but this is not because he has stopped, or that this publication finds them tolerable, but because the solution to the problem of Bergoglio is simple: Restore Benedict XVI because he was robbed of the Papacy, and we were robbed of his Pontificate! And now, we say, Elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI, so we may have a true Pastor for the true sheep of Christ!

In this editorial, written when the pretensions to the Papacy of Bergoglio were still commonly held, hope was held out for his repentance. But now after nearly 4 years, that is clearly never going to come about. Those still hoping for it, are deceiving the faithful.

Nevertheless, we share with our readers now in January of 2023, what we published in May of 2016, for your edification and thought, and to share with your fellow Catholics who are still struggling to understand Bergoglio and why the clergy are obsessed with remaining in communion with him.

How Bergoglio’s Permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

Rome, May 12, 2016 A.D:  There is no greater and more radical challenge for the Christian believer than to take another as his Master.

Indeed, Christians are recognized by the fact that they regard Jesus Christ, and Him alone, as their Master, in accord with the scripture verse, in which Christ condemned the religious leaders of ancient Israel, Matthew 23:10 ff:

10 Neither be ye called masters; for one is you master, Christ. 11 He that is the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Indeed, its very tempting, in today’s world in which truth is up for grabs and violent political clashes are being waged on all sides, for the Christian to take an “I’m ok, you’re ok” view, that is, a “get along with everyone” kind of attitude, in which truth does not matter, only co-existence.

The Loadstone of Hope

The only problem is, that there is a vast difference between the man who thinks Christ is a religious teacher and the man who is loyal to Christ no matter what.  First first regards Him as one might regard a philosopher:  taking the man’s teachings here and there, according to his personal tastes and likes, but not as a rule of life.

The second regards Him as the Incarnate Son of God, apart from Whose teaching No man on Earth can escape eternal and perpetual damnation in the fires of Hell.

As St. Augustine said, “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.”

Indeed, what distinguishes the Christian from all other men is Hope.

Hope is that theological virtue least spoke of today, because in modern times a proper understanding and appreciation of it has been so attacked in the minds of men, that nearly nobody appears to have it or cultivate it or use it.

Hope is that theological virtue which puts full faith and confidence in the promises of God for those who keep them.  Its the most essential and key Christian virtue, given to us in Baptism, but cultivated only with good works.  If you do not really hope that God will reward you for fidelity to Christ, then obviously you will not be faithful to Him.  Likewise, if you think that you can manage for yourself the rules by which you will get into Heaven, there is no need for you to have hope in God’s promises, you can presume for yourself — a presumption which is both your ultimate self-deceit and the absolute guarantee of your own damnation.

All of this has an ecclesiological impact, that is, all of this effects the Church, what She is and your place in or outside of Her, who alone is the ark of Salvation, the Pillar of the truth, apart from AND outside of which no man woman or child can be saved.

The Temptation of Bergoglio

The great temptation presented by the election and presence of Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne, then, is precisely this: the offer of a Church, of a Christianity, in which Christ is no longer The master, but merely a guide post from which one can wander here or there and remain a “christian” without fidelity and without the need to practice hope.

This temptation is offered the Cardinals, the Bishops, the priests, the religious and the laity, is offered thus to the whole Church, because in Bergoglio they have, without any shadow of a doubt, a man who does not believe in Christ as his Sole Master, who does not love or tolerate the Church as Christ founded it or gave it, does not suffer the rules the Apostles, the Faithful Disciples of the Lord handed down to us, and is filled with compassion and love for the traitor who sold Christ for 30 shekels of silver.

To have a public manifest heretic on the throne of the Apostle Peter, and tolerate him, presents for every true Christian, the opportunity of pretense, to keep the name “Christian” or “Catholic” without any more obligation to Christ.  Its the ultimate game-plan of Lucifer.

Either Bergoglio must Change or the Church has changed

Finally, if one were to accept this situation and the principles which erroneously lead to it, as have been briefly described here, it would be enough to end this article with the usual lament.  Because with faith it is possible to lament these things, but with hope it is not possible to tolerate them.  Nearly every author on the Internet today, and as far as we know, all the Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church since April 8, 2016, the date on which “Amoris Laetitia” what released, do not have or are not acting faithfully to Christian Hope.

For the man with Christian hope, would declare and manifestly insist and demand that Bergoglio be canonically reprimanded, and if refusing 3x, be declared to be in open schism with Christ and His Church, and self-deposed by reason of his malice and heresy against Him and His Bride, the Church, whose first duty is to keep herself immaculate and worthy of Him.

Either Bergoglio must change or the Church has in fact changed, because if he repents, the Church is saved in Her fidelity to Christ, and Christ is glorified above all human whim, even the human whims of the Roman Pontiff. But if Bergoglio does not change AND the Church tolerates him, it is the Church which has changed, She has committed adultery with Bergoglio, accepting him rather than Jesus Christ as Her spouse, the God above all other gods…


CREDITS: The featured image is of the Medieval Manuscript depicting The False Shepherd, a detail of the illumination from the mss. Douce 266 in the Bodleian Library. As a faithful reproduction of a work of art produced more than 200 years ago, it is in the public domain.