Category Archives: Faith

Friedlicher Protest in einer Diktatur – Eine Anleitung



Jeder Protest benötigt ein direktes und ehrenvolles Ziel, das ein möglichst kleiner gemeinsamer Nenner für die Unzufriedenen sein sollte, damit unter diesem Motto möglichst viele Menschen auf der Straße mobilisiert werden können. Eine möglichst hohe Anzahl an Demonstranten zu bewegen, ist wesentlich, denn die Regierung reagiert nur auf unzufriedene Menschenmassen. Zudem reißen hohe Zahlen an Demonstranten auch noch die mit, die sich aus Angst noch nicht auf die Straße trauten. Die Masse bietet dem einzelnen ein Sicherheitsgefühl.


Auch Ideale brauchen eine Organisation, damit ihnen zum Sieg verholfen werden kann. Ein Protest muß organisiert sein. Sonst besteht eher die Gefahr, daß er Projektionsfläche für die Propaganda des Regimes bietet. Zudem fällt es den Exekutivkräften des Regimes umso leichter, den Protest zu stören, je weniger der geplant und gegen fremde Einwirkungen organisiert ist. Das Regime hat logischerweise ein großes Interesse, einen Protest zu zerstreuen und unwirksam zu machen oder ihn gar zu bezichtigen, er sei gewalttätig.

Die Vorbereitung des Protests sollte allemal eine Spezialisierung der Kräfte beinhalten, die somit bestmöglich bestimmte Aufgabe erfüllen können.

Beispielsweise sollten Dokumentationsbeauftragte den Protest filmen bzw. photographieren und darin geschult sein, die Bewegung medienwirksam in Szene zu setzen. Rechtsanwälte bzw. Rechtssachverständige sollten auch vor Ort sein, um gegebenenfalls mit Regierungskräften zu verhandeln bzw. um Protestteilnehmer in ihren Rechten zu verteidigen.

Menschen mit Status und Reputation in der Bewegung sollten eine professionell gestaltete Bühne erhalten, so daß sie sich gut präsentieren können. Veteranen des Militärs oder der Polizei sollten ihre Uniformen tragen und vorbereitet sein, mit den Exekutivkräften im Dienste der Regierung zu sprechen und sie auch davon zu überzeugen, sich dem Protest anzuschließen bzw. notfalls sogar auch zu meutern. Religiöse oder spirituelle Führer sind für Ermunterung der Protestler zu Friedlichkeit und Bestimmtheit im Willen unverzichtbar.

Nicht zu vergessen ist ein Beauftragter für die interne Kommunikation und Sicherheit. So kann im Falle, daß die Regierung Störer („Agent Provocateurs“) einschleust, zielgerichtet gegengewirkt werden durch Isolation und Ausschluß dieser Leute aus der Protestbewegung.

Die gerechte Sache durch Friedfertigkeit repräsentieren

Die Menschen zeigen, daß Recht und die Gerechtigkeit auf ihrer Seite sind, wenn sie sich friedfertig verhalten. Hiermit zieht man auch andere mit, die auch auf die Seite des Rechts und der Gerechtigkeit stehen wollen. Im Gegensatz dazu werden gewaltsame Aktionen im allgemeinen mit negativen Absichten assoziiert. Außer zur Selbstverteidigung ist Gewalt niemals legitim. Bei der Auch bei der Selbstverteidigung darf Gewalt nur das letzte Mittel sein, und es muß unbedingt das Verhältnis zur drohenden Gewalt gewahrt sein.

Durch eine gezielte Vorbereitung des Protestes mit organisierten Kräften wie oben erwähnt, sind Konflikte und Mißverständnisse zwischen Protestlern und Regierungskräften deutlich leichter zu vermeiden. Und genau dieser reibungslose Ablauf ist das höchste Ziel einer inneren, gut überlegten Proteststruktur, deren friedfertige Ausstrahlung positiv auf Außenstehende einwirkt.

Gerechtigkeit heißt nicht Naivität

Daß man es selbst gut meint, heißt aber eben nicht, daß man davon ausgehen darf, daß es die Gegenseite, also auch die Regierungskräfte, es ehrlich und gut meinen und einen Konflikt vermeiden wollen. Diktaturen sind nur zu bekannt dafür, daß sie Provokateure in Protesten einschleusen, so daß es für Außenstehende scheint, der Protest sei illegitim, weil er für Gewalt stehe. Dabei ist es gerade die tyrannische Regierung, die für Unrecht und damit für Gewalt steht.

Die Notwendigkeit von Sicherheit

Insofern ist die Sicherheit eine zentrale Aufgabe, um Gewalt und Konflikte durch Infiltration und feindliche Instrumentalisierung des Protests zu vermeiden. Auch der Ehrlichste und eben auch der Protest durch die Ehrlichsten hat alles Recht bei der Organisation, interne und externe Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zur Abwehr von Böswilligkeiten der Regierungsseite zu treffen.

Die Vorbereitungstreffen sollten privat an geheimen Orten stattfinden. Kein Teilnehmer sollte elektronische Geräte mitführen, da sie durch Regierungskräfte detektiert werden könnten. In diesem Sinne sollten alle Teilnehmer auch auf Spionagegeräte durchsucht werden, beispielsweise auf Verkabelungen am Körper und andere Spuren, die darauf hinweisen, es könnte sich um einen Regierungsagenten handeln.

Das bedeutet ebenfalls, daß bei Beginn des Protests Regierungsagenten in der Menge durch die internen Sicherheitskräfte aufgespürt werden müssen, um auf sie zuzugehen, sie zu befragen und gegebenenfalls Hinweise auf Regierungsaktivität zu finden.

Meistens sind Agenten der Regierung einzeln unterwegs, ob ein Mann oder auch eine Frau. Jeder Verdächtige sollte durch die Sicherheitskräfte befragt werden, um seine Identität zu überprüfen und ihn bei Hinweisen auf eine Agententätigkeit (z.B. Verkabelungen) vom Protestzug auszuschließen. Diese Person muß allen Sicherheitsbediensteten mitgeteilt werden idealerweise mit einem Photo und der Nennung seines Aufenthaltsortes, um ihn ausschließen zu können. Die einfachste Art einen Regierungsagenten zu entlarven ist es, ihn nach seiner Arbeit zu fragen und seinen Arbeitsgeber anzurufen. Irgendein lokales Unternehmen anzurufen, um die Identität des Arbeitsgebers zu bestätigen, ist eine weitere Methode. Man kann auch das Wissen zur Arbeitsumgebung beim angeblichen Arbeiter testen, usw..

Es sollte darauf geachtet werden, daß die wichtigsten Protestanführer durch Freiwillige mit Kenntnissen in Selbstverteidigung oder auch in Militär- bzw. Polizeitaktik flankiert sind. So können die Protestführer gegen Angriffe abgeschirmt werden, bzw. sie können bei Übergriffversuchen aus der Gefahrenzone gebracht werden. Fluchtrouten und sichere Häuser in Städten der benachbarten Regionen und Nationen sollten im Vorfeld bereits ausgearbeitet sein.

Den Protest führen

Denkt daran, eine Diktatur ist darauf bedacht, jeden Protest bereits im Keim zu ersticken. Daher sollte der Protest so aufgebaut sein, daß die Ziele der Tyrannenregierung vorausgesehen und unterminiert werden können.

Zu diesem Zweck ist es besser, wenn die meisten Protestler keine Geräte mit sich tragen, die detektiert werden können. Somit wird verhindert, daß Gruppierungen online detektiert und ausgewertet werden können, was eine gezielte Polizeistrategie gegen den Protest zu vereiteln hilft.

Die Protestierenden sollten sich normal kleiden. Denn jeder normale Mensch darf sich in der Stadt bewegen und die alltäglichen Geschäfte erledigen. Da die Regierung nicht das Leben in der Stadt anhalten kann, wird es ihr so unmöglich gemacht, Ansammlungen der Protestbewegung zu verhindern.

Dabei sollte die Protestbewegung darauf bedacht sein, sich nicht in Straßen zu treffen, die leicht blockiert werden können. Der Ort sollte so gewählt sein, daß es der Regierung nicht möglich ist, alle Zugänge dorthin abzuriegeln, zudem sollte die Ankunft der Protestler örtlich und zeitlich aufeinander abgestimmt werden mit möglichst viel Variabilität. Für den Fall der Fälle einer Blockade des Versammlungsortes durch Regierungskräfte, sollte ein gut erreichbarer Ausweichplatz für den Protest bereits geplant sein.

Der Protest sollte von mehreren Kontrollpunkten in der Art einer „Steuerungscloud“ aus gleichwertig geführt werden können. Falls ein Kontrollzentrum ausfällt übernimmt das andere oder auch ein drittes, usw. Hierbei ist auch darauf zu achten, daß verschiedene Arten der Kommunikation (bspw. verschiedene Onlineplattformen, CB-Funk, etc.) eingerichtet sind, so daß die Kommunikation nicht zusammenbricht, falls es der Regierung gelingen sollte, einen Kommunikationsweg zu übernehmen.

Vermittlung der Protestbotschaft

Die Botschaft bzw. das Motto des Protests nach außen zu bringen ist so wichtig wie die Protestbewegung selbst. Es müssen geübte Sprecher auftreten, die die Botschaft auf den Punkt bringen. Charismatische Menschen, die die Massen animieren, müssen sich mit mehr strukturierten und professionell geschulten Präsentatoren abwechseln, ggf. auch im Interviewstil kommunizieren, um die Botschaft so transparent wie möglich zu machen. Die Regierung wird psychologische Methoden anwenden, um möglichst effektiv zu stören. Professionelle Redner bzw. souveräne Moderatoren behalten auch im Falle von Unruhen und Chaos die Übersicht und wirken ggf. auch beruhigend und deeskalierend auf die Massen ein.

Klarerweise sind Zeichen und Symbole im Sinne eines „Branding“ wichtig, so auch im Sinne einer Corporate Identity bzw. Marke bei Protesten. Doch inwieweit Zeichen zur Schau gestellt werden sollten bzw. überhaupt legal zulässig sind, ist vom Ausmaß der freiheitlichen oder eben suppressiven Atmosphäre in einem Land abhängig. Je unterdrückender eine Regierung ist desto weniger sollte man Zeichen und Symbole verwenden. In dem Zusammenhang muß auch festgestellt werden, daß Masken legitim sein können, um ggf. zu verhindern, das Protestler durch die Polizei während oder nach der Veranstaltung identifiziert und dadurch Opfer von Repressalien werden.


Unbedingt sollte von der Möglichkeit Gebrauch gemacht werden, Menschen an strategischen Orten wie Polizeistationen oder Kasernen zu positionieren, um die Mobilisierung von Kräften gegen den Protest zumindest zu behindern. Am besten gelingt dies, wenn man Verwandte von Polizeikräften oder Soldaten zu ihnen schickt, um auf diese Exekutivkräfte einzuwirken.

Menschen mit hohem Bildungsgrad, die von der friedlichen und gerechten Protestidee durchdrungen sind, sind die idealen Gallionsfiguren einer Protestbewegung, um diese bei Botschaften oder fremden Mächten vor Ort zu repräsentieren.

Sie können ausländischen Vertretungen dazu anhalten, sich aus Überzeugung von den friedlichen Zielen für das Stattfinden der Protestversammlung bei der Regierung stark zu machen. Diese Initiative ist auch deswegen von Vorteil, um dem vorzubeugen, daß die Tyrannenregierung ihrerseits die ausländischen Vertretungen gegen den Protest einstellen könnte.

Insbesondere diejenigen Mächte mit militärischen Stützpunkten in der Nähe sollten vor der Protestveranstaltung kontaktiert werden, daß sie sich nicht gegen den Protest instrumentalisieren lassen, sondern sich sogar ggf. auf Seiten der Protestbewegung stellen. Falls irgendeine fremde Macht die Regierung zwingen sollte, den Protest zu unterdrücken oder aber ihn im Gegenteil befürwortet, so muß das dem Protestführer sowie den Protestlern insgesamt unmittelbar mitgeteilt werden, so daß jeder weiß, wie die politischen Zeichen stehen, wer einem freundlich und wer einem feindlich gesinnt ist.


The Phariseeism of the Sedevacantist

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Sedevacantism is an ideology developed by a pedophile who was expelled from Seminary but ended up justifying his illicit ordination as a priest and bishop.

It consists in claiming that the popes since Pius XII — a known CIA and Fascist collaborator — are not true popes.

But its chief method is deploy an intellectual trick, called a shell game, to get Catholics to fall for their cult.

This trick consists in shifting the boundaries of the term, “heretic” so as to justify that anyone they accuse is a heretic.

A heretic is someone who denies a truth of faith. Precisely defined, it is a person who after baptism denies a truth which he knows God has revealed. If God has revealed this truth to him a lone, then he is a heretic before God. If God has revealed this truth to the Church then one speaks of a heretic, simply.

But to be a heretic, you need first to be baptized. In a historical sense, you could extend the term to those Jews who denied the revelation in the Old Testament, as the Saducees of old it.

Heresy, however, is any verbal expression which contradicts a revealed truth. It can be written or spoken or even thought of.

A heresy spoken, written or thought of does not a heretic make the speaker, writer or thinker.  To be a heretic there has to be the intention to deny a revealed truth. And thus there cannot be ignorance of the revealed truth nor ignorance that it is revealed.

But sedes — the popular nick name for sedevacantists — us this trick. They claim that the mere expression of heresy makes you a material heretic. And the intention to express it as true makes you a formal heretic. They omit the part about intentionally denying a truth known to be revealed by God.

So they search the writings of any superior they want to dethrone, and they find a passage which they claim is an error. They call this claimed error a heresy, and name the person who said or wrote it a material heretic. And then they claim this person, by the mere fact that he sustained this error, is a formal heretic, outside of the Church, and thus they impose excommunication upon him, without any need for judgement or declaration by the Church — a thing which they do not seek to obtain, since they judge no one superior to themselves.

This is a very convenient intellectual position for those who were kicked out of seminary for pedophilia or sexual abuse and would never be allowed to be come clergy otherwise. For once you dispose of the authority and legitimacy of those who refuse you orders, you can justify getting them in some illicit manner.

To better understand the mind of a sede, using this trick, let us use an example.

There is the material drunkard, and the formal drunk.

The material drunkard keeps liquor in his house and drinks it.

The sede comes to know this and calls the inhabitants of the house material drunkards, and insists that since they kept liquor for years that they were drunkards and formally such.

Then they pronounce them to be shunned by everyone in town and say that all the legal acts they are involved in at the local court or city hall are null and void.

This is how absurd and dishonest Sedes are.

They are the new Pharisees and are quintessential puritans.

Just do not bring up with them that their ideology was cooked up by a pedophile. They get nasty if you do.

The Catholic on the other hand rebukes those in error and calls upon the Church to reprove those in error. He also recognizes that formal heretics do not hold office, but he is careful to avoid naming someone merely involved in error a heretic, especially when the person shows ignorance of many truths necessary to understand his error as an error.

CREDITS: The Featured image is Jesus in the house of the Pharisee by Tintoretto.

In the Footsteps of Christ Crucified



In the present crisis of faith, which has broken out within the Catholic Church, on account of the perfidy of those to whom the preaching of the Gospel has been entrusted,  Catholics, who seek true spiritual guidance, can look to the exhortation of Pope Leo XIII, in his Encyclical Letter, Sapientiae Christianae, of January 10, 1890, in particular, where he remonstrates with all of the faithful in such a crisis, saying:

To recoil before an enemy, or to keep silence when from all sides such clamors are raised against truth, is the part of a man either devoid of character or who entertains doubt as to the truth of what he professes to believe.

To doubt the truth of even 1 revealed doctrine taught by Our Lord, by His Apostles, in Sacred Scripture or in Sacred Tradition, is, let us be frank, a mortal sin meriting eternal damnation, because it breaks the bond of trust which a Catholic ought to have in God His Savior.  This, alas, is the sin of so many who are “Catholics” in name.

But another mortal sin, one of omission, is that of those who are “devoid of character”.  In our own age, when so many Catholics, even otherwise good or devout ones, sit nightly at the feet of the pulpit of the television, neglecting prayer and meditation and the reading of the writings of the Saints of old, nearly every Catholic is lacking in the virtues necessary to withstand the apostasy of our age, which is being promoted by clergy who long ago accommodated themselves to the toleration of the abominations of impurity and sacrilege in the Church, or who have wedded their souls to false obedience out of self-interest.

The near universal silence of the clergy against speaking against the Kasper thesis has astounded many a Catholic, because they presumed, out of the faith which has come to us from the Apostles, that the clergy are men of character who would speak up:  not reading the signs of the times, which clearly indicate that the present apostasy of disbelief and of silence was prepared long ago, when the Modernists pushed for and obtained at the Second Vatican Council, documents which speak ambiguously and even erroneously about our Holy Faith, in every aspect of Her life and religion.

The darkness of our age being so profound and universal, the weak soul is easily overcome by despair.  This despair comes easily upon the souls who pray but little, and who have drunk either not at all or only in a shallow manner from the clear springs of authentic Catholic meditation, indicated so clearly by the great Saints of old, like St. Teresa of Avila, whose 500th birthday the Church recalled yesterday, March 28, 2015.

There is a Remedy for this lack of Character

And it is found in a wholesome meditation on the duties which each of us have towards Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. But not just any remembrance of Him in His Passion, but one which forces us by direct consideration to confront the lack of character, in our selves, which plagues our age, and which Pope Leo XIII laments in such strong words.

Our Lord and Savior said:  “You cannot be My disciples, if you do not renounce yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me.” (cf. Luke 14:27; Matthew 16:24) The Faith teaches us that the footsteps of Christ Crucified lead to the glory of His Resurrection.  But even with this knowledge it is difficult for us sinners, beguiled by sins and attached to this world, to have the fortitude, the courage and the hope necessary to put these words, so mysterious and decisive, into practice.

The meditations which follow, during this Holy Week of prayer are intended to be a means to heal this spiritual malady, so that we, sinners, can grow in grace and be sanctified in the following of the Crucified. We want to be with Jesus in eternity, and hence we take up our cross so as to arrive at His glory, with the help of mediation on His Passion.

Let us, therefore, dedicate this most holiest of Weeks to such meditations, and put aside, for this week, the vain preoccupation with things, websites, blogs and social communications which distract the soul from its most important duty, conforming itself to the will of God in all things, in all affections, in all thoughts, in all judgements, in all desires, in all hopes, in all beliefs, in all loves.

And to aide in that, the From Rome Blog will now begin a series of meditations, entitled:

Prayers & Meditations for the following of Christ Crucified

O Jesus, my only Savior:  Who became Man so that thou might die for me; Who fasted forty days in the desert, neither eating nor drinking, so as to give me the courage to mortify myself; Who walked the roads of the Holy Land to give me an example in the acceptance of the little sufferings of daily life; Who endured the insults, the outrages and the disdain of Thy enemies, to teach me to love my enemies; Who, at last, embraced the Cross to save mankind from the punishment of Hell, indicating thereby, too, the path necessary for my own salvation:  come to my aide!

I confess that I am a weak, vicious and vile sinner.  I know only how to lament my own sufferings, and recount the blessings others receive.

When I contemplate Thy virtue and Thy zeal to save souls, I recognize that I do not have a heart like Thine, I do not have a spirit like Thine, I do not have the vision like Thine!  O, my dear Jesus:  seeing that Thou hast said:  “He who does not take up his cross and follow Me, cannot be My disciple,” (Luke 14:27), and “If anyone would come after Me, let him renounce himself, take up his cross and follow Me,” (Matthew 16:24), and seeing that I believe that Thou would never command the impossible, I trust that Thou will give me the grace to put these words into practice, if I ask Thee.

O my good Jesus! I want so much to follow Thee!  Hence, I beg Thee, o Most Merciful Lord, to grant me the grace, the light and the heart to be Thy true disciple, to carry my cross and follow Thee, today and for the rest of my life.

We adore Thee, o Christ, and we bless Thee,
because by means of Thy Holy Cross,
Thou hast redeemed the world, with Mary!

To follow Jesus, you need to believe in Jesus!

O Jesus, when the crowd of Jews asked Thee:  “Who is this ‘Son of Man’?”, Thou replied:  “The Light is still with you for a little while; walk while you have the light, so that you might not be overcome by the darkness, because he who walks in darkness, knows not where he goes.  While you have the light, believe in the Light, so that you might  become sons of the Light.” (John 12:31-36)

With these words Thou taught us that it is absolutely necessary that we have faith in Thee, and not only a trust that Thou will be kind towards us.  If we accept Thee simply as a good preacher, listening but not changing our life, our mind and our heart, it shall be in vain that we have listened to Thee.

Thy words are light for us in this world of darkness.  If we harken unto them and put them into practice, we will become sons of the Light; if we do not put them in practice, we shall lose the Light which Thou are.  Hence, to begin to follow Thee is not a devotion for the perfect, it is the sole road to my salvation and for the salvation of all.

O Jesus, my Divine and True Teacher, guide me to Thy Kingdom of Light; lead me on high, far from the shadows of this world!  Be my Companion along my own road to Calvary, which is the only escape for me from my sins and vices, which threaten so to swallow me up!  Save me, O Savior of the World! and grant me to desire as much to be saved, as Thou desire to save me!

O Lord, by the sign of Thy Cross,
deliver us from our enemies!

 Download in PDF format, the entire booklet of meditations

CREDITS: Photo of the Relics of the True Cross in the Basilica of the Holy Cross of Jerusalmen, here at Rome, copyright by FromRome.Info.

It is a mortal sin to allow the innocent to be victimized

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As Christians we are obliged to love God and to love our neighbor. This is the teaching of God:  Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God …. and thy neighbor as thyself.

God is infinitely Good, so He is perfectly loveable in Himself. And He has done everything for us, from creating us to saving us and sanctifying us and caring for us. So we really do not need a commandment to love Him, though in the Old Testament these truths were no so clear to the Jewish people, and for that reason, they were given a commandment.

But we all need the commandment to love our neighbor, because we are inclined to love ourselves alone. Indeed, much of the proper instruction that parents should give to children is to teach them to love others, their brothers and sisters, parents, friends etc..

But as adults, we are more obliged to love and justice, because we have a better grasp of the truth of things and are more capable of taking action.

Indeed, the nobility of a person’s soul is revealed precisely in this, that they have the compassion for others in difficulties and the promptness and zeal to take action to help them.

And this nobility is not lessened by the willingness to suffer wrong or to suffer for our own sins.

Yet, our willingness to personally suffer should never be an excuse to allow others to suffer.

And in this Scamdemic most of all, we are put to this test.  We are all being lied to, manipulated, oppressed, persecuted, and enslaved.

And all of this is personally intolerable. But it is even more precisely intolerable that we allow others to be so oppressed.

For 12 months now we have all sinned a great sin, because we have stood and watched everyone be oppressed and victimized and only a few of us have personally resisted to have our own personal freedom.

But very few have actually done anything to stop the oppression and victimization of others.

And this zeal and compassion for the suffering of the innocent, alas, has often been dulled or extinguished by the consideration that they are willing accepting to be manipulated.

But if we allow such considerations to dent our zeal, then we must ask ourselves if we are any better than the Germans who saw Jews being hauled off into trucks and did nothing other than complain?

And now that tens of millions are being manipulated into being vaccinated with a product which neutralizes their Type 2 White blood cells (Source: here), causing their deaths in the next year or so, can we stand and merely watch genocide in progress?

In this year of Our Lord 2021, we Christians must distinguish ourselves by fighting back against the Great Reset with all of our talents, abilities, time, wealth and action.

We must realize we are in war, and that we have not declared this war. But our war is just and therefore, we must crusade for the liberation of all who are being victimized.

I believe, thus, that it is not for nothing, that St. John the Evangelist in the Book of the Apocalypse spoke of the final battle.  The end of the world will not come in peace or come about in peace.

We must stop ignoring the reality in which we are living.

For war is upon us and we must now give battle!


For a guide to how to fight against the Great Reset, the solution is simple, and it is explained in this article.


Why submitting to the Scamdemic is contrary to faith in Christ

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The so called “Pandemic” has caught Christians off guard. And many do not know how to react to it, or even what to think.

It has caught many off guard, because most Christians are entirely ignorant of what the obligations and consequences of believing in Christ are.

Most Christians do not know how to react to it, because they are confused by very poor instruction on the question of when and when not to obey the State.

Many Christians do not even know what to think about it, because many Christians were never taught that Faith in Christ requires that you think and discern about everything which makes demands upon you.

The “Pandemic” has also caught Christians off guard, because it has not only challenged them on the question of whether to obey the State or the police, but also on the question of whom one should believe and what one should believe.

It has also challenged Christians, many of whom do not understand the most basic doctrines regarding life and health and the purpose of each.

For all these reasons, it is necessary that Christians, as Christians, confront the problems presented by the “Pandemic” with the truths of our holy Faith.

And we should begin with the basic truths.

First, that there is a God, and He is good. As Christ Jesus teaches us, “Call no man good, because God alone is good” (Mark 10:18) — God is the very definition of Goodness. He is everything that ultimately and completely satisfies every spiritual and rational being, angel or man.

Second, that this good God is the Creator of all things.  And thus all things are good, as Genesis 1:31 declares.

The conclusion a Christian should draw from these 2 truths, is that we should not be afraid as if nature itself were our enemy. God cares for all and we are in His Hands.  Therefore we should not give into the preachers of irrational unlimited fear.

The third truth is that God is the Creator of man. He is the Creator of our genome, our immune system and all that we are. He is also the Creator of all viruses and germs. And He does not intend to destroy the world by them. — So if anyone claims that a species of virus, like corona virus, which for decades has been known as non-lethal and incapable of being a plague, is now a plague, he is simply blaspheming God with a lie.

Here a Christian needs to stop and ask himself whom he ought to believe. We must believe God, because God is truthful (John 3:33) and God is the truth, (John 14:6). But as for men, King St. David says, “All men are liars” (Psalm 116:11), which does not mean that all men lie 24/7, but that all men are capable of lying.

Discernment is not uncharitable, but rather a necessity of Christian living. Because we must put things and men to the test to see if they are true, so as not to be led away from Christ into error or sin.

Fourth, since there is only One God, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, we must not give the State the authority of God, nor regard Politicians or Journalists as infallible sources of truth. For some men are so proud that they would set their mouths in the Heavens and dictate their “truth” to mankind (Psalm 73:9).

Indeed, it is a sign that the spirit of the Antichrist has entered into a man when he dares declare as truth those things which are blatant lies and impugn the Majesty  or Goodness or Sovereignty of God.

And this is what the Scamdemic does, because it claims that infection and disease is everywhere, and that we can only acquire true immunity through man made artifices, as if the good God, our Creator, has not given us all that which is necessary, to defend against the common cold, in the immune system He has created in our own flesh.

Take note: since Sars Cov 19 has never been isolated, there is no scientific confirmation that what people do die from is a common non-lethal corona virus, or a variety genetically engineered in a biowarfare laboratory.  The story about the Wuhan biowarfare lab was a necessary Narrative Device to get everyone to fear Covid 19, because otherwise, there is no reason to fear a coronavirus, as all medical journals for 40 years have declared, since they are either highly transmissible and not lethal, or lethal but no highly transmissible. — That the virus has not been isolated therefore proves that the Narrative would fall apart if it were.

Also, Christians need to inform themselves about real science. Before the Pandemic was declared all medical journals affirms that plagues and pandemics burn themselves out as the general population acquires immunity withing 6-12 weeks of exposure. This happens because most of us are infected with very small doses of the pathogen and thus our immune system overcomes the invaders easily.  To claim therefore that after 12 months there is no acquired immunity by anyone is simply a FAT OUT RIGHT LIE.

And if you watched the news closely, when this “Pandemic” was declared there were numerous reports of blood tests in different parts of the world all of which confirmed that herd immunity was had in most countries by February through May of last year. Thus there never was a reason to continue a Covid Response. But these reports now have been forgotten, since they want us to fixate on the “Vaccine.”

But many Christians have been fooled, because they judge what is true or false not on the basis of fact, but on the basis of human testimony. And thus the promoters of the Scamdemic by getting doctors to tell family that their loved one died of Covid, even when they did not, has caused some Christians to become apostles of the virus narrative, even though they never asked for any proof that their loved one had Covid 19.

To maintain the lie, too, there has been employed swab or PCR tests, the inventors of which all declare they are unreliable. And some are such fools to not only take the test but believe its results.

At the same time, as the 24/7 terror campaign on Television, Radio and in the Newspapers, there has been the legal obligation to submit to the lies by wearing external badges — diapers on the face — and observing Pharasaical laws on hygene — such as wearing the diaper in the bathroom but not at a restaurant table while seated, or keeping 1 or 2 meters distant from every human being.

A Christians is obliged to discern. And a Christian who sees a lie, but ignores that it is a lie, is failing in his faith and has fallen away from Christ.

For if the State simply threatened us to wear the mask and observe distancing laws, without reason, it would only be cowardice to obey. But when the reason is a lie, then it becomes the public profession of a lie to obey. And thus by wearing the mask, we affirm for others that there is a pandemic and that they need to believe in it.

And that is how the Scamdemic is diabolic. Because all those who profess a lie, who believe a lie and who tolerate a lie will be cast in to the pit of fire with Satan and his devils on the last day.

As Christians let us be true prophets and preach by word and deed against this international conspiracy of liars and cowards. Let us not take part with the False Prophets and Antichrist who have cropped up like the morning flowers of the field, and who shall soon wither in the passing day.


Bishop Schneider & Dr. Taylor Marshall, 2 proven dishonest Liars


Note that it has been a year, and neither has answered these 5 questions!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Over at Catholic Monitor, Fred Martinez has cut through all the deception and lying of Bishop Schneider and Dr. Taylor Marshall in their recent YouTube Video, and has proposed to them 5 yes or no Questions, and asked them publicly to respond.

His article is entitled, Do Marshall and Schneider think they are greater theologians than Doctors of the Church, Sts. Robert Bellarmine and Francis de Sales?

This article follows upon Martinez’ rebuttal of their arguments in several articles:

  1. Why did Taylor Marshall Chicken Out in Questioning Bp. Schneider on the Bellarmine teaching on Heretical Popes Ceasing to be Pope?
  2. Is Bp. Schneider a “Flying Monkey” or another Type of Enabler?
  3. Why is Bp. Schneider spreading the Doubtful Propaganda of a possible Leftist British Operative?
  4. Schneider’s Opinion has next to Zero Merit when standing next to the Teaching of Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales
  5. Is Bishop Schneider a Pelagianist?
  6. Schneider’s Opinion vs. Cdl. Burke: ‘If a Pope would Formally Profess Heresy he would Cease, by that act, to be the Pope. It’s Automatic.”
  7. Doubtful Schneider vs. St. Bellarmine & Bp. Gracida: “A Doubtful Pope is no Pope”
  8. Bp. Schneider vs. Pope Innocent III, Trent & the Ancient Fathers

5 Questions for Bishop Schneider and Dr. Taylor Marshall

I urge all Catholics to confront these men on social media and in email and in person. Also share these questions with all who claim to find their false arguments to be convincing. The faith is in danger by the errors spread by these two men.

Fred Martinez writes:

To make it really easy for them it has been formatted so that they only have to answer: yes or no.

1. Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales said “The Pope… when he is explicitly a heretic… the Church must either deprive him or as some say declare him deprived of his Apostolic See.” Was St. Francis de Sales a Sedevacantist or a schismatic? Answer: yes or no.

2. “Universal Acceptance” theologian John of St. Thomas said “This man in particular lawfully elected and accepted by the Church is the supreme pontiff.” Was John of St. Thomas for saying “the supreme pontiff” must be BOTH “lawfully elected and accepted by the Church” a Sedevacantist or a schismatic? Answer: yes or no.

3. Do you think that a “supreme pontiff” if “universally accepted” is still Pope if, to quote papal validity expert Arnaldo Xavier de Silveira on “dubious election[s]”, that he is “a woman… a child… a demented person… a heretic… a apostate… [which] would [thus] be invalid[ed] by divine law”? Answer: yes or no.

4. Renowned Catholic historian Warren Carroll agreed with Bishop René Gracida on the determining factor for discerning a valid conclave for a valid papal election besides divine law. Carroll pronounced:

“But each Pope, having unlimited sovereign power as head of the Church, can prescribe any method for the election of his successor(s) that he chooses… A papal claimant not following these methods is also an Antipope.”

Are renowned historian Carroll and Bishop Gracida for saying this Sedevacantists or schismatics? Answer: yes or no.

5. Is Bishop Gracida really a Sedevacantist and schismatic for convincingly demonstrating that there is valid evidence that Pope John Paul II’s conclave constitution “Universi Dominici Gregis” which “prescribe[d].. [the] method for the election of his successor(s)” was violated and must be investigated by Cardinals? Answer: yes or no.

Answer or show you are a fraud!

Fred Martinez is an excellent master of rhetoric. He knows how to posit a question, the answer to which will expose the one to whom it is addressed either as a liar or force him to admit that he was lying and take back his lie. It’s inescapable debating style.

Consequently, short of an act of public repentance, I think that neither the Bishop nor the Doctor will respond to Fred’s 5 Questions. And that means, that neither should you follow the Bishop or Doctor anymore, because by their silence they show themselves to be dishonest liars. For an honest liar should admit at least in public that he is lying.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of the Video by Dr. Taylor Marshall interviewing Bishop Schneider. The text in quotes is taken from The Catholic Monitor Blog, by the intrepid Fred Martinez.

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Faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament leads to recognition of Benedict XVI as the Pope

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

If you have the Catholic Faith, then you have the key to solving many of the most obscure controversies.

And if you have faith in the real, true, and substantial presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, body, soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament, then you have the key to know who is the true pope and who is a fraud an imposter.

And here is the key:

Just as the Host would not be consecrated if the priest said,

This is My athletic activity…

Rather than

This is My Body…

So, Pope Benedict XVI does not give up the papacy if he says,

I renounce my doing of the papacy,

Rather than,

I renounce the office of the papacy.

For on February 11, 2013, Pope Bendict in Latin said,

declaro me ministerio … renuntiare (I declare that I renounce the work of serving)

Instead of what Canon Law in canon 332 §2 says he has to signify,

muneri meo renuntio (I declare that I renounce the charge to serve which Christ gave me)

Now, some persons who think they are so bright that they can ignore this simply and irrefutable argument want you to fundamentally alter your religion, by denying that words have proper meanings. After 7 years you can see with your own eyes at Mass, if you still have the Mass, where that has led to.

Therefore, I exhort you: return to the rule contained in your faith in the Eucharist. Words do have meaning. And nothing happens if the wrong ones are used.

Click to help our brother Catholics in Lebanon!


Which is your Master? The Christ or the Antichrist

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As Dante Alighieri points out at the beginning of his Divina Comedia, a life lived without discernment can lead one astray to such a point that he finds himself in a dark wood, where the path to the light is no longer found, and a guide is needed.

Here is the Petrocci edition, of the original text of Dante’s Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto 1:

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
2 mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
3 ché la diritta via era smarrita.

4 Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura
5 esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
6 che nel pensier rinova la paura!

7 Tant’ è amara che poco è più morte;
8 ma per trattar del ben ch’i’ vi trovai,
9 dirò de l’altre cose ch’i’ v’ho scorte.

10 Io non so ben ridir com’ i’ v’intrai,
11 tant’ era pien di sonno a quel punto
12 che la verace via abbandonai.

Here is Longfellow’s English translation, for those who cannot read medieval Italian:

MIDWAY upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a forest dark,
For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say
What was this forest savage, rough, and stern,
Which in the very thought renews the fear.

So bitter is it, death is little more;
But of the good to treat, which there I found,
Speak will I of the other things I saw there.

I cannot well repeat how there I entered,
So full was I of slumber at the moment
In which I had abandoned the true way.

I cite this, because, we are never too old to deepen our knowledge of Catholic Culture: Dante was a member of the Third Order of Saint Francis, and he wrote about 100 years after Saint Francis.

If you would like to see the source of the above, click this image. I will continue my editorial below it:

But if we have not a Beatrice to guide us out, we can at least take a spiritual exam, to help us find the right path.  And the best exam is this, to ask ourselves if we are serving Christ Jesus or the Antichrist to come?

So here is the exam:

  1.  Who is a truth teller, God or men?
  2.  Who are more trust-worthy, men who say “God” to the first question, or men who say “men”?
  3.  Is reality such that I should believe that the world is growing hotter or colder, based on what men say, or what I see?
  4.  Is health such that I should believe there is a plague, even if I do not see everyone  dropping dead around me?
  5.  Do I give men more power over me than God?
  6.  Do I believe that if the national legislature says we are gods, who can make up what is right and wrong, that we become gods?
  7.  Do I believe that I can do anything with my body, I like?
  8.  Would I, or do I, live each day the same, whether there is a God or not?
  9.   Do I pursue the promises of Christ with great zeal than any other personal goal or interest?
  10.   Do I think that I shall not be judged for each of my daily actions or choices?
  11.   Which always has more authority, Christ or science?
  12.   Which always has more authority, the State or the Church?

Timely words from our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI





January 26th: First Anniversary of the Supplica Perpetua

One year to the day this devotion began, the wicked prime minister of Italy resigned. This is the power of Our Lady. Let us keep praying this devotion every night for the defeat of the Church of Darkness.

FromRome.Info broadcasted live from the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore at Midnight on Jan. 25-26th, to commemorate the First Anniversary of the Perpetual Supplica to Our Lady, Salus Populi Romani.

Transmission began at 11:30 PM Rome Time, and Br. Bugnolo gavee a lenghty talk on the Role of Our Lady in the history of Salvation with appropriate remarks about current events.

The transmission will be in English and Italian.


FromRome.Info trasmetteva in diretta dalla Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore a mezzanotte del 25-26 gennaio, per commemorare il primo anniversario della Supplica Perpetua alla Madonna, Salus Populi Romani.

La trasmissione è iniziata alle 23:20 ora di Roma, e Fr. Bugnolo ha dato un lungo discorso sul Ruolo della Madonna nella storia della Salvezza con opportune osservazioni sugli eventi attuali.

Pope Benedict and 10 Antichrists

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

About 1990 years ago, Jesus came into the quarters of Cesarea Philippi: — which was the city built by Philip II the Tetrarch in A. D. 14, and dedicated to Augustus Caesar — and He asked His disciples, saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is?

The College of Bishops who are always upto date on the news, as unusual, said: Some John the Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

And Jesus said to them: But whom do you say that I am?

Simon Peter, Pope Benedict’s forebear, answered and said: Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.

Our Lord mentions the gates of hell as he is standing in sight of a great cavern, which the pagans venerated as a gate way to the underworld. Caesarea was a site of the worship of the Greek God Pan. It was the capital of the Tetrarchy, a small state allied with Rome, which had a monarchical form of government.

Jesus took such an occasion to hand down a teaching which is at the very spiritual foundation of His Church, the Catholic Church: words which have been referred to again and again through all the tumults of history and all the seeming defeats of that Church in the past 20 centuries. Words which the Apostles, Fathers, Doctors and Saints have cited to remind us, that even when all seems the darkest, Christ made us a promise, and His shall be the victory.

Today, the battle is likewise arrayed. On one side, there is the Vicar of Christ, the 265th Successor of St. Peter the Apostle — that humble fisherman, who was with Our Lord at Caesarea, on that historic day 1990 years ago and heard those words from the Divine Lips with his own ears — POPE BENEDICT XVI, now a frail old man, locked up in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, at the heart of the Vatican. Benedict means “blessed” in Latin.

And then there are 10 Antichrists arrayed against him, nearly all of them Catholic apostates.

There  is first of all the False Prophet, Bergoglio, a fallen Jesuit, installed in power as the Anti-Pope by the second Antichrist, or first Anti-President Barrack Obama, both servants of the ancient Dragon of Falsehood and Deceit. Bergoglio is a practicing non-Catholic apostate. Obama was schooled in a Catholic school, believe it or not!

Bergoglio’s surname is taken from a town in Northern Italy, Bergolium, which certainly sounds like the name of a demon, but precisely means “a peasant of the mountains”. — That sounds about right.

Obama’s surname in the Luo language, means “bending over”. That is obviously correct too.

Then, there is Joe Biden, the Anti President, the right hand man of Barrack Obama. Biden is a practicing Catholic apostate. His surname means literally “heathen”, a dweller by the down.

Then, there is Giuseppe Conte, the Prime Minister of Italy, another practicing Catholic apostate. His surname meant Count.

Then, there is Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, who was raised a Catholic but apostatized long ago. His surname comes from the Latin Orcius. I am not joking!

Then, there is Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, who is a practicing Catholic apostate. His surname seems to be from the Latin, for “I thrust forward, intrude” etc.. That is very fitting.

Then, there is Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, who is a fallen Angel and a practicing Lutheran apostate. Her surname means a devote of the pagan god of war, Mars. So her full name means Angel of the god of War. I am not kidding.

Then, there is Emmanuel Macron, whose name has been stolen from Jesus the Savior, who is a certified practicing Catholic apostate. His surname literally means “overscore”. I am not kidding.

Then, there is Bill Gates, who has a biblical surname, and who is married to a Catholic and whose children are Catholic.  Gates seems to have apostatized from Christ, Science, Reason and every desire contrary to world megalomania. He wants to kill off 16% of the world population.

Finally, there is Xi Jinping, who bought 30 million Catholics for slaughter from the first antichrist, Bergoglio. He demanded the same from Pope Benedict, but when refused, colluded with Obama to oust him. It is said that Xi Jinping’s full name means “Peace in the vicinity”, but that must be wrong.


The Perpetual Supplica: Prayers

PDF of these prayers, to say at home.
Il PDF delle preghiere per dire a casa.

This is the Devotion requested by Our Lady in 1822

for Pope Benedict XVI



Perpetual Supplica


This devotion is inspired by the request made by Our Lady Herself in
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Vision of

August 25, 1822: “I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great distress and anxiety on account of the Pope’s disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door’s opening of itself. I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the Cross; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus; that they should continue to come to Her church which they would always find open; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the Church of Darkness. … I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with arms extended, all lifted up their arms … It seemed to be an association of prayer.” From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises at Santa Maria Maggiore. (The Life and Revelations of Ann Catherine Emmerich, Book 2)

(Prayers will be said in Italian, Black, and English: Blue)

In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.


Mio Dio! io credo, adoro, aspetto e amo Te! Ti chiedo perdono per coloro che non credono, non adorano, non aspettano e non amano Te! (3x)
My God! I believe, adore, await and love Thee! — I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not await and do not love Thee! (3x)

Santissima Trinità, Padre, Figlio, e Spirito Santo, Ti adoro profondamente! e Ti offro il preziosissimo Corpo, Sangue, Anima e Divinità di Gesù Cristo, presente in tutti i Tabernacoli della Terra, in riparazione agli oltraggi, ai sacrilegi e all’indifferenza tramite cui Egli stesso è offeso. E per mezzo degli infiniti meriti del Suo Sacratisimo Cuore e del Cuore Immacolato di Maria, Ti chiedo la conversione dei poveri peccatori.
O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly! and I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles on earth, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He Himself is offended. And through the infnite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

O Santissima Trinità, Ti adoro! Mio Dio, mio Dio, Ti amo nel Santissimo Sacramento!
O Most Holy Trinity, I adore thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

O Gesù, questa è per amore Tuo, per la conversione dei peccatori e in riparazione dei peccati commessi contro il Cuore Immacolato di Maria.
O Jesus, this is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

O mio Gesù, perdonaci, salvaci dal fuoco dell’inferno. Guida tutte le povere anime in Cielo, specialmente quelle che ne hanno maggiore necessità.
O My Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fire of Hell. Lead all poor souls to Heaven, especially those who are most in need.

The Prophetic Prayer of Pope Benedict XVI



(May 7, 2005)


Tutta Santa, degna di ogni onore,
Tu la migliore offerta
che l’umanità possa presentare a Dio.
All Holy, Worthy of every honor,
Thou, the best offering
Which humanity can present to God.

Vergine Madre, Madre sempre vergine,
supplice materna al Figlio Tuo.
Virgin Mother, Ever-Virgin Mother,
Maternal supplicant to Thy Son.

Conduci sino al porto la barca della Chiesa,
scansando gli scogli e vincendo i marosi.
Bring the Barque of the Church to port,
avoiding reefs and conquering stormy seas.

Custodisci questa città;
Conforta chi vi giunge,
senza tetto né difesa,
ed estendi a tutti il Tuo sostegno.
Guard this City;
Comfort who comes here,
without shelter or defense,
and extend Your protection to all.

Con fede professiamo a Te, Genetrice di Dio;
Con amore Ti onoriamo,
Con speranza Ti preghiamo,
Ti proclamiamo beata.
With faith we profess Thee, Mother of God;
With love we honor Thee;
With hope we pray Thee
We proclaim Thee blessed.

Tu, mia Signora, mio conforto da Dio,
aiuto alla mia inesperienza,
accogli la preghiera che rivolgo a Te.
Thou, My Lady, My consolation from God,
help for my inexperience,
receive the supplication which I make to Thee.

Tu per tutti fonte di gioia,
rendimi degno di esultare insieme a Te.
Thou, who for all are a fountain of joy,
make me worthy to exult together with Thee.

Guarda l’assemblea dei credenti,
Madre del Salvatore;
allontana da loro sventure e afflizioni;
liberali dal male e dal maligno;
proteggili con l’abbondanza della Tua benevolenza.
Watch over the assembly of believers,
Mother of the Savior;
remove from them misfortunes and afflictions;
free them from evil and from the Evil One;
protect them with the abundance of Thy benevolence.

Al ritorno glorioso del Tuo Figlio, nostro Dio,
difendi con la Tua materna intercessione
la nostra fragilità umana
ed accompagnaci sino alla vita eterna
con la Tua mano gentile,
Tu che sei potente, perche Madre.
At the glorious return of Thy Son, our God,
defend with Thy maternal intercession
our human fragility
and accompany us unto eternal life
with Thy gentle hand,
Thou who art powerful, as a Mother.



77 Our Fathers, that is 7 Rosary Decades of Our Fathers.

3 in Latin:

Pater noster, qui es in cælis:  
sanctificétur Nomen Tuum:
advéniat Regnum Tuum:
fiat volúntas Tua,
sicut in cælo, et in terra.  

Panem nostrum
cotidiánum da nobis hódie,
et dimítte nobis débita nostra,
sicut et nos
dimíttimus debitóribus nostris.
et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem;
sed líbera nos a Malo.

71 Our Fathers: One decade in Italian, one in English, alternating

Padre nostro che sei nei cieli
sia santificato il Tuo nome
venga il Tuo Regno
sia fatta la Tua volontà
come in cielo così in terra.

Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano
rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori
e non ci indurre in tentazione
ma liberaci dal male

+ + +

Our Father Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done,
on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily Bread,
and forgive us ourtrespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from Evil. Amen.

3 more Our Father’s in Latin, and then

3x — Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto, sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.


Sacro Cuore di Gesù, abbi pietà di noi!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Cuore Immacolato di Maria, prega per noi!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

San Giuseppe, Patrono della Chiesa, prega per noi!
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, pray for us!


San Michele Arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia, contro la perfidia e le insidie del diavolo sii Tu il nostro sostegno. Che Dio eserciti il suo domino su di lui, noi supplichevoli Lo preghiamo! E tu, Principe delle milizie celesti, ricaccia nell’inferno satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano in questa Città a perdizione delle anime.


Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into Hell Satan and all the evils spirits who prowl about this City seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

San Gabriele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!

San Raffaele Arcangelo, prega per noi!
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!

San Pio V, prega per noi!
Saint Pius V, pray for us!

San Francesco di Assisi, prega per noi!
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!

San Antonio di Padova, prega per noi!
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us!

Santa Rosalia di Palermo, prega per noi!
Saint Rosalia of Palermo, pray for us!

Beata Anna Caterina Emmerich, prega per noi e prega con noi!
Bl. Ann Catherine Emmerich, pray for us and pray with us!

In Nomine Patris et Filii e Spiritus Sancti. Amen.


Al tuo tempio secolare
di ori e marmi rilucente
siamo accorsi ad implorare
il materno tuo favor.

At Thy Ancient Temple
of shinning gold and marble
we have come to implore
Thy Maternal favor.

R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.

Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.

Col Prodigio della Neve,
segnò il luogo in piena estate,
dell’augusta tua dimora,
il supremo tuo favor.

With the prodigy of the Snow,
Thou signed this place in high summer,
of August as Thy dwelling,
as Thy supreme favor.

R. O Maria Madre Santa
tu del popolo romano
sei salvezza luce e guida,
nostra speme e nostro amor,
sei salvezza luce e guida
nostra speme e nostro amore.

Refrain: O Maria, Holy Mother
Thou art of the Roman People
the salvation, light and guide,
our hope and our love,
Thou art the salvation, light and guide
our hope and our love.


This Devotion is sponsored by the Committee “Salvaci o Maria!”

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* Salus populi Romani, is Latin, for The Salvation of the Roman People. It is the ancient title of the Icon of Our Lady see at the top of this article.

I invite you to join me on a Crusade

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

When Catholics do nothing, wicked men are spurred to action.

We live in the most shameful of times, when the combined errors of Freemasonry, Marxism, Modernism, with the close collaboration of an Apostate Hierarchy (which has embraced Peking, Globalism and Sodomy has chosen to becomes preachers of deceit so as to lead the faithful away from Christ and charity for one another) are all marshaled against us and Jesus.

To remedy this, we must mobilize ourselves in the true army of Jesus Christ and come to the aid of one another.

And that is why I ask you to join me on a Crusade.

A Crusade of Charity for one of the most Catholic cities of the world: Beirut, Lebanon.

I say, one of the most Catholic cities of the world, because in it you can find the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in the 7 liturigical rites of the Catholic Church.

Beirut is also one of the most Ancient Catholic cities, having kept the Faith from the time of Jesus Christ until today, in communion with the Catholic Church (hat tip to the Maronites for this!)

But now the Masons and Islamists and Globalists are all vying to carve up Beirut for themselves.

I do not like to talk about such problems, and surely there are much higher motives to help our brothers and sisters in Christ. But it is nevertheless true that evil people abound, and we cannot ignore it.

You have Macron, the Rothschild puppet on the throne of France, you have the Globalist agents of UNICEF etc., you have the Islamic “Charities”, you have the Freemasonic Nations promising to rebuild that which they never built! — Not to mention the Marxists, Perverts, and other wackos who are rushing to remake Beirut and all Lebanon a creature of their own ungodliness.

When good men do nothing, wicked men prevail.

That is true.

And thus when Catholics do not come to the aide of Catholics, then evil men will come to their aid to exploit them.

For us Catholics who reject globalism and freemasonry and all the false caricatures of our Holy Religion, we have an obligation TO FIGHT BACK.

And this obligation does not only regard the use of military force, but also the use of social media.

And this is my point for today’s article.

I am NOT talking about a military crusade

I am talking about the problem on social media right now of the silence of Catholics about the catastrophe of Catholics of Beirut.

I THANK YOU who have helped by giving to the BEIRUT HUMANITARIAN FUND, already.

But now I ASK ALL OF YOU, whether you have given or not, to join in a Crusade of social media action on behalf of the Catholics of Beirut, by sharing news of the tragedy, and sharing links to the Catholic organizations which are responding.

And if you think the Beirut Humanitarian Relief Fund qualifies as one of those, share its link, here, with all you know! — Thank you!

I have recently updated that page with more information about the Fund, its goals and duration and ethical principles. I think you will see that it takes the moral high ground TO ALL OTHER RELIEF EFFORTS.

Faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament leads to recognition of Benedict XVI as the Pope

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

If you have the Catholic Faith, then you have the key to solving many of the most obscure controversies.

And if you have faith in the real, true, and substantial presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, body, soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament, then you have the key to know who is the true pope and who is a fraud an imposter.

And here is the key:

Just as the Host would not be consecrated if the priest said,

This is My athletic activity…

Rather than

This is My Body…

So, Pope Benedict XVI does not give up the papacy if he says,

I renounce my doing of the papacy,

Rather than,

I renounce the office of the papacy.

For on February 11, 2013, Pope Bendict in Latin said,

declaro me ministerio … renuntiare (I declare that I renounce the work of serving)

Instead of what Canon Law in canon 332 §2 says he has to signify,

muneri meo renuntio (I declare that I renounce the charge to serve which Christ gave me)

Now, some persons who think they are so bright that they can ignore this simply and irrefutable argument want you to fundamentally alter your religion, by denying that words have proper meanings. After 7 years you can see with your own eyes at Mass, if you still have the Mass, where that has led to.

Therefore, I exhort you: return to the rule contained in your faith in the Eucharist. Words do have meaning. And nothing happens if the wrong ones are used.

Click to help our brother Catholics in Lebanon!


The god of the Club


With Addendum, added today, at end.

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As Catholics round the world write their Bishops and priests in regard to the failed renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI, it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is a crisis much more grave than pedophilia or homosexuality in the Catholic Clergy.

Time after time, Catholics are sharing with me the bizarre and even incoherent responses they are receiving from members of the clergy: arguments which range from sheer infantile petulance at loosing one’s rattle to absolutely diabolic attacks on God.

Underlying them all is a constant theme.  The ecclesiastical club is the arbiter of truth, not God, not Christ, nor Canon Law, not the philosophy of Aquinas or Aristotle, not reason, not facts, not history, and especially not words.

As an Anthropologist, I would sum up the responses as evidences of faith in the god of the club: the concept that one should do everything to keep the club of the clergy afloat (in whatever decisions it makes for itself), no matter what you have to deny or what you have to affirm.

Not being a youngster, I have personal experience with members of the club over 40 years. This mentality is not accidental, it did not infiltrate into the Church. It was cultivated, invited and required. If young men believed in absolute, eternal unchanging divine truth, they simply were either not accepted into the club, or they were progressively harassed and attacked and destroyed or driven out. The club works this way, whether they worship in Latin or the vernacular.

I know priests who were kicked out of their diocese simply because they preached that abortion was evil. I know priests who were kicked out of their Traditional Latin Mass society simply because they hung a curtain in the confessional. I could go on and on about cases of absurdity. To punish priests for absurdly unjust reasons became a hallmark of the post Vatican II era.

Hundreds of new communities and societies were founded. But a vast majority had a single unifying principle: abnormality. I mean ab-norm-ality: that is, a society not founded around the observance of God’s Law (nomos in Greek) but around some other human law: whether the will of the superior, the will of the bishop, the will of the founders: whether or not that will conformed itself to God or to Church teaching or not. Violate the “will” and you are out. Defend the Will of God against the “will” and you are out. It did not matter whether you were expelled for stealing or for kneeling at communion, both were equally grave.

The end result is that well over 60% of the clergy today simply do not worship Jesus Christ in practice. They worship the god of the club.

The problem with this moral error, over and above that it is explicitly demonic and idolatrous, is that when you accept as Head of your club a freemason or satanist, then your club has no problems at all with that.

The silence of the rest of the clergy, is thus, perhaps not so much a sign of disagreement, as many of us hope.

A priest who is silent must be questioned. I think you have the right to eternal salvation, and that you have the right to know which god your local priest worships.

And a discussion about the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is proving to be the best revealer of which god your priest worships. It is absolutely stunning to see the responses of clergy on this topic. The truth frightens them. Literally.

I myself saw that yesterday, when, after asking to meeting with the Head of an important section of the Roman Curia, I saw the head run down the stairs to avoid being seen by me. I guess having read my scholastic question on the Renunciation, a copy of which I mailed to him a few weeks ago, he chose flight over dialogue.

CREDITS: The Palazzo Roffia is a Masonic Lodge, the image is from wikipedia: Notice how much it looks like a “Catholic chapel”


The events since December 4, 2019, have proven my observation 10,000%. The club really does have another god. They abolished the Sacraments to protect themselves from a winter flu and now insist you blaspheme God to His Face by wearing a mask in Church while celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, our God, from the Dead.

And less than 1% of 1% of all priests have refused to worship the god of the Club.

Nothing can be more clear. This is the religion of the Antichrist. And it required, as a presupposition, that you say that Benedict is not the pope, that renouncing ministry means you lose office.

Yet, they themselves, the members of the club, have renounced their sacred ministries, and nevertheless they still demand FROM YOU an obedience greater than any creature owes to God Himself, because God is owed rational obedience, but they want you to obey them in a GOD-less political make-believe.

+ + +

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The unexpected profundity of the First Fatima Prayer

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

If you know anything about the approved apparitions of Our Lady and Saint Michael the Archangel at Fatima, Portugal, in the years 1916-1917, then you probably have heard of this prayer, which Saint Michael — the Angel of Peace — taught the three children, on his first Mission to meet them.

O My God, I believe in Thee, I adore Thee, I hope in Thee and I love Thee!  And I ask pardon for those who do not believe in Thee, adore Thee, hope in Thee and love Thee!

However, that is NOT, what the Angel of Peace said. The original Portuguese, in fact, reads thus:

Meu Deus! Eu creio, adoro, espero e amo-Vos. Peço-Vos perdão para os que não crêem, não adoram, não esperam e Vos não amam.

Which in English is this:

My God! I believe, adore, await and love Thee. I ask Thee pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not await and do not love Thee.


Like many Catholics, I have always thought the Angel of Peace was instructing in the 3 theological virtues, Faith, Hope, and Charity, along with the virtue of religion. Under that assumption, the English translation which is commonly used has been published and propagated. Thus, there are the acts of believing, hoping, loving and adoring.

But what the Angel of Peace says differs on 2 points.

First, he does not say I believe in You, but rather I believe You.  The difference here regards the sense of the verb, to believe, in both Portuguese and English.  To say I believe in You is an act of faith, which regards dogma or the acceptance of the existence and trust one has in a person.  But to say, I believe you, is the simple act of putting complete trust in the other.  The first is the kind of faith we have on Earth, where we cannot see God face to face.  The second is the kind of trust all in Heaven have in God, Whom they do see face to face and fully.

The first act is remote, and intellectual. It regards the supernatural virtue of faith. The second act is immediate and volitional, that is, regards the will and the supernatural virtue of hope.

Second, he does not say, I hope in You, but rather, I await you.

At first this is a bit difficult for us English speakers to understand, since it is an archaic concept.  When a person awaits another, he is waiting for the arrival or visit of the other.

But what does this mean in regard to God?

This has 3 senses.  First, that we are waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, at the end of Time, when He shall come to judge all and everyone.

Second, this regards how we must prepare ourselves for a holy death, and to meet Jesus Christ, Who in the moment after death will judge us personally and for all our deeds.

Third, this regards how we should wait for God’s visitations in prayer, by praying more to receive and listen to God, than rambling on speaking to him about what we want.

As regards Angels, it is quite clear that the second sense does not apply to them, but that the first and last are the essence of their expectation of God’s Justice and desire to serve.


This first prayer taught at Fatima by the Angel of Peace teaches us profound truths about how our Catholic Faith must be real, living, and engage us totally in a relationship which is directed directly at God, the Most Holy Trinity. As His faithful servants and adorers, we should fill our life with love and trust in Him.  Faith is presupposed, but our life of Faith goes way  beyond believing only in doctrines and dogmas. It requires that we make these the foundation of our whole relationship with God.

Let us pray this prayer frequently during the day, and learn from it to make our way back to God and to God. Let us sanctify ourselves in the true adoration of God Who has done everything for us, and who is, as the Angel of Peace declared, “attentive to our prayers and supplications.”

+ + +

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A Short Catechism on the Most Holy Trinity (English & Italiano)

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Here are the 5 truths which every Catholic should know about the Most Holy Trinity’s interior life.

1. In the Most Holy Trinity there is only One God, one Nature, one Being, one Existence, one Substance, one Lord, one Creator, etc.

2. In the Most Holy Trinity there are only TWO processions: generation and spiration.  Generation is the act where by the Father produces the Son. Spiration is the act where by the Father and Son produce the Holy Spirit.  Generation refers to giving life through a brith. Spiration refers to giving life through a breathing forth.

3. In the Most Holy Trinity, there are only THREE Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In English, their proper names are, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It is heretical to say, God Father, Son and Holy Spirit, because God is not an adjective and the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are divine persons not manifestations of the divinity. Each Divine Person is equal and distinct from each other.  Equal in nature, authority, power, divinity, wisdom, knowledge, will, etc.. Distinct in Person and origin.  But each Divine Person is NOT different nor separate from the other.  Because that which is different bears off into another direction, whereas the Persons of the Trinity live in perfect Unity and Communion. Nor are They separate, because that which is separate has been cut off from the other, whereas the Persons of the Trinity live together in the One Divinity of the God Head.

4. In the Most Holy Trinity, there are only FOUR relations:  The relation of the Father to the Son, which is called active generation. The relation of the Son to the Father which is called passive generation, or the relation of being generated. The relation of the Father and the Son to the Holy Spirit, which is called active spiration. And the relation of the Holy Spirit to the Father and to the Son, which is called passive spiration, or the relation of being spirated or breathed forth.

5. In the Most Holy Trinity, there are only FIVE notions or personal properties:  being unbegotten, which is the personal property of the Father; paternity, or being a generator, which is a personal property of the Father; filiation, or being born a son, which is the personal property of the Son; spiration, or being a spirator, that is, one who breaths forth, which is a personal property of the Father and of the Son, and passive spiration, or being spirated forth, which is a personal property of the Holy Spirit.  Note, that the Father has 3 personal properties (being unbegotten, Paternity, active Spiration), the Son has 2 (Filiation, active Spiration), and the Holy Spirit has 1 (passive Spiration).

Note that the name for some of the Relations and Notions are the same, because as Relations they name what connects persons, but as Notions they name distinctive characteristics of individual Persons.


Ecco le 5 verità che ogni cattolico dovrebbe conoscere sulla vita interiore della Santissima Trinità.

1. Nella Santissima Trinità c’è UN solo Dio, una sola Natura, un solo Essere, una sola Esistenza, una sola Sostanza, un solo Signore, un solo Creatore, ecc.

2. Nella Santissima Trinità ci sono solo DUE processioni: la generazione e la spirazione.  La generazione è l’atto in cui il Padre produce il Figlio. La spirazione è l’atto in cui il Padre e il Figlio producono lo Spirito Santo.  Generazione si riferisce al dare la vita tramite una nascita. Spirazione si riferisce al dare la vita attraverso un respiro.

3. Nella Santissima Trinità ci sono solo TRE persone: il Padre, il Figlio e lo Spirito Santo. In Italiano, i loro nomi propri sono: Dio Padre, Dio Figlio e Dio Spirito Santo. È eretico dire: Dio Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, perché Dio non è un aggettivo e il Padre, il Figlio e lo Spirito Santo sono persone divine, non manifestazioni della divinità. Ogni Persona divina è uguale e distinta l’una dall’altra.  Uguale per natura, autorità, potere, divinità, saggezza, conoscenza, volontà, ecc. Distinto nella Persona e nell’origine.  Ma ogni Persona Divina NON è diversa né separata dall’altra.  Perché ciò che è diverso va in un’altra direzione, mentre le Persone della Trinità vivono in perfetta Unità e Comunione. Né sono separate, perché ciò che è separato è stato tagliato fuori dall’altro, mentre le Persone della Trinità vivono insieme nell’Unica Divinità di Dio.

4. Nella Santissima Trinità ci sono solo QUATTRO relazioni:  La relazione del Padre al Figlio, che si chiama generazione attiva. La relazione del Figlio al Padre, che si chiama generazione passiva, o relazione dell’essere generato. La relazione del Padre e del Figlio allo Spirito Santo, che si chiama spirazione attiva. E la relazione dello Spirito Santo al Padre e al Figlio, che si chiama spirazione passiva, o la relazione dell’essere spirato o del respirare.

5. Nella Santissima Trinità ci sono solo CINQUE nozioni o proprietà personali: l’essere non nato, che è proprietà personale del Padre; la paternità, o essere generatore, che è proprietà personale del Padre; la filiazione, o essere nato figlio, che è proprietà personale del Figlio; la spirazione, o essere spiratore, cioè chi respira, che è proprietà personale del Padre e del Figlio, e la spirazione passiva, o essere spirato, che è proprietà personale dello Spirito Santo.  Si noti che il Padre ha 3 proprietà personali (essere non generato, Paternità, Spirazione attiva), il Figlio ne ha 2 (Filiazione, Spirazione attiva) e lo Spirito Santo ne ha 1 (Spirazione passiva).

Si noti che il nome di alcune delle Relazioni e delle Nozioni è lo stesso, perché come Relazioni chiamano ciò che collega le persone, ma come Nozioni chiamano le caratteristiche distintive delle singole Persone.