Maybe this time Catholics will listen to some sane, well researched commentary, which exposes that Trump is about to launch his same Theatrical Act 2.0, from the looks of whom he has nominated to prominent roles in his Cabinet.
All posts by Editor
Fr. Heimerl: Pope Francis’ ‘Magisterium’ is a system of heretical lying
Dr. Jane Ruby: Don’t let the Trump Administration Psyop you!
Chinese Spy Agency Hacks every phone in USA using “Patriot Act” back-doors
Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis is not teaching the Catholic Faith
Editor’s Note: This is the latest testimony from a member of the hierarchy that Pope Francis is a heretic, manifest, pertinacious and intending on destroying the Church. As the Sutri Initiative said more than a year ago, but without any call for action, as the Sutri Initiative takes.
Indeed, ironically, while even Bishop Strickland keeps silence about the duty of the Church to solemnly rebuke him in council, he faults his brother bishops for doing the same thing! See here. I shake my head in dismay! He also was reported to say in private that Pope Benedict XVI never validly resigned, but has not yet had the courage to say it in public.
I admit, however, that, it is highly likely that many Bishops already in private were saying that Bergoglio was a heretic years ago, they just do not have sufficient manliness and love and respect for Christ Jesus to say it publicly. Let us pray for them. God is giving them a lot of time, but soon that mercy will expire and He will send scourge upon scourge.
In fact, it was St. Hildegard of Bingen, canonized by Pope Benedict XVI and declared a doctor of the church by him, who said that the city of Rome (and presumably the Vatican) would one day be “wiped off the face off the earth” by fire from heaven, for the sin of sodomy.
I think, therefore, that it is highly likely that God has already launched that asteroid, because day by day Pope Francis is shaking his fist of defiance and perversion in the very Face of God. And God will not be mocked!
VATICAN: New Preacher of Papal Household condemns St. Paul’s teaching on sodomy
Editor’s Note: If you reject any of the teachings of Saint Paul, you are an apostate, since the Catholic Faith is nothing other than the Faith of the Apostles. Also, if you are a Franciscan and approve of such abominations, Saint Francis will be first in line to send you into the eternal fires of Hell on the day of Judgement. — Here is another report which is damning evidence that all who do not call for the solemn rebuke and judgement of the validity of the claim to the papal office of Pope Francis merit to burn in the same eternal hell fire. And thus, this report fully justifies FromRome.Info nomenclature for the fake opposition to Pope Francis, which laments everything, but never wants him gone, as “Gay Opposition”.. They are in fact nothing but the “catholic” version of the Alt-Right.
USA: The Catholic, Marco Rubio, to be named Secretary of State
News Commentary and Appeal to all Catholics in the USA, by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
I realize that the future presidency of Donald Trump is going to give a lot of Catholics false hope, because Trump’s politics is to promise the sky, period. But at least having a nominal Catholic like Marco Rubio as his Secretary of State might be just what the Catholic Church needs, seeing that Hilary Clinton, the Secretary of State of Barrack Obama, put Jorge Mario Bergoglio into power after arranging a “spring time” in the Catholic Church, Catholics might have some human hope that that perverse revolution might be overturned.
I say, “nominal Catholic” because he is known to attend Protestant services, and won’t even call himself a “Catholic” on his twitter account. His wife is a Catholic. But there is good reason to believe that Rubio is of Sephardic descent on his paternal and maternal sides of the family. If so, he will follow Blinken as another Jew in the same office. And yes, he is rabidly pro-Zionist.
But, we can at least try to use the occasion of his appointment for something really good: resolving the crisis in the Catholic Church.
And so, I suggest the Nuclear Option:
That is, petition Marco Rubio now to urge the Sutri Initiative. For even if Trump does not act on it, nor give him permission to act on it, by formally petitioning the Bishops of the Roman Province to convene a provincial council, if the new-to-be Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, even says the words, “The Sutri Initiative”, it will cause such an outburst of public interest that other influential Catholics and governments round the world might formally request it.
For, after all, if the German King Henry III can ask the Bishops to find out if the persons claiming the papacy are legitimate or not (as he did at the Council of Sutri in 1046 A .D.), then certainly ANY HEAD OF STATE with diplomatic relations with the Vatican can do so!
Grifters, on guard!
So let the record stand that I was first to suggest this, and let all those who walk under the suspicion of grifting on the cause of Pope Benedict XVI, because they refuse to have the legitimacy of Pope Francis’ claim to the papacy questioned and investigated in a provincial council — which is the only tribunal which can judge the legitimacy of his claim to be a Catholic or to be validly elected — let them too, join with me in this appeal, lest they convince the world that they are only just Freemasons faking to be Catholic (“converts”) and lamenting 24/7 about Bergoglio to grift money and popularity off of it!
–> And yes, I am calling you all on the carpet. but I won’t mention your names, for charity sake! And that means you, too, all you Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and clergy! You know of whom I speak!
And, to achieve this rapidly, I would suggest you share it on social media, especially since Musk is on team Trump, he probably will allow this tweet to go viral if you tweet the same message in your own words:
Marco Rubio is uniquely capable of doing this
I think that Mr. Rubio is uniquely capable of at least mentioning this. First, he has a degree in Law. Second, he regularly attends Mass at St. Theresa of the Little Flower Catholic Church in Coral Gables, Florida, and can be met by Catholics there. You can read more about his career and experience at Wikipedia, which has more than 250 footnotes therein, which means that they are intensely watching his career.
Floridians, you have a mission!
As for all my readers in Florida, can you do this for Christ Jesus? Go to his parish and speak with him about demanding the Catholic Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome settle the doubts of hundreds of millions of Catholics who believe their Church has been, as Cardinal Mueller has said, “ideologically taken over” by an illegitimate pope.
A Definitive Litmus Test for the Trump Presidency
In sum, while there is a lot of evidence that Pope Benedict XVI was pressured to resign, if not drugged and manipulated, and that Bergoglio was installed by a concerted action of the Deep State, the Masonic Lodges and powerful Banking interests, if President Trump wants the Catholic World to actually believe his claim to be now opposed to globalism and the Deep State, he must back the Sutri Initiative or actions similar to it, in order to show that as a world leader, he is honestly and sincerely interested in having diplomatic relations only with legitimate governments, including the Vatican City State!
For transparency sake, FromRome.Info informs its readers that Br. Bugnolo is a former resident of the State of Florida, and a graduate of the University of Florida, like Senator Rubio. But he has never met nor voted for Rubio in any election, because he ceased being a resident of Florida in 1986. Nor has he voted for Trump.
A Response to Viganò’s claim that only Satan-worshipers support Ukraine
Msgr. Bux: Pope Francis’ Episcopal Appointments are destroying the Church
Editor’s Notes: If those Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Monsignori who are openly saying that Pope Francis is destroying the Church — though they couch their language in a lot of indirect expressions — actually called for the same thing as the Sutri Initiative, I submit, that they would be actually living the Christian Faith. Whereas, if they only talk and lament and do nothing, then they must realize that the APOSTASY has already begun with them, and is being brought to completion BY THEM!
Is the Church headed to another “seismic schism”?
Editor’s Note: I can hardly agree with the author of this article when he compares Archbishop Viganò, in a positive way — if that be possible — and Bishop Strickland, with the arch-heretic Martin Luther. But what he says about the evil effects of continual scandals out of the Vatican is true, that it had a large influence in making the Protestant Rebellion possible.
But it is persons like Viganò who speak continually of these scandals but refuse to back the Sutri Initiative, while saying such deluded things, as he did recently, that those who support the Christians being genocided in Ukraine are “psychopathic” and “worship Satan”, who are making the next Schism possible.
Still, he is correct, that the scandals of Pope Francis are worse than those of Leo X or Julius III. Since Pope Francis has openly and without repentance repeatedly denied and insulted revealed dogmas and doctrines of the Faith, not to mention the very Persons of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin and many Saints.
But Complict Clergy should be ashamed of themselves, in this, that they have published an article praising Luther as an authentic reformer, when he was nothing more than a simoniac and murderer, having attempt to purchase a Bishopric during his trip to Rome and having murdered his friend in a dual the year before he joined the Augustinians.
If Complicit Clergy wants to grift on the problems at the Vatican, let them say so. But if they want to solve the problems at the Vatican they should at least allow their readers to know of the Sutri Initiative.
In fact, I dare them to say the words, “How about the Sutri Initiative?”
Let them know of this challenge, so that they can have the occasion to show the world who they really are and what really motivates them.
Finally, I can now reveal that John Henry Westen, the publisher of LifeSite News, now knows of the Sutri Initiative. So you can write to him and ask that he report on this, You can contact him through his many social media profiles.
Cardinal Zen: Pope Francis has intentionally attacked the Catholic Faith in each of his “Synods”
Editor’s Note: While the Cardinal stops short of a formal canonical accusation of heresy and schism, anyone can write to the Cardinal and request or suggest that he read the Sutri Initiative and file a formal petition to the Bishops of the Roman Province to convene a Provincial Synod to put Bergoglio on trial for attempted destruction of the Faith.
Spain: 1 Friar Murdered, 4 seriously injured in Monastery invasion by illegal
Editor’s Note: I rarely publish articles about criminal attacks, but when the victims are fellow Franciscans and the attacker is an illegal, I cannot be silent. As the Left does in Europe, they are describing the attacker as “mentally unstable” and of “Spanish descent”.
However, in the above article they are clear that the Police are guessing at his age as either “30 or 40” years, which they would not have to do if he was a Spanish citizen or legal resident, since he would be documented. I think it is reasonable to conclude, then, that the attacker is an illegal, since a lot of individuals with mental health problems are being forcibly imported into Europe by human traffickers. He might also be a Muslim, but that he claims to be Jesus Christ makes me think that may not be so.
The Friar who died was 76 years of age, he was beaten in the head, and died later at hospital of his injuries. His Monastery — or more correctly, his Convent — is in Gilet, Spain, in the province of Valencia, where those inundating rain falls recently caused more than 200 moralities in flash flooding. The other friars attack are all over 70 and one is 95 years of age. Let us pray for these poor friars. May God have mercy upon all of them, and grant eternal rest to the one who was murdered in cold blood. He was most likely a priest.
Covid DeathJabs & MonkeyPox Jabs contain Abortafacient Drug in massive dose
Archbishop Lenga: Pope Francis’ Cardinal Appointments are a public scandal!
To understand this video in your own language, go to the YouTube version, turn on CC (Closed Captions, and set them to auto-translate and then select your own language)!
OMS — Un’organizzazione criminale?
Editor’s Note: This video, entirely in Italian, I post here for my many readers from Italy, as it presents a very good summary of the critiques of the Pandemic Narrative, which many sites, including FromRome.Info covered during the past years.
Br. Bugnolo’s Urgent Appeal to the readers of FromRome.Info
Br. Bugnolo find himself in urgent need of your help. He explains why that is, in this 10 minute video. Please be generous in your support.
Here is list of Expenses Brother has in December, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
– $535 Debt for Brother’s personal expenses in last month
– $ 600 for Brother’s personal expenses in December (Food)
– $ 300 for Brother to ship hermitage supplies (which are still in the USA) from USA to Italy
– $ 300 for Brother’s travel expenses to arrange shipment (a Benefactor already covered his plane ticket)
TOTAL: $1735
Total raised so far (from Dec. 1): $0 US Dollars.
(Please note, that the above totals are running, so that with each passing day in Nov. as new expenses occur, Brother increases specific expenses)
See Bottom of this Post for the November Report.
Many thanks to the very generous outpouring of support during November!
You can donate in 1 of 4 ways …
Help Br. Bugnolo:
Help FromRome.Info:
Help the Hermitage of the Holy Cross:
Help Br. Bugnolo and Father Covens found The Scholasticum:
For more information on the Scholasticum, see here:
If you would like to get a copy of Br. Bugnolo’s translation of St. Bonaventure, click here.
Or to help Br. Alexis via Bankwire
Add the note: ROME to your transfer.
For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
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November 2024
Here is list of Expenses Brother had in November, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
√ $500 Debt for Brother’s personal expenses in last month
√ $385 To move items from storage to the new location of the “Hermitage”
√ $1400 To fly Father Covens to Rome from his Diocese in Martinique (ticket must be bought immediately before prices go up!)
√ $440 To outfit apartment with sheets, blankets for 2 beds, missing fixtures, fix plumbing etc..
√ $250 For gasoline in November
√ $150 to keep up and running in November
– $700 For Brother’s food, heating, electricity, phone expenses from Nov. 10 – Dec. 10 th.
TOTAL: $3825
Total raised from Nov. 8 to Nov. 30, 2024: $3468 US Dollars.
Spanish Dissident Cardinal insists Catholics are obliged to endless Synodality
Editor’s Note: If he wore a Cassock and insisted you accept the Council of Trent’s decrees, while offering the holy sacrifice of the Mass in the Ancient Roman Rite, you can be sure he would be called on the carpet for being a rigorist. So rigorism is out but tyrannical marxism is orthodoxy? Many Catholics are saying that the Vatican becomes a bigger joke day by day. It’s hard to disagree. — The article is biased, however, when it calls Cardinal Romero a “leading” African Cardinal. That’s hard to justify when he has less faithful under his diocese’s pastoral care than some priests in sub-saharan African have in their parish. His personal license, in addition, does not seem to be making him happier. He is only leading in his desire to break with what the Church has received from the past.
The Simonical Election of Pope Gregory VI in 1046
Editor’s Note: Very little can be found in English about the First Council of Sutri, and perhaps for this reason not a few of unlettered Catholic influencers are reluctant to speak of the Sutri Initiative. — For this reason I publish here this article on the role of money in the sale of the Papacy by the legitimate pope Benedict IX to John Gratian, who took the name of Pope Gregory VI, and whose acolyte was the famous St. Hildebrand, who would later be raised to the Apostolic Dignity as Pope Gregory VII and begin in earnest the medieval renewal of the Papacy known as the Gregorian Reform.
This scholarly article is in English, by the Brazilian academic, Dr. Leonardo Rust, professor of Medieval History, at the University of Brazil. It was published in 2023.
As this paper shows, the deposition of 3 claimants to the Papacy at Sutri in 1046, during a Provincial Council was an event accepted by the entire Church. It is still accepted. And those who hold to “universal acceptance” should take note, because they are the ones who, if they refuse the Sutri Initiative, are in fact holding against universal acceptance.
USA: As many as 18 Million fraudulent ballots in 2020 Presidential Election?
The Dark Realities behind the 2025 Jubilee Figurine, “Luce”
Editor’s note: A lot of great research tying Nazi money to the company which produced the “Luce” figurine. As a Latinist, I can tell you, that if you carry a “Luce” figurine with you, then in Latin you are a Lucifer, a carrier of “Luce”. I am also perturbed by the non-gender identity of the figurine, carrying a witch’s staff, which also has the same shape — I am told — of an instrument used by sodomites. The fact that the figurine is also a minor child adds to the suspicion that those behind this figurine have bizarre motivations.