Archbishop Lenga: Benedict XVI is the Pope, and Bergoglio is an antichrist

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

FromRome.Info reported last week, that Archbishop Lenga was denounced by the spokesman of the Polish Bishops Conference for his defense of  priestly celibacy.

Today, the Tablet is reporting that the same Conference is forbidding the Archbishop Emeritus from celebrating Mass and preaching, for two reasons:

  1. the Archbishop is now naming Benedict in the Canon of the Mass as the Pope
  2. the Archbishop has called Bergoglio an antichrist.

The article in the Tablet is entitled, Polish Church silences Kazakhstan Bishop.

The statements which provoked the reaction from the Bishop’s Conference seem to have been made here in these TV interviews, of Feb. 18, 2020,

And Feb. 22, the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter:

Included in the report from the Tablet is this statement, attributed to the Archbishop:

In a book-length interview, still circulating in Polish on YouTube, he said he still recognised Benedict XVI as Pope and had dropped the name of the “usurper and heretic” Francis from his Mass prayer intentions.

“Bergoglio has not confirmed himself in the faith and is not passing that faith to others, he is leading the world astray,” said the archbishop, who trained secretly in Soviet-ruled Latvia and Lithuania and was appointed Kazakhstan’s first bishop in 1991 and Archbishop of Karaganda in 1999. “He proclaims untruths and sins, not the tradition which has endured for 2000 years… He proclaims the truth of this world, which is precisely the truth the devil”.

The entire Catholic Church should rejoice today, that at last one Bishop has begin to publicly name Benedict XVI in the canon of the Mass as the Pope!

The entire Catholic Church owes this Archbishop tremendous thanks for calling a spade a spade.  The Archbishop wrote a book last year in which he criticized the problems in the Church, it is available for sale at Amazon.

Let us pray constantly for Pope Benedict XVI and for the Bishops that they return in allegiance to him!


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screenshot of Archbishop Lenga from the first video cited in the article above, and is used here in accord with fair use standards for editorial commentary.

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14 thoughts on “Archbishop Lenga: Benedict XVI is the Pope, and Bergoglio is an antichrist”

  1. Thank the Lord for Archbishop Lenga! May God and Our Blessed Mother protect him from the wolves and find him worthy to be our next Pope! He is a Marian Father of the Congregation of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, founded by Saint Father Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczyński, who made a vow of blood to lay down his life if necessary in honor of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Some of you may know Fr. Calloway and other renowned preachers from that order. They better get their act together and stand with this bishop.

  2. Thank God for Archbishop Lenga and all like him. May Our Lord send His Holy Angels to protect him.

  3. From–meringa–padaja-mocne-slowa,74156,i.html by google-translate:
    “The Kazakh hierarch emphasized that no official bans from the Vatican were imposed on him, which is why these decisions are not binding on him.
    Archbishop Jan Paweł Lenga also commented on the list he received from Bishop Wiesław Mering from the diocese of Włocławek. The hierarch seems that Bishop Mering has no reason to stop preaching. What’s more, don’t give reasons to get those decisions. “Christ gave the authority through the Church to proclaim it in time and not in time. I will vote to be alive. Neither Bishop Mering will forbid me nor anyone else. (…) I belong to the Catholic Church and I want them to have my real face as Christ gave him “- he emphasized. “Such a bishop’s request has no effect on my actions and what I preach,” he said.”

  4. It is truly astounding that a Conference of Bishops can prevent one of their own from celebrating Holy Mass & preaching for the act of mentioning PBXVI (a truly elected & living Pope who says he still feels he is the Pope) in the Canon of the Mass & they cannot silence a usurper, idolater, blasphemous, Marxist, Freemason & Dictator pope who has proven himself to be a non-Catholic & hell bent on completely overturning the Word of God. Can they not comprehend the enormous betrayal of handing over seven million Catholics in China to the Communist Regime there & signing the Abu Dhabi Declaration stating that God wills diversity of religions? On top of that PF doesn’t believe in Hell, the Ten Commandments are from another era, sins of impurity are peccadilloes & Peter’s Pence misused for financing pornographic film & underhand investments in London made with his knowledge & consent.

    Bishop Emeritus Lenga shows true courage in denouncing PF as an antichrist, the courage of the Holy Ghost given him at his consecration as a Bishop, someone we all have been waiting for to step forward & state the Truth of this awful Apostasy. The 40 Days of prayer against the Church of Darkness is having its effect on those who know the invalidity of the conclave that elected PF to speak out. We press on trusting Our Lord to continue to inspire his flock (clerical & lay) & remembering the words of Our Lady that “Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church.”

  5. The archdiocese of Kazakhstan website is down for some reason, just went searching for a way to contact Archbishop Lenga to see if he could release his book in English and the English Speaking countries. It is an important book.

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