Editor’s Note: I can hardly agree with the author of this article when he compares Archbishop Viganò, in a positive way — if that be possible — and Bishop Strickland, with the arch-heretic Martin Luther. But what he says about the evil effects of continual scandals out of the Vatican is true, that it had a large influence in making the Protestant Rebellion possible.
But it is persons like Viganò who speak continually of these scandals but refuse to back the Sutri Initiative, while saying such deluded things, as he did recently, that those who support the Christians being genocided in Ukraine are “psychopathic” and “worship Satan”, who are making the next Schism possible.
Still, he is correct, that the scandals of Pope Francis are worse than those of Leo X or Julius III. Since Pope Francis has openly and without repentance repeatedly denied and insulted revealed dogmas and doctrines of the Faith, not to mention the very Persons of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin and many Saints.
But Complict Clergy should be ashamed of themselves, in this, that they have published an article praising Luther as an authentic reformer, when he was nothing more than a simoniac and murderer, having attempt to purchase a Bishopric during his trip to Rome and having murdered his friend in a dual the year before he joined the Augustinians.
If Complicit Clergy wants to grift on the problems at the Vatican, let them say so. But if they want to solve the problems at the Vatican they should at least allow their readers to know of the Sutri Initiative.
In fact, I dare them to say the words, “How about the Sutri Initiative?”
Let them know of this challenge, so that they can have the occasion to show the world who they really are and what really motivates them.
Finally, I can now reveal that John Henry Westen, the publisher of LifeSite News, now knows of the Sutri Initiative. So you can write to him and ask that he report on this, You can contact him through his many social media profiles.
It was said the same clergy use the TLM to grift, and causing damage to the faith….
God will hold them accountable for causing schism using TLM, they will be no different to Archbishop Lefebvre!